Southpoint Sun - July 10, 2024

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Inclusive playground opens at Kingsville’s Lions Park

With the vast majority of Canadians believing that accessibility is a human right, the Town of Kingsville took a major step forward in addressing that right with the opening of the town’s first inclusive play-

ground for local children.

A ribbon-cutting for the new playground took place at Lions Park on Mill Street on June 6, followed by the Kingsville Lions Club holding a free celebration barbecue for families checking out the new play structure for all

to enjoy.

Beginning with an agreement formulated in 2019 between the Lions Club and the Town of Kingsville, the new playground marks the completion of phase two of the park’s redevelopment.

Kingsville’s CAO John Norton indicated that the inclusive project came in at an overall cost of $300,000, of which the Kingsville Lions Club covered $123,000 of that total by mounting a very successful Play It Forward fundraising campaign, and through a Canada Healthy Communities Initiative grant that they obtained through the Windsor-Essex Community Foundation.

The new inclusive playground at Lions Park in Kingsville was packed with kids after the official ribbon-cutting. Pictured here are some Kingsville children enjoying the play structure just prior to the ribbon-cutting, from left, Nicolas Mastronardi, Trevor White, Emilio Mastronardi and Giulianna Mastronardi. SUN photo by Paul Forman

PLAYGROUND - From Page 1

Kingsville’s Manager of Parks and Recreation, Courtney Godfrey, shared what makes this playground so unique.

“An inclusive playground represents more than just accessibility,” she said. “It represents children with sensory, cognitive and audible issues, and they can use

this playground as other playgrounds are not necessarily suitable for them.”

Godfrey was also asked what features of this playground make it truly inclusive. She said, “It has different variations of challenge levels. It has different heights, there are boards for the kids to

play on that are tactile, a variety of climbing levels are offered and it has a sway swing that multiple people can all enjoy together at the same time. We also have a hardened sponge surface by the play structure that makes for easier access to it. This playground really is for everybody.”

• State-of-the-art facility.

• Each suite has a private bathroom.

3 à la carte, cooked-to-order meals daily.

24/7 care and support - you choose your level of support.

• Weekly housekeeping included.

• Laundry service available!

Lego Mosaic coming soon to Leamington

The Leamington 150 Anniversary Committee, in partnership with Greater Essex ETFO Local, Greater Essex County Occasional Teachers Local and UE Enclosures, is celebrating Leamington’s 150th anniversary with an interactive multi-generational LEGO mosaic event at Leamington Library.

Supported by the Municipality of Leamington, the event gets underway the week of August 5.

This unique celebration invites community members of all ages to come together and contribute to creating a LEGO mosaic, making it a memorable and engaging experience for everyone involved.

The idea for this project was first proposed by Leamington Mayor Hilda MacDonald, who envisioned a community-driven, creative activity to mark this significant milestone.

“We wanted to create something that brings together our community in a fun and engaging way,

something that all ages can enjoy and contribute to,” said Mayor MacDonald. “This LEGO mosaic project perfectly embodies our spirit and unity as a community.”

Designed by Jim Wiebe of Aylmer, the mosaic will offer both young and young-at-heart participants the chance to place LEGO pieces into a pre-designed form. Jim, known for his intricate LEGO designs, has created a frame and kits based on a selected image, which remains a secret until the mosaic is completed.

Participants will use 431 LEGO plates and 27,648 LEGO pieces to assemble an impressive five-footwide by five-foot-high image. This collaborative project celebrates creativity and is a testament to the power of community involvement. The final mosaic, a cherished image revealed only upon completion, will be displayed at the Leamington Branch of the Essex County Library.

• Wide variety of activities and events!

• Exciting excursions including Colasanti’s, Point Pelee, local wineries and more!

Weekly happy hour.

Weekly onsite church service.

• Daily exercise classes, and onsite fitness center.

• Seasonal events like garden club, campfires, and Christmas in July!

In the centre, cutting the ribbon at the opening of the new inclusive playground at Lions Park is Mayor Dennis Rogers, along with members of Kingsville’s town council and members of the Kingsville Lions Club.

Margaret D. Bennie students help to feed the hungry

What started as inquiry-based learning projects about zero hunger, culminated in a tangible application as grade six students from Mrs. Jeffery’s class presented cheques to two local charities at a year-end assembly in the M.D. Bennie Public School gymnasium on June 27. Student-driven pasta lunches and muffin mornings at the school generated a profit of $1,858.10 and the students decided to split the proceeds equally between the Leamington Community Hope Centre

and The Bridge Youth Resource Centre.

“Both of the organizations came into our class and made good presentations. The two charities we chose serve hot meals to people in our city, just like we did for hungry kids at our school,” said grade six student Haroun Eid.

Judy Buhler of the Leamington Community Hope Centre was very thankful for the donation from the students and said, “The donation of just over $900 will provide 450 meals, which is absolutely

incredible. The students’ generosity and kindness will never be forgotten.”

Kim Driedger of The Bridge Youth Resource Centre was at the assembly and also expressed her appreciation for the students’ efforts.

“Thank you so much,” she said. “This money will be put towards helping our clients become more independent and it will provide supports to help move our young people forward in their mental health journeys.”

Wheatley Legion news

Wheatley Legion and Ladies Auxiliary have presented bursaries to area graduation students. The recipients of RCL Branch 324 bursaries are Sammie Staines, Mariah Whaley and Hanley Williams (Alex MacWilliam bursary). The L.A. has granted the Rick Pickle Memorial bursary to Greta Tilinger.

Tickets are available for the annual bike draw to be held at 4 p.m. on Saturday, September 14 at Erie Ramblers Motorcycle Club grounds. First prize is a Honda CRF250R, 2nd prize a Traeger PRO575 Smoker and 3rd prize a Honda EU2200i Generator. Proceeds will be split between the Legion and Erie Ramblers. Tickets are available at Bowman Feeds and the Village Resource Centre in Wheatley, Hudson Motorcycles in Tilbury, Comber Legion or by contacting Tom Brown at 519-890-6041.

to thank our sponsors for their commitment to our community

Above, Haroun Eid presents a cheque to Kim Driedger of The Bridge Youth Resource Centre. On the right, Judy Buhler of the Leamington Community Hope Centre receives a cheque from Mohamed Ahmad.
In the top photo are all of the students from Mrs. Jeffery’s grade six class as they presented cheques to representatives from the Leamington Community Hope Centre and The Bridge Youth Resource Centre at the year-end assembly.

Retirement send off with one last rocket launch and robotics demo

On Sunday afternoon, July 7, at UMEI Christian High School, students demonstrated their science skills with a robotics demonstration and some rocket launches led by science teacher John Fittler. Before any rockets were launched, Mr. Fittler was recognized for his years of dedication and service to his students and the community.

Leamington Mayor Hilda MacDonald said she has had the pleasure of watching “what you can do with your students and it is truly amazing.”

“It is not very often that we get to leave a legacy. Many of us try but we

don’t succeed, but in this case, Mr. Fittler has succeeded in building future possibilities for young people in our community. He gives them the opportunity to launch into many careers they may not have,” she said. “So thank you and congratulations.”

Fittler, who recently retired, says this is his last rocket launch although many spectators, including his wife, jokingly asked if he was sure?

Former Robotics student and UMEI graduate and mentor Nicholas Driedger will now continue leading the program.

“Finding the right person for the robotics

program was very important,” said Fittler on Sunday.

“You need to be more than a teacher. You need someone who is really experienced in the tech world and who understands mechanics, electrical, programming and the most important thing is to be willing to stay to 11-12 o’clock at night,” he said, “because the long hours are needed to keep this program running. I think, also, that is what industry is looking for — not that punch clock 8 to 5.”

Fittler’s career in teaching began as a supply teacher with the public school system in 1990 for one year before becoming UMEI’s science teacher.

Fittler also has a love for agriculture and still continues to farm 300 acres.

It didn’t take him long to realize that his science students would understand better with a handson approach to learning and he adapted his teaching methods.

“I teach a little bit differently,” he said. “Rather than just teach a concept, it has got to be hands-on – the kids get bored real quickly, just like I do.”

He came up with the idea late one night that the students needed challenges and experiences of what they may actually see in the workforce and that led to the birth of robotics at UMEI.

