Students collect for earthquake relief, page 9
Vo l . 6 3 N O.9
w w w. s o u t h p h i l l y r ev i e w. c o m
Resolution still pending
MARCH 4, 2010
Encore! Encore!
Neumann-Goretti seniors Tony Chennault, center, and Daniel Stewart blocked Archbishop Carroll’s path to the Catholic League title in Monday night’s 75-59 victory, claiming a second-straight crown. The Saints — ranked in the top-10 nationally — are not done just yet as the City title game is tomorrow night followed by states. For a game story and another photo, see page 44.
Months after Asian students were attacked in- and outside of Southern, the district has released an independent report.
P h o t o b y A m a n d a T h u r l ow
By Amanda L. Snyder R e v i e w S ta f f W r i t e r
sian students attacked over the course of two days at South Philadelphia High School blamed what had happened on a lack of action by the administration, according to previous testimonies by the students and community leaders. Weeks after the incidents, the school at 2101 S. Broad St. announced numerous safety precautions that included 63 new cameras; more police; and groups such as the Rams Head Think Tank to solve problems and create school harmony. These measures have been effective, students said Monday as they left school. See SOUTHERN REPORT page 11
umors circulating about someone coming in to revive the financially struggling Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation’s Foxwoods casino project along the waterfront were confirmed last week when a Vegas gaming mogul with several high-profile casinos to his name announced his involvement. Feb. 23, Wynn Resorts revealed its participation in Foxwoods with the Philadelphia Entertainment and Development Partners, a group made up of Washington Philadelphia Investors LP, which owns 70 percent of the partnership, and Foxwoods Development Co. LLC, which owns 30 percent of the partnership, via a letter of intent to the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, With Wynn Resorts’ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Steven A. Wynn’s commitment, it was disclosed an affiliate of his would act as
Wynn or lose?
A famed Vegas casino developer has his eye on Foxwoods, but his involvement in the proposed waterfront project relies on the state gaming control board. By Amanda L. Snyder R e v i e w S ta f f W r i t e r
a manager and managing general partner in the Delaware waterfront casino upon the gaming control board’s approval. “I am thrilled to be returning to the East Coast and in particular to the city
in which I was privileged to have gained my college education … Philadelphia has always felt like home to me,” Wynn, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, said in a statement.
Wynn Resorts owns Wynn Las Vegas, a hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip; Encore, a 2008 expansion of Wynn Las Vegas; and Wynn Macau, a casino resort in China. He also was at the helm of the Golden Nugget in Atlantic City, N.J., in the 1980s. The untitled new project, which may or may not be dubbed Foxwoods, is expected to have 1,500 slots operating by May 29, 2011. “I’m building 3,000 slot machines and a bunch of table games and a poker room, an Italian restaurant, a steakhouse, an Asian restaurant because I’m two blocks from a Vietnamese neighborhood,” Wynn said according to published reports of the Washington Avenue area. The site will not include a hotel that was part of the original plans, but would See CASINO page 12
S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I m a r c h 4 , 2 0 1 0
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Lifestyles: Feeling the force
Several people with local ties are part of a live, staged fight group called PA Jedi that performs light saber duels around the tri-state area. By Jess Fuerst
Police Report: This child left behind
A man and woman have been charged with attempted murder and leaving their 4-year-old at the scene of their crime while they fled. By Amanda Snyder
Following the devastating earthquake in Haiti, a local sixth-grade class stepped forward and raised more than $1,000. By Rachel T. Halkias
Movies: 10 for ’10
For the first time in decades, the Oscar race has 10 Best Picture nominees. But that is just the beginning of a surprising year in the hunt for film’s biggest award. By R. Kurt Osenlund
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Sparing change for a nation
in the
P hilly
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Word on the Street
What are your thoughts on Las Vegas mogul Steve Wynn taking over the Foxwoods project? “I guess it will bring a lot of business to Delaware Avenue, but with more people comes more crime.” Olivia Jude, 15th and Porter streets
“Well, I’m not a gambler, so I don’t really care about it, but the traffic will increase once more people start going there. Even though the traffic already is bad there, more people can’t help.” Tom Kelly, Eighth and Catharine streets
“I think there will be more money put toward the project, but with more money comes a bigger operation, and with a bigger operation comes more crime.” Diane Dunne, 22nd and McKeen streets
“He’s a very good businessman, but I can’t speak for the residents who live directly in that area.” Rosemary Miraglia, 10th and Wolf streets
Interviews by Ross Burlingame Photos by Amanda Thurlow
Tell us your thoughts So u t h
P h i l l y
R eview
SOUTH PHILADELPHIA’S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER 12th & Porter streets Philadelphia, Pa. 19148 (215) 336-2500 Fax (215) 336-1112 Web site: Editorial e-mail: EDITOR Cynthia Marone-ext. 121
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Suburban living To the Editor: It seems to me the snow is still on everyone’s mind. As someone who lived in Bucks County for many years, I understand the desire to have private parking. It is one of the few things I miss about living there. When we moved, we did so with the understanding that we were giving up a suburban perk (a driveway) in exchange for access to shopping, restaurants, etc. Most people near the Italian Market where we live do not have private parking. I, therefore, do not understand the notion, ridiculously promoted by the mayor, that shoveling a parking spot means you can reserve that space. When a big city mayor makes such a stupid assertion, he should at least make some effort to qualify it. Let’s ponder... where does this “parking space entitlement” end? Two days? Two weeks? For spaces you have actually shovelled? How many cars per household should you be able to reserve, as some people have as many as four cars on our block? Thank goodness they don’t reserve spaces. When you perpetuate the belief that people should be allowed to have reserved parking after a snowfall, you create animosity between neighbors and promote lawlessness. The Streets Department should take these chairs up with the trash after say, a 24-hour window and prosecute those who vandalize the property of others. Shame on the mayor for calling for people to come into the city during the snow in one breath, then putting at risk any visitor who parks where someone’s chair was. The reality is that if you want private parking you should buy a garage or move to the suburbs. Yash Currie South Philadelphia To the Editor: Once again I’ve read a complaint in the Review about homeowners holding spaces, parking, in front of their homes after they have dug their cars out with chairs and whatever. The property owner gives an easement. This permits people to walk on pavements or drive through streets with restraint. It doesn’t give anyone the right to park where they please. Certainly the property owner has the right to have the parking space
in front of their home. Under ordinary circumstances you really can’t stop anyone from taking your space. It’s not illegal, nor is it illegal, to put a chair in your spot after you’ve risked a heart attack to clear the snow away. Here in South Philly we have a parking problem. Some sections double-park. So where is the problem? If a family has several children and there is only one space in front of the house and each child wants a car, where do they park? You can drive through the street, but if you want to park where there is a chair you don’t have that right. I don’t know what Philadelphia can do about the parking situation. We have good public transportation. It can get you to all parts of the city and also outside of the city. Use it — instead of a family having three cars with no spaces to park. You also can consider moving to the suburbs where parking is not a problem. Anthony Gentile South Philadelphia
A call for order To the Editor: Recently, I went from being a renter in the Art Museum area to a homeowner in South Philadelphia. I am new to the area and I enjoy the convenience of being able to walk to the many corner stores and restaurants. However, over the last few months, I noticed what appears to be a lack of pride or respect for the South Philly neighborhoods. Trash and debris is strewn everywhere. Walking my dog, I have to step around broken glass, dog waste and general filth. What happened to taking pride in one’s home or neighborhood? Though I know there are many renters in the area, common decency suggests you do not throw trash on the ground or leave pet waste lying around like land mines. Are our local officials letting us down? The health, safety and welfare of all residents must be the first priority of City Council. If our outrageous taxes don’t keep people away, walking through filth surely will. If you must raise our taxes, then do it. But don’t use the money for pools or li-
braries that only a few use. Use the money for something that we would all benefit from — please institute street and sidewalk cleaning. K. Thomas Kane South Philadelphia
Time to take control To the Editor: The stench coming from Washington should be investigated by the environmental people. I watched the non-partison summit the other day. It would be laughable were it not such a serious matter. Both sides are being controlled by lobbyists, who are being paid by big business, namely insurance, health coverage and drug companies. We have to get rid of politicians and replace them with legislators. Politicians serve themselves and lobbyists. Legislators serve the people who elected them. We don’t need lobbyists to write the bills Congress passes. The greed and corruption of these politicians is decaying our government and will eventually destroy us unless we change our system. Most of us will vote for a politician because he does us a favor. We have gone so far from our original documents that maybe it is time for a Constitutional Convention. God bless America. Dan Podolsky South Philadelphia Comment on these letters or topics at
We welcome your letters The deadline is noon Monday • Regular mail: 12th and Porter streets Philadelphia, PA 19148 • E-mail: editor@southphilly • Fax: 215-336-1112
8 9V I E W
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Entrance Fee: $12. Includes Food & Beverage
BYOB (optional) ... Adults Only BIG CAT UNDER THE HAT: Who is the man in the big red-and-white striped cap? Why it’s Mayor Michael Nutter, who cleared his Tuesday slate to read “The Sneetches” — one of many classics from birthday boy Dr. Seuss — to a roomful of wiggly, giggly first-graders — many dressed to the nines in their PJs — in the newly reopened Taggart School Library, 400 W. Porter St. The early morning fun of storytelling and rhyming was all part of Read Across America Day. SPR
@ Going for the Gold Feb. 25
We welcome your letters
CASH FOR GOLD •The writer’s full name, phone
compete on its ski team. (His father was a Canuck.) Del Bosco refers to this experience as his “second chance.” He made it to Vancouver and competed in the debut of the ski cross event, where skiers race each other on a windy path filled with hills that hurdle them into the air. During the final race for the medal, Del Bosco was in the bronze position during the final stretch — but for someone who’s come this far, that color wasn’t good enough. As he was trying to pass another racer, he went soaring into the sidelines after using too much speed on an incline. His golden dreams were shattered. “Maybe I wasn’t patient enough with my move,” the 27-year-old told reporters after the event. “I would have loved to do better, but I gave 100 percent … and I didn’t win.” During the press conference, he kept fighting back the tears. Disappointing? Yes. But in my opinion, Del Bosco’s real strength shouldn’t be measured by his athletic performance. Overcoming the number of hardships he has faced shows an extraordinary level of determination and strength. And that makes him a winner in my book. SPR
To see more of these posts, as well as our other blogs, visit
number with area code and complete address must be included for verification purposes. South Philly Review reserves the right to request proof of identification;
The deadline is noon Monday. • Regular mail: 12th and Porter streets Philadelphia, PA 19148
• E-mail: editor@southphilly • Fax: 215-336-1112
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love stories of redemption. They always remind this eternal optimist we as human beings can rise above the mistakes of our pasts. Out of all the Olympians I was introduced to by NBC, nobody showed more strength than Chris Del Bosco — and he didn’t even win a medal. The Americanborn skier spent the better part of a decade battling drug and alcohol addiction. At the U.S. National Championships in 1998, he tested positive for illegal drug use. At 21, he was found drunk in a ditch with a broken neck. After another DUI, he decided to clean up his act and enter rehab. That’s when Canada called and asked him to
Benefits the children of Holy Spirit School
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The Eternal Optimist is Fred Durso, who sees past gloom-and-doom headlines and anticipates a brighter tomorrow, at http://
For more information, Please call: 215-828-7323 or 267-265-5628
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Police Report
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This child left behind A man and woman have been charged with attempted murder and leaving their 4-year-old at the scene of their crime when they fled. By Amanda L. Snyder R e v i e w S ta f f W r i t e r
hat police believe began as a jewelry heist went terribly wrong when one of the alleged robbers reportedly sliced the store owner’s neck and left his own son behind as he fled with more than a dozen engagement rings Saturday afternoon. John Benson, 47, of the Northeast, and Sheakia Stubbs, 31, of West Philly, have John Benson been charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault, robbery, criminal conspiracy, endangering the welfare of a child and related offenses in the 3 p.m. incident at Platinum & Ice Jewelry, 621 South St. Sheakia Stubbs The two were looking at women’s rings with their 4-year-old in tow. Benson asked to see a piece of jewelry and began negotiating for a lower price with the 34-year-old owner and a male employee, but he reportedly became irate when he was not successful, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. Both he and Stubbs screamed and cursed at the two and Stubbs demanded the employee buzz open the locked door so she could leave, Tolliver said. She then held the door open while Benson, who is believed to have dropped the ring he was holding behind the counter, allegedly swiped about 15 engagement rings with an estimated total value of $50,000 from an open display case when the employee stooped to pick up the dropped item. The two and their child allegedly fled west on South with the shopkeeper and employee in pursuit. When they caught up to them, Benson allegedly instructed Stubbs to, “Go get the gun from the car. I’m going to shoot this motherf***er right here,” Tolliver said. As Stubbs fled on foot, the chase continued with Benson and the child heading north on Seventh Street and west on Rodman Street, which is where Benson
allegedly pulled out the knife and slashed the left side of the owner’s neck, Tolliver said. Benson then is believed to have left the child behind as he took off on foot, going south on Eighth Street, then west on South. The owner walked to the Philadelphia Police Department South Street Mini Station, 905 South, with the boy and was transported to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, where he received 10 stitches. The child is in the custody of the Philadelphia Department of Human Services, Tolliver said. Benson and Stubbs were arrested at about midnight Monday at Benson’s Northeast home. The jewelry has not yet been recovered. Benson has previously served time for possession, robbery and aggravated assault, among others, while Stubbs served time for an aggravated assault in 2007, according to court records.
Arrest in Sound of Philadelphia fire A Whitman man turned himself in to police Feb. 24 after a warrant was issued for his arrest in connection to a fire three days earlier at Philadelphia International Records, 309 S. Broad St. Christopher Cimini, 27, of the 2700 block of South Fairhill Street, allegedly kicked in the glass front door of Christopher the building at about 6 a.m. Feb. 21, Officer Cimini Beth O’Brien of the Police Public Affairs Unit said. Believed to be intoxicated, he is accused of setting the building on fire and was rescued by the fire department when seen calling for help from a third-floor window. Cimini was transported to Jefferson Hospital for smoke inhalation and small lacerations and released, O’Brien said. He turned himself in to East Detective Division, where he was charged with arson, causing a catastrophe, burglary, criminal trespassing and related offenses. Kenny Gamble, a producer along with Leon Huff of the label that was responsible for more than 100 gold and plati-
Police Report num records and more than 70 No. 1 hits, wants to know why Cimini set the building ablaze, severely damaging it and destroying about 40 percent of the memorabilia inside. “I’m hoping they will interrogate this young man and find out,” Gamble said in a statement Tuesday. Cimini’s preliminary hearing was rescheduled from Tuesday to 8 a.m. March 23, according to court documents.
Shot five times
Teens targeted
The target of a Grays Ferry drive-by Sunday was a 13-year-old, who escaped harm even though he had three shots fired at him. The boy was on the 3000 block of Reed Street when a newer-model red Pontiac with two men inside slowed down and fired at him at 4:28 p.m., Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. The boy fled on foot and the vehicle, followed by a black car, proceeded west on Reed. Detectives recovered ballistic evidence at the scene, Tolliver said. The shooter was described as black, in his mid-20s with a medium complexion and wearing a red hoody and black skull cap; there was no description of his accomplice. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013.
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Fired upon while walking Police responded to a report of shots fired Sunday evening in West Passyunk, but did not immediately find the victim, who had apparently made it home before being taken by a family member to the ER. Police met the 19-year-old wounded in the 6:39 p.m. shooting more than an hour later at Jefferson Hospital, where he was in stable condition. The man told police he was walking with a male friend on the 2100 block of South Opal Street when three 18- to 19-year-old men approached them, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. When the victim saw that one, which he described as 6 foot and wearing a black hoody, had a black automatic handgun, he immediately bolted south on Opal. By the time the teen reached Jackson Street, he felt the pain caused by the one bullet to his left leg. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013. continued on page 11
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A teen was murdered in Point Breeze Monday, while another was shot twice five blocks away. Police discovered Allante Peterson, 19, of the 1800 block of South 23rd Street, on his block with multiple gunshots to the back at 8:51 p.m., Police Public Affairs Officer Jill Russell said. Peterson was transported to HUP and pronounced dead at 9:09 p.m. The motive and suspects are not yet known, Russell said. At 8:56 p.m., a 17-year-old arrived at Jefferson Hospital with two wounds — one to his lower back, the other to his left leg, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. The teen told police, after passing about seven men in black clothing, he heard about five gunshots ring out on the 1900 block of Morris Street and he ran toward Dorrance Street.
