South Hunsley News Spring 2012

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An Academy of Excellence


he Spring term is always very productive and the key time for us to help students plan and prepare for the next stage of their education. For both parents and students in Years 9 and 11, the start of the new calendar year is when decisions are taken about GCSE and Post 16 options and we organise a number of activities to help students make informed

decisions. The options process for Year 9 students began with our Careers Evening at the end of January and the atmosphere was certainly buzzing. This was closely followed by an options talk for parents and a Year 9 Parents’ Evening to give parents a final chance to discuss subjects. With all the options forms now submitted we are in the process of collating information and students will receive confirmation of the subjects they are taking at GCSE by the end of April. From our initial work, it looks like the vast majority of students will be able to take all their choices and once again this year we have seen a strong interest in languages. GCSE Photography has been offered for this first time in this options round and we are delighted that a number of students have expressed an interest in this course. Year 11 students have also had a post 16 progression interview with a member of our Senior Leadership Team this term. This is to help advise them on the suitability of programmes of study and appropriate courses. We are


delighted that so many of our students intend to progress to our Sixth Form College for their post 16 education and we are now busy collating their options and preparing the timetable. We have 40 post 16 courses available to students and all our A Levels have received a good deal of interest from students. By far though, the department award for courses with the most student interest would have to go to Maths and the Sciences. These departments are exceptionally successful, as you will see from articles within this magazine, and we are delighted that students are keen to continue their education in these areas. In particular, we are pleased that our new courses have created interest. In September 2012, we will see 19 students progress to our new Government and Politics A Level. Of course, at the moment exam preparation is a priority and with the start of the exam season only a few weeks away, we took the opportunity to organise Easter revision sessions for those students who might want extra support. As usual these were a success, with many students making use of the help available. Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the published Vision 2018 on the back page of this magazine. This term we have consulted with staff, students and parents to help us draw up our core purpose and values. We are currently working with students to help identify ways we can celebrate our core values and we are also looking at how we can embed the vision through school structures and ensure it forms the guiding principles for all school planning and development in the future. Please look out for further updates in future editions of this magazine.



uring the Spring term, school data is released by both RAISEonline and the Department for Education and this allows us to compare our performance against other providers in the region and against national averages. Our students achieved outstanding exam results in Summer 2011 and we were keen to see how we measured against other schools. We were delighted that the data confirms our position as a top performing school. RAISEonline data indicates that our GCSE performance was significantly above the national average and places us in the top 25% of schools nationally for the level of progress made by our students while studying with us. The Science department have a particular reason to celebrate, being in the top 3% of the country. The Department for Education (DfE) Performance Tables also reinforce our high achievement

and with 68% of students achieveing 5 or more A*-C GCSEs including English and Maths, we are the highest performing co-educational state funded school in the East Riding. The DfE Performance Tables also showcased the performance of our Sixth Form College. In 2011, students left South Hunsley Sixth Form College with an average point score per exam entry of 222.3. This is higher than all other state funded school and sixth form colleges in the region, and places us top of the Department for Education’s Sixth Form performance table for high exam achievement in both East Riding and Hull. This figure represents the average A Level grade achieved by students and reflects that on average South Hunsley students leave our sixth form with top grades across their subjects. Paul Jacobs, Head of Sixth Form College, is delighted by this recognition “The average point score per exam

entry indicator represents the intense academic study the students and staff put in to post 16 education to ensure all students can achieve the highest possible grades. We encourage our students to concentrate their study in the Sixth Form to between 3 and 5 A Levels and it is this academic focus which allows so many of our students to reach their potential and access the most competitive HE courses and high tariff universities. There are many ways of measuring sixth form performance, but the most significant indication for students is average point score per exam entry. We had our best ever sixth form results in summer 2011 with 59% of our students achieving A*, A or B grades. The publication of the average point score per exam entry measures reinforces this high achievement and demonstrates that hard work certainly pays off. We are delighted to be able to recognise the efforts of everyone at South Hunsley.” SOUTH HUNSLEY NEWS