“I had a very good mentor (Fred Driedger) who led the way for me to get it started here,” he said of the robotics program which started 20 years ago.

It has since grown from one small science/computer lab to now taking over a former gymnasium/banquet hall.

He credits many mentors for helping him along the way.

“I have a 92-year-old carpenter friend, Ray, who did all the carpentry work for me,” he said. “It really is great to have mentors.”

UMEI is in a league of its own as a high school in Ontario having an enriched four-year robotics program. Starting in grade nine with Lego robotics, to building their own robot in grade 10 and working with FIRST Robotic Canada and FIRST Tech Challenge in grades 11 and 12.

This FTC team placed 26th in Ontario out of just under 140 teams this year – just one spot shy of being selected to go to the World Championships, said Fittler of his students.

“I really am quite proud of these kids.”

He said the students are also responsible for getting sponsorships. “They go out and do interviews with sponsors to show them why they want to invest in education.”

“Every dollar you are investing in this, I guarantee you, you are getting 100 back,” said Fittler.

“This is the way everything is heading,” he said, from robotics surgeries and more. “If you don’t want to get on board you are going to be left behind. It is that simple.”

Fittler also taught physics at UMEI and says, “That can get a little boring. I want to live and experience newtons and force.”

So he wanted a handson experience where students could see Newton’s Law in action. The lesson plan: to learn how to safe-

ly build a rocket and then have a launch day to actually experience the outcome.

“It’s really exciting, I think the kids are able to integrate all the principles and they see it in real life – don’t ever overestimate or underestimate the importance of hands-on,” he said. “They have to see it in action.”

He says the highlight of his teaching career isn’t one moment but many smaller ones.

“When you find that student who doesn’t necessarily enjoy school and seems a bit lost and struggles to find their way, and then all of a sudden they light up and know what they want to do – it is real exciting to see that,” he says with a smile. “And that is the most rewarding part of teaching.”

One of the student rockets is launched as part of Mr. Fittler’s last rocket launch.
As part of a physics class and learning about newtons and force, students built their own rockets. From left to right: Isabel Neufeld, Mason Fittler, Aidan Brown, Braedon Douglas, Cody Konrad and Cole Baptista.
Mr. John Fittler demonstrates one of the robots designed by UMEI students as part of their robotics course. SUN photos by Deanna Bertrand

Mosquito trap in Wheatley positive for West Nile Virus

Chatham-Kent Public Health has received laboratory confirmation that mosquitoes collected July 3 from a trap in Wheatley have tested positive for West Nile Virus.

This is the first positive pool identified in Chatham-Kent this season from this trap.

West Nile Virus is a risk anytime mosquitoes bite. Protect yourself and your family by:

• Wearing light-coloured clothing, including long-sleeved shirts, long pants and socks.

• Using insect repellent containing DEET.

• Staying indoors when mosquitoes are most active (dusk to dawn).

• Ensuring that all door and window screens are tight and free of holes.

• Eliminating sources of standing water on your property to prevent mosquito breeding.

West Nile Virus is transmitted to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. Many people infected with the virus experience no symptoms. Some may experience mild symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches and fatigue. In rare cases, infected individuals may experience more severe illness, including stiff neck, nausea, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, and paralysis. Anyone with severe symptoms should seek immediate medical attention. Older individuals and those with compromised immune systems are at higher risk of severe illness.


Talbot Trail realignment update

The Municipality of Chatham-Kent (Municipality) has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Addendum Study to develop an interim realignment plan for Talbot Trail between Coatsworth Road and Stevenson Road.

The EA Addendum Study considered all reasonable alternatives using an Infrastructure Protection Design Criteria for a minimum 30-year hazard zone to permit the municipality to reopen the impacted section of Talbot Trail in the interim while maintain-

ing environmental clearance for the previously approved long-term protection plan.

At its meeting in February 2024, Council approved the Technically Preferred Alternative (TPA) as outlined within the Talbot Trail EA Addendum Study. The TPA includes the implementation of a new/realigned right-of-way and twolane arterial roadway to the northwest of its current position between Coatsworth Road and 3089 Talbot Trail. This will remove Talbot Trail out of the 30-year hazard zone and permit the re-

opening of the roadway.

The EA Addendum Report has been completed and is available online at from August 2, 2024 for the 30day Public Review.

Following the 30-day Public Review period, the municipality will proceed with land acquisition, detailed design and supporting studies. Tendering and construction of the recommended improvements are planned for 2025.

The Leamington District Chamber of Commerce held a Breakfast with the MPs and MPPs on Friday, June 28 at Best Western Plus. After a period of networking and breakfast, over 100 people in attendance watched as moderator Aaron Coristine took the panel of four leaders through some questions and answers. From left are Coristine, Chatham-Kent Leamington MP Dave Epp, Essex MP Chris Lewis, Chatham-Kent Leamington MPP Trevor Jones and Essex MPP Anthony Leardi. SUN photo

opinion ~ expression ~ and other musings

Customer service skills start early RIB’S RAMBLINGS

My first summer job — outside of picking tomatoes and beans as a kid — was at Krause Fisheries next to what is now the Caldwell Marina. It came along quite by chance.

My dad — a lifelong commercial fisherman — had closed up shop at R&G Fishery inside Point Pelee in the fall of 1973 and beginning in the spring of 1974, had taken a job managing the retail store at Krause’s.

He oversaw the filleters — a half dozen local ladies who were really good

with a knife and could fillet a fish like nobody’s business. He also handled the fresh fish counter retail sales and the ‘whole fish’ section where people could come in and buy many varieties of fresh fish on the round. On the round means whole, as taken from the lake.

Occasionally, someone would want a specific catfish and pay for it to be skinned and dressed right there as they waited — Dad would get out the catfish pliers and have it done in no time. Once in a while as a

teenager, I’d travel to work with my dad and set up my rod and reel right where the Krause boats would tie up.

One day when I was about 15, Bill Krause Jr. came out and asked how the fishing was. I had caught a couple of nice silver bass and some sunfish, which I had on a stringer. He offered me $2 for the catch and told me to let him know if I caught any more.

After a couple of those experiences, my dad asked me one night if I wanted to work at the fishery, help-

1932 Pontiac a dream come true

John McNabb of Tory Hill was eight years old in 1982 when he helped his dad, Mac McNabb, perform a valve job on a customer’s Oshawa-built 1932 Pontiac Special Sedan at their shop in Gilford. John turned the six-cylinder engine over as his dad did the work.

John Bucko of Cookstown Auto Wreckers owned it and was a friend of the McNabbs. He often let John borrow the car for special events, including a wedding in 1992 when John drove the bride and groom to the church, never dreaming that he would own this car himself 31 years later.


John Bucko eventually passed away. His estate was put up for auction and John bought this car in 2023 still in original condition with maroon finish, black fenders, and interior with curtains. The

car never had a heater and John believes it was never driven in winter. Price when new: $1,179. He hopes to locate the original family who owned it near Barrie and find photos of this car when new. In this hobby, the fun never ends.

ing him in the retail end of things.

I jumped at the opportunity to have a real job and I think I made something like $2.65 an hour to start. It wasn’t easy work, but I learned a lot from my father, who taught me how to properly count back change, how to figure out what a ‘mess of fish’ would cost someone in my head, and how to treat customers — even if they weren’t the most likeable people in the world sometimes.

Patience was number one and if someone had to go through six carp and four suckers (mullets) before they found the perfect one, then you’d better be prepared to get slimy and smile while doing it.

I worked there for two summers — 1977 and 1978 — and learned a lot about customer service. Saying thank you after someone purchases something from you was the point driven home the deepest and I carry that with me to this day.

My next job in retail was

at Sunshine Market Gardens, which eventually became Leamington IGA. There, I learned a lot more about customer service and how to treat customers.

It’s not the same today.

I see a smattering of that level of customer service in and around the local retail shops, but quite often, it’s just not there.

I know, we live in a different world, but in this day of A.I. and digital everything, we’ve lost the human touch and I’m afraid we’ll never get it back.

From the convenience of self-checkout to the convenience of tapping our debit cards, the days of counting back change are unfortunately long gone for most of us.

