issue one - winter 2012 MOVING TO SOUTH HUNSLEY? Sixth Form College welcomes you STUDENT LEADERSHIP UPDATE Find out who your next leaders will be
Students get a feel for new subjects
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UCAS SUCCESS Find out about our Year 13 students on the road to university
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Taster Lessons go down a treat
Year 11 students try out new subjects It has been an exciting term for the Sixth Form College with plenty of things going on to keep our students and staff busy. Our Sixth Form open evening in November was a huge success, attracting many of our own Year 11 students as well as a large number from surrounding schools. Our Sixth Form ambassadors and student helpers were brilliant and the night would not have run as smoothly as it did had it not been for their hard work and enthusiasm. In this newsletter you can find out more about the transition from Year 11 into Year 12 for both South Hunsley students and those who will be joining us for the first time from a different school. There is also news on how our Year 13 students are getting on with their UCAS applications for university, and on page two you will find out who your next student leaders will be. Year 11 students will continue to receive information and advice about joining our Sixth Form over the coming weeks and months. We are holding a second Sixth Form event on the evening of Wednesday 23 January to give students from South Hunsley and other local schools another chance to see our facilities and chat with subject staff about your options. The event will take place upstairs in the Sixth Form building (the Lifelon g Learning Centre) and will run from 6.00pm until 8.00pm. We hope to see you there.
On Wednesday 5 December, Year 11 students had the chance to experience what some of their A Level courses will be like in a morning of taster lessons. These taster lessons were for subjects that are not currently studied at GCSE level. The lessons that students could attend were Economics, Government and Politics, Sociology, Law, Media Studies and Psychology. These subjects will all be brand new to our Year 11s if they choose to study them in Year 12, so these taster lessons provided a vital opportunity for them to get a feel for the subjects and to find out more about them before making their final choices. Don’t worry if you missed out on one of the lessons, there’s more information below and subject staff will be available on 23 January at our Sixth Form event.
“A vital opportunity for students to get a feel for the subjects and to find out more about them before making their final choices” Economics
The Economics A Level course covers modules on markets in action, the national and international economy, transport economics and the global economy and is an ideal course for students considering similar higher education courses or courses such as Business Studies, the social sciences or languages.
Government and Politics
This is our newest A Level course and has already proven to be a popular choice with students. Looking at the political systems of both the UK and America, students will get the chance to
visit New York and Washington in 2013 to support their learning.
Sociology This course will allow students to gain a wider understanding of society and how it works, leaving you with a new and different view of the world around you and a useful qualification for careers in law, social welfare and the public sector.
Law The A Level in Law is regarded as a qualifying subject by universities offering law and non law related degrees. It provides a good basis for social sciences, criminology, and any of the caring professions or teaching, and can also lead to other law related careers such as solicitors, barristers, legal secretaries.
Media Studies The Media Studies course reflects the fast paced, exciting and ever changing world of media and next year students will get the chance to experience this first hand with a trip to New York. Both the theory and practical elements are taught in our purpose built, modern Media Music Suite. Students go on to study degrees in many arts, English and media related subjects such as journalism, marketing, advertising and broadcasting.
Psychology Psychology is an increasingly popular subject and if you have an enquiring mind and an interest in people and the way they behave, this course could be for you. There are future opportunities in many areas of life such as personal development, relationships, health, sport, education and business.
I went to the Sociology taster lesson which I really enjoyed. Before I went I didn’t really know much about the course or the subject but was interested in maybe taking it next year. The lesson really helped me learn more about it and it’s definitely made me want to stay at South Hunsley and study it as one of my A Levels next year. We were shown different scenarios and how people react differently to different situations, which was really interesting.
Year 11 Student
Year 11 Student
The taster lesson for Media Studies was really interesting and we were told everything we needed to know about the A Level course. We had an example of a Year 12 lesson to help give us an idea as to what it will be like if we study it next year, and there was the opportunity to ask lots of questions about anything we were unsure of. Attending the taster lesson has definitely inspired me to study it next year now.
I went to the Sociology and Government and Politics taster lessons and I thought they were both really interesting. I’m really glad I went to them because it gave me an insight into what I’ll be doing in the Sixth Form. In Sociology we were told about what we will be studying and learning about, and in Government and Politics, we did a mock lesson so it was like we were in Year 12. I’ve been talking to my parents and I’ve already decided that I want to study them both here next year.
Drum Roll Please...
Your new Student Leaders have been chosen
Katherine, Matthew, Elle and Alex During these last few weeks of term the application process for the next group of Student Leaders has been underway, and with a record number of Year 12 students applying this year, what was already going to be a tough decision was made all the more difficult. Seven students applied for the position of Head Boy and ten students for Head Girl. As usual, it was a very close competition but after much deliberation, we are pleased to announce Matthew Johnson as Head Boy, Elle Limbert as Head Girl, Alex Kaniewski as Deputy Head Boy and Katherine Bradley as Deputy Head Girl.
