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winter 2012
PRINCIPAL’S The first term of the academic year is always incredibly busy. For all of our Year 7 students and some Year 12 students this term will also have been their first with us and, for our Year 10 students, they will also be starting exam courses for the first time. Whatever stage of their education, all of our students will have experienced our new look logo and image for the first time this September, which has been introduced to help us communicate and promote our core beliefs. As an organisation, we have always valued greatness and ambition and this edition of our magazine is devoted to the celebration of achievement of all kinds. We produce this magazine so we can celebrate the exceptional, unique and diverse successes and ambitions of all our people and we are delighted that the newly established Journalism Club has joined with our communications team to give aspiring reporters the chance to write for the school. You will see their first contribution on the Creative Arts pages. Students in our Sixth Form College are also striving to reach their full potential this term with 39 of our Year 12 students planning for early applications through our High Tariff University Entry Programme. We also have a record breaking number of sixth form students with ambitions to be Head Boy and Head Girl which is recognition of the aspirational impact our current student leaders have had. There is more on the work of our Student Leadership team in this magazine. Our teaching staff also really help inspire a love for learning in our students and there have been many wonderful examples of their innovative practice that help bring learning to life. Within this magazine you can find many examples including the Year 12 English 80s disco to support the study of The History Boys and the Year 10 Business Studies marshmallow challenge to help develop creative thinking and entrepreneurial skills. There are also plenty of other examples in this magazine of our students’ striving for distinction including Ollie Dales’ selection for the Young Horse World Championships in Belgium and Archie Williamson-Hood’s RADA audition for a role in the new West End musical of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We hope you enjoy reading this issue.
Young Enterprise
Year 10 students set up their own business Infinite, our newest Young Enterprise team, was formed in October. The team is made up of Megan Seward, Mia Harris, Callum Johnston, Tom Emsley, Tom Boot, Nan Mthembu, Aram Kiani, Keir Mather and James Tognola, all from Year 10, and they will be running their own business throughout the next academic year. Roles have been delegated to the team members in Sales, Marketing, Finance, IT and Admin, as well as the appointment of a Managing Director. They will be selling products and competing with other schools and colleges in the area. Infinite is now a registered company and the team are hoping to raise start up funds by selling personalised key rings. Shares will be sold to friends and family and they are currently in the process of deciding on their main product idea. Young Enterprise is dedicated to educating young people about business and the world of work and believes strongly in ‘learning by doing’. Each team of young entrepreneurs is guided by a volunteer Business Adviser mentor who helps the students with valuable employability skills such as teamwork, practical thinking, punctuality and business like behaviour. Business Studies teachers Mrs Barley and Mr Stannard coordinate and run the scheme for those students who have aspirations to succeed in the business world. It provides a real life context to the work carried out in the classroom,
supporting the student’s learning in an interesting and practical way. Last year’s team enjoyed huge success and attended a number of trade fairs and key school events in order to increase the sales of their product. Innovation made customisable mobile phone cases and made it all the way to the Humberside Final where they won the best customer service award. Infinite will be hoping for similar success this year and we wish them all the best.
ANEIL SANGHERA Managing Director of Innovation
“My year with Young Enterprise was a massive success for me personally, as well as for the entire team. We have learnt so many new skills, had the opportunity to try a variety of new experiences, not to mention the fantastic time I had working with my friends to compete in the Young Enterprise scheme. From speaking in front of large crowds to working on the financial aspects of a business, the scheme really does incorporate something for everyone. Some key traits I have used over my year have been leadership, listening, decision making, and perhaps most importantly, communication. It has really broadened my views on business and helped me gain a better insight into understanding the business world, which in turn has helped me with my exams and decisions for the future.”
The Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Club is back for a new year of innovative challenges day in May. The students took part in a series of STEM related challenges and Sam Parry and Eleanor Nelson were both successful in the individual challenges and took home prizes for their efforts. Other activities that that the club were involved with last year include building rockets to be launched using a compressed air cylinder, microchemistry tasks, engineering challenges and a Forensics Day held at Bishop Burton College. Kiera Murray, in Year 9, says that she is looking forward to the experiences STEM club will offer her: “I would like to adapt and improve my engineering and product design skills as I am thinking of pursuing a career in that area.” This year the STEM club are still recruiting members but are already busy working on new tasks with support from Mr Mitchell. These will test creative skills as well as improve team work with other people in their year group. STEM club is a hugely popular club for our Year 9 students which helps develop their innovation skills and talents. Last year’s club certainly made thier mark and successfully took part in the Smart Wind competition at Hull University. A group of students from STEM club entered and came away with first prize. They impressed lecturers with their ideas on how best to transport the three main parts of a wind turbine to the Humber estuary from wherever in the world they might be manufactured. The team, which consisted of Molly Greenwood, Reanna Colepio, Sarah Wilson, Madeliene Wilson and Ran Dai, then progressed to the next stage which involved submitting a name for the offshore wind farm in the Hornsea zone off the Yorkshire coast.
The winners of the naming competition were announced on 11 May at the Green Britain day at Hornsea School, and once again, South Hunsley came out on top with their chosen name of ‘Vi Aura’. The team were presented with a trophy and a plaque to acknowledge their achievements throughout the competition. STEM students also achieved success in a STEM club paper rollercoaster competition where they had to design and make paper rollercoasters using templates that were provided, as well as come up with components of their own design. Felicity Broadley, Megan Clements, Sarah Wilson, Reanna Colepio, Ran Dai, Poppy Howell, Eleanor Nelson, John Dalton, James Storey, Ross Greene, Sam Parry and Alex Acaster were the winners and were selected to attend Hull University’s STEM
Mr Mitchell already has plenty of activities and equipment available for the students including; a rail drag racing track, robotics equipment, wind turbine investigation kits and paper plane launchers. We are sure STEM club will replicate the many successes it has achieved in the past.
“STEM club provides you with an opportunity to explore the world of technology. I hope it will help me later in life because I want to be an engineer. It’s a great way to meet new people and utilise your creative skills”
Bringing History to Life
Activities help students learn about World War I The History department has been busy bringing History to life for its students through a number of activities to support their learning of World War I. Year 9 students in Miss Bower’s class have been treated to a lesson involving real life artefacts taken from World War I. Miss Bower brought in postcards, letters and diary entries that belonged to her Great Great Grandfather, Frank Wilkinson, to help students with their work on how the war had an impact on individuals. They had to piece together the documents to discover the impact the war had on soldiers like Frank, as well as his family and the local community. They also handled his passbook which featured trench rules and recipes, and it even had some mud left on it from the battlefields.
