SSW 01.30.25

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The South Side Weekly is an independent non-profit newspaper by and for the South Side of Chicago. We provide high-quality, critical arts and public interest coverage, and equip and develop journalists, artists, photographers, and mediamakers of all backgrounds.

Volume 12, Issue 2

Editor-in-Chief Jacqueline Serrato

Managing Editor Adam Przybyl

Investigations Editor Jim Daley

Senior Editors Martha Bayne

Christopher Good

Olivia Stovicek

Sam Stecklow

Alma Campos

Jocelyn Martinez-Rosales

Community Builder Chima Ikoro

Public Meetings Editor Scott Pemberton

Visuals Editor Kayla Bickham

Deputy Visuals Editor Shane Tolentino

Staff Illustrators Mell Montezuma

Shane Tolentino

Director of Fact Checking: Ellie Gilbert-Bair Fact Checkers: Ella Beiser

Mo Dunne

Cordell Longstreath

Arieon Whittsey

Layout Editor Tony Zralka

Executive Director Malik Jackson

Office Manager Mary Leonard

Advertising Manager Susan Malone

Webmaster Pat Sier

The Weekly publishes online weekly and in print every other Thursday. We seek contributions from all over the city.

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South Side Weekly

6100 S. Blackstone Ave. Chicago, IL 60637

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Puppet provocation

Last week, Ald. Debra Silverstein (50th Ward) led a group of twenty–seven City Council members in demanding the Chicago Cultural Center remove an art installation that they deemed “anti-American and antisemitic.” The piece in question is a large protest puppet that depicts Uncle Sam and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu back-to-back with shared, bloody hands, one of which holds a bomb. Text on the puppet’s base reads “USA-Israel war machine” and “Supported by USA tax dollars.” Silverstein, the City Council’s lone Jewish member, claimed the artwork is “unprotected hate speech” and therefore not shielded by the First Amendment.

Whether or not artwork that criticizes an Israeli head of state is anti-American or antisemitic is open to the viewer’s interpretation. But claims that its perceived offensiveness means the First Amendment does not protect the art from government interference are clearly ill-informed.

“Unprotected” hate speech was defined in the landmark 1966 decision Brandenburg v. Ohio, which concerned a Ku Klux Klan leader who’d called for violence against Jewish and Black people at a cross-burning. In that ruling, the Supreme Court held that speech is not protected when it is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely” to do so.

It strains credulity to imagine that the puppet at the center of this brouhaha— or any puppet, for that matter—could incite anything other than outrage. And when it comes to political art, sometimes that’s the point. (Another puppet in the exhibit depicts MOVE leader John Africa, who was killed by Philadelphia police in 1985, along with two papier-mache pig heads wearing police caps.) But simply because art may be offensive doesn’t mean elected officials can censor it.

In the 1989 decision Texas v. Johnson, the Court ruled that offensive displays are unequivocally protected speech. In the majority opinion, Justice William Brennan wrote: “If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.”

In 1994, a federal appeals court upheld that principle in a ruling the twentyseven alders who cosigned Silverstein’s letter surely remember. That case stemmed from a 1988 incident in which then-Ald. Dorothy Tillman led a scrum of City Council members and police into the School of the Art Institute to seize a painting that depicted the late Mayor Harold Washington in lingerie. The student who painted it sued, and the City was forced to settle for $95,000 (about $200,000 in today’s money).

The alders demanding the “USA-Israel war machine” puppet’s removal might be justified in taking personal offense at its message and conveyance thereof, just as Tillman and her comrades may have been nearly four decades ago. But like Tillman, they are sorely mistaken if they believe it’s their duty—or right—to stifle such expression. Amid a rising tide of fascism led by a president who is already making Chicago “ground zero” for his authoritarian plans, the City Council members would do well to remember their oaths to uphold the Constitutional principles that protect a free and open society.

