SRC Autumn Classic Show

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9 ABOUT OUR AUTUMN CLASSIC SHOW In 2021, Southlands Riding Club and the Vancouver Pony Club collaborated on this three-day show in support of both not-for-profit organizations. Due to the tremendous success of this show, we will be offering it again as a collaborative venture in 2022! What makes this show different is the huge amount of volunteerism, especially from Pony Club members, their parents, siblings and grandparents. As well, a number of special awards will be offered at this show exclusively for current Pony Club members. WANT TO SUPPORT THIS SPECIAL SHOW? Sponsorship opportunities available at all levels - go to for a link or contact

• Horse trailers and other vehicles are to enter and exit the property using the gates located along 53rd Avenue (see yellow circles above) OR Macdonald (beside indoor arena).


Move-in and Move-out Reminders

• Trailers remaining on-site for duration of show may park between the track and the fenceline along 53rd avenue (signage and volunteers will provide directions).

• The licensed Clubhouse has hot and cold beverages - including espresso beverages, wine and beer - snacks and light fare (pre-packaged yogurt parfaits, sandwiches, salads, etc.) available for purchase during Show Office hours.

• RV’s and trailers with electrical hook-up bookings are to enter the property from the gate near Carnarvon on 53rd avenue and proceed east along the track to their designated spot; please park on an angle as indicated; exit from gate closest to the indoor when leaving the show.

• Once unloaded, please park all vehicles outside of the property; parking for vehicles is available to the east of the Covered Arena (semi-circular drive), along 53rd Avenue (south side of street) and Macdonald Street (east side; north of 53rd)

• Clubhouse parking lot is for show staff and volunteers only. Food and Beverages


Management: The Horse Show Management reserves the right to interpret all questions and conditions in regard to, arising out of, or incident to the Southlands Horse Shows without claims for damages or recourse of any kind. All questions not covered by these rules and regulations shall be decided by the Horse Show Management and their decision is final. The Horse Show Management reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally, or to cancel any entries, disqualify riders/exhibitors, prohibit claim damages; to change any course, cancel or combine unfilled classes, or to reschedule classes, after due notice to exhibitors; to change rings or rotate judges, and to change specifications in jumper classes.

BCHJA Points: All of the aforementioned shows are British Columbia Hunter Jumper Association (BCHJA) point shows.

The following shows is sanctioned as a Gold & Bronze-level competition by EC:


Rules and Regulations: The following shows are sanctioned as Bronze-level competitions by Equestrian Canada (11 Hines Road, Suite 201, Ottawa, Ontario, K2K 1X1):

• Southlands 2022 Season Welcomer Southlands Autumn Classic Show

• Southlands Spring Classic Show Every class offered herein is covered by the rules and specifications of the current rules of Equestrian Canada (EC) and will be held and judged in accordance with the EC Rule Book.


Drug Testing & Fees: Every entry will pay a drug testing fee that is set by - and remitted to in full - Equestrian Canada (EC). Any horse entered

Membership cards must be presented at check in or copies sent with entry forms. ENTER ONLINE AT HORSESHOWTIME.COM

Payment Options: By credit card (VISA or MasterCard), debit, cash or Club account (for Club members in good standing only).

Add/Scratches/Change Policy: Every entry will pay a flat fee add/scratch/change fee.

Refunds: (1) CANCELLATION BEFORE THE CLOSING DATE = full refund. (2) CANCELLATION AFTER CLOSING DATE BUT BEFORE THE START OF THE HORSE SHOW = stall fees NOT refunded; upon presentation of a Vet Slip to the entry secretary all entry fees, exhibitor fees, and warm-up fees will be refunded, minus an office fee of $25 or 15% whichever is greater.

Substitutions: With a veterinarian’s certificate, a new horse may be substituted for a scratched horse with a $25.00 substitution fee; all monies transferred to the new horse.

No additional fee for adds made in the office in writing by 5:00pm the day before the class. Classes added the day of will be charged the cost of the class plus a late fee and where there is a posted order-of-go, these exhibitors must go first in the order. Scratching/changing a class at the gate will not constitute an official scratch/change; scratches and changes MUST be made in the office before the start of the class for a refund. NO adds or changes once the class starts. Competitors that go into a class without in entering will pay double the fee of the class.


12 Entry Procedure: For each horse entered, please complete a separate entry form to include: owner and rider information (entries may be made in the name of a farm/stable provided the name is registered with EC), requested membership numbers, signatures, payment for: classes entered, stabling or haul-in fees, exhibitor fees, drug fees, warm-up fees and GST.

Numbers: One number is assigned to each horse and must be worn and clearly visible at all times when outside of stabling area, including warm-up rings. No number will be issued unless all fees have been paid.

Hors Concours: EC Article G201.3. No horse or pony will be allowed to show “hors concours” in any hunter or equitation classes or divisions. EC Article G501. (1) Hors Concours entries in Jumper classes may only be accepted at the Competition Committee’s discretion but are subject to the same rules as a regular entry. Hors Concours may not participate in any jumpoffs. (2) A horse or pony that has competed “Hors Concours” is not permitted to be judged in the same ring on the same day. A horse or pony may only compete “Hors Concours” once in the same ring on the same day.

Post Entries: Entries received after the start of the show will pay a fee of $35.00 and be subject to all add/scratch fees.

Entry forms are available on the Southlands Riding Club website at: Email entries to: Drop off to: Southlands Riding Club 7025 Macdonald Street Vancouver, BC V6N 1G2

(3) CANCELLATION AFTER THE START OF THE HORSE SHOW = upon presentation of a vet slip to the entry secretary, class fees for classes not yet shown in will be refunded, minus a $25 or 15% fee whichever is greater. Stall and exhibitor fees will not be refunded.

Combined Divisions: Divisions with less than four (4) entries may be combined. One championship or high-point may be awarded per combined division at the Competition Committees discretion.

