South Hunsley News December 2011

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Star Shakespeare Company perform The Winter’s Tale (Centre Pages)

A celebration of student success and achievement An Academy of Excellence

::: Head’s Welcome ::: W

elcome to the first South Hunsley News of the academic

year. There has been so much happening this term, September already feels like a distant memory! Our new Year 7s are well and truly settled in and are playing a full part in school life at South Hunsley. The students on our School Council, ECHO, play a key role in helping Year 7 with their transition by encouraging them to play a part in the improvement of the school. It was lovely to see the amount of interest they generated for Year Captain appointments. Likewise, our Year 12 students already seem to have got to grips with A Level study and are flourishing in our Sixth Form College. The selection process for Head Boy and Head Girl, the key posts that will take over the mantle of leading ECHO, is proving yet again to be highly competitive and these positions are being highly coveted. We are extremely proud of the commitment and dedication shown by our students. In fact, our students have immersed themselves in a real range of activities and are so involved in the wider school life that we have devoted


this issue to share with you their recent interests and successes outside of the classroom. One thing that we haven’t covered this time is the work of our students to establish a Year of Sport in the build up to the Olympics. The Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect are so closely matched to our own and our Sports Ambassadors have taken the promotion of these to heart. They are working closely with our PE Department and School Sport Partnership to support a number of sports festivals and events with our partner primary schools during this year and they are also planning our own shorter version of the torch relay in the Summer. As well as this they are also keen to incorporate the Olympics values in all subject areas and are organising a Olympic themed school day that coincides with National School Sports Week, they have already attended a staff briefing to discuss how this can be incorporated in all lessons. Sport has always been an integral part of South Hunsley and our Summer edition of the South Hunsley News will give full coverage of our Year of Sport.

::: Historians on Tour Art Success Following on from Alex Cawkwell’s success last year, two more of our art students have done extremely well in the Haltemprice Art Exhibition. Laura Jenkinson and Maddie Swift received second and third prizes respectively in the competition. The prizes were presented by the Chairman of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Kay West.


Chloe Donmez and Megan Hopton, both of Year 7, performed as part of the choir in November’s performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at Hull New Theatre.

Emily Moverley at her great uncle’s grave


t has been an exciting year for the History Department at South Hunsley. The department has developed links not only with the local community but with the wider world. Year 11 had the opportunity to investigate the impact of the Blitz on Hull at the Hull History Centre in preparation for their controlled assessment. The department not only organised the annual Year 9 trip to the battlefields but also a new A level trip to Berlin and Auschwitz. At the battlefields students had the opportunity to research and locate family members who fought and died on the frontline. Ellie Moverley of Year 10 said: “In Belgium I got the chance to visit my Great uncle Samuel Voakes’ grave. He died in the First World War at the age of 28. It was very emotional because I was the first family member to visit his grave. If it wasn’t for Miss Bower and the other members of staff this wouldn’t have been possible.” The Berlin and Auschwitz trip offered an opportunity for students not only to develop

their knowledge and understanding of their A level courses but a chance to engage emotionally with the subject matter. Ben Cudbertson of Year 13 agreed: “It sounds odd to say a trip to learn about Nazi Germany was enjoyable, but somehow it managed to be. Going to places such as the Wannsee Conference house and the Checkpoint Charlie museum helped many of us with the courses we were studying and gave us a chance to take in information about the history of Germany in a more natural way, without the classroom setting. Furthermore being told about a place such as Auschwitz cannot compare with seeing it in person. Despite the somewhat austere settings the trip managed to be enjoyable as well as informative. Within the occasional moments of free time in Poland and Germany we got the opportunity to experience a foreign culture with our friends.”

::: Albert Hall Visit A

small group of Year 10 Music students had the opportunity to visit the Royal Albert Hall in London to see some of the best youth orchestras in the country perform at the Schools Prom. The experience was exhilarating and broadened their musical horizons as they heard a wide variety of musical styles. They commented on the incredible acoustics and the atmosphere of the hall.