The computerized till does all the work for you and there’s no need to think about the change you have to give back — unless someone throws you a curveball.

I’ve thrown a couple of curveballs in my day —

both literally and figuratively.

I remember one time at the local coffee chain, when my total was something like $7.35.

I handed the young lady a $10 bill. She punched in $10 as the amount tendered as I dug for change and offered up (late) a quarter and a dime.

“That’s too much,” she said.

I told her she could just give me $3 back and all would be fine.

It was a a curveball she wasn’t expecting, but she took my word for it.

Of course, my pet peeve for those in the retail and service sectors not saying thank you, but instead waiting for us to say thank you and then saying, “no problem”, is another one. And don’t get me started on the pressure of trying to order a sandwich at a certain sandwich chain — that’s a column for another day.

An ode to Spanky McFarlane

One of the finest American female pop vocalists from the latter 1960s would surely have to be Elaine “Spanky” McFarlane. Born on June 19, 1942 in Peoria, Illinois, she just recently turned 82 years old. Because of her likeness to George McFarland who played the Spanky character from the old Our Gang comedy series, Elaine was given that precious nickname Spanky.

From 1967 through 1969, Spanky & Our Gang went on to have nine songs reach Billboard’s Hot 100. Their first release, “Sunday Will Never Be the Same”, was their only top 10 hit, reaching #9. However, in Canada it reached #7. Their second single, “Making Every Minute Count”, reached #31 and their third release, “Lazy Day”, went to the top of the charts in Canada while it stalled at #14 in the United States. In spite of that, all three of these singles sold over a million copies apiece.

In 1968, “Like to Get to Know You” was the last single to reach the top 20 in North America. In

Canada, it reached #5, while in the U.S. it stalled at #17 on the Billboard Hot 100.

However, none of the last three single releases from Spanky & Our Gang in 1969 managed to break the top 80 in the U.S.

While that may have hurt the popularity of many groups, Spanky & Our Gang still proved to be very successful on the road. Even after releasing “Give a Damn”, which was banned on several radio stations and received hundreds of complaints when they performed this song that was in support of Mayor John Lindsay’s Give a Damn campaign.

However, this only further upset the right-wing voters causing many of them to see the band as being “the scourge of America,” according to Richard Nixon.

Sadly, on an entirely different note, although the group’s popularity continued to grow, their lead guitarist and vocal arranger, Malcom Hale, died suddenly in his Chi-

cago home. He was only 27 on October 30, 1968. The cause of death was because of carbon monoxide poisoning due to a faulty heating system. Less than a year later, the band broke up. As Hale was a multi-instrumentalist who did most of the arranging and largely kept the band together, his death led to Spanky & Our Gang going their separate ways. Over the years since then, Spanky McFarlane has toured with the New Mamas and Papas by singing the parts which were originally sung by Cass Elliot. As the noted local music critic and sportswriter Scott Holland mentioned to me some time ago, “I had the pleasure of interviewing Spanky for my Gene Clark Biography. She was Clark’s neighbour and friend in Laurel Canyon in the 1960s and a delight to speak with.”

John McNabb chauffeurs for a wedding in 1992.
FLASHBACK RADIO with Chuck Reynolds

New tourism initiative launched in Kingsville

A new marketing initiative for the Town of Kingsville will be seen by people up and down the east coast of the United States and throughout the 401 corridor from Leamington to Montreal.

In a two-year partnership with Kingsville-based trucking firm SK Cornerstone, the two unveiled a new transport trailer completely decorated with a message and graphic inviting people to on Thursday, July 4.

On hand for the unveiling were town officials, SK officials and employees and many other friends, as SK Cornerstone owner Yudi Persaud gave the signal to move an SK transport out of the way, revealing the new mobile marketing plan.

Chants of “move that bus!” were heard loud and clear and in seconds, the new trailer was revealed.

Complete with the wording “It’s in good taste, it’s in Kingsville” and a photo of model Jessica Muzzin holding a basket of local products, the colourful trailer is already in operation and being seen by passersby as far away as Montreal and

New York City. According to Kingsville’s Economic Development and Tourism Officer, Sue Rice, the town is targeting four pillars within their marketing strategy: Taste, Indulge, Inspire and Explore. The new trailer covers the Taste pillar and Rice says they are hard at work getting the other pillars marketed.

The idea came from SK Cornerstone owner Yudi Persaud, who has been a long-time major supporter of the Kingsville Christmas Parade. He wanted to help bring attention to the town and offered up the idea of covering one of their trailers with a travelling advertisement for tourism.

Sue Rice had just attended a series of group workshops focusing on marketing and promotion.

“The stars aligned perfectly,” she said.

They contacted Twist Creative Studio out of Windsor, who went to work on the design of the graphic, which prominently featured Kingsville businesswoman, Jessica Muzzin.

Kingsville Mayor Dennis Rogers was thrilled with the reveal.

“What makes Kings-

ville great are community-minded partners and businesses,” he said. “SK

Cornerstone has long been a supporter of town events.”


Yudi Persaud was equally as happy with
outcome, thanking the town for partnering with them to provide a boost to the community.
The new “it’s in Good Taste’ trailer was unveiled during the event.
From left are Kingsville Mayor Dennis Rogers, Kingsville Economic Development and Tourism Officer Sue Rice, photo model Jessica Muzzin and SK Cornerstone owner Yudi Persaud. SUN photos

The HL Tiessen Foundation recently held their annual charity golf tournament and through that tournament, they raised $110,000, which was split four ways to help four local organizations. The tournament was held on Wednesday, June 12 and attended by 164 golfers, with a total of 200 people attending for dinner at Kingsville Golf and Country Club. The four organizations helped included Erie Shores Health Foundation, Southwestern Ontario Gleaners, UMEI Christian High School and The Bridge Youth Resource Centre. Attending the cheque presentation were, from left, Greg Tiessen (Tiessen Foundation Board), Glenn Sellick (Tiessen Foundation Board), Hugo Tiessen (Tiessen Foundation Board), Krista Rempel (The Bridge Executive Director), Joel Epp (General Manager, Gleaners), Linda Tiessen (Chair, Tiessen Foundation), Brienne Mastronardi (Campaign Manager, ESHF), Darcy Bults (UMEI Principal), Liz Campbell, (Tiessen Foundation Board) and Anne Dirksen-Cairoli (Tiessen Foundation Board). SUN photo

Kingsville Friendly Club report

President Bob Bell welcomed 36 members out to play cards on June 25 at the Unico Centre in Kingsville.

Scores in Bridge: Roy Trowell 4760, Case Mulder 3990, Kim Hamm 3670. Euchre: Nancy Taylor 97, Dawn Tizzard 95, Rene Everaert 90. Most lone hands: John Gerhardt, Ken Bachmeier and Dawn Tizzard with 5 each. Cribbage: Sue Girardin 533, Stuart Wheelton 491, Dave Patterson and Debbie Everaert 488. Door prize winners were Lila Withers, Debbie Everaert and Rita Sleiman.


to do over next two weekends

The next two weekends will bring plenty of entertainment to the Sun Parlour with live music and other events taking centre stage in the area.

On Friday, July 12, the second of four 2024 Mill Street Markets will take place in the Mill Street West area in Leamington with vendors, street performers and food trucks. Two live music stages — one at Shotton Park and another beside the Arts Centre — will be the spots for entertainment.

Emily Staley (5 pm) opens for Mary Newland and the Blue Bayou Band (7 pm) at Shotton Park, while the Bishop Boys (5 pm) open for Jason Baclig (7 pm) at the Arts Centre patio. Free admission.

On Saturday, July 20, visit Kingsville’s Block Party in downtown Kingsville (King and Chestnut). This month’s theme is Christmas in July. Live music will be provided by the Colin Gronert Quartet and there will be lots of giant Lego and Fantasy of Lights treats for attendees of all ages. Admission is free and the event runs from 5 pm to 10 pm.

Also on Saturday, July 20, James Gibb and Mystery Train bring an Elvis tribute to the amphitheatre stage at 7 pm as part of the Leamington 150 concert series. Admission is free.

There was an update on some of the members on the under-the-weather list. Members wish them a speedy road to recovery.