Barn Bills & Trainer Splits: Trainers requiring barn bills must set them up at the beginning of the horse show with a credit card or open cheque. Trainer splits must be done by no later than Saturday at noon. in any class at a competition may be selected for equine medication control while at the event location.

Prizes: Prize for winner of all classes. Prize for Champion and Reserve Champion in each division with a minimum of four (4) competitors; must participate in all division classes to be eligible. Ribbons to 6th unless otherwise specified. Prize money will be divided as follows unless otherwise specified: 1st = 30%, 2nd= 23%, 3rd = 15%, 4th = 12%, 5th = 10%, 6th = 10%. Prize money paid in Canadian funds and applied as a credit to the appropriate account with anything owing deducted. The remaining prize money will be paid to the owner listed on the entry form unless other arrangements have been made. Prize money will be mailed within 30 days of the close of competition.

Stabling & Clean Out: Portable stalls available on the grounds at a cost of $185.00 per stall plus GST, including four (4) bags of shavings. Tack stalls are available at $155.00 plus GST

per stall on a limited basis. Allocation of stabling is on a first-come-first-served basis. Stabling opens at 9:00am on the day prior to warm-up day. A $50.00 clean-stall deposit must accompany each horse AND tack stall booked; if stall is broom-swept clean upon departure (including all hay, garbage, etc.) AND the office is notified, the deposit fee will not be charged. Additional shavings may be purchased from the Show Office during show hours. Barns or exhibitors requiring early arrival, please call Nayda at 604-839-8292 to make arrangements.

Memberships: All owners, riders, lessees and trainers must be current members of Horse Council of British Columbia (HCBC) and hold a minimum Equestrian Canada (EC) Bronze membership OR EC Gold membership if competing in Gold classes (June and July only). HCBC and Bronze-EC memberships may be purchased at the horse show office; Gold must be purchased in advance. For competitors wishing to work toward year-end BCHJA awards all coaches and riders must hold current memberships.

• Junior “B” – a rider who is 12, 13, or 14 on January 1, 2022.

• Junior “A” – a rider who is 15, 16, or 17 on January 1, 2022.

Entered & Did Not Compete: Any exhibitor who does not compete in a class in which the exhibitor is officially entered, and does not scratch according to the scratch procedures outlined earlier will be billed for the classes without exception.


Horse Recordings: Mandatory for all horses and ponies competing in EC Gold-rated classes/divisions only. If a Horse Recording or EC National Passport cannot be produced, the person responsible must complete a Temporary Horse Registration form and pay the associated fee. In the case of ponies eight years or over competing in EC Gold-rated classes or divisions, the owner must enter a statement as to whether the pony is small, medium or large and this must also be signed and dated (see Article A11). For ponies under the age of eight, see Article A1104, Temporary Measurement Forms. Where applicable, the pony measurement forms must be in the possession of the owner/lessee and available to competition management or stewards.

Junior Ages: Exhibitors are juniors until the end of calendar year in which they turn 18 (Article G1006.2)

Manure & Waste: Manure must be placed in the designated area. Trash and recycling must be kept separate from manure and placed in appropriate receptacles. Please notify a Club staff or show official if waste receptacles in your area require attention.

Dress/Attire: Exhibitors must be properly dressed in the confines of the arena. This includes the inspection of the course and presentation of prizes. Black or brown smooth leather half chaps are permissible providing they match the boot colour. In jumper competitions, open-neck polo shirts are allowed. No sweatshirts, t-shirts, tank tops or other similar dress will be permitted. Shirts must be neatly tucked into riding breeches. See Article G109.2.


Earphones, Earbuds & Cellphones: Earphones, earbuds and all other electronic communication devices are strictly prohibited in the competition arena, and use is penalized by elimination. The use of one earphone/earbud is allowed while mounted elsewhere on the grounds. When mounted, only hands-free communication is permitted at Southlands Riding Club.

Protective Head-wear: At all EC-sanctioned competitions, anyone mounted on a horse on the grounds, including foreign competitors, must wear approved helmets with harness correctly fastened, at all times. Junior competitors jogging any horse for soundness in a class must wear properly fitted approved protective headgear with safety harness correctly secured at all times. All persons on Southlands Riding Club property must wear an approved helmet while lunging.

• Junior “C” – a rider who is 11 or under on January 1, 2022.

Horse Show Office: The horse show office will be open on warm-up day from 8:00am to 6:00pm. On show days, the office opens one hour prior to the start of the first class and will remain open until 30 minutes following the final class of the day.

Conflicts: Riders are not limited to how many horses they may ride per class. If a rider foresees a scheduling problem they need to consult the Competition Manager or Ring Coordinator. Management’s decision will be final. In the event a rider has multiple horses (no more than 2) remaining at the end of a class, both horses should be in the vicinity of the ring and the rider will be given 5 minutes to warm up and enter the ring with each horse. If the horses are not in the warm-up area, the judge will be instructed to pin the class.

Check-out Procedure: Show bills may not be disputed after the show office closes on the final day of the event. Please check your bill PRIOR to leaving the show. Credit cards on file will be billed at end of show; if payment is declined there will be a $50.00 NSF fee charged.

Ring Dimensions & Footing: See division information on following pages for details on footing and ring sizes.


Concussions, Accidents & Return to Play: In the event of a fall/accident where a concussion can be reasonably suspected, the competitor must receive medical clearance by qualified medical personnel on site before continuing to compete. The competitor is solely responsible for ensuring the on site medical assessment takes place. Should a competitor refuse to be evaluated, they will be disqualified from the competition.

Schooling & Warm-up Rules: All EC sanctioned competitors are required to use current FEI Schooling Rules (refer to Chapter 8, FEI Rules, Article 201 and Annex A).

Eliminations: The “2 Refusal Elimination Rule” in all jumper, hunter and equitation classes is followed at Southlands Riding Club. Jumpers will be scored under FEI Table A Article 238.2.2 unless otherwise specified. The competitor has the right to jump a single obstacle after retiring or after being eliminated provided that the obstacle is part of the course of the current competition (this does not apply to elimination resulting from a fall).