“The lesson allowed students to connect with an event that happened nearly 100 years ago.” MISS BOWER TEACHER OF HISTORY Miss Bower explained how the lesson helped her students: “The lesson allowed students to connect with an event that happened nearly 100 years ago and hopefully it has encouraged some of them to discover their own family links to the First World War. Students were excited by handling documents and the items generated lots of questions and discussion.”
“We have to remember so the soldiers do not die in vain.” KATHERINE BRADLEY A LEVEL HISTORY STUDENT Another event arranged by the History department was a Remembrance Day
assembly that Miss Bower and six History students from Years 11 and 12 delivered to all year groups. Every morning in the week leading up to Sunday 11 November, Georgina Robinson, Tom Nendick, Ben Briggs, Amy Brown, Grace Chapman and Katherine Bradley went into assembly and spoke to students about why the day is so important. As well as inspiring other students to learn about and remember the events of World War I, sixth form students also took part in the Poppy Appeal to help raise funds for the Royal British Legion. A number of student volunteers gave up their lunch times, break times and free periods to visit students and staff around the school selling poppies in order to raise as much money as possible.
KATHERINE BRADLEY A Level History Student
Katherine Bradley, Year 12, explains why she wanted to be involved in the assembly: “I felt it was important because Remembrance Day is the one time of year when people come together to show their gratitude to those soldiers who have lost their lives in battle – all too easily, the lives that have been lost can become just numbers. We shared and expressed how events such as the Year 9 Battlefields trip had an effect on all of us; for me, the trip highlighted the impact of war and its after effect and why we have to remember – so the soldiers do not die in vain. I wanted to share my experiences of the trip and my views on Remembrance Day with other students in the hope that they will remember too. Lest we forget.”
Year 12 Snowdonia Trip
Geography students visit North Wales The annual Year 12 Geography trip to Snowdonia took place at the end of October with 29 AS Level students travelling to North Wales to undertake fieldwork needed for their upcoming exam. The students braved the Welsh weather to successfully measure the changes downstream of a river and also tackled Mount Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales, with everyone successfully making it to the very top. The trip provides students with a real life context to the rivers and glaciation work they have carried out in the classroom and means they have experienced real life Geography. Students spend time gathering data which is then analysed and evaluated back in school, providing them with valuable skills required for the exam. This trip is always popular with staff and students and enables the group to bond and make the learning all the more enjoyable.
Historical Dinner Party
History students do Come Dine With Me Year 13 students in Miss Drake’s class have taken part in a Come Dine With Me style lesson to aid their learning of the Cold War.
their cupboards and used the herb, Dill, frequently. American food was represented by crisps and salsa dips, relating to America’s connection to Mexico.
Students have been looking at different historical perspectives behind the controversies surrounding the origins of the Cold War and were each allocated a different Historian - some who supported America, some who supported Russia and some slightly more complex characters who had allegiances to both countries.
The aim of the task was to help students look into the different schools of thoughts behind the Cold War and to encourage debate between the different ideas and viewpoints from America and Russia.
The food was supplied by Miss Drake and students had to eat something from the country they were representing. In Russia, a country of extreme temperatures and infertile land, food was a real issue and diets during the winter were particularly monotonous. Russians were known to store a lot of pickles in
A Level History student, Ed Scott (pictured) shared his thoughts on the lessons: “Historiography is an important aspect of the A Level course and the Come Dine With Me scenario offered a practical setting for a heated debate. Pickled cucumber was a passable attempt at Communist Russian food, and greasy crisps and dip sufficed nicely for the Capitalist US lifestyle. It was a beneficial and engaging activity, if not very appetising!”
Titration Experiment
A Level Chemistry students test their practical skills Year 13 Chemistry students have completed a titration experiment to help them develop their laboratory skills and understand the practical side to the subject. For those non-chemists out there, Mrs Briggs, Area Leader for Science explained what the lesson was all about: “Students were using titration to find out the concentration of silver iron for a reaction they had left over night. They were then going to try and work out the equilibrium constant for the reaction between silver iron and the iron (II) ions.” Oscar Bell, one of the Chemistry students who carried out the experiment explained what he enjoyed most about doing the practical work: “The experiments are good fun and it’s good to see the actual reactions taking place, rather than just reading about them in text books.”
Houses of Parliament
A visit to London helps students learn about Politics A small group of A Level General Studies and A Level Government and Politics students have travelled to London to visit the Houses of Parliament. The visit was organised to support students in their studies and offered an exciting and unique opportunity to extend their learning and to increase their knowledge and understanding of our political system. Students visited the House of Commons and the House of Lords and also took part in a workshop which enabled them to understand the work of an MP and to develop their debating skills. Miss Miles, trip organiser, said “the visit was very successful and enjoyed by all”. Government and Politics is our newest A Level course, only starting this September.
It has already proven to be a popular choice with nearly 20 Year 12 students studying it this year. This is not the only trip lined up for our Government and Politics students and next year they are joining together with the Media department for an exciting trip to New York.
“Exciting and unique opportunity to extend learning and to increase knowledge” General Studies is another popular course, with the majority of Sixth Form students studying it as an extra A Level to gain many transferable skills to support their learning and to enrich their subject qualifications.
A Level Government and Politics Student
“The visit was very beneficial as we saw how modern day Parliament works in comparison to the Parliament throughout British history. We also saw how pressure groups such as the Women’s Suffrage Political Union and the Irish Question rocked Parliament. One of my favorite parts of the day was when we sat in on an eMPathy workshop, which helped me understand the complications MPs can face.”
Senior Maths Challenges
Students from Year 12 take part in competition A number of sixth form Maths students have taken part in the Senior Maths and Senior Team Maths Challenges. The aim of both competitions is to provide a stimulating and enjoyable challenge for 16-19 year old students by testing their problem solving, team work and communication skills. 22 Year 12 students competed in the Senior Maths Challenge and were faced with 25 multiple choice puzzle type questions testing their problem solving and logic skills. Congratulations to Samih Inceer who won Best In School and a Silver Certificate with a score of 70, and Lewis Marsden who also received a Silver Certificate for his score of 65. A further ten students were awarded a Bronze Certificate for scores between 49 and 61. Mrs Boughen also took Anna Platt, Joe Scull, Alex Vladimirov and Lewis Marsden (pictured) to the regional final of the Senior Team Maths Challenge at Newland School. The team competed against nine other local schools for over three hours in a series of demanding mathematical challenges, finishing in second place.
