South Philly Review 1-7-2010

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JA N UA RY 7, 2 0 1 0

Opposing viewpoints A nonprofit that does home improvements for low-income families says its mission is complete in a Point Breeze dwelling, but the homeowner disagrees. By Lorraine Gennaro R e v i e w S ta f f W r i t e r


udy Walston’s dream of a refurbished home was starting to come true Nov. 11, 2008, when repairs began in her Point Breeze dwelling. More than a year later, she says the dream has turned into a nightmare for her and her 14-year-old daughter, Monique. As the saying goes, there’s two sides to every story and the 57-year-old’s differs drastically from representatives of Ray See RAY OF HOPE page 10


Photo by Sabrina Jacot

Serenading on South Broad

Another festive Mummers’ Parade welcomed in 2010 as performers competed for bragging rights in the 110th annual event. For more photos and results, see page 24.

Cloudy, with a chance of clearing Citizens’ Alliance may survive its stormy past as the courts have appointed the head of the Center City District to determine its future.

Plugging the holes Despite losing two All-Public standouts, a basketball team from Broad and Snyder is hoping to once again contend for the crown. By Bill Gelman..............Page 33

By Amanda L. Snyder R e v i e w S ta f f W r i t e r


he fate of Citizens’ Alliance for Better Neighborhoods has been a mystery since the convictions of Vince Fumo — who co-created the nonprofit — and its former Executive Director Ruth Arnao. Weeks after the March verdict against the former state senator, Attorney General Tom Corbett filed a

lawsuit against the organization once at 1137 Wharton St. to disband its board or revoke its nonprofit status. Shortly after that, former Executive Director Christian DiCicco announced on the group’s Web site,, services would no longer be provided due to dwindling funds and continuous litigation. As the new year rolls in, the 17-year-old nonprofit still has its works, such as street

and sidewalk sweeping, graffiti removal, bulk trash pickup, vacant lot abatement and the like, on hold while the courts decide its fate, whether it be dissolution or reorganization, but the first step was naming an interim leader. Dec. 2, the Attorney General agreed to drop some charges with the stipulation Center City District President/CEO Paul See CITIZENS’ ALLIANCE page 7


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Lifestyles: Minimum impact

Starting a sustainable Web design company that grew with the Internet boom, a local couple was recognized by a national LGBT organization as pioneers of the green movement. By Jess Fuerst


Police Report: Caught on tape

Shots fired outside an establishment on Sixth were recorded on video surveillance, but the suspects and their target are unknown to police. By Amanda L. Snyder

We’ve got a flight scheduled next month to Florida. Taking a commercial flight these days is a little like riding the subway at midnight. You might get there and you might not. By Tom Cardella


Top ’o the strut

The crowds lined South Broad to check out the 110th Mummers’ Parade. Photos by Sabrina Jacot

Inside Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Social Scene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Horoscopes/Puzzles/Comic. . . . . . 30

Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Movie Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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Bridal Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

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Taking flight

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Word on the Street


How are you coping in the bitter cold weather?

She loves a parade

“Largely staying indoors and consuming alcohol that is converted into a warm sensation.” Chris Randolph, 11th and Shunk streets

“Nothing really. Just walking fast to stay warm and covering my kids with blankets.” Stephanie Paul, 15th and Ritner streets

“Layers … layers … layers — Where are your hat and gloves?” Joe Albert, Ninth Street and Snyder Avenue

“Staying in the house as much as possible. It’s getting colder and warmer every year.” Austin Lea Crotty, 15th and Wolf streets

To the Editor: Growing up in South Philly was filled with happy memories of seeing the Mummers’ Parade on New Year’s Day. I was taken to see the parade from 1 year old to my last parade in 1964. Only once in all these years did I see part of the parade on TV. I do not remember what channel it came through on, but there should be some way to show the country what an amazing parade it is. I keep telling my children how wonderful it is to stand on Broad Street in the cold and watch the parade. Only once in all these years did a relative send me a tape of it. We have the Rose Parade here in California and that too is an amazing fete in itself. I use to work just a block from the parade route in Pasadena, but have never been there in person to see it. We use to go and see the floats after the parade, but we watched it from beginning to end on TV. My wish is to see the Mummers’ Parade again before I leave this world. Happy New Year to all my friends in South Philly. I love my South Philly. Rita Lucia Laurito Carlson Lake Isabella, Calif.

Used and abused Interviews and Photos by Greg Bezanis

Tell us your thoughts So u t h

P h i l l y

R eview


SOUTH PHILADELPHIA’S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER 12th & Porter streets Philadelphia, Pa. 19148 (215) 336-2500 Fax (215) 336-1112 Web site: Editorial e-mail: EDITOR Cynthia Marone-ext. 121

MANAGING EDITOR Bill Gelman-ext. 123

PUBLISHER John C. Gallo-ext. 101 ADVERTISING MANAGER Daniel Tangi-ext. 129 SOCIALS AND OBITUARIES-ext. 100

OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Cathy Semeraro-ext. 103

DISTRIBUTION-ext. 190. CHAIRMAN & CEO Anthony A. Clifton PRESIDENT & COO George Troyano VICE PRESIDENT James Stokes 3d


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To the Editor: This is to express our displeasure with the law that allows anyone with a Police Department tag or license plate to park in any handicapped space. My wife has been disabled for about 17 years, so we first obtained a PD license plate and then PD signs in front of our home. Since then, she has been diagnosed with lung cancer once again. Our PD spot has to be the most abused in South Philly. Why is it we would never think of parking in the space of another person, yet our space is used by others multiple times on a daily basis? We are in an area with two restaurants and a highly busy retail food establishment. Whenever we leave the spot, it is usually filled with cars and trucks using those establishments. To add insult to injury, even a worker at one of those businesses used it for about six hours one day while at work. In Baltimore, the PD signs state they are for the use of the resident. Why not here? Workers representing

local politicians are no help and one actually said, “You will get over it,” after one of my wife’s two hip surgeries some years ago. Are we the only ones that get abused? Are there any suggestions on how to resolve this issue? We have finally resorted to putting out a big plastic drum, so we’ll see how that works. Louis T. Parise South Philadelphia

Another angle To the Editor: I am an avid F.O.P. supporter and I know being a police officer is an extremely difficult, dangerous and thankless job, but I received a parking ticket for $41 for angle parking up my street, despite the fact I placed my address and the reason why I am parking that way on the front dashboard for all to read. I understand angle parking is not permitted, neither is parking more than 3 feet from the curb. However, it is done every single day on my street. Now all of a sudden I receive a ticket? If tickets are going to be issued for such parking, it should be done on a consistent basis, not just on a whim from a police officer. If the officer took 10 seconds and knocked on my door, I would have happily moved it. Trying to live and park in South Philly is hard enough without having to deal with receiving a ticket when I am not blocking or interfering with the flow of traffic. In the hard economic times we are facing, it would have been a nice gesture for the officer to give me an opportunity to remedy this situation instead of enforcing a law that is never enforced. “To Protect and Serve” is the creed of law enforcement. Maybe one day “compassion” could be added to that motto. Chris Doyle South Philadelphia

Time for a recount To the Editor: We have the 2010 census fast approaching and I read, according to a

Pew report, Philadelphia is not prepared for it. How can it be that we are not prepared for something so terribly important to our City and its residents and for which we’ve had 10 years to be ready for? Oh, I forgot, this is Philadelphia after all — the most unprepared city in the nation. We have 66 wards in our city, each represented by Democratic and Republican ward leaders. Each ward is divided into divisions, which are manned equally by both Democratic and Republican committeepeople. Those divisions are intimate and very personal to these committeepeople and no stranger could know them better — who they are, where they live and how many in the family and others who may live there. Why not for all practicality and resourcefulness enlist these committeepeople to do the census-taking for the needed accuracy and compilation instead of people who know nothing of the people and neighborhoods they are supposed to acquire such important and vital information from? It would also enhance the closeness and the informality so sadly lacking in too many relationships. Frank Cavallaro South Philadelphia Comment on these letters or topics at

We welcome your letters •The writer’s full name, phone

number with area code and complete address must be included for verification purposes. South Philly Review reserves the right to request proof of identification; The deadline is noon Monday. • Regular mail: 12th and Porter streets Philadelphia, PA 19148 • E-mail: editor@southphilly • Fax: 215-336-1112

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Comment at

FINDER By Greg Bezanis

CASH FOR GOLD HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR UNWANTED OR BROKEN JEWELRY sä'/,$ä !.9ä#/.$)4)/. sä0,!4).5sä$)!-/.$3 sä#(!).3 BRING THIS sä"2!#,%43 AD IN FOR sä#(!2-3 ADDITIONAL sä%!22).'3 $10 sä3#(//,ä2).'3 sä'/,$ä7!4#(%3 sä3),6%2ä#/).3


BITTER BEGINNING: Despite the Tuesday afternoon temps barely registering above freezing, these brave, bundled-up souls managed to take an afternoon stroll along South Street. With Jack Frost planning an extended stay, remember to pull out the hats, gloves and scarfs — and maybe grab a cup of hot cocoa — to stave off the chill. SPR

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Sully nonchalantly landed a jetliner on the Hudson, saving all onboard. And who can forget the tragic loss of the King of Pop, the surprising rise to stardom of Susan Boyle, and the year-end meteoric ride into the stratosphere of MTV’s “Jersey Shore” (you knew I’d sneak that one in)? With all due respect to the aforementioned, every being paled in comparison to Lady Gaga in the final year of the ’00s. No one’s tunes were catchier. No one’s sense of fashion was as outlandish. No one else changed the face of the live performance quite like the bubble-wrapped one herself. To top it off, the girl can sing! Lady G. has released five singles thus far, all of which I proudly continue to blast while riding in my unsouped-up Honda (windows rolled up, of course). Her songs possess an exorbitant amount of shelf life. In fact, I’ve been playing “raaah raaah rah rah raaaahaaah” on a loop in my head all day. Hands down, ’09 goes to Lady Gaga. Honorable Mentions: Joaquin Phoenix’s Letterman appearance, Balloon Boy, Tiger Woods (both good and bad), H1N1, Lil Wayne’s sperm, Megan Fox’s thumbs. SPR

To see more of these posts, as well as our other blogs, visit

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s we wind down the home stretch of another 365-day cycle through the calendar year — each one in a higher gear than the year prior — we are forced to endure those painfully ridiculous “Year That Was” recaps. I’ll admit, “painfully ridiculous” is my way of saying, “I better catch one of these by Dec. 31!” Anyway, rather than bore you — and indulge myself — with a YTW breakdown, I’m going to sum up 2009 into two words: Lady Gaga. Sure, we did finally elect and inaugurate our nation’s first black president. We also watched with a great deal of pride as


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The Year of The Gaga



Worker’s Compensation LaW

@ Jim Barilotti is the ringmaster of the Big Top Society at http://bigtopsociety., where the focus is on important male-oriented issues such as beer, sports and avoiding small talk.



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Police Report

Caught on tape





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Shots fired outside an establishment on Sixth were recorded on video surveillance, but the suspects and their target are unknown to police. By Amanda L. Snyder R e v i e w S ta f f W r i t e r


he offenders nor the victims may not have been identified in a shooting on the 1900 block of South Sixth Street Sunday, but police responded to a call of shots fired at 11:17 p.m. and, by the time they arrived, those involved were gone, leaving behind only ballistics evidence, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. Nearby video surveillance showed a gray sedan with tinted windows drive passed Woods Chinese on Sixth before circling the block, turning back on to Sixth and stopping in the middle of the block as a man in a dark blue hoody and flannel shirt left the store. The passenger of the possibly Ford Taurus or Mercury Sable got out of the vehicle and fired at the man before taking off, Tolliver said. The victim hopped into the driver’s side of a silver sedan and took off in the same direction as the shooter. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013.

Two charged with assault A man who returned to his former Point Breeze residence for his belongings New Year’s Eve wound up charged with assaulting and threatening his ex-housemate. Damon Covington, 22, of Brewerytown, knocked multiple times on the door of a residence on the 1900 block of Reed Street at 8 p.m., Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. The 48year-old victim answered and Covington allegedly pistol-whipped him, causing a bloodshot and swollen left eye. Covington returned to a white Acura parked on Reed driven by Khalil Turner, 18, of Newark, Del., and allegedly placed the weapon in its trunk, Tolliver said. At that time, the victim allegedly threw a frying pan at the car, smashing its front windshield, Tolliver said. “I should shoot you,” Covington is believed to have said. “We going to kill you now. You broke my mom’s window,” Turner allegedly added, but both men got in the car and drove away. Police later saw the two exit the vehicle

and enter Covington’s home on the 1700 block of North Natrona Street, where they were arrested, Tolliver said. Detectives seized the vehicle and recovered two loaded firearms, a black Taurus PT 111 9mm and a black-and-brown Deutsche Werke .32 caliber, Tolliver said. Covington, who served time in prison for a 2007 aggravated assault, and Turner were charged with criminal conspiracy, aggravated assault, terroristic threats, firearm violations and related offenses.

No way to start the New Year Two South Jersey men allegedly harassed another and his girlfriend from their 2004 Jeep Cherokee before striking the former with a beer bottle and kicking him New Year’s night in the Whitman section. As festivities continued on nearby Two Street, Douglas Smythe, 31, of Voorhees, and Eric Suhoskey, 21, of Sewell, allegedly yelled at the 21-year-old and his companion as they drove west on the 100 block of Ritner Street at 10:49 p.m., Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. The man told the duo to keep going, but they jumped out of their ride and Smythe allegedly bashed the man on the head with the bottle several times, knocking him to the ground, where Suhoskey allegedly kicked him, Tolliver said. Both then jumped back into the car and sped off on Ritner. A passerby gave the tag information to police, who spotted the Jeep on the 500 block of Emily Street with the two standing nearby. Smythe and Suhoskey were arrested about 10 minutes after the incident and charged with aggravated assault, simple assault, criminal conspiracy and recklessly endangering another person; Smythe also was charged with possession of an instrument of crime.