Falls: In the case of a fall of an Athlete anywhere within the grounds of the event during the hours of competition operation, the Athlete must be checked by the Competition’s medical service, before the Athlete may continue to compete in the next round or Competition. The competitor is solely responsible for ensuring the onsite medical assessment takes place. This rule is applicable to all competitors (including foreign) at EC -sanctioned events and applies to falls/accidents that occur at the event location. Jumpers: In the event of a fall of an Athlete and/or Horse at any time from the moment the Athlete/Horse combination enters the Competition arena up until the moment they cross the starting line in the correct direction, whether or not the signal to start has been given, the combination will not be permitted to start in the round or Competition in question and the bell must be rung accordingly, the 45-seconds countdown will not be interrupted. In case of a fall before crossing the start line, score will be recorded DNS.

If on site qualified medical personnel suspect a concussion or believe the competitor may be at risk of concussion due to the nature of the fall or impact, the competitor will be suspended from competition and placed on a Medical Suspension List until medically released. Competitors will remain on the EC Medical Suspension List until they submit an EC Return to Play Form, signed by a licensed physician, to EC. No competitor shall compete at EC sanctioned competitions while on the EC Medical Suspension List and competition organizers may refuse entry to anyone currently on the list.

Haul-in Fee: Horses trailering in and out must pay a haul-in fee of $20.00 per horse per day (SRC members are exempt from this fee).

BioSecurity: Southlands Riding Club is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all exhibitors and their horses. All horses are required to have a BioSecurity Form (located online and at back of Prize List) submitted to the show office prior to receiving their competition number. All show participants are requested to practice good disease prevention practices. Traveling and showing horses are at an increased risk for contracting and spreading contagious diseases. All horses entering the show ground must not have been in contact with any sick horses within the last 15 days. Any horse that has been sick or exposed to an infectious disease within the last 15 days must have their attending veterinarian contact the Southlands Riding Club veterinarian prior to entry to the show grounds. All horses while on the show ground are expected to have their temperatures taken and recorded on a daily basis during the show. Please have temperature records available upon request. We ask that any horse with a rectal temperature above 38.5 C (101.8 F) be reported to show management and/ or show veterinarian immediately. The show veterinarian will examine any horses with an elevated temperature or other signs of illness prior to being allowed to show. Any horse identified to have or is suspected of having a contagious disease will be removed to the isolation area. We ask that braiders/grooms/ riders use the hand sanitizers, provided in the stall area after handling any horse. Please avoid any direct or indirect contact between horses, in particular nose to nose contact and use of any common feed/ drinking buckets. The early detection of any contagious disease is the key to prevention of a disease outbreak. Thanks for your cooperation.

Non-Showing Fee: There will be a $50.00 fee for all horses not entered in any classes at the competition. This non-showing fee allows use of the warm-up rings. All non-showing horses are required to sign the entry waiver and wear a number. Show Management reserves the right to refuse stabling for nonshowing horses in the event of a wait list.

Farrier: A farrier will be on-call for warmup day and competition days. Contact information will be posted in the stabling area, at the gates and in the show office.

Equestrian Canada Entry Agreement: Per Article A801, every entry at a Southlands Riding Club competition shall constitute an agreement by the person responsible that the owner, lessee, trainer, manager, agent, coach or rider and horse shall be subject to the EC constitution and all rules of EC and any additional rules set by the competition. It is the responsibility of all individuals participating in any capacity in EC-sanctioned competitions to be knowledgeable regarding the EC constitution and the applicable rules of EC and the additional rules, if any, imposed by the competition. Do not participate in this EC- sanctioned competition in any capacity if you do not consent to be bound by the constitution and rules of EC and any additional rules imposed by the competition.


Dogs: Must be on a non-retractable leash on the show grounds. No dogs in the schooling or show arenas at any time.

RV Parking: Limited electrical-only hook-up for camping available at a cost of $185.00 per show plus GST. Please call the Club Office at 604-263-4817 to make arrangements. Dry camping is available at no charge but must be prearranged with the Club Office.


Vaccinations: All horses attending Equestrian Canada sanctioned competitions must have met the requirements of Article A519, Vaccinations. See Rules of Equestrian Canada, Section A, General Regulations, Article A519.

Statement of Principles: Equestrian Canada, the national equestrian federation of Canada, supports adherence to the humane treatment of horses in all activities under its jurisdiction. Equestrian Canada is committed to: upholding the welfare of all horses, regardless of value, as a primary consideration in all activities;requiring that horses be treated with kindness, respect and compassion, and that they never be subjected to mistreatment; ensuring that owners, trainers and exhibitors, or their agents, use responsible care in the handling,treatment and transportation of their own horses as well as horses placed in their care for any purpose; providing for the continuous well-being of horses by encouraging routine inspection and consultation with health care professionals and competition officials to achieve the highest possible standards of nutrition, health, comfort and safety as a matter of standard operating procedure; providing current information on Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Equines and other equine health and welfare initiatives; continuing to support scientific studies on equine health and welfare; requiring owners, trainers and exhibitors to know and follow their sanctioning organization’s rules, and to work within industry regulations in all equestrian competition; and reviewing, revising and developing competition rules and regulations that protect the welfare of the Thehorse.standard by which conduct or treatment will be measured is that which a person, informed and experienced in generally accepted equine training and exhibition procedures, would determine to be neither cruel, abusive, nor inhumane.


** NEW IN 2022 ** When registering for EC sanctioned competitions, athletes must indicate the name of their coach on the entry form or specify that they are Coachesselfcoached.fromother countries, must be in good-standing with their home federation and must declare/have proof of insurance. (See Rules of Equestrian Canada, Section A, General Regulations, Article 102, Safe Sport Environments.)

The Person Responsible (PR) must sign the competition entry form. The PR must be an EC Sport License holder in good standing OR, in the case of junior entries, a parent/guardian is entitled to sign as PR (Article A213.2). In the case of USEF member entries PR must be a USEF member in good standing.