Figure Skating

Saskia Koulikova of Year 7 competed in the British Figure Skating Championships during the last week of November. Unfortunately at the time of going to print we had not yet heard the results, but we are sure that Saskia did her best and gave a stunning performance.

Children in Need


s usual, South Hunsley staff and students made a great effort to raise money for Children in Need. The Sixth Form Charities Group (pictured) collected money in buckets over break and lunchtime, on top of the money raised by nonuniform day. Lily Grant of Year 13 ran 10 kilometres to raise £105, and the on-going total raised currently stands at £1,111.55.


::: Ben Madden Memorial Match

Japanese Club

Photo courtesy Hull Daily Mail


n Wednesday 19 October, a group of Ben Madden’s friends organised a memorial football match between the two teams Ben played for, South Cave and South Hunsley. The inaugural match raised well over £5,000 to pay for a memorial sculpture in South Hunsley School and Sixth Form College and a donation to The Daisy Foundation. Ben’s friends collected a total of 43 raffle prizes including autographed Hull FC and KR shirts, and sold tickets

around South Hunsley and the local community, including the 200 people who attended the match. We would like to offer our thanks to all the extended community and local businesses who supported Ben’s friends by helping with organisation, donating prizes and buying raffle tickets. South Cave won the match 2-0 with both Connor Bark and Chris Harris scoring goals. The teams hope the match will become a yearly fixture as a wonderful way to remember Ben.

::: National Judo Success M

olly Storey of Year 9 recently received a bronze medal in the British Judo Championships at Sheffield Ice Arena. Making this feat all the more impressive was the fact that Molly was the youngest girl in her weight category, Cadet Girls under 48kg. Molly scored full points in all the matches she won, and performing in front of so many people has encouraged her to aim ever higher. She has been selected for the England Judo Team, and also has a place on the England Talent Development (ETD) Squad. The aim of the ETD Squad is to prepare athletes for competition at the very highest level, and Molly will be trialling for the English Commonwealth Games team before the end of the year. SOUTH HUNSLEY NEWS

Year 7 student Thomas Lewis learns the Japanese art of Origami South Hunsley School and Sixth Form College has always had a wide choice of languages offer, with students able to study French, German and more recently Spanish. Due to popular demand Miss Humphries has started a lunchtime Japanese Club. Japanese Club is not simply about learning the language (which is extremely challenging) but also finding out more about the country of Japan and its culture. The club is open to Year 7 and Year 12, and current members have learnt to introduce themselves in Japanese, started to look into the writing system and researched a topic about Japanese culture and presented it to each other. One student, Ethen Grantham particularly enjoys learning about Japan and other countries as his granddad travels a lot and speaks many languages. Another, Henry Davies, took the opportunity to learn more about his favourite Japanese videogame manufacturer, Nintendo. He then presented his findings to the group.

Cyberspace Conference

You might remember Jake Oakes from previous issues of South Hunsley News when we were proud to announce that he was training with the English Deaf Cricket Squad. Recently he was invited to London to speak at a Cyberspace Conference on behalf of the National Children’s Deaf Society (NCDF). The conference, which featured Prime Minister David Cameron and Foreign Secretary William Hague was on the impact that the internet and cyberspace has on different areas of society. Jake spoke in front of over 600 delegates about ways of making the internet more accessible for deaf people, including subtitles on videos and the use of British Sign Language (BSL) translators.

Christmas Concert

In just a few short days, on Thursday 15 December the Music department is holding its annual Christmas Music Concert. Starting at 7.00pm and featuring performances from the school orchestra, the school choir and a number of solo recitals it will be a wonderful evening as ever. Tickets are on sale now from the finance office, priced at £5 for adults and £2 for concessions, with refreshments included.