Moving to South Hunsley? At South Hunsley, we try to make the transition from Year 11 into Year 12 as smooth as possible for everyone. This applies to those students who have been with us since Year 7, as well as those who are joining us for the first time from another secondary school. Amber started at South Hunsley in Year 12 having previously attended Hull Collegiate and explains her experience of moving to a different sixth form college.
Applying for these roles is a long and rigorous process. Students must first formally submit their applications along with a reference from one of their teachers. They then deliver a speech to their fellow Year 12 students in assembly to explain their reasons for applying and why they would be the best person for the role. Next comes the applicant selection day which takes place in early December. Applicants took part in a group task with the Deputy Head Boy and Girl and then had a formal interview with the current Head Boy and Girl, Mr Jacobs, Mrs Richardson and a governor. The applicants find out at the end of this day who has been successful and will be leading the school council the following year.
When I first came to look around South Hunsley I can admit that I was a nervous wreck. I moved to South Hunsley Sixth Form from a different secondary school without anyone I knew, but as soon as I had my first tour of the Sixth Form
Matthew, Elle, Alex and Katherine will now spend the next few months shadowing our current student leaders before the official hand over in the summer term. As well as these four roles, there are a number of other leadership positions available to Sixth Form students and many opportunities for students to become involved with the school council. Echo has gone from strength to strength over recent years and the hard work of our student leaders really does make a difference to school life. We have no doubt that the council will continue to flourish as a new group of inspirational leaders takes to the fold.
I instantly loved it. Everyone I spoke to on the open evening was so friendly and welcoming and I chose South Hunsley partly because of this homely atmosphere I experienced at first glance. The great A Level results were a big plus too and I was drawn to the Sixth Form for this reason as well. They made my transition as smooth as possible for me which soon answered all my questions. I remember my very first induction day and meeting some of my friends for the first time and how I seemed to instantly get along with them; everyone put me at ease straight away and I couldn’t thank them enough for this. I have not been at South Hunsley for very long but already I feel like I am part of a big family and it has given me more determination to succeed in my exams.
UCAS Applications Impress
Students get thumbs up from universities Year 13 students have spent the past few months working hard on their personal statements and UCAS applications for university, and it appears the hard work has paid off as offers are already flooding in for many of our students. Mrs Dow has continued to work closely with our Sixth Form students in a capacity that allows them to benefit from her deep understanding and broad knowledge of the university application system. Her initial involvement is with the early entry students; students applying to Oxford and Cambridge or for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science courses. These places are very competitive and Mrs Dow spends time with these specific students preparing them for potential interviews and ensuring their applications are just right.
“We ensure all students receive the necessary support to help them present themselves in the best possible way, giving them every chance to attend the universities of their choice.” MRS DOW For these early entry students, applications must be submitted by 15 October and there is an extensive programme of support for them throughout the two years of sixth form. An early applicant group is established at the beginning of Year 12 and anyone is able to attend these meetings; if an individual has the potential and determination to succeed, the staff at South Hunsley will support and encourage them throughout.
A student who has just been through the process had this to say: “As an early applicant, the Sixth Form College has done nothing but support and encourage me over the course of my time at South Hunsley. In the crucial stages of application, the staff, particularly Mrs Dow and the form tutors, readily made themselves available to support the students; be it mock interviews, entrance exam preparation or simply an informal ‘chat’. An early applicant will never feel alone or unsupported at this time.” For other students applying to university, the deadline is 15 January 2013. We encourage students to try and submit their applications earlier than this date because there is no doubt that the sooner universities receive the applications, the quicker they send out their offers. Nearly 120 students have successfully sent off their applications so far and we are thrilled so many have received their offers already. Mrs Dow explains the support on offer to our Sixth Form students: “We help every student write their personal statement and ensure that it is absolutely right, and their completed application forms are checked, checked, checked and checked again. We offer advice to students to ensure that they match their course choices to their qualifications and that they are choosing the right universities. The application is submitted and when the universities receive it, they see an applicant who not only qualifies for their course, but also has the personal statement and reference to back it up. Every application is thoroughly checked a number of times by the form tutor, Mr Jacobs and myself, and we ensure all students receive the necessary support to help them present themselves in the best possible way, giving them every chance to attend the universities of their choice.”
I found the overall UCAS process really efficient and I have already received offers from every university I applied to to study Business with Economics. The personal statement without a doubt is the hardest part about the application – you need to make yourself stand out amongst thousands of other students to get the offer you want. This is something you CANNOT write in an hour or two but luckily there are plenty of members of staff to support you. Your application goes first to your form tutor, then to Mr Jacobs, and then the whole application gets followed through by Mrs Dow who checks everything one more time. The feedback and suggestions for the personal statement from all the staff involved is invaluable as they know exactly what universities are looking for.