Condition of Entry: As a condition of acceptance of entry, exhibitors give Southlands Riding Club an irrevocable right and permission to publish, market, transfer, assign, or otherwise make use of any photographs, likeness, films, broadcasts, audiotapes or videotapes taken of horse(s) and exhibitors while on the grounds, so long as the use does not jeopardize amateur status. Exhibitors further expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use of photographs, likeness, films, broadcasts, audiotapes or videotapes, including any claims for invasion of privacy, rights of publicity, misappropriation, or libel.



• Championships awarded in all divisions with a minimum of three riders; where there are fewer than three riders, ribbons may be awarded only OR divisions combined.

Walk Trot Division

RING SCHEDULE: On Friday, Saturday and Sunday this ring will start at 11:00am SHARP and will not be held for late arrivals. Assisted Walk-Trot Division For beginner riders. To work at walk and trot only with assistance. Side walker/leader must be at least 12 years of age. No cross-entry permitted in any other division at this show. 497 a/b/c. Assisted Walk-Trot Hunter under Saddle 498 a/b/c. Assisted Walk-Trot Equitation under Saddle 499 a/b/c. Assisted Walk-Trot Equitation over Poles (2 poles)


SCHOOLING: Friday, September 9th from 10:00am -11:00am in the Indoor Arena (sand/GGT footing); numbers are required and only those entered in this ring may school in this ring. Fences set to a maximum of 2’; coaches to adjust heights for their riders.

For beginner riders. To work at walk and trot only without assistance. 500. a/b/c. Walk Trot 10 & under 501. a/b/c. Walk Trot 11-17 502. a/b/c. Walk Trot 18 and over

• Judge may excuse pony/horse at any time while in the arena for safety reasons.


• All riders MUST be able to ride independently (no handlers or side walkers permitted) except in the Assisted Walk-Trot Division.

• Braiding is optional; horses and ponies will not be jogged; hors concours rounds not permitted.

• Classes 500, 505 and 510 are open to all riders and do NOT count toward division awards.

For riders in their first or second year of showing and/or who have never shown over fences at a height greater than 18”. To work at walk, trot and canter on the flat. Trotting on course is permitted and will not be penalized for scoring purposes. May cross enter into 18” divisions 506.rings.a/b/c.


Trot-Pole Division

Cross-Rail Division

For beginner riders. To work at walk and trot only without assistance. Must be able to trot the courses. No cross-entry permitted in any other division at this show other than cross-rail division. 503. a/b/c. Trot Pole Hunter 504. a/b/c. Trot Pole Equitation 505. a/b/c. Trot Pole U/S

Cross Rail Hunter 507. a/b/c. Cross Rail Equitation 508. a/b/c. Cross Rail U/S FENCES – 18” 509. a/b/c. 18” Hunter (Open to all riders) 510. a/b/c. 18” Rider Equitation 511. a/b/c. 18” Rider U/S 512. a/b/c. 18” Rider Equitation - Flat FENCES – 2’0” 513. a/b/c. 2’0” Schooling Hunter (Open to all riders) 514. a/b/c. 2’0” Schooling Hunter Jr./Am 515. a/b/c. 2’0” Rider Equitation 516. a/b/c. 2’0” Rider U/S 517. a/b/c. 2’0” Rider Equitation – Flat Robyn Cowan Photography



HUNTER WARM-UP (outdoor sand ring)

• Hacking in sand hunter ring permitted until 30 minutes prior to first class of the day.\

Training Pony Hunter


• Braiding is optional, but recommended.

• Horses and ponies will not be jogged.

SAND HUNTER RING (EC-Bronze licence required) Note: Last class # is under saddle

SCHOOLING HUNTER 2’0” Open to all horses & ponies. No oxers.

GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: • FEI schooling and warm-up rules apply. No horse or pony will be allowed to show ‘hors concours’ in any hunter class.

NO OXERS Open to all ponies ridden by a junior exhibitor. Small – 2’0”, medium – 2’3”, large – 2’6” and ponies. No rider/ horse combination may cross enter with any class or division over 2’9” at this show. Adults are permitted to ride ponies in miscellaneous non-point classes not limited to juniors and non-judged warm-up rounds. Adult Amateurs are permitted to show large ponies in adult amateur classes or division. A pony shown by an adult in judged Hunter/Equitation classes may not then be shown in judged Hunter/Equitation classes ridden by a junior in that competition.

2’0” (s) 2’3” (m) 2’6” (l) 33, 34, 35, 36 $35

2’0” 1, 2, 3, 4 $30 JR/AM BEGINNER HUNTER 2’0” Open to all horses & ponies that have not shown over 2’9” at any show. No rider restriction. No oxers 2’0” 5, 6, 7, 8 $30

Thursday, September 8th from 12:00pm - 6:30pm in the sand hunter ring

Division Height Class #’s FeeClass

• Fences will be 2’3” - 2’6” (crew available to assist with height changes) Cost of ticket: $30.00 for the day Must wear your back number (number worn will be charged)



Pre-Child/Pre-Adult Hunter - BCHJA BRONZE-CIRCUIT QUALIFIER Open to Junior riders. No cross entry into any hunter, equitation for jumper class over 2’9’(0.85m) at the same show. Horses & ponies are NOT restricted. Distances will not be changed for ponies. 2’6” 25, 26, 27, 28 $35

BCHJA BRONZE-CIRCUIT QUALIFIER A Baby Green Hunter is a horse of any age in its 1st year of showing over fences. No Cross entry with any class over 2’9”. Fences to 2’6” 2’6” 17, 18, 19, 20 $35


Note: Last class # is under saddle Short Stirrup Pony Hunter 2’3”

Modified Child/Adult Hunter BCHJA BRONZE-CIRCUIT QUALIFIER Open to Junior & Amateur riders. No cross entry into any class Over 3’0” (0.90m) at the same horse show. Horses are NOT restricted. Fences 2’9” 2’9” 29, 30, 31, 32 $35