ixth Form students who have accessed support through our High Tariff University Entry Programme this year are reaping rewards with the conditional offers beginning to flow in. We offer this programme to our very brightest students who aspire to study at Oxford or Cambridge or wish to progress to a Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science course. These courses set an early application deadline in the October of Year 13 which means we start to work with students in the Spring of Year 12 to help them develop their UCAS applications. We have a dedicated member of staff who facilitates this programme and works with students to ensure they get the right support. It isn’t unusual for high tariff universities to ask students to sit a test or submit a written piece of work in addition to an SOUTH HUNSLEY NEWS

interview and our facilitator is on hand to help students through this process. We are absolutely delighted that this support has helped so many of our students get conditional offers to the most prestigious universities and competitive courses in the country. We are particularly delighted with the number of students who have received conditional offers for medicine. We have a close working relationship with Hull York Medical School (HYMS) to support our aspiring Medics’ university applications and we have no doubt that this contributed to their success. Through our arrangement with HYMS, our students can access taster sessions to develop practical skills and visit HYMS to meet healthcare professionals and current medical students. In addition, being the largest sixth form school provider in the county,

we are delighted to have been invited to join the HYMS Making Connections project. This project will help students develop a deeper understanding of NHS careers and gives access to a variety of activities which will support university applications. The project takes place over a five week cycle and includes activities which all relate to a single virtual patient scenario connected to an aspect of the sixth form science curriculum. This means students will now also get the chance to experience: • an introduction to problem-based learning, via a carefully-chosen virtual patient scenario; • a visit to the HYMS multi-function laboratory for some related practical work; • a visit to a local hospital to see science in the workplace and the range of professionals at work.



ver the academic year we run four personal development days. Each day is a planned, developmental programme of learning designed to help our sixth form students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives, both now and in the future. Our Personal Development Programme aims to: • Make a major contribution to the health and achievement of our sixth form students • Contribute to students welfare and safety • Underpin their future employability through the development of the personal and social skills which commerce and industry demand from our workforce • Increase their independence and ultimately enable them to take responsibility for themselves • Prepare them for their future role as HE students, employees and leaders So far this year, our students have been involved in a number of exciting and rewarding activities. Learning Performance joined us in November to offer our sixth form students an introduction to study skills and provide them with the motivational techniques needed to encourage independent learning. The course included seminars on the science of memory, memory techniques for facts, details and numbers and how students learn to understand their class work. The Newcastle Ambassadors visited us in October with the aim to provide

a recent and realistic perspective of university. Students received a range of presentations and interactive activities, to provide our Year 12 and Year 13 students with the information they need to make a decision that is right for them about where to study next. The sessions included hot topics such as ‘Student Life’ and ‘Student Finance’ as well as an interactive finance game which gave tips on how the students could budget whilst at university. In February, Year 12 students worked with the Bright Futures Company which aims to inspire young people, make them aware of the opportunities available to them and help develop the essential life skills which build self confidence and make the most of any situation. Students worked with the company on a half day course and focused on important team building exercises which could be used at work, university or in employment. Year 13 students were invited to sign up to a number of life skills courses which included activities such as Ready Steady, Cook, Self Defence, First Aid, Business Planning and Presentation skills. Karen Manley from Tastes Divine Cooking School came in to work with those students who wanted to learn to cook on a budget whilst at University or moving away from home to work. The students were given a number of demonstrations and then asked to cook something of their choice. Karen also gave the students tips and advice on what items they should stock in their cupboards when they head off into the big wide world. The Spartans Academy worked with those students that had signed up for our self defence class. The Krav Maga Self

