South Hunsley Sixth Form News Feed

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January 2013 SOUTH HUNSLEY SIXTH FORM COLLEGE What’s in store for you after Year 11? HIGH TARIFF UNIVERSITY ENTRY PROGRAMME Helping you reach your full potential

PREPARING FOR UNIVERSITY Find out what the next steps are

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INDUSTRY MENTORING Supporting your career aspirations

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Life after South Hunsley Sixth Form College

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HEAD OF SIXTH Now that your January exams are out of the way, you are approaching another critical time in your education as you decide what you want to do after Year 11. Most colleges will want you to submit your applications this term and South Hunsley Sixth Form College is no different. We ask that you apply by February 2013 so that we can plan for your entry. Making decisions now may seem a bit daunting, but whether you want to stay on to further education and eventually university, start an apprenticeship, or head straight into employment, there is plenty of support and advice available to you now to help you make an informed decision. For students already at South Hunsley, to help make sure you understand the different options available to you, you will be invited to a progression interview in the week starting Monday 4 February. If you are joining us from a different school, you will be invited to an interview once you have submitted your application. In both cases, the interview will give you a chance to talk through your ambitions with a member of our senior leadership team who can give you advice and guidance to make sure you set off on the right path. It may also prompt you to have further discussions with your subject teachers and parents about course choices. In this newsletter you can find out more about what you can expect from continuing your education with us here at South Hunsley, and we hope that you enjoy reading this special Year 11 edition of the Sixth Form News Feed.




South Hunsley Sixth Form College What you can expect after Year 11 You can expect success in our Sixth Form College. We want you to be happy, confident and successful during your time at our Sixth Form College and we will work with you to make sure you have a bright future ahead of you. First and foremost we understand your decision to continue into further education is based around improving your knowledge and gaining higher level qualifications. Your academic success is important to us and we encourage all our Sixth Form students to develop into independent and enquiring learners with clear goals and a will to succeed. We want to help you fulfil your ambitions and aspirations and we strive to make our teaching varied and challenging to stretch and improve the skills that you require for success in later life. Of course we understand learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom and at South Hunsley Sixth Form College we offer a number of wider academic and extra curricular opportunities to help you get the most out of your Sixth Form experience. You might get involved with the school by supporting musicals and productions, or maybe you’ll join one of our successful sporting clubs. You could also opt to gain further qualifications such as the Community Sports Leaders Award. Possibly earning a bit of extra money while studying with us is important and we can help with this too. We employ a large number of Sixth Form students in various roles, from lunchtime supervisors to lifeguards. We know the social side of Sixth Form is also important to you and our excellent facilities reflect this. The Sixth Form Common Room provides you with a place to meet and socialise in

comfortable surroundings whilst also offering the opportunity for study. You will have access to our Wi-Fi network throughout the LLC and the Common Room is designed to allow you to work on your laptops or tablet devices in a relaxed environment. The Sixth Form Café is next to the common room and is open throughout the day, serving snacks and hot meals. You could also become involved in student leadership during your time at our college. Our students play a vital role in the day to day running of the Sixth Form College and the student leaders work on a wide variety of initiatives including charity events, publications and social events. The leadership and team work skills that you develop as a student leader really are second to none and the whole experience can be greatly rewarding.

“Make sure you have a bright future ahead of you” You undoubtedly have more freedom and responsibility for your own learning in Sixth Form but we still want to make sure you can access support when it is needed. You will be assigned a Tutor at the beginning of Year 12 and we have no doubt you will find the advice and guidance of your tutor to be indispensable on your journey through our Sixth Form. Sixth Form tutors work closely with their tutor group members to ensure you make the best progress possible whilst in the Sixth Form. The tutor team are skilled in supporting post 16 studies and are there to support your academic and personal well being, ensuring that you make the very best of your time at the Sixth Form College.






Year 13 Student

Year 12 Student

Year 12 Student

For me, South Hunsley Sixth Form College is a place where you have the ability to choose your own path and direction. You are given the freedom and responsibility of your own education, without losing the support and guidance from members of staff that everyone needs from time to time. It is a place where you can thrive through personal and academic achievement, and is definitely one of the best life choices I have made so far.

I am currently a member of PAVE which is the student led production company within South Hunsley. Being part of PAVE has given me a wider knowledge of how to use technical equipment which helps me with my A Level Media Studies course, and there are also opportunities to help with the business side of things. PAVE helps you gain experience which you wouldn’t normally get in lessons and it looks fantastic on your CV where you can demonstrate your knowledge, commitment and skills to your employer or university.

I am involved in a number of extra curricular activities which have helped me get the most out of what Sixth Form has to offer. I am a Student Ambassador and part of the Eco team, which is the branch of Echo involved with making South Hunsley a greener and more environmentally friendly school. I am also heavily involved with the Music department as a member of both the Senior Choir and Orchestra. These are both really enjoyable as there is a range of music on offer, from classical to modern.




Preparing for University The next steps...