Scores in Bridge: Roy Trowell 4230, Gillian Pinkney 4080, Alta Van Vliet 3790. Euchre: Willy Fittler 94, Sandi Campbell 90, Rita Sleiman 86. Most lone hands: Sandi Campbell 7.

There were 42 members out to play cards Friday, June 28. Bridge: Kim Hamm 5000, Helen Todman 3260, Roy Trowell 3010. Euchre: Rita Sleiman 92, Dave Patterson 91, Bob Bell 86. Most lone hands: Dave Patterson 6. Pepper: Kathy Hedge 295, Moe Hansen 288, Winnie Moore 287. Most peppers: Gordon Earl 7. Door prize winners were Debbie Everaert, Dave Malley and Roy Trowell. Thirty-two card players were out to play at the Unico Centre on July 2.

Cribbage: Bob Bell 1053, Stuart Wheelton 1039, Marie Geeves 1032. Door prize winners: Nancy Taylor, Kathy Hedge and Mac Stanley.

There were 41 card players who turned out on July 5. Members welcomed Irene Myers.

Bridge: Kim Hamm 4910, Alta Van Vliet 3310, Jean Kuipers 2950. Euchre: John Gerhardt 89, Donna LeGrow and Marie Geeves 74, David Snider and Ken Martinuik 73. Most lone hands: John Gerhardt 4. Pepper: Ken Salter 315, Moe Hansen 300, Gordon Earl 295. Most peppers: Bill Fieldling 7. Door prize winners: Lois Charrette, Nancy Taylor and Corinne Ingall.

Members celebrated all

the July birthdays with a beautiful cake. Celebrants were Robert Boose, Willy Fittler, Sue Girardin, Bert Patrick, Clare Shaw, Dawn Tizzard, Cliff Trombley, Kathleen Wigfield and Shirley Morel.

A Happy 90th birthday card was signed by all for Cliff Trombley who became a Life Member on July 4.

Bridge, Euchre and Cribbage are played at the Unico Centre, 37 Beech St., Kingsville, every Tuesday beginning at 12:45. Bridge, Euchre and Pepper are played every Friday at 12:45. If you are over age 50, you are welcome to join an afternoon of fellowship. Doors open at noon on both days.

Inside the Arts Centre, at 6:30 pm, a pop-up concert by County Classic Chorale will take place.

On Saturday, July 13, The Bank Theatre and Municipality of Leamington present their ongoing concert series in celebration of Leamington’s 150th anniversary.

Richard Janik’s Canadian Goldrush will entertain on the Sunset Amphitheatre stage at Seacliff Park at 7 pm. Admission is free.

Sunday, July 14, Two Creeks Conservation Area in Wheatley will feature the Jen Knight Band starting at 6 pm. Admission is free but the hat is passed to help cover costs.

On Sunday, July 21, the popular British Beat 66 visits Two Creeks Conservation Area in Wheatley, starting at 6 pm. Free admission, but they do pass the hat.

Horticultural Society’s June Fabulous Garden award winners

Once again for the months of June, July and August 2024, members of the Leamington Horticultural Society’s Landscape

Leslie Tomlinson

Leslie Tomlinson, 88 years, passed away on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at Erie Shores HealthCare.

Beloved husband of Nancy. Dear father of Alan Tomlinson (Lynn), Julia Tomlinson, Steven Tomlinson, Leslie Tomlinson, John Tomlinson (Veronica). Loving Grandpa of Lee Ann (John), Priscilla (Trevor), Charlene, Amber, Claire (Andrew), Ben (Sam) and great Grandpa of Emma and Ethan. Dear brother of the late Hazel Tocco (late Steve). Uncle of Rod and Dawn.

Cremation has taken place.

Memorial donations may be made by cheque to the Heart & Stroke Foundation by contacting Reid Funeral Home, 14 Russell Street, Leamington (519-326-2631).

Friends may share memories at

Helga Harder

It is with saddened hearts that we announce the peaceful passing of Helga Harder (nee Dyck), surrounded by her loving family, on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 85 years of age.

Predeceased by her parents Peter and Erna Dyck. Loving wife and best friend of Jake with whom she shared 66 years of marriage. Adored Mom of Eric Harder (Louise), Ellen Warkentin, Robert Harder and Karen Neufeld (Peter). Cherished Grandma of Lana (Craig), Ryan (Trang), Brian (Kelsey), Robyn (Wayne), Chris (Alyssa), late Morgan, Monica, Spencer and Taylor. Great-Grandma of Emma, Talia, Merrick, Nathan, Owen, Jude, Oakley and Casey.

Helga’s unwavering love and devotion to her family will never be forgotten.

A special thank you to the staff of the Leamington Mennonite Home for their care and compassion given to Helga.

Visitation was held at Reid Funeral Home, 14 Russell Street, Leamington (519-326-2631) on Friday, July 5, 2024 from 6-8 p.m.

Visitation continued on Saturday, July 6, 2024 at Leamington United Mennonite Church, 78 Oak Street East, on Saturday, June 6, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. until Funeral Service at 10:30 a.m. Interment followed at Evergreen Memorial Park Cemetery.

In memory of Helga, memorial donations may be made to the Leamington Mennonite Home.

and Tree Committee will be busy viewing front yard properties throughout the municipality.

The properties will be judged on the criteria of balance, curb appeal, variety, visual impact, planning and integration. If you would like to nominate someone for this award, nominations can be emailed to or call 519-326-4841. Eileen Wonnick, Chairperson of the Committee, composed the following write-up and committee member Susan Ross provided the pictures of the successful winners.

The first winner of the Fabulous Garden Award for June is 144 Robson Road, the home of Peter and Kimberly Bech. This home was completely renovated inside and out over the last 1½ years by this retired military couple, although Peter gives all the credit to Kimberly for the beautiful design. This picturesque yard

cannot be missed as you drive by and your eye is drawn to pots filled with Angel Wings and colourful annuals sitting on top of two gateposts on either side of the driveway. The driveway is lined with cedars and pots filled with jasmine on either side. Across the front are hedges of boxwood and hydrangea. The house itself is fronted with evergreens for winter interest with colourful annuals for the summer. A truly beautiful spot.

The home of Clarence and Sherry Terpstra at 29 Coronation Street is the second winner. Clarence, a retired firefighter, said that the garden has evolved over the last three years and is very therapeutic. This yard is home to an English Walnut and large Maple trees which from one hangs a ride’em airplane waiting for a child to visit. The eye-catching garden at the front of the yard is the result of one such tree falling

and leaving an empty spot in the yard. Clarence took this opportunity to make a garden of roses which love this spot and bloom profusely along with foxglove and a mixture of other colourful perennials. The garden is designed to always have something blooming. To see a striking sight at night, Clarence invites you to take a drive-by to see the amazing solar light display. Another truly beautiful spot.

Wheatley Friendship Club news

Proof of obituary to run

On a hot, humid July 3, the Wheatley & District Friendship Club

July 10, 2024

Southpoint Sun

held their Bingo meeting. Thankfully the club has air conditioning. Thanks to Janet Hewett who pro-

$200 plus $26 HST = $226

Jerald L. Ogle

Any changes please email Thanks.

Jerald Ogle of Strathroy and formerly of Kingsville passed away at 5:50 p.m. on Sunday, July 7, 2024, at age 91.

Predeceased by his loving wife, Joan, with whom he celebrated almost 60 years of marriage. Survived by daughters Jean Braun and Margaret Hampshire; son-in-law Alan Hampshire; grandchildren Alaina Hampshire Buchanan (Paul) and Elsie Hampshire (Chris), and Carson, Justin and Nicholas Braun, plus two Buchanan great-grandsons.


of obituary

July 10, 2024

Southpoint Sun

to run

Jerry attended public and high school in Blenheim, Ontario, graduated from London Normal School (1953), the University of Western Ontario and the University of Toronto. He began his teaching career in a one-room school near Blenheim and a few years later was appointed Principal of the Township School Area of Gosfield South, now Jack Miner Public School near Kingsville. He spent the last 14 years of his career as librarian at Kingsville District High School from 1974-1988. After retirement he spent several happy years working at the Kingsville Reporter.

$200 plus $26 HST = $226

Any changes please email Thanks.