Teen missing Jason Vu, of South Philadelphia, was reported missing Christmas Eve at about 7:15 p.m. by a relative after leaving a suicide note on the family computer. The 14-year-old was last seen leaving continued on page 11


CITIZENS’ ALLIANCE continued from page 1 Levy be put in charge of advising the outcome of the nonprofit Fumo and Arnao, who are serving month No. 4 of their respective jail sentences, were found guilty of defrauding of more than $1 million. “It’s his baby now,” Citizens’ Alliance lawyer Thomas A. “Buck” Riley Jr., of Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco in Exton, said. “He’s the sole director. The court has appointed him the sole director.” At the outset, the Attorney General’s mission was to preserve the charitable assets of Citizens’ Alliance and recover what had been mishandled, Mark A. Pacella, chief deputy attorney general of the Charitable Trusts and Organizations Section, said, adding they were open to suggestions from the nonprofit, such as who to appoint as the interim head. “We did want to secure Citizens’ assets and we were able to do that in a relatively short period of time,” he said of Levy’s role. “Citizens’ assets are now secured.” Riley joined Joe Lundy, in representing the nonprofit, setting out to accomplish three goals: Prevent its disbanding; hire

hour from the nonprofit’s resources, will be responsible for hiring an auditor to check the books dating from Jan. 1, 2007, to Sept. 30, ’09, in addition to assessing the remaining assets, which include real estate mostly on and around Passyunk, such as Christopher Columbus Charter School, 1242 S. 13th St., warehouses and a few properties outside the area, as well as equipment, such as street sweepers and trash trucks. He also will recommend if it can be restructured and, if so, how. Related, necessary expenses such as attorneys’ fees, fines, settlements and consultant salaries also will be covered by the organization, according to the consent decree. “At this point, we have the audits under way,” Levy said. “There were not audits completed after 2005 to 2006.” Levy’s recommendations for the organization’s future are expected by May 31 and must be approved by the court before their implementation. “We want to get it in the hands of the court as soon as we can,” Pacella said. Once the Attorney General receives Levy’s report, it may be months before it goes to the judge for approval, but there is no timeline for a potential reorganization since it depends on the complexity of the

‘There was a lot of good work that was done despite other problems. The work on Passyunk Avenue has been very successful. Whether they can afford to serve as a large of an area remains to be seen.’

recommendation. “The ultimate result may be to create a new organization or sell off certain assets,” Pacella said. “It may not be all that dramatic.” While the termination of the organization is still an option, a restructuring is more probable, Levy said. “It is likely that it can restart up again, but probably not over such a large area,” he said. FUMO WAS SENTENCED to 55 months for 137 counts of fraud, obstruction of justice, tax evasion and conspiracy, while Arnao is serving a year and a day for 45 counts of defrauding the nonprofit, obstruction of justice and filing a false tax return. DiCicco, of the 1300 block of South Fifth Street; Joseph A. Russo, of the 700 block of Federal Street, a former chairman, president, secretary, treasurer and director; John J. Sfrisi, of the 2800 block of South Marvine Street, previously a secretary and director; Jeffrey R. Travelina, of the 1200 block of Shunk Street, a past treasurer and director; John P. Travelina, of continued on page 11

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someone to handle its assets; and keep those assets for the benefit of South Philadelphia, Riley said. “It looks like this nonprofit has really done some great stuff down here in South Philly,” he said of his and Lundy’s thought process. “I think we ought to look at this on a collaborative basis and see if we can do something. It’s gone off the tracks. It’s obviously in a train wreck.” The two brainstormed who would be suitable to put the organization back on track and approached Levy in August, the same month as Fumo’s sentencing, for the role of interim conservator, which he took on last month. Separate from his Center City job, he will “oversee direct and implement all aspects of the organization’s day-to-day operations and affairs,” which includes leasing or selling properties, if necessary, according to the consent decree. “There was a lot of good work that was done despite other problems,” Levy said. “The work on Passyunk Avenue has been very successful. Whether [Citizens’ Alliance} can afford to serve as large of an area remains to be seen.” Levy, who will be compensated $225 an

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—Citizens’ Alliance’s interim conservator Paul Levy, on the nonprofit’s fate


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Exp. Date:1-31-10

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RAY OF HOPE continued from page 1

of Hope Project Inc., which helps low-income families whose homes are in need of fixing up. The North Philly nonprofit did work in Walston’s rowhome on the 1400 block of South Bouvier Street. Walston claims Ray of Hope has left her high and dry, with many of her rooms in disrepair and unusable when the work ceased. “I was so excited about this whole project, now I’m just very hurt. I’m tired of living this way,” she said. No plumbing in the kitchen has meant washing dishes and preparing dinner in her second-floor bathroom, and a shower that isn’t hooked up has had her and her child relying on a friend for cleanups. But on the organization’s home page,, the primary mission statement is, “the rehabilitation of existing homes. Through the help of donations, volunteers and a capable staff of qualified contractors, The Ray of Hope Project is able to provide services such as roof repair, siding repair and handicapped-accessibility features, to mention only a few.” Ray of Hope co-founder Ray Gant claims his mission is complete and, after having worked in Walston’s two-story, two-bedroom dwelling for the last year, he sent her a letter in October stating as much. “I told her we were only there to repair structural damage. We don’t come there to remodel houses. We come to help people with the structural damage of the home,” Gant told the Review last week. “The rest of the work comes on them. We don’t come in and do cosmetic work. We don’t put kitchen cabinets in. We don’t do stucco work or anything else. If she thought for any reason that someone was coming in to do an extreme home makeover, she misunderstood.” Walston insists she did not misunderstand Ray of Hope’s intentions and the organization does not create contracts with homeowners. “If that’s all [Ray of Hope] did then why did you scrape the paint off my walls in my bedroom? Why did he take the tub out to build a shower? That’s not structural damage. If it’s just structural, why did he give me a new sink and toilet?,” she asked. Gant said water-damaged floors and walls from a leaking roof necessitated removing many appliances, not only in the bathroom, but the kitchen. As to why there’s no running water in the kitchen, Gant said, “She didn’t have running water in that kitchen. We didn’t take nothing from her that she didn’t have.” As far as the shower goes, Walston was

Judy Walston stands in her bedroom, where the wall has sustained water damage from leaks in the adjoining bathroom. S ta f f P h o t o G r e g B e z a n i s

responsible for buying the part she needed to make it work after a team of volunteers built a stall for her in September, he said. IN NOVEMBER ’08, 23 volunteers from an Atlanta college ministry began working in Walston’s water-damaged dwelling. “The big problem was a bad roof that caused all the damage to her kitchen and bathroom. We put a brand-new roof on, put beams and reframed the [kitchen] floor,” Gant said, adding the new roof cost about $2,400. Founded in October ’02 by Gant and Huntington Park businessman Willard Bostock, Ray of Hope uses recycled materials that are purchased through fundraising or donated by individuals and businesses. The organization depends on volunteers, from former convicts, like Gant himself, to college students and skilled contractors, to carry out the work. A meeting three years ago at a Point Breeze neighborhood cleanup, where Gant and Walston connected, got the fixing up going with Gant agreeing to help the single mother after she told him about her situation. Sept. 18 was the final time work was

done in Walston’s home and the last time she said she saw Gant. A team of volunteers from GlaxoSmithKline, working through Philadelphia Cares, an organization for which Gant has ties, came to the house that day and painted the dining room, put in drop ceiling panels, painted the kitchen walls, applied sheetrock to the ceiling and painted it, put up smoke detectors and replaced a light fixture in the stairwell leading to the second floor. Walston said the dining room, where she keeps her TV and computer, is the only area that is 100-percent fixed. Her living room, she claims, is not usable since the old tile is coming up and a leak in the ceiling from an upstairs air conditioner has damaged the walls. Aside from no stove, sink or running water, Walston’s biggest issue with her kitchen is the wooden-framed floor she said is wobbly. According to Gant, Walston is responsible for installing kitchen tile over the framing, something she said was never made clear to her. “When you leave somebody like that, you need to explain to them, ‘this is what you need to do,’” she said.

Ray of Hope tossed out old kitchen appliances that were either damaged or not working, like Walston’s sink which was rotted underneath from water damage. According to Gant, Walston was responsible for replacing those appliances. Her old refrigerator is the only appliance currently in the kitchen. Cooking has become a challenge and relying on a microwave and fryer, Walston tries to make balanced meals for her teen. Walston has no family nearby with whom she can move in, but even if she did, she said she worked very hard to purchase the Bouvier Street dwelling in ’02 and this is where she wants to reside. “I try to do what I can,” she said. “I’m just really hurt. I’m tired and it’s getting expensive. I don’t even know what to buy anymore. I need to look for microwavable things. It’s not fair to my daughter.” Walston believes Gant stopped work in her home because funding ran out, something he categorically denies. “We spent over $10,000 in that home, raising money, the materials, labor. It didn’t cost her one dime for us to come into that house,” he said. But the homeowner alleges, all summer long, Gant talked about how he had no money and suggested she hold fundraisers to help out. Walston said she tried to organize a fundraiser at a local church and even created a flier, but Gant never got back to her with a date — something, again, he denies. Walston’s home was the 80th in the city Ray of Hope had worked on and the organization is in the business of helping those in need, not destroying homes, Gant said. “This will be the first one that we’d done where there has been some type of dissatisfaction,” he added. “If anything, she should be real thankful for what had gotten done. There are people far worse off than her who we could have helped with that money.” Walston is on disability and said she has no money to make the repairs, but she has been asking friends who might know contractors so she can get some estimates. Asked what her daughter thinks of the living conditions, Walston said, “She doesn’t complain about it at all, but I can just imagine how she feels.” The best solution as far as Walston sees it is for Ray of Hope to come back and do the work she believes they need to do. “I think Ray needs to come back and finish the work. Even though we didn’t have a contract, he offered his services,” she said. SPR Contact Staff Writer Lorraine Gennaro at or ext. 124. Comment at


CITIZENS’ ALLIANCE continued from page 8 the 2100 block of Sorrento Court, an exdirector; Amel M. Hammad, of the 1400 block of South 13th Street, an ex-director; Patricia A. Evers, of the 300 block of Tree Street, a past director; the Rev. Gary T. Pacitti, of the 1500 block of South 10th Street, a previous director; Todd L. and Kenneth L. Baritz, both of Center City and former directors; and Albert Mezzaroba of Quakertown, a past director, were named in the state’s civil suit, as were Fumo and Arnao. Nov. 23, the state filed an amended complaint. The U.S. District Attorney’s Office estimated Fumo defrauded about $2 million from the Senate, and $1 million each from Citizens’ Alliance and the Independence Seaport Museum, 211 S. Columbus Blvd. However, the Attorney General estimates about $1.9 million in nonprofit funds were misused plus $1.8 million in investments lost, according to the updated court documents. Fumo already has paid $676,000 to the federal court pending the outcome of his appeal. “We’re trying to recover as much as we can to the extent we can,” Pacella said. Last month, all slapped with the civil suit denied the allegations, but agreed to a

list of terms to settle the case “to avoid the costs and expenses of litigation in order to preserve Citizens’ Alliance’s important charitable assets and restore the public benefits,” according to the consent decree. In addition to Levy steering the nonprofit, those who were on the board at the time — Russo, Sfrisi, John and Jeffrey Travelina, Evers and Todd and Kenneth Baritz — agreed to relinquish their positions, according to the court document. The original complaint aimed to force the organization to account for its assets and to be liable for misused funds, as well as remove all of its officers, but with the terms set and signed by each defendant and his or her lawyer, all three of those counts were dropped. However, the charge calling for the revocation of the nonprofit status is pending per Levy’s assessment. “I would hope that it would come back in some capacity, but I just don’t know. I don’t think it can come back in the way it was, but I don’t want to say no. Part of it was relying on grants that Fumo was able to get,” Riley said, adding 1st District Councilman Frank DiCicco, who was a co-founder of the group, also secured grants for the organization. “It’s just necessary to focus on what’s good and to preserve what is good about the organization,” added Levy. SPR

POLICE REPORT continued from page 6 the house at 8 that morning by his father, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. Vu’s brother discovered the note, Tolliver added. Vu was last seen wearing a black-hooded jackJason Vu et and blue jeans. He is Asian, 5-foot-4, 140 pounds with black hair and brown eyes. about 16 stitches. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013.

Sentenced for subway death The last of the five teens who threw repeated punches at Sean Patrick Conroy, of the 1900 block of South 10th Street, at the 13th Street El station in 2008, causing his death, has been sentenced. The five Simon Gratz High School students were charged with beating the 36year-old, which triggered a fatal asthma

attack from blunt force to his head. Rasheem Bell, 18, from the 4700 block of Tampa Street, pled guilty to third-degree murder and criminal conspiracy and was sentenced to 11 to 23 months in jail, Monday, according to court documents. Bell’s reduced sentence was due to cooperating with the police and testifying on behalf of the prosecution, according to published reports. Ameer Best, 18, from the 2000 block of North 24th Street, and Nashir Fisher, 17, from the 3500 block of North Marvine Street, were found guilty of the same charges, while Kinta Stanton, 18, from the 4900 block of North Smedley Street, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and conspiracy. Those three were sentenced to 12-and-a-half to 25 years Oct. 29, Stanton also allegedly shot a 17-yearold in the stomach April 8 while awaiting trial. He has a May 17 trial date for the charges of aggravated assault and firearm violations, among other offenses. Arthur Alston, 18, from the 800 block of West Fisher Avenue, pled guilty to thirddegree murder and criminal conspiracy and was sentenced Dec. 17 to 10 to 20 years. Alston also will serve an additional two-and-a-half to five years for an unrelated aggravated assault. SPR

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Mia, left, and Tracy Levesque display the plaque they received as finalists for the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce’s Wells Fargo Business Owner of the Year. S ta f f P h o t o b y G r e g B e z a n i s

Starting a sustainable Web design company that grew alongside the Internet boom, a local couple was recognized by a national LGBT organization as pioneers of the green movement. By Jess Fuerst Review Contributor


he Internet is full of sparkly pop-up ads, embedded videos and rich graphics. But there was a time when it wasn’t the colorful, easy-access browser of today. “When I met Mia in 1992, she had a computer and, I mean, by today’s standards, it was a Windows machine, but she was able to do things with it. We got e-mail,” Tracy Levesque said of her wife and co-owner of the custom Web design company, YIKES. The duo from Third and Carpenter streets, who officially started their homegrown company in ’96, worked to provide access to the World Wide Web for all. “At WHYY, I saw the first Web-based browser, Mosaic. It was the precursor to Netscape. It was the first graphical browser,” Tracy said. “The nice thing about us is we’ve really grown with the Web. We got into it really early and experienced all of the incarnations and new features as they happened.” Their precocious nature, along with being formerly of the IT department at the University of Pennsylvania, gave them the drive they needed to set up a business that has adhered to the same principles since its inception. “It is people, planet, profits, in that order,” Mia Levesque said. This philosophy recently got the members of the Philadelphia Sustainable Business Network named one of three finalists in the 2009 National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce’s Wells Fargo Business Owner of the Year Award. The distinction, which showcases lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered business owners making advances in their fields, brought three trailblazers from around the nation to Washington, D.C. “It was very fancy,” the Levesques said of the Building Museum fete and dinner held Nov. 6, during which the women lost out to retirement communities RainbowVision Properties-owner Joy Silver. “I think it is great that we can show other businesses that you can get recognition for doing these [sustainable] practices that are fundamentally important,” Mia said. “I was really happy about that, in our getting the runner-up honors.”