Baby Green Hunter

BCHJA BRONZE-CIRCUIT QUALIFIER This division is designed for junior beginner pony riders. No cross entry rider with any class or division over 2’6” at this horse show. Riders may not cross entry into rated pony division. Ponies are not restricted. No oxers. 2’3” 9, 10, 11, 12 $35

NOVICE RIDER HUNTER 2’6” Open to all riders who have not won 3 first place ribbons at an EC Gold or Silver Rated Show at 3’0” and over. Fences 2’6”. 2’6” 21, 22, 23 ,24 $35

SHORT/LONG STIRRUP HUNTER 2’3” - BCHJA BRONZECIRCUIT QUALIFIER This division is designed for junior beginner riders. No rider may cross enter with any class or division over 2’6” at this horse show. Riders may not cross entry into rated pony division. Distances will not be changed for ponies. Horses and ponies are not restricted. No oxers 2’3” 13, 14, 15, 16 $35

Division Height Class #’s Class Fee

Division Height Class #’s Class Fee

3’0” 57, 58, 59, 60 $35

See G303 for specs. Indicate 1st or 2nd year on entry form. 3’3”3’0” 41, 42, 43, 44 $35

Open to horses ridden by junior exhibitors. Riders may not show in any class in which the hunter and jumper fences are over 3’3” (1.00m) at the same horse show. Riders may not enter any hunter equitation or hunter medal classes over 3’3” or jumper equitation or jumper medal classes over 3’3” at the same horse show. If eligible, horses may be ridden by another exhibitor in hunter or jumper divisions over 3’3” (1.00m). Fences 3’0”. Article G307 3’0” 37, 38, 39, 40 $35

Performance Hunter 3’3” Open to all horses and riders. 3’3” 45, 46, 47, 48 $35

Junior/Amateur 3’3” Hunter

Performance Hunter 3‘0” Open to all horses and riders.



Pre-Green Hunter

For junior and amateur riders only. Horses NOT restricted. 3’3” 49, 50, 51, 52 $35

Performance Hunter 3’6” (not rated for EC Awards) Open to all horses and riders. 3’6” 53, 54, 55, 56 $35

Note: Last class # is under saddle

Children’s/Adult Hunter *Sponsored by K. Keating

29 Open to all horses and riders. 18”, 2’0” and 2’3” have no oxers. These are red ribbon/blue ribbon classes: blue ribbon for 70-79% red ribbon for 80% or higher. Not for EC Awards. Friday Saturday Sunday 797. Low Pony Hunter 798. Low Pony Hunter 799. Low Pony Hunter 800. SRC Low Pony Hunter 801. SRC Low Pony Hunter 802. SRC Low Pony Hunter 809. Low Hunter 2’0” 810. Low Hunter 2’0” 811. Low Hunter 2’0” 812. SRC Low Hunter 2’0” 813. SRC Low Hunter 2’0” 814. SRC Low Hunter 2’0” 815. Low Hunter 2’3” 816. Low Hunter 2’3” 817. Low Hunter 2’3” 818. SRC Low Hunter 2’3” 819. SRC Low Hunter 2’3” 820. SRC Low Hunter 2’3” 821. Low Hunter 2’6” 822. Low Hunter 2’6” 823. Low Hunter 2’6” 824. SRC Low Hunter 2’6” 825. SRC Low Hunter 2’6” 826. SRC Low Hunter 2’6” 827.

Low Hunter 2’9” 828. Low Hunter 2’9” 829. Low Hunter 2’9” 830. SRC Low Hunter 2’9” 831. SRC Low Hunter 2’9” 832. SRC Low Hunter 2’9” 833. Low Hunter 3’0” 834. Low Hunter 3’0” 835. Low Hunter 3’0” 836. SRC Low Hunter 3’0” 837. SRC Low Hunter 3’0” 838. SRC Low Hunter 3’0” 839. Low Hunter 3’3” 840. Low Hunter 3’3” 841. Low Hunter 3’3” 842. SRC Low Hunter 3’3” 843. SRC Low Hunter 3’3” 844. SRC Low Hunter 3’3” 845. Low Hunter 3’6” 846. Low Hunter 3’6” 847. Low Hunter 3’6” 848. SRC Low Hunter 3’6” 849. SRC Low Hunter 3’6” 850. SRC Low Hunter 3’6” Miscellaneous Hunter Classes All Classes $25 Each2022SEPTEMBER-CLASSICAUTUMN

30 Designated first-round classes (3, 7, 11, 19). Open to all junior and amateur pony/rider or horse/ rider combinations that have shown in at least two (2) classes at this show in their respective hunter division. Minimum of four (4) entries to run each class. Formal attire and braiding suggested. Prize to Winner • Prize Money to 4th • Ribbons to 6th 408. $100 2’0” Junior/Amateur Hunter Classic..........................$40 Entry Fee 409. $150 2’3” Junior/Amateur Hunter Classic..........................$40 Entry Fee Trutina Pharmacy Hunter ClassicsTrutina Pharmacy Hunter Classics

Open to any horse/rider combination that has shown in a minimum of two (2) classes over two days at this show. Will be judged as one class and will be run using a single-round format; each competitor will receive a score comprised of three components: Hunter Base Score, High Performance Bonus & Handy Bonus. Formal attire required. Braiding suggested. The course will run in our ungraded sand hunter ring with at least 12 jumps consisting of: • Traditional hunter jumps • Natural jumps - post and rail, fence, gate, stone wall, logs, hedge, brush, etc. • Handy options - inside turns, unique approaches, combination complex, etc. Fences will be: 2’6” with 2’9” options • 2’9” with 3’0” options • 3’0” with 3’3” options • 3’3” with 3’6” options Prizes to Top 5 Riders • Prize Money to 6th • Ribbons to 8th 400a/b/c/d. $1,000 BB Equestrain Open Hunter Derby $100 Entry Fee (C) Robyn Cowan Photography

Creativity: Pairs are judged on the overall creativity and originality of their ride including costumes and music (bribing of our judges is also encouraged!). This class is open to all riders and all horses/ponies; no restrictions. All three riders must be registered in the show and have a number assigned. All other participants entering ring with team must have a completed waiver on file. Music files must be provided to the Show Office (email or thumb-drive) by no later than Thursday, September 8th at noon (email info@ with subject line: Teams of Three Music File).