::: Volunteer Work


n finishing their A-Levels, most students tend to progress either straight to university or perhaps into a new career. Some take a year out to travel, or perhaps to get some work experience before deciding on a career or university course. Beth Gray is a little different. She plans on studying medicine at university following her gap year, which she plans to spend volunteering with children in Cambodia. She’ll be working for Project Trust, based on the Isle of Coll off the Scottish Coast. Unlike many gap year organisations, Project Trust is extremely selective in the choice of its volunteers, sending only a handful of handpicked individuals every year. Beth will be matched carefully to a project to suit her skills and abilities and will spend her time in Cambodia as a valued member of the community rather than a traveller or tourist. She’ll be working mainly with children, teaching some elementary English and being involved in the general

health and welfare of the community. Beth says “For me this work will be incredibly rewarding and will give me the chance to make a real difference to these young lives”. Sponsorship fundraising is an important part of Beth’s preparation. If you would like to sponsor her year volunteering please contact the South Hunsley Sixth Form on

::: YouTube Sensation

Nutcracker Performance Lexie McPherson of Year 7 performed in a Northern Ballet performance of The Nutcracker at the Alhambra Theatre in Bradford on Tuesday 8 and Saturday 12 November. She played the role of a mouse in the show, and spent around ten minutes on stage each night after weeks of rehearsal. Lexie described performing as being a great experience, particularly on the Saturday when she danced in front of a full house. Lexie’s next performance will be with her dance school RS Dance, where she will take part in the ballet Coppélia. We wish her the best of luck for this and any other future endeavours.

Sixth Form Student Olivia Pougher meets McFly at Hull Freedom Festival


t South Hunsley we like to celebrate our students achievements, whether they’re academic, sporting or otherwise. Olivia Pougher certainly has an unusual achievement. Her YouTube channel (under the name “olivia94tennis”) currently has well over 1,600 followers, and more than 430,000 views on her videos. To put that in perspective, the latest X-Factor video has just over 100,000 views. On her videos, Olivia plays guitar

covers of famous rock songs, including complicated pieces by Muse and McFly. Tom Fletcher of the band McFly even commented on one of her videos, saying “‘This has justified my whole career. If we inspire one person to pick up an instrument then job done” This has led to Olivia’s covers being played on Viking FM, and to her meeting McFly at the Hull Freedom Festival last year. More recently, two of her covers have been featured on the NME website. SOUTH HUNSLEY NEWS

Autumn Festival of Drama N

ovember’s annual Autumn Festival of Drama was hugely successful with both evenings being well attended by a supportive audience of students, parents and staff. Students from Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 performed a wide variety of pieces as diverse as Shakespeare and the Two Ronnies. The audience enjoyed a great balance of tension and laughter with all the pieces being chosen by students who worked closely with staff to set performance targets. As well as performing on stage, all of the students designed their own sound and lighting effects and many directed their peers.

The Winter’s Tale


s ever, South Hunsley’s entry to the national annual Shakespeare in Schools Festival was a resounding success. The Star Shakespeare Company performed their half hour version of The Winter’s Tale to a packed Hull Truck Theatre to rapturous applause. 30 students from Key Stages 3 and 4 took part and gained praise


from festival directors and theatre staff for their respectful and professional approach and exemplary focus. It was lovely to see so many staff and students in the audience to support our performers who took great encouragement from seeing friendly faces. If you missed the opportunity to see this wonderful performance at Hull Truck then you would be more than welcome

to join us for an extended performance on the evening of Monday 12 December in Riding Hall. The same cast will explore the most dramatic scenes in greater depth with additional language and movement sequences. The performance starts at 7pm and costs £3 for students and concessions and £5 for adults, with tickets on sale now from the finance office.



fter the resounding success of last year’s Bugsy, this year’s whole school musical will be the fantastic Oliver! Based on Dickens’ classic novel Oliver Twist, Lionel Bart’s adaptation originally premiered in the West End in 1960 and has been a continued success since, winning awards and wowing audiences the world over. Once again we have a dream team of staff working on the show. Miss Derry is in charge of the acting, Mrs Prescott is ably directing the music and Miss Holt is choreographing the dancers. Behind the scenes, a dedicated and talented team is working on the sets, lighting and sound effects to ensure that audiences will be dazzled and amazed.