University may seem like a long way off but you need to start planning in Year 11 as the university courses you will be able to access will be determined by the courses you opt to study at AS and A2 level. To help you make the right choices, we will discuss your longer term aspirations at your progression interview. This gives us the chance to understand your career aspirations and you the chance to look at appropriate courses and post 16 providers. South Hunsley Sixth Form has four different pathways to ensure every student is studying courses suitable to them. If you are already at South Hunsley, we will look at your school progress data to help us place you on a pathway most appropriate for your ability. If you are joining us from another school, we will suggest a suitable pathway for you from your estimated grades. South Hunsley Sixth Form is one of the top performing colleges in the East Riding. Our success comes down to the fact that we constantly strive

to make a difference to your learning experience to help you become a leading figure in your chosen career. We dedicate time to making sure not only do you select the right courses for your abilities, but that they will also complement your chosen career path. We have over 40 courses for you to choose from as well as offering a number of wider academic opportunities to help you stand out from the crowd when applying for either university or employment. You may want to join our high tariff university entry programme to help you access the most prestigious and competitive courses and universities in the country or you may be keen to gain industry insight through our mentoring programme. Alternatively, your focus may be on gaining practical experience either through employment at South Hunsley or through extra curricular programmes such as PAVE. Whatever your interests, there’s a bright future ahead of you with South Hunsley Sixth Form College.


Year 13




15 October

UCAS convention day. Higher Education day at University of Hull. Talk on the application process. Register online at and learn the basics.

Start writing your personal statement.

Summer holidays

Finish your draft personal statement in time for September.

If you haven’t done so already, hand in a first draft of your personal statement. Throughout the first term, form tutors will support you in producing your final statement as well as writing your reference.

UCAS deadline for applications to Oxford and Cambridge, and for Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science courses.

15 January

UCAS deadline for all other courses and universities.




High Tariff University HIGH TARIFF UNIVERSITY Entry Programme Supporting you all the way If you aspire to study at Oxford or Cambridge or wish to progress to a Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science course, we offer a dedicated programme of support. These courses set an early application deadline in the October of Year 13 and our high tariff university entry programme starts in the Spring of Year 12 to give you plenty of time to fully prepare your application. This programme is also available to support those students who aim to study at any of the top universities in the country. You will have access to a dedicated member of staff who facilitates this programme and will work with you to make sure you get the support you need to complete your application and prepare for interview. It isn’t unusual for these universities to also ask you to sit a test or submit a written piece of work and our facilitator will also be available to help you with this. In interview, these universities will expect to see: • • • • • •

A track record of academic excellence Passion for your chosen subject The ability to reason, analyse and debate Evidence of independent learning Curiosity, commitment and creativity Resilience, resourcefulness, responsibility and reflection

The most prestigious universities and the most competitive courses will expect you to show breadth of knowledge and skills and our High Tariff University Entry Programme can support your development alongside your academic learning in the classroom. Of paramount importance is your desire to undertake independent learning in your chosen subject area and there are a number of things you can start now to help enrich your classroom experience.

It would be useful to devise a reading list of books that will show your passion for your chosen subject area, maybe start by identifying a set text you have enjoyed reading at school and read more by the same author. Identify a topic that you have really enjoyed at school and do a bit of further research into it. Be prepared to say why you enjoyed it, why you wanted to know more and what you found from your independent research. It might help to read a quality newspaper, all of it, at least once a week. A Sunday one with all its supplements would be a good start. This will improve your vocabulary, your general knowledge and your writing skills, as well as introducing you to new topics. We have some of the best journalism in the world in this country, as well as some of the worst, so tap into it and try to emulate the best. You should also read some academic articles or maybe journals from your chosen subject area, or be prepared to describe some particular idea, discovery or piece of research that has fired your imagination. You might also visit museums, exhibitions, national trust properties or some theatre productions if at all possible. Future linguists should try to find opportunities to use their language study, perhaps on holiday, social networking or with foreign language books and films. If you are thinking of applying for any medical degree, vet science, law or physiotherapy, or indeed any specific vocational course, it is not too early to think about acquiring some work experience. This is not easy but we will help you set this up once in our Sixth Form College. Any work shadowing you can get or even conducted visits will be a start.

Year 12 September

Students are invited to join our High Tariff University Entry Programme based on their academic ability. Our programme facilitator and Mr Jacobs will identify suitable students based on achievement at GCSE and predicted performance at A Level. You will attend an initial meeting with the programme facilitator to talk through the expectations of the high tariff universities and how these differ from other institutions.

March – July

Our programme facilitator will help you identify the most suitable courses and work with you on the first draft of your personal statement. We will also offer advice on additional work and reading to undertake during the Summer term and over the Summer holidays to help support your application and prepare for interview.


Oxford and Cambridge visits are organised. Medicine students can attend the MedSim course in Nottingham.

Year 13 Up to 15 October

Our programme facilitator will support you with your personal statement and application.

