South Hunsley News Results 2012

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autumn 2012



EXAM SUCCESS Find out more about our students’ GCSE, A Level and BTEC results

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PRINCIPAL’S Welcome to our new look South Hunsley News which has been redesigned as part of a larger project to help us communicate our core beliefs. With our vision being to seek to inspire each other and learn to value greatness, ambition and achievement of all kinds, it seems highly appropriate that our first new look edition should cover our students’ exam successes from this summer. Once again, we have had a really good set of A Level and GCSE results and it has been a pleasure to watch the students realise their potential. Of course, for all our A Level students this will be the end of their education at South Hunsley and our happiness is tinged with a little sadness as we have to say goodbye to familiar faces. However, with so many of our previous students staying in touch, we have no doubt we will be able to continue celebrating their achievements and successes as they progress through life.

“Once again, we have had a really good set of A Level and GCSE results and it has been a pleasure to watch the students realise their potential.” Our GCSE students have also reached a key stepping stone in their education and with results in hand can now make their final decisions about further education. We are always delighted that so many of our students choose to carry on into South Hunsley Sixth Form College and give us the opportunity to continue to work with them and help their passion for learning develop and grow further. This magazine really is about the students and we have tried to cover as many successes as we can. There just isn’t enough space to feature everything but we hope that you enjoy reading the magazine and finding out more about our students’ achievements.



Sixth Form Sixth Form Students Students in our Sixth Form College were celebrating once again on A Level results day, with our results clearly indicating that students have performed exceptionally well. Once again, we have a 100% pass rate and all students will leave South Hunsley having successfully completed their qualifications. It is particularly pleasing that half of all the qualifications were A*-B grades and out of our 157 students collecting results, well over 100 students now have A*-B qualifications under their belts. In fact, 15 students got three or more A* and A grades and played a significant role in making the overall A*-A pass rate at the college close to a quarter of all qualifications. Overall, over three quarters of all qualifications taken this Summer

resulted in A*-C grades. However, of particular note this year, was that on average students achieved four A levels or equivalent. This is a great achievement and is looked on favourably by employers and HE institutions. Our pathways provide challenging programmes of study that are appropriate for each individual student’s ability. All post 16 courses require dedication and we are delighted that the efforts of our students have paid off so successfully. Michael Philips achieved a fantastic set of results and leaves South Hunsley with four A Levels having achieved one A*, one A and two Bs. Michael has now secured a place at the University of Manchester to study Music. After studying the subject at A Level, Michael described Music as “one of the most enjoyable courses”



College Performance Celebrate their A Level Results and is delighted to have the opportunity to study what he “loves to do the most” at university. Although excited about taking

“Our staff always pull together and contribute to the hard work of our students to ensure that at the end of their two years of study the students leave with the best possible results and every opportunity for the future.” PAUL JACOBS, ASSISTANT HEADTEACHER the next step up to university, Michael explained how he will miss “everything” about South Hunsley: “I’ll be coming back to pay a visit!”

Paul Jacobs, Assistant Headteacher in charge of the Sixth Form, is thrilled for the students: “The fact that all our students complete so many courses successfully is a true indicator of the quality of teaching and the pastoral support in our Sixth Form. Our staff always pull together and contribute to the hard work of our students to ensure that at the end of their two years of study the students leave with the best possible results and every opportunity for the future. We use national data from the Fischer Family Trust to help us benchmark the progress of our students against those in other schools and it is really gratifying to see that the results of our students this year have exceeded expectations and that they have made better progress compared with students in other schools. I am absolutely delighted by the achievements of all our students and wish every one of them every success for the future.”


ARMSTRONG Biology A* Psychology A* General Studies A* Maths A

ElenAs fantastic A Level results have secured her a place at Newcastle University to study Psychology, a subject she thoroughly enjoyed whilst at South Hunsley: “I find it really interesting and enjoy applying the theories to everyday life. The teachers were great as well and were always available to help when you needed it.” Elena says she is most looking forward to “making a new start in a new city, gaining more independence and meeting new people”, but admitted that she will miss South Hunsley: “I’ve had a really good school experience and I will definitely miss the school community.” We wish Elena all the best for the future.


