e are delighted that you have taken an interest in South Hunsley School and we hope you enjoy reading our latest prospectus.
South Hunsley is made up of exceptional, unique and diverse people. We want everyone to feel proud to belong to South Hunsley and we seek to inspire each other and learn to value greatness, ambition and achievement of all kinds. We believe passionately in the limitless potential of all our students. Academic achievement is an important part of our offer and the ambition of our students places us consistently as one of the top performing schools in the East Riding of Yorkshire. We want everyone at South Hunsley to be happy, confident and successful so they can develop as individuals during their time with us. We have a shared sense of purpose and we support and care for each other and celebrate our achievements as we all aspire to reach our full potential. We hope that the information in this prospectus gives you a feel of what we have to offer, but please do not forget also to check the website and look out for our continued achievements in the South Hunsley News.
“exceptional, unique and diverse�
e offer a broad and balanced curriculum and we believe that students should experience an engaging, creative and technologically enriched education. Our secondary curriculum is broadly delivered in two key stages, and we strive to make both of these phases varied and challenging to stretch and improve the skills that all our students require for academic success. We want the best for all our students and have high expectations for them. We want to give them every opportunity to succeed and we focus our efforts on delivering outstanding teaching and providing well resourced classrooms. We believe that all students should have strong subject specific knowledge and skills. We continually invest in the training and development of our teaching staff to ensure a highly skilled and specialist workforce who can pass on their expertise and ensure learning is exciting, innovative and inspiring. True to our philosophy of always raising standards, we are also constantly reviewing and updating our curriculum to ensure that students continue to have the very best educational experience.
“broad and balanced curriculum�
e strongly feel that students should be able to work in a well-resourced environment to help them achieve their best and we continually assess our facilities to ensure they support the curriculum. Over the last 10 years, we have made a significant investment in our buildings to ensure we can deliver a first class learning experience that will equip our students with the skills required for work in the 21st Century. As an organisation, we have high aspirations and we are innovative in our methods of site development. For example, we run a community sports centre to ensure that during the school day our students can have exclusive access to some of the best school sporting facilities in the East Riding. As a school, we strive to secure the highest quality learning environment for our students to make sure they are fully supported and can work in safe surroundings.
“first class learning experience�
e are proud of the wide range of school opportunities our students enjoy. We have a real variety of lunch time and after school activities and clubs to give our students the freedom to explore their interests beyond the classroom whilst remaining in a friendly, supportive and familiar environment. Activities continue during the school holidays and we run several overseas trips as well as providing additional support in school for those students who want to work on their subject knowledge. Our school sports teams are also very popular and our students enjoy real success in local, regional and national competitions every year. We work with the Schools’ Sports Partnership to assist our students with an easy transition from primary to secondary school sport and help them to link with their community clubs to give them opportunities to continue their sporting ambitions beyond school. We want all students to flourish during their time with us and we feel that their experiences outside the classroom are just as important and support both academic and personal development to help our students thrive as individuals.
“real variety of activities”
e are dedicated to ensuring that every student achieves their full potential and we believe this is best achieved through a combination of both academic and pastoral support. The primary aim of our Inclusion and Student Services is to work closely with students, parents and staff to facilitate personalised programmes of support and create an enjoyable and successful educational experience. We have specialist staff working across the Inclusion and Student Services area to ensure that the needs of every child are met. Our support ranges from help with organisation and life skills to literacy and numeracy skills to alternative curriculum arrangements for gifted and talented students who need a different timetable to pursue their specific interest. We also have a good relationship with a wide variety of professional agencies outside school and a thorough understanding of the specialist support and guidance available. We have two Learning Centres that offer students additional support with their studies and wider school experience. Our Learning Support Department also works closely with the Learning Centre staff and the Student Services Team to ensure that any specialist needs of students are catered for. We have a team of teaching assistants available to provide in class support and manage programmes for a range of issues. The Inclusion and Student Services Support Teams work together to ensure every student receives the right level of support and their academic and personal progress is regularly reviewed to make sure they have every opportunity to grow and flourish as individuals.
“specialist support and guidance�
e want all our students to have the same opportunity to realise their potential and we make adaptations to our physical environment to minimise any barriers to learning for those with special medical needs. We have a specialist unit for visually impaired students with specialist support staff and the equipment necessary to adapt teaching materials for partially and non-sighted students. The building of specialist toilet and shower facilities, sound proofing and the laying of non-slip surfaces all help us maintain our excellent record of integrating and supporting students with physical or sensory needs. We provide ramps, adjustable furniture and subject specialist equipment to support wheelchair users and we make sure all our subject facilities are available at ground floor level. Applications for admission to South Hunsley School for students with special medical needs are assessed carefully to ensure we have the necessary facilities and support in place to be able to deliver a high quality, aspirational education programme for the student concerned. This assessment process is carried out in conjunction with parents / carers and any appropriate external agencies who are involved with the student. We will try, wherever possible, to make reasonable adjustments to ensure the best educational experience possible.
“best experience possible�
outh Hunsley has a thriving Sixth Form College and the vast majority of our school students choose to continue their Post 16 education with us. Students who join our Sixth Form College can expect to receive the same high standard of learning experience to ensure they reach their full potential and achieve to the very best of their abilities. With over 40 courses for students to choose from, we continue to offer a varied and challenging curriculum to stretch our students and help them improve the skills that they will require for success in later life. In the Sixth Form, we know that our students are getting closer to realising their ambitions and we continue to provide specialist subject staff and focus on inclusion and pastoral support to ensure that every student has a bright future ahead of them. We encourage all of our Sixth Form students to develop into independent and enquiring learners with a clear goal and a will to succeed and we remain very proud of the wide range of achievements of both current and former students.
“independent and enquiring�
South Hunsley School and Sixth Form College Melton North Ferriby East Yorkshire HU14 3HS 01482 631208