English does History Students go back in time Year 13 students in Mrs Harrison’s and Mrs Richardson’s English classes have spent two lessons living in the 1980’s. To support their work on The History Boys, students and teachers dressed up in 80s clothing and went back in time to the period in which the Alan Bennett play is set. Students spent time learning about the social and political background of the decade, discussing topics such as music, fashion, education and Thatcherism to help their understanding of the play.
Year 8 students in Mrs Harrison’s class have also enjoyed a visit to the past in
“Students spent time learning about the social and political background of the decade including music, fashion, education and Thatcherism” their learning of World War I. The lessons have been part of the peer to peer learning scheme and give students the opportunity
to lead a lesson and teach students about a certain topic. Mrs Harrison praised the students who have been part of the peer to peer learning scheme: “They have all been really fantastic, confident and articulate in their lessons.” Students brought in war artefacts that have been passed down to them from their ancestors for their classmates to examine and learn about. They then took on the role of teacher and talked to their fellow classmates about what they had brought in.
The next whole school production Following on from last year’s hugely successful Oliver performance, this year’s whole school production will be Fame! Based on the popular 1980 musical film, Fame – The Musical was conceived and developed by David De Silva and premiered in the West End in 1995. A bittersweet but ultimately inspiring story, the stage show follows a diverse group of students as they commit to four years of gruelling artistic and academic work at New York’s High School for the Performing Arts. Auditions proved to be incredibly popular this year with approximately 200 students trying out for parts. After an audition process that involved acting, singing and call backs, the final cast was evenutally revealed and there will be a strong cast of over 100 students from Years 7 to 11 performing on stage. Our whole school production is not only a fantastic opportunity for our very talented students to showcase their performing
skills, but it also gives students the chance to develop skills in lighting, set design, stage management and marketing. It is a wholly enjoyable experience for all and brings the whole school together. Miss Derry is once again Director, with Mrs Prescott working as Musical Director and Miss Holt as Choreographer.
The main cast list is: Nick Piazza – Dean Makowski Clayton Serena Katz – Jadie Badham Joe (Jose) Vegas – Jack Nazir Tyrone Jackson – Aiden Rodmell Carmen Diaz – Zoe Kenington Iris Kelly – Erin Whincup Mabel Washington – Emily Johnston Schlomo Sherman – Keir Mather Grace Lamb – Anna King Goodman Goody –Ryan Moffitt Esther Sherman – Chloe Briggs Greta Bell – Martha Godber Mrs Myers – Rebecca Waites /Camille Hainsworth-Staples Mr Sheinkopf – Euan Ross/Joe Hall
Richard III
30 students participated and the performance was part of the Shakespeare Schools Festival run by a charitable trust whose aim is to raise the profile of Shakespeare’s work and to get more students interested in Shakespeare from an early age. Mrs Witts, Director of the production,
Bethany McIntyre Year 9 Journalism Club members South Hunsley School is going back to the 1980s next year with the upcoming production Fame. We interviewed Year 9 student Jadie Badham about the upcoming production: What did you have to do to get a part in fame? “Well I went to the audition and got a call back and I went along to the call back and sang part of a song and then they left it for a couple of weeks and then they chose the parts.” Are you looking forward to the final performance of fame? “No because that will be sad but I am definitely looking forward to the first performance.” We along with everyone else hope that Fame will be a great success like all of our other performances.
Richard III: Student View By Amal Sayala and Elisha Oakley Year 9 Journalism Club members
Shakespeare Schools Festival Star Shakespeare Company, our resident theatre company, is made up of students from Years 7 – 11. This term they have performed a 30 minute contemporary, casino style interpretation of Shakespeare’s Richard III to a packed Hull Truck Theatre.
Fame: Student View By Natalya-Victoria Botham and
said that “participation in the festival provides a rare and valuable opportunity for students to experience performing on a professional stage to a paying audience, supported by the expertise of professional theatre staff. Seeing their performance professionally lit, being allocated their own dressing room and hearing the applause of the main stage’s audience is a very motivating experience for students, whether they aspire to a career in the Creative Arts or elsewhere”. This is our sixth year contributing to the festival, which, alongside our whole school musical, is a very popular annual opportunity for students of all ages and levels of experience to perform on stage.
“All the world’s a stage” - one of the many great lines written by Wiliam Shakespeare and certainly honouring this is South Hunsley School. Their participation in the Shakespeare school festival was a great success; performing Richard III at Hull Truck Theatre. We interviewed Dominic Harley (Year 9) and he describes his experience on stage: “It was nerve wracking but I really enjoyed the over all experience!” We also asked if it had inspired Dominic to get involved with more productions with school: “Yes, I have already done several theatre performances and I’m currently in Fame.” We hope that all future productions are a success and good luck to all who think of pursuing theatre.
Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts
Year 8 student makes final 15 in RADA audition
PAVE Success We always welcome news of how our past students are getting on since leaving South Hunsley and we are pleased to report on Matthew Marsden’s success in media production. Matthew completed his A Levels this summer and has gone on to set up his own media business, Matt Marsden Media, working on web design, photography, filming, editing, 3D design and CGI visual effects for a number of different companies. Matt praises South Hunsley’s in house media production team, PAVE, for the experience and skills he was able to develop while at school which prepared him well for life after Sixth Form: “PAVE helped me a lot; we went out and did lots of filming and photography and it helped us get used to working with other people and clients. If PAVE hadn’t existed I don’t think I would have been able to set up my own business.”
Archie Williamson-Hood of Year 8 has been invited down to London by RADA to audition for the new musical version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We saw a glimpse of Archie’s acting ability when he took the lead role in last year’s whole school production of ‘Oliver’, and since joining the Northern Academy of Performing Arts, Archie’s passion for performing has grown and grown. One of Archie’s teachers at NAPA put his name forward for the preliminary auditions of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but unfortunately Archie couldn’t
attend. Instead he put together a short video of himself performing a song and monologue which was sent to RADA. On seeing his video, RADA invited Archie to the final audition in London where he had made it to the final 15. The audition process took between one and two hours and involved a number of vocal exercises and performances of a monologue and song of choice. At the time of going to print, Archie was still waiting to hear back from RADA but we would like to congratulate Archie on this fantastic achievement and wish him all the best.