English Language A Business Studies B Health and Social Care B

Health and Social Care (Double) BB Business Studies C

Twin sisters Kathy and Laura Hoskins have both received excellent results this summer, achieving six top A Levels between them. The sisters are both going on to study Marketing at Sheffield Hallam University after enjoying the Business Studies course here at South Hunsley. Having been at the school for seven years, they are both now looking forward to the next step: “We’re just excited to be going to uni and to move away”. So how do they feel about attending the same university? “As long as we’re not in the same accommodation…and, we can still share clothes now, so it’ll be fine!” We wish them both the best of luck.





BTEC course successes Students Gain Distinctions

Beth, Lizzie and Charlotte A Levels are not the only course options available at our Sixth Form College. Students can also opt for a pathway which offers alternative courses and a different route to access Higher Education. By far our most popular A Level alternative is the BTEC offered in partnership with Bishop Burton College, which gives students the chance to receive a double grade qualification equivalent to two A Levels. These have become increasingly popular in recent years as an alternative route to university and, once again, we have been delighted with the results. Our students have performed extremely well across the range of subjects and we are thrilled to see that all their hard work has been rewarded with such fantastic results. Overall the courses have delivered a 100% pass rate and a quarter of all BTEC grades awarded were at the top end, with 16% of these being Starred Distinctions.


“Our students have performed extremely well across the range of subjects and we are thrilled to see that all their hard work has been rewarded with such fantastic results.” In fact, a number of our students have performed so impressively that they walk away with Double Starred Distinctions. Beth Wood achieved this in her BTEC Sport course which will no doubt prove invaluable as she now takes up her place at the University of Cumbria to study Outdoor Studies. Lizzie Storey was also awarded Double Starred Distinction in Public Services, and Charlotte Hartley achieved the same in Fashion. Congratulations girls.


BTEC Applied Science Double Starred Distinction A Level Psychology B

Reece Clarke is another success story to come from the BTEC courses. Reece started off studying for A Levels in Physics and Biology but then changed his options and took up the BTEC course in Applied Science. This was the right decision to make as he leaves South Hunsley with Double Starred Distinction. Reece is “absolutely chuffed” with his results and is looking forward to moving and “starting uni life” at Nottingham University where he will study Biomedical Science. Congratulations Reece.



Studying at University 73% on First Choice Courses The vast majority of our students have made applications to university degree courses in spite of the changes to tuition fees. 123 of our students were holding conditional offers on results day and were eagerly anticipating their grades to find out if their applications would be successful. It is noticeable that more and more university courses are recruiting students with AAB grades or better. We are therefore absolutely thrilled with the high number of top grades attained by our college which has meant that 73% of our students received a place at their first choice university. As always, we have students studying a huge range of subjects in universities across the length and breadth of the country and we continue to send students to some of the most renowned universities and courses in the country. In particular, a number of our students will go on to study Medicine and Hull York Medical School (HYMS) continues to be a popular destination

as a result of our close relationship and involvement in the Making Connections project.

“It was the best moment of my life logging into UCAS this morning and finding out I had got in.” BETH PULLEN A LEVEL STUDENT Beth Pullen was delighted to discover that she had achieved the necessary grades to study Medicine at HYMS. Beth described the moment she learned of her A*in Biology, A in Chemistry and A in Maths: “It was the best moment of my life logging into UCAS this morning and finding out I had got in. When I watch programmes like ’24 Hours in A&E’ I just know that’s what I want to do. I’m going to miss South Hunsley so much, I’m going to be really sad to leave but I’m looking forward to studying Medicine and doing dissections and all the gory stuff.”

Moving into Employment Popularity for Apprenticeships

Greg and Andrew It is always exciting to see what path our students decide to take after they leave South Hunsley, and as well as having many move away to university, a number of our students are also now heading straight into employment.

Andrew Keith has secured an apprenticeship at Strawberry, a Marketing company in Hull, and will be working as part of their online marketing team. After discovering he had passed all of his A Levels, Andrew is now looking forward to making the move to the working environment: “I can’t wait to get started and to start making some money.” Gregory Minter will be completing a course in Electronics and Welding at Hull Training. After enjoying his GCSE Engineering course at South Hunsley, Gregory is now looking forward to gaining further qualifications in a practical working environment. Good luck to both Andrew and Gregory in their new endeavours.

LYDIA DOBSON English Literature A* Maths A* General Studies A* Further Maths A Chemistry B

After a fantastic set of A Level Results Lydia will be going on to study for a degree in Maths and Philosophy at Bristol University. After enjoying her time here at South Hunsley, Lydia says she is “ready to move on” and is looking forward to starting her university life. Congratulations on your fantastic results Lydia.

