1 minute read
Guardians of the Children hold baseball game
By Deanna Bertrand
LEAMINGTON — The local chapter of the Guardians of the Children (G.O.C.) is making its mission known locally – starting with adding their presence in higher risk neighbourhoods and parks.
The non-profit riding organization was on hand Saturday afternoon, September 11, at Wilkinson Park to let local youth know they are there for them and to have some fun, according to Fuzzy, one of the members of Leamington G.O.C.
He said members were hoping to have a “fun day of baseball” with the local children, many of whom had never learned how to play the game.
The local chapter currently has 10 members who are motorcycle enthusiasts with a mission to recognize and react to child abuse and educate the public to do the same; to serve as advocates to provide strength and stability to families in crisis; and to be an answer to the prayer of an abused child or teen for courage, support and protection.
For more information on G.O.C., go to www.guardiansofthechildren.com or G.O.C.LeamingtonOnt@icloud.com.
You can also call the help line at 519-329-1513.