Special thanks to Dr. Carter, Dr. Parr and their residents, Doug and Karen Arnold, Donna, Marie and Brenda, and the kind and caring staff at Strathroy General Hospital and University Hospital in London.

A graveside memorial service will be held at Greenhill Cemetery, Kingsville, on Friday, July 12, 2024 at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Canon Bryan Girling officiating. Kendrick Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

If desired, memorial donations may be made to the Kingsville-Gosfield Heritage Society, 40A Main St. W., Kingsville, Ontario, N9Y 1H3, or to the Church of the Epiphany, 106 Main St. W., Kingsville, Ontario, N9Y 1H3, or to a charity of your choice.

Condolences and memories can be shared with the family at

vided the delicious refreshments.

The Bingo winners for the afternoon were Dianne Lenarduzzi, Pat Matier, Dorothy Bailey, Mary Hairsine, Ruth Ann Snively, Doreen Armstrong, Karen Deyell, Helen Clark, Jean Church & Donna Moody. Thanks to Janet Hewett and Pauline Sample for running the Bingo.

The next Bingo will be on Wednesday, July 17 at 1 p.m. for $2. Marg Franklin and Karen Deyell will provide the refreshments that day.

The Heritage Room will also be closed during July and August.

Euchre is on Tuesday afternoon from 1:30-4:00 for $2. Pepper is on Thursday from 1:00-3:30 for $2. The Exercise Room, Billiards, Darts and Corn Hole are available for $2.

Proof of obituary to run

July 10, 2024 Southpoint Sun

The winners of the 50/50 draws were Helen Clark and Ruth Ann Snively.

Call foot care’s Jessica Rodzik-Couto RPN at 519-990-7308 to book an appointment. Email or call 519-825-4870.

$200 plus $26 HST = $226

Any changes please email Thanks.

If members have any questions, concerns or suggestions please use the suggestion box which is opened at the executive meetings.

Quilters please note: the group will meet Mondays only during July and August.

Until next time…

Tick and mosquito program

Chatham-Kent Public Health (CKPH) has announced new initiatives aimed at reducing the risk of people getting sick from mosquito and tick bites.

West Nile virus mosquito surveillance data will be available through an online report that will be updated weekly with mosquito identification and testing results from June through to September. The online reporting allows residents to stay

informed about West Nile Virus, which is transmitted by mosquitoes.

CKPH has also announced changes to the blacklegged tick population ranges in Chatham-Kent. Blacklegged ticks can transmit Lyme disease, as well as other diseases including Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis and Powassan virus, to people.

The public can view the bulletin at ckpublichealth. com/thegreatoutdoors.

Clarence Terpstra at his Coronation Street home.
Peter and Kimberly Bech, June Fabulous Garden Award winners. Photos submitted


A long-standing Leamington landmark is being demolished this week to create more space at the waterfront and set the wheels in motion to continue with Leamington’s Waterfront Destination Master Plan. Gaspard’s Café had been in business for many years and also housed tenants in several upstairs apartments. The family-run restaurant closed in late 2022, when the municipality purchased the property. The waterfront plan area covers approximately two kilometres of beachfront, from Seacliff Park to the Leamington Municipal Marina. Originally developed between 1989 and 1991, the Waterfront Destination Master Plan has had various updates over the years — the last one in 2022. SUN photo

Leamington Bridge scores

The following are the top-scoring teams in recent Bridge games at the Leamington Half Century Centre. Bridge lessons are available. If interested, call 519-738-4939.

July 5: 1st Dave Derbyshire and Dale Smith, 2nd Roger Cote and Pauline Mikolash, 3rd Henry Hildebrandt and Bob Lee.



The 2024 Grade 8 graduates of Wheatley Area Public School celebrated with a photo at the picturesque Talbot Trail Golf Course this year. Back row, from left, are Vincent Pennie, Jonathan Recker, Shawn Renwick, Evan Awram, Ricky Wiebe. In front are Kayla Bellmore, Emily Emond-Gallant, Taylor Lefaive, Jaylyn Yadao, Karly Franklin, Lia


The Gore Hill Public School Class of 2024 celebrated with their graduation ceremony at Leamington District Secondary School once again this year. Here, the graduates gather on the stairway at LDSS for a

the middle row are Ben B., Lily W., Claire D., Melissa B., Taeya M., Ashlyn W., Riley M., Avery S., Arielle F., Lindsay N., Blake F. in the front row are Dylan C., Juli E., Morgan F., Rachel S., Serenity S.-W., Julie M. and Hudson W. Photo by Kim MacDonald
Douglas, Trystan Bartel. Photo submitted
Photo by Heather Taylor of HT Photogrpahy
Branco* Ron Derksen
Rhonda Saad* Karrie Sundin
Brayden Mazzella* Diane Jraiche

A cornucopia of Leamington sports

All types of sports have been played around the Leamington area since the first settlers came. The earliest ones were variations of Highland Games and involved things like how fast a tree could be chopped or climbed, axe throwing and some target hitting with bows and arrows or guns. Rowing canoes, swimming and boxing were popular too.

By the 1870s, baseball and tennis were becoming favorites. During those early years there were no leagues and friendly matches often occurred.

Competitive baseball started in the 1890s and by 1910 an Essex County league had been formed. World War One curtailed it, but in 1918 the league was revised.

The Leamington junior team was called the Cardinals until 1936 when its name was changed to Barons.

Minor baseball and minor hockey have both been in existence since the late 1950s. Both organizations have weathered hard times, yet survived. The original minor baseball used diamonds at the fairgrounds, Leamington District Secondary School and several other schools until the creation of the Kinsmen Ball Complex on Seacliff Drive in the early 1970s.

The baseball complex has undergone several expansions and changes, and now has a large billboard sign listing its championship teams near the clubhouse.

Minor hockey has supported both house league and travel teams since its inception. In 1994, it became known as Southpoint Minor Hockey after an amalgamation with the Wheatley system.

Junior hockey started in this area in the 1900s as young men took to playing shinny on frozen ponds and lakes. By the late 1940s, several teams had been formed to play games on Hillman Marsh and Lake Erie. Those teams evolved to form the Myles Meteors, who played in the Windsor-Detroit Business League under the leadership of Bill Burgess.

After a couple of seasons, the team was renamed the Leamington Flyers. They played in several leagues before joining the Intermediate B ranks, which lasted until 1964 when they entered the Juvenile division for several seasons and were highly successful. In 1966-67 they joined Jr. B but after one campaign dropped down to become an original member of the Great Lakes Jr. C League, where they stayed until 1991-92.

In 1992 the Flyers re-entered the B loop and were a strong entity until 2023 when they moved up to the Ontario Junior Hockey League (Jr. A). The Flyers won provincial titles in 1971-72 and 1979-80, and the Jr. B title in 2022-23.

Adult recreational baseball, softball, lobball and fastball have been popular, with a variety of leagues and some topnotch competition.

Bowling has been popular since the 1920s when Brown’s Hotel on Talbot Street East had a three-lane venue behind the bar. By the late 1930s, Empire Lanes had opened on Mill Street West and served as one of the best in Essex

County. A new facility was built on the site of the former Hilltop Restaurant near Ruthven in the late 1980s and remained there until its closure a few short years ago.

Basketball has been in existence via several leagues since the 1920s. Both church leagues and county leagues have had teams here, and while they may not draw the large crowds that the high school versions do, the sport’s popularity can be seen around Leamington’s playgrounds, streets and at the Nature Fresh Farms Recreation Complex.

One of the area’s oldest sports is golf.

Prior to the Leamington Golf Course being created in 1926, the first professional, Bob Gray Sr., gave lessons from the rooftop of Brown’s Hotel and at the Fairgrounds. In 1964, the course became the Erie Shores Golf and Country Club. During its nearly 100-year history, it has had famous golfers play the course and held many prestigious events. The course remains as challenging today as it was when it opened.

More recently, inline skating and skateboarding have increased and a pad for their use is at the Kinsmen ball field.

Lawn bowling has been popular since the 1800s. Since the 1870s it has been played on the same greens, situated behind the United Church.

Since the 1970s, soccer has been played in the area. While the sport was more commonly associated with high school action, several leagues have existed. With the addition of more players, a new soccer field complex was created on Oak Street East within the last decade.