Defence System was used to increase students awareness of the importance of self defence and how it should be used safely if necessary. Students were asked to work with a partner to try out their techniques in the presence of a self defence expert and coach. Members of The British Red Cross came in to work with those students who had signed up to learn basic first aid skills. The team used innovative techniques to help the students remember the skills that had been demonstrated. Some students also signed up to the NatWest Business Planning seminar which informed those students looking to study or set up in business, how to start-up and how to access various funding streams. There was also a Chartered Surveyors seminar with Black Cat Services for those looking to work in this field. Others decided to attend the Interview Techniques and Presentation Skills seminars put on by Phil Batty from Force 7. Phil set up his own business whilst at college and wanted to visit our sixth form to coach our students through the interview process and demonstrate the techniques and skills needed to give good presentations at work and / or university. Other activities have included sports coaching, inter-form sports, apprenticeships drop-in sessions and careers talks as well as a driver safety talk by the Humberside Fire and Rescue Service and business talks by Chris Middleton of Eskimosoup. The focus for the remaining personal development day will include exam techniques and revision seminars leading up to the summer examinations along with a UCAS focus for Year 12 from June onwards.



uring the course of the year, all of our feeder primary schools will have taken part in a technology morning, enabling over 330 Year 6 students to sample lessons in a specialist technology room as part of transition from primary to secondary. For example, students at Swanland Primary School have been studying a topic on ‘space’ so a textiles activity making pencil cases with a space theme was designed, planned and prepared by the students. South Cave Primary have been doing a project as part of their curriculum on the Caribbean so brown sugar and spices were included into recipes. Other schools tried breadmaking – creatively making shapes from bread dough using fresh yeast following experiments to find the best conditions for the yeast. All the students and staff have thoroughly enjoyed themselves and created a great product to take home.



n Thursday 15 March, students from across South Hunsley came together to participate in the BBC’s School Report news day. The national event saw schools from all across the UK spend the day creating a real live news report across a variety of media. Never shy of a challenge, staff in the English and Media departments including Mr Shaw, Mrs Richardson and Mr Scholes decided that South Hunsley students would have the opportunity to create a video news report, bringing together pre-recorded stories with live newsroom sections. Sophie Redfearn and George Hudson, both media students in Year 12, became involved with the project as a way of gaining real life media experience to help further their media ambitions, into university and beyond. Sophie, who hopes to become a presenter, acted as executive producer – a job that involves selecting stories, choosing the sequence in which they appear, making sure that all legal requirements are fulfilled and keeping the younger students focused and on task. George worked as a researcher, helping the younger journalist teams to find and confirm up to date news items. The behind the scenes production team for the News Day consisted of members of South Hunsley’s media SOUTH HUNSLEY NEWS

production company PAVE. As well as taking charge of most of the filming and editing for the day, they passed on their technical knowledge and expertise to the journalist teams, to help make sure that everything ran as efficiently and professionally as possible. The teams of journalists consisted entirely of Key Stage 3 students, split into groups. Each group was responsible for researching, writing and presenting their own stories, bringing together a wide range of skills applicable throughout the curriculum. The research stage, where the

students had to check and double check their sources for accuracy, is not dissimilar to the skills they learn in their History lessons, and the writing and presentation stages help to build upon skills they have learnt in English and Drama. Chloe Davis of the BBC mentored the students as they worked through the production process. She was very impressed with the professionalism of all the students involved and commented on how well they dealt with the experience of high pressure deadlines, such as they could expect in a real life media environment.


By Tom Clark and Lucy Drenon, Head Boy and Head Girl

Student Leaders

Congratulations to the new student leaders for 2012-2013, who were elected following a rigorous selection process. • Head Boy - Ben Coletta • Head Girl - Beth Ransome • Deputy Head Boy - Adam Young • Deputy Head Girl - Anna Boddy They are currently shadowing this year’s student leaders until the official handover in May. In the meantime, they are working on their own projects, one of which is a student alumni – a record of what South Hunsley Sixth Form students have gone on to do, including universities and employment. It is hoped that this will be a useful tool for current students as they decide what to do after their time in the sixth form.

Eco Update

After ECHO contacted Arco about their green initiative for the school, they very kindly agreed to donate 21 recycling bins. These have now been installed in all dining halls, allowing students to recycle plastic bottles and cans. The Eco and Energy Committee went

into assemblies promoting the new recycling bins, which are proving to be a big hit. They are now focusing their efforts into improving paper recycling throughout the school.