Mr Scholes, our Media and Music Technology Technician and leader of PAVE had this to say: “PAVE was initially set up to provide A Level students on the Creative Arts subjects the chance to gain extra experience in their specific field, to help them either get on the university course they desired or help gain employment in their chosen specialism. This is exactly what has happened with Matthew who worked on a charity DVD project for PAVE last year, filming in his spare time on various evenings and weekends for the project. The footage Matthew shot and edited for the project was then used as his showreel when starting his own production company and enabled him to get his first customers. I am really happy that PAVE has already succeeded in helping students in its first year, and now aim to expand the company and open it to all A Level students in the school to help more students gain valuable experience for their future.” Congratulations to Matt on all he has achieved so far and we wish him well for the future.
Student Leadership
Beth Ransome, Ben Colletta, Adam Young and Anna Boddy Student Leadership Nominations This year has seen a record number of Year 12 students put themselves forward for the top student leadership roles. Seven students have applied for the position of Head Boy and ten for Head Girl.
The Student Leaders have worked tirelessly on behalf of the students of South Hunsley since their appointment in May 2012. Last year’s team had achieved many successes and were a hard act to follow but Ben, Beth, Adam and Anna have stepped up to the challenge with strength and determination and have injected a new enthusiasm and purpose into the Echo Team. The Student Leaders have been highly motivated, achieving many things during the last six months while working with a wide variety of groups. As well as establishing a strong team of Sixth Form links for Years 7 – 11, they have also supported the Charities group by initiating a ‘Charity Challenge’, have been instrumental in the reduction of bus fares for Sixth Form students, backed the Eco team with projects such as Switch Off Fortnight, building a greenhouse, purchasing reusable cups and establishing the use of recycling bins, and they have also spoken on many occasions to parents, year groups, governors and visitors on a variety of subjects. As well as working as an effective and efficient team, they each have their own
areas of expertise. Ben has focussed on the issue of bus fares and the publicity of Echo; Beth would like to establish a student alumni and has enthusiastically supported the many student groups in the school; Anna has created a reliable and hardworking team of sixth form links and Adam has been instrumental in the recycling and greenhouse activities of the Eco group.
“The success of the Student Leadership Team has and will benefit the students of this school in many ways” MRS RICHARDSON LEAD LEARNER STUDENT VOICE Mrs Richardson, Lead Learner for Student Voice, has praised the efforts of this year’s Student Leaders: “The success of the Student Leadership Team has and will benefit the students of this school in many ways and I applaud their resilience, energy and drive to ensure the voice of every South Hunsley student is heard.”
Applying for these roles is a long and rigorous process. Students must first formally submit their applications along with a reference from one of their teachers. They then deliver a speech to their fellow Year 12 students in assembly to explain their reasons for applying and why they would be the best person for the role. Next comes the applicant selection day which takes place in December. During this day, applicants take part in a group task with the Deputy Head Boy and Girl and then have a formal interview with the current Head Boy and Girl, Mr Jacobs, Mrs Richardson and a school governor. The applicants find out at the end of this day who has been successful and will be leading the school council the following year. It is really encouraging to see so many students apply for these positions and see the school council go from strength to strength. With over 175 leadership positions available throughout the school, there are plenty of opportunities for our sixth form students to get involved with the school council and support the Student Leadership team. At the time of going to print the announcement had not yet been made as to who the next Head Boy and Girl will be but we would like to commend all the applicants and we wish them well.
High Tariff University Applications Students strive to study at the best universities The number of Year 12 students who have set their sights on either the most prestigious universities in the country or the most competitive courses is growing. For those students who aspire to study at Oxford or Cambridge, or hope to become a Doctor, Dentist or Vet, the university application process starts sooner than most. These universities and courses set an early application deadline in the October of Year 13, and we provide a dedicated programme of support that runs from Year 12 right through until Results Day. If an individual has the potential and determination to succeed, the staff at South Hunsley will be there to support
and encourage throughout and an early applicant group is established at the beginning of Year 12. At this point in the year we currently have 39 Year 12 students identified as potential candidates for either the early application deadline or for some of the best universities in the country.
“Dedicated programme of support that runs from Year 12 right through until Results Day.” Our High Tariff University Entry Programme supports those students who have expressed an interest in attending top
universities such as Edinburgh, Durham, Birstol and Warwick, studying courses ranging from English to Law to Physics, as well as our early applicants. In the Spring of Year 12 our support programme will start helping students with their applications to give them plenty of time to fully prepare. We have a dedicated member of staff who facilitates the programme and works with the students to ensure they receive the support they need in order to complete the application and prepare for interview. The most prestigious universities and the most competitive courses will expect to see breadth of knowledge and skills and our support programme can support a student’s development alongside their academic learning in the classroom.
South Hunsley’s School Council continues to flourish Behind the very active leadership roles that Beth, Ben, Anna and Adam play in the Student Leadership Group, there is a much larger team of Sixth Form students who also make up Echo and all play a very important role in ensuring the voices of the students are heard. Each year group from Years 7 – 11 are allocated a Sixth Form year link and two Year Captains, and every form has two Form Reps. The main aim of these positions is to collect ideas from the lower school students about what they would like to improve within the school. Meetings are held regularly for all Year Captains and Form Reps to discuss and share the ideas they have received. Echo also runs five smaller groups, each led by a specific member of staff and two Sixth Form students: Eco and Energy, Food and Eating, Teaching and Learning, Premises and Charities. The Eco Group have been working hard on their greenhouse project to promote recycling.
After months of collecting the right sized bottles from the recycling bins that were so kindly given to the school by ARCO last year, and a week of hard work from volunteers of all ages in the summer term who cut wood and washed, dried and assembled the bottles, the greenhouse is well under way and nearly ready for its inauguration. The Eco Group also took part in Switch Off Fortnight which ran from Monday 19 November until Sunday 2 December. In a bid to save energy throughout the school, volunteers from the Eco Group went round every building at the end of the day to check that no computers or lights had been left on unnecessarily. The aim of the fortnight was to show the whole school community how easy it is to start saving energy (and money!) at school and also at home. The Charities Group have also been busy and once again a great effort was made by both staff and students to raise money for Children in Need. Sixth Form students donated 50p each and dug out their old
school shirts and ties for a Uniform Day. They also went round school with buckets to collect donations from staff and students. The on going total raised so far is £1369.21.