Sabato 6 Marzo
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A teen was charged with attempted murder in connection to the shooting of a 44year-old that left him riddled with bullets. The man was on the 1700 block of Tasker Street in Point Breeze when the 17year-old from the 1800 block of Dickinson Street allegedly shot him three times in the left leg, once in the right leg and once in the buttocks at 6:26 p.m. Feb. 20, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. The wounded man, who was found on that block, was transported to The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania by police in critical but stable condition. At 9:55 a.m. Friday, the man told detectives of the teen, adding he has known him his whole life and believed he had been shot because the teen does not like him, Tolliver said. The 17-year-old was arrested at 8:10 the next morning at his home and charged, in addition to attempted murder, with aggravated assault, terroristic threats, firearm violations and related offenses.
That’s when he felt burning in his back and leg. He was transported by private auto to the hospital and no evidence was recovered at the scene. No motive or suspects have been identified, Tolliver said. Police have not officially linked the cases, but South Detectives notified Homicide due to the close timeframe of the two, Tolliver said. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013.
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SOUTHERN REPORT continued from page 1 “It’s a lot better,” an 11th-grader who declined to give her name said. “Everything is organized now. There’s hardly any fights, more security guards, cameras — all that stuff. It got a lot better.” A 10th-grader from West Philly was not even aware of any disruption at the school, which occurred in early December, until she got home. “I was just going to the school minding my own business and then I heard about my school on the news,” the 17-year-old said, adding she agreed the atmosphere has changed and the added cameras are a deterrent. The Feb. 23 release of the 38-page report by the School District of Philadelphia followed a 10-week probe investigating what happened Dec. 3 when dozens of Asian students were attacked at Southern — both inside and outside the facility. The result of that day was an eight-day walkout by the students, several meetings with school and district officials and the Human Relations Commission to address their concerns about feeling safe in their own school and the filing of a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice against the district for violating the students’ 14th Amendment
that requires states to provide equal pro- plans at press time for their enforcement tection to all people within their jurisdic- or creation. While Giles admitted the report did not tions. Violence in local schools and across the city were the topics Jan. 28 when the look at the historic racial tensions at Southcommission convened the first of 11 pub- ern, it did conclude some who participated lic hearings at Guerin Recreation Center, in the attacks lacked fear of consequences. 2201 S. 16th St., that addressed the issue During the attacks, even the presence of an adult or police did not deter the aggresof discrimination, as well. Since the meetings and hearings, South- sors, he said. “The lack of respect and fear for authorern has taken various measures to ensure ity is a core probsafety and the relem that presents port has offered ‘It’s a lot better. Everything is danger for SPHS even more suggestions and recom- organized now. There’s hardly any and portends lifealtering consemended students fights, more security guards, quences for the and staff stand cameras — all that stuff. assailants themunited in support selves,” Giles It got a lot better.’ of student and said in the report. school safety. —A Southern 11th-grader, on the current “This mindset After a lengthy conditions at the Broad Street school must be changed, description of the somehow, to enassaults detailed in the report, former U.S. District Judge able all students to appreciate that school James T. Giles, who conducted the inde- safety is a mutual endeavor that is essential pendent investigation, provided 15 recom- for everyone and that actions threatening mendations, such as the need for punish- this protective shield cannot be tolerated ment for aggressive actions; counseling and must be punished.” Another problem that day in December on school safety prior to enrollment; the use and creation of an anonymous safety was poor communication between safety tip line; and the prohibition of hoodies and officers and school staff, which included lunch-line cutting. The ideas have been a misconception of how many police were submitted to the district, but there were no on site and the severity of the problems
that occurred in school that day and outside the previous day, Giles said, adding a “reliable, rapid system of communication should exist.” “Effective intervention and avoidance opportunities are dependent upon the acquisition and sharing of information,” he added. THE ACCUSED FROM the December incidents were mostly freshman and a few sophomores, totaling about 10 to 20 pupils inside the school and another 20 to 40 outside. “That observation does not diminish the seriousness of the events, but might raise some educational, maturation or placement issues regarding the process of transitioning from elementary school to high school,” Giles said. “According to SPHS administrators and [English as a Second Language] teachers, generally speaking, upper-class students at Southern get along very well irrespective of race, color, ethnic origin, cultural heritage or immigration status.” The event that supposedly initiated the Dec. 3 attacks kicked off Dec. 2 in the stairway on the second floor where a few Asians allegedly bumped into two African-American students, which then led to a verbal confrontation that school police broke up. Those involved placed blame on continued on page 11
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Sparing change for a nation Following the devastating earthquake in Haiti, a local sixth-grade class stepped forward and raised more than $1,000.
By Rachel T. Halkias Review Intern
S ta f f P h o t o b y G r e g B e z a n i s
every last cent they could for the drive. “They’re really into this,” Daniels said. “Children came in with handfuls of pennies.” One came in with 107 coins in a lunch bag, and another gave a second contribution because he made some extra cash shoveling snow, the teacher said. Students also scoured the floor for any precious loose change that would help that red line climb higher. Sixth-grade Class President Xavier Brown, 11, said he recognized the flood of altruism the earthquake elicited from the world and thought the students should be a part of it. “When we heard about it, we decided we should help. Everyone else was helping,” he said. Siani Jackson, 12, said she spared some money from her piggy bank. Her explanation for wanting to help Haiti was simply, “because they need it.” Another of Daniels’ students reasoned people in the U.S. would want to be treated the same way had they lived through a natural disaster. “If it was us, they would have helped
us,” Abmeen Autrey, 11, said. Donations from faculty helped the drive become even more successful. Everyone from teachers to lunchroom staff pitched in, Daniels said. A number of teachers gave close to $100 and one said she would match the amount her class gave. With a typical class size of 17 to 20 students and some half as large, Daniels said the teachers’ generosity was obvious. “If I received $58 from a class, I’d know the kids didn’t do all of it,” she said. To raise awareness of the fundraiser, Daniels sent a letter home to parents signed by the class president, the principal and herself explaining her desire to aid the Haitian community. In one instance, she said she received a note accompanied by a donation from a parent who smokes. Her note read, “I’m not only helping Haiti, I’m helping myself,” because the money she could have used to buy cigarettes went toward providing relief to earthquake survivors, Daniels said. Part of the fundraiser, which ran from Feb. 4 to 24, coincided with the area’s wave of winter weather. Daniels said she was worried about whether she and her stu-
Comment at features.
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FOR 10 SCHOOL days, Daniels sent envelopes out to classrooms to collect donations from students and teachers. She even monitored the progress with that familiar goal-setting icon — a giant red wall thermometer. Students found creative ways to gather
Dolores Daniels’ sixth-grade class at Smith Elementary set aside some milk and allowance funds so they could help the Haitian community recover from January’s disaster.
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hen her sixth-grade teacher started a fundraiser for earthquake survivors in Haiti, 11year-old Crystal Camps decided to donate money from her own allowance. “It was sad they got in an earthquake,” she said of the Jan. 12 7.0 magnitude disaster. “It was terrible, awful.” Dolores Daniels, who has been teaching at the Walter G. Smith Elementary School, 1900 Wharton St., for 19 years, initiated a drive for the Haitian community during which students, their families and faculty surpassed her expectations by more than doubling the targeted $500. Daniels led the effort, but the school community’s outpouring helped the grand total skyrocket to $1,115, with an extra $10 donated past the Feb. 24 deadline. “I’m so happy, I don’t know what to do,” she said of the first-time effort. “I’m busting with pride.” After learning about the tragedy, Daniels said she felt “great concern for the [Haitian] community.” She brought up the subject in class, and talked with the students about how they could make a difference. “While discussing this terrible thing in the classroom, we decided almost immediately that we wanted to help,” she said. “Donations from the students seemed to be the best way.” Daniels, who hails from Maryland but has lived on the 2000 block of Reed Street for 35 years, said she asked each student to donate $1 over the course of 10 days from their own pockets. The check is being sent to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. “I felt that if we encouraged the students to use their allowance and snack money to contribute, then it would be more meaningful,” she said. The teacher tried to explain the hardship in the Haitian community by relating the story directly to her students. “I told them, there are children like you who have lost everything,” Daniels said.
dents would be able to reach their goal. “I was concerned because that first full week, we only had school on Tuesday,” she said. The unusually snowy month was not going to sabotage her goal. After talking to the principal, she extended the collection to ensure it would last 10 school days. “She came to ask, but I wouldn’t have refused her to extend it,” Principal Robert L. Frazier said. “I think it’s wonderful the amount of support the program has been able to get from students, parents and community members.” He added the school district supports and encourages fundraising activity for the Haitian community during its time of need. Daniels said she noticed the wave of empathy the fundraiser elicited from Smith students. “As a teacher you hear all the time the negative things about students,” she said. “They don’t know these people, but they know of their pain and suffering.” Though it may be difficult for young people to fully grasp the conditions in which the earthquake survivors are living, Daniels said she believes a little direction helps motivate them to take action to help others who are less fortunate. “Children will step up to the plate if you guide them that way,” she said. The school plans to continue organizing relief efforts for Haiti. For its next project, which Daniels is also involved in, Smith is working with state Rep. Kenyetta Johnson to collect water and canned goods to send to the recovering nation. “I already have a full box that my students brought as soon as I told them what we would be doing,” Daniels said. During Tuesday’s class, the teacher said she and her students discussed the earthquake that hit Chile over the weekend. “I informed them it was twice as hard as Haiti’s but we talked about why there was not quite as much damage,” she said. Daniels said she plans on following the story and coordinating a similar effort to aid that the country after the school’s food and water drive for Haiti. Thanks to Daniels, her sixth-graders and all the contributors at Smith, the worldwide Haiti relief effort is more than $1,000 stronger. “I’m so very proud of them,” Daniels said. SPR
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SOUTHERN REPORT continued from page 8
Masked robber A masked man robbed a deli in the East Passyunk section Saturday night, taking $300 but leaving the store owner unharmed. A man in a black ski mask entered J&D Deli, 1913 S. 10th St., and pointed a black handgun at the 55-year-old owner at 7:05 p.m. Ordering him to hand over the cash, the thief was given the dough from the register before fleeing north on 10th and jumping into a black sedan with tinted windows that headed south on 10th, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. The car had a Pennsylvania tag, possibly ending in “610.” The robber was described as 5-foot-7 to 5-foot-8 and wearing, in addition to the ski mask that only showed his eyes and mouth, a black hoody, pants and knit gloves. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013.
Police presence, seen here prior to the December attacks, has been beefed up inside Southern and around its perimeter to help students get home safely. File Photo
separating from the escorts. Those who ran, though their reasons are still unclear, were followed by a group of 20 to 40 mostly African-Americans who pushed, punched, shoved and kicked some of the students in front of St. Agnes, Broad and McKean streets. It is unknown if all of the alleged offenders were students, but a female Cambodian student, who was present Dec. 2, was the first to attack the Asian students and the most violent, according to those interviewed. Although none were severely injured, Brown insisted the students be transported to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She later met with the 4th District police captain on the effectiveness of the Safe Corridors program. While it is possible the attacks were planned and may have partially been racially motivated, further analysis and investigation will be needed to determine the “real motivations,” Giles said. “Race and/or ethnicity were contributing factors to some degree in all the attacks on Asian students that occurred on Dec. 3,” he said in the report. “There is, however, insufficient evidence to conclude that Asian students were attacked based solely on their immigrant status.” SPR Contact Staff Writer Amanda Snyder at or ext. 117. Comment at
A clerk at a Passyunk Square grocery store retrieved cigarettes for a customer only to turn around to find a gun in his face and the man’s face suddenly covered with a blue bandana. The thief entered La Fortuna, 1548 S. 13th St., with his face uncovered and approached the counter, asking for the smokes at 9:12 p.m. Sunday. The 33-yearold clerk turned to get the requested item, but when he turned back around, the man had a black semi-automatic handgun on him and his face hidden. The clerk handed over about $600 from the register before the offender fled on foot, going west on Tasker Street. However, witnesses told police the man drove away, going south on Clarion Street, in an older-model black vehicle with tinted windows and damage to its front. The man was described as white, age 35 to 40, 5-foot-7 to 5-foot-9, cleanshaven and with a thin build. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013. SPR Comment at
All Review police-, court- and re-related items are collected from or veried by ofcial sources. Items are roughly prioritized by urgency or news value. If you have already reported an incident or missing person to police and would like to inform us, call crime reporter Amanda Snyder at 215-336-2500 ext. 117.
