Southpoint Sun - June 24, 2020

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37 Main Street East, Kingsville

519-733-6554 Leamington

ORDER ONLINE 24/7 Vol. 11, Issue 21


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Mayors address Stage 2 delay for Windsor-Essex By Mark Ribble LEAMINGTON/ KINGSVILLE — The Mayors of Leamington and Kingsville are both disappointed that the region is not advancing to Stage 2 in the plan to reopen. Leamington Mayor Hilda MacDonald wants to assure her constituents that she and her staff are working hard to resolve the COVID-19 issues surrounding the agri-food sector. With the province’s announcement Monday that Windsor-Essex would remain at Stage 1 of the re-opening of the economy, MacDonald was disappointed but not surprised. “Although this is not the decision we had hoped for, it was to be expected, as the case counts across the region remain high, specifically due to outbreaks among workplaces in the agriculture sector,” she said.

this,” she said. Her frustration is evident as she talks about the local business community. “We have small businesses in town that cannot open their doors right now,” she said. “This needs to get solved as soon as possible before we lose HILDA MACDONALD them.” She also successful with the full support and cooperation feels the frustration of the community and of of the farm owners.” The municipalities those in Windsor who are have been working with growing more impatient local health officials to with the county COVID do everything within woes. “We know businesses their power to resolve the situation, but Mac- have been kept from reDonald cautions that any opening, and there is animandate for testing has mosity surfacing because to come from the upper of the negative economic impacts being felt by the levels of government. “This is not within our people of Windsor-Espower to mandate lo- sex,” she said. “I ask that residents cally,” she said. “The up- Leamington per levels of continue to be patient government and respect the Premier’s hold the cautious, regional aponly power proach to reopening.” Meanwhile, she is callto mandate ing on the Premier to testing.” M e a n - implement the neceswhile, on sary measures to stop S a t u r d a y, the spread, hoping that on-site test- his plea on Monday was ing at local heard loud and clear. “I strongly encourage farm operations got un- the farm operations to derway, and work diligently to help MacDonald control the spread of COsees that as VID-19, so the rest of the a positive region can move to Stage 2 in the province’s restep. NELSON SANTOS “The in- opening plan,” she said. Kingsville Mayor Nel- dustry has been slow to “Testing is just one son Santos, echoes Mac- get behind it,” she said. piece of the plan, but as Donald’s sentiments. we have learned over the “But I’m not giving up.” “Just over the past three The greenhouse farm- past 3 months, is still a weeks alone, our efforts ers are concerned they key piece,” added Sanwith our local health-care will have no workforce, tos. “Key because the partners have resulted according to the mayor. results help us to better in the province initiating MacDonald has been in develop a comprehensive proactive on-site target- daily contact with upper response strategy to safeed testing for agri-food levels of government, lo- guard our farm workers workers in our communi- cal officials and her staff and reduce the spread of ties,” said Santos. “While and council members. infection in the farms and this is what we have been “I assure you, we are the community.” working towards, this working diligently beapproach will only be hind the scenes to resolve



Members of the collaborative testing team at a local farm on Tuesday, June 23.

Hospital leading charge with pilot project for testing farm workers LEAMINGTON/KINGSVILLE — Under the direction of Ontario Health, Erie Shores HealthCare is leading a coalition of local health system partners to begin a targeted testing initiative for workers in the agri-food sector. This included the Agri-Food Worker Assessment Centre that was held at the Nature Fresh Farms Recreation Centre from June 9-18. With employer concerns regarding transportation, the initiative has now evolved into an on-farm trial, which began on Saturday, June 20 at a local greenhouse operation. Initial preparatory arrangements are completed by Erie Shores HealthCare (ESHC), Ontario Health and OMAFRA, with follow-up logistics provided by ESHC and Essex-Windsor EMS. The process to do on-farm testing requires about an hour-and-a-half to set up and an hour to take down. Swabbing can be done at a rate of about 75-80 workers per hour, as opposed to the 100-125 per hour possible at the previous Assessment Centre. Staff is comprised of members from local hospitals, Ontario Health, Erie St. Clair LHIN and EMS, with assistance provided by the Migrant Worker Community Program. It takes about 40 staff to administer a single location, which allows for continuous cooling breaks. Erie Shores HealthCare stresses, however, that to properly test the agri-food employees of 176 local farms, this will require proactive efforts by all employers to agree to an on-site testing opportunity.

ESHC will continue to provide as much access to service as possible to facilitate the process. “Based on this pilot project, it’s evident that on-farm testing can be completed, but will require resources outside of the existing local infrastructure,” an ESHC news release said. The health care partners will continue to advise all levels of government of needs to house and shelter workers who test positive for COVID-19, but are asymptomatic and do not require active clinical care. “As this is beyond the mandate, scope and available resources of hospitals and other local health care organizations, it is hoped that municipal, provincial and/or federal representatives can coordinate a solution for accommodations of these workers,” said the release. “In addition, the relevant municipal and provincial agencies need to continue working together to ensure positive COVID-19 employees are following self-isolation requirements.” The team remains steadfast in their resolve to continue to mobilize their outreach assessment team, visiting COVID positive agri-food workers in isolation and making sure they have access to health care. The existing COVID-19 Assessment Centres at Ouellette Campus Windsor Regional Hospital and at Leamington’s Erie Shores HealthCare, are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm and weekends from 9am to 4pm. Testing continues this week on additional farms.

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