ADAM YOUNG On behalf of the Eco and Energy Group
“Our goal is to create a more environmentally friendly school. We have introduced recycling bins into all the dining halls throughout the school and are aiming to recycle even more of the waste that the school produces. As a practical symbol of this we built a greenhouse out of recycled plastic bottles. We are also looking at introducing reusable cups into the Sixth Form Cafe and are in the process of recruiting Eco reps.”
Key Stage 4 Awards
Last year’s Year 11 students celebrate their success Once again we are holding our annual Key Stage 4 Awards ceremony to recognise those students who demonstrated hard work, a positive attitude and good behaviour during their GCSE years. Many winners have remained at South Hunsley and are currently in their first year of Sixth Form, while other students have moved on to other things. The evening is a great opportunity for all students to come together and celebrate their achievements with teachers, family and friends. On the night, teachers, students and guests will be joined by guest speaker Richard McCann. Richard is an inspirational speaker who has overcome adversity and personal tragedy to achieve great success in life. He has been invited to the awards evening to talk to our students about positive thinking, looking at their own potential, developing the determination to succeed and he will also provide guidance on the steps to success. There will be over 100 awards handed out on the night and these include the Keith Chisolm Award, the Head of Year Award, Tutor Awards and Subject Awards. Nominations have been submitted by staff from every department and students were selected for reasons such as outstanding achievement in a subject, excellent progress made, outstanding effort, a positive attitude to learning or their team work skills. We have selected a handful of students who will be receiving awards on the night but unfortunately there just isn’t enough space to feature everyone. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate every student who has been nominated for an award.
CONNOR MIDDLETON Head of Year Award Nominated by Mrs Thompson Head of Year
“Connor was a quiet, conscientious and dignified student throughout Key Stage 4. He consistently put all of his effort in to every subject and his hard worked paid off as he achieved exceptional GCSE grades. Connor was respectful to all members of staff and was a sociable student who had a loyal group of friends. It has been an absolute pleasure to have been Connor’s Head of Year and I know he will achieve great things at A Level and in the future.”
Keith Chisholm Award Nominated by Mrs Thompson Head of Year
“Abbie was a very conscientious student and always worked hard to achieve the best possible grade. Her high levels of motivation, determined approach and commitment to learn independently resulted in a fantastic set of results across all subjects. She always helped others when they needed it and was never afraid to ask questions herself – a real pleasure to teach.”
“Matthew was a hard working student over the two years of Years 10 and 11. He was keen and dedicated to the subject and worked really well to achieve the A grade that he did.”
Engineering Award Nominated by Mrs Mulhaire Area Leader - Creative Design
NAOMI DOBSON Languages Award Nominated by Miss Lowe Area Leader - Languages for Life
CHRIS HARRIS Religious Studies Award Nominated by Miss Swift Area Leader Understanding the World
“Naomi’s award is given for her outstanding achievement in German. During the course Naomi worked very hard and was determined to achieve her potential in the subject. During her assessment tasks she also gave her all and demonstrated an excellent attitude towards her studies.”
“Chris received the prize for RS due to his fantastic work and attitude during the GCSE years. He supported his fellow students throughout Years 10 and 11, regularly helping with work and revision. His efforts paid off and he achieved excellent GCSE results across the board, including an A* in RS.”
Skating Success Saskia Koulikova of Year 8 successfully qualified for the British Figure Skating Championships after a successful weekend at the Hull Opens IJS Figure Skating Competition.
Equestrian Club Team makes winning start The Equestrian club has only been up and running for a few months but already has a number of wins under its belt. Formed by Miss Lalic, Miss Walton and Mrs Roper, the Equestrian club helps students develop their skills and share their interest in the sport. Students have been training hard and are making huge improvements. Students who do not have their own horses attend monthly sessions on a Friday evening and are working towards the British Horse Society Owners certificates. The students who attend vary in ability, ranging from those who are completely new to the sport to those who are very experienced riders. All of the students are growing in skill, knowledge and confidence with each session. As well as training regularly and making huge improvements, students who have their own horses have had huge success at their first National School Equestrian Association competitions. Georgia Edwards, Holly Turner, Chloe Harrison, Laura Dearnley, Natalie Boddy, Beth Walker, Katrina Hardy, Olivia Foley and Emily Millard all represented the school at our first show jumping competition held at Bishop Burton. Holly Turner came third in the 70cm class and in the 90cm Natalie Boddy came second with Beth Walker finishing fifth, which gave the team an overall first place finish in the team competition. This was the first time for some of our students (and their horses!)
to have competed in such a large venue so this was a fantastic achievement. Our dressage team were equally as successful with Katrina Hardy, Hannah Greetham, Natalie Boddy, Amy Lauren Fillingham, Olivia Foley and Molly Greenwood all gaining individual scores of over 50%. For some of our students this was their first ever dressage test so another huge achievement. In the team event, Amy Lauren Fillingham won her Prelim class, Olivia Foley came fifth and Natalie Boddy also came fifth in the Novice class. These excellent scores put the team in first place having beaten some tough competition from schools all across the North East of England. This means that the team has now qualified for the 2012 National Championships at Addington. The team also competed at the De Aston School show jumping competition - Georgia Edwards, Holly Turner, Laura Dearnley, Natalie Boddy, Beth Walker, Katrina Hardy, Sam and Emily Millard, Hannah Greetham and Georgina Hornshaw. Our 70cm team gave an excellent performance finishing in first place again receiving a bundle of rosettes and prizes. Individually, Georgia Edwards came second and Holly turner finished fifth. Our 80cm team of Beth Walker, Emily Millard, Laura Dearnley and Holly Turner finished in overall sixth place despite some fierce competition. Well done to everyone involved in the Equestrian team on their successful start.
On the first day of competition, Saskia performed a short skating programme achieving an impressive score of 27.49 which saw her secure second place. This score also meant that she achieved her national test mark putting her through to the British Championships in the Level 8 Advanced Girls category. On day two, Saskia maintained her impressive form and was awarded a score of 40.54 for her long programme, again securing second place. Saskia has continued to impress on the ice rink and is now on the NISA International Development Squad and is currently ranked number 3 for Under 15’s in Great Britain. At the time of going to print, Saskia was skating for Great Britain in a European ranking event in Poland which will give a good indication of how she stands against the best in Europe.