Cover photo caption: Several hundred Chicagoans showed up at Federal Plaza on January 20 during the presidential inauguration in Washington D.C. to protest Trump’s agenda



mobilizing to defend chicago communities from ice

Elected officials, non-profit organizations, and rapid response groups are informing people about their rights and spreading the word about ICE sightings to thwart Trump’s deportation agenda.

jacqueline serrato 4

movilizándose para defender a las comunidades de chicago de ice

Los funcionarios electos, las organizaciones sin fines de lucro y los grupos de respuesta rápida están informando a las personas sobre sus derechos y difundiendo información sobre la presencia de ICE para contrarrestar la agenda de deportación de Trump.

jacqueline serrato 5 a hollywood affair in the windy city Black Panther in Concert showcases collaborations and innovations from the Auditorium Theatre.

kristian parker 6

public meetings report

A recap of select open meetings at the local, county, and state level.

scott pemberton and documenters 8

brazilian funk gains a foothold in chicago

A nine-piece ensemble has brought the sounds of Brazilian samba, funk grooves, and jazz to two events so far.

jocelyn martinez-rosales 9 they lost loved ones to guns. they’re sharing their stories so things will be different.

Seven gun violence survivors, seven stories of Chicago. How might their experiences drive change? crystal paul, corniki bornds, delphine cherry, juan rendon, melinda abdallah 10 exchange

The Weekly’s poetry corner offers our thoughts in exchange for yours.

chima ikoro 15

what immigrant communities should know about their rights

All immigrants in the U.S. have rights, including the right to remain silent. Here’s what you should know if you encounter federal immigration agents.

katrina pham, tara mobasher and borderless magazine ........................... 17

lo que las comunidades de inmigrantes deben saber sobre sus derechos Todos los inmigrantes en EE.UU. tienen derechos, incluido el derecho a permanecer en silencio. Esto es lo que debes saber si te encuentras con agentes federales de inmigración.

katrina pham, tara mobasher y borderless magazine ........................... 18

Cover photo by Paul Goyette

Mobilizing to Defend Chicago Communities From ICE

Elected officials, non-profit organizations, and rapid response groups are informing people about their rights and spreading the word about ICE sightings to thwart Trump’s deportation agenda.

Immigrant communities across the country are on high alert after President Donald Trump began his second term by signing a series of executive orders that are putting Latinx families at risk of deportation. As dozens of ICE agents deploy in Chicago, public officials and community groups are springing to action to keep their neighbors aware of their surroundings and their rights.

On Friday, January 24, parents in Back of the Yards grew fearful when word spread that federal agents had tried to enter Hamline Elementary School after days of uncertainty over whether the Trump administration would reconsider its plans to target Chicago. The principal prevented the agents from entering the school, and it was later revealed that they were not ICE, but U.S. Secret Service agents.

City residents remained cautious the rest of the weekend in response to “border czar” Tom Homan’s threats to go after “criminals” and Trump deputizing other federal agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), to conduct immigration enforcement in sanctuary cities.

Ward staffers on the Southwest and Northwest Sides proactively took to the streets under freezing temperatures to pass out leaflets with resources in Spanish and cards that could be slipped under the door if ICE came to their homes, stating their right to remain silent and their right to an attorney.

Little Village business owners attended a know-your-rights session in Nuevo Leon Restaurant organized by Congressman Chuy Garcia’s office to strategize how to interact with ICE if they entered their stores to target employees or customers, and non-profit organizations such as the Resurrection Project and the Southwest Organizing Project held bilingual workshops geared to the general public. People were encouraged to report any potential ICE activity to the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) by calling (855) 435-7693.

That Sunday, various neighborhoods and suburbs, including Logan Square, South Chicago, and Cicero saw immigration sweeps, according to rapid response groups—neighborhood watch groups that emerged during the first Trump administration in support of immigrants. Videos on Facebook and TikTok spread in the community, purporting to show nighttime ICE arrests on the West Side and claiming agents used explosives to enter homes.

In a statement, Mayor Brandon Johnson said, “There have been confirmed reports of ICE enforcement activity in Chicago today, Sunday, January 26. Per City code, Chicago police were not involved in this immigration enforcement activity. My team and I are in close communication with City officials including the CPD. It is imperative that all Chicagoans know their constitutional rights and share the Know Your Rights guidance with their neighbors and community.”