Charities Comittee

At the end of February, the Charities Committee held a Clothes Swap evening in Riding Hall, raising money for Teenage Cancer Trust, Hope HIV and Dove House Hospice. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended and it is hoped that a similar event will take place next year. As we come to the end of our time as Student Leaders, we would like to thank all the students and staff who have supported us over this last year. It has been a huge privilege to represent and serve the school in this way and we are very proud of what ECHO has managed to achieve. We can’t quite believe where the time has gone, but we look forward to formally handing over to the new students leaders and we wish them all the best for the coming year.



peration Christmas Child is the world’s largest children’s Christmas project, run by the Christian charity Samaritan’s Purse. They have been sending gift-filled shoeboxes around the world since 1990, bringing joy into the lives of over 80 million underprivileged children. On Thursday 15 December 2011 270

boxes, along with £700 in donations, were sent to Eastern Europe and on Christmas Day 270 children received their gifts thanks to the students, parents and staff who got involved and supported the appeal. It is hoped that the 2012 appeal will be even better. Many thanks for your support and generosity.

HOPE HIV FUNDRAISING Students at South Hunsley have seen lots of egg related fun during the Easter fundraising week in aid of Hope HIV. Pippa McCune, a sixth form student, heard about Hope HIV at Spring Harvest and persuaded her classmates to support a charity acting to improve the lives of people their own age. Pippa and the Sixth Form Charities Committee raised over £200 for Hope HIV at their Christmas Fayre and have tried to repeat this at Easter. They held an Easter Fayre on Wednesday 4 April in the Hub as well as a week of ‘egg-related activities’ and an Easter card competition for primary schools. The winner was announced at the fayre, although sadly at the time of going to print we do not have the details. South Hunsley’s charities group will also be taking part in a two mile fun run in fancy dress to raise some extra money and further events will be organised throughout the school year.


James Howe of Year 12 decided that he and his form ought to do their bit for charity… And what better way to do it than a sponsored ascent of the highest peak in the world, Mount Everest? Sadly the logistics of a trip to the Himalayas proved a little prohibitive, so James and the rest of 1203 who had been roped in decided to simulate the ascent by walking up the stairs to the Sixth Form area in the LLC. To complete the challenge they had to climb the stairs almost 3,000 times between them, and all in the space of a day. The summit of Everest sits a massive 8,848 metres above sea level. Form 1203 climbed the steps in the LLC around 180 times each, with a final combined altitude of 9,860 metres. That’s an astonishing kilometre higher than the highest place on the planet! At the last count, the students had raised a total of almost £360 for their chosen charities, the National Deaf Children’s Society, the road safety charity Brake! and Help for Heroes.



eorgina Davies of Year 11, who is studying for a Level 1 Diploma in an Introduction to the Hair and Beauty Sector at Hull College recently received an award for the most improvement seen, individual achievement and hard work and commitment. Her tutor Tracey Clare commented “Georgina is an absolute pleasure to teach. She always puts 100% effort into every part of her course. She is on target in her theory work and showing excellent skills in her practical sessions, producing some superb work. She is always willing to do all tasks and sees the positive side or everything – which is a positive influence on the rest of the class.” We would like to offer our congratulations to Georgina on her award, and wish her the best of luck for the future.


t the end of the winter term, a group of Year 10 and 11 Languages students travelled to continental Europe to experience the pre-Christmas atmosphere of France, Belgium and Germany. As well as spending time (and money) in the Christmas markets in Brussels, Aachen and Paris, students visited a comic museum in Brussels and a traditional German spa in Aachen. In Paris, they went to the

famous Sacré Coeur church in the Montmartre area, climbed the Eiffel tower and saw the Mona Lisa and Napoleon’s grand apartments in the Louvre before walking down the Champs Elysees and relaxing on a boat cruise. As well as having a fantastic time, students relished the opportunity to immerse themselves in different cultures and to practice their language skills in a natural environment.


ver the winter ski season, groups of students from Years 8 and 10 as well as sixth form students have the opportunity to go on a ski or snowboard trip. For the younger students it is often the first time they have been out of the country without their parents, and the level of organisation required is quite an eye opener for


some of them. A Level PE students find the trip particularly useful as they can use skiing or boarding as part of their physical assessment for their course. For everybody else, the incredibly scenery combined with the exhilaration of hurtling down a mountain strapped to a plank or two makes for a fantastic experience.