15 October

Application Deadline.

October - December

Practice interviews will be offered with our programme facilitator.

December / January

Interviews take place at Oxford and Cambridge.

January – Summer Exams

Additional Supported Study Sessions are available.




Industry Mentoring Scheme

Providing you with expert advice

STUDENT LYNDSEY PICKERING Mentored by James Mcintosh Corporate Communications Officer for HETA

If you are lucky enough to be offered a mentor I would suggest you grab the opportunity with both hands. My mentor has made my life at Sixth Form so much easier by making it career motivated, even helping me find the career path I want to go down. He has arranged several work experience placements for me which have given me the opportunity to figure out where I want to be in the future. He has also helped me with my university application and personal statment, and has also advised me on which universities would be the best for me. Having a mentor is a fabulous opportunity and I really do believe it can open up many doors for you. Our Industry Mentoring Scheme is a rewarding programme which will support your career aspirations. We want you to have a varied and interesting sixth form learning experience and our mentoring scheme is designed to facilitate your academic and personal development.

“Mentors can support you in a number of ways and you will find their business skills invaluable when looking to set and achieve your own career goals.” This programme is a partnership between local and national businesses and our Sixth Form which allows us to link you up with an expert from the industry you are keen to move in to. If you take advantage of this scheme, you will have access to an industry expert


which will give you a unique opportunity to ask questions and learn from their experience and knowledge and gain a wider view of the world. Mentors can support you in a number of ways and you will find their business skills invaluable when looking to set and achieve your own career goals. We hope your mentor will help inspire you and act as a sounding board for your ideas, giving you plenty of encouragement and feedback to help your development. Key to mentoring is that it differs from other developmental processes such as coaching or supervision – mentoring is about passing on skills, experience and knowledge. Joining this scheme will improve your personal and academic growth and ultimately will give you a strong starting point for higher academic and professional success. If you are interested in joining this scheme when you start in our Sixth Form, or know of anyone who would like to become a mentor, please contact Mrs Moran (

NATALIE GARDNER Mentored by James Mcintosh Corporate Communications Officer for HETA

I have really enjoyed studying Media Studies as both a BTEC in Year 11 and now as an A Level in the Sixth Form, and I have always wanted to pursue a career in this industry but wasn’t entirly sure how to go about it. I decided to join the Industry Mentoring Scheme and it has been a truly beneficial experience. I started the programme not knowing whether or not I wanted to go to university, or what part of the media industry I wanted to work in, but I have since gained some work experience and now feel that I have a clear path ahead of me and know the route that I want to take.



Where are they now?

Find out what some of our 2012 leavers are up to

South Hunsley Sixth Form is one of the top performing colleges in East Yorkshire and a large part of our success is down to you. We provide the elements you need for the makings of a successful future and we thought some of our past Sixth Form students may help to show what you can achieve with hard work and our support.

ALEX HILL Former Student

Alex received excellent results across all four of his A Level subjects and said that he “absolutely loved” studying Maths at A Level: “The quality of teaching in the department was great and the teachers were approachable on a personal level as well as on a tutorial level which really helped”. Alex is now at Newcastle University studying Accounting.

LUCY DRENON Former Student

Lucy achieved a fantastic A* in her Art and Design course. The Art department provides its A Level students with their own studio, specifically for use by Year 13 students whenever they need it, and Lucy took full advantage of this facility. Lucy also enjoyed the fact that students were left to their own devices and not held back when it came to using their imagination. Lucy is now studying for a Fashion Marketing degree at Northumbria University.

BETH PULLEN Former Student

Beth said she thought she was going to have a panic attack while she was checking her A Level results but was delighted to discover that she had achieved the necessary grades to study Medicine at Hull York Medical School. Beth described the moment she learned of her A*in Biology, A in Chemistry and A in Maths: “It was the best moment of my life.”

DAN WALKER Former Student

Dan achieved four top A Levels and is now studying Theology at the University of Chester. As a student of Geography in the Sixth Form, Dan said the most enjoyable part of the course was the trips, particularly the Year 12 trip to Snowdonia: “Seeing the case studies in real life rather than just in a text book really helped when it came to the exams.”

ANDREW KEITH Former Student

Andrew completed his A Levels last summer and secured himself an apprenticeship at Strawberry, a Marketing company in Hull. Andrew was keen to get stuck in to the working environment and to start earning some money after Sixth Form. Andrew is now working as part of Strawberry’s online marketing team.

BETH GRAY Former Student

Beth achieved an A* in Art and Design, A’s in Maths and Chemistry and a B in Biology and is now half way through a yearlong trip to South America as part of Project Trust. Beth is currently volunteering at a school in Chile as a Teaching Assistant with children with learning difficulties. Beth became interested in the project when Project Trust delivered a presentation in school: “I just thought, ‘wow! That looks amazing’ so I booked onto the selection course and I got selected!” 07

East Dale Road, Melton, North Ferriby, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU14 3HS 01482 631208

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