S O U T h p h illyreview . c o m 1 1
ers since they curled themselves in a ball during the assault, the report said; many may have been mistakenly identified as involved in the previous day’s incident. The building was secured shortly after 1 p.m. and Brown decided to conduct a silent dismissal that would allow a separate dismissal for each floor beginning with the second. The Safe Corridors program, which has been in place for several years, provides the school with beefed up police presence 30 minutes before dismissal and includes City, SEPTA and school officers, as well as two 4th District officers. Dec. 3, the staff expected that presence to be even more so. However, due to a drive-by shooting near Audenried High School, 3301 Tasker St., in Grays Ferry, officers were dispatched there without the Southern staff’s knowledge, Giles said. A couple Vietnamese students were unsure if they would be safe walking home, so school officers proposed to take them inside when Brown, Smith and two staff members offered to escort them and a few other Vietnamese students. They tried to get an escort from the City’s police sergeant stationed in front of the school, but he declined. During interviews, he said he was unaware of the previous incidents and that knowledge would have altered his decision, Giles said. The escorts continued up the east side of Broad, but soon some students picked up the pace by running up Broad and
Hundreds stolen
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the other group and, after school, another scuffle was broken up by a passerby in front of Walgreens and seemed to involve some of the same students, Giles said in the report. Giles, of the Center City law firm Pepper Hamilton, never uncovered the truth about the drug store fight. The stories of who were the instigators varied from it being a group of African-American students, that included a handicapped pupil, to the Asian students, the report stated. “While we cannot say that this controversy was gang-related, there was concerted activity by one discrete group versus another discrete group reminiscent of a street-gang conflict,” Giles said. The next day at school, police and school administrators were unaware of the fight, but rumors began to circulate with the two sides of the story. During first period Dec. 3, AfricanAmerican students allegedly walked into classrooms seeking specific individuals. At about 8:45 a.m., one or two allegedly attacked an Asian student in room 424 after the bell rang and, as the day wore on, some Asian students sought permission to go home early because they feared escalating violence. At about 11 a.m., Principal Lagreta Brown saw African-American students on the second floor who did not appear to be there for class. Seeing her, the students dispersed and, while she did not see any overt actions, she had a hunch trouble could be looming. She called Regional Superintendent Michael Silverman and community activist Wali Smith to help “lockdown” the school. Hall passes were revoked, bathrooms were locked, an officer presence was increased and no African-American students were permitted on the second floor — where many ESOL classes are held — unless they were there for class. However, about 30 to 40 African-American students managed to swarm the floor, although no Asian students were attacked since they were quickly directed to the closest classroom, the report stated. Lunchroom attacks occurred almost simultaneously, Giles said. Security footage shows “a rather sudden, seemingly orchestrated wave of as many as 60 to 70 students, mostly African-American, surging forward with a much smaller faction attacking a small group of Asian students,” he added. One teacher, who emerged from her classroom after hearing commotion in the hallway, ran to aid an Asian student by “wrapping herself around him to protect him from further attack,” Giles said. Not all Asians were targeted, but those who were could not identify their attack-
POLICE REPORT continued from page 7
1 2 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I M A R C H 4 , 2 0 1 0
CASINO continued from page 1 not be “slots in a box,” Wynn said according to reports. And it would not be a destination resort to lure in high-rollers, he added, since the area is “full of my old friends — Italians and Jews and every conceivable stripe of ethic group that love to shoot craps and gamble,” he said. “And they’re 10 minutes away in their cars or on a bus from my casino on the Delaware Riverfront. I love the proximity to these people.” Queen Village Neighbors Association President Jeff Rush was not surprised by the announcement. “Initially I thought that Mr. Wynn could have potentially brought something to the table in a positive way,” the resident of Columbus Boulevard and Christian Street said. However, when Wynn said the proposed casino at Columbus and Reed Street would be “the cutest casino you have ever seen,” according to published reports, Rush’s original concerns such as quality-of-life issues and traffic congestion resurfaced. Casino Free Philadelphia attorney Paul Boni saw the announcement as a victory Steve Wynn, chairman and chief executive officer of Wynn Resorts, shown inside and the start of a new battle. Encore, a 2008 expansion of Wynn Las Vegas, has announced his intention to “We were happy that Foxwoods is dead,” become involved in Foxwoods on the Delaware waterfront. he said, “and that what’s been constantly
told to us or described to us as a done deal is not the case … And at some point, Steve Wynn will skulk away from Philadelphia with his tail between his legs.” PAPERWORK FOR A change of ownership to Wynn had not been filed by press time and was not scheduled to be addressed at yesterday’s 10 a.m. hearing that ended about 4 p.m. with Foxwoods retaining its licence — although, according to published reports, the change of ownership most likely will be happening. “That’s a completely different process,” gaming control board spokesman Richard McGarvey said. As decided at the Jan. 27 meeting, the board has been fining Foxwoods $2,000 a day retroactively to Dec. 1 when the group missed a filing deadline for construction drawings and a timeline for all phases of the facility. Foxwoods claimed pending table game legislation, which has since been passed, made it difficult to receive a commitment from a financier without knowing the outcome of the bill and the expected financier would dictate the plans, according to a motion Foxwoods’ lawyers filed the day before the deadline. The fine calculated to $186,000 as of yesterday, but will continue to ac-
News cumulate until the next meeting with the board April 29. “This hearing is to say why should the board not continue these fines or do something more drastic,� McGarvey said of yesterday’s session in Harrisburg. Foxwoods was awarded its license, along with SugarHouse, which is on the waterfront in Fishtown, in December ’06. Foxwoods had proposed to build a resort of slots, restaurants, shops, a showroom, a hotel, a parking garage and a spa, among other amenities, over three phases. Following a battle from neighboring communities, such as Pennsport and Queen Village, City officials urged Foxwoods in September ’08 to contemplate a move to Eighth and Market streets, which they agreed to do. Upon renewing its license in August, the group also requested the gaming control board approve a move to the Center City location. The board agreed to extend the license only if the casino stayed put. At that same meeting, the board laid out a timeline of nine conditions Foxwoods was expected to meet, including the Dec. 1 cut off. While the board did not think Foxwoods was in compliance with deadlines, it did not revoke its license yesterday, McGarvey said.
For community reaction to Steve Wynn’s involvement in Foxwoods Casino Philadelphia, see page 4. Contact Staff Writer Amanda Snyder at or ext. 117. Comment at
Wynn Las Vegas features a 2,716-room hotel, a 111,000-square-foot casino, a golf course, Ferrari and Maserati dealerships and shops.
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S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I M A R C H 4 , 2 0 1 0
SCHOOLS continued from page 9
“Since the board saw substantial progress, but they still didn’t feel they were in compliance, they decided to continue the fine — $2,000 a day — and put out a couple of benchmarks,� he said. Those included a March 31 deadline for financial documents and an April 26 cutoff for architectural renderings, as well as a construction timeline before meeting with the board again three days later, McGarvey said. Residents and Casino Free Philadelphia members boarded a bus to Harrisburg at 7:15 a.m. yesterday to make sure their thoughts were heard loud and clear — just as they did a year earlier. And the group was heard this time around, showing that Philadelphia does not want gaming in its environment. “This is a much different place,� he said in comparison to Las Vegas and China. “I think the anti-casino movement in Philadelphia is second to none.� SPR
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1 4 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I m a r c h 4 , 2 0 1 0
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All business
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A Students from the Annunciation B.V.M. School, 1150 Wharton St., joined leaders from Comcast SportsNet, the Philadelphia 76ers Dancers, along with team mascot Hip-Hop, for a business leadership breakfast at the school, hosted by the Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools and the cable network. On-air talent Ed Pinckney, Marc Zumoff and Gregg Murphy and former NHL professional hockey player Don Saleski also were in attendance.
Scholarship contest
iriva Community Credit Union is offering a total of $4,000 to students seeking higher education for the 2010-11 fall semester. Winners will be required to attend next month’s awards ceremony. Applications are being accepted through March 9. For eligibility requirements or to obtain an application, visit SPR
penchant for demonstrating courtesy to others, coupled with an inventive mind and firm dedication, are leadership qualities any aspiring career woman would be proud to possess. St. Monica School third-grader Katie McCann is showing early signs of being a star-in-the-making. The resident of the 2400 block of Woodstock Street demonstrates interest in a variety of subjects, from science — her favorite — to writing. “She loves to learn about cool inventions,” teacher Kristin Rachubinski said. “Katie also enjoys math because we are always talking about new things.” The 9-year-old also has demonstrated a talent for the written word, earning the Critic’s Choice for her personal narrative about a special family day at the zoo.
Katie McCann “It was truly touching to read,” Rachubinski said of the pupil who also has earned Star Student recognition. Katie sets aside time for volunteer work, such as cleaning the St. Monica’s convent with big sister Elisa. On the side, the youngster is developing a passion for soccer, especially
after winning a championship with her South Philly Strikers. It’s the foundation for her goal of becoming a soccer star. “Her determination, ability to work with anyone and being a team player will definitely help her in reaching this goal,” Rachubinski said. For now, Katie is simply following the examples set by her role models in mom, Annemarie, and cousin, Carly Griffith. Certainly, this young talent’s unique outlook on life will ensure success in whatever field she selects. “Katie has the ability to make negative things into positives,” Rachubinski said. “Katie has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I have ever met.” SPR Katie McCann will receive a $150 savings bond. If you are a teacher or full-time educator and would like to nominate a student (first through 12th grades), call 215-336-2500 ext. 123 or e-mail
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1 6 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I m a r c h 4 , 2 0 1 0
Several people with local ties are part of a live, staged ght group called PA Jedi that performs light saber duels around the tri-state area.
By Jess F
ot far ou ts lies a para ide local borders, ll th side, Siths Jedis and el galaxy. It has Ma ere Pa d aw a n s sters, . and, on th “My chara Cindy Dragish, of Fourth Street and e dark c Feritus,” P ter is really a split Snyder Avenue, left, kneeling, was hoenix Fa p e rs onality. H lken Avenue, sa knighted at a recent gathering of the id. “She re rath, of Fifth Stree er name is t an K a lly started uhn’s] hea PA Jedi. The group’s members, below, d.” as a voice d Snyder Pherox Ku in [Pherox attend classes dressed in character hn belong s to Dale in fiancé, and equipped with light sabers. F an re part of the d the duo’s intertw ed, Falkenrath’s liv eined chara fantasy wo c rl Heights-b ased light d created by PA Jed ters are all i — a Clift saber stag member e ec on n throughou semble performs st ombat group. The 1 aged fight t the tri-st 7 “We are a ate are choreogra b phy the group’s out ready to celebra a. te our thir c d rums they o-education directo rs, said. “I year,” Freed, one o had there as soon as f joined the starting th I heard on Web site fo e group. It th e w morning. A radio that as on the they were Pre nd Commutin then I went to my fi ston and Steve sho w in the rs g t th c la e ss in 20 m apartment to the thre inutes from their Pe August 2007.” e-hour cla the pair is sses held in nnsport one-bedroo n’t the on m ly St. Step “ S ta r Eight bloc ks south, a Wars” enthusiasts to hen’s Church, t Fo make the D’Ambruo tre so and Jam urth and Fitzgerald streets, Bre k. ie Carroll a n d m a ke also pack the weekly up Friday nna drive. “Both Jam nights ie a n d I rank mean ing that w are of Master rank e’ve perfo in the clu we can bo b. It’s a rmed at q th teach c u it la e a lo ss an the club,” D’Ambruo d we’ve worked ha t of events, rd to prom so, 26, said education ote via dir schedule fo ector, which means e-mail. “I’m also co I r c w la ork o ss e me when th ey want to very week and othe n creating the r people c learn some “I’ve been ome to th d — like sta oing research into m ing new. ff or rapier o re forms — and try ing to tran of stage combat slate it into sabers.” continued on page 18
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LIFESTYLES continued from page 16 Working with an alphanumerical set of moves, the team creates sequences using polycarbonate light sabers they showcase at conventions and exhibitions monthly. The performances have graced the stages at Comic-Con and Too Many Games. This year’s schedule includes Star Wars Night with the Camden Riversharks in July and a spring trip to South Philly’s own Chickie’s & Pete’s. “They approached us at GameX, which was another convention, and asked us if we would perform in their interactive gaming lounge, Play 2,” Cindy Dragish, a native of Fourth and Snyder, said of the 1526 Packer Ave. restaurant that opened a new gaming lounge last November. Dragish is the public relations representative for the growing club, helping to recruit local interest and expand its reach. “I saw a vision for the club. Personally, I knew it had the capability of becoming a much bigger, better club. I had faith in it,” Dragish, a former George Sharswood Elementary, 2300 S. Second St., and Philadelphia High School for Creative and Performing Arts, 901 S. Broad St., student,
said. “We want to become much bigger and have a lot more performances and contribute more to charity.” Though Dragish now lives in Aston, 20 years on the streets of Pennsport and frequenting the Snyder Avenue Congregational Church, 300 Snyder, left an indelible mark. “I definitely miss the idea of when you walk out of your front door, you’ll always see someone you know. You don’t have that here,” the 30-year-old said of her. “I thought of South Philly as the best melting pot in the world … I loved living there because I was exposed to different cultures.” THE PA JEDI welcomes “Star Wars” diehards, novices and everyone in between. The club’s youngest member is 16 and the oldest is 51. “I think the main draw of the class is that we do stage combat with light sabers,” Dragish said. “We both got involved because we’re huge ‘Star Wars’ fans. I loved the concept of creating my own character and then actually putting on a performance,” D’Ambruoso said of Carroll and herself. “Anyone who enjoys ‘Star Wars’ should check us out.” The 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Friday classes
are $5 and open to all. Once a Padawan puts in the training, a more advanced student may recommend them for promotion. A knighting ceremony then takes place to move up the ranks. Members are invited to create their own character, complete with backstory and motivations. The character then plays an integral role in the fight choreography. “We all choreograph our own individual fights. There is a striking pattern in the letter and number system … but what it really boils down to is who is doing the fighting,” Falkenrath, 24, said. “We mix the characters into it. You ask yourself, ‘Would my character do this?’” The real fun for most, however, comes when the lights go down and the light sabers come on. “I’m basically a table dancer when it comes to that stuff,” Freed, 40, said of his joy with a live performance. “I love being in front of an audience.” “We get people coming up to us at conventions asking ‘How did you do that?’ and they’re just in awe. It’s a great feeling,” D’Ambruoso, who has lived in South Philly for three years, said. With all that membership has given them, the PA Jedis have committed to giving back. Recently, with firmer direction
and Dragish wholeheartedly pushing them forward, the group has looked to their idol, the film franchise’s creator George Lucas, when honing in on a cause. “I like that we’re working more with charity now. We’ve done the AIDS Walk before as a group, and that was fulfilling. I think having a … charity will be even more fulfilling, since we’ll be able to focus on it,” D’Ambruoso said. The group has decided to donate proceeds from light saber sales and promotional ticket offers to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, which grants wishes to terminally ill children. “We are focusing on $2,000 in 2010 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation,” Dragish said. As the PA Jedi’s current calendar year fills up, the group still is looking to share its positive energy with people interested in a new way to escape, get a workout or try something different. Just bring some imagination and an open mind — and remember to leave reality at the door. “We’re an all-inclusive group for the most part,” Freed said, adding with a laugh, “It’s a really, really great way for geeks to get together!” SPR Comment at http://www.southphillyreview. com/news/lifestyles.
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By Tom Cardella Columnist
The ball is in their court
once had a boss who told me it is easy to criticize. He insisted, whenever I felt the need to criticize an operating procedure, he would stand by me so long as I offered a reasonable solution. The Republicans undoubtedly have scored political points opposing the president, now it is time to back up their complaints with solutions. It is your job as a voter to insist upon it. A positive sign is five Republicans stood up to Democrats on a jobs-bill compromise that will help put Americans back to work. One of those Republicans is Scott Brown, the senator from Massachusetts. How long before the extreme right puts Brown on its hit list as it has done with Lindsey Graham of South Carolina for his willingness to work with Democrats to help solve climate change? That’s the problem. The Tea Party that promises to help put Republicans back in charge of Congress in 2010 sees compromise as weakness. Better to sink the president than help the country is its credo. At the recent Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Sarah Palin claimed it’s time for a real commander-in-chief (presumably herself). She offered no solutions to fighting global terrorism (not even written on her hand), just sound bites and bumper-sticker slogans. Palin criticizes Mr. Obama because he was once a law professor, implying he is too effete for the job. Yet, here are some real facts — source: Slate online Feb. 8 — the president has tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan and authorized twice as many airstrikes against the Taliban than Bush did in his final year (65, Obama to 36, Bush). Mr. Obama also authorized SEAL sharpshooters to kill armed pirates who had hijacked our ship and were holding Americans hostage. What about the charge we should have placed the underwear bomber under military arrest rather than have the FBI arrest him and read him his Miranda rights? Dick Cheney, Palin and right-wing talking heads have been furious about that. Yet, in a Feb. 7 “Meet the Press” interview, White House Terrorism Czar John Brennan indicated key Republican leaders never objected to the administration’s decision when they were briefed. Maybe it was because shoe bomber Richard Reid was handled the very same way by the Bush administration with nary a peep from Republicans. Further, the underwear bomber continues to freely provide information to the FBI while some suspects have clammed up under military
interrogation. Where Republicans have stepped up and offered solutions with their criticisms, they have not exactly aligned themselves with their new-found friends in the Tea Party. Example: Jonathan Cohn of The New Republic (Feb. 25) reveals Republican alternatives to the administration’s health-care reform plan would cover only about three million of the 52 million uninsured. Congressman Paul Ryan’s idea is to convert Medicare into a voucher system where seniors would find themselves shopping for the coverage they now automatically get from (if you’ll pardon the expression) “government-run” Medicare. These are the same seniors who most often have pre-existing conditions, something the Republicans would not do anything about. In short, Republican Ryan’s solution would destroy Medicare without reducing costs and almost certainly reduce coverage. Incidentally, Ryan also wants to revive the Bush plan to privatize Social Security, which would tie your retirement to the stock market. As Palin says, is that “hopey” and “changey” enough for you? Republicans have come out united to curb government spending. This is the same party that turned the budget surplus of the Clinton years into a yawning deficit by the time Obama took office. The Republican recipe for reviving the economy is disingenuous. They rail against the Obama stimulus, but passed the first stimulus during the Bush administration and with good reason because without the two stimulus packages teachers, firefighters and police would have been laid off en masse. The American auto industry would have collapsed and banks would have gone under. In short, it was government action by both the Bush and Obama administrations that headed off a repeat of the Depression. While Republicans have suddenly found religion and scorn budget deficits, they oppose the “pay-as-you-go” legislation proposed by the president, not because they oppose it philosophically, but because they are more interested in inflicting another defeat on the presidency. The free ride for Republicans is over. If they insist you need 60 votes to pass any legislation (a recipe for doing nothing in a time of crisis), then they have to offer solutions. The public will get a chance to compare Republican solutions with the Democrats’ instead of being fed a steady diet of empty criticism. Brown and four other Republicans seem to have realized, in joining Democrats to pass a jobs bill, along with opposition comes responsibility. But will other Republicans follow? In the meantime, we’ll get to see whether converting Social Security and Medicare into iffy alternatives is really what Americans want, or whether it is even what the Tea Party bargained for. The ball is in the Republicans’ court. SPR Comment at
Another ‘Fine’ mess
Undercover cop Tango (Don Cheadle, right) has conflicted feeling about friend Caz (Wesley Snipes), a drug dealer who was recently released from prison.