Swimming began to take hold in Leamington in 1961 after the opening of the Kinsmen pool, which sat just north of the former arena on Erie Street North.

The pool was a busy venue until its demise in 1983. It was replaced by the modern enclosed pool at the Frank T. Sherk Complex.

Another sport is skipping, which became a craze in the 1990s. The local Jumping Jacks jump rope teams competed both nationally and internationally.

Badminton and tennis are other sports that date back to the late 1800s. Badminton was even played on the top floor of the original town hall until it was razed in 1965. The gyms of several schools have also been used. Players currently use the Nature Fresh Recreation Complex for competition. Tennis was immensely popular during the 1960s and 1970s and there were courts on the west side of LDSS.

Although the Leamington Gymnastics Club is no longer, it provided plenty of exercise and lessons in life to many area youngsters in the 1980s and 1990s.

Triathlons, cycling events and running events have all gained in popularity over the years and are a driving force behind keeping the community fit.

And of course pickleball is growing in popularity every year and has become the world’s fastest growing sport. It’s played in Wheatley (outdoors), Leamington (indoors) and Kingsville (outdoors).

courtesy of

If you can tell us the name of this

or clarify any of these names, please contact the Kingsville Archives at Or call 226-348-7627.

agency. The guest speaker Carol


with the members of the local club.

Clippings from the Wheatley Journal, May 1989
A Look at Leamington’s Past courtesy of C. Scott Holland
boats could
taken through the placid canal or out into the rougher waters of Lake Erie. This photograph of an unidentified family, standing outside the Cedar Beach Drug Store, was taken in the late 1940s or early 1950s.
Clippings from the Wheatley Journal
the Kingsville Archives
Leamington’s Past courtesy of the C. Scott Holland Collection
July 1994 - Lioness Jeanette Beleutz, left, and Carolyn Daudlin, centre, review the information packages for the Suicide Awareness Night held at the United Church. The Lioness Club hosted the Alive! Canada
Photo of a local Kingsville Band, dated July 12, 1912. Back row: ? Scratch, Roy Allen, Burl Scratch, Walter? Scratch, W. Perratt?, Burt Massacer?. Front row: Mart? Malott, ? Corlett?; Fred Harris, Staff? (Absent: Staff Scratch).
The original site of the F.W. Woolworth store in Leamington was on the east side Nelson’s Shoe Store. Brown’s Shoes was located on the right hand side of the Woolworth store. F.W. Woolworth opened in the late 1930s and would later be an anchor store on the north side of Talbot Street West. Today it is Gabriele’s.

LOOKING TO PURCHASE two Taylor Swift concert tickets for father & daughter experience. Concert location & date doesn’t matter. Call 519-796-6591. jl10

BIG YARD SALE - 29 Pearl Ave., Leamington. Saturday & Sunday, July 13 & 14, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. both days. jl10

SURROUND SOUND W/4 STANDUP SPEAKERS, boom box & CD for DVDs. Paid $2,000. Asking best offer. Kobait electric snowblower like new. Best offer. Four 17-inch snow tires, like new, used 4 times. Paid $300 each, asking $500 for all four, comes with rims. Hubcaps $20 for all 4. Four silver rings w/real stones $20 each. Call 226936-2241. jly10-17


ZEN PETS GROOMINGCPPS Certified Groomer in Leamington. 15 years experience. For all your pet grooming needs, please call or text 519-564-9620 or message me on Facebook. COVID-19 certified & compliant. mr1-tfn

IRWIN PLUMBINGResidential rough-ins and repairs. Starting April 2nd 519-825-7245 will be changing to 519-324-2202. A text is preferred if capable. Call if not. ja6-tf

ELECTROLUX SALES & SERVICE: Complete line of vacuums and shampooers/ floor polishers. Will provide free estimate on Central Vac installations. Contact Dan Bailey. 519-322-8625. tf


270 SHERK ST., LEAMINGTON, ON 900 sq. ft. spacious modernized apartment with hardwood floors. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, fridge, stove. Common area laundry room. Secure entrance. One parking space included. Outdoor balcony/patio. On-site manager. Excellent location, nearby amenities. $1895 per month. Water, heat and hydro included. Request an application by email Text or call 519-791-6751. Leave message at 519-326-2208


Upscale and affordable apartments for rent in Leamington’s ONLY waterfront rental apartment building, overlooking Leamington Marina and Park. Minutes from the beach. Amenities include:

•Library and social rooms

•Coin-less Laundry

•Beautiful lobby

•Underground parking available

•Outdoor balconies with water or city views

•FREE utilities

•Secured access and 24-7 onsite management Call Mike & Kevin for leasing information 519-326-8819 or visit

PINNACLE ACRES REQUIRES Full time greenhouse general labourers. $16.55/hr 50+ hours, 7 days/wk. Must be available Saturday & Sunday. Work site: 333 County Rd 18, Leamington ON, rural setting, must have own transportation. Crop maintenance and harvesting, other duties as required. Must be able to lift a minimum of 40lbs on a repetitive basis, fast paced environment, strong work ethic, punctual, reliable. No experience or education required. Please apply via email: careers@




Rearrange the letters to spell something pertaining to summer food.

ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20

Aries, you may be full of more energy than you have had in a while, helping you to sail through all of your tasks this week at a record pace. Enjoy this wave while you ride it.

TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21

Taurus, heed your body’s messages that it needs some rest right now; otherwise, you may not be up for social engagements that are on the horizon. Pisces comes into your life this week.

GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21

You cannot hang out with every person who is trying to get a piece of your time right now, Gemini. It’s likely you will need to space out socializing over a few weeks to meet with them all.

CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22

Cancer, you have been working hard to make professional progress, and it might be time to think about your next step. It could be time to take your talents elsewhere.

LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23

Leo, you are often drawn to unfamiliar experiences that can teach you something new. This week could provide a host of opportunities to try something new.

VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22

It is time to get off the fence and commit to one decision or another, Virgo. Your professional life hinges on your ability to take a path and then stick with it.

LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23

Libra, you might be tempted to accept every invitation that comes your way. However, it is better to be smart about the people with whom you associate. Use every opportunity to network.

SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22

Scorpio, take a look at how things should operate before you hit the floor running. You want to be strategic in how you expend your energy; otherwise, you may experience burnout.

SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21

You lean toward being one of the more passionate signs in the zodiac, Sagittarius,. That passion will be on full display this week. You’ll wear your heart on your sleeve.

CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20

Domestic issues come to the forefront, Capricorn. You’re inclined to spend time at home with loved ones. Take this time to work around the house and yard.

AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18

Aquarius, your popularity is growing and it’s time to get out there and hang with the movers and shakers. Soon even more people will learn who you are.

PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20

Strengthen your ideas with a concrete foundation, Pisces. Only then will your plan come to fruition in the right manner, leading to better success.


JULY 7 - Ringo Starr, Musician (84)

JULY 8 Maya Hawke, Actress (26)

JULY 9 - Courtney Love, Singer (60)

JULY 10 Sofia Vergara, Actress (52)

JULY 11 - Alessia Cara, Singer (28)

JULY 12 - Steve Howey, Actor (47)

JULY 13 - Harrison Ford, Actor (82)

CK Public Library offers reading programs

The kids’ TD Summer Reading Club is underway at Chatham-Kent Public Library (CKPL). Blast off to a summer of great books, awesome programs and prizes. Earn prize ballots by reading, attending programs and sharing your recent reads with library staff all summer long.

This year’s Teen Summer Reading contest runs until August 24 at all CKPL library branches. Readers aged 12 to 18 years are invited to dive into the world of books and let their creativity soar while earning ballots,

The Municipality of Chatham-Kent is seeking input on the Organic Waste Diversion Program Feasibility Study, consisting of a Curbside Organic Waste Collection (Green Bin Program), Non-curbside Food Waste Diversion Options, and an enhancement to the Leaf and Yard Waste Collection Program.

The study recommendations aim to comply with the Ontario Food and Organic Waste Policy Statement and reduce the amount of waste going to the landfill by turning or-

giving them a chance to win prizes. When borrowing materials in-person or online, you can fill out a ballot to enter the draw. The more you visit the library and borrow materials, the more chances you have to win fantastic prizes.

