8 - Southpoint Sun
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Cardinal Carter grad publishes her first children’s book
Erie Street North was closed for a few hours on June 16 as crews cleaned up the water, mud and collapsed sidewalk in front of this home. A vehicle hit a fire hydrant, causing the water flow to collapse the sidewalk and front porch of the home. OPP photo
Crash causes sidewalk, porch to collapse
LEAMINGTON — On Tuesday, June 16 at approximately 9:30am, The OPP and Leamington Fire Services were called out to an incident on Erie Street North where a vehicle struck a fire hydrant. With water flowing freely across the road and into neighbouring properties, Erie Street North was closed until the scene was cleared. The abundance of water caused the
sidewalk and the front porch of the home on the property to collapse, creating a dangerous situation. Crews were on site the rest of the week, securing the home and the foundation. No injuries were reported and the driver of the vehicle, a 60-year-old Leamington resident has been charged with Careless Driving contrary to the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario.
If you need accurate information, please be sure to check out one of the websites below. Some of the information floating around social media is not accurate and you should put your trust in these websites to give you the proper information. HEALTH CANADA
TOWN OF KINGSVILLE www.kingsville.ca
ERIE SHORES HEALTHCARE www.erieshoreshealthcare.ca
BUSINESSES & EMPLOYEES www.ontario.ca/ontariotogether
EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei.html
By Mark Ribble surely follow the rain.” LEAMINGTON — Stephanie Scott The book is aimed at children begrew up in Leamington amidst a family tween the ages of five and 10 and is a of eight and attended Queen of Peace must read for families or educators who Elementary School, before graduating want to promoted self-awareness in from Cardinal Carter Catholic Second- their children. ary School. If you’d like a copy of ‘Buckle Up: The long-time fan of the Leaming- A Children’s Imaginary Journey about ton Flyers recently published her first Self-Control’, you can find it online children’s book called ‘Buckle Up: A through Amazon, Chapters Indigo, Children’s Imaginary Journey About Barnes & Noble, and the Friesen Press Self-Control’, aimed at helping children online bookstore. eBook is available cope with the ups and downs of life’s through Kindle, Google Play, and Apjourney. ple. “Life can be challenging at times, and The physical book will soon be availunpredictable, with ups and downs and able at Leamington’s own Aziz Fruit all sorts of things we can’t control,” she Stand, as well as various local book says. “It’s like driving a car on a bumpy stores. road. We can’t wish the bumps away. We can’t control who travels those roads with us, or make the sun shine on our journey if it’s a rainy day. But we can control how we feel about it.” After leaving Leamington, Scott completed her B.A in Child and Youth Care in Toronto and is a Child & Youth Counsellor, but enjoys getting back to her roots and visiting Point Pelee National Park and other attractions in this area. The book is filled with illustrations by Olga Barinova and Scott’s story weaves throughout, with help from a bird who acts as the guide, called Nini. “With Nini as your special guide, you will take a driving journey in your imagination, a road trip in your mind, with you in the driver’s seat,” she says. “You’ll learn how to face life’s obstacles and disappointments with healthy, Stephanie Scott with her new book, Buckle positive green thoughts and wait Up: A Children’s Imaginary Journey About Self patiently for the rainbow that will Control.
Chatham-Kent offers help with air conditioning for families CHATHAM-KENT — ChathamKent Employment and Social Services is launching a temporary program to assist eligible Chatham-Kent residents with the purchase of a portable air conditioner. Applicants will be eligible to receive up to $300.00 per household to purchase a new, energy star certified air conditioner if they do not currently have a working air conditioner. Applicants will be income tested and must fall below Statistics Canada lowincome threshold for their household size to qualify. Applicants will be asked to verify their income and provide proof of enrolment in the Ontario Electricity Support Program, or willing to complete an application for the Ontario Electricity Support Program if paying hydro costs. “In past summers, public libraries and recreational facilities have been open as cooling centres. However, because of the pandemic, cooling options for some
residents are limited. This temporary program will help low income and vulnerable residents find some relief from the heat.” said Polly Smith, Director with Chatham-Kent Employment & Social Services. “We are fortunate to have funding from our Entegrus dividends that will help us provide assistance to approximately 200 residents,” added Smith. Interested residents can apply by calling Chatham-Kent Employment and Social Services at 519-351-8573. When heat warnings are issued, you should take extra precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones from heatrelated health risks. If you are unable to find an air conditioned spot close by where you can cool off for a few hours, consider these other tips: • Wear a wide-brimmed hat and lightweight, loose-fitting clothing. • Take a cool bath or shower. • Limit outdoor activities to the coolest part of the day.