Lifestyles “We recycle, we compost here in the office and it’s taken away by bicycle,” Tracy said. “We try and be all green, we print on all recycled paper and we use 100-percent renewable energy.” Along with keeping their planet in high spirits, the Levesques make sure their eight employees are looked after. “When I was in high school, I told myself I would make a commitment to the environment … and when we started our company, there wasn’t a name for it then, but this is what we were committing to,” Tracy said. “We wanted to create the world that we wanted to see.” MOVING TO QUEEN Village in ’90, Mia, a Connecticut native, walked into her local video store at Fourth and South streets and met Tracy in ’92. “After I graduated Temple [University] at age 18 in ’88, I worked at TLA Video, that’s also where I met Mia. She was a customer,” Tracy said. “That’s also why it’s so sad that it closed recently.” Tracy, with a radio, television and film bachelor’s degree, and Mia, a UConn grad with a degree in French, bonded over a shared interest in the fledgling World Wide Web. “I think our motivation was to bring the Internet and e-mail to people,” Mia,

44, said. “[The Internet] was an amazing thing. I don’t think we knew where it was heading, we didn’t have that kind of foresight, but we knew it was amazing and people should be able to use it.” Soon after they met, the couple and a co-founder, who has since moved back to Switzerland, laid the groundwork for the still-strong Web design company that has weathered the Internet bubble and the current recession with flying colors. “I think one of the main reasons we have run our high-tech business so long is because we have run it on a solid, proven business model, letting the business grow organically and building our client base through word-of-mouth,” Mia, who is a technical project manager, said. “We are heading into our 14th year … and in this business that is difficult and I think that says something about us.” Operations began out of their Third-andCarpenter home, the space they have lived in for more than 15 years, and where they intend to nest for a long time coming. “We live next to a community garden and we have lots of block parties and I couldn’t be happier,” Tracy, 39, said. “I think I live in the best place in the world.” Community is important to both parents, who are raising daughter Josephine, 3, in the city.

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a decision as a way of life. For their recent distinction, it took a nudge from a friend, Bread & Roses Executive Director Casey Cook, for them to submit their application to the NGLCC. “As a small business you get a lot of solicitation calls that are not relevant to anything. So when we got the call [about being finalists] I was like, ‘Is that for real?’” Mia said of the October notification. “It’s a national recognition, which is a pretty big deal for a small business like ours. Though the $5,000 first-place prize didn’t fall into their hands, the YIKES team is excited about the future with plans for expansion percolating — though not too much. “I’d like to remain a small business. It gives us the opportunity to work with our clients closely and stay true to our goals and mission,” Mia said. And, although seven years ago the company outgrew its home workspace and the headquarters moved to Northern Liberties, that is the only move they are planning to make. “We love our neighborhood. We love our house. We love our block,” Mia said. “I would never want to leave this neighborhood.” SPR

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“We live on a really good block and the kids all play in the garden … We love taking her to the farmers market at Headhouse Square,” Tracy said. Staying active in their community is a strong part of the Levesques’ lives. When the two learned their beloved Bodine Street Garden, 914 S. Bodine St., was at risk for closure, they quickly took to action creating “It was a five-year battle, but we saved our garden,” Tracy, the plot’s unofficial organizer, said. Their community-minded practices seep into their homestyle business, where they focus on dealing locally as much as possible and tapping into the Sustainable Business Network as much as possible. “When it comes to services we’ll look in ‘The Freedom Pages’ and we look to LGBT companies,” Tracy, YIKES’ Web designer, said. “[Giving to the community] might mean that we volunteer as a business or we donate services, advertising locally when we can in a film festival or that sort of thing,” Mia said. “We are trying to leave a small footprint and recycle and being mindful of our energy consumption and those things. Hopefully, then, you make the profits.” Though they are aware of their environmentally conscious ways, it is not so much

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1 6 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I j a n u a r y 7 , 2 0 1 0



Far from over the hill

By Tom Cardella Columnist

Taking flight

left that my wife hasn’t stained pink by using bleach in the wash. How can I explain, at one time, my boxers were all a solidly e’ve got a flight scheduled next masculine blue before she got her hands month to Florida. Taking a on them? I was happy to find out once we’re on commercial flight these days is a little like riding the subway at midnight: the plane they can’t hold us on the tarmac for more than three hours without taking You might get there and you might not. I admit I’m a bit concerned. There are so off, although I find a three-hour movie too many things to be concerned about. Will long, let alone waiting on the tarmac hopmy pilot fall asleep and land us in Ran- ing for a glass of water. I understand the new regs require us to goon? How is he at emergency landings in the Hudson River? Will he be surfing for remain seated the hour before we land. Why is that? If a terrorist porn instead of checkwanted to explode a bomb ing our altitude? It used on the plane, couldn’t he The recent wouldto be my main concern just do it the hour before was whether we would be bomber had the landing? Do you really be getting lunch or just explosives sewn have to stand up to exa bag of peanuts. Those into his underwear. plode a bomb? Maybe you days of yore seem quaint I would hate to be do if you have it sewn into now (by the way where your underwear. or what is “yore”). forced to take off Before Janet Napolitano The first challenge is my underwear along changed her mind, she getting to the airport with my shoes said the system worked on on time. Thanks to the the most recent attempt to ever-increasing safety precautions, we will have to order a cab blow up a plane. Janet should understand, before we even make the plane reserva- if she is depending on me to disarm the tertions. I used to gripe about getting there rorist so the system will work, she really two hours before my flight. Now I’ll have ought to get herself a new system. I have to book rooms at an airport motel at least been compared to George Costanza but two nights before our flight just to have never Steven Seagal. Don’t look for me to leap over rows of seats anytime soon, untime to get through security. And how well are those safety precau- less it’s to beat somebody to the restroom. In the day, the biggest puzzle about tions working? I can’t wear my boat shoes without socks since I have to take them off flying was why you were spending $40 before I go through check-in. The thought more than the guy sitting next to you for of walking barefoot in the airport might the same flight. Your biggest choice was be the scariest thing of all about flying. whether to kick in the $4 for headphones Where is it I can pack my shampoo? I for the in-flight movie. Your biggest fear keep forgetting if you have to store liq- was the airline might lose your baggage uids in your suitcase, your carry-on or in a with your new floating head shaver in it or separate container made out of kryptonite. the guy in front of you might recline his The new rules may mean I have to secrete seat so far you wished he were a female my numerous lotions in one of my body when he landed in your lap. orifices like a drug runner. Unfortunately, we now are forced to Do we still just empty our pockets and worry about whether a terrorist will slip place them in a plastic basket along with through security. We have spent about $40 our shoes or are we allowed to have pock- billion on airport security, but still a guy ets at all? Will the metal clasps on my who was labeled a nut case by his father man-bra set off the alarm? Can I help it if and was on a watch list was able to get a at my age I need the support? Do they still U.S. visa and board a plane with a bomb randomly search the luggage or just my taped to his unmentionables. luggage? I need to know because I may We have invaded two countries to fight have to hide all my nude photos of Cloris them over there so we don’t have to fight Leachman (Cloris would be so honored). them over here. Since this guy was trained The recent would-be bomber had the ex- in Yemen and boarded the plane in Amplosives sewn into his underwear. I would sterdam, here’s my question — do we inhate to be forced to take off my underwear vade both countries or just one of them? along with my shoes, not because I’m Happy flying. SPR ashamed of my body (although I should Comment at be), but because I don’t have any boxers


Jane (Meryl Streep) and Jake (Alec Baldwin), who were once married, prove it’s never too late to rekindle an old spark.

By R. Kurt Osenlund Movie Reviewer


riter/director Nancy Meyers is an essential figure in a notoriously narrow-minded environment. With “Something’s Gotta Give” and “It’s Complicated,” a freewheeling comedy about a well-to-do restaurateur (Meryl Streep) who gets caught up in an affair with her married ex-husband (Alec Baldwin), the 60-year-old filmmaker presents stories about sexual, sought-after females who aren’t just over 50, but who refuse to be pinned down by society’s notions of how women of a certain age should behave and be perceived. You’d be hard-pressed to find another director willing to turn the spotlight on such women. In fact, “It’s Complicated” offers some startling reminders of just how rare it is to see an older actress in a romantic role, such as during a post-coital scene in which we see a slight hint of flab peeking out over the band of Streep’s bra. What a concept: A major movie starring a woman whose body isn’t perfect. Which is not to say Streep isn’t perfect in another vehicle showcasing the acting queen’s newfound box-office clout. (Her current film has grossed $60 million since its Dec. 25 opening.) And who better than Meyers, the queen of female-friendly cinema, to be behind the wheel? That Meyers lacks a certain degree of taste is what causes the overall value of her films to be commercial rather than artistic, despite her meticulous, Martha Stewartlike eye for handsome production details. She’s not above tossing in a quip about “The Hills,” which, if anything, makes her sound like an old lady straining to be trendy. And we can appreciate Streep’s un-Botoxed beauty without a tacked-on,

cautionary trip to the plastic surgeon’s office. Too often, Meyers gets in the way of her own mission. Largely, the humor and the actors’ handling of it is what makes “It’s Complicated” a fizzy if fleeting delight. As benign architect Adam pining for Streep’s affections, Steve Martin just kinda twiddles his thumbs, but Streep and Baldwin emerge as a hilarious comic dream team. See this one for its change-of-pace heroine and because you’ll probably laugh til you cry. I did.

It’s Complicated R Three reels out of four In area theaters now

Recommended Rental

The Hurt Locker R Available Tuesday Tightly focused on a team of bomb-defusing soldiers in Iraq, “The Hurt Locker” is a testament to the awesome power of visuals. Showing masterful restraint, director Kathryn Bigelow creates whiteknuckled suspense, silently and patiently holding on images of men handling IEDs that may well explode at any moment. This is the best film yet about today’s Middle Eastern conflicts. It is utterly uncompromising, glorifies nothing, talks down to no one, brings eerie truths into perspective and still respects its subject matter. An indispensable movie. SPR Comment on this movie or review and see the trailers at



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EXPIRES: 01/27/10

EXPIRES: 01/27/10


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EXPIRES: 01/27/10

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1 8 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I j a n u a r y 7 , 2 0 1 0

American Idol Jordin Sparks highlights the Fourth Annual Lemon Ball 7 p.m. to midnight Jan. 9. Tickets: $250. Proceeds benefit the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, which works to find a cure for pediatric cancer. Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, 1201 Market St.


he deadline for calendar submissions is 5 p.m. Thursday before the publication date (no exceptions). Listing information must be typed or neatly printed and may be mailed, e-mailed, faxed or delivered in person. Information is not accepted by phone. All listings must include a phone number that can be printed. Materials that do not follow the criteria or arrive by the deadline will not be printed.

Mail/Deliver to 12th and Porter streets Philadelphia, Pa. 19148 Fax: 215-336-1112 E-mail:

Highlights this week

University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology ends its run of “His Golden Touch: The Gordion Drawings of Piet de Jong” Jan. 10. 3260 South St. 215-898-4000. “Feed Your Future … Developing Our Next Generation,” a teen center development program hosted by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Mayor’s Office of Philadelphia is 7 p.m. Jan. 7. Murphy Recreation Center, 300 Shunk St. 215-685-1874. Edwin McCain Trio performs 7:30 p.m. Jan. 7. Tickets: $15. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-2221400. Philadelphia Sketch Club exhibits “2010 Works on Paper” Jan. 8-23. Opening reception is 2-4 p.m. Jan. 10. 235 S. Camac St. 215- 545-9298. www.

AxD Gallery showcases “Arabesque Expressionism” Jan. 8-Feb. 6. Opening reception is Jan. 8. 265 S. 10th St. 215-627-6250. Healthy Kids Fest takes place 1-5 p.m. Jan. 10. Activities are free, but skating sessions are $8 per person. Blue Cross RiverRink, Penn’s Landing, Columbus Blvd. at Market St. 215-925-RINK. Burrison Gallery displays “Snow Traces by Francesca Pfister” Jan. 11-Feb. 19. 3611 Walnut St. 215-898-5994. Filmmaker Julie Dash visits 5:30 and 8 p.m. Jan. 12 at International House, 3701 Chestnut St., and 7 p.m. Jan. 13 at Scribe Video Center, 4212 Chestnut St., where Dash hosts a 3:30 p.m. Jan. 13 writing and production class. 215-387-5125. Marc-Andre Hamelin tickles the ivories 8 p.m. Jan. 13. Tickets: $23. Kimmel Center, 300 S. Broad St. 215569-8080. Cracker and Camper Van Beethoven play a double bill 7:30 p.m. Jan. 13. Tickets: $30-$40. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400.


> Items beginning with this symbol are happening this week.

Live shows >Behemoth: 9 p.m. Jan. 7. Tickets: $12.75-$20. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. >Nouvelle Vague: 9 p.m. Jan. 8. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-2221400. >Absence of Worry: 7 p.m. Jan. 9. Tickets: $15. Trocadero, 1003 Arch St. 215922-6888. >Nick Jonas and The Administration: 8 p.m. Jan. 9. Tower Theater, 69th and Ludlow streets, Upper Darby. 877-598-8696. >Mario: 9 p.m. Jan. 9. Tickets: $40-$43. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. D.R.I.: 7:30 p.m. Jan. 15. Tickets: $16.50-$18. Trocadero, 1003 Arch St. 215-9226888. War and the Average White Band: 8 p.m. Jan. 15. Tickets: $35-$45. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. www. The Heavy: 8 p.m. Jan. 15. Tickets: $13-$20. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400.

