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St. Michael's hosts family advent celebration

LEAMINGTON – Last week, the Erie Shores South Catholic Family of Parishes held a Family Advent Celebration at St. Michael’s Church in Leamington.

The event started with a pancake breakfast and included activities such as crafts, Bingo, creating cards for seniors and shut-ins, guess the Christmas carol, and a carol sing-along.

Approximately 70 parishioners attended the event.

Parishioners at St. Michael’s Church started the Family Advent Celebration with a delicious pancake breakfast.

Colin (left), Ethan and their father Jim Prior enjoy a game of Bingo at the Family Advent Celebration at St. Michael’s Church.

Keira Barrette, her mother Julie and brother William (not shown) created holiday greeting cards for area seniors and shut-ins when they attended the Family Advent Celebration at St. Michael’s Church. Photos submitted

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