EMMA HODSON Year 13 Student
I found UCAS a simple yet thorough process which enabled me to apply to any university of my choice, providing me with endless options and opportunities. I have chosen to study Law and within only two weeks of completing the UCAS process, I received four out of five offers from my choices. I currently have offers from the University of Kent, University of Liverpool, University of Lincoln and Northumbria University which has demonstrated how fast and successful this process can be. Throughout I had regular access to assistance from staff who were always happy to aid me with any queries I had, leaving me with an application I was happy and confident with.
Sixth Form Tours
Students catch a glimpse of sixth form life HANNAH COLE Year 12 Student Ambassador
We took the Year 11 students round all the areas of the sixth form to give them a feel of what it will be like and we told them about our personal experiences of the transition into Year 12.
Towards the end of November, a number of our Year 12 Student Ambassadors took every Year 11 form group on a grand tour of the Sixth Form to give them an insight into what life as a Sixth Form student is like. The tours included a look around the newly expanded Learning Resource Centre, the Senior Common Room, the Sixth Form Café and the recently refurbished Common Room, all of which are for use exclusively by our Sixth Form students.
independent study in a quiet learning environment. It has recently been expanded to provide students with an additional area where they can complete group work.
The tours also gave the Year 11 students a great opportunity to hear from Sixth Form students who have recently experienced the move up into Year 12 themselves, and can therefore offer first hand advice on what to expect. Moving up into the Sixth Form can often appear slightly daunting to Year 11s, so as well as providing a brief overview of the facilities available to our students, the ambassadors were also on hand to answer any questions and queries the Year 11s might have about the transition process.
“The ambassadors were on hand to answer any questions and queries the Year 11s might have about the transition process.”
It’s not a problem if you haven’t had a tour, our Sixth Form event on 23 January is based in our Sixth Form building and there’s more detail on our facilities below.
Learning Resource Centre The spacious LRC has over 100 PCs and is open to students from 8.30am5.00pm. It is an ideal place to complete
Senior Common Room The sixth form common room can become very busy at times and the introduction of a senior common room is a way of allowing Year 13 students to continue to work on their A2 subjects in a quiet and select space.
Sixth Form Café There is now additional space for seating in this popular café where a wide variety of hot and cold drinks and tasty snacks and meals are served daily from 8.30am – 3.00pm.
Sixth Form Common Room The Common Room has been refurbished and is now more of a social area for students to relax and spend time with friends. There are some desks for students to work at but soft furnishings and more bistro-style seating has also been introduced.
We showed them aspects that they might not have seen already, such as an actual timetable of sixth form lessons and a study plan, just so they know what to expect. We told them how the jump from Year 11 to Year 12 is easily achievable, especially if they listen to all the advice from the teachers. Overall, I think the tours really helped them as they got to speak to sixth form students and hear what it is actually like from the people who have just been through it. They were asking us lots of questions and it was great to be able to share our experiences and give them advice – it really made me realise how far I have come since being in their position just a year ago.
TOM NENDICK Year 11 Student
Prior to our tour of the Sixth Form, I was intending on staying at South Hunsley for my A Levels anyway, although I did have some questions about the Sixth Form and how it works. The student ambassadors took us around the common room, the cafeteria and the computer labs, and did a very good job of explaining how Sixth Form works and the type of routine we were likely to have to follow as a Sixth Form student. After the tour, I have only increased my expectations of South Hunsley Sixth Form and can’t wait to start here after my GCSEs.
The Next Steps...
The South Hunsley Sixth Form Application Process for 2013
Internal Applicants January
Wednesday 23: Sixth Form Event and Careers Evening
Friday 1: Deadline for South Hunsley Sixth Form College applications and final completion of online applications (PD Day) Monday 4 - Friday: Progression interviews with SLT
Area Leaders check subject suitability and discuss with students. Options blocks drawn up using interview data Conditional offers made.
Letter to students/parents confirming options including invite to induction lessons
Thursday 11: Parents’ meeting
Wednesday 23: Sixth Form Event and Careers Evening
Monday 15 – Wednesday 17: Induction lessons
Wednesday 17: Deadline for options changes prior to enrolment
External Applicants
Thursday 22: Results day & Enrolment
Friday 1: Deadline for applications. You can apply online through our website or by phoning up and requesting an application form
Area Leaders check subject suitability. Options blocks drawn up using application data. Conditional offers made
Letter to students/parents confirming options including invite to induction lessons
Thursday 11: Parents’ meeting Friday 12: External Applicants’ Orientation Morning Monday 15 – Wednesday 17: Induction lessons Wednesday 17: Deadline for options changes prior to enrolment
Thursday 22: Results day & Enrolment
Thursday 25: External Applicants’ Information Evening
If you would like to discuss your options or would like to arrange a tour of the Sixth Form please contact
Join us at our Sixth Form Event Wednesday 23 January 2013 6.00pm - 8.00pm Come along to chat to subject staff and find out why we are one of the most successful and popular Sixth Forms in the East Riding. 07
East Dale Road, Melton, North Ferriby, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU14 3HS 01482 631208