As part of the promotion leading up to the show, South Hunsley students will be invited to investigate a mystery revolving around the story of Oliver. Clues will be released in the weeks and months leading up to Oliver, and one lucky student from each year group will have the opportunity to win a pair of tickets. More will be revealed over the coming weeks via our VLE. Finally, students still have a few days to submit their entry to the logo competition. Entries should be submitted to Mr Slater in the main school reception, in whatever format they prefer to work in. The winning entry will have their logo used in all Oliver promotional material as well as receiving a pair of tickets to the show on an evening of their choice and a mystery goodie bag.


::: Technology and Transition


s part of our transition work with our partner primaries we have been working with Swanland Primary School this half term, incorporating the Year 6 curriculum into a Technology project over a period of 4 weeks. A textiles design challenge on the theme of “space” was presented to the Year 6 students. They produced pencil case designs which were reproduced onto fabric using the CAD/CAM machine in Technology. The students then spent a morning at South Hunsley learning to use a sewing machine. They produced a high quality pencil case, appliquéing their designs onto fabric. The morning also gave students the opportunity to experience lessons at South Hunsley as well as to meet their future Head of Year. Year 6 staff will now build on this project back in the primary school after Christmas.

PAVE Media Production

South Hunsley’s in house media production team, made up mainly of Sixth Form students, is currently engaged in a number of exciting projects. They are producing a DVD promoting the North Ferriby community as well as a Podcast featuring Christmas themed news from South Hunsley. Hopefully this will be the start of an ongoing series.

::: Eco Update

Senior Maths Challenge On Thursday 17 November Joe Scull, Jenny Ross, Beth Pullen and Lydia Dobson took part in the annual Senior Maths Challenge at Newland School for Girls. They competed against 9 other schools. Teacher Mrs Boughen was very happy with their efforts.

Radio 4 Drama

James Aitken of Year 10 chooses his area for Switch Off Fortnight


xciting developments are afoot in the school’s Eco Group. Recent addition to the staff Mr Garmston is a committed environmentalist and is bringing years of experience in building and architecture to the group. His expertise has been put to use almost straight away working on a project to make a greenhouse from recycled plastic bottles – an idea suggested by Amy Leman in Year 8. Utilising the greenhouse to help them, the group also plans to grow a better selection of vegetables for the Driffield Show this year. Work on this SOUTH HUNSLEY NEWS

will begin in the spring term. One of the group’s biggest challenges is to make the sorting and recycling of waste become a greater part of the culture at South Hunsley. Following a trial in July, they are working hard on a site wide sorting and recycling plan which will be launched in January. Finally, Monday 21 November marked the start of Switch Off Fortnight. The Eco Group monitored each of the buildings, making sure that everything that should be switched off at the end of the day was, in a bid to save energy.

Starting on Monday 14 November, Martha Godber of Year 10 featured in a Radio 4 drama series leading up to Children in Need called Journey to Starlight Mountain. She played a supporting character called Mercedes in what was her first ever time on the radio. Martha described the recording, which took place in her home, as being exciting and a great experience.

Netball Academy

Francesca Platten and Holly Skinner have been selected for places in the County Network Academy. They were amongst 19 girls chosen from 120 trialled. The County Network Academy is a step on the ladder to national level netball and perhaps beyond.

HIVE 3D Projector Visit


IVE (Hull Immersive Visualisation Experience) is a 3 dimensional software tool developed by Hull University for use in anthropology, chemistry and medicine amongst many other things. Emma-Jane Alexander of the University visited Year 11 maths classes during November to observe students working with 3 dimensional Pythagorus theorem and trigonometry, and plans to use her findings to build software to help them understand the complex mathematics. She plans to return to trial the project on Year 11 Mathematicians. Whilst at South Hunsley, Emma-Jane took the opportunity to demonstrate the technology to students who were keen to suggest how it might help them in their studies.