Participants will be entered into the grand prize draws for an acoustic guitar, Dungeons and Dragons manuals, and a premium art kit.

The Adult Summer Reading Contest runs until August 31 at all CKPL library branches. Patrons aged 16+ can borrow

ganic waste into valuable end-products that support a healthy environment.

CK residents and business owners are invited to participate on the Let’s Talk Chatham-Kent platform. Complete the survey before July 15, at www. organic-waste.

The study recommends a weekly curbside Green Bin. The municipality would provide carts to contain household organic waste at the curb as well as small kitchen containers for use within a household.

items for a chance to win a Hidden Gems prize pack. Each prize pack features a gift certificate from a local hidden gem from the community. Picking up an Adult Summer Reading punch card at your local CK library. After three checkouts your punch card becomes a ballot to win a Hidden Gems prize pack. Find a Hidden Gem bookmark as part of your checkout and receive an extra punch on your punch card. To find out more about programs and events visit

Upon implementation of this program, garbage collection will be moved to a bi-weekly collection service (i.e., every other week). More details about the proposed program are available on the survey page.

Community feedback is crucial in shaping the Organic Waste Diversion Program Feasibility Study to ensure it meets the community’s needs.

Detailed study recommendations will be presented to Council for review and approval in early 2025.

Community Calendar


TWO CREEKS SUMMER CONCERT SERIES – The Jen Knight Band, 6:00 p.m. A gifted singer reminiscent of Janis Joplin, Pink & Adele. Admission is free - pass the hat donation appreciated. Scouts food & drink booth. Bring lawn chairs/blanket. One km north of Wheatley on Kent Rd. 1. More info:


SUNSET SINGERS – The Sunset Singers will perform at the Leamington Arts Centre from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. The Sunset Singers are a drum group started by Roxanne White and have 12 members. They perform contemporary, ancient and sacred aboriginal songs. They often drum together on the shores of Lake Huron at sunset.


TAKE WHAT YOU NEED CLOTHING ANGEL CUPBOARD - Sat. July 10 from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and Sun. July 21 from 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Clothing available for men, women & children. St. John the Evangelist Church, 60 Erie St. N., Leamington, 519-326-3111.


WONDERBROADS 3rd ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT - 4-person scramble, 18 holes w/cart, hotdog & beverage. Register your foursome at Fundraiser in support of Wonderbroads Dragonboat Racing Organization which is comprised of breast cancer survivors from Windsor/Essex County.


OPEN HOUSE - THE SWEET ADELINES, an award-winning ladies acapella barbershop chorus, is hosting an Open House on at 6:30 pm at St Mary’s Parish Hall, 12048 County Rd. 34, in Maidstone (Hwy 3, south of Manning Road). Everyone welcome.


WESTOVER - Kingsville Community Centre, 1860 Division Rd. N. Tuesdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Pre-treatment or after-care program for substance misuse. Do you, a friend or family member struggle with substance misuse? Come learn about the solution process. Drop-in group session. No registration required.

SOUTH ESSEX COMMUNITY COUNCIL - ADULT DAY PROGRAM - Join us at Faith Mennonite for a day service providing social, recreational and personal support to clients and respite. For more information or to register, call SECC at 519-326-8629 or visit our website at

FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE at Leamington United Mennonite Church, 78 Oak St. East, for those who enjoy morning coffee/tea and conversation, the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in church auditorium. All welcome, no RSVP required.

URSA MAJOR’S LITTLE BEAR CAFE COMMUNITY BREAKFAST every Monday (except holidays), 1860 Division Rd. North, Kingsville. Ursa Major Day Support Program’s community breakfast awaits with free coffee, tea, and simple eats — available while supplies last. Open to the whole community. We welcome everyone to join in the good food and fellowship. For more details, visit www.UMLSC. org or email

INDIVIDUALS WHO REQUIRE ASSESSMENTS TO ENTER TREATMENT PROGRAMS FOR ADDICTIONS can contact Ian MacNeil, Social Worker with Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare, located at 33 Princess St. (1st floor) in Leamington, on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. You can leave a message 24/7 at 519-984-2531. Contact Ian at this number for more information.

ERIE SHORES TOASTMASTERS MEETING at 6:30 pm every other Wednesday at the Leamington Library, 1 John St., Leamington. Summer dates are July 17, 31, Aug. 14, 28. Visit for free! Develop your Communication and Leadership Skills in a positive, friendly environment. For more info Email: ErieShoresTM@yahoo. com Facebook: Erie Shores Toastmasters or go to ErieShores.

STRUGGLING WITH MENTAL HEALTH? Reach out to Hope 4 Me Peer to Peer Support Group. Virtual and in-person meetings available. Contact Tracy, Sue or Nancy at for information about the group.

WHEATLEY BAPTIST CHURCH - 47 Talbot St. E. Everyone is welcome to come worship with us. Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Bible study Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. Adult fellowship Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. For more info call 519-825-7433.

THE KINGSVILLE FRIENDLY CLUB meets every Tuesday to play Cribbage, Euchre & Bridge at 12:45 in the Unico Community Centre at 37 Beech St. in Kingsville, and every Friday to play Bridge, Euchre & Pepper at 12:45. Come early if you want to play a particular game and have your choice of a seat.

ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT SOMEONE’S DRINKING? Al-Anon Family Groups meeting information: 519-790-7739 or www.

IF YOU WANT TO DRINK, THAT’S YOUR BUSINESS If you want to stop, we can help. Call Alcoholics Anonymous: 519-999-1234.

Chatham-Kent seeking public input on waste


Leamington Lions Club president Steve Lashmar, left, recently presented Leamington Arts Centre Director and Curator Chad Riley with a $500 cheque. The Lions raise many of their funds through Chances Gaming Lounge. Photo submitted

Hi, I’m Perdita, a gentle soul with a curious nose. As you can see, I am pretty tight with my bestie Polly. So tight in fact that we need to get adopted together. When we are apart we get really upset and cry and scream for each other. Its really pathetic actually but we cant help it. We are besties. Since I’m a beagle, my sense of smell is my

superpower. I love exploring new scents and going on sniffing adventures. I’m sweet and friendly, always ready to greet you with a wagging tail. Though I might seem indifferent at times, it’s just my laid-back nature. I promise I’m just as excited to see you. My gentle demeanor makes me a great companion for anyone. It’s best I go to a home with no other animals, and a fenced yard as me and my sis love the space to sniff!

If you’re looking for a loyal friend who will always be there for you, then I’m your girl. Adopt me and let’s start our adventure together! We have been looking for our forever home for a while now, and the nice people here have waived our adoption fee to find us the perfect home!

Remembering Dr. Lloyd McKibbin

During my 45 years of working in agriculture, I have been able to meet many amazing people who have worked directly and indirectly in this sector. I am honoured to know so many of these people who are dedicated in bringing to us and to the world so much. I also realize I have not been able to meet even more people who have been involved in the world of agriculture over the years.

As someone who has now lived in the Wheatley area for the past 11 years, I thought I would write an article on a gentleman from this small town who made a significant impact in the world of animal husbandry.

Dr. Lloyd McKibbin passed away 24 years ago, but his contributions in the world of veterinary medicine are still today having an impact around the world.

Dr. McKibbin became a veterinarian after he graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1952 and specialized in treating racehorses. He set up his practice in

Wheatley, hoping to attract some business from nearby U.S. racetracks. In the early 1970s, diplomatic relations between China and the United States primarily eased. This opened the door for many businesses to look to China to expand their operations and areas like acupuncture techniques and scientific papers made their way from China to North America.

Dr. McKibbin developed an interest in acupuncture and began studying this form of treatment. He believed in the use of electrical currents in the body and this further expanded his belief in acupuncture. This form of treatment for humans was common in China and other countries in Southeast Asia but was never used on animals. He began applying this procedure for racehorses, including implanting small batteries in horses’ legs to speed the mending of broken bones. Other veterinarians saw this as a radical form of treatment, but Dr. McKibbin believed electric currents

stimulated faster healing, and his success brought him expensive racehorses and clients from across Canada, the U.S. and Europe. He would treat some horses that were deemed impossible to cure, but his form of treatment resulted in high success rates.