2012 Junior Polo Champions
Congratulations to Maia Fawcett Ward of Year 9 who was part of the winning team at this year’s White Rose Junior Polo Tournament. The All Blacks team won 4-1 and Maia and her older sister Megan, a former South Hunsley student, both scored a goal to help their team become the 2012 Junior Champions. Maia, who is part of the school’s Equestrian Team, was also given a prize for the most dedication shown in lessons. This is a fantastic achievement by the girls as they have only been playing Polo for a year. SOUTH HUNSLEY NEWS
Primary Transition
Year 6 students visit South Hunsley This term, primary students from Years 5 and 6 have been visiting our school for a number of engaging and interesting classroom activities to prepare them for life at South Hunsley School. Year 6 students from Swanland Primary School have been coming in to work on a Textiles technology project, and a number of Year 5 students from Brough Primary School have been continuing their work on World War II.
“Events similar to these run throughout the year to help students from our partner primaries with their transition to secondary school.” This included baking a vinegar cake with ingredients similar to those that were used during ration times. Despite the unusual ingredients, Mrs Beharrell, Transition Co-Ordinator, said the cakes
were very tasty and it was a huge success enjoyed by all. Another group of students from Swanland have also visited us, this time to make their own pencil cases, and another baking lesson was held with students from North Cave Primary School where they were taught how to make bread. Events similar to these run throughout the year to help students from our partner primaries with their transition to secondary school. They give the students a taste of what it is like to be a South Hunsley student and prepares them for their move up into Year 7 next September. Our transition team continue to be busy and are working hard organising future events for our primary students, as well as planning their trips into all the local primary schools after the Easter holidays in order to meet with students and discuss the Induction Day process.
Marshmallow Challenge
Business Studies students test their entrepreneurial skills Year 10 Business Studies students have taken part in a Marshmallow Challenge as a way of helping with their creative thinking skills and to support their learning on how to be an entrepreneur. In the lesson, students had to work in teams to create a tower out of 20 pieces of dry spaghetti that would be able to balance one marshmallow at the top. Each group had a piece of string and cellotape, both one metre in length, that could also be used. The winners would be decided by whose tower was the tallest and could still hold the weight of the marshmallow. This challenge took place in Miss Wiffen’s and Mr Stannard’s classes and Miss Wiffen 14 SOUTH HUNSLEY NEWS
had this to say on the task: “Some groups went charging ahead and broke a lot of their spaghetti, whereas some groups planned out what they were going to do. Most of the groups focused on making it as tall as possible, but as soon as the marshmallow went on top, it all broke. The winning group’s tower was only 30cm tall, but they were the ones who worked as a group, planned ahead and saw possible obstacles and how to overcome them.” The lesson supported what students had been learning in the previous lessons and enabled them to put their team work and communication skills to the test. Well done to the winning team.
“It was a really fun lesson and I hope to have more like it. It not only made a change to our normal lessons but it also really helped with our creative thinking skills. Also, doing something practical helped with what we have been learning in lessons as we were able to use it in a real life situation.”
GCSE Languages Success
Students impress in Spanish and Portuguese It was not only students in Year 11 who achieved some fantastic GCSE results this summer, but also three of our Year 9 students. Abi Stringer, Emily Poole and Josh Harrison all completed their GCSE Spanish when only in Year 8, and Ben Harrison studied it as an additional GCSE alongside German in Year 11. Mrs Percival and Mrs Prescott supported the students to help them realise their full potential. Abi previously lived in Spain, becoming very used to speaking the language and developing excellent comprehension skills. Abi decided in Year 7 that she would try to achieve GCSE Spanish in Year 8. Through attending Mrs Percival’s lunchtime grammar sessions and preparing herself extremely well for the speaking and writing controlled assessments, Abi achieved an A* grade overall. Emily previously lived in Portugal and became a fluent speaker of the language. Emily also began to study Spanish whilst at school in Portugal and after joining South Hunsley in Year 7, decided to pursue her studies in both languages, sitting the GCSE examinations in Year 8. Emily attended extra lunchtime sessions with Mrs Percival for Spanish and Mrs Prescott for Portuguese and spent a great deal of time preparing for the speaking and writing controlled assessments. Emily achieved A* grades in both the Spanish and Portuguese GCSE exams. Josh previously lived in Spain and became quite competent in speaking the language with his Spanish friends. Eager for a challenge at South Hunsley, Josh decided he would like to sit the Spanish GCSE exam at the same time as his older brother Ben. Josh prepared himself well for the speaking and writing exams and worked hard to improve his grammatical accuracy for both skills, regularly attending lunchtime sessions with Mrs Percival. Josh had a real determination to get his first GCSE while only in Year 8, which he managed to do by achieving a grade C. Ben, like his younger brother Josh, became a very competent speaker of the Spanish language. In Year 10 at South Hunsley, Ben chose to study GCSE German but also wanted to take the Spanish GCSE by working independently and attending extra lunchtime sessions with Mrs Percival. Ben prepared himself well for the exams and achieved a well deserved A*. Congratulations to all four students on a fantastic achievement.
Ollie Dales World Championships Ollie Dales frequently appears on the pages of South Hunsley News thanks to her Equestrian talent, and this edition is no different. At the end of September, 17 year old Ollie competed in the Young Horse World Championships in Lanaken in Belgium.Ollie first needed to qualify for the event at the British Young Horse Championships in August. Her five year old stallion, Chopin, finished in first place - making him the number one five year old in the country. When in Belgium, Ollie was competing against other riders from the likes of Australia, Brazil and China, and with nearly 300 horses in a class, it was certainly going to be a tough competition. This did not appear to faze Ollie though and she made it all the way to the final on Chopin, after two equal first finishes in the early rounds.When it came to the final, Ollie nearly had the perfect run but unfortunately had one fence down which ended hopes of a top place finish. Ollie also took part in the Horse of the Year show for the first time at the NEC Arena in Birmingham in October. This time competing on her six year old, Casparall, Ollie finished in an impressive fifth position. To add to these fantastic achievements, Ollie has also been awarded a Talented Athletes Scholarship which means she is granted a bursary fund. Ollie now has access to her own personal physiotherapist, a strength and conditioning coach and a lifestyle coach. This is due to the fact that Ollie is still a student whilst competing and the scholarship will hopefully help Ollie in achieving her goals (and who knows, we might see her at Rio 2016). Well done to Ollie on all that she has achieved.