::: Booked Up 2011

The Reading Club enjoy their books


ooked Up started in 2007 when the Government decided to encourage reading by giving every Year 7 student a book. Students are able to choose from a list of 12 books and, this year, all students received a bookmark to help inform their choice. Mrs Usher, South Hunsley’s Librarian, wanted to give them the opportunity to find out more about the books on offer, so she enlisted the help of the Reading Club. The Reading Club meets weekly in the Eric Fell LRC to discuss books they have read and to take part in the Carnegie Medal Shadowing Scheme and is organised by Mrs Bateman and Miss Marsh. Mrs Usher wanted them to read a book on the list and then review it on

camera so the new Year 7s could hear what they thought about each title. Mr. Scholes, the schools Media Technician, organised the PAVE sixth form media production company to do the filming and editing and a video was uploaded to the VLE for students to watch in registration. So one Friday lunchtime a group of apprehensive students and adults said their piece while being filmed. Very nerve wracking but they all did very well. The video was then watched, choices were made, the order placed and the books will arrive before Christmas. We hope they enjoy their reading choice – the whole list is available in the Eric Fell LRC.

STEM Club ::: Media Production Club


he STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) club group consists of around 50 students. They are split into 2 groups who attend a session alternate weeks on a Thursday lunch. An in house competition was held from which the winning group of 4 students represented the school at Hull University in November. The STEM group had to look at the logistics of transporting wind turbines from somewhere in Europe to The Humber Estuary and suggest how it could be done whilst creating the minimum amount of CO2. Out of the 5 schools taking part, South Hunsley took first place. Each student won a trip to the logistics centre to use the simulators at Hull University in the New Year, a trip to Spurn Head (next summer) to visit the Radar Station which controls shipping in the English Channel and some prizes on the day. The group is now beginning an engineering task, building a paper rollercoaster


tudents interested in the multifaceted Media Production Club, run by Mr Shaw, are more than welcome to drop in to the MMS on a Thursday evening after school. The club is open to all years, and members are currently working on producing a promotional DVD for the drama department. Their next project will be a short dance film with the Dance department, followed by the BBC School News Report next year.

Students will also be working on audio production, stop motion animation and photography as well as editing a music video over the course of the year. Sixth Form members of PAVE, South Hunsley’s media production team, mentor the media production club and pass on their skills to the students. The Media Production Club is a great opportunity for anyone that would like to find out more about the practical side of media and develop their skills. SOUTH HUNSLEY NEWS

Languages Work Experience Students in the Languages department have had the opportunity to spend a week abroad working in the country whose language they are studying. Pippa McCune worked in Koblenz in Germany: “My work experience placement was at Café Werrmann in Koblenz, Germany. I worked for five days and really enjoyed it. I soon realised that speaking German in school is completely different to speaking German in Germany. When I wasn’t working I had chance to visit the ‘Deutsches Eck’ and go shopping, which meant that I had more opportunities to practise my German. By the end of the week I was used to hearing different accents and I was speaking German without having to think about it. It was a really great experience and I would recommend it to anyone who studies a language.” Katie Parker spent her week in Rouen, France: “For my work experience placement I worked in a family run hotel in Rouen, France. At times I found it difficult as it is so different to speaking French in a classroom environment but I really enjoyed my time there. I only worked in the mornings so I got the chance to experience the different culture and use my French in different situations, for example eating in restaurants and meeting people on evenings out. It also looks great on a CV and university application so I would recommend everyone to do it if they can. I would definitely do it again!”