By Ross Burlingame Review Intern
rooklyn’s Finest” has a lot to say and, while it attempts to tell it all in a gritty and realistic way, there are far too many moments and performances that feel more like Hollywood than Brooklyn. Centered around three New York police officers, Sal (Ethan Hawke) has become corrupt in order to support his nine children and pregnant-with-twins wife; Tango (Don Cheadle) is undercover and attempting to take down drug operations around the Pink Houses, a notorious group of projects, and finally there is Eddie (Richard Gere), a 50-something cop who wrestles with blowing his brains out, but soon will retire from the force, which regards him as a joke. Soon, a friend of Tango’s who saved his life in prison, Caz (Wesley Snipes), is released from the slammer and, driving the plot, Tango’s loyalties are challenged. The main characters’ story lines only occasionally rub shoulders, but all focus on the various depths these lawmen will go to when choosing between loyalties to the badge and to themselves. While the three leads try their hardest — Gere, a bit too hard — the scenes of action and violence feel like they have been done before and their attempt to illustrate the emotional turmoil of each character seems out of place. “Finest” is so forthright and unsubtle (we first meet Eddie when he wakes up, takes a shot of whiskey and puts the barrel of a handgun in his mouth) all of the characters seem unrealistic. Adding to the awkwardness are embarrassingly over-the-top supporting turns by Ellen Barkin, as Tango’s boss, and Vincent D’Onofrio, as a drug dealer, that not only sacrifice the authenticity of the picture, but make it seem like a big-screen adaptation of “Law & Order.”
The film is bursting at the seams with story arcs, tones and ideas, but none are developed to proper emotional depths. “Brooklyn’s Finest” has some things going for it, including good acting by Cheadle and Snipes, as well as a few (mostly blood-related) shocks, but the main characters’ stories are neither compelling nor original enough to warrant being so insignificantly related to each other.
Brooklyn’s Finest R Two reels out of four In area theaters tomorrow
Recommended Rental Up in the Air
R Available Tuesday A big hit with audiences and critics, director Jason Reitman’s follow-up to his hit “Juno” is every bit as charming as that film, but exponentially more adult. “Up in the Air” follows corporate downsizer Ryan Bingham (George Clooney), who spends nearly all of his time either on the road or up in the air. The multiple Oscar-nominated film has a witty screenplay and a genuinely human outlook on our quickly changing times. Before the behemoth “Avatar” dropped worldwide, this film largely was seen as the front-runner at this year’s Oscars and, though none of the featured performers are blue or computer generated, be assured the special effects are the kind generated by the heart. SPR Comment on these movies or reviews and see the trailers at
Oscar preview
110 0 ’10 10 f
For the first time in decades, the Oscar race has 10 Best Picture nominees. But that is just the beginning of a surprising year in the hunt for film’s biggest award. By R. Kurt Osenlund Movie Reviewer
Best Supporting Actor Like Supporting Actress, this race was essentially over before it began. As the fearsome “Jew Hunter” in “Inglourious Basterds,” Austrian actor Christoph Waltz
Best Actress The most memorable nominee in this category? Gabourey Sidibe, whose performance as the title character in “Precious” couldn’t be further from the first-time actress’ bubbly persona. The feistiest? Helen Mirren, who wows as Tolstoy’s tempestuous wife in “The Last Station.” The most exciting? Carey Mulligan, who blooms before your eyes as a major star in the coming-of-age tale “An Education.” The most delicious? Meryl Streep, whose dead-on recreation of Julia Child in “Julie & Julia” landed her a record 16th nomination. But the one to beat? Sadly, it’s Sandra Bullock, whose long-standing Hollywood charm helped push her endearing, but hardly Oscar-worthy, turn as a steel magnolia in “The Blind Side” into the big game. I enjoy Bullock, but she’s the least deserving of this group. Will win: Sandra Bullock Should win: Meryl Streep Possible upset: Meryl Streep Best Actor Colin Firth hit a career peak as a suicidal gay professor in Tom Ford’s directorial debut, “A Single Man.” With his work as a corporate ax man in “Up in the Air,” George Clooney reminded many why he may just be America’s last great male movie star. As the volatile vessel who guides us through “The Hurt Locker,” Jeremy Renner proved his considerable chops. And, while “Invictus” was a major letdown, Morgan Freeman captured the benevolent spirit of Nelson Mandela. Yet, Jeff Bridges, who carved out a fully formed character with
Best Director In addition to Bigelow (“The Hurt Locker”) and Daniels (“Precious”), this impressive category includes young Jason Reitman (“Up in the Air”), mad maestro Quentin Tarantino (“Inglourious Basterds”) and self-proclaimed “King of the World” James Cameron (“Avatar”). Some think Tarantino is overdue for the highest directorial honor, but most agree the top contenders are Bigelow and Cameron, who, oddly enough, once were married. Cameron deserves lavish praise for envisioning a bold new world and practically revolutionizing the way we see movies, but Bigelow truly harnessed the power of the medium, getting more dramatic mileage out of imagery alone than any other filmmaker last year. Plus, the whole glass ceiling factor is hard to resist. Will win: Kathryn Bigelow Should win: Kathryn Bigelow Possible upset: James Cameron Best Picture “Up” and “District 9” were two of 2009’s best and “A Serious Man,” “An Education” and even “The Blind Side” have their supporters. But any cinephile worth his salted popcorn will tell you the top five Best Picture candidates are those whose directors received nominations: “Avatar,” “The Hurt Locker,” “Inglourious Basterds,” “Precious” and “Up in the Air.” There’s a growing amassment of Oscar pundits who believe “Basterds” will benefit from the new preferential ballot (which is way too convoluted to explain here), but I still think this race is between two very different horses: “Avatar,” which would be the highest-grossing winner ever, and “The Hurt Locker,” which would be the lowest. Some even say the future of movies is riding on the outcome. What will prevail? Expensive spectacle or gritty storytelling? Place your bets. Will win: “The Hurt Locker” Should win: “Up in the Air” Possible upset: “Avatar” SPR For more Oscar predictions, to see trailers for “The Hurt Locker,” “Avatar” and “The Blind Side,” and a review of Best Foreign Film nominee, “The White Ribbon,” by Intern Ross Burlingame, see
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Best Supporting Actress Two surprise nominees showed up here: Maggie Gyllenhaal, who lacked a single precursor nomination for her work in “Crazy Heart,” and Penélope Cruz, who was up for Screen Actors Guild and Golden Globe awards for her sultry turn in “Nine,” but whose chances seemed shaky given the film’s poor reception. Both pulled through, knocking out the likes of Julianne Moore (“A Single Man”) and Diane Kruger (“Inglourious Basterds”). Two other gals, the lovely Vera Farmiga and Anna Kendrick of “Up in the Air,” came in for smooth landings as expected. But no one will be able to topple the victory of Mo’Nique, whose astounding portrayal of a monstrous mother in “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire” won her virtually every other Supporting Actress award. Will win: Mo’Nique Should win: Mo’Nique Possible upset: None
snatched up just about as many precursor trophies as Mo’Nique, beginning with the Best Actor prize at the Cannes Film Festival. No other nominee — not Matt Damon for his athletic but overpraised turn in “Invictus,” Stanley Tucci for his creepy rapist in “The Lovely Bones,” Christopher Plummer for his portrayal of Leo Tolstoy in “The Last Station,” nor Woody Harrelson for his potent work in the military drama “The Messenger” — poses even a minimal threat. Will win: Christoph Waltz Should win: Christoph Waltz Possible upset: None
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alid cases surely could be made for the rise of Sandra Bullock as the Best Actress front-runner, the impending milestone of Kathryn Bigelow becoming the first female to win Best Director and Lee Daniels being only the second black filmmaker ever nominated for a directing Oscar, but the biggest story of the 82nd Annual Academy Awards remains the one announced by the Academy’s Board of Governors last June: 10 Best Picture nominees. Not since 1943 have more than five contenders competed for Oscar’s top prize. The widened field presumably was initiated to allow for more popular fare to slip in among typical Oscar bait, as well as remedy the telecast’s recent ratings slump. At least half of the initiative paid off, as this year’s Best Picture lineup is a mighty diverse bunch. Alongside usual suspects like The War Picture (“The Hurt Locker”) and The Sophisticated Adult Dramedy (“Up in the Air”), there’s an animated film (“Up”), a sci-fi thriller (“District 9”) and a cuddly crowd-pleaser (“The Blind Side”), none of which would likely have made the cut had there only been five slots. The Best Picture race is really the only tough one to call among the six major categories, making it all the more interesting. Appropriately, on March 7, the final award
of the evening is what will have viewers on the edge of their couches. As for the winners in acting and directing, those deals (and envelopes) are all but sealed.
his role as Bad Blake in “Crazy Heart,” will nab the golden boy this year, adding it to his already-crowded mantle. That he’s never won throughout his 40-plus-year career doesn’t hurt his chances. Will win: Jeff Bridges Should win: Jeff Bridges Possible upset: George Clooney
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“Ancient Rome & America,” featuring more than 300 artifacts from Italy and the United States, is showcased through Aug. 1. Tickets: $12-$20. National Constitution Center, 525 Arch St. 215-409-6895.
Staff photos by Greg Bezanis
he deadline for calendar submissions is 5 p.m. Thursday before the publication date (no exceptions). Listing information must be typed or neatly printed and may be mailed, e-mailed, faxed or delivered in person. Information is not accepted by phone. All listings must include a phone number that can be printed. Materials that do not follow the criteria or arrive by the deadline will not be printed.
Mail/Deliver to 12th and Porter streets Philadelphia, Pa. 19148 Fax: 215-336-1112 E-mail:
Highlights this Week “Fabricated Stories” is on display through March 6. AxD Gallery, 265 S. 10th St. 215-627-6250. www. The Philadelphia International Flower Show’s “Passport to the World” is taking visitors on a trek around the globe through March 7. Tickets: $13-$23. Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch St. 215988-8899. “Elliot, A Soldier’s Fugue” runs through March 14. Walnut Street Theatre Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St. 215-574-3550. “David Goodis … To A Pulp,” a film biography of noir writer David Goodis, has its world premiere 8:30 p.m. March 5. Tickets: $10. Society Hill Playhouse, 507 S. Eighth St. 215-923-0210. The Irish Tenors perform 8 p.m. March 5. Tickets: $45-$250. Liacouras Center, 1776 N. Broad St. 800-298-4200. www.
Jerry Blavat hosts a social 8 p.m. March 6. Tickets: $35. St. Monica’s Farrell Hall, 16th and Porter streets. 215-334-1659. Red Ball, hosted by The American Red Cross Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter, is 8 p.m.-midnight March 6. Tickets: $175-$275. Please Touch Museum at Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park. 215-2995491. Peking Acrobats fly high March 7-10. Tickets: $17.50-$27.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. “Groovaloo, The Hip Hop Sensation” moves into town March 9-14. Tickets: $25-$59.50. Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. 215-893-1999. Company of Thieves take the stage 8 p.m. March 10. Tickets: $15-$18. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696.
> Items beginning with this symbol are happening this week.
Live shows >Omarion: 9 p.m. March 6. Tickets: $20.10. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. >Ronan Tynan: 8 p.m. March 6. Tickets: $29.50-$49.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. >The Radiators: 7:30 p.m. March 9. Tickets: 27-$37. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. >One: 7:30 p.m. March 10. Tickets: $13. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. >Joe Henry: 8 p.m. March 10. Tickets: $25. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. Harlem Globetrotters: 7 p.m. March 12. Tickets: $20-$106. Liacouras Center, 1776 N. Broad St. 800-298-4200. Mike Gordon: 9 p.m. March 12. Tickets: $23-$26. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. Alice in Chains: 8 p.m. March 13. Tickets: $40-$43. Tower Theatre, 69th and Ludlow streets, Upper Darby. 877-598-8696.
Bitch: 8 p.m. March 13. Tickets: $10. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215222-1400. Phil Vassar: 8 p.m. March 13. Tickets: $32.50-$39.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. www. Harlem Globetrotters: Noon and 5 p.m. March 14. Tickets: $20-$160. Wachovia Center, 3601 S. Broad St. 800-298-4200. www. Black 47: 6:30 p.m. March 14. Tickets: $21-$31. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. Irish Rovers: 7:30 p.m. March 15. Tickets: $29.50-$35. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215572-7650. Michael Bublé: 8 p.m. March 16. Tickets: $49.50-$95. Wachovia Center, 3601 S. Broad St. 800-298-4200. Train: 8 p.m. March 17. Tickets: $35-$38.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-5727650.
W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g Taylor Swift: 7 p.m. March 18-19. Tickets: $25-$69.50. Wachovia Center, 3601 S. Broad St. 800-298-4200. Frankie Avalon, Bobby Rydell and Fabian: 8 p.m. March 19. Tickets: $69.50-$79.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. www. Royal Comedy Tour: 8 p.m. March 19. Tickets: $43.50-$73. Liacouras Center, 1776 N. Broad St. 800-2984200. America: 8 p.m. March 20. Tickets: $39.50-$49.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-5727650. Bon Jovi: 7 p.m. March 23-24. Tickets: $26.50-$132. Wachovia Center, 3601 S. Broad St. 800-298-4200. George Thorogood & The Destroyers: 7:30 p.m. March 24. Tickets: $39-$59. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215572-7650. Mike Snow: 9 p.m. March 25. Tickets: $18-$21. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. Jonatha Brooke: 8 p.m. March 25. Tickets: $40. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www.
The Blue Method: 8 p.m. March 26. Tickets: $15. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. HIM: 7:30 p.m. March 26. Tickets: $21-$31. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. www. Los Lobos and Leo Kottke: 8 p.m. March 27. Tickets: $42.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. www. Carlon: 11 p.m. March 27 and April 17. Tickets: $5. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. Francis Dunnery and The New Progressives: 8 p.m. March 28. Tickets: $20. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. Keith Emerson and Greg Lake: 8 p.m. April 2. Tickets: $35-$75. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. www. The Temper Trap: 9 p.m. April 3. Tickets: $16-$19. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-5988696. Norah Jones: 8 p.m. April 3. Tickets: $43-$63. Tower Theater, 69th and Ludlow streets, Upper Darby. 877598-8696.
Florence & the Machine: 9 p.m. April 3. Tickets: $20-$23. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877598-8696. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club: 8 p.m. April 6. Tickets: $20. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877598-8696. Cinderella: 8:30 p.m. April 9. Tickets: $30-$32. Electric Factory, 421 N Seventh St. 215-627-1332. www. Fab Faux: 8 p.m. April 10. Tickets: $46.50-$66.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-5727650. Chelsea Handler: 8 p.m. April 17. Tickets: $55-$85. Tower Theater, 69th and Ludlow streets, Upper Darby. 877598-8696. Edie Carey: 11 p.m. April 17. Tickets: $5. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. Colin Hay: 7:30 p.m. April 20-21. Tickets: $35-$45. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. www. One Night of Queen: 8 p.m. April 22. Tickets: $32.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215572-7650. Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood: 8 p.m. April 23. Tickets: $38.50-$48.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-5727650.