Over the past few years students from Product Design have been given the fantastic opportunity to work alongside Ideal Standard. At the start of the year, Ideal Standard present students with a client brief which focuses closely on inclusive design and which is based around unit 1 of their course work to come up with design solutions in real world contexts. Throughout the year Ideal Standard mentor and advise the students on their design developments and manufacture of their design solution. Students benefit greatly from industrial support and guidance to produce a realistic and marketable product for a highly regarded and successful existing UK company. As a result all students must formally present, in a professional manner, their design solutions and concepts to the Ideal Standards clients. The most successful student is awarded a prize supplied and presented by Ideal Standards and this year the two winning students were Henry Bell and Charlotte Cook. In addition to this the students have been offered valuable opportunities to complete work experience in their chosen specialist areas. The first offer was accepted by Harry Towle to build on his skills and knowledge in Engineering and work with Ideal Standard to gain first hand experiences in the real world.

SHAKESPEARE STROLL Star Shakespeare Co, our resident company of actors from all Key Stages, present a celebratory Spring stroll around the grounds and facilities of South Hunsley, in honour of Shakespeare’s 448th birthday. Accompanied by a guide, audience members will join us in Riding Foyer at 6.30pm for cake and fizz, and then leave in groups of ten on an hour-long journey to discover scenes and characters from some of Shakespeare’s best loved plays and sonnets, hiding around the site. The Shakespeare Stroll takes place on Monday 23 April, widely believed to be Shakespeare’s birthday, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Tickets are available from the finance office for £2 each.


During January Kieran Gulifoyle and Adam Waterhouse took part in the Future Chef Competition held at The Vale Academy in Brigg. They took part in two rounds of cooking and were given two lists of ingredients, generously supplied by the Pink Pig Farm Shop, to create two different dishes to impress the judges, Sally from The Pink Pig Farm shop and Colin McGurran from the Michelin starred Winteringham Fields Restaurant. Both judges were very impressed with the standard of cooking from all the students involved. Adam came in fourth place cooking pork chops with an apple tart topping and Kieran just missed out on first place with his dish, fried pork fillet with a caramel apple sauce, carrot puree and chopped fried potatoes with bacon and onion. Colin was so impressed he also invited Kieran to cook with him at his kitchen at Winteringham Fields. Congratulations to both Adam and Kieran, and we’re sure we’ll be hearing more from both budding master chefs in the future.

SAFER INTERNET DAY Jake Oakes has already featured

in these pages a number of times, most recently for his selection as a youth delegate to the London Cyber Conference last year, representing the National Deaf Children’s Society. In February this year, he was asked to participate in Safer Internet Day, a series of focus groups and debates organised by the Department for Education. The event included industry members from the likes of Facebook, Google, Youtube and Vodafone amongst others, as well as the Children’s Minister Tim Loughton. Jake spoke about potential online health and safety issues for deaf children, and found the experience as a whole very interesting.