Yes - it is FINALLY back! This is a Southlands favourite with riders of all ages and levels competing side-by-side (literally) in our sand hunter ring. This class marries form and function with style and a dose of good humour; each team is judged based on two sets of criteria:

401a/b/c. Meadow Lane Equine Clinic Teams of Three Hunter$100ChallengeEntry Fee per Team

The course will run in our ungraded sand hunter ring with at least six (6) jumps consisting of: Traditional hunter jumps • One (1) obstacle will be ridden with two riders side-by-side One (1) obstacle will be ridden with all three riders side-by-side Fences will be: 2’3” Prize to Top 3 Teams in each Category (Hunters & Creativty) • Ribbons to 6th


Hunter Style: Pairs are judged on quality, conformation, soundness, uniformity of manners and paces and ability to work together happily as a team over a shortened hunter course (will be posted three months prior to the event to give lots of time for planning).

(C) Ingo Neufeld

2’0” 100, 101 $30


For amateur riders only. Horses NOT restricted.

For junior and amateur riders only. Horses NOT restricted. No cross entry of rider into any class over 3’0” (0.90m) at this competition.

No horse or pony will be allowed to show ‘hors concours’ in any equitation class. Division Height Class #’s Class Fee

RING (EC-Bronze licence required)

Note: Last class # is a flat class

For junior and amateur riders only. Horses NOT restricted. Height/ distances NOT changed for ponies. No cross entry of rider into any class over 2’9” (0.85m) at this competition.

2’6” 106, 107 $35

Children’s/Adult Equitation 3’0”


Short Stirrup Pony Equitation

Junior/Amateur Equitation 3’3”

2’9” 108, 109 $35

For amateur riders only. Horses NOT restricted. Height/distances NOT changed for ponies. No cross entry of rider into any class over 2’6” (0.75m) at this competition.

Combine Short/Long Stirrup Equitation

3’0” 110, 111 $35

3’3” 112, 113 $35

Modified Child/Adult Equitation

2’3” 102, 103 $30

Novice Equitation Open to junior and amateur riders. No cross entry of rider into any class over 2’3” (0.70m) at this competition.

2’3” 104,105 $35

Pre-Child/Pre-Adult Equitation *Sponsored by K. Keating

For junior riders only. Horses NOT restricted. Height/distances NOT changed for ponies. No cross entry of rider into any class over 2’6” (0.75m) at this competition.


For amateur riders only. Horses NOT restricted.

35 No horse or pony will be allowed to show ‘hors concours’ in any medal class. Fences to 1.0m For eligible junior and amateur riders only. Includes a jumper phase and flat phase. No cross entry with CET Medal Class. Prize to Winner • Ribbons to 6th 405. Meadow Lane Equine Clinic CET Mini Medal $40 Entry Fee MEDALS (C) Robyn Cowan Photography

rules apply • Hors Concours

• $25.00 per


Open to all horses/ponies and riders. 0.70m 300, 301, 302 $35 Novice Jumper

0.70m 303, 304, 305 $35 Open Low Jumper *Sponsored by Brooklyn Israels Open to all horses/ponies and riders. 0.75m 306,307, 308 $35

Open to junior and amateur riders. No cross entry of rider into any class over 0.75m (2’6”) at this competition.



Thursday, September 8th from 11:00am - 6:30pm in the sand jumper ring. round two rounds per horse per day) schooling warm-up rule as per Article G501.1 jump-off unless specified In case of a fall before crossing the start line, the score will be recorded as DNS Jumper riders are reminded of the EC rule: A horse/rider/junior/amateur/non-pro combination is permitted unlimited upward, but downward movement is restricted to only one level. These movements are based on the level of the 1st class in which they competed at this show. Height Class JUMPER RING (EC-Bronze licence required) Novice Jumper

Jr/Amateur Low Jumper *Sponsored by Brooklyn Israels Open to junior and amateur riders. No cross entry of rider into any class over 0.85m (2’9”) at this competition. 0.75m 309, 310, 311 $35

• Crew available to assist with height changes • Wear your back number (number worn will be charged) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS • FEI


36 CLEAR-ROUND JUMPER WARM-UP (outdoor sand/GGT footing)

#’s Class Fee SAND

• Immediate



0.90m 321, 322, 323 $35 Open 0.90m Jumper Open to all horses and riders.

Open to all horses/ponies and riders.

Jr/Amateur 1.15m Jumper For eligible junior and amateur riders only. Horses NOT restricted. 1.15m 345, 346, 347 $35 Open 1.20m Jumper Open to all horses and riders. 1.20m 348, 349, 350 $35

0.85m 315, 316, 317 $35 Open 0.90m Jumper (not rated for EC Awards) Open to all horses and riders.

Jr/Amateur 0.85m Jumper

Open to junior and amateur riders. No cross entry of rider into any class over 0.90m (3’0) at this competition.


Jr/Amateur 1.0m Jumper Open to junior and amateur riders. 1.0m 333, 334, 335 $35

0.85m 312, 313, 314 $35

Division/Class Height Class #’s Class Fee SAND JUMPER RING (cont.)

0.90m 327, 328, 329 $35 Open 1.0m Jumper Open to all horses and riders. 1.0m 330, 331, 332 $35


0.90m 324, 325, 326 $35

Jr/Amateur 1.10m Jumper Open to junior and amateur riders. 1.10m 339, 340, 341 $35

Open to junior and amateur riders. No cross entry of rider into any class over 1.0m (3’3) at this competition.