Cowboy Junkies: 7:30 p.m. April 24. Tickets: $40-$50. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-222-1400. Joe Bonamassa: 8 p.m. April 24. Tickets: $27.50-$40. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215572-7650. Steve Harvey: 8 p.m. April 24. Tickets: $42.50-$49.50. Liacouras Center, 1776 N. Broad St. 800-2984200. Thirty Seconds to Mars: 8:30 p.m. April 24. Tickets: $31-$33. Electric Factory, 421 N Seventh St. 215-6271332. Hot Chip: 8 p.m. April 25. Tickets: $30-$33. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. www. Bill Cosby: 4 and 8 p.m. May 1. Tickets: $49-$67. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215572-7650. Corinne Bailey Rae: 9 p.m. May 1. Tickets: $27.50-$30.50. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877598-8696. Johnny Mathis: 7:30 p.m. May 2. Tickets: $40-$61. Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. 215-893-1999. www. Sia: 8 p.m. May 2. Tickets: $2-$23. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696.
Mark Knopfler: 8 p.m. May 7. Tickets: $39-$85. Tower Theatre, 69th and Ludlow streets, Upper Darby. 877-598-8696. Pat Metheny: 8 p.m. May 18. Tickets: $52.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-5727650. Animal Liberation Orchestra: 9 p.m. May 21. Tickets: $10.50-$17. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. Toad the Wet Sprocket: 8 p.m. May 26. Tickets: $27.50-$32.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. www. Bela Fleck, Zakir Hussain and Edgar Meyer: 8 p.m. May 27. Tickets: $38.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-5727650. Brian Jonestown Massacre: 8 p.m. June 8. Tickets: $16-$19. Theater of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 877-598-8696. Carole King and James Taylor: 7:30 p.m. June 10. Tickets: $39.50$350. Wachovia Center, 3601 S. Broad St. 800-298-4200. www. U2: 8 p.m. July 12. Tickets: $33.50$253.50. Lincoln Financial Field, 1020 Pattison Ave. 877-598-8696.
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W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g ZOSO: 8 p.m. July 15. Tickets: $25. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-572-7650. www. Dion: 7:30 p.m. July 28. Tickets: $39.50-$49.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215-5727650. Jimmy Buffett: 8 p.m. Aug. 7, Aug. 10. Tickets: $36-$136. Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J. American Carnage Tour with Slayer, Megadeth and Testament: 7 p.m. Aug. 15. Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.
Museums/Exhibits/ Galleries >Academy of Natural Sciences: “Looking at Animals,” March 13May 16; “Creatures of the Abyss,” June 5-Sept. 6. 1900 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy. 215-299-1000. www. >African American Museum: “Audacious Freedom: African Americans in Philadelphia, 1776-1876,” ongoing. 701 Arch St. 215-574-0380. >American Swedish Historical Museum: “Printscapes: Impressions of Nature,” through May 2; Nudes by Anders Zorn” and “Material Matters: Samples from the Textile Collection,” both through spring. 1900 Pattison Ave. 215-389-1776. >Bridgette Mayer Gallery: “Nightlife & The Divided Plane,” through March 27. Opening reception is 6-8:30 p.m. March 5; “New Ceramic Works,” March 30-May 1. Opening reception is 6-8:30 p.m. April 2; “New Works,” May 4-29. Opening reception is 6-8:30 p.m. May 7; “Group Show Benefit” for Back on My Feet, June. Opening reception is 6-8:30 p.m. June 4; Gallery Artists Group Show,” July. Opening reception is 6-8:30 p.m. July 2. 709 Walnut St. 215-413-8893. >Da Vinci Art Alliance: “Confluence,” March 7-28; “Claybody,” March 31-April 30. 704 Catharine St. >Fleisher Art Memorial: Works by George Ferrandi, through April 23. 705 Christian St. >Institute of Contemporary Art: “Video Art: Replay, Everyday Imaginary,” through March 21; “Maira Kalman: Various Illuminations (of a Crazy World),” through June 6; and “Video Art: Replay, Part 3,” April 23Aug. 1. 118 S. 36th St. 215-573-9975.
>International House: “Homeland,” through March 5. 3701 Chestnut St. 215-235-3405. >Laurel Hill Cemetery Tour: “Where is Julia? Pretty Places & Victorian Era Superstitions,” 2 p.m. March 21; “Unearthing Laurel Hill: A History Written in Stone,” 2 p.m. March 27; “The Moving Finger Writes: Laurel Hill in Words So Written,” 2 p.m. April 17; “A Note Suspended in Time: The Musical Masters of Laurel Hill,” 2 p.m. April 25; “Designing for the Dead: Laurel Hill’s Art & Architecture,” 2 p.m. May 22; “Unearthing Laurel Hill: By the Rise of the Full Flower Moon,” 7 p.m. May 27. 3822 Ridge Ave. 215-228-8200. Mutter Museum: Mutter Ball, benefiting The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m.-1 a.m. March 12-13. Tickets: $50-$100. 19 S. 22nd St. 215-563-3737. >Newman Galleries: “Pennsylvania Impressionism,” through March 13. 1625 Walnut St. >Philadelphia Art Alliance: “Convergence: Pottery from Studio and Factory” and “En route series,” both through May 3. 251 S. 18th St. 215545-4302. >Philadelphia Folklore Project: “Under Autumn Moon: Reclaiming Time and Space in Chinatown,” through May 8. 735 S. 50th St. 215726-1106. >Philadelphia Museum of Art: “Cai Guo-Qiang: Fallen Blossoms,” through March 7; “Notations/Bruce Nauman: Days and Giorni,” through April 4; “Picasso and the AvantGarde in Paris,” through April 25; “Marcel Wanders: Daydreams,” through June 13; “Kantha: The Embroidered Quilts of Bengal” through July 25; “Arts of Bengal: Wives, Mothers, Goddesses,” through July. 26th St. and the Benjamin Franklin Pkwy. 215-763-8100. >Philadelphia Zoo: Keeping Up With the Keepers, 9-11 a.m. March 16 and May 16; Bunny Hop, 10 a.m.4 p.m. March 27-28; Zoo Spring Break Camp 2010: I Want To Be a Zookeeper, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. March 31-April 2; Junior Nature Journey: Sounds of Spring, 7-9 p.m. April 9; Zoo Keeper Evening, 6-8 p.m. April 10; Creatures of Habitat Opening Weekend, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. April 10-11; Family Overnight Adventures: Slumber Party for the Planet, 6:30 p.m. April 24-10 a.m. April 25. 34th St. and Girard Ave. 215-243-5336. www. >Please Touch Museum: “Exploring Trees Inside and Out,” through May 2; Rhythm Romp, March 5-7; “There’s Something Under My Bed,” March 5-May 9; Puppet Play Date, March 21. 4231 Avenue of the Republic. 215-963-0667. www. >Print Center: “Philagrafika 2010: The Graphic Unconscious,” through April 11. 1614 Latimer St. 215-7356090.
Tickle me funny
Watch Elmo find a new home for his friend Sunny the Sunflower in “Sesame Street Live’s Elmo’s Green Thumb” March 4-7. Tickets: $17$52. Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbor Blvd., Camden, N.J. 877-598-8696. >Rosenbach Museum & Library: “Moore Adventures in Wonderland,” through June 6; “Friend or Faux: Imitation and Invention from Innocent to Fraudulent,” through July 11. 2008-2010 Delancey Place. 215-7321600. >Simone Museum: “Best of Britain,” through March 14. 6825-31 Norwitch Dr. 215-365-7233. www. >Sol Mednick Gallery: “Observations & Anomalies,” through March 7; “Drawing the Time in Between,” March 12-April 2; “Fall River Boys,” April 9-May 2; Sophomore photography exhibit, May 7-21; “Brace for Impact: The Aftermath of Flight 1549,” May 28-Aug. 7. The University of the Arts, 211 S. Broad St. 215-717-6300. >University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: “Righteous Dopefiend: Homelessness, Addiction and Poverty in Urban America” and “The Goodlands: Young Photographers Inspiring Hope in North Philadelphia,” both through May; “Fulfilling a Prophecy: The Past and Present of the Lenape in Pennsylvania,” through July 11; 3260 South St. 215-898-4000.
Theater/Dance/Opera >The Eclectic Society: Through March 7. Tickets: $10-$60. Walnut Street Theatre, 825 Walnut St. 215-5743550. >Pennsylvania Ballet: “The Crossed Line,” “In the Night” and “The Concert,” March 10-14. Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. 215-551-7000.
>Blue Door: Through March 21. Arden Theatre Company, 40 N. Second St. 215-922-1122. >Happily Ever After: Through March 28. Tickets: $20-$35. Adrienne Theatre, 2030 Sansom St. 215592-9560. >Language Rooms: Through April 4. Wilma Theater, 265 S. Broad St. 215546-7824. >Romeo and Juliet: Through April 11. Arden Theatre Company, 40 N. Second St. 215-922-1122. www. >The Irish and How They Got That Way: Through April 18. Tickets: $35-$47. Innovation Studio at the Kimmel Center, 260 S. Broad St. 215893-1999. >Respect, A Musical Journey of Women: Through April 18. Tickets: $40-$45. Society Hill Playhouse, 507 S. Eighth St. 215-925-3769. www. >Flashpoint DNA, Dynamic New Art: Through May 3. Tickets: $35$45. Adrienne Theater, 2030 Sansom St. 215-665-9720. >Pennsylvania Ballet: “The Four Temperaments,” “Carmina Burana” and “Rodeo,” through March 13. Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. 215-551-7000. >Chlamydia dell’Arte: “A Sex-Ed Burlesque,” March 9-13. Tickets: $15. Second Stage at the Adrienne, 2030 Sansom St.
Fallen Angels: March 16-May 7. Tickets: $10-$60. Walnut Street Theatre, 825 Walnut St. 215-574-3550. Belles of Dublin: March 17-21. Tickets: $20. The Red Room at Society Hill Playhouse, 507 S. Eighth St. 215-923-0210. The Gnadiges Fraulein (Gracious Lady): March 19-April 3. Tickets: $20. Second Stage at the Adrienne Theater, 2030 Sansom St. 215-285-0472. Red Hot Patriot: The Kick-Ass Wit of Molly Ivins: March 19-April 18. Suzanne Roberts Theatre, 480 S. Broad St. 215-985-0420. Philadelphia Young Playwrights’: “Away He Flew” and “Monster Butterfly,” 11 a.m. March 20. Philadelphia Art Alliance, 251 S. 18th St. 215-665-9226. The Lion King: March 23-April 24. Tickets: $23-$95. Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. 215-893-1999. www. How I Became a Pirate: March 26-27, April 3 and 8-10. Tickets: $10-$14. Walnut Street Theatre, 825 Walnut St. 215-574-3550. www. Travels With My Aunt: March 30-April 18. Walnut Street Theatre Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St. 215-574-3550. www. Henry IV, Part I: April 1-May 2. Tickets: $10-$35. St. Stephen’s Theater, 10th and Ludlow streets. 215829-0395. Cirque Du Soleil’s Ovo: April 8May 2. Tickets: $24.50-$112. Big Top at The Avenue of the Arts, Broad St. and Washington Ave. 800-450-1480. Philadelphia Young Playwrights: “Temple High” and “Falling Apart,” 11 a.m. April 10. Philadelphia Art Alliance, 251 S. 18th St. 215-665-9226. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie: April 14-May 30. Arden Theatre Company, 40 N. Second St. 215-9221122. Crumble (Lay Me Down, Justin Timberlake): April 15-May 8. Tickets: $35-$45. Adrienne Theater, 2030 Sansom St. 215-665-9720. www. Girls Night: The Musical: April 20-May 23. Tickets: $49. Innovation Studio, 260 S. Broad St. 215-8931999. August, Osage County: April 27May 2. Tickets: $34-$126.50. Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. 215-8931999. Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family: April 29-May 2. Tickets: $45-$70. Liacouras Center, 1776 N. Broad St. 800-298-4200. www.
The Musical of Musicals (The Musical!): May 4-June 27. Walnut Street Theatre Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St. 215-574-3550. Pennsylvania Ballet: “Square Dance,” “Afternoon of a Faun,” “Requiem for a Rose” and “In The Middle, Somewhat Elevated,” May 5-9. Merriam Theater, 240 S. Broad St. 215-551-7000. Lord of the Dance: May 14-16. Tickets: $20-$70. Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. 215-893-1999. www. Fiddler on the Roof: May 18-July 18. Tickets: $10-$70. Walnut Street Theatre, 825 Walnut St., 215-5743550. The Screwtape Letters: May 19-30. Tickets: $25-$35. St. Stephen’s Theater, 10th and Ludlow streets. 215829-0395. Leaving: May 19-June 20. Wilma Theater, 265 S. Broad St. 215-5467824. Philadelphia Young Playwrights:’ “Sent to Me Was You” and “Apollo 64,” 11 a.m. May 21. Philadelphia Art Alliance, 251 S. 18th St. 215-665-9226. Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom: May 21-June 20. Suzanne Roberts Theatre, 480 S. Broad St. 215-985-0420. www.
COMMUNITY Civic associations/ Town Watches >CCP Townwatch serves Eighth to 13th streets, Snyder Ave. to Ritner St. Meetings held the second Wednesday of the month. Jason, 215-271-2424. Grays Ferry Community Council covers 27th and Wharton streets to Moore St. to 34th St. and 24th and Moore streets to Passyunk and Penrose avenues. Service area meeting is 7 p.m. March 23 at William Barrett Nabuurs Center, 28th and Dickinson streets. Nominations for board members will be taken at meeting. Nominations also can be made at the office, 9 a.m.-noon, March 24-26 and 29-30. 1501 S. 29th St. 215-3365005. Lower Moyamensing Civic Association services Snyder to Oregon avenues and Broad to Eighth streets. Town Watch walks every other Monday. Neighborhood Stakeholders Advisory Committee holds meetings 6-7:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of the month. United Communities, 2029 S. Eighth St. Keith Watkins, 215-468-1645 ext. 226.
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W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g Newbold Neighbors Association meets 6:30-7:30 p.m. the last Tuesday of the month. South Philadelphia Library, Broad and Morris streets. Passyunk Square Civic Association serves Washington to Tasker, Sixth to Broad streets. General meetings are 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month at South Philadelphia Older Adult Center, Passyunk Ave. and Dickinson St. Gold Star Park Clean Up is 10 a.m.-noon the second to last Saturday of the month. www. >Pennsport Civic Association meets 7 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month. EOM, 138 Moore St. 215-462-9764. Point Breeze Civic Association is registering children ages 7-12 for tutoring in reading, math and English. 1518 S. 22nd St. 215-755-6628. >South of South Neighborhood Association serves the area from Broad St. to the Schuylkill River, South St. to Washington Ave. Meetings are the second Wednesday of the month. >West Passyunk Point Neighborhood Association meets 6:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month. Cafe con Chocolate, 2100 S. Norwood St. 215-498-6891.
Community and senior centers JCCs Stiffel Senior Center: Thrift shop sells used clothing 10 a.m.-noon Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. 604 Porter St. 215-468-3500. Philadelphia Senior Center: Digital photography class, 1 p.m. Mondays; diabetes support group, 1 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month; Silver Sneakers fitness classes, 2 p.m. Tuesdays; T’ai chi, 1 p.m. Mondays; Rev Up, 10 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; yoga, 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays. 509 S. Broad St. 215-546-5879. www. Point Breeze Family Center: McDaniel Elementary, Room 102, 22nd and Moore streets. 215-952-0625. Point Breeze Federation Inc.: 1248 S. 21st St. 215-334-2666. Point Breeze Performing Arts Center: 1717 Point Breeze Ave. 215465-1187. Samuel S. Fels Community Center: Free exercise program Tuesday and Thursday mornings. 2407 S. Broad St. 215-218-0800. Single Parents Society holds senior dances Fridays, 8-11 p.m. 1430 S. Passyunk Ave. 215-465-2298.