BETH GRAY Art A* Chemistry A Maths A Biology B

One of our students is going slightly further afield having completed her studies and has decided to take a gap year before returning to University next year. Beth Gray achieved fantastic results in her A Levels, receiving an A* in Art and Design, A in both Maths and Chemistry and a B in Biology and is now all set for a year long trip to South America as part of the educational volunteer charity, Project Trust. Beth flew out to Chile two days after receiving her results to volunteer at a school just outside the country’s capital of Santiago, as a Teaching Assistant with children with learning difficulties. Beth became interested in the project when Project Trust delivered a presentation in the Sixth Form: “I just thought, ‘wow! That looks amazing’ so I booked onto the selection course and I got selected!” The project also gives its volunteers the opportunity to travel and Beth is looking forward to exploring Chile and its surrounding countries whilst over there. We have no doubt that Beth will enjoy this fantastic experience and we wish her all the best.





A Level Subject Success Strong Department Performance Sixth Form College department staff will have a lot to celebrate as our students’ performance has seen a large number of subjects achieving outstanding results. Product Design certainly stands out as a high performer with 80% of students achieving A*-B grades and all students achieving A*-C grades. The Product Design course is quite unique thanks to our partnership with Ideal Standard. We have no doubt that having an industry partner working alongside our own teaching staff is a contributing factor to the exceptional success rate and the work students have to undertake as part of the Ideal Standard Innovation Challenge also really helps to stretch and challenge them. Of course, there are other subjects which have also achieved 100% A*-C grades and these include Geography, Health and Social

Care Single Award and Photography. In fact, once again, all our Creative Arts and Design subjects have shown excellent performance including Media Studies with over 90% of students achieving A*-C grades and almost 50% of students achieving A* or A grades in Art.

“We are delighted for our staff that all of our subjects have achieved a 100% pass rate and so many have also delivered strong A*-C pass rates.” CHRIS ABBOTT EXECUTIVE PRINCIPAL Maths also continues to be a popular subject and has repeated its strong

performance from last year with well over 40% of students achieving A* and A grades. Many students opt for our General Studies course in addition to their subject courses as this is an interesting and challenging A Level that helps them to widen their knowledge and learn more about world culture, science, art and debate. We were particularly pleased that over three quarters of the students that studied for this qualification received an A*-C grade and over half achieved A*-B grades. Chris Abbott, Executive Principal, is delighted with the performance of the Sixth Form College “Our staff work exceptionally hard with our students to help them realise their ambitions and we are delighted for our staff that all of our subjects have achieved a 100% pass rate and so many have also delivered strong A*-C pass rates.”




Tom Hamer is leaving South Hunsley to study Product Design at the University of Huddersfield after achieving a great set of results in his A Levels. Tom says his experience of Product Design here at South Hunsley helped him in his decision on what to do next and he is going to miss his teachers as they made the subject really interesting: “The teachers at school really made it a great course and hopefully it will be the same at university”. Tom is now looking forward to “going to a new place and meeting new people”. Congratulations Tom.

Lucy Drenon achieved a fantastic result in her Art and Design course and she leaves South Hunsley with the top grade of A*. The Art department provides its A Level students with their own studio, specifically for use by Year 13 students whenever they need it, and Lucy took full advantage of this facility: “I worked my socks off and used every free period to work in the studio, constantly adding to my sketchbook”. Lucy also praised the teaching of the subject and enjoyed the fact that students were encouraged to work independently and not held back when it came to using their imagination. This will no doubt help Lucy as she goes on to study Fashion Marketing at Northumbria University.

Alex Hill has received excellent results across all four of his A Level subjects. Maths has always been a favourite subject of Alex’s and he said he “absolutely loved” studying it at A Level: “The quality of teaching in the department was great and the teachers were approachable on a personal level as well as on a tutorial level which really helped”. Alex says he will miss the familiar environment and friendly staff of South Hunsley but is looking forward to meeting new people and testing himself at a new level whilst at Newcastle University studying Accounting. Well done and good luck Alex.

Product Design B Media Studies C OCR ICT Distinction


Art A* Textiles A* Maths B

Maths A Geography A Economics B General Studies C


General Studies A* History A English Literature B Geography C

Dan Walker achieved four top A Levels this summer to gain a place at the University of Chester to study Theology. As a student of Geography in the Sixth Form, Dan said the most enjoyable part of the course was the trips, particularly the Year 12 trip to Snowdonia: “Seeing the case studies in real life rather than just in a text book really helped when it came to the exams.” Although he says he will miss the familiarities of South Hunsley, Dan is looking forward to the “new faces and new places” that await him at university. Good luck Dan.