W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g

Travia: 7 p.m. Jan. 16. Tickets: $15. Trocadero, 1003 Arch St. 215-9226888. Satisfaction: A Rolling Stones Experience: 8 p.m. Jan. 16. Tickets: $28.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. Nile: 6:30 p.m. Jan. 17. Tickets: $18.50-$22. Trocadero, 1003 Arch St. 215-922-6888. Brian Fallon: 8 p.m. Jan. 17. Tickets: $15. First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St. 215-922-6888. Anvil: 8 p.m. Jan. 17. Tickets: $20-$52. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. Arch Enemy: 8 p.m. Jan. 21. Tickets: $15-$23. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. www. Elvis Birthday Bash: 8 p.m. Jan. 22. Tickets: $34.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215572-7650. Bronze Radio Return: 9:30 p.m. Jan. 23. Tickets: $13-$15. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400.

The Smithereens: 7:30 p.m. Jan. 24. Tickets: $30-$40. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. Matt Hires: 8 p.m. Jan. 26. Tickets: $13-$15. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. Epica: 6:30 p.m. Jan. 27. Tickets: $17-$45. Trocadero, 1003 Arch St. 215922-6888. Shawn Mullins and Jeffrey Gaines: 7:30 p.m. Jan. 27. Tickets: $30-$40. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. Wale: 8 p.m. Jan. 28. Tickets: $18-$21. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. www. Expendables: 8 p.m. Jan. 29. Tickets: $11.25-$18. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. Angela Meade: 7:30 p.m. Jan. 2930. Tickets: $28-$48. Kimmel Center, Broad and Spruce streets. 215-7351685. Musical Box: “Trick of the Tail,” 8 p.m. Jan. 29-30. Tickets: $39.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. www.

Sting and The Philadelphia Orchestra: 7:30 p.m. Jan. 30. Tickets: $200. Academy of Music, Broad and Locust streets. 215-893-1999. www. State Radio: 8:30 p.m. Jan. 30. Tickets: $28-$30. Electric Factory, 421 N. Seventh St. 215-336-2000. www. Transistor Rodeo: 9 p.m. Jan. 30. Tickets: $9. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. School of Rock Suburban Best of Season: 1 p.m. Jan. 31. Tickets: $12. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215222-1400. Between the Buried and Me: 6:30 p.m. Jan. 31. Tickets: $17-$19. Trocadero, 1003 Arch St. 215-9226888. Elon Gold: 7 p.m. Jan. 31. Tickets: $25-$37.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-5727650. Xande Cruz: 8 p.m. Jan. 31. Tickets: $10. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. Mariah Carey: 7:30 p.m. Feb. 1. Tickets: $59.75-$135.75. Tower Theater, 69th and Ludlow streets, Upper Darby. 877-598-8696. www. Anti-Flag: 7 p.m. Feb. 3. Tickets: $15. Trocadero, 1003 Arch St. 215-9226888.

Scary Kids Scaring Kids with The Sleeping and The Scenic: 7:30 p.m. Feb. 3. Tickets: $9.75-$16. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. Galactic: 9 p.m. Feb. 4. Tickets: $18.75-$25. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. Kansas: 8 p.m. Feb. 5. Tickets: $37.50-$47.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-5727650. Zydeco-A-Go-Go: 7:30 p.m. Feb. 6. Tickets: $13. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. Classic Albums Live: Bob Marley’s “Legend,” 8 p.m. Feb. 6. Tickets: $19.50-$32.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-5727650. Residents: 7:30 p.m. Feb. 8. Tickets: $25-$38. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. Trace Bundy: 8 p.m. Feb. 10. Tickets: $10. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. Michael & Michael Have Live Tour: 8 p.m. Feb. 12. Tickets: $24. Trocadero, 1003 Arch St. 215-9226888.

Murder City Devils: 9 p.m. Feb. 12. Tickets: $20-$23. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-5988696. Rebelution: 8 p.m. Feb. 13. Tickets: $17-$20. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. www. Kathleen Madigan: 8 p.m. Feb. 13. Tickets: $22.50-$27.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-5727650. Solid Gold Memories: 7 p.m. Feb. 14. Tickets: $42.50-$52.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. www. Peekaboo Revue: 7 p.m. Feb. 14. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215222-1400. Tegan & Sara: 8 p.m. Feb. 16. Tickets: $35-$38. Tower Theatre, 69th and Ludlow streets, Upper Darby. 877-598-8696. Citizen Cope: 9 p.m. Feb. 18-19. Tickets: $27.50-$30. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-5988696. George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic: 8 p.m. Feb. 20. Tickets: $29-$45. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-5727650. Editors: 8:30 p.m. Feb. 20. Tickets: $16-$18. Trocadero, 1003 Arch St. 215922-6888.

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John Mayer: 8 p.m. Feb. 21. Tickets: $51-$76. Wachovia Center, 3601 S. Broad St. 800-298-4200. www. Verve Pipe: 8 p.m. Feb. 23. Tickets: $21$23.World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. Omara Portuondo and The Roberto Fonseca Quartet: 8 p.m. Feb. 23. Tickets: $38.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. www. Flogging Molly: 8:30 p.m. Feb. 26. Tickets: $28-$30. Electric Factory, 421 N. Seventh St. 215-336-2000. www. Twiztid: 9 p.m. Feb. 26. Tickets: $20-$23. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. www. Howie Day: 8:30 p.m. Feb. 27. Tickets: $24-$34. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. Muse: 7 p.m. March 2. Tickets: $35-$59.50. Wachovia Center, 3601 S. Broad St. 800-298-4200. www. Black Eyed Peas: March 3. Wachovia Center, 3601 S. Broad St. 800298-4200. St. Patrick’s Day Celebration: 7:30 p.m. March 3. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www.


2 0 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I J A N U A R Y 7 , 2 0 1 0

W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g Bob Mould: 8 p.m. March 3. Tickets: $25-$35. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www.

Museums/Exhibits/ Galleries >Academy of Natural Sciences: “George Washington Carver,” through Feb. 28; Animal Logic: Richard Barnes, 6:30 p.m. Jan. 20; Looking at Animals, March 13-May 16; Creatures of the Abyss, June 5-Sept. 6. 1900 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy. 215-299-1000. >African American Museum: “Audacious Freedom: African Americans in Philadelphia, 1776-1876,” ongoing. 701 Arch St. 215-574-0380. >American Swedish Historical Museum: “Printscapes: Impressions of Nature,” Jan. 17-May 2; “First Impressions: A Children’s Printmaking Program,” noon-3 p.m. Jan. 18 for ages 7-12; “Nudes by Anders Zorn” and “Material Matters: Samples from the Textile Collection,” both through spring. 1900 Pattison Ave. 215-3891776. Bridgette Mayer Gallery: “High Light Rhythm,” Feb. 2-27. Opening reception is 6-8:30 p.m. Feb. 5; “New Works,” March 2-27. Opening reception is 6-8:30 p.m. March 5; “New Ceramic Works.” March 30May 1. Opening reception is 6-8:30 p.m. April 2; “New Works.” May 4-29. Opening reception is 6-8:30 p.m. May 7; “Group Show Benefit” for Back on My Feet, June; Opening reception is 6-8:30 p.m. June 4; Gallery Artists Group Show,” July. Opening reception is 6-8:30 p.m. July 2. 709 Walnut St. 215-413-8893. >Center for Emerging Visual Artists: “Alumni Travel Grant Exhibition,” through Jan. 22. 1521 Locust St. 215-546-7775. Clay Studio: Gallery Talk with Nate Prouty, 6-7:30 p.m. Jan. 14; Electric Kilns: Maintenance and Firing, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Jan. 30; Valentine’s Day Date Nights, 7-10 p.m. Feb. 12-13; Clay and Mimosa Valentine’s Day Brunch, noon-3 p.m. Feb. 14; Let’s Get the Wheels Rolling, 6-8 p.m. Feb. 19; Elements of Function, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. March 29-30. 137-39 N. Second St. 215-925-3453. www. >Congregation Rodeph Shalom: “Wimpel! Wrapped Wishes,” through Feb. 21. 615 N. Broad St. 215-6276747. >Da Vinci Art Alliance: “50 Years of Realism to 5 Years of Abstraction,” through Jan. 31. 704 Catharine St.

>Fleisher Art Memorial: “Neapolitan presepio,” 10 a.m.-5 p.m. through Jan. 16. 719 Catharine St. 215-922-3456. >Franklin Institute: “Body Worlds and the Brain,” through Feb. 21; “Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt,” June 5-Jan. 2. 20th St. and the Benjamin Franklin Pkwy. 215-448-1200. >Independence Seaport Museum: “Skin & Bones: Tattoos in the Life of the American Sailor,” through Feb. 7. 211 S. Columbus Blvd. 215413-8655. Institute of Contemporary Art: “Maira Kalman: Various Illuminations (of a Crazy World),” Jan. 15-June 6. Opening reception is 6-8 p.m. Jan. 14. “Video Art: Replay, Everyday Imaginary,” Jan. 15-March 21. Opening reception is 6-8 p.m. Jan. 14. “Video Art: Replay, Part 3,” April 23-Aug. 1. 118 S. 36th St. 215-5739975. International House: “Homeland,” Jan. 17-March 5. Opening reception is 6-8 p.m. Jan. 20. 3701 Chestnut St. 215-235-3405. >James Oliver Gallery: “Borders,” through Jan. 10. 723 Chestnut St. 267918-7432. Laurel Hill Cemetery: Tour, 2 p.m. Jan. 17; “Finding Edgar Allan Poe: By the Light of the Full Wolf Moon,” 5 p.m. Jan. 30. 3822 Ridge Ave. 215-2288200. >Muse Gallery: “Horses” through Jan. 30. Reception is 5-8:30 p.m. Jan. 9. 52 N. Second St. 215-627-5310. Mutter Museum: “Medicine in Film: A Symposium,” Jan. 20-23. 19 S. 22nd St. 215-563-3737. www. >Newman Galleries: Works by Robert Mead Jones and Bonnie Beauchamp Jones, through Jan. 31. 1625 Walnut St. >Nexus/foundation: “Supergirl!,” through Feb. 5. 1400 N. American St. 215-684-1946. >Old City Jewish Art Center: “Material Goods,” through Jan. 31. Artists’ reception with workshops are 1-4 p.m. Jan. 17. 119 N. Third St. 215923-1222. >Open Lens Gallery: “Lost Futures: Journeys Into The Jewish Diaspora,” through Jan. 15. Gershman Y, 401 S. Broad St. >Philadelphia Folklore Project: Storytelling Workshop: Cultivating Wisdom in Hard Times, Jan. 13 and Feb. 24. 735 S. 50th St. 215-726-1106. >Philadelphia Museum of Art: “Common Ground: Eight Philadelphia Photographers in the 1960s and 1970s,” through Jan. 31; “Cai Guo-Qiang: Fallen Blossoms,” through March 7; “Notations/Bruce Nauman: Days and Giorni,” through April 4; “Marcel Wanders: Day-

Lucking out Special events Termite TV’s “Yo! Taxi” screens 2 p.m. Jan. 23. Suggested donation $5. The Arts Bank, 601 S. Broad St. www. Jerry Blavat Oldies Night is 7 p.m.-midnight Jan. 23. Tickets: $40. Stella Maris, 2929 S. 10th St. Carol Tempesta, 215-463-3410. Elizabeth Gilbert headlines a fundraiser for the Spells Writing Center Feb. 18. Tickets: $50-$125. Loews Hotel, 1200 Market St. www.

Theater/Dance/Opera “The Irish and How They Got That Way” is an irreverent but affectionate history of the Irish in America by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Frank McCourt, shown, that runs Jan. 7 to April 14 at Innovation Studio at the Kimmel Center, 260 S. Broad St. Tickets: $35-$47. 215-893-1999. www. dreams,” through June 13; “Kantha: The Embroidered Quilts of Bengal” through July 25; “Arts of Bengal: Wives, Mothers, Goddesses,” through July; Midnight Masquerade Winter Gala, 8 p.m. Feb. 20. Cost: $100-$140; “Picasso and the AvantGarde in Paris,” Feb. 24-April 25; “Late Renoir,” June 17-Sept. 6. www. 26th St. and the Benjamin Franklin Pkwy. 215-7638100. >Philadelphia Sketch Club: “Society of Illustrators, New York” through Jan. 30. 235 S. Camac St. 215-545-9298. Philadelphia Zoo: Great Backyard Bird Count Guided Walks, 7:30-9:30 a.m. Feb. 13; Lovin’ on the Wild Side, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Feb 13-14; Family Overnight: Who’s Awake in Winter?, 6:30 p.m. Feb. 27-10 a.m. Feb. 28; Reader’s Club for ages 2-6, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 28; Bunny Hop, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. March 27-28. 34th St. and Girard Ave. 215-243-5336. www. >Plastic Club Art Gallery: New members’ show, Jan. 10-31. Opening reception is 2-5 p.m. Jan. 10. 247 S. Camac St. 215-545-9324. www. >Please Touch Museum: “The Building Show,” through Jan. 25; Exploring Trees Inside and Out, Jan. 23-May 2; Scat Cat’s Junior Jazz Jamboree, Feb. 1-26; Rhythm Romp, March 5-7; “There’s Something Under My Bed,” March 5-May 9; Puppet Play Date, March 21. 4231 Avenue of the Republic. 215-963-0667. www.

Print Center: “Philagrafika 2010: The Graphic Unconscious,” Jan. 29-April 11. 1614 Latimer St. 215-735-6090. >Rosenbach Museum & Library: “Too Many Thoughts to Chew: A Sendak Stew,” through Jan. 17; “Moore Adventures in Wonderland,” through June 6; “Friend or Faux: Imitation and Invention from Innocent to Fraudulent,” through July 11. 2008-2010 Delancey Place. 215-732-1600. >Salsita Studio and Gallery: Works by Don Hughes and Mikey Madnez, through Jan. 23. 1624 South St. 267-687-6886. www. Sub Octo Gallery: “Val Cushing,” March 29-April 25. 2202 Alter St. 215-893-8812. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: “The East Asian Heartland and its Bronze Age Connections with sinologist Victor Mair,” 5 p.m. Jan. 27; “Painted Metaphors: Pottery and Politics of the Ancient Maya,” through Jan. 31; “Righteous Dopefiend: Homelessness, Addiction and Poverty in Urban America” and “The Goodlands: Young Photographers Inspiring Hope in North Philadelphia,” both through May; “Fulfilling a Prophecy: The Past and Present of the Lenape in Pennsylvania,” through July 11. 3260 South St. 215-898-4000. Wentworth Gallery: Jane Seymour showcases her artwork, 7-9 p.m. Feb. 12 and 5-8 p.m. Feb. 13. Court at King of Prussia, 160 N. Gulph Road. 610-337-8988 or 800-732-6140.