Dr. McKibbin was named Wheatley’s ‘Man of the Year’ in 1979 and was inducted into the Kent Agricultural Hall of Fame in 1989.

Dr. McKibbin published papers in both medical and veterinary journals, where he pointed out to his skeptics his high success rate, and in his words, “At first, I got the impossible cases where nothing else worked. If you get 50 per cent, you would be doing all right. I did considerably better than that.”

He was the first in Canada to use laser technology on horses and was also one of the first veterinarians in North America to use a computer to maintain records on his cases and how they performed after

We are grateful for the many accomplishments of Dr. Lloyd McKibbin and for many others who have made valuable and lasting contributions to agriculture and to our society.

Just some food for thought.

Erie Shores Golf and Country Club has wrapped up the four-day Sol Leam Cup.

up their

after day

successfully came back and

on the last day.


Captains Wilson and Lappan strategically lined
teams of 10 players in hopes of winning the different formats of the day’s competition. Team Lappan had
small lead
two of the competition, but things changed and Team Wilson won
games and
won the 2024 Sol Leam Cup. Shoreline Tours provided food
beverages for all
Seated, left to right: Carol Quinn, Brenda Ruiter, Tym Brannigan, spare Diane Parkinson. Standing, left to right: Marianne Wisternoff, Laurie Munro, Lisa Sawatzky, Linda Segedin, Captain Mary Wilson, Jo-Anne Smith, Diane Penner.
Photo submitted

390 Talbot St. N. Essex 519-776-6447

Kids fishing derby gets young anglers hooked on fishing

The annual Southwest Outdoors Club Kids Fishing Derby attracted 311 youngsters and just as many adults on Saturday, July 6 at Wheatley Harbour.

Fishing lines and lawn chairs lined the edge of the west side of the harbour, with cries of “I got one!” ringing out early and often.

Although the catches slowed down as the day went on, some large fish — as long as 20 inches — were caught by kids looking for the big prize.

The annual event brings out the best in teaching kids the necessary patience and perseverance needed to snag the big one, or even a little one.

The majority of the catches were bullhead catfish, with the odd white perch, sheepshead and carp thrown in for

good measure.

Early on, one of the young anglers caught a small mouth bass, and one or two yellow perch were also seen at the measuring table.

The Southwest Outdoors Club goes all out for this event, with over 300 prizes adorning the prize tables, so that every kid can go home with something, whether they catch a big fish or not

To round that out, eight bicycles are given away — one of each to a male and female in each age category.

The club also supplied barbecued hotdogs, chips and a drink for everyone in attendance — adults included.

Free loaner fishing poles were handed out to those who came empty-handed and every young fisherman got a cup of worms.

Rob Dietrich, who was

at the worm table all morning, said they usually go through about 1,000 worms for the day and this day was no exception.

Outdoors Club president Dan Reive said the turnout was excellent and the weather was perfect.

Bicycle winners were Emma Neufeld and Landon McKeen (0-3 years), Trudy Weverink and Brody Leitch (4-7 years), Melanie Elias and Josiah Neudorf (8-12 years) and Jisenya Heide and Logan Krahn (13-17 years).

Those who caught the biggest fish for their age group received a nice trophy. They were Michael Bissonnette (0-3 years), Josh Kay (4-7 years), Noah Nguyen (8-12 years) and Ashley Rose (13-16 years). Ashely’s 20.125” carp was the biggest of the day.

Some of the bike winners were present for the draw, while others were contacted after the event. From left are bike winners Logan Krahn, Melanie Elias, Josiah Neudorf, Brody Leitch, Trudy Weverink and Emma Neufeld.
Ethan Youssef shows off his 16.25” sheepshead caught just as things were wrapping up for the day. It wasn’t large enough to get on the leaderboard, but Ethan was rightfully proud of his catch.
The biggest fish winners were, from left, Ashley Rose, Noah Nguyen and Michael Bissonnette. Josh Kay was absent for the photo. SUN photos


Talbot Trail senior golf

On Tuesday, July 2, there were 56 senior league members who enjoyed a beautiful golf outing at the Talbot Trail course.

The long putt winner on #2 was Richard Humber who sank a miraculous 16-foot putt. Winner of the CP on #9 was Mike Wright with his scintillating shot to within seven feet of the pin. Hitting into a fairly stiff breeze on #7, a lot of the shots ended up short of the green. Joe Vrtel’s shot ended up 30 feet from the pin for the victory.

In the 50-69y division, John Liddell shot a very impressive 39 to take first

place. Kreug and Phil Humphries were close behind with their terrific 40s. Arkey and Fuzzy fired excellent results of 41 and 43 respectively. Other fine results were produced by Gerry VD, Tim Will, Clarkie, Dave Tonks and Eugene Kerrigan. In the 70-79y grouping, Pearcie was on fire as he recorded an awesome 35. Both Dunner and Nasher were close behind with terrific results of 38 and 41 respectively. Chopper and Bobo earned solid results of 43 and 44 respectively. Al Matthews and Dougie enjoyed commendable 45s. Other scorers under

50 were Ray, Paul Carioli, OV, Dave Dent, Hillier, Richard and Nick.

Mike Wright dominated the 80+ division as he shot a masterful 40. Very commendable results of 47,49 and 51 were generated by Al Zanatinni , Joe Vrtel and Dave Chambers. Super senior Tom Hyatt, playing the silver tees, shot an outstanding 47. Neil Adamson earned a very satisfying 53.

Carl Robinson in the 89y+ gold division scored a superb nifty 50. Youngsters Gerry Becigneul and Erle “The Putter” Nash shot inspiring results of 52 and 58 respectively.


On July 2 the 18-hole and 9-hole ladies golf leagues played the annual Erie Shores Unico Day. In honouring their sponsor of more than 20 years, the girls dressed in blues, reds and yellows. Under beautiful blue skies and with the friendships they have formed from their leagues, the ladies had a great game of golf and a wonderful lasagna lunch. From left to right are Diane Penner, Val Gerasim and Carol Quinn displaying their sponsor’s banner. Photo submitted

Erie Shores men’s golf

The following are the Erie Shores senior men’s golf league results for July 3.

The draw winners were Gord Anderson and Jim Dueckman.

Closest to the hole on #3 was Norm Beattie and on #16 Joe Youssef. Longest putt on #9 was by Cecil Mendel and on #18 Richard Reive.

The low net winners were Peter Harb 62, Dick Segedin 65 and Ken Segedin 66.

In first at 279 were Cam Perrault, Gary McRae, Henry Vriesen and Vince Branca. Second place at 284 went to Wayne Wiseman, Orest Hyrenewich, Richard Leslie and Dick Segedin. In third at 288 were John Rutgers, Peter Harb, and Stefan Kowal. Fourth place at 293 by retrogression were Kevin Shaften, Wayne Quinn, Dave Wilkinson and Matt Dick.

Low rounds for the day were shot by Ross Mc-

Donald 77, Ken Segedin 78 and Jerry Mallard 79. Birdies were as follows: Brent Metz and Wayne Wiseman #1; Tom Miehl #1 and #15; Matt Dick #1, #2 and #15; Ross McDonald #1, #3 and 36; Peter Harb #2; Norm Beattie #3; Dick Segedin #4 and #12; Stefan Kowal #4 and #13; Ken Segedin #4, #7 and #16; Jamie Arquette #6; Jerry Mallard #6 and #7; Dave Wilkinson #9; and Ken Steingart #15.

sports team featured in the Sun!


• Submit team photos any time during the season

• Be sure to include team name and names of players/coaches

• Jpegs are preferred

• Cell phone photos are fine, please send as large as possible (high resolution)


• Send in your game or tournament write-ups by Mondays at 8am

• Please limit your submissions to 150 words

• We recommend having one person responsible for write-ups throughout the season (i.e. team manager or parent)

Leamington District Secondary School recently held their athletic awards banquet and the students and teacher above took top honours. Back row, from left, are Emery Stapleton, Andy Groening, Carter Knelsen, Shaban Alaliwi, Mr. Saizanou. In the front row are Makayla Machado, Emily Sawatzky, Kevin Huynh, Erick Romero, Ethan Barnewall. Photo submitted

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