ART SUCCESS Olivia Windmill, an Art and Design student in Year 13, is delighted to have won the opportunity to have her work displayed in an exhibition at Hull College’s Park Street building. The photograph of a wave sculpture is available to view now.


n Tuesday 6 March, Ross Greene and Ran Dai of Year 9 and Natasha Franklin and Dominic Harley of Year 8 travelled to Newland School to compete in the regional heats of Maths Challenge against 13 other schools from across Hull, East Riding and Lincolnshire. They took part in four rounds solving logical mathematical puzzles and managed to accrue the highest total score across the rounds. As winners of the regional heat, they now have the chance to go to London in June to compete in the national Maths Challenge. We would like to offer our

congratulations to Ross, Ran, Natasha and Dominic for their success, and wish them the best of luck for the next round of the competition. Updates on their progress will appear on uk as well as in future issues of South Hunsley News.



ongratulations to Eddie Pearson, Jack Swatman, Harvey Walker and Jordan Key for their winning application to the 2012 Phone Brain competition. The team of Year 10 Business Studies students took up the challenge to come up with a mobile service or app to help their community. As well as testing their business and entrepreneurial skills the students had to employ ingenuity and creativity to come up with a workable idea. They designed the iSport cycling and walking route app to encourage young people to take more exercise on safe, well lit routes to help tackle obesity and reduce their carbon footprint. The team beat 150 entrants from across the country to reach the final at ITV’s London HQ where they pitched

their idea and business plan to a panel of experts from companies including 02 and PhonePay Plus. After a sensational sales pitch the boys secured the second prize and were rewarded with £450 plus business mentoring support for one year from Live UnLtd, the young social entrepreneurship support organisation, who will help turn their app idea into reality.



nnovation is a Young Enterprise Company made up of South Hunsley students that sells customised phone cases in a range of colours and phone types. Customers are able to design the back of their own case using the order form provided by the company. Sales are currently rising for the business and the students are working tremendously hard to complete all of their orders in record time. The team have attended a number of trade fairs over the last few months including the St Stephen’s Christmas Fair and The One Business Forum which was held at The Staff House at The University of Hull. They have also sold cases at Parents’

Evenings and school productions and have a number of other key events in their diaries which could increase sales further. Their most exciting project to date is an opportunity to send their designs to the Marketing Department at Hull City and Hull FC. The students have been asked by both clubs to send in their prototype designs of the club logos with the hope that they will stock them in club shops and sell them online if the designs meet current standards and expectations. The team will sent in their designs in March with the hope of securing orders from both clubs. If you would like to design and order your own customised phone case then please visit their website: http:// SOUTH HUNSLEY NEWS


Will Clark of South Hunsley Under 14 Football Squad goes for goal against Carlisle


nce again, students and teams from South Hunsley have been causing waves in the world of sport. Molly Storey competed in the Commonwealth Judo Championships

earlier in the year, and won the gold medal in the Cadet Division (for 14 – 16 year olds). Harry Simpson recently competed in international tennis competitions in France and Sweden,

making it through the qualifying rounds in both. He is currently ranked 117th in Europe for his age group. Danny James, of our Under 14 football team has been selected for the Welsh National Under 16 squad, and Saskia Koulikova has been selected to represent Great Britain at ice skating in Belgium in November. Jonny Beharrell and Matthew Jones represented the city of Hull in a national badminton tournament held at Milton Keynes National Badminton Centre. The team finished second overall, winning silver medals. Our Year 8 cricket team have made it to the finals of the Indoor Yorkshire Cricket Championships held at Headingley at the end of March, beating Driffield, Bridlington, South Holderness and Woldgate to get to there. Our Under 14 football squad beat Trinity School from Carlisle 6 – 1 at the end of February to get through to the semi finals of English Schools FA (ESFA) U14 National Trophy. Updates on the progress of all of our teams will appear in subsequent issues of South Hunsley News and also on our website, www.