::: Young Enterprise


oung Enterprise is the largest business and enterprise education charity in the country. Every year they help 250,000 young people learn about business and the world of work in the classroom under the guidance of volunteers from 3,500 companies. They believe in learning by doing and this is firmly supported by their mission statement “to inspire and equip young people to learn and succeed through enterprise.” This year’s South Hunsley team, Innovation, are already well under way with their business start-up. Each of the thirteen employees have now been given company roles and they have successfully appointed Aneil Sanghera as Managing Director.

Innovation offer pre-set and customised phone case messages for a range of mobile phones. The pre-set messages will be available within the next two weeks and customers will be able to place an order for a personal message of their choice. This has enabled Innovation to create a very strong unique selling point. The team will be attending their first trade fair at St Stephen’s in Hull on Saturday 10 December from 9am-5pm. If you would like to order a personalised phone case, enquire about the preset message cases or if you would like to discuss possible investment in the company, then please email Aneil Sanghera (MD) on 3as6770@southhunsley.

::: Target Two Point Zero

Eddie Rogerson Eddie Rogerson of Year 10 has recently been accepted onto Barnsley FC’s Football Academy. This will give him the opportunity to play against top tier academies including Manchester United, and could potentially lead to a position on Barnsley’s squad in the future. There are only 14 players in Eddie’s age group, most of whom are local to Barnsley. Eddie has trained with Hull City’s academy as well as trialling for both Sheffield Wednesday and United before settling on Barnsley. We would like to wish Eddie the very best of luck for the future.


arget Two Point Zero is a national monetary policy competition run by the Bank of England. On 24 November, Sunny Sanghera, Jenny Wood, Holly Bahn and Will Spafford presented their research on interest rates and the use of quantitative easing to try and ensure that inflation returns to its target of 2%. They have worked on this since

September and are preparing for a series of probing questions to test their understanding of the economy. The competition gives students age 16-18 the chance to take on the role of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, assess economic conditions and the outlook for inflation and tell panels of judges what monetary policy they would set to achieve the Government’s inflation target of 2.0%.

::: ifs Student Investor Challenge


he ifs Student Investor Challenge is a UK wide investment game for students with a top prize of a trip to New York. Students are required to use their skills to invest a virtual £100,000 in a set of stocks between 31 October 2011 and 10 February 2012 and watch their wealth grow. Each month, the most improved team will be rewarded with a prize. In February, the top 20 teams from each region with the best performing portfolios will be invited to attend the regional finals. The teams will be given a series of questions and the top two teams from each region will be invited to the National Final in April. The winner of the National Final will win a week long, all expenses paid educational trip to New York. They will also win £2000 prize money for their school and £200 for each team member. The second placed team in the challenge will win £1500 for their school

fter the success of the last two competitions that we have entered, five teams from our current Year 10s could not resist the opportunity to get involved this year. The competition brief asked the students to come up with a mobile phone app that would not only generate profits from downloads but also increase teenagers awareness of charity work and volunteering. The five teams have been working tremendously hard over the last two

Over the summer large numbers of South Hunsley students took part in Humberside Police’s Lifestyle project, which encourages young people to work towards making their community a better place. Some of our teams met with not inconsiderable success in the competition, and we are proud that they have won some of the top prizes. They were presented with their prizes on Wednesday 16 November at Hull City Hall. Teams The Fit Four plus 1, WOW, Lavendar Girls Part 2 and the Magnificent Monkeys all won PGL adventure holidays to Wales for their efforts.

Ollie Dales

and £150 for each team member. The third placed will win £1000 for the school and £100 for each team member. Other prizes include: • Monthly Challenge: Each month from November until February, the most improved team in the challenge will receive £100 to share (each team can only win this prize once). • Online Trader of the Year: The team with the best performing portfolio over the course of the online phase of the ifs Student Investor Challenge will win £150 per team member. • International Online Trader of the Year: The international team with the best performing portfolio over the course of the online phase of the ifs Student Investor Challenge will win £100 per team member. We currently have 28 Year 10 teams taking part in this year’s challenge. We wish them the very best of luck!