AS Level Achievement

Year 12 Students’ Hard Work Rewarded JENNIFER ROSS Chemistry A French A General Studies A Maths A Physics A

Jennifer Ross has enjoyed a successful transition into the Sixth Form and has produced fantastic results, achieving As in all of her subjects. Jennifer has enjoyed Year 12, and likes the fact that she can study her favourite subjects. “There’s a lot more independence in the Sixth Form and the teachers are really friendly and supportive.” Jennifer would like to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics at university once her A Levels are completed.

ALEXANDER VLADIMIROV Year 12 students have had another successful year which sees an overall improvement on last year’s results. We are particularly pleased with the increase in the numbers of top grades which has resulted in nearly half of all our qualifications awarded being A and B grades. This is an increase of 11% from last year which is absolutely fantastic for our students, there has also been an increase in the number of A grade qualifications and this has now risen by 4% which means well over a quarter of all our AS qualifications were given the highest possible grade. 16 subjects have seen more than half of the students on their courses achieve A and B grades and the Health and Social Care Single Award saw all their students achieve at this level with a 100% A and B pass rate. Art students were not that far behind and Photography and Drama were also hot on their heels. A particular highlight of this year’s results

is the 19 students who have achieved three or more As. This is a brilliant way to end their first year of Sixth Form study and puts them in a very strong position for when they return in September to complete their courses. Alexander Vladimirov and Jennifer Ross have both achieved outstanding sets of results, having both received As in all five of their subjects.

“We are particularly pleased with the increase in the numbers of top grades which has resulted in nearly half of all our qualifications awarded being A and B grades. ”

Chemistry A Maths A Further Maths A German A Physics A General Studies B

Alexander Vladimirov has performed extremely well in Year 12 and has achieved As in Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry and German. Alexander said of his first year in the Sixth Form: “I’ve really enjoyed this year and I’ve really enjoyed all my classes. The amount of independence you get as a Sixth Former is probably the biggest change from GCSE which I think is great and one of my favourite things about the Sixth Form.” After completing his studies Alexander hopes to go on to university to study for a science based degree.

With our A-C rate increasing by 8%, on the whole this year group has delivered some very promising results and we look forward to seeing how well they perform this time next year in their A Levels.





South Hunsley School excels again Students receive their GCSE results

Celebrations were in full swing for the second time in two weeks when the GCSE results were released. 70% of students achieved 5A*-C including English and Maths, which means we have repeated our recording breaking results from 2010. Of particular note, was the extremely high success rate in Maths with 82% of students achieving A*-C grades, this is an 11% increase from last year and puts our Maths provision well into the top 25% in the country. Even more pleasing, our overall 5A*C figure continues to rise with 91% of students achieving 5 or more qualifications at the higher level. Our top grades were particularly impressive with 22 students achieving 10 or more A* or A grades and nearly a third of all students receiving 5A*A grades. Once again subject results are excellent and they have produced a strong consistent performance across the board. 18 of our GCSE subjects got 80% or above A*-C, with Food Technology, which has over 60 students on the course, achieving 100% A*-C. 14 subjects also had more 08 SOUTH HUNSLEY NEWS

than 30% A* and A grades and we are delighted that the hard work and dedication of our students and staff has paid off so successfully for the 178 students who have now finished their GCSEs with A* or A grade qualifications. To give our subjects

“There are so many examples of students whose ambition and aspiration have seen them exceed all expectations, from the college students who have achieved NVQ Level 2 rather than Level 1 to the Maths student who improved from a D grade to a B grade to the many outstanding subject performances” JONNY UTTLEY HEAD OF SCHOOL the coverage they deserve, over the page you can find further information on some of the individual performances, we are

only sorry we don’t have enough space to feature all 18! Jonny Uttley, Head of School, is delighted with the performance of the students: “We are absolutely thrilled by the achievements of all our students; it is because of their commitment to learning that South Hunsley School continues to be consistently one of the highest performing schools in the East Riding. We want to give every student in our school every opportunity to fulfil their potential, and it is wonderful to watch the students as they receive their first full set of accredited qualifications. There are so many examples of students whose ambition and aspiration have seen them exceed all expectations, from the college students who have achieved NVQ Level 2 rather than Level 1 to the Maths student who improved from a D grade to a B grade to the many outstanding subject performances including Drama whose A*-C pass rate increased by 20%. We really feel this is an indication of the enjoyment our students have for learning and is a reflection of the efforts of all our staff to constantly challenge and inspire all our young people.”