>Scapin!: Through Jan. 10. Tickets: $20-$35. Lantern Theater Company, 10th and Ludlow streets. www. >Oliver!: Through Jan. 10. Tickets: $10-$75. Walnut Street Theatre, 825 Walnut St., 215-574-3550. www. >Peter Pan: Through Jan. 31. Tickets: $16-$32. Arden Theater, 40 N. Second St. 215-922-1122. www. >Becky Shaw: Through Jan. 31. Wilma Theater, 265 S. Broad St. 215546-7824. >Flashpoint DNA, Dynamic New Art: Through May 3. Tickets: $35$45. Adrienne Theater, 2030 Sansom St. 215-665-9720. >Concrete Dinosaur: Jan. 7-24. Tickets: $20-$25. Plays & Players Theatre, 1714 Delancey St. 215-592-9560. >Tru: Jan. 8-31. Tickets: $15-$20. Adrienne Theatre Second Stage, 2030 Sansom St. 215-923-8909. >The Threshing Floor: Jan. 8-31. Tickets: $15-$20. Adrienne Theatre Second Stage, 2030 Sansom St. 215-923-8909. Blue Door: Jan. 14-March 21. Arden Theatre Company, 40 N. Second St. 215-922-1122. The Prince: Jan. 19-Feb 7. Walnut Street Theatre Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St. 215-574-3550. The Eclectic Society: Jan. 19-March 7. Tickets: $10-$60. Walnut Street Theatre, 825 Walnut St. 215-574-3550. Golden Age: Jan. 22-Feb. 21. Suzanne Roberts Theatre, 480 S. Broad St. 215-985-0420. Respect, A Musical Journey of Women: Jan. 27-April 18. Tickets: $40-$45. Society Hill Playhouse, 507 S. Eighth St. 215-925-3769. www.

Rain, A Tribute to The Beatles: Feb. 2-7. Tickets: $35-$85. Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. 215-8931999. Let’s Pretend We’re Married: Feb. 2-14. Tickets: $25-$35. Prince Music Theater, 1412 Chestnut St. The Breath of Life: Feb. 4-28. Tickets: $10-$35. St. Stephen’s Theater, 10th and Ludlow streets. 215829-0395. If You Give a Pig a Pancake: Feb. 6. Tickets: $10-$14. Walnut Street Theatre, 825 Walnut St. 215-5743550. The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber: Feb. 9-14. Tickets: $20-$80. Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. 215893-1999. Elliot, A Soldier’s Fugue: Feb. 23-March 14. Walnut Street Theatre Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St. 215-574-3550. www. Romeo and Juliet: Feb. 25-April 11. Arden Theatre Company, 40 N. Second St. 215-922-1122. Annie: Feb. 26-28. Tickets: $20-$70. Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. 215893-1999. Language Rooms: March 3-April 4. Wilma Theater, 265 S. Broad St. 215546-7824. Pennsylvania Ballet: “The Four Temperaments,” “Carmina Burana” and “Rodeo,” March 4-13. Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. 215-5517000.


Decadent Gourmet Tour: 3 p.m. Wednesdays-Sundays with cheeses, chocolates and teas. Tickets: $29. Meet inside Di Bruno Bros., 1730 Chestnut St. 800-979-3370. www. Wine, Chocolate & Tea Tour: 6 p.m. Wednesdays-Fridays. Tickets: $55. Meets inside Tbar, 117 S. 12th St. 800-979-3370. Artisanal Beer, Cheese & Prosciutto Tasting: 3:30 p.m. the first, third and fifth Saturday of the month. Tickets: $45. Meet inside Old City Cheese, 160 N. Third St. 800979-3370. Flavors of Philly Tour: 1:30-4 p.m. Mondays-Sundays with cheesesteaks, soft pretzels, hoagies and more. Tickets: $29-$39. 800-9793370. Theater Tours: Participants receive the script and/or readings and discuss the materials with a docent. After each show, there is a roundtable with an artist from the show. Productions are: “Gnadiges Fraulein, March 19April 3;” “Nerve;” “516,” and “Sunday in the Park with George,” May 27-July 4. Cost: $64.

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2 2 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I j a n u a r y 7 , 2 0 1 0

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W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g

COMMUNITY Civic associations/Town Watches

Community and senior centers

Churches and congregations New Greenwich Light Baptist Church is open for prayer noon-1 p.m. Wednesdays. 121 W. Oregon Ave. The Lighthouse gives away clothes and food 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesdays. 30th and Wharton streets. 215-463-2434.


ASAP/After School Activities Partnerships is looking for volunteers to lead enrichment activities for children one hour a week. 215545-2727. Center for Literacy offers multilevel ESL classes for adults 9-11:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Francis Scott Key Elementary School, Eighth and Wolf streets. 215-474-1235. Job Corps STARS Initiative is looking for volunteers to tutor students two hours a week. Darvin, 267-386-2890. Point Breeze Education Center offers “The Point Breeze Charm and Etiquette program” for ages 8-13 3:30-5 p.m. Wednesdays. 1518 S. 22nd St. 215-755-6628. Programs Employing People seeks volunteers to help disabled classes as well as literacy tutors. Broad and Federal streets. 215-952-4292. marnie. Saints in Training, offered by Neumann-Goretti, is a free enrichment program for fifth- to eighth-graders who want to excel in academics and become more involved in school activities. 215-465-8437, ext. 250. Salvatore Terruso Lodge Sons of Italy meets 7 p.m. the first Thursday of the month. The Prudential Building, 20th St. and Oregon Ave. Rich Vinci, 215-389-7799. Triangle Park needs volunteers for watering and cleaning sessions 7 p.m. Wednesdays. Meet at Sixth and Christian streets. 215-704-7466. 215-5745050.

Health >“Science and the Practice of Homeopathy” is 7 p.m. Jan. 13. Essene Market & Cafe, 719 S. Fourth St. 215-922-1146. >Zumba Boot Camp and Hatha Yoga Flow classes start Jan. 9. Cost: $5-$10. Bring a yoga mat or towel. Arts Parlor, 1170 S. Broad St. or “Building a Future Plan for Children and Adults on the Autism Spectrum” is 1-3 p.m. Jan. 16. Center for Autism, 3905 Ford Road. 215-413-7106.


Central Library: Children’s Prints Exhibit, Feb. 15-March 12. 1901 Vine St. 215-686-5322.

Donatucci Sr. Library: computer tutorials for adults and seniors, noon Thursdays; LEAP After-School Program, 3-6 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays; homework and computer assistance, 3-5 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays; yoga for adults and seniors, 6:15 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays; Chess and Board Game Club, 4 p.m. Fridays; arts and crafts, 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays; and Teen Gaming Club, 4 p.m. Thursdays. Hours: Noon-8 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays; 10 a.m.5 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays; closed Sundays and Mondays. 1935 Shunk St. 215-685-1755. Fumo Family Library Branch: Cuddly Bear Stories, 7 p.m. Jan. 23 for ages 15 months-6 years. Wear pjs and bring a toy. 2437 S. Broad St. 215-685-1758. Santore Library: Smoking cessation six-week course, 1 p.m. Mondays. 932 S. Seventh St. 215686-1766. South Philadelphia Library: ESL classes, 12:30-3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 1700 S. Broad St. 215685-1866.

Mummers Hog Island N.Y.A. holds preteen dances 7 p.m. Fridays. Donation: $7. 2116 S. Third St.


Child Care Information Services offers funding and services to help parents find, select and pay for childcare and school-age programs. 1500 S. Columbus Blvd. 215-271-0570. Community Labor Refinery Tracking Committee works on environmental and health issues related to living near the Sunoco Refinery. Meets the second Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m. Mercy Wellness Center, 2821 Island Ave. 215-640-8800. Diversified Community Services/Point Breeze Family Center offers information/referral services, counseling, parenting and education/computer classes. Dixon House, 1920 S. 20th St. 215-336-3511. Face Your Giants Rap Sessions features group meetings to discuss life experiences and develop relationships 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays. 2144 S. Broad St. 267-582-1667. Prancing Paws Animal Rescue is dedicated to saving street cats and kittens.

Recreation centers and playgrounds Marian Anderson: Better Days offers HIV/AIDS counseling, contraception, teen workshops and more. 17th and Fitzwater streets. 215-685-6594. Capitolo: After-school program for ages 6-13 3:30-6 p.m. MondayFriday. Cost: $10/week. Ninth and Federal streets. 215-685-1883.

DiSilvestro: After-school program for ages 5-12 3-6 p.m. Mondays-Fridays. Cost: $25/month. 1701 S. 15th St. 215-685-1598. Guerin: Pinochle, 12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday; Ballet, tap and jazz/hip-hop lessons, 5 p.m. Thursdays; After-school program 3-6 p.m. weekdays for ages 5-10; Girl Scouts meet 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursdays; Ceramics are 7:30 p.m. Mondays. 16th and Jackson streets. 215-685-1894. Hawthorne Cultural Center: Linedancersize, 6:15-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays and kung fu classes 10 a.m.-noon Saturdays; after-school program for ages 5-12 3-6 p.m. Monday-Friday. Cost: $5/week; drawing, and painting classes 2:304:30 p.m. Saturdays. Free. Students must provide their own supplies and will be given a list. 1200 Carpenter St. 215-685-1848. hawthornerec@ Murphy: Aerobic classes 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Cost: $6; Ceramic classes for adults, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Mondays. Cost: $2; sculpture/ceramics classes for ages 12-18, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays; Murphy Recreation Center holds an afterschool program 3-6 p.m. MondaysFridays for ages 6-12. Cost: $7/week. 300 Shunk St. 215-685-1874. www. Starr Garden: Yoga for Everyone, 6:30 p.m. Thursdays; Chess Club for ages 5-12, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Fridays; Capture the Flag Games, 3:30-5 p.m. Thursdays; Children’s Film Workshops for ages 7-10, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays; Children’s art classes 10 a.m.-noon every other Saturday; and Intro to French classes for adults, 7-8 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. Cost: $35; Indoor Soccer at McCall School Gym, 6-7 p.m. Jan. 4-March 17, Mondays, for ages 5-6 and Wednesdays for ages 7-8. 600-44 Lombard St. 215-686-1782. Tolentine: After-school programs for ages 5-13 Monday-Friday. Van service as well as full- or half-day coverage available. 11th and Mifflin streets. 215-389-0717.

Reunions Taggart Elementary for all students, Feb. 6. Sharon or Hollie,

Support groups Al-Anon meets 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at St. John’s Evangelist Church, Third and Reed streets; 7:30 p.m. Fridays at 1605 E. Moyamensing Ave.; and 11:15 a.m. Saturdays at Episcopal Church of the Crucifixion, Eighth and Bainbridge streets. 215-222-5244.

Alzheimer’s Association holds a support group for families of people with Alzheimer’s 2-4 p.m. the third Saturday of each month. St. Agnes Continuing Care Center, 1900 S. Broad St. 800-272-3900. Codependents Anonymous meets at Methodist Hospital, 2301 S. Broad St., 6:30 p.m. Sundays. 215-333-7775. Debtors Anonymous meets 7 p.m. Thursdays. William Way Center, 1315 Spruce St. Susan, 610-203-3200. Gamblers Anonymous meets 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Methodist Hospital, Broad and Ritner streets. NARANON for families and friends of addicts meets 7:30 p.m. Thursday at St. Nicholas of Tolentine, 910 Watkins St. 215-808-7422. Philadelphia Multiple Myeloma Networking Group meets 1:303:30 p.m. the second Saturday of the month (except August). Ralston House, 3615 Chestnut St. 215-9471730. Smoking cessation is 4-5 p.m. or 6-7 p.m. the first two Tuesdays and Thursdays of the month. Pennsylvania Hospital, 800 Spruce St. www. Philadelphia Access Center holds Jobs for Life, a biblically based job training program; and Moms’ Group, a biblically based study with free childcare. 1832 S. 11th St. 215-389-1985. Pennsylvania Recovery Organization–Achieving Community Together (PRO-ACT) hosts a family program to help recognize and address addiction 6:30-8:30 p.m. the first Thursday of the month. 444 N. Third St. 800-221-6333. Recovery International for those with stress, anger, sadness, fear or depression meets 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and 2:30 p.m. Saturdays. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 1831 Bainbridge St. 215-732-2787. Supportive Older Women’s Network for ages 60 and over meets 1 p.m. Mondays. JCCs Stiffel Senior Center, 604 Porter St. 215-468-3500. Mercy LIFE (Living Independently For Elders) for caregivers for ages 55 and over meets 6-7:30 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month. 215-339-4157. Substance Abuse Program meets 9 a.m.-noon and 11 a.m.-2:15 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 1021 S. 21st St. 215-790-9942. Voice It Sistah for HIV-positive women meets 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Similar sessions held during coffee hour noon-1 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays. YOACAP, 1207 Chestnut St. 215-851-1898. Women in Transition for women hurt by a partner or coping with addiction counsels 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday or 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday-Sunday. 215-751-1111. www. SPR

S O U T h p h illyreview . c o m 2 3

JCCs Stiffel Senior Center: Thrift shop sells used clothing 10 a.m.noon Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. 604 Porter St. 215-468-3500. Philadelphia Senior Center: Digital photography class, 1 p.m. Mondays; diabetes support group, 1 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month; Silver Sneakers fitness classes, 2 p.m. Tuesdays; T’ai chi, 1 p.m. Mondays; Rev Up, 10 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; yoga, 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays. 509 S. Broad St. 215-546-5879. www. Samuel S. Fels Community Center: Free exercise program Tuesday and Thursday mornings. 2407 S. Broad St. 215-218-0800. Single Parents Society holds senior dances Fridays, 8-11 p.m. 1430 S. Passyunk Ave. 215-465-2298. South Philadelphia Older Adult Center: Socials every Wednesday, 7-10 p.m., with live music and refreshments. Cost: $7. 1430 Passyunk Ave. 215-952-0547. United Communities Houston Community Center: Emergency energy assistance, ESL and computer classes. Free clothing giveaway 1:30-5:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Emergency food cupboard. Houston Center, 2029 S. Eighth St. 215-467-8700. United Communities Southwark House: Bingo, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Thursdays; karate classes for ages 14 and up, 7:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 101 Ellsworth St. 215673-1484.

