Southpoint Sun - September 30, 2020

Page 7

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Southpoint Sun - 7

The Bridge holding annual ‘Sleeping Out’ fundraiser LEAMINGTON — On Friday night, October 2, The Bridge Youth Resource Centre will be the site of the second annual Sleeping Out fundraiser event. The first event was held in April of 2019, but the COVID pandemic put plans on hold for this year’s event until now. “Something like this really takes people out of their comfort zones,” said The Bridge general manager Krista Rempel. “It’s just a glimpse of what youth have to go through when they experience homelessness.” Sleeping Out presents a chance for residents to support programming serving youth struggling with homelessness and other social challenges. Participants will spend the night outdoors at The Bridge, equipped with only the clothes on their backs, sheets of cardboard and

sleeping bags. Their fundraising goal is $100,000 for this event. It helps raise dollars to support necessary programs and services, including the organization’s new Quiring Family Fresh Start housing facility. You can participate as an individual, sponsor someone else, or get a team together to take part in the challenge. The event begins at 6 pm, with online activities taking place throughout the evening. You’ll get an evening snack and breakfast provided on Saturday morning. “The Sleeping Out event was a good opportunity to live what some residents in our community face on a daily basis,” said Leamington Mayor Hilda MacDonald, who participated in the first event. “It was a very chilly night and the ground was hard. The night was long.”

MacDonald was one of about 100 participants the first time around, which raised well over $70,000. “Every once in a while, we need to be pulled out of our comfort zones and live what someone else does, even for one

night,” she said. “It opens our eyes and our hearts.” If you’d like to participate or pledge a donation, you can visit or call The Bridge at 226773-3454, extension 301.

Letter to Editor

Keep the border closed Dear Editor: We have heard twice from our member of Parliament during this pandemic. The first time was to fight for the greenhouse owners to assure that they had sufficient workers as the ones already here tested positive in large numbers.. The second was to relax border restrictions so that family members

could visit each other across the border in keeping with Donald Trump’s expressed desire. I certainly do sympathize with families separated by this disease. But it is possible for them to visit if they quarantine for 14 days. A hardship, certainly, but not insurmountable. I have a niece doing that right now. The

Americans are the pity of the world in their handling of the virus. We can not allow them to put our health and our lives in danger. I share Mr. Epp’s outrage at the feds allowing an American billionairess to circumvent the regulation. Rick Taves, Wheatley


Grace Johnson (left) and Gaby Moore prepare a shelter made of cardboard as sleeping accommodations during the first annual Sleeping Out at The Bridge fundraiser on April 26, 2019. The event raised more than $70,000 and was attended by 14 teams and a sum of just over 100 participants. This year’s event happens Friday, October 2. Sun photo

Community Calendar THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1

WHEATLEY TWO CREEKS MEETING on Thursday October 1 at 6:00 p.m. under the pavilion at Two Creeks. New members welcome. Membership 5$. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14 THE MIGRANT WORKER COMMUNITY PROGRAM VIRTUAL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING is Wednesday October 14 at 6:00 p.m. Please call Lucy Flores to register by October 7 at 519-325-0876. MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 THE LEAMINGTON DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on Monday, October 19 at 6:00 p.m. in the Emporium/Market Building at the Fairgrounds. ONGOING MIRACLE MOBILE MARKET - Free fresh produce boxes available in Wheatley every Tuesday from 10:30 11:30 a.m. at Wheatley Baptist Church. You can pick up a box and have option of paying it forward by donating and helping someone else.


KINGSVILLE COMMUNITY CENTRE is re-opening on Tuesday mornings only. Call 226-773-5830 for more information.

ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT SOMEONEʼS DRINKING? Al-Anon Family Groups meeting information: 519-7907739 or IF YOU WANT TO DRINK, THATʼS YOUR BUSINESS If you want to stop, we can help. Call Alcoholics Anonymous: 519-999-1234. RANDY ATKINSON FUND provides money for extras that OHIP doesnʼt pay for or to help with unexpected expenses for cancer patients (e.g. hospital parking etc). If you, your group or organization would like to have a speaker explain the fund and its availability in this area, call 519-682-2580. PLAY ROTARY TV BINGO GAMES - Tuesday nights, live on TVCOGECO from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Support the community and purchase your cards from Adamson Guardian Drugs, Wheatley. Pick up your cards early! Play 5 different games on 3 faces in 1 hour. $3 for 15 ways to win and $2000 in prizes. PREGNANCY & RESOURCE CENTRE, 33 Princess St. (Central 33) Suite 212, Leamington, offers free and confidential services provided by registered nurses and trained volunteers. Free pregnancy tests. Call 24/7 for free and confidential support - 519-326-0612. Business calls: 519-326-3821.

COMMUNITY CALENDAR IS NOW BACK IN THE SOUTHPOINT SUN To place your event in the Community Calendar... Phone: 519-398-9098 • Email: • or drop off at 194 Talbot St. E. Unit 2, Leamington SUBMISSIONS NOT GUARANTEED.

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