2 minute read
Talbot Trail seniors hold 'Scotty' Westrop scramble
By Bob McLean
WHEATLEY – On Tuesday, August 17 the Talbot Trail senior golf league held its first scramble in memory of Bill “Scotty” Westrop. His youthful energy, sense of humour, friendship and positive attitude were an inspiration to all who knew him.
There were 64 league members participating in the scramble. It was a beautiful day for golf. Derek and all his outside workers are to be thanked for their superb work on the course.
Turn the faucets off Mother Nature!
George continued to work diligently to keep the carts working well. Special thanks to Trevor Thomas and his staff for their excellent work at feeding the crew.
The first place team, shooting an excellent 32, was 3B: Joe Drummond, Wayne Humber, Bob Lee and Neil Adamson. In second place with a terrific 33 was 4A: Eugene, Tom Hyatt and Arkey. 3C also shot an outstanding 33: Ron McCracken, Tim Stevenson, Bill Edwards and Garry Morin. Winning fourth place by a low card draw was 6A: Dutchy, Ross MacKintosh, Larry Hyatt and Ed Fraser. Golf ball prizes were handed out to the winning teams.
The closest to the pin was won by Ed Fraser’s magnificent shot. Joe Drummond drained a dazzling putt on #2 to win the Long Putt. Gift cards were handed out to the winning teams.
In the draw there were five $10 winners and one $15. The lucky 25%-25% winners each took home $75 gift cards.
Special note: Gerry Becigneul, who is 89 years young, drove the green on #5 from the Gold tees. He then sank a 25-footer to record his second career eagle. Gerry’s smile was priceless!
Everyone seemed to enjoy this scramble, so another will likely occur in late September or early October.
In the seniors league there are nine players at or above the age of 86. The oldest member is the always enthusiastic gentleman, Murray “The Barber-Fire Chief” Cascadden, who is 91. He is followed by Dave LaBonte, who is 90. Dave, a self affirmed golf nut, still swings the sticks really well!
Special thanks to Conrad Babkirk for filling in for master ticket seller Paul Harrison, who was delayed on the course. I very much appreciated the assistance of Dave Dent and Bummy, who helped keep things running smoothly.
Thank you to the league members who gave generously to the tip and draw money.
Thanks for inspiring us, Scotty!