Mount Enon Baptist Church holds a free lunch program 12:30 p.m. the third and fourth Wednesdays of the month. 500 Snyder Ave. 215-334-2844.

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>CCP Townwatch serves Eighth to 13th streets, Snyder Ave. to Ritner St. Meetings held the second Wednesday of the month. Jason, 215-271-2424. Columbus Square Park Advisory Council holds meetings 7 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. 12th and Wharton streets. Dickinson Narrows Civic Association holds meetings 7 p.m. the third Monday of the month. George Washington Elementary, Fifth and Federal streets. East Passyunk Crossing Civic Association and Town Watch serves Broad to Eighth streets, Tasker St. to Snyder Ave. Meetings are 7 p.m. the first Monday of the month. St. Agnes Continuing Care Center, Broad and McKean streets. 215-339-0400. Friends of Dickinson Square Park general meeting is 7 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Dickinson Square Park, Fourth and Tasker streets. 215-685-1885. info@ Guerin Residents Organizing Urban Pride (GROUP) meets 7 p.m. the last Monday of the month. 16th and Jackson streets. www. Hawthorne Cultural Center holds meetings 6:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of the month. 1200 Carpenter St. 215-685-1848. Lower Moyamensing Civic Association services Snyder to Oregon avenues and Broad to Eighth streets. Town Watch walks every other Monday, except Dec. Neighborhood Stakeholders Advisory Committee holds meetings 6-7:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of the month. United Communities, 2029 S. Eighth St. Keith Watkins, 215-468-1645 ext. 226. Newbold Neighbors Association meets 6:30-7:30 p.m. the last Tuesday of the month. South Philadelphia Library, Broad and Morris streets. Passyunk Square Civic Association serves Washington to Tasker, Sixth to Broad streets. General meetings are 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month at South Philadelphia Older Adult Center, Passyunk Ave. and Dickinson St. Gold Star Park Clean Up is 10 a.m.-noon the second to last Saturday of the month. >Pennsport Civic Association meets 7 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month. EOM, 138 Moore St. 215-462-9764.

Point Breeze Civic Association offers a tutoring program for ages 7-12 in reading, math and English. 1518 S. 22nd St. 215-755-6628. >South of South Neighborhood Association serves the area from Broad St. to the Schuylkill River, South St. to Washington Ave. Meetings are the second Wednesday of the month. >West Passyunk Point Neighborhood Association meets 6:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month. Cafe con Chocolate, 2100 S. Norwood St. 215-498-6891. Whitman Council Inc. holds board meetings 7 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month. EOM, 138 Moore St. 215-468-4056.

southphillyreview . c o m

ven with tough economic times in play, the Mummers still managed to put on one amazing show with stunning costumes and brilliant performances for all to see. In a rare break from what is shaping up to be a cold, bitter winter, the Strutters took over Broad Street, up to City Hall, for several hours, in addition to the celebratory march down Two Street, and the New Year wouldn’t be the same without ’em.

Here’s who came out on top for 2010:


m ay o C urr

rs 1. Modtime i o 2. G3. Land tain ap s C mith c i ComDan S timers ood G f o

Wench Brigade

1. Bryson 2. O’Malleyt 3. Riverfron tain Wench CapBryson of Ed Bryson


1. Hog Island 2. Golden Sunrise 3. Oregon Fancies Captain Kenny Medieros of Hog Island

Fancy Brigades 1. South Philly Viking 2. Shooting Stars 3. Saturnalian Fancy Brigades Captain Mickey Adams of Shooting Stars

String Bands 1. Fralinger 2. Ferko 3. Quaker City String Band Captain Thomas D’Amore of Fralinger

To see the Mu mmers strut th eir stuf f and the cel ebrato r y Two Street m arch, s ee www southp . hillyre vi multim edia.





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2 4 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I j a n u a r y 7 , 2 0 1 0


The crowds lined South Broad to check out the 110th Mummers’ Parade.

food South


he weather is serving up a helping of ice cold, which is to be expected in January. After the coat, hat, earmuffs, gloves — you get the picture — come off, settle down with a steaming bowl of Chicken-Vegetable Soup. Mildred Lloyd-Henderson, of the 2000 block of Manton Street, suggests serving her creation alongside a green salad and grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches. SPR

Mildred’s Chicken-Vegetable Soup INGREDIENTS:

1 chicken, cut into quarters 1 pound of whole chicken hearts 1/2 pound of gizzards, coarsely chopped 1 gallon of water 6 celery ribs, coarsely chopped 1 can each of whole kernel corn and mushroom stems and pieces, both with their liquid 2 large onions, coarsely chopped 3 large carrots, sliced 1 can of evaporated milk 1/4 cup of lemon juice 1 tablespoon of garlic powder 2 teaspoons of black pepper 4 chicken bouillon cubes 1 stick of butter

1/4 cup of cornstarch mixed with water


Boil the chicken, hearts and gizzards in the water. Remove the bones from the chicken. Stir in the vegetables, milk, lemon juice, seasonings and bouillon. Simmer until the vegetables are tender. Add the butter and cornstarch mixture. Simmer 10 minutes more, or until the soup thickens. Stir constantly, adding more water if desired. Serves four to six.

Take the chill off


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2 6 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I j a n u a r y 7 , 2 0 1 0


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A l l ’s f a r e

Get yer beer here


cience on Tap, a monthly café that discusses various topics and ends with a conversation, hosts “The Origin and Evolution of Beer” 6 p.m. Jan. 11 at National Mechanics, 22 S. Third St. Dr. Ernie Schuyler, curator emeritus of botany at The Academy of Natural Sciences, will talk about how humans became farmers who cultivated a new kind of barley and brewed beer from it. Science on Tap is the second Monday of every month at the Old City bar and is for ages 21 and older, but those younger than 21 may attend with a chaperone who is older than 25. For more information, contact 215701-4883, or www. SPR Dinner is on us Earn a gift certificate to a local restaurant by sending your recipes to: Recipes Review Newspapers, 12th and Porter streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 19148 or Fax: 215-336-1112 or E-mail: editor@

Coffee/Café/Sweets Anthony’s Coffee House: 903 S. Ninth St., www.italiancoffeehouse. com/anthonysitaliancoffee, 215627-2586, $

Fast Break



Italian Cent’Anni: 770 S. Seventh St., 215925-5558, $$ Cucina Forte: 768 S. Eighth St., 215-238-0778, $$ Dante and Luigi’s: 762 S. 10th St., 215-922-9501, www.danteandluigis. com, $$ Karina’s Restaurant: 1520 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-218-0455, $$ Kristian’s Ristorante: 1100 Federal St., 215-468-0104,, $$ La Fourno: 636 South St., 215-6279000,, $$ La Stanza: 2001 W. Oregon Ave., 215-271-0801, $$

Mexican The Adobe Cafe: 1919 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-551-2243, $$ Restaurant La Lupe: 1201 S. Ninth St., 215-551-9920, $$ Taqueria La Veracruzana: 908 Washington Ave., 215-465-1440, $$

Nam Phuong Restaurant: 1100-20 Washington Ave., 215-468-0410,, $$ Pho 75: 1122 Washington Ave., 215271-5866, $ Broad Street East

B r o a d S t r e e t We s t



Seafood Anastasi’s: Ninth St. and Washington Ave., 215-462-0550, www., $$ Little Fish: 600 Catharine St., 215-4133464,, $$


McFadden’s Restaurant and Saloon: Golden Szechuan: 2120 S. Broad Citizens Bank Park, One Citizens St., 215-336-5310, $ Bank Way, 215-952-0300, www. Happy Dragon: 2047 S. Third St.,, $ 215-271-0552, $ Chinese JC Chinese Restaurant: 748 Peking Inn: 20th St. and Penrose Morris St., 215-334-1056, $$ Ave., 215-271-1389, $$


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S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W. C O M 2 7








Beau Monde: 624 S. Sixth St., 215-592-0656,, $

Middle Eastern Bitar’s: 947 Federal St., 215-7551121,, $

S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I J A N U A R Y 7 , 2 0 1 0


Sarcone’s Deli: 734 S. Ninth St., 215-922-1717, $


Mamma Maria: 1637 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-463-6884,, $$$ Marra’s: 1734 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-463-9249,, $$ Mezza Luna: 763 S. Eighth St., 215-627-4705, $$ Ralph’s: 760 S. Ninth St., 215-6276011,, $$ Saloon: 750 S. Seventh St., 215-6271811,, $$$ Vesuvio Ristorante Bar: 736-38 S. Eighth St., 215-922-8380, www., $$ Victor Cafe: 1303 Dickinson St., 215468-3040,, $$ Villa Di Roma: 936 S. Ninth St., 215-592-1295, $$


Asian International Smokeless Barbeque: 600 Washington Ave., 215-599-8844,, $

Shank’s and Evelyn’s: 932 S. 10th St., 215-629-1093, $ Vincenzo’s Deli: 1626 S. Ninth St., 215-463-6811, $


15 -9 22 -231 7~

1601 Restaurant/Wine Bar: 1601 S. 10th St., 215-218-3840,, $$ Carman’s Country Kitchen: 1301 S. 11th St., 215-339-9613, $ Fuel: 1917 E. Passyunk Ave. 215468-FUEL, $$ Royal Tavern: 937 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-389-6694, $ Sabrina’s Café: 910-12 Christian St., 215-574-1599, $$ South Philly Bar & Grill: 1235-37 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-334-3300, $

Key Food Pizza: 1846 S. 12th St., 215-551-7111, $ Nick’s Charcoal Pit: 1242 S. Snyder Ave., 215-271-3750, $ Simonetta’s: 2510 S. Broad St., 267-324-5758, $ Bomb Bomb Bar-B-Que Grill & Italian Restaurant: 1026 Wolf St., 215-463-1311, $$ Caffe Valentino: 1245-49 S. Third St., 215-336-3033, $$ Johnnie’s: 12th and Wolf streets, 215334-8006, $ La Cucina Varallo: 1635 S. 10th St., 215-952-0504, $$ Pastaria at Franco & Luigi’s: 13th and Tasker streets, 215-755-8900,, $$ Ralph & Rickey’s: Seventh St. and Oregon Ave., 215-271-6622, $ Ristorante Pesto: 1915 S. Broad St., 215-336-8380,, $$



Fast Break

dining out


B e l l a V i s t a / E a s t Pa s s y u n k

P h i l l y


$ average entrée under $10 $$ average entrée under $20 $$$ average entrée over $20

S o u t h


Key to symbols

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2 8 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I j a n u a r y 7 , 2 0 1 0

The Toque Stops Here Restaurant Review:

= Average

= Very Good

= Exceptional

Chew Man Chu By Phyllis Stein-Novack R e s ta u r a n t R e v i e w e r


often wonder how chefs and restaurateurs come up with the names for their places. October, Chew Man Chu opened on the ground floor of the Symphony House on South Broad Street. It’s a silly moniker, but there was nothing insipid about my delightful dinner. The site that once housed Du Jour was gutted and turned into a colorful Asian space. There’s a large community table at the entrance, two small bars and comfortable tables. Since Edward’s broken ankle saga continues, I dined alone at the marble-topped bar where Tina the bartender measured and mixed cocktails for patrons who braved the brutally cold night. “Kung Fu Panda” was playing on the flat-screened TV, and I sipped a perfect jumbo martini ($9.50) as I tried to decide which dishes to savor from chef/owner Tyson Wong’s kitchen. Potato leek spring rolls ($7) were a playful Asian turn on European-inspired pan-fried pierogi. Tyson prepared a filling of creamy potatoes, mirepoix and leeks and napped them with a light hollandaise sauce. Crispy wrappers held the tasty concoction together. I asked Tina if I could have some hollandaise, which was homemade, on the side for dipping. Since it was a frozen tundra outside, I needed some soup to warm me up. A big deep bowl of won-ton soup ($6) did the trick. The homemade wrappers were light and transparent. They were filled with a mixture of minced shrimp, pork, shiitakes and scallions. The light chicken broth was enhanced by minced scallions and a hint Coffee/Café/Sweets

Caffe Chicco: 2532 S. Broad St., 215-334-3100, $

Fast Break Brunic’s Luncheonette: 17th and McKean streets, 215-755-7645, $ Celebre’s Pizza: 1536 Packer Ave., 215-467-3255, $ Millie’s Luncheonette & Ice Cream: 15th and Shunk streets, 215-467-8553, $ Moe’s Hot Dog House: 2617 Grays Ferry Ave., 215-465-6637, $ Simonetta’s Italian Hoagies: 2510 S. Broad St., 267-324-5758, $ Southview Pizza: 367 Durfor St., 215-467-2050, $ Talk of the Town: 3020 S. Broad St., 215-551-7277, $ Texas Weiners: 1426 Snyder Ave., 215-465-8635, www.texasweiners. com, $

of ginger. If you have a cold, this is one fine remedy. A man next to me was digging into a big bowl of chicken curry. At Chew Man Chu, you can select a protein and the type of curry sauce you wish. I kept this in mind as I advanced to the next dish. The salt and pepper shrimp ($18.50) arrived sans shells, which made enjoying it much easier. Tyson took four jumbo shrimp and seasoned them with salt and pepper. They were quickly stir-fried and served with tasty shredded red peppers and scallions. He looked to France for the dipping sauce and came up with a slightly spicy aioli laced with garlic. He added some fresh cilantro to the dish, which enhanced the shrimp and the sauce. A large bowl of steamed brown rice came with the entrée, but white rice also was available. The wine list features a number of moderately priced American and European whites and reds. I could not decide between a California sauvignon blanc or a Trimbach pinot gris. Tina gave me a sample of both and I immediately knew the Trimbach was the winner. Wines from Alsace are a fine foil for spicy Asian fare. As I enjoyed the shrimp, Tina pointed out a young man at the bar across from the open kitchen. Tyson was preparing several courses for him. “He is the executive chef at Lacroix at the Rittenhouse,” she said of Jason Cichonski, who replaced Matt Levin at the glorious restaurant founded by JeanMarie Lacroix. (It is usually a good sign when you spot a chef dining in a restauItalian