OLLIE DALES Year 13 Student
“It was the most amazing experience - it was like the Harrod’s of show jumping. I think my nerves got to me a bit in the final but I was so pleased to have even got there. I certainly wouldn’t have imagined myself getting to the World Championships two years ago!”
South Hunsley Sports wins NHS award hopefully prolonging their life. Both Liz Shirra and Duncan Strachan of South Hunsley Sports (pictured) attended a highly technical course dealing with cardiac disease, recovery and evidence based exercise protocols. After both passing with flying colours, Liz and Duncan have been part of the East Riding cardiac provision ever since.
The Heartlink Programme, a leading NHS cardiac rehabilitation service delivered by a number of local sports centres, including South Hunsley Sports, has been awarded first place in the Service Delivery category at the NHS 2012 Team Awards. Our sports centre was approached in 2009 by the East Riding NHS Cardiac Rehabilitation service as they wanted to extend the long term care offered to recovering patients. They thought that our location and facilities would be ideal to develop a phase 4 (long term) rehab service where recovering patients can receive expert support while reducing the risks of further cardiac disease and
Duncan had this to say on the part they play: “The fact that our centre working in partnership with the local NHS has been able to help these clients overcome and regain a more normal life is a very rewarding experience for both of us. We are extremely proud of the small part we are able to play in helping our local community remain fit and healthy.” The clients Liz and Duncan work with at South Hunsley Sports are very technically demanding and have all suffered a major event which for some proved near fatal. We are told from the NHS East Riding Cardiac Rehabilitation Service that the patients feedback regularly with their consultants and GPs and the Heartlink Programme is now the preferred source of referral for the cardiac consultants at Castle Hill Hospital.
Colin Hewick completes punishing triathlon for charity
The gruelling endurance challenge began and ended at the Holme Pierrepont National Watersports Centre and consisted of a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile
Our Finance department welcomes a special guest Teaching isn’t our only strength at South Hunsley; the work of our Associate staff in delivering nonteaching functions to support the school has also been recently celebrated.
Well done to all involved.
Endurance Challenges It seems that simply working at South Hunsley Sports isn’t enough of a fitness fix for duty manager, Colin Hewick, who has completed the 2012 Nottingham Outlaw Triathlon.
VIP Visits South Hunsley
bike ride and a 26.2 mile run through the streets of Nottingham, all raising money for Cancer Research. Colin’s next challenge is a 10km open water swim followed by a 42.2km rowing marathon in Windsor on 7 September 2013. He is hoping to raise as much money as possible for the Help for Heroes charity.
This term our Finance department received national recognition for their hard work and expertise when Simon Parkes, a senior civil servant, visited the school. Simon is the Director of the Finance and Commercial Group for the Department for Education and requested a special visit to South Hunsley to understand how the decisions that are being made in Whitehall are directly affecting schools. We were selected as an academy for SImon to visit in recognition of our good practices. It was a successful visit with both parties benefiting from the discussions. Mr Parkes said how great it was to visit the school and it really helped him to understand how academies are progressing.
School Catering
Students enjoy special themed menus BEN STORY Year 8 Student
“The school dinners are really tasty. It’s hard to pick a favourite meal because they change all the time, so it’s good that there’s so much choice for everyone’s different tastes.”
ALISHA CLARKE Year 8 Student
Our catering team have worked hard with students, parents and staff over recent months to provide healthy and nutritious meals whilst still offering varied and popular menu choices. This school term has seen the introduction of a wider variety of breakfast options including breakfast Paninis and porridge on the go, as well as a larger selection of lunch options. We have a new sandwich provider, offering a range of Paninis, deli wraps and sandwiches containing less than 300 calories and the school has also recently introduced a wider variety of gluten free products such as steak pies, mince and onion pies, quiche, lemon drizzle cake and cupcakes.
As well as providing popular menus every day, the catering team also offer themed menus throughout the year, most recently during November’s National Schools Meals Week. It is hoped that this will encourage young people to have a healthy, balanced school meal, try new foods and be reenergised for afternoon lessons. Beginning on Monday 5 November, the week started with a Bonfire and Firework themed menu, and Tuesday was Celebration Day which included a selection of dishes representing days that other countries celebrate, such as pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for American Thanksgiving. Wednesday was a celebration of traditional British food with a British roast beef dinner and fish and chips
“The lunches are really nice and healthy and there’s always a wide selection to choose from.” as two of the options available. Explore Italy Day gave students the chance to try food from slightly further afield, and the week ended on Pudding Day, a celebration of school desserts where students were asked to vote for their favourite pudding which was then sold for 50p. With Christmas just around the corner, festive themed menus will also be available during the last few weeks of term to help get everybody into the Christmas spirit. From Monday 3 December to Friday 21 December there will be a Christmas option every day, a roast turkey dinner every Wednesday and a different dessert to choose from every day.
Staff Farewells This term we have to say farewell to Mrs Giles, Head of Year 10, and Mr Nichols, who has taught Geography to students over the last 8 years. Mr Nichols has been offered a promoted post to Head of Department at another East Riding secondary school and Mrs Giles is moving slightly further away; relocating to
Singapore with her husband. We wish both members of staff every success with their future. At the time of going to print adverts had been placed for these posts and we are now looking forward to welcoming new members to our team.
With the Spring term just around the corner, we have no doubt we will have to say goodbye to a few other members of our teaching staff as they seek promoted posts. This Spring we will also be looking to recruit to the Head of College to introduce additional staffing to lead our Sixth Form College. SOUTH HUNSLEY NEWS
Cross Country
English Schools National Final The Intermediate boys cross country team have qualified for the English Schools Cross Country Cup National Final. On Saturday 10 November, the team of four travelled to Mount St Marys School in Sheffield to compete in the Regional Final. This particular age group comprises of both Under 14’s and Under 15’s, and with three out of our four runners in the younger category, the odds seemed to be stacked against the team. The top three schools would qualify for the National Final held in Bolton on 1 December 2012. Baldvin Magnusson of Year 9 finished in a remarkable second place, Jonny
Beharrell of Year 10 finished in fifth place, Jack Brothwell of Year 9 finished in ninth place and Rob Larkin, also of Year 9, usually a 400m runner, finished in a very respectable 32nd place. With three top ten finishes and Rob’s fantastic efforts, the team came away with a score of 48 points, finishing first overall and sealing a place in the National Final. On 1 December, Baldvin Magnussen, Jonny Beharrell, Jack Brothwell, Rob Larkin, James Featherstone and George Fountain travelled to Bolton and finished in a fantastic sixth place out of 24 teams. Well done to all the runners.