::: OLYMPICS 2012

By Rosie Greenfield, Student Sport Ambassador o the countdown to the London prizes, certificates and competitions Olympics has begun and the planned and we’ve even managed to opening ceremony gets nearer by get Olympic values in there too. We’re the day. getting the local primary schools What can we do to get people excited about the 2012 games as well, excited for the biggest sporting running multi-skill sessions alongside event on earth? Well short of buying an Olympic themed assembly. Later in them all tickets to see Usain Bolt race the year we are running our very own the 100m we came up with ‘2012 torch relay for them to get involved challenges’. A bunch of fun sporting with and we’ve got a competition for activities based around the number them to design the torch that will be 2012, for example: ‘How long does it carried. take you to row 212m?’ or ‘How many There are so many exciting keepy-ups can you do in 2 minutes months ahead as the London games 12 seconds?’ We ran them over two draw nearer, hopefully by the 27 lunch times and had a great turn out July people will be fit to burst with for each. For each term we will run excitement for the forthcoming weeks different ‘2012 challenges’ and at the and won’t be able to wait for the gun end of the year we will have an overall of the first race, the whistle of the winner. first game or the splash from the first We’ve got plenty of other things dive. It’s a once in a lifetime event for planned to get people buzzing our generation, chances are it’s only about the Olympic Games, including going to be on British soil once in our cross-curriculum Olympic lessons on lifetime so we have to make the most World Sports Day. We’ve got loads of of this amazing sporting event.




onny Beharrell, sports captain for Year 9, has found success not only with football but has also recently excelled in cross country running. After winning a number of school races at the end of 2011, Jonny was placed sixth in the East Riding Schools competition and was picked to represent the East Riding. On Saturday 17 March, he ran in the final of the English School’s Cross Country Championship in Somerset. Unfortunately at the time of going to print we were unaware of the results, but they will be published on our website as soon as we have them.

After finishing third in a Kingston Upon Hull Athletics Club race on Beverley Westwood, Jonny was invited to enter the Humberside Athletics Championship, held at Quibell Park in Scunthorpe on Sunday 8 January. Finishing sixth against runners as much as two years older than himself, he then progressed to the UK County Championship in Birmingham, where he finished in 14 minutes - just 3 minutes behind the winner and current Scottish champion. We would like to offer our congratulations to Jonny, and wish him the best of luck in any future races.



onday 5 March marked the beginning of South Hunsley’s yearly winter interform competition. Run over a full week, Interform

gives students in all year groups the chance to represent their forms at a variety of sports, allowing students of all abilities to participate. The event

engenders a sense of camaraderie amongst form mates, and helps form groups to bond together and support each other.

Following a recent validation visit from the Youth Sport Trust, we were delighted to be awarded the status of a Gold Partner School. We have been awarded this in recognition of our commitment to maintaining and developing the highest quality outcomes for PE and sport. This award is a real accolade for our PE department and School Sport Partnership who work closely

together to support the delivery and development of PE and school sport locally to ensure our students have a high quality school sport experience. Over the next 2 years, we will now have regular access to sporting opportunities through the Youth Sport Trust and we are pleased that all our students will continue to benefit from the hard work of our sport staff at school.





Our People We are proud and happy to say we belong to South Hunsley and all of us, adults and students, believe that we can only thrive individually and as part of a community in a culture of respect, honesty and high aspiration. We seek to inspire each other and learn to value greatness, ambition and achievement of all kinds. To belong to our school is an honour and each of us aspires to reach a potential which is not limited by prescription or mediocrity but is given wings by creativity and a shared sense of purpose.

Our Structures We will structure our school to nurture talent and support individuals, groups and teams to become the exceptional, unique, diverse people we can all be. All our structures ensure that everyone shares a sense of belonging and common purpose; we feel safe enough to innovate and take risks, knowing that our fallibility can also be our strength. Within those structures everyone has an important role and function and our capacity to continue to be an Academy of Excellence is dependent on each of us fulfilling our role. Our school is rooted proudly in its highly successful past but will continue to be dynamic and forward looking and a place that enjoys the experience of today. The decisions that we make are guided by a strong sense of moral purpose and a commitment to create a sustainable environment for future generations.

Our Values We are a civilised community and positive personal relationships are an important feature of our school. We have a strong sense of our shared values; values by which we live and against which we are happy to measure ourselves and our school: • Learning, not only for purpose but for its own sake • The limitless potential of people • Striving for distinction and high achievement in everything we do

Through shared values and support we will inspire young people to thrive.

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