Criniti Pizzeria and Ristorante: 2601 S. Broad St., 215-465-7750, $$ Barrel’s Fine Food: 1725 Wolf St., 215-389-6010,, $ Italian Bistro: 211 S. Broad St., 215-731-0700, $$ L’Angolo: 1415 Porter St., 215389-4252, $$ La Stanza: 2001 Oregon Ave., 215271-0801, $$ Medora’s Mecca: 3100 S. 13th St., 215-336-1655, $$ Popi’s: 3120 S. 20th St., 215-7557180,, $$ Royal Villa Cafe: 1700 Jackson St., 215-462-4488, $$ Scannicchio’s: 2500 S. Broad St., 215-468-3900, www.scannicchio. com, $$

Once Du Jour, Chew Man Chu has completely changed the interior and menu, adding the image of Puyi, the last emperor of China, throughout. S ta f f P h o t o b y G r e g B e z a n i s

rant on his or her night off.) I ordered duck with red curry ($19) to go. The spicy curry is a mix of red peppers, red chili, paprika, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, garlic, onion and Thai basil. As soon as I arrived home and tasted it, I came to the conclusion Tyson knows how to spice up a dish without putting anyone’s mouth on fire. But I am getting ahead of myself. After I paid my bill, I went over to meet the young man at the helm at Lacroix. We chatted a bit and I met Tyson, as well. The young chef was eating thin crepes filled with almonds and drizzled with honey. He gave me a taste. I found them light and delightful. The restaurant is well-staffed with helpful and knowledgeable servers. Nothing on the menu exceeds $19. Portions are large enough to share and the flavor com-

Tony D’s Italian Bar and Restaurant: 3540 Wharton St., 215-463-6424, $$

Turkish Dining Divan Turkish Kitchen: 918 S. 22nd St., 215-545-5790,, $$ Cafe Fulya: 727 S. Second St., 267909-9937,, $$. Pennspor t

American/Continental International House of Pancakes: 3 Snyder Ave., 215-339-5095,, $$

Fast Break New York New York Pizzeria: 1400 Columbus Blvd., 215-463-6205, $ Southview Pizza: 367 Durfor St., 215-467-2050, $ Tony Luke’s: 39 Oregon Ave., 215551-5725,, $

binations Tyson and his staff put together hit the mark. Each dish was seasoned just right. No one had a heavy hand with salt or spices. And now I’ve added Lacroix at the Rittenhouse to my list because of a chance meeting with its new chef at a restaurant with a funny name. Three tips of the toque to Chew Man Chu. SPR

Chew Man Chu 440 S. Broad S. 215-735-8107 Comment on this restaurant or review at www.

Greek/Middle Eastern

Dmitri’s: 795 S. Third St., 215625-0556, $$


New Wave Cafe: 784 S. Third St., 215922-8484,, $$ The Irish Times: 629 S. Second St., 215-923-1103, $$


Ava: 518 S. Third St., 215-9223282,, $$$ Frederick’s Italian Cuisine: 757 S. Front St., 215-271-3733, $$$


La Creole Restaurant & Tavern: 775 S. Front St., 215-467-5044,, $


Anthony’s Saloon: 2351 S. Front St., 215-468-5222, $$ Snockey’s Oyster House: Second St. and Washington Ave. 215-3399578,, $$

South Philly


Diner on the Plaza: 43 Snyder Ave., 215-755-7899, $$ Melrose Diner: 1501 Snyder Ave., 215-467-6644, $ Morning Glory Diner: 10th and Fitzwater streets, 215-413-3999, $ Oregon Diner: 302 Oregon Ave., 215-462-5566, $$ Penrose Diner: 20th St. and Penrose Ave., 215-465-1097, $$ South Street Diner: 140 South St., 215-627-5258, $ SPR

T h e To q u e S t o p s H e r e


for you!

Flip on the TV and, chances are, ‘Seinfeld’ will be playing. If you are lucky, the classic ‘Soup Nazi’ episode will be on in the background as you prepare your own hearty broths. By Phyllis Stein-Novack Food Columnist

■ Black Bean Soup ■ Ingredients: 4 1 2 2 2

tablespoons of olive oil onion, diced carrots, peeled and diced stalks of celery, diced 15-ounce cans of black beans, rinsed and drained 1 32-ounce package of chicken or vegetable stock Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Directions: Heat the oil over medium in a 4-quart pot. Add the onion, carrots and celery and sauté for about eight minutes. Add the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil, then lower to simmer and cook for about 30 minutes. Add a cup or two of water if the soup appears too thick. Serves four to six. SPR Comment at

S O U T h p h illyreview . c o m 2 9

t’s a new year and a new decade. For the past few weeks, movie, theater, music, television and book critics have published their Top 10s of the year and the decade. Television situation comedies are not as funny and original as they were during the 1990s. “Seinfeld,” created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld, may have been about nothing, but the antics of Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine still move me to laughter. I know many of the scripts by heart. Several weeks ago, “The Soup Nazi” aired on TBS. My sister Sandy and I were roaring over Jerry’s constant vocal musings of “schmoopie” when he was with his woman of the hour, Elaine’s rhapsodizing over The 3 tablespoons of olive oil Soup Nazi’s lobster bisque, Newman’s af3 leeks, washed and chopped finity for jambalaya, George going nuts evSprinkling of imported sweet Hungarian ery time he heard Jerry say “schmoopie” ■ Mushroom Barley Soup ■ paprika and Kramer’s decision to sit guard on the 1/4 cup each of Cognac or brandy and dry stoop over an armoire destined for Elaine’s Ingredients: sherry 4 tablespoons of olive oil apartment. Two thugs steal the armoire, 4 tablespoons of butter 1 large onion, diced Kramer tells The Soup Nazi, and the chef 1/4 cup of flour 2 large carrots, peeled and diced tells Kramer he has an armoire for him. 2 cups of half-and-half 2 stalks of celery, diced To make the script short, Elaine falls out 1 heaping tablespoon of tomato paste 1/2 pound of white mushrooms, wiped of favor with The Soup Nazi. He kicks her Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepcleaned and sliced per, to taste out, she discovers his recipes in the armoire 1 32-ounce package of chicken or vegand the episode ends. etable stock During the show, the blackboard list of Directions: 1 cup of pearl barley Simmer the shrimp shells in a pot with soups of the day was in plain sight. Along Snips of fresh dill with lobster bisque, there was black bean, the water and clam juice for 15 minutes. Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste mulligatawny, mushroom barley and others. Strain and reserve the stock.

Directions: Heat the oil over medium in a 4-quart pot. Add the vegetables and sauté for about eight minutes. Add the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil, then lower to simmer and cover with the lid askew. Cook for about 40 minutes, or until the barley is tender. Add a cup or two of water if the soup appears too thick. Serves six.

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Heat the oil in a 4-quart pot over medium. Add the leeks and sauté for about 10 minutes. Add the paprika and shrimp and cook over low to medium for about four minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the Cognac or brandy and cook for one minute. Add the sherry and cook for about four minutes. Using a slotted spoon, place the shrimp and leeks in a food processor fitted with the steel blade. Pulse until coarsely chopped. In the same pot, melt the butter over medium. Add the flour and cook for about one minute, stirring with a wooden spoon. Add the half-and-half and cook, whisking with a wire whisk, for about three minutes, or ■ Shrimp Bisque ■ until thickened. Stir in the shrimp mixture, stock and reIngredients: maining ingredients. Heat gently until hot, 1 pound of large shrimp, peeled with but do not boil. shells reserved Serves four to six. 2 cups each of water and clam juice

Food played an important part in many “Seinfeld” episodes. Jerry’s collection of cold cereal, waiting in line in the Chinese restaurant, Kramer working at the bagel store and the uproarious story of the muffin tops. Since the weather is bitterly cold, I thought it fun to give you recipes for warming soups that were offered by The Soup Nazi. Since lobster is pricey and you may not wish to do the deed, I substituted shrimp in the bisque.


By Mystic Terry Psychic Reader


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): Conversations are deep and heartfelt. Empathy is high and this sensitivity is attractive to others, but maintain boundaries with a negative person. Lucky number: 991.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): Contemplate professional life instead of working today. ReA flecting on accomplishments makes you question your path. Look for what is expressive. Lucky number: 810.


PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): Getting together with others is emotionally satisfying. You feel a connection to all you communicate with. An open mind makes you a kindred spirit. Lucky number: 611.


ARIES (March 21 to April 20): Get in touch with your inner life. Self-discovery is an illuminating journey. Lucky number: 671.

TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): Friends try to F bring you down to earth. Look at a partner with realistic eyes. You may find a lover is not perfect, but and you can still admire this person. Lucky number: 750.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): Someone G thought to be a friend could be against you at work. Put ambitions on hold and make things better for

others. You are less vulnerable to the sabotage in your midst. Lucky number: 367.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22): You will want H to transform a home shared with another. A vision of what this place should look like reflects emotions. Unique items beautify this space. Lucky number: 049.

LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): It may be difficult a to express feelings to a soul mate. Trying to communicate could result in agreements that shouldn’t be made. Expressing yourself through gazes and music enchants a lover. Lucky number: 483.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): Workplace s chaos makes you think twice about values. Wanting to please authority figures has you questioning aims. It may be hard to keep a grasp on an illusion. Lucky number: 579.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): Drawn to spirid tual reflection, this is a time to embrace a yearning. Find peace at home to meditate on questions. Seek-

Teamwork ACROSS. 1. Upper limb 4. __ Minor 8. Recipe word 11. Aftershave brand 15. Melville novel 16. Exhibit 17. Full of malice 19. Football team’s TD attempts 22. Baseball team’s Elks & Kiwanis 23. Row 24. Counterfeit 25. Rib 27. Landlord’s sign 28. Nebraska river 30. Sink 33. In the style of 35. Robert __ 36. Football team’s preferences 42. Shallowest of 5 44. Fish 45. Fancy desserts 47. Final 50. Official, for short 52. Brit. military group 54. Cheerful tunes 55. Cling 57. Drink like Fido 60. Young socialite 61. Basement 62. Roger or Demi 63. Esprit de corps 65. Music from Jamaica 67. Abbr. carved in a cornerstone 68. Baseball team’s detractors 72. B-Q’s forerunner 75. Thirst quencher 76. Like a night sky 77. Lying flat 79. Most of December 84. “Norma __” 86. Commit a crime 87. Artist’s purchases 88. Name on many tractors 89. Scottish port 90. Syllable before mo or pitch 92. Encounter 93. Peach’s cousin 95. Make __ at; flirt with

ing out a guide may be useful. Lucky number: 145.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): A relationf ship within the professional arena may be strained and cause anxiety. This person engaged in behavior that leaves you feeling on the outs. Focusing on a project is the way to go. Lucky number: 851.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): Respong sibilities at work make it difficult, if not impossible, to travel. There is too much to do and people are counting on you. Go on an excursion of the mind. Lucky number: 284. SPR

To inquire about a personal reading, call Mystic Terry at 215-467-5162.

by Shaun Boland

southphillyreview . c o m

3 0 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I j a n u a r y 7 , 2 0 1 0


100. First lady’s man 102. Football team’s supporters 105. Bound 108. Spoil 109. River seen from the Eiffel Tower 110. More downcast 112. Songs for one 117. Yellow or red 119. Haughtiness 121. Rather, for one 122. Baseball team’s victories 124. Football team’s abilities 128. Provided with explanatory notes 129. Electromotive unit 130. Coolers 131. River in Belgium 132. __ Charisse 133. Fluctuate 134. Head movement DOWN 1. Unprincipled 2. Line 3. Frankenstein’s creation 4. Meat inspection agcy. 5. Geometric shapes 6. Sty resident 7. Wheat fiber 8. Involving a reason 9. Atheism 10. Mac alternatives 11. Son of a folk singer 12. Umpire’s call 13. Crest container 14. Helper: abbr. 15. Papal veil 17. Letters on some TVs 18. Part of fall: abbr. 19. Punch 20. Pronoun 21. Smart 26. High school subj. 29. Wobble 31. William F. Cody __ Buffalo Bill

Crossword solution on page 47 Sudoku solution on page 47 32. Wrongdoing 34. Dog show sponsor’s letters 36. 1960s singer Bobby 37. Dry 38. He, in Latin 39. Tack 40. Fish’s organ 41. Mex. bride-to-be 43. Indignation 46. Uzbekistan, once: abbr. 47. Like a poor excuse 48. Commotions 49. Injection 51. Like a florist shop aroma 53. Takes in 56. Yank’s Civil War foe 58. Common verb 59. Analyze grammatically 60. Exclude

61. 63. 64. 66. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 85. 87. 89. 91. 94. 96.

Aries or Taurus Mr. Gibson WWII naval vessel Solution Deserter Spanish gold Baden-Baden, for one Vomer or clavicle Feed the pot Relax Bordered City in Oklahoma Actor/musician Johnny Aloe __ __ the Red Head holder Fast horse Vegetable container Very cruel act Spanish article Poet’s word El __

97. 98. 99. 101. 103. 104. 106. 107. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 118. 120. 123. 125. 126. 127.

Sour Enjoy the slopes One of 100: abbr. Like many an Eskimo Drunk “Is that so?” Confused Sounds Soon-to-be alums Hosp. people Word to a dog Has Queue __ about; approximately Sound barrier breaker: abbr. Acid, for short Ratio words WWII military Ms. Climbing plant John, to Ringo Solemn vow

Dior Michele DeAngelis

Born on December 18th, weighing 7lbs., 12 oz. You are the best Christmas gift ever! We love you with all of our hearts. Love You, Mommy, Daddy, Grandparents DeAngelis, McKnight and Schnitt, and all of your Aunts, Uncles & Cousins


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Chuck is a sweet, 2-year-old shepherd mix who is the perfect combination of spunk and charm!

He enjoys taking walks on his leash and is friendly with both cats and dogs. Come on in to the SPCA, 350 E. Erie Ave., and meet this cutie pie or visit or call 215-426-6300 for more information — you won’t regret it!

How can one year be such an eternity. My heart has been shattered and there isn’t a cure for me. Time heals all wounds or at least that’s what they say. Not the wounds that I have, they will never go away. Mom you will always be my heart.

Love always, Your son Philip xoxo

S O U T h p h illyreview . c o m 3 1

Your new best friend


Vocalist Carl The Baritone



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In Loving Memory of




TALARICO 03.18.88 - 01.09.09 Frank you were a Son, Grandson, Nephew, Cousin and brother.