Open 1.10 Jumper Open to all horses and riders. 1.10m 336, 337, 338 $35

Open 1.15m Jumper Open to all horses and riders. 1.15m 342, 343, 344 $35

Jr/Amateur 1.20m Jumper For eligible junior and amateur riders only. Horses NOT restricted. 1.20m 351, 352, 353 $35

Jr/Amateur 0.90m Jumper (not rated for EC Awards)

Jr/Amateur 0.90m Jumper

0.90m 318, 319, 320 $35

Open to junior and amateur riders. No cross entry of rider into any class over 1.0m (3’3) at this competition.

Open 0.85m Jumper

• No cross-entry horse/rider combination into classes 402 and 404 Prize to Winner and Prize Money to 6th • Ribbons to 8th 403a/b/c. $500 Wood Family Junior/Amateur Jumper Derby $50 Entry Fee

Open to any junior or amateur horse/rider combination that has competed in at least two (2) classes in the jumper ring at this show; 0.70m riders not to have shown over 0.85m at this show; 0.85m riders not to have shown over 0.90m at this show. Horses/ponies are not restricted

• At least six (6) entries required to hold this class

402a/b. The Carrington Shoppe Junior/Amateur Mini-Prix $45 Entry Fee

• Jackets are required and riders will not be penalized for wearing safety vests

Fences 0.70m / 0.85m

Fences 0.90m / 1.0m / 1.10m

• Jackets are required and riders will not be penalized for wearing safety vests

• Must indicate the height you will jump on your entry form

• No cross entry horse/rider combination with class 403 $450 in Prizes from The Carrington Shoppe for 1st through 5th • Ribbons to 8th

Open to any horse/rider combination that has competed in at least two (2) classes in the jumper ring at this show; 0.90m riders not to have shown over 1.0m; 1.0m not to have shown over 1.10m; 1.10m to not have shown over 1.15m at this show.


• Must indicate the height you will jump on your entry form

At least six (6) entries required to hold this class

404a/b/c. $1,000 Westway Feed & Hay Open Jumper Derby $100 Entry Fee Fences 1.10m/ 1.15m / 1.20m Open to any horse/rider combination that has competed in at least two (2) classes at the respective heights to qualify. Must indicate what height you will jump on your entry form. • Jackets are required and riders will not be penalized for wearing safety vests • At least six (6) entries required to hold this class • No cross-entry horse/rider combination into class 403 Prizes to Top 5 Riders • Prize Money to 6th • Ribbons to 8th

40 Indoor RingOutdoor Sand RingSAND HUNTER / EQUITATION RING Tentative Schedule: Friday, September 9 800 SRC Low Pony Hunter 9 Training Pony Hunter 797 Low Pony Hunter 803 Low Hunter 18” 1 Jr/Am 18” Hunter 100 Jr/Am Beginner 18” Equitation O/F 806 SRC Low Hunter 18” 809 Low Hunter 2’0” 5 Jr/Am Hunter 2’0” 103 Jr/Am Novice Equitation 2’0” O/F 812 SRC Low Hunter 2’0” 815 Low Hunter 2’3” 13 Short Stirrup Hunter 2’3” 17 Long Stirrup Hunter 2’3” 106 Short Stirrup Equitation O/F 109 Long Stirrup Equitation O/F 818 SRC Low Hunter 2’3” 821 Low Hunter 2’6” 25 Baby Green Hunter 2’6” 21 Pre-Child/Adult Hunter 2’6” 112 Pre-Child/Adult Equitation O/F 824 SRC Low 2’6” 827 Low Hunter 2’9” 29 Modified Child/Adult Hunter 2’9” 115 Modified Child/Adult Eq O/F 830 SRC Low Hunter 2’9” 833 Low Hunter 3’0” 33 Performance Hunter 3’0” 37 Pre-Green Hunter 3’0”/3’3” 41 Child/Adult Hunter 3’0” 118 Child/Adult Equitation O/F 836 SRC Low Hunter 3’0” 839 Low Hunter 3’3” 45 Performance Hunter 3’3” 49 Jr/Am Hunter 3’3” 121 Jr/Am Equitation 3’3” O/F 842 SRC Low Hunter 3’3” 845 Low Hunter 3’6” 53 Performance Hunter 3’6” 848 SRC Low Hunter 3’6” FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS 400 $1,000 Open Hunter Derby

41 Outdoor Sand Ring 294 Open Beginner Jumper 18” 297 Jr/Am Beginner Jumper 18” 300 Open Novice Jumper 0.70m 303 Jr/Am Novice Jumper 0.70m 306 Open Low Jumper 0.75m 309 Jr/Am Low Jumper 0.75m 312 Open Jumper 0.85m 315 Jr/Am Jumper 0.85m 318 Open Jumper 0.90m 321 Jr/Am Jumper 0.90m 342 Open Jumper 1.15m 345 Jr/Am Jumper 1.15m 348 Open Jumper 1.20m 351 Jr/Am Jumper 1.20m *More heights available upon request 324 Open Jumper 0.90m 327 Jr/Am Jumper 0.90m 330 Open Jumper 1.0m 333 Jr/Am Jumper 1.0m 405 CET Mini Medal 336 Open Jumper 1.10m 339 Jr/Am Jumper 1.10m SAND JUMPER RING Tentative Schedule: Friday, September 9

