8 - Southpoint Sun
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Annual Chamber of Commerce golf tournament returns By Mark Ribble LEAMINGTON — Beautiful blue skies and
favourable winds greeted the 105 golfers that took part in the annual Leam-
ington Chamber of Commerce golf tournament. The teams enjoyed
The overall winners of this year’s Chamber Golf Tournament were Evergreen Memorial, from left, Raoul Morin, Brian Humphries, Ward Hutchins, Derrick Hutchins. Photo submitted
a tasty barbecue lunch overlooking Lake Erie on the patio at Gray’s on the Water. The winning team, with a minus-14 score, was Evergreen Memorial, consisting of Ward Hutchins, Brian Humphries, Derrick Hutchins and Raoul Morin. The top mixed team was KPMG with a minus-13 score, comprised of Ray Fischer, Lisa Fischer, Bobby Dumouchelle and Michelle Petherick. There were also side games and feats of skill, for which the winners were Dave Tronchin (Gabriele’s Minute to Win It), Andy Anthony (Windsor Star Putting Contest),
Wanda Juricic (Closest to the Pin) and Pat Ouellette
(Longest Drive).
Jen Dawson at the tee. SUN photo
Tom Leckie on the follow-through. SUN photo
Leamington traffic note In Loving Memory of Darling Son, Brother and Uncle
Carl Henry WaCHHolz August 19, 1972 - July 2, 2018
We miss you each and every day. Love Mum, Dad, Angie, Matt, Lucas and Allie IN MEMORIAM
In Loving Memory of
John Maycock March 6, 1931 – July 3, 2006 “He was a man, Take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again.” Sadly missed by his family. IN MEMORIAM
LEAMINGTON — Contractors will be completing road maintenance on Erie Street South between Melrose and Seacliff starting on Monday, July 12. The work is expected to take about four weeks to complete. Because of the nature of the work and need to minimize impact to traffic and businesses within the project area, milling and paving work will be completed between the hours of 8 pm and 7 am, Monday through Friday. Temporary lane closures will be in effect during both daytime and nighttime work. IN MEMORIAM
In Memory of our Loving Husband, Pop and Best Friend Remembering
Kevin Segave
October 6, 1954 - June 26, 2017
Still missing you. Love Sally, Nina and Steve
In Loving Memory of
Jeff Bradley
July 21, 1975 - July 2, 1995 Whisper I love you to a butterfly ... It will fly to heaven to deliver your message. Forever Missing You. Love Mom and Dad
Merv rekuta
November 2, 1934 – July 3, 2001 Twenty years cannot steal the treasures we carry in our hearts. Nor dim the love we have for you that will never part. We miss your smiles, your touch. We miss you being with us so much. You gave us all you had to give, however great or small. But most of all you gave us love, the greatest gift of all. Our Dennis is now safe with you, hug him for us, Pop. Thanks for the memories, sweetheart, Love Always, Bren, Tracy, Lucia and Kel