South Philadelphia Older Adult Center: Socials every Wednesday, 7-10 p.m., with live music and refreshments. Cost: $7. 1430 Passyunk Ave. 215-952-0547. United Communities Houston Community Center: Emergency energy assistance, ESL and computer classes. Free clothing giveaway 1:30-5:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Emergency food cupboard. Houston Center, 2029 S. Eighth St. 215-467-8700. United Communities Southwark House: Bingo, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Thursdays; karate classes for ages 14 and up, 7:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 101 Ellsworth St. 215673-1484.
Churches and congregations >St. Nicholas of Tolentine is hosting a bag party 1:30-6 p.m. March 7. Tickets: $10. Ninth and Pierce streets. 215-463-1326. Zion A.M.E. Church is hosting a black-and-white tea noon-3:30 p.m. March 20. Red Hat groups welcome. 1600 S. 21st St. 215-334-4953. New Greenwich Light Baptist Church is open for prayer noon-1 p.m. Wednesdays. 121 W. Oregon Ave. 215-467-9259. The Lighthouse gives away clothes and food 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesdays. 30th and Wharton streets. 215-463-2434. Mount Enon Baptist Church holds a free lunch program 12:30 p.m. the third and fourth Wednesdays of the month. 500 Snyder Ave. 215-334-2844. Gloria Dei (Old Swedes’) Church hosts a book club 7 p.m. the last Monday of the month. 916 S. Swanson St. 267-304-3424.
Education/hobbies/ volunteering ASAP/After School Activities Partnerships is looking for volunteers to lead enrichment activities for children one hour a week. 215545-2727. Center for Literacy offers multilevel ESL classes for adults 9-11:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Francis Scott Key Elementary School, Eighth and Wolf streets. 215-474-1235. Job Corps STARS Initiative is looking for volunteers to tutor students two hours a week. Darvin, 267-386-2890.
Point Breeze Education Center offers “The Point Breeze Charm and Etiquette program” for ages 8-13 3:30-5 p.m. Wednesdays. 1518 S. 22nd St. 215-755-6628. Programs Employing People seeks volunteers to help disabled classes as well as literacy tutors. Broad and Federal streets. 215-952-4292. marnie. Saints in Training, offered by Neumann-Goretti, is a free enrichment program for fifth- to eighth-graders who want to excel in academics and become more involved in school activities. 215-465-8437, ext. 250. >Salvatore Terruso Lodge Sons of Italy meets 7 p.m. the first Thursday of the month. The Prudential Building, 20th St. and Oregon Ave. Rich Vinci, 215-389-7799. Triangle Park needs volunteers for watering and cleaning sessions 7 p.m. Wednesdays. Meet at Sixth and Christian streets. 215-704-7466. 215-5745050.
Health Zumba Boot Camp and Hatha Yoga Flow classes, ongoing. Cost: $5-$10. Bring a yoga mat or towel. Arts Parlor, 1170 S. Broad St. jillianthomason@ Legal Clinic for the Disabled offers free legal advice and representation for low-income people with physical disabilities. Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, 1513 Race St. 215-587-3350. Intercultural Family Services Inc./PHACE provides free HIV counseling and testing, contraception and workshops. 2317 S. 23rd St. 215-468-4673.
Thursdays. Hours: Noon-8 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays; 10 a.m.5 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays; closed Sundays and Mondays. 1935 Shunk St. 215-685-1755. Santore Library: Smoking cessation six-week course, 1 p.m. Mondays. 932 S. Seventh St. 215-686-1766. South Philadelphia Library: ESL classes, 12:30-3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 1700 S. Broad St. 215685-1866.
Mummers Hog Island N.Y.A. holds preteen dances 7 p.m. Fridays. Donation: $7. 2116 S. Third St.
Child Care Information Services offers funding and services to help parents find, select and pay for childcare and school-age programs. 1500 S. Columbus Blvd. 215-271-0570. Community Labor Refinery Tracking Committee works on environmental and health issues related to living near the Sunoco Refinery. Meets the second Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m. Mercy Wellness Center, 2821 Island Ave. 215-640-8800. Diversified Community Services/Point Breeze Family Center offers information/referral services, counseling, parenting and education/computer classes. Dixon House, 1920 S. 20th St. 215-336-3511. Face Your Giants Rap Sessions features group meetings to discuss life experiences and develop relationships 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays. 2144 S. Broad St. 267-582-1667. Prancing Paws Animal Rescue is dedicated to saving street cats and kittens.
Reunions Recreation centers and playgrounds
Libraries >Central Library: Children’s Prints Exhibit, through March 12. 1901 Vine St. 215-686-5322. Donatucci Sr. Library: Computer tutorials for adults and seniors, noon Thursdays; LEAP After-School Program, 3-6 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays; homework and computer assistance, 3-5 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays; yoga for adults and seniors, 6:15 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays; Chess and Board Game Club, 4 p.m. Fridays; arts and crafts, 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays; and Teen Gaming Club, 4 p.m.
Acting classes through February for ages 8 and adult. 16th and Jackson streets. 215-685-1894. Hawthorne Cultural Center: Linedancersize, 6:15-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays and kung fu classes 10 a.m.-noon Saturdays; after-school program for ages 5-12 3-6 p.m. Monday-Friday. Cost: $5/week; drawing, and painting classes 2:30-4:30 p.m. Saturdays. Free. Students must provide their own supplies and will be given a list. 1200 Carpenter St. 215-685-1848. Murphy: Aerobic classes 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Cost: $6; Ceramic classes for adults, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Mondays. Cost: $2; sculpture/ceramics classes for ages 12-18, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays; Murphy Recreation Center holds an after-school program 3-6 p.m. Mondays-Fridays for ages 6-12. Cost: $7/week. 300 Shunk St. 215-685-1874. Starr Garden: Yoga for Everyone, 6:30 p.m. Thursdays; Chess Club for ages 5-12, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Fridays; Capture the Flag Games, 3:30-5 p.m. Thursdays; Children’s Film Workshops for ages 7-10, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays; Children’s art classes 10 a.m.-noon every other Saturday; and Intro to French classes for adults, 7-8 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. Cost: $35; Indoor Soccer at McCall School Gym, 6-7 p.m. through March 17, Mondays, for ages 5-6 and Wednesdays for ages 7-8. 60044 Lombard St. 215-686-1782. Tolentine: After-school programs for ages 5-13 Monday-Friday. Van service as well as full- or half-day coverage available. 11th and Mifflin streets. 215-389-0717.
Marian Anderson: Better Days offers HIV/AIDS counseling, contraception, teen workshops and more. 17th and Fitzwater streets. 215-685-6594. Capitolo: After-school program for ages 6-13 3:30-6 p.m. MondayFriday. Cost: $10/week. Ninth and Federal streets. 215-685-1883. DiSilvestro: After-school program for ages 5-12 3-6 p.m. Mondays-Fridays. Cost: $25/month. 1701 S. 15th St. 215-685-1598. Guerin: Pinochle, 12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday; Ballet, tap and jazz/hip-hop lessons, 5 p.m. Thursdays; After-school program 3-6 p.m. weekdays for ages 5-10; Girl Scouts meet 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursdays; Ceramics are 7:30 p.m. Mondays.
Epiphany of Our Lord class of 1969, 7-11 p.m. March 20. Cost: $45. Mancini Caterers, 1840 S. Camac St. John Matteo, 609-972-6499 or Ss. John Neumann & Maria Goretti class of 1975, 7 p.m.-midnight April 16. Atlantic City Hilton Casino Resort. Cost: $75. Maria Montone Polillo, bchbunny1105@comcast. net; Joe Sarnese, 800-962-5373, ext. 2. St. Richard’s, classes of 1950-60, 6:30-11 p.m. May 1. St. Richard’s School Hall. John Gipprich, 866689-5063 or; Carmela Germana Karns, 215-538-8895 or
Support groups Al-Anon meets 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at St. John’s Evangelist Church, Third and Reed streets; 7:30 p.m. Fridays at 1605 E. Moyamensing Ave.; and 11:15 a.m. Saturdays at Episcopal Church of the Crucifixion, Eighth and Bainbridge streets. 215-222-5244.
Alzheimer’s Association holds a support group for families of people with Alzheimer’s 2-4 p.m. the third Saturday of each month. St. Agnes Continuing Care Center, 1900 S. Broad St. 800-272-3900. Codependents Anonymous meets at Methodist Hospital, 2301 S. Broad St., 6:30 p.m. Sundays. 215-333-7775. Debtors Anonymous meets 7 p.m. Thursdays. William Way Center, 1315 Spruce St. Susan, 610-203-3200. Gamblers Anonymous meets 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Methodist Hospital, Broad and Ritner streets. NARANON for families and friends of addicts meets 7:30 p.m. Thursday at St. Nicholas of Tolentine, 910 Watkins St. 215-808-7422. Philadelphia Multiple Myeloma Networking Group meets 1:303:30 p.m. the second Saturday of the month (except August). Ralston House, 3615 Chestnut St. 215-9471730. Smoking cessation is 4-5 p.m. or 6-7 p.m. the first two Tuesdays and Thursdays of the month. Pennsylvania Hospital, 800 Spruce St. www. Philadelphia Access Center holds Jobs for Life, a biblically based job training program; and Moms’ Group, a biblically based study with free childcare. 1832 S. 11th St. 215-389-1985. Pennsylvania Recovery Organization–Achieving Community Together (PRO-ACT) hosts a family program to help recognize and address addiction 6:30-8:30 p.m. the first Thursday of the month. 444 N. Third St. 800-221-6333. Recovery International for those with stress, anger, sadness, fear or depression meets 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and 2:30 p.m. Saturdays. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 1831 Bainbridge St. 215-732-2787. Supportive Older Women’s Network for ages 60 and over meets 1 p.m. Mondays. JCCs Stiffel Senior Center, 604 Porter St. 215-468-3500. Mercy LIFE (Living Independently For Elders) for caregivers for ages 55 and over meets 6-7:30 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month. 215-339-4157. Substance Abuse Program meets 9 a.m.-noon and 11 a.m.-2:15 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 1021 S. 21st St. 215-790-9942. Voice It Sistah for HIV-positive women meets 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Similar sessions held during coffee hour noon-1 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays. YOACAP, 1207 Chestnut St. 215-851-1898. Women in Transition for women hurt by a partner or coping with addiction counsels 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday or 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday-Sunday. 215-751-1111. www. SPR
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food South
eing stuck in the house as the winter weather whipped around probably gave many a chance to get creative when cooking. Not being able to get to the supermarket â&#x20AC;&#x201D; or better yet, getting there and being greeted by empty shelves â&#x20AC;&#x201D; has a way of making a person think. Roberta â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bertâ&#x20AC;? Kubick of the 2100 block of South Hancock Street has come up with a way to fight palate malaise and cabin fever in one fell swoop. Her Microwave Chicken Noodle Casserole takes whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s handy and makes it ready-to-eat in a matter of minutes. No fuss, no muss. What else can a person ask for as the winter winds down? SPR
Microwave Chicken Noodle Casserole INGREDIENTS:
5 cups of noodles, cooked according to package directions 1 10-ounce package of chopped frozen broccoli, cooked according to package directions 3 cups of cooked chicken, cut into bite-size pieces 1 can of cream of mushroom soup 1 cup of milk
A l l â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s f a r e
Book a table
arch 9, Reach Out and Read of Greater Philadelphia and South Philadelphia Pediatrics, which promotes literacy, are holding Eating for Reading at Bistro La Minette, 623 S. Sixth St., to collect books for ages 6 months and older. For more information, contact www. or 215-925-8000.
Lunch on them
he pork bahn mi sandwich, with chips and a beverage, will be given away for free 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 5 to celebrate the first day of lunch at Sampan, 122 S. 13th St. For more information, contact www. or 215-7323501. SPR
Dinner is on us
Place the noodles, broccoli and chicken in a large casserole dish. In a medium bowl, combine the soup and milk and mix well. Pour over the noodle mixture and mix well. Cover and microwave on high for 10 minutes. Stir after about ďŹ ve minutes. Cook until heated through.