In Loving Memory of

It been one year you left us. And we often ask why? We know you are in a better place but we can’t accept those words. We cry everyday, you don’t have any idea how much you are loved and miss. Our lives will never be the same. We miss the voice that came with your smile. Every time we saw you.

Michael J.

forever Frank you are in our hearts now and foreve Love, Mom Dad and Family

) . ä ä , / 6 ) . ' ä ä - % - / 2 9 ä ä / &

&2!.+)% 4!,!2)#/ s

Frankie, It’s been one year that you left my life, all I have of you brother are you pictures in a frame and the memories we shared. I wish I can see you one last time to tell you that I love you. Frankie you are always in my heart and there is not a day that I don’t think about the wonderful, caring and loving brother I had. Nothing will ever be the same without you. I love you so much Frankie

Love your one and only sister Emme

The Family Of

"OHFMJOB . $P[[J (Nee DeSimone) January 11, 1937 – December 21, 2009 Would like to thank everyone for your prayers, cards, baskets, owers, donatons to Foundations and kind words during this time. A special thank you to St. Monica Manor, Victor Baldi and Fr. Burns (St. Nicholas). We will NEVER forget what you did for our Beautiful Mother/ Grandmother. With All Our Love, Donna, Bobby, Lil’ Bobby, Gracie, Jimi, Faith, John, Gina, Bobby, Robert, Lisa, Gary, Lisa ..and the loving man who helped you put this entire family together, Daddy/Pop

Ligambi 6-17-71 • 1-5-89

This day comes with sad regrets that brings back times we will never forget. As each year will pass, our emptiness grows. We miss you more than anyone knows. The tears we shed can be wiped away, but the ache in our hearts will always stay. If our tears could build a stairway and our hearts make a lane. We would walk the pathway to heaven, and bring you back again. Sadly missed by, Mom, Dad, P.J. Anita, Michael, Joseph, Dana Philip, Family & Friends

sports South Philly

‘We are trying to plot a strategy to try and win the big one.’ — Southern boys’ basketball coach George Anderson

Plugging the holes Despite losing two All-Public standouts, a basketball team from Broad and Snyder is hoping to once again contend for the crown. By Bill Gelman Review Managing Editor


Deshon Minnis, who averaged 15 points a game last season, transferred out of Southern, forcing coach George Anderson to make adjustments to his lineup. File Photo

for the meaningful postseason games in February and March. Last month, the Rams traveled to York for their annual overnight excursion to Lancaster and the Black Knights Christmas Tournament. “They enjoy us coming and we enjoy going there,” Anderson said. Southern opened the event with a convincing 65-35 victory over Lancaster Mennonite, in which Gaskins led all scorers with 19 points, including 10 in the first quarter. In the championship game, the Rams fell to host school Hempfield, 64-40.

Henderson, who finished with 13 points, and Chandler, who chipped in 10, were both named to the All-Tournament Team. For now, getting acclimated with one another before having to face top city squads, like Simon Gratz and Bartram, is the top priority. “We are trying to plot a strategy to try and win the big one,” Anderson said. SPR Contact Managing Editor Bill Gelman at or ext. 123. Comment at

—By Bill Gelman

S O U T h p h illyreview . c o m 3 3

THE RAMS ARE hoping to build on last season’s success, in which they compiled a 16-12 overall mark of and advanced to the Class AAAA District 12 City Title game where they fell to Roman Catholic. The squad also qualified for the PIAA state playoffs, but were eliminated in the first round by Plymouth-Whitemarsh. Back to lead the current group are seniors and varsity veterans Haywood Henderson and Shaquille Gaskins. Henderson tallied a team-high 23 points against University City. Anderson also is looking for seniors Mac Stokes and Juwan Campbell and junior Rodney Chandler to step up and fill key roles. The coach noted junior Shameir Duren is a player “with super skills, but is very inexperienced.” “We still have excellent talent,” Anderson said. “I’m still excited about the team.” Southern scheduled some tough nonleague competition to help prepare them


hiladelphia has hosted its share of marque sporting events, from the World Series and Army/Navy Game to the U.S. Olympic Team Trials for gymnastics. Come 2011, the NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships will roll into town. The three-day, six-session event is scheduled for March 17 to 19 of that year. The Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference (MAAC) and New Jersey’s Rider University are hosting the festivities. “The MAAC is excited to again be hosting the NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships with Rider University. It is an honor to be able to bring college wrestling to Philadelphia and have all its fans in the east be able to easily access tickets,” MAAC Commissioner Richard J. Ensor said in a press release. “Philadelphia is a special host city with all its historical sites and other attractions, but especially so because of its great sports fans who we hope will come out and attend the championship.” The conference and institution co-hosted the ’02 NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships in Albany, N.Y. The two also worked together to host the NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Championship at Sovereign Bank Arena in Trenton, N.J. “Rider University has a strong tradition in wrestling and we are extremely proud and excited to be the host institution for the 2011 NCAA Wrestling Championships in Philadelphia,” Don Harnum, Rider’s director of athletics, said. “We anticipate this prestigious championship to be a tough ticket and I would strongly encourage all local wresting fans to purchase tickets as early as possible.” All-session tickets go on sale March 18. Lower bowl all-session passes, with access to all six sittings, are $135 to $165. The Wachovia Center’s capacity for wrestling is 17,366. The NCAA Division I Wrestling Championship’s three-day, six-session attendance record is 97,336, set earlier this year in St. Louis. The ’10 championships are taking place in Omaha, Neb. For more information, call 1-800-2984200 or visit SPR

S O U T h P H I L LY R E V I E W I j a n u a r y 7 , 2 0 1 0

t the start of the 2009-10 school year, the Southern boys’ basketball team was considered one of the top Public League championship contenders. The squad from 2101 S. Broad St. entered the new season as the defending Public League Class AAAA champions. But that was before returning All-Public selections Deshon Minnis, a 6-foot-2 guard, and Jamir Hanner, a 6-foot-6 center, decided to transfer to prep school. The duo combined to average more than 30 points per game last season. Now, coach George Anderson and his players are on a mission to prove they can remain competitive minus the two stars. “If they buy into the system we have in place and play hard, we will win,” Anderson said. The squad opened the new year 1-1 against Division-A squads. The Rams tipped things off Dec. 17 with a 64-57 victory over Lincoln. Five days later, Southern fell 73-70 to University City. Today at 3:15 p.m., Fels visits the South Broad Street gymnasium.

Rolling out the mats

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3 4 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I j a n u a r y 7 , 2 0 1 0



Bowlers are needed for St. Monica’s Guys and Dolls Monday Night League. Contact Kathy, 215-468-6520 or

EOM BIDDY HOCKEY Ask About Our Lifetime Warranty

Biddy hockey registration for ages 3 to 8 is under way. Games are Saturday mornings in the gym at Front and Moore streets. The $30 fee for the five-week program includes a T-shirt and trophy. Call 215-271-1994 between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.


The Flyers Wives Fight for Lives Carnival is noon to 4:30 p.m. Jan. 10 at the Wachovia Center, 3601 S. Broad St. The family event enables fans to interact with their favorite Philadelphia Flyers, as well as challenge the players to interactive games. This year’s event features many new attractions, including a Kids Zone, with Tockey Table, caricaturists, face painters, balloon artists, magicians and the chance to take a picture with the Stanley Cup. Tickets are $20 to $37. Visit or call 1-800-298-4200.


A 16 and under boys’ basketball team is forming at Guerin Recreation Center, 2201 S. 16th St. Tryouts are 7 p.m. Jan. 13. Proof of age is required. Call 215-685-1894.


Palumbo Recreation Center, 10th and Fitzwater streets, is accepting registration for its 10-and-under in-house basketball league that starts Feb. 12. Participants cannot turn 11 before May. Games are played Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. A 15-and-under league starts Feb. 10. Games are Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Player cannot turn 16 before May. Registration accepted in-person only. Cost is $30. Call 215-686-1783.


Rizzo Rink, Front Street and Washington Avenue, offers instructional hockey leagues for ages 5 to 13. Cost is $150. Call 215-685-1593 or visit SPR —By Bill Gelman






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Jess Fuerst is South Philly’s voice of the Phillies, Eagles, Sixers and Flyers. Find her at

Shot in the heart Jan. 4


ainful. Painful. Painful. I hoped my previous post about the Eagles was going to be proved very, very wrong today. Unfortunately, it was ringing true with each scoreless, awful quarter against the Dallas Cowboys. Today’s game was unwatchable. My South Philly party of 10 pumped-up Eagles fans decked in green died into slow, tedious silence after seven minutes. Let’s hope for some heart at next week’s rematch. All their heads better be hanging very low tonight because their play was not worthy of the jerseys they were wearing.

Rodeo bound Dec. 31


t wasn’t the blow out of the century, but the Eagles put on a display. Well, for

one half at least. The dominating two-quarter tactics that’s been the Birds’ signature, at least for 2009, was in full swing Sunday with the quick-burst lead the Eagles pounced on top of the Broncos last week. Luckily, for us, I think a fast and prolific scoring offense will be the key to beating a cerebral quarterback like Tony Romo. I would have liked a more handy romping put under Philadelphia’s belt going into the Dallas game that will surely set the tone for the playoffs, but I think the steady play and tenacity to keep themselves in the game will come in handy this week, as well. Look for the Eagles to come out swinging and put the Cowboys on their heels within the first seven minutes of play. However, if the Birds can’t squirt one, or even two, into the endzone within the first quarter, they are in for a rocky ride. SPR



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18xx S. 11th St

Ultra Mod., 3 Bed , 1.5, Ba, Hardwood, Throughout

17xx Latona St.

New Kit, C/A, New Bath & Granite Tops!

3xx Winton St

Great Home-All Modern! Priced Right!

1602 S. Front St

4 bed, 4 baths. Total rehab. c/a

1608 Dickinson St 3 bed, 2 baths. Total rehab. c/a

15xx S. 24th St 3 Lg. Bdrm

RENTALS 10xx S. 13th St Modern 1 Bed

18xx iseminger St 2 Bed Home

20xx S 22nd St. 19xx S 23rd St. 13xx S. Carlisle St. 6 Bed Home



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REAL ESTATE MAN� 215-440-8345

From $369,900 Phase 1 is 100% sold out! Phase 2 now currently available – 6 homes remain! Gated townhome community with garage parking and an additional parking space at the rear of the property. Stylish finishes include: wood floors, granite counters w/ oversized serving islands, marble baths and 10 year tax abatement!

$189,900 Charming 2BD/1BA, partially finished basement, newer kitchen, updated bath, wood floors, exposed brick.

Check out my website,, for amazing property photos and the best virtual tours online! PENNSPORT 1327 Ellsworth $419,000 WEST OF BROAD 402 Mifflin $119,900 Large 4BD/2BA, soaring ceilings, 2036 Tasker $74,900 Nice 3BD/1BA, EIK, good value! plaster moldings, original flooring, Great opportunity. 3BD/1BA, EIK, granite and stainless kitchen. great to rent out or fix up! 320 Dickinson $269,900 1741 Point Breeze $79,900 3-story triplex w/ 3 1BD units, 2-story mixed use shell on a busy separate mechanicals. intersection. WHITMAN 411 Durfor $114,900 Nice 3BD/2BA, new full bath, nice sized rear yard.

$149,500 Beautiful 3BD/1BA, bamboo floors, great new bath.

333 Roseberry $114,900 Porch-front 3BD/1BA, spacious LR/DR, high ceilings, good sized yard, wall to wall carpet, full basement.

$109,900 Well maintained, 3BD/1BA, hardwood floors, updated kitchen, full basement, rear patio/yard.

104 Ritner $199,900 Completely renovated 3BD/1BA, c/a, recessed lighting, new kitchen and bath 104 Durfor $224,900 Complete Rehab! 3BD/1.5BA, large LR/DR combo, updated kit, hwf, rear yard! EAST OF BROAD 2426 S Sheridan $72,000 Excellent development opportunity! Nice 3BD/1BA

$143,900 Nice 3BD/1BA with 2 car parking, finished basement, lawn, patio, spacious LR.



2102 Annin $159,900 Gorgeous 3BD/1BA, parking, large yard, hardwood floors, tile bath.

$134,900 Just remodeled! 2BD/1BA, large rear yard, hardwood floors, big kitchen, clean basement

1429 S 19th $219,900 Totally redone! Duplex with new flooring, modern kitchens, new beds and baths. BUSINESS/INVESTMENT 1114-18 S Front $749,900 Great commercial opportunity in a high traffic area, 5200 sq ft, office space, garage.

$169,900 Very spacious 3BD/1BA, partially finished basement, updated kitchen, EIK, rear yard.

VACANT LOTS 526 Sigel $32,900 1706 S 20th


1104-14 Emily $335,000 8 approved building lots, each 18.5x48.

AVE OF THE ARTS 2741 S Beulah $164,900 1320 S Broad B $159,900 $169,900 RENTALS Beautifully maintained 3BD/1BA, Nice 2BD/1.5BA, hardwood floors, many upgrades, hardwood floors, Beautiful bi-level 1BD/1BA condo 415-17 Moore – Garage w/ den, 1 car parking, wood floorlarge kitchen, small outdoor space, half enclosed porch, large master $3195/mo ing, crown molding. )7731)5+-: )5, 51+- 9-)9 @)9, finished basement with powder room. bedroom. >15,6> .<33 ;13-, @)9, /): :;= /9-); 36+)3-

-9*-9 )97-; )5, +-5;9)3 )19 65 ,-:19)*3- *36+2


### An Independently Owned and Operated Member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc.

" !

S O U T h p h illyreview . c o m 4 1

612-14 McClellan $124,900 Double property, 3BD/1BA, attached lot, house has lots of storage!

Now is truly the time to buy! Interest rates are the lowest in years and there’s an $8000 tax credit available until June 2010!! There are many great homes out there and many sellers will pay closing costs! We have plenty of financing available through our mortgage company, Trident Mortgage.

2117 Mifflin $99,900 Newly updated 3BD/1BA porch front w/ semi-finished basement, new kitchen, cherry cabinets, stainless appliances.

S O U T h P H I L LY R E V I E W I j a n u a r y 7 , 2 0 1 0

225 Tree $155,000 Great 3BD/1BA, spacious LR, great light, new brick façade, good storage.


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John Gentile GreG Gentile Paul Sottile

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