::: Phone Brain A


weeks to research their market, come up with a unique idea and write their business plans. The business plans will be judged by PhonepayPlus and UnLtd, , who are the world’s largest provider of support to social entrepreneurs and winners will receive a cash award (of up to £500) to help the students develop their idea and turn it into reality. They will also receive ongoing help and support from UnLtd in other ways. We wish them the very best of luck with their entries!

Our resident star show jumper Ollie Dales has been at it again. She has been selected by Sport England for a BEF Excel Talent Squad. This is a prestigious opportunity – only 12 representatives from each equestrian discipline are chosen. The talent squad offers Olympic style training in preparation for a potential Olympic team place. Ollie is optimistic that we may be seeing her competing in the 2020 games. Not that Ollie is any stranger to fame – she recently appeared on Channel 5 when her boyfriend was evicted from the Big Brother house. She informs us that she fully intends to work her way up the channels to the Olympic coverage on the BBC in a few years.

Student Leaders

Our school council Echo have appointed Year Captains for the 20112012 have been announced. We would like to wish a warm welcome to Ethan Straker, Beatrice Wood, Nandipha Mthembu, Kieran Ward, Elle Limbert, Rebecca Waites, Ben Allmendinger, Megan Dinsdale, Amy Leeman, Alicia Woodward, Vanessa Hua (Deputy), Elizabeth Finlay (Deputy), James Aitken (Deputy), India Brattan (Deputy). Year Captains play a major role within ECHO, contributing numerous suggestions and raising any concerns they have about the school. Ideas that ECHO are currently working on include: the interform programme, the Riding one-way system, a shelter on the bus lay-by and the Humber dinner queues.

Junior Bake Off

::: Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Students enjoy the spectacular Skye scenery


ieran Guilfoyle of Year 7 has recently made it to the final of the CBBC show Junior Bake Off! where he was just pipped to the post by one of the other contestants. The show is a competition in the style of Masterchef, with the contestants being set specific dishes and challenges in each episode. Kieran’s dishes included chocolate roulade with raspberry and mint sauce and chocolate filling and focaccia bread topped with goats cheese, mozzarella and parmesan. Other challenges included team cupcake baking at the Langham Hotel in London and baking pizzas for the 5th birthday party of the musical Wicked in the West End of London. Kieran baked mini witch pizzas to fit with the occasion. Kieran really enjoyed the show, and was magnanimous in defeat, saying that he was pleased for the winner and thought the best man won. He plans to keep on baking, and hopes to become a chef later in life. We would like to congratulate Kieran on his success, and wish him all the best in his ambitions.

outh Hunsley Youth Centre runs a Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme on a Tuesday evening from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. It is open to all students in Year 10 and above, and admission is ÂŁ1.00. Students last year took part in a number of exciting activities and trips, including spending a week on the Isle of Skye in the Inner Hebrides. All members helped with cooking and cleaning, and activities included a walk in the Quirang rock formations and up to the top of a

plateau known as the Table, as well as the opportunity to wild camp at the Camasunary bay. Next year, even more activities are planned including a canoeing expedition to Scotland and assessment trips to Ribblesdale and the Lake District. Interested students should contact Richard Innes at the Youth Centre on 01482 633226 or south.hunsley. More information can be found on

::: England Football O

n Sunday 20 November three of our students took part in trials for the England Football Squad. Sophie Etherington, Angela Pritchard and Olivia Key travelled to Doncaster to join 29 other girls representing the whole of the north of England. They were split into two teams and played a match under the close watch of the selectors. All three girls were picked for the England Girls Reserve Team, which means they could be called up to play for their country any time up to a week before a match. We would like to offer our congratulations to all the girls on their success, and wish them the best of luck for their future sporting careers.

Olivia Key, Angela Pritchard and Sophie Etherington, members of the England Girls reserve team

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