Maths Success

Continued Maths Success Trend

ANNA PLATT GCSEs Achieved 9 A*s 2 As

Photograph Courtesy of Hull Daily Mail

The performance in Maths has been outstanding this year. We are absolutely delighted that our students have set a new school record for this subject. Following the Maths exams in March we already knew we had a 70% pass rate, however, some students took the opportunity to sit a further exam in June and this has now taken our overall A*-C rate to 82%, an 11% increase on last year. For Roven Manalastas this meant jumping from a D to a B: “I’m

really happy with my Maths grade. The support from the department was really helpful and the teachers made it a more enjoyable subject to learn.” John Loftus, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Maths, said: “I’m so proud of the students and the department. Everyone has worked so hard this year and the students have really gone for it. There have been some exceptional individual performances with some students increasing by two grades. These really are outstanding results and I am absolutely delighted.”

Anna Platt achieved an A* in Maths and will go on to study the subject at our Sixth Form College along with English Literature, French and Politics. Asked what she enjoyed most about the subject at GCSE, Anna replied: “I liked it all! I liked the class, the teachers, and I thought it was really well taught. It was interesting to learn as well which is why I’m taking it at A Level.”

LEWIS MARSDEN GCSEs Achieved 9 A*s 2 As

Lewis Marsden is another A* student who is carrying on the subject to A Level: “Maths is my favourite subject and because I enjoy it and the teachers enjoy it, it makes it easier to learn so I’m looking forward to expanding my studies in the Sixth Form.”

Year 11 BTEC Success Students Excel in BTEC Courses For those students who have completed BTEC courses, this year has also seen a bumper set of results with every single student leaving with a qualification thanks to our 100% pass rate. For the BTEC students, this means that all our students have achieved a qualification with an equivalence to A*-C at GCSE. The BTEC Diploma in Creative Media gives students the equivalent of four A*-C GCSEs and has been particularly successful this year. Six students achieved Starred Distinctions and four students Distinctions which equates to a 34% A*-A equivalent at GCSE. Our college students have also performed

just as well with, once again, another 100% pass rate and all students achieving their Level 1 qualification which gives them the equivalent grades of 6A*-G GCSEs. There are particularly pleasing results

“This year has also seen a bumper set of BTEC results with every single student leaving with a qualification thanks to our 100% pass rate.” for three of our Performing Engineering Operations students who really excelled on their course and ended up achieving a NVQ Level 2 qualification which has given them the equivalent of 6A*-C GCSEs.

COURTNEY MARSHALL GCSEs Achieved 3 As 6 Bs BTEC Creative Media Starred Distinction

Courtney Marshall achieved a Starred Distinction in BTEC Creative Media and thoroughly enjoyed learning about the industry and having use of the school’s Media Suite: “The facilities are really good and we got to use specialised computer software and camera equipment which really helped.” Courtney is now looking forward to taking the subject at A Level at South Hunsley Sixth Form College.





Departments celebrate strong subject performances

Exceptional performance from a number of departments Yet again there have been some exceptional performances from a number of our departments at South Hunsley School and we are delighted that all the hard work from both students and staff has been justly rewarded. With 18 of our subjects performing at 80% or above A*-C it has been impossible to cover all the achievements but we have tried to cover as many as possible in our case studies on this page and throughout the magazine. Chris Abbott, Executive Principal, is really delighted with the school’s achievements: “South Hunsley students have once again produced an exceptional set of results and we are absolutely delighted that our students have continued to perform at such a high level for the third year in a row. Our success is down to the hard work of our students and staff and we are so pleased that they can reap their rewards.”

Creative Arts and Creative Design Our Creative Arts and Design subjects can also lay claim to another impressive set of results. Both Food Technology and Textiles have improved their A*-C pass rate from last year. 65% of Food Technology students have also achieved an A* or A grade, and nobody is walking away with a grade lower than a C which is a fantastic achievement from all involved. The Textiles department have also delivered an impressive amount of A*-As with half of its students achieving the top grades and 92% receiving an A*-C grade. Drama students also have reason to celebrate after achieving a fantastic 89% A*-C pass rate, an impressive 20% increase on last year.