Earn a gift certiďŹ cate to a local restaurant by sending your recipes to: Recipes Review Newspapers, 12th and Porter streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 19148
Almost like Momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
or Fax: 215-336-1112 or E-mail:
2535 S. 13th. St. PhiladelPhia Pa 19148
(215) 467-3070 FUll menU inClUding hand CaRVed BeeF and PoRk Wednesday night is Family night ($10 incls. salad, main course, garlic bread, dessert, coffee, soda) Children under 5 eat free
Friday, Feb. 26
good luvinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; band
leagues forming for BeeR Pong on monday nights call 215-952-1772
Friday night
come jam with
dJ Joey chin
saturday night
Back In The Day Dance Party with
dJ billy catt
all drinks halF price For the ladies every thurs. Fri. sat. nights From 9pm-midnight
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Key to symbols $ average entrĂŠe under $10 $$ average entrĂŠe under $20 $$$ average entrĂŠe over $20 B e l l a V i s t a / E a s t Pa s s y u n k
American/Continental 1601 Restaurant/Wine Bar: 1601 S. 10th St., 215-218-3840,, $$ Carmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Country Kitchen: 1301 S. 11th St., 215-339-9613, $ Fuel: 1917 E. Passyunk Ave. 215468-FUEL, $$ Royal Tavern: 937 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-389-6694, $ Sabrinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s CafĂŠ: 910-12 Christian St., 215-574-1599, $$ South Philly Bar & Grill: 1235-37 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-334-3300, $
Asian International Smokeless Barbeque: 600 Washington Ave., 215-599-8844,, $
Coffee/CafĂŠ/Sweets Anthonyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Coffee House: 903 S. Ninth St., www.italiancoffeehouse. com/anthonysitaliancoffee, 215627-2586, $
Fast Break
Sarconeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Deli: 734 S. Ninth St., 215-922-1717, $
S o u t h
P h i l l y
Fast Break
dining out Vincenzoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Deli: 1626 S. Ninth St., 215-463-6811, $
French Beau Monde: 624 S. Sixth St., 215-592-0656,, $
Italian Centâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Anni: 770 S. Seventh St., 215925-5558, $$ Cucina Forte: 768 S. Eighth St., 215-238-0778, $$ Dante and Luigiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: 762 S. 10th St., 215-922-9501, www.danteandluigis. com, $$ Karinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Restaurant: 1520 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-218-0455, $$ Kristianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ristorante: 1100 Federal St., 215-468-0104,, $$ La Fourno: 636 South St., 215-6279000,, $$ La Stanza: 2001 W. Oregon Ave., 215-271-0801, $$
Mamma Maria: 1637 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-463-6884,, $$$ Marraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: 1734 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-463-9249,, $$ Mezza Luna: 763 S. Eighth St., 215-627-4705, $$ Ralphâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: 760 S. Ninth St., 215-6276011,, $$ Saloon: 750 S. Seventh St., 215-6271811,, $$$ Vesuvio Ristorante Bar: 736-38 S. Eighth St., 215-922-8380, www., $$ Victor Cafe: 1303 Dickinson St., 215468-3040,, $$ Villa Di Roma: 936 S. Ninth St., 215-592-1295, $$
Mexican The Adobe Cafe: 1919 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-551-2243, $$ Restaurant La Lupe: 1201 S. Ninth St., 215-551-9920, $$ Taqueria La Veracruzana: 908 Washington Ave., 215-465-1440, $$
Key Food Pizza: 1846 S. 12th St., 215-551-7111, $ Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Charcoal Pit: 1242 S. Snyder Ave., 215-271-3750, $ Simonettaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: 2510 S. Broad St., 267-324-5758, $
Nam Phuong Restaurant: 1100-20 Washington Ave., 215-468-0410,, $$ Pho 75: 1122 Washington Ave., 215271-5866, $
Bomb Bomb Bar-B-Que Grill & Italian Restaurant: 1026 Wolf St., 215-463-1311, $$ Caffe Valentino: 1245-49 S. Third St., 215-336-3033, $$ Johnnieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: 12th and Wolf streets, 215334-8006, $ La Cucina Varallo: 1635 S. 10th St., 215-952-0504, $$ Francoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s HighNote Cafe: 13th and Tasker streets, 215-755-8903, www., $$ Ralph & Rickeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: Seventh St. and Oregon Ave., 215-271-6622, $ Ristorante Pesto: 1915 S. Broad St., 215-336-8380,, $$
Broad Street East
B r o a d S t r e e t We s t
Middle Eastern Bitarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: 947 Federal St., 215-7551121,, $
Seafood Anastasiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: Ninth St. and Washington Ave., 215-462-0550, www., $$ Little Fish: 600 Catharine St., 215-4133464,, $$
McFaddenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Restaurant and Saloon: Citizens Bank Park, One Citizens Bank Way, 215-952-0300, www., $
JC Chinese Restaurant: 748 Morris St., 215-334-1056, $$
Golden Szechuan: 2120 S. Broad St., 215-336-5310, $ Happy Dragon: 2047 S. Third St., 215-271-0552, $ Peking Inn: 20th St. and Penrose Ave., 215-271-1389, $$
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L T L T South Street Diner L T L T TL E F F J L > T E L @ T : F D TL L T 7 24 L T L T L TL T L T L T L TL TL T L T L T L TL TL T 215.627.5258 L T L T L T L T TL L T L T L & steakhouse L TL T Tseafood 0'' L T 505"- $)&$, L T L T L TL T
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The Toque Stops Here Restaurant Review:
= Average
= Very Good
= Exceptional
Garces Trading Company By Phyllis Stein-Novack R e s ta u r a n t R e v i e w e r
hose of us who relish fine dining are acutely aware of the high markup on wine. This is one reason BYOBs are reproducing like rabbits. Chef Jose Garces — Food Network’s newest Iron Chef — came up with an inspired idea. He joined forces with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board and opened Garces Trading Company, a cafe, wine shop and on-site bakery. Patrons can purchase artisan cheeses, charcuterie, breads, desserts and a number of items that run the gamut from olive oil to honey, sold under Garces’ label. A most-inspiring element here is the wine boutique. Garces selected about 200 bottles you might find at Moore Brothers but not in state stores. They are stored in a 60-degree enclosed blond wood “cellar.” Because you are buying from the LCB, there is no markup. I savored two fine meals at Garces Trading Company. The all-day, all-night menu is another inspiration. I enjoyed a light lunch alone and a hearty dinner with my sister Sandy. Prices are uncommonly moderate for a Garces establishment. The space features white subway tile, pretty round hanging fixtures and wooden tables, a number of which are community oriented so chatting with neighbors is encouraged and fun. I slid on to a high chair for my lunch and was cared for by Kelly, a charming man who brought me a round loaf of sourdough bread and poured Garces’ olive oil into a white dish. Coffee/Café/Sweets Caffe Chicco: 2532 S. Broad St., 215-334-3100, $
Fast Break Brunic’s Luncheonette: 17th and McKean streets, 215-755-7645, $ Celebre’s Pizza: 1536 Packer Ave., 215-467-3255, $ Millie’s Luncheonette & Ice Cream: 15th and Shunk streets, 215-467-8553, $ Moe’s Hot Dog House: 2617 Grays Ferry Ave., 215-465-6637, $ Simonetta’s Italian Hoagies: 2510 S. Broad St., 267-324-5758, $ Southview Pizza: 367 Durfor St., 215-467-2050, $ Talk of the Town: 3020 S. Broad St., 215-551-7277, $ Texas Weiners: 1426 Snyder Ave., 215-465-8635, www.texasweiners. com, $
Lunch began with the most outrageously delicious vichyssoise ($9) this side of the Waldorf Astoria. It was smooth like silk, enriched with the right touch of cream. A few pieces of tender fingerling potatoes met their match in crispy bacon and thinly sliced, slightly sweet seared scallops. It was bliss in a bowl. Semplice insalata ($8) was the spirit of winter, prepared with baby greens, pomegranate seeds, blood orange segments and a disk of tangy goat cheese dusted with crushed pistachios and tossed in a blood orange vinaigrette. The slightly sour flavor of the blood oranges mixed with the other ingredients made this salad successful in every way. On my way out, I purchased blue cheese from Spain, saucisson from Lyon and the Basque region, a rich pate, Proscuitto di Parma and three lamb sausages spiked with spicy harissa. The sausages were turned into a pasta sauce for dinner the next evening. My sister Sandy and I braved the snowfall for dinner and selected a bottle of 2007 Manga del Bruja from Spain ($13.95). It would probably cost about $45 in a restaurant with a liquor license. From the antipasti, we selected eggplant ($6) mixed with roasted red peppers and a confit of cherry tomatoes topped with aged balsamic from Modena. The rich flavor contrasted beautifully with baby artichokes ($7) bathed in a sauce of preserved lemon, honey and almonds. The flavor was light, slightly acid and a little sweet. I had to sample a pizza because it is the rage now. The verde ($12) was just that: Italian
Criniti Pizzeria and Ristorante: 2601 S. Broad St., 215-465-7750, $$ Barrel’s Fine Food: 1725 Wolf St., 215-389-6010,, $ Italian Bistro: 211 S. Broad St., 215-731-0700, $$ L’Angolo: 1415 Porter St., 215389-4252, $$ La Stanza: 2001 Oregon Ave., 215271-0801, $$ Medora’s Mecca: 3100 S. 13th St., 215-336-1655, $$ Popi’s: 3120 S. 20th St., 215-7557180,, $$ Royal Villa Cafe: 1700 Jackson St., 215-462-4488, $$ Scannicchio’s: 2500 S. Broad St., 215-468-3900, www.scannicchio. com, $$
The Garces Trading Company, the latest from famed Iron Chef Jose Garces, offers a variety of options with an all-day, all-night menu, a wine boutique and products to take home. P h o t o b y A m a n d a T h u r l ow
all green. The crisp crust was topped with spinach, creamy ricotta, thinly sliced asparagus, some Chevre, baby arugula and fava beans. Sound like too many ingredients? Not at all. The plats du jour are designed for two. Thursday is bouillabaisse ($38). This hearty fish stew is made with any kind of fish and shellfish. Our server brought us a castiron cocotte filled with flaky halibut, wild shrimp, mussels and cockles swimming in a tomato/saffron sauce. Each was cooked to perfection. The only fault I found was the use of too much fennel, which is strong and can sometimes overwhelm a dish. Our entrée came with homemade slices of toasted bread spread with a saffron/garlic ruille. Since Edward is still at home tending to his broken ankle, I purchased an individual baba au rhum ($5) and a dozen madeleines ($3). We enjoyed these sweets with
Tony D’s Italian Bar and Restaurant: 3540 Wharton St., 215-463-6424, $$
Turkish Dining Divan Turkish Kitchen: 918 S. 22nd St., 215-545-5790,, $$ Cafe Fulya: 727 S. Second St., 267909-9937,, $$. Pennspor t
American/Continental International House of Pancakes: 3 Snyder Ave., 215-339-5095,, $$
Fast Break New York New York Pizzeria: 1400 Columbus Blvd., 215-463-6205, $ Southview Pizza: 367 Durfor St., 215-467-2050, $ Tony Luke’s: 39 Oregon Ave., 215551-5725,, $
tea while watching Olympic ice skating. There is not a restaurant in the city to match Garces Trading Company. Garces made a checklist and came up with a concept that is unique in ambience, as well as European flavors and flair. And it just could be the best new restaurant of the year. Three extraordinary tips of the toque to Garces Trading Co. SPR
Garces Trading Company 1111 Locust St. 215-574-1099 Comment on this restaurant or review at www.
Greek/Middle Eastern
Dmitri’s: 795 S. Third St., 215625-0556, $$
New Wave Cafe: 784 S. Third St., 215922-8484,, $$ The Irish Times: 629 S. Second St., 215-923-1103, $$
Ava: 518 S. Third St., 215-9223282,, $$$ Frederick’s Italian Cuisine: 757 S. Front St., 215-271-3733, $$$
La Creole Restaurant & Tavern: 775 S. Front St., 215-467-5044,, $
Anthony’s Saloon: 2351 S. Front St., 215-468-5222, $$ Snockey’s Oyster House: Second St. and Washington Ave. 215-3399578,, $$
South Philly
Diner on the Plaza: 43 Snyder Ave., 215-755-7899, $$ Melrose Diner: 1501 Snyder Ave., 215-467-6644, $ Morning Glory Diner: 10th and Fitzwater streets, 215-413-3999, $ Oregon Diner: 302 Oregon Ave., 215-462-5566, $$ Penrose Diner: 20th St. and Penrose Ave., 215-465-1097, $$ South Street Diner: 140 South St., 215-627-5258, $ SPR
T h e To q u e S t o p s H e r e
While the snow might be letting up (for now), winter still is here. As the cold keeps on coming, it’s always helpful to remember you don’t have to be sick to enjoy a hot bowl of soup.
✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭ By Phyllis Stein-Novack Food Columnist
■ Vegetarian Vegetable Soup ■ Ingredients:
■ My Version of Jose Garces’ ■ Sinful Vichyssoise Ingredients:
Canola oil, to coat the bottom of a 4quart pot 3 large leeks, with some light green, thoroughly washed and sliced 1 onion, diced Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 8 fingerling potatoes, sliced in thirds 1 32-ounce package of chicken stock 1 cup of water
1 cup of light cream or half-and-half 4 slices of Applewood smoked bacon, cooked crisp and cut into pieces 2 day boat scallops, seared on each side in a little oil in a nonstick pan and each sliced vertically (as you would a bagel) into 3 pieces
Directions: Heat the oil over medium-high in the pot. Add the leeks and onion and sauté until they are translucent, about eight minutes. Season with the salt and pepper. Add the potatoes. Add the stock and water. Bring to a boil, then lower to a simmer and cook for about 10 minutes, or until the potatoes pierce easily with a fork. Using a slotted spoon, remove the contents of the pot and place in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the steel blade. Set aside and slice 12 pieces of the potato for garnish. Process the vegetables until smooth, or until similar to baby food. Return to the pot. When ready to serve, add the light cream or half-and-half. If too thick, add a little water, stock, light cream or half-and-half. Heat the soup thoroughly. Warm four to six bowls and evenly divide the soup. Garnish with the reserved potatoes, bacon and scallops. Serves four to six. SPR Comment at
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Olive oil, to coat the bottom of a 4-quart soup pot 1 shallot, sliced 1 onion, diced 2 carrots, diced 4 stalks of celery, diced 5 fat cloves of garlic, sliced 6 Brussels sprouts, separated into leaves Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 1 32-ounce package of vegetable stock 2 cups of water 1 15-ounce can of white kidney beans, rinsed 1 ripe plum tomato, diced 6 red bliss potatoes, cut into medium chunks Small handfuls each of frozen green beans and white corn kernels 3 bay leaves 6 to 8 ounces of baby spinach leaves Fresh Italian parsley leaves, snipped
Directions: Heat the oil over medium-high in the soup pot. Add the shallot, onion, carrots and celery and saute for about eight minutes. Add the garlic and the Brussels sprout leaves and sauté a few more minutes. Season with the salt and pepper. Add the stock, water, beans, tomato, potatoes, green beans, corn and bay leaves. Bring to a boil, then lower to a simmer. Place the lid askew and simmer for about 20 minutes. Swirl in the spinach and parsley. Remove from the heat. Heat the soup when ready to serve. Serves four.
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eethoven said “only the pure of heart can make a good soup.” These are lovely words to muse upon, especially when purchasing ingredients for soup. Sometimes one ingredient will inspire me to simmer a pot or a restaurant experience was so deliciously indulgent, I try to recreate the recipe at home. Several months ago, on a whim, I purchased a package of organic vegetable stock at Trader Joe’s. One cold evening, while rummaging through my fridge and freezer, I decided to make vegetable soup with it. I had an odd array of items including six Brussels sprouts, half a bag of baby spinach leaves and several red bliss potatoes, along with my usual stash of shallots, onions, carrots and celery. One large, ripe, plum tomato joined forces with a can of white kidney beans and fresh parsley and bay leaves. (If you happen upon fresh bay leaves, buy them. They keep weeks in the refrigerator in an air-tight container. I found them at Iovine Brothers in the Reading Terminal Market.) A recent meal at Garces Trading Co. was pure bliss. A bowl of vichyssoise prepared with leeks, fingerling potatoes, bacon and scallops was so sinful I played with the recipe at home. A package of frozen shu mei propelled me into Asian territory. These dumplings
sometimes are vegetarian or are filled with shrimp and chicken. I found some frozen shrimp in the freezer and decided to whip up an inspiring soup using chicken stock and scallions. Just add a salad and a loaf of bread and you have a completely warming supper.
By Mystic Terry Psychic Reader
PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): You are moved S to fix what’s wrong in your closest relationship. Taking the proactive approach to improving togetherness
is productive, but do not become the accuser. Lucky number: 129. ARIES (March 21 to April 20): A beloved companion has the answers today. Take advantage of this person’s experience and get to know other viewpoints. You will come away with a greater understanding of the world and more respect for your partner. Lucky number: 713. TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): Tonight is not a good time to talk to a partner about something shared. The investment could be so intense the discussion becomes an attack. Wait until all is calm and listen to each other. Lucky number: 278. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): Seek out an expert to learn more about a professional direction. A knowledgeable, passionate individual makes an impression. You will walk away with a more realistic view. Lucky number: 885. CANCER (June 21 to July 22): Professional aims are a driving force today. Avoid conflict with authority figures while going after wants. Succeeding could backfire if there isn’t a diplomatic approach. Lucky number: 568. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): Much gets done this evening if you are on the same page with the group. Working together on mutual goals leads to satisfying results. A problem could arise if your agenda is not in line. Lucky number: 902. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): Friends want to go out, but you choose personal time. If a friend doesn’t share a serious pursuit, go it alone. Spending time on a project is the way to spend the morning. Lucky number: 097. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): Disquieting feelings becomes troublesome tonight. Resentments and frustrations could erupt into an altercation. Confront the reasons behind the edginess. Lucky number: 660. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): You awaken with a feeling of well-being. Begin with solitude, reverie and contemplation. Feeling connected to the universe sets the tone for the day. Lucky number: 172. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): A shopping spree is tempting. And you probably have received good financial news. Check the budget, then indulge. Lucky number: 790. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): You are compelled to make things more efficient on the job. Work alone if possible. Reorganization and completing tasks puts you ahead of schedule. Lucky number: 479. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): Find time for solitude and reflection. Be diligent today in rituals that bring you closer to the spiritual. There may have been a loss of possessions; handling this will be easier. Lucky number: 308. SPR
D F G H a
S d f g h
To inquire about a personal reading, call Mystic Terry at 215-467-5162.
Poems to remember ACROSS 1. Reds or Browns 5. Silent actor 9. Sitarist Shankar 13. Make sore by rubbing 14. Females 16. Dance done in a full, ruffled skirt 18. __ salad 19. Ring-shaped islands 20. Frightened 22. Bid 23. Elem. school subjs. 24. Ending for Nepal or Taiwan 25. Collection 26. Dos 27. Animal group 28. Signs of garlic 30. “__ got the whole world in His...” 31. Swing rider’s exclamation 32. Bilbao bear 33. __ XING 35. After expenses 36. “It’s a __!” 37. Landing places 38. Disturb one’s bedfellow 40. Last possible down in football 42. List-ending abbr. 43. Willing to wait 45. Religious tenet 46. Ridicule 48. Biggest diamond 51. Proclamation 52. Cultivating implement 54. With 63 Down, 18th-century Russian ruler 55. Fraternity letter 56. Elegant 57. Deaden 58. Deadly reptiles 59. Cheap metal 60. European deer 61. Annapolis acad. operator 62. Beginning of a fall: abbr. 64. Heat unit: abbr. 65. Stranded motorist’s recourse: abbr.
by Shaun Boland
southphillyreview . c o m
3 6 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I m a r c h 4 , 2 0 1 0
Trust me, man. Two pizzas... just double the temp. It’s simple math.