42 Indoor RingOutdoor Sand Ring 798 Low Pony Hunter 10 Training Pony Hunter 801 SRC Low Pony Hunter 804 Low Hunter 18” 2 Jr/Am 18” Hunter 101 Jr/Am Beginner 18” Equitation O/F 807 SRC Low Hunter 18” 102 Jr/Am Beginner 18” Equitation Flat 10 Jr/Am Novice Equitation Flat 810 Low Hunter 2’0” 6 Jr/Am Hunter 2’0” 104 Jr/Am Novice Equitation 2’0” O/F 813 SRC Low Hunter 2’0” 816 Open Hunter 2’3” 14 Short/Long Stirrup Hunter 2’3” 107 Short/Long Stirrup Equitation O/F 819 SRC Low Hunter 2’3” 108 Short/Long Stirrup Equitation Flat 114 Pre-Child/Adult Equitation Flat 822 Low Hunter 2’6” 22 Pre-Child/Adult Hunter 2’6” 26 Baby Green Hunter 2’6” 113 Pre-Child/Adult Equitation O/F 825 SRC Low 2’6” 828 Low Hunter 2’9” 30 Modified Child/Adult Hunter 2’9” 116 Modified Child/Adult Equitation O/F 831 SRC Low Hunter 2’9” 117 Modified Child/Adult Equitation Flat 120 Child/Adult Equitation Flat 834 Low Hunter 3’0” 34 Performance Hunter 3’0” 38 Pre-Green Hunter 3’0”/3’3” 42 Child/Adult Hunter 3’0” 837 SRC Low Hunter 3’0” 119 Child/Adult Equitation O/F 840 Low Hunter 3’3” 46 Performance Hunter 3’3” 50 Jr/Am Hunter 3’3” 843 SRC Low Hunter 3’3” SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 401 Meadow Lane Equine Clinic Teams of Three Hunter Challenge SAND HUNTER / EQUITATION RING Tentative Schedule: Saturday, September 10

43 Outdoor Sand Ring 295 Open Beginner Jumper 18” 298 Jr/Am Beginner Jumper 18” 301 Open Novice Jumper 0.70m 304 Jr/Am Novice Jumper 0.70m 307 Open Low Jumper 0.75m 310 Jr/Am Low Jumper 0.75m 313 Open Jumper 0.85m 316 Jr/Am Jumper 0.85m 319 Open Jumper 0.90m 322 Jr/Am Jumper 0.90m 402 The Carrington Shoppe Jr/Am Mini Prix 343 Open Jumper 1.15m 346 Jr/Am Jumper 1.15m 349 Open Jumper 1.20m 352 Jr/Am Jumper 1.20m *More heights available upon request 325 Open Jumper 0.90m 328 Jr/Am Jumper 0.90m 331 Open Jumper 1.0m 334 Jr/Am Jumper 1.0m 337 Open Jumper 1.10m 340 Jr/Am Jumper 1.10m SAND JUMPER RING Tentative Schedule: Saturday, September 10

SAND HUNTER / EQUITATION RING Tentative Schedule: Sunday, September 11

44 Indoor Ring 799 Low Pony Hunter 11 Training Pony Hunter 802 SRC Low Pony Hunter 12 Training Pony Hunter U/S 805 Low Hunter 18” 3 Jr/Am 18” Hunter 808 SRC Low Hunter 18” 4 Jr/Am 18” Hunter U/S 8 Jr/Am 2’0” Hunter U/S 811 Low Hunter 2’0” 7 Jr/Am Hunter 2’0” 408 $150 Jr/Am 18” / 2’0” Hunter Classic sponsored by Trutina Pharmacy 814 SRC Low 2’0” 817 Open Hunter 2’3” 15 Short/Long Stirrup Hunter 2’3” 409 $150 Jr/Am 2’3” Hunter Classic sponsored by Trutina Pharmacy 820 SRC Low Hunter 2’3” 16 Short/Long Stirrup Hunter U/S 28 Baby Green Hunter U/S 24 Pre-Child/Adult Hunter U/S 823 Low Hunter 2’6” 826 SRC Low 2’6” 27 Baby Green Hunter 2’6” 23 Pre-Child/Adult Hunter 2’6” 829 Low Hunter 2’9” 832 SRC Low Hunter 2’9” 31 Modified Child/Adult Hunter 2’9” 32 Modified Child/Adult Hunter U/S 36 Performance Hunter 3’0” U/S 40 Pre-Green Hunter U/S 44 Child/Adult Hunter 3’0” U/S 835 Low Hunter 3’0” 838 SRC Low Hunter 3’0” 35 Performance Hunter 3’0” 39 Pre-Green Hunter 3’0”/3’3” 43 Child/Adult Hunter 3’0” 841 Low Hunter 3’3” 844 SRC Low Hunter 3’3” 47 Performance Hunter 3’3” 51 Jr/Am Hunter 3’3” 48 Performance Hunter 3’3” U/S 52 Jr/Am Hunter 3’3” U/S 56 Performance Hunter 3’6” U/S 847 Low Hunter 3’6” 850 SRC Low Hunter 3’6” 55 Performance Hunter 3’6”

45 296 Open Beginner Jumper 18” 299 Jr/Am Beginner Jumper 18” 302 Open Novice Jumper 0.70m 305 Jr/Am Novice Jumper 0.70m 308 Open Low Jumper 0.75m 311 Jr/Am Low Jumper 0.75m 314 Open Jumper 0.85m 317 Jr/Am Jumper 0.85m 320 Open Jumper 0.90m 323 Jr/Am Jumper 0.90m 344 Open Jumper 1.15m 347 Jr/Am Jumper 1.15m 350 Open Jumper 1.20m 353 Jr/Am Jumper 1.20m *More heights available upon request 404 $1,000 Westway Feed & Hay Open Jumper Derby 403 $500 Wood Family Jr/Am Jumper Derby 326 Open Jumper 0.90m 329 Jr/Am Jumper 0.90m 332 Open Jumper 1.0m 335 Jr/Am Jumper 1.0m 338 Open Jumper 1.10m 341 Jr/Am Jumper 1.10m SAND JUMPER RING Tentative Schedule: Sunday, September 11

46 Enjoy Deluxe Accommodations just minutes from the Club plus Special Horse Show Pricing The Westin Wall Centre in Richmond boasts amenities including: • Indoor Pool • Fitness Centre • Pet-Friendly Rooms • 24-Hour Room Service • Restaurant Booking options: • Online at go to ‘Special Rates’ select “Corporate/Promo/SET#”Enter Code: S4386. • Call the reservations team: 1-800-663-9255. • Email The Westin Wall Centre - Vancouver Airport 3099 Corvette Way Richmond, British Columbia


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