Junior Boy of the Year Mail’s Sporting Champions Awards
decided by a judging panel consisting of Olympic Hammer finalist Alex Smith and Hull FC legend Johnny Whitely, among others. Jonny impressed the panel with the many successes he has achieved since joining Kingston upon Hull Athletics Club in February. In his first competitive season, Jonny has been selected for the English Schools Championship and is currently the Humberside Champion at 800m, 1500m and 3000m. When Jonny first received the phone call from the Hull Daily Mail, he couldn’t quite believe he had been shortlisted and actually thought it was someone playing a prank on him. It eventually sunk in and he and his family joined the other nominees at the KC Stadium on Thursday 8 November for a dazzling awards night. Congratulations to Year 10 student Jonny Beharrell who was shortlisted for Junior Boy of the Year at this year’s Hull Daily Mail’s Sporting Champions Awards.
It is a fantastic achievement to have been shortlisted and to be recognised as one of the best young sporting talents in our region.
Jonny made it to the final three in his category out of a possible 130 entries,
We are extremely proud of how well Jonny has done and wish him well in the future.
Humberside Netball Five Year 7 students have been accepted into the Humberside Netball Academy. Congratulations to Anna White, Paige Dale, Keira Hoyte, Katie Cornes and Penny Weaver who have all been accepted into the Under 12 Netball team for the Humberside Academy. This is a fantastic achievement and to have five girls from one school accepted really is impressive. Well done to all the girls.
World Youth Cup A group of nine Year 11 girls are working hard to raise money in order to take part in the World Youth Cup in Gothenberg, Sweden next July. Sophie Etherington, Olivia Key, Megan Briggs, Nina Kilby, Megan Thompson, Rachel Grunnill, Rachel Green, Carrie Burrow and Lauren Green all play for South Cave and were invited to the tournament to represent England. With over 1600 teams from 80 countries participating every year, it is the world’s largest football tournament and a great place for young footballers to meet people of all nationalities who all share a love for the game. So far the girls have taken part in a car wash, numerous bag packing sessions at local supermarkets as well as organising quiz nights and sponsored walks. They are now well on their way to raising the £15,000 needed to cover travel, accommodation and competition entry. Well done girls.
Danny James Congratulations to Danny James, 14, who was selected for the Under-16 Wales National Development Squad in their match against Scotland. Danny was named in the Welsh squad for their opening match of the Victory Shield, an annual football tournament between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The match was played at the Pittodrie Stadium in Aberdeen and was live on Sky Sports 1.
Wheelchair Basketball Year 8 student represents Yorkshire
at this summer’s London Paralympics. Arran and his teammates played a brilliant tournament which saw Yorkshire finish 3rd in the Under 15 competition out of a total of nine teams. Arran trains with the Sheffield Steelers and has taken a keen interest in the sport after watching his father become involved: “My dad has inspired me – he first started playing, then refereeing and coaching and when he started doing it, I thought ‘why don’t I give it a go’ and it has gone from there.” Arran Kennedy of Year 8 (pictured) has represented Yorkshire in the National Junior Wheelchair Basketball Championships at Stoke Mandeville. The competition is an annual event with teams from all over Great Britain taking part, and last year included players who went on to represent Paralympics GB
The London Paralympic Games were also a great source of inspiration for Arran and he enjoyed many of the wheelchair basketball matches at the North Greenwich Arena to cheer on Paralympics GB. Well done to Arran.
Year 7 Football
Team progress in National Cup Our Year 7 football team are making great progress in the English Schools National Cup competition and have made it through to the fifth round. Their first round match against South Holderness Technology College was the team’s first competitive game together which makes their emphatic 8-1 victory all the more impressive. The goals came from Tom Rogerson, Ben Anderson, Daniel Roos, Elliot Nevis with Jason Chanayire and Jacob Greaves scoring two each. In the second round there was another convincing win as the team came away as 6-0 winners against Archbishop Sentamu Academy. Goals from Marcus Dewhurst and Rio Stowell gave the team a lead of 2-0 at half time. An excellent second half followed with goals from Rio Stowell, Tom Rogerson and two from Daniel Roos.
Humberston Academy proved to be slightly tougher competition in the third round as they took a 2-0 lead at half time. South Hunsley produced a fantastic second half to turn it around and came away as 5-2 winners with goals from Jason Chanayire, Sam Platten, Jacob Greaves, Jacob Gibson-Graham and Rio Stowell. The fourth round match was a comfortable 3-0 victory against Howden School. The team now have to wait and see who they will face in the next round. The team have been very impressive not only on the pitch, but also in their attitude towards each other, match officials and their opponents and have shown fantastic ability and team spirit throughout. We would like to congratulate the team on their success so far and wish them well for the rest of the competition.
Ways to Contact Us: new methods of communication for parents The Autumn term means we have new parents join the South Hunsley community and we thought we would take this opportunity to detail ways for parents to stay in touch with us. Your child’s Head of Year will be the key member of staff to contact on a day to day basis to provide support, whether it be academic or pastoral. Teaching staff can also be contacted to discuss subject related queries and contact can be made via email or through your Head of Year. It is also possible to send a query to us via the website contact form. In addition, you will also get the chance to meet your child’s teachers annually at their Progress Evening in addition to the four progress reports you receive during the year. At the Progress Evenings there are also bookable appointments with your child’s Head of Year and at every evening there is a member of the senior leadership team available and you can also make appointments to see them. This term we have also introduced Head of School Surgeries to give parents further opportunities to share their views or discuss their child’s education with our Head of School, Mr Uttley. These will take place once every half term and parents can make 10 minute appointments. Our first surgery was held on 28 November and was very well attended. Surgeries are also calendared on 30 January 2013, 12 March 2013, 15 May 2013 and 2 July 2013; all beginning at 4.30pm and finishing at 7.00pm. If you have any areas that you would like to discuss, please book an appointment in advance by contacting Francesca Roper on 01482 631208 (extension 209) or
East Dale Road, Melton, North Ferriby, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU14 3HS 01482 631208