66. 67. 68. 70. 72. 73. 74.
75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 81. 83. 85. 86. 88. 89. 91. 92. 95. 96. 97. 99. 100. 101. 102.
104. 105. 106. 108. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116.
TV’s Stein DOWN 1. “When __ and the Amerindian tribe fodder’s in the...” Soft felt hat 2. Let up On __; logged in 3. Way off Museum pieces 4. Sea, in Sebourg Year Muhammad 5. Miss Ellie of was born “Dallas,” e.g. “I __ Babe”; 6. Wedding vow Sonny & Cher 7. “...promises to signature song keep, and __...” Britches 8. Elongated fishes Olive tree with 9. Stethoscope gray branchlets detections Suffix for self or 10. Med. school course 11. DVD player fool ancestor Israel’s Shimon Car-polishing cloth 12. “... I am the master of my Wee fellow fate: __.” Loan shark 13. Eateries __ beer; 1,984 14. Cooking fat ounces 15. NNW plus 180° Get revenge 16. “... no joy in Any below-zero no. Mudville—mighty “Rambo __”; __.” ’88 sequel 17. More modern Be in the red Famed Chairman Six-foot-tall birds Presidential monogram Large Romanian city Stubby-tailed wildcat Beard wearers Mustang or Malibu Abbr. on an encyclopedia spine Big drinker Tend a roasting turkey Annoying Determined beforehand Addictive narcotic Had a highpitched bark Breastbones Black __; steak house Louis and Bill Refreshing baths Strip
Crossword solution on page 41 Sudoku solution on page 41 18. Silver salmon 21. Female animals 23. “... into the valley of Death __..” 29. Turns over a new leaf 30. Weather forecast 31. Sense of humor 33. Keats or Yeats 34. Sea eagle 36. Two-cup item 37. Equals 39. Wall recess 41. Large labor union: abbr. 43. Get-up-and-go 44. Worshippers 45. Actress Joanne 47. __ New Guinea 49. Red Italian wine 50. German article 53. Building wing 54. Not permitted 57. Ives and others 63. See 54 Across 65. Texas mission
66. Ewe’s lament 67. Enlighten 69. Prefix for function or pepsia 71. Curvy character 74. European lang. 75. DC runner 78. Curly-tailed dog 80. Fell 82. Article for Juan 84. Observe 86. Do’s followers 87. __ board 90. Playwright Henrik’s family 93. “Nay” voters 94. Plow pullers 96. Wives of lords 98. Tiny amount 99. T-shirt size 101. __ with; tolerate 102. Gore & Biden: abbr. 103. Leftovers 105. Nota __ 107. Double agent 109. Casa lady: abbr. 110. Hazard lead-in
Exp. Date: 3-31-2010
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In Memory Of
In Memory Of
PESIRI 10-16-57 • 2-18-10
July 12,1956 to February 27, 2009
Your family and friends love and miss you always!
IN LOVING MEMORY Pat our son, who went to heaven on February 18, 2010. We will miss you so very much. You ARE and always will be, our laughter, love, and our heart, and you will be there always and forever. There was never a time when we talked on the phone without you making one of us laugh. We will talk to you always by closing our eyes and seeing your face. Always be with us Pat, until we meet again in heaven. Keep my house clean until I get there. Our happy face son, Our Pat!
FEB. 28TH, 1925 DEC. 24TH, 2009 We are sending a birthday remembrance to our beloved aunt who would have celebrated her 85th Birthday on Feb. 28th, 2010. We all wish you could have been here for that special moment. We miss you!
Love Always, Dad and Mom Many thanks, to our family, and all our friends, especially the girls on Beulah Street. We greatly appreciate everything! 85
Vince, Cookie, and the D’Antonio and Pesiri Families
Love always, your nieces & nephews, great nieces & nephews and great-great nieces & nephews
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Love, your daughters Christina & Sabrina, brother and sister Will & Ellen; sister & brother-in-law Kate and Corky, friend Bill, niece & nephews Peyton, Joey and Lil Ricky
We All Love You.
5-20-44 • 2-24-09 John it’s already 1year since God called you home to Him. I’ll never get over losing you. You were the Best Person Ever. Love You, Marion
S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I M A R C H 4 , 2 0 1 0
May the road rise up to meet you May the wind be ever at your back May the sun shine warm upon your face And the rain fall softly on your fields May green be the grass you walk on May blue be the skies above you May pure be the joys that surround you And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hands.
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sports South Philly
Jess Fuerst talks
Vengeful Saints
Neumann-Goretti’s boys have topped last season’s nemesis, earning a second-straight Catholic League basketball championship in the process. By Joseph Myers Review Contributor
atholic schoolchildren learn heavenly saints never sought revenge. Earthly saints, especially those clad in sneakers, are not as forgiving. Monday at the University of Pennsylvania’s famed Palestra, the Neumann-Goretti boys’ basketball team won its secondstraight Catholic League crown, downing last season’s state champions, the Archbishop Carroll Patriots, 75-59. In avenging the loss to Carroll in last year’s state quarterfinals, the senior-laden squad nabbed its fourth title in six years, sixth in coach Carl Arrigale’s 11-year tenure at the school at 10th and Moore streets, and the 16th overall since 1935-36. Among all Catholic League teams, Neumann-Goretti trails only Roman Catholic’s title haul. The team used a 15-1 start to deflate Carroll’s chances of ending its 37-game winning streak in Catholic League competition. It also showed its might in overcoming the loss of star guard Tony Chennault in a third-quarter ejection. Prior to the tip, Arrigale stressed defense, intensity, rebounding and teamwork, a quartet that garnered last year’s team the Catholic League and City titles. Gaining retribution, however, was novel. Carroll defeated the Saints in last year’s state quarterfinals, stalling their quest for a trifecta of titles. Arrigale mentioned the result as a warning, even though the Patriots already had fallen twice to NeumannGoretti in league play, 96-73 on Jan. 13 and 66-58 on Feb. 14. THE SAINTS ENTERED play with a 23-1 record — including a 16-0 mark in division play — with their only blemish coming against Houston-based Yates, the topranked high school team, according to The third-ranked Saints, however, cared only about being numero uno on this night. Arrigale stressed playing at their pace, and his Saints responded. “We should be able to get this into the 80s,” he said prior to the game.
Bowlers are needed for a Thursday night league at St. Monica’s Lanes with games starting at 6:30. Call Anna, 215-463-8878.
The Point Breeze Civic Association is hosting a boys’ basketball tournament for ages 12 to 15. Registration is 6:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays at Vare Middle School, 24th Street and Snyder Avenue (enter on Snyder). Call 215-755-6628 or e-mail:
Neumann-Goretti senior Daniel Stewart, left, raises the Saints’ second-straight Catholic League title with coach Carl Arrigale by his side. P h o t o b y A m a n d a T h u r l ow
Early on, the Saints seemed poised to reach that by halftime. Carroll used a timeout only 90 seconds in, as Neumann-Goretti, before an evenly divided crowd, used its quickness on the perimeter and strength in the paint to confuse the Patriots’ defensive schemes. Chennault, the Catholic League Blue Most Valuable Player, drained two 3-pointers, taking the Saints to a 24-18 lead after a quarter. The future Wake Forest Demon Deacon also used tight defense to force turnovers. He led all scorers with a dozen points in the first half. The Saints relied on the versatility of senior Danny Stewart, a Rider University signee, and the accuracy of future star Billy Shank to build a 41-27 halftime lead. Stewart scored nine in the half, with sophomore Shank adding eight, including six from long distance. Senior Mustafa Jones, destined for the University of Hartford, added one of the team’s six first-half threes and played relentless defense on Carroll’s sharpshooters.
During the break, Arrigale stressed patience: “We took too many shots early on. An extra pass will create better jumpshots and better plays inside.” Heavenly saints have reputations for patience, but Carroll, led by junior shooting guard Juan’ya Green, began to thin the tolerance of the Saints’ fans, reducing the deficit to five with two minutes remaining in the third quarter. Shortly after, Chennault received two technical fouls and an automatic ejection for exchanging heated words and bumps with Carroll players Vince Mostardi and Ben Mingledough after a foul call. The loss may have stunned fans, but the players responded earnestly. Senior Tyreek Duren, held scoreless in the first half, tallied nine points in the third quarter. A LaSalle University signee, He soon will contest many battles at the Palestra in Big 5 play. This evening, however, he set out to conquer the Patriots. Junior Lamin continued on page 46
DVYAA is accepting registrations for its spring baseball program at Barry Playground, 18th and Johnson streets, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays and Sundays. Age divisions are: T-ball for ages 5 to 7; pee wee for ages 8 to 9; majors for ages 10 to 12; and senior for ages 13 to 15. Call 215468-1265.
EOM, Front and Moore streets, is holding registration for its coed instructional basketball league, grades first through third. The $30 fee includes a T-shirt plus five weeks of instruction and games, which are played Saturday mornings. Call 215-271-1994 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
A men’s softball league is looking for teams to play weeknights at Murphy continued on page 46
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Fulton joined in the execution, firing crisp passes and playing stellar defense in Chennault’s absence. The Saints entered the final quarter up by eight, but Duren and Fulton never let the Patriots unload. Combined, they scored 15 in the frame, outscoring Carroll by four. The two led Neumann-Goretti with 17 and 16 points, respectively. Stewart finished with 14 points and 15 rebounds, while Chennault finished with 12 points. Carroll kept pushing the ball, but could not reduce the lead to single digits again. Once the outcome was no longer in doubt, Neumann-Goretti’s cheering section began to call for Arrigale to insert Mark Squilla, the fifth senior on the team. Arrigale called on Squilla, who, in the waning seconds, fired a “three” that missed yet still drew applause from the boisterous bunch. Arrigale joined Danny Stewart, whose brother, sophomore Derrick Stewart, scored two points, atop a ladder for the customary cutting of the net. Arrigale draped Danny Stewart with the net.
continued from page 44 Recreation Center, Fourth and Shunk streets. Contact Charlie, 267-784-7599.
Rizzo Rink, Front Street and Washington Avenue, offers instructional hockey leagues for ages 5 to 13. Cost is $150. Call 215-685-1593 or visit www. r i z
“I wasn’t worried about losing Tony. I knew we’d stick together,” the affable coach said. Sticking together for their next game against Dobbins in Friday’s PIAA District 12 Class AAA championship at Lincoln High, 3201 Ryan Ave., at 8 p.m. also will be mandatory, as Chennault’s ejection will prevent him from playing. Nobody on the Saints, however, seemed immediately worried. Duren said, “We had going back-to-back on our minds all along. We dealt with the pressure just fine.” Fulton, who will become the Saints’ general next season, added, “We are eager to play Dobbins. We won’t beat ourselves.” As the celebration ensued Monday night, Arrigale said, “You seniors have closed a chapter, but, as a whole, we need to be excited about new challenges. We need to keep it going.” Like true saints, heavenly or otherwise, this team covets its destiny, revenge optional. SPR Comment at sports/features.
for coed T-ball for ages 4 to 6; pitching machine for ages 7 to 8; live pitch for ages 8 to 10 and 10 to 12; Babe Ruth Baseball for ages 13 to 15 and 16 to 19; and girls’ softball for ages 12 to 14 and 15 to 18. The season begins April 18. Register at the Taggart School gym, Fifth and Porter streets, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays or download the form at www.seyaa. com. Call 215-463-8802 or visit www.
The South Philly Raiders adult football team is holding tryouts 10 a.m. March 10 at 25th and Jackson streets. E-mail southphillyraiders@hotmail.
Registration is under way at Seventh Street and Packer Avenue for Sabres baseball and softball. Baseball divisions are: T-ball for ages 4 to 6; coach pitch for ages 7 to 9; and live pitch for ages 10 to 12 and 13 to 15. Softball divisions are 10 to 12 and 16 and younger. Coaches are needed, as well. For baseball, call Coach Bob, 215868-0860. For softball, call Coach Kim, 609-820-2662.
SEYAA is accepting registrations
Stella Maris baseball is holding a reunion for former players during the noon April 10 NeumannGoretti/Roman Catholic game. Call Joe Messina at 215-816-1238 or e-mail SPR
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5 4 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I m a r c h 4 , 2 0 1 0
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$235,000 Lovely 3BD/1BA, open floor plan, hardwood floors, floating staircase, custom kitchen, finished basement w/ fireplace.
$159,900 Nice 2BD/1.5BA, hardwood floors, large kitchen, small outdoor space, half finished basement with powder room.
Check out my website,, for amazing property photos and the best virtual tours online! NEW THIS WEEK! WHITMAN $139,900 Well kept 2BD/1BA, large EIK, large bathroom, updated heater and roof. PENNSPORT $189,900 Nice 3BD/1BA, deep basement, oak flooring, fireplace, large back yard.
$309,900 Incredible 3BD/1.5BA luxury home with finished basement, custom renovations, hardwood floors, huge kitchen, fireplace.
PENNSPORT 406 Moore $109,900 Well maintained, 3BD/1BA, hardwood floors, updated kitchen, full basement, rear patio/yard. 402 Mifflin $119,900 Nice 3BD/1BA, EIK, good value!
$699,900 25 seat bar w/ separate dining area, rear cooking area, powder rooms, 3BD living space upstairs, includes liquor license!
Now is truly the time to buy! Interest rates are the lowest in years and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an $8000 tax credit available until
234 W Ritner $169,900 Very spacious 3BD/1BA, partially finished basement, updated kitchen.
June 2010!! There are
WHITMAN 411 Durfor $114,900 Nice 3BD/2BA, new full bath, nice sized rear yard.
there and many sellers
225 Tree $149,900 Great 3BD/1BA, spacious LR, great light, new brick façade, good storage. 104 Ritner $199,900 Completely renovated 3BD/ 1BA, c/a, recessed lighting, new kitchen and bath
$229,900 Lovely 3BD/2.5BA, crown molding, open custom kitchen, hardwood floors, large yard.
many great homes out will pay closing costs! We have plenty of financing available through our mortgage company, Trident Mortgage.
AVE OF THE ARTS 1100 S Broad #711C $199,000 Large studio featuring high ceilings, hardwood floors, whirlpool tub, stainless steel appliances. >15,6> .<33 ;13-, @)9, /): :;= /9-); 36+)3-
EAST OF BROAD 612-14 McClellan $119,900 Double property, 3BD/1BA, attached lot, house has lots of storage! 715 Hoffman $145,000 Newly renovated 3BD/1BA, beautiful kitchen, new flooring and carpeting, large rear yard. 2232 S Clarion $174,900 Adorable 2BD/1.5BA, full dining room, beautiful kitchen, stainless appliances, nice yard.
$375,000 Beautiful 3BD/2BA, den, custom kitchen, roof access, exposed brick, hardwood floors, finished basement.
WEST OF BROAD 2036 Tasker $74,900 Great opportunity. 3BD/1BA, EIK, great to rent out or fix up! 1741 Point Breeze $79,900 2-story mixed use shell on a busy intersection. 2117 Mifflin $99,900 Newly updated 3BD/1BA porch front w/ semi-finished basement, new kitchen, cherry cabinets, stainless appliances.
$449,000 Gorgeous 3BD/2BA, parking, impeccable condition, gas fireplace, crown molding, front patio, private deck, finished basement!
BUSINESS/INVESTMENT 1114-18 S Front $725,500 Great commercial opportunity in a high traffic area, 5200 sq ft, office space, garage. VACANT LOTS 526 Sigel $32,900 1706 S 20th $15,000
ASK FOR MIKE MCCANN $259,900 RENTALS Gorgeous 3BD/1.5BA, new hardwood 415-17 Moore â&#x20AC;&#x201C; floors, deck, stainless steel appliances, 215-440-8345 Garage $3195/mo spacious yard, finished basement. )7731)5+-: )5, 51+- 9-)9 @)9, -9*-9 )97-; )5, +-5;9)3 )19 65 ,-:19)*3- *36+2 $
An Independently Owned and Operated Member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc.
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