AMY BROWN GCSEs Achieved 1 A* 8 As 1B 1C


KANIEWSKI GCSEs Achieved 2 A*s 7 As 2 Bs


BROOKFIELD GCSEs Achieved 4 As 4 Bs 3 Cs

For Amy Brown, Textiles was one of her favourite subjects at GCSE and her teachers played an important role in ensuring it was an enjoyable course to study: “The teachers made the subject fun and the interactions between student and teacher made it one of my favourite lessons.” Amy achieved an A at GCSE and enjoyed the subject so much that she is now continuing the subject in the Sixth Form. Alex Kaniewski achieved a great set of results across all subjects, but was particularly pleased with his A in Drama, his favourite subject: “I want to be a Drama teacher so I’m very happy with my result as I can go on and do that now. It is a fun and enjoyable subject and the teachers here are what have inspired me to become a Drama teacher myself.” Alex will now go on to study Drama, Art, Photography and Psychology in our Sixth Form. Aimee Brookfield enjoyed the Food Technology course at South Hunsley “very much”. In particular she enjoyed the practical side of the subject and learning how to cook a variety of dishes, and she praised the teachers who helped her achieve her A grade: “The teachers were very good and we were always taught what we needed to know. It was straight to the point and in an environment where we could all learn.”


Business Studies There has been an increase in the number of students opting to study Business Studies this year, and it is very encouraging to see that the department has produced yet another outstanding set of results with once again over a third of all students achieving an A* or A grade. Overall the department has achieved an 85% A*-C pass rate which has sustained their record breaking result from last year.

Understanding the World The Understanding the World team have also had another successful year. The Geography department has maintained its high standards achieving another A*-C pass rate of over 80%, whilst History students have improved on last year’s results with the percentage of A*-C grades increasing by 11% to 85%. The History department have also seen an increase in the number of students achieving the top end grades and well over a third of this year’s students are walking away with either an A or A* in the subject.

Science The Science department have performed extremely well with their Triple Science students. There has been a substantial increase in the numbers of students taking Triple Science, with 169 entered for Chemistry, Biology and Physics as separate GCSE subjects. We were absolutely thrilled that this has resulted in A*-C pass rates of 95% for Chemistry, 92% for Physics and 88% for Biology. In fact, these exceptional results have seen 42 students achieve A*and A grades across all three subjects thanks to a really pleasing performance at the top end. Chemistry was the leading subject with 47% of students achieving A* and A grades, however, Physics and Chemistry were not that far behind.



MIDDLETON GCSEs Achieved 9 A*s 1A

EMILIE HAYES GCSEs Achieved 1 A* 6 As 3 Bs 1C


WICKENDEN GCSEs Achieved 2 A*s 5 As 2 Bs 1C

SARWAT MALIK GCSEs Achieved 8 A*s 3 As


SIVARAJAN GCSEs Achieved 2 A*s 6 As 2 Bs

Connor Middleton has really enjoyed the classes at South Hunsley School and the opportunities he has had to improve his team working skills. He achieved an A in his Business Studies GCSE and thoroughly enjoyed the course: “Business was my favourite subject. It demonstrates how real businesses work as well as providing an insight into how you could start up your own business.” Connor is now looking forward to starting South Hunsley Sixth Form College and will be studying Economics, French, Chemistry and Maths.

Emilie Hayes has really enjoyed her time at South Hunsley School and was thrilled with her results. She has “loved her classes” and after receiving an A in History, she praised her teachers for making the subject “really interesting” and “more fun to learn”. Emily has always had a strong interest in beauty and she can now follow her dreams and train to be a Beauty Therapist at Hull College. Amelia Wickenden has also achieved a fantastic set of results and was really pleased with her A in Geography: “Geography was a really interesting course and I enjoyed learning about different cultures from around the world. The trips were also really enjoyable, especially the Hornsea trip which really helped with our coursework.”

Sarwat Malik has achieved the top grade of A* in all three Sciences and is looking forward to continuing her studies of Chemistry, Biology and Physics, along with English Literature, at South Hunsley Sixth Form College: “I found the sciences really interesting and the teachers taught us really well. I have learnt a lot and I look forward to learning something new every day in the Sixth Form.” Nathan Sivarajan has also received fantastic results and walks away with an A* in Chemistry and two As in Physics and Biology, praising the teachers who have helped him: “We learnt a lot of different things in the lessons and the teachers managed to make all the classes fun and the work really interesting.” Nathan will now go on to study Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths at A Level.



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