With immigration officials driving unmarked vehicles with regular plates, paranoia is at an all-time high. The brunt of verifying the presence of ICE has fallen on rapid response groups, such as La Villita Se Defiende, when public officials are unable to. Through their social media channels, neighborhood groups have debunked fake news and doctored images of ICE vehicles in the neighborhoods.

Despite the Chicago ICE office’s reluctance to provide local news outlets with much information, national media has reported that immigration officials are enforcing quotas, which according to CNN are seventy-five per day in Chicago.

On X (the site formerly known as Twitter), the official ICE account has posted a daily count of arrests nationally and mugshots of select detainees along with their name, city, and alleged crimes. A Mexican national was arrested in Chicago on January 22 who allegedly had two DUIs on his record, according to one post.

Bloomberg reported ICE was targeting 260 people in Chicago on Sunday, but only a handful had warrants.

Further dramatizing ICE operations to the point of spectacle, the television personality Phillip McGraw, popularly known as “Dr. Phil,” has been permitted to accompany ICE agents in Chicago in order to livestream and interview immigrants as they’re being arrested. In one video that was widely shared, McGraw repeatedly accused a man from Thailand in handcuffs for sexual crimes involving a minor. However, it’s not clear if there was a warrant for the man’s arrest.

On Monday afternoon, Ald. Michael Rodriguez (22nd Ward) said there were “confirmed reports of federal authorities, possibly ICE, activity in Little Village today” and that community members from the 22nd Ward Immigration Support Network were on the ground monitoring and addressing the reports. Community groups on Facebook posted multiple videos apparently showing agents pulling drivers over on 26th St., the neighborhood business corridor.

Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35th Ward) confirmed that people were detained in the Belmont Cragin and Hermosa neighborhoods.

Immigrant advocacy groups Organized Communities Against Deportation, ICIRR, Brighton Park Neighborhood Council, and Raise the Floor filed a suit on Saturday seeking an injunction against the plan for mass deportations, arguing that the operations violate the First Amendment and are “retaliatory in nature” because of Trump’s opposition to sanctuary cities. A federal judge denied their request for an emergency hearing because the plaintiffs themselves were not the target of the operations.

Republicans have called on Mayor Johnson and other sanctuary city mayors to testify at a congressional hearing on February 11 about the impact of having sanctuary status on public safety and national security. ¬

Jacqueline Serrato is the Weekly’s editorin-chief.

Movilizándose para defender a las comunidades de Chicago de ICE

Los funcionarios electos, las organizaciones sin fines de lucro y los grupos de respuesta rápida están informando a las personas sobre sus derechos y difundiendo información sobre la presencia de ICE para contrarrestar la agenda de deportación de Trump.


Las comunidades inmigrantes en todo el país están en alerta máxima después de que el presidente Donald Trump comenzara su segundo mandato firmando una serie de órdenes ejecutivas que ponen a las familias latinas en riesgo de deportación. Mientras decenas de agentes de ICE se despliegan en Chicago, los funcionarios públicos y grupos comunitarios están tomando medidas para mantener a sus vecinos informados de su entorno y sus derechos. El viernes, 24 de enero, los padres de Back of the Yards se asustaron cuando se difundió la noticia de que agentes federales habían intentado entrar en la Escuela Primaria Hamline después de días de incertidumbre sobre cuándo la administración de Trump seguiría sus planes de atacar a Chicago. La directora impidió que los agentes entraran en la escuela y más tarde se reveló que no eran de ICE, sino agentes del Servicio Secreto de Estados Unidos.

Los residentes de la ciudad se mantuvieron cautelosos el resto del fin de semana en respuesta a las amenazas del "zar de la frontera" Tom Homan de perseguir a los "criminales" y la ampliación de poderes que Trump le concedió a otras agencias federales como la Oficina Federal de Investigaciones (FBI), la Agencia Antidrogas (DEA) y la Oficina de Alcohol, Tabaco, Armas de Fuego y Explosivos (ATF), para llevar a cabo la aplicación de las leyes de inmigración en las ciudades santuario.

Los empleados de los distritos políticos del suroeste y noroeste salieron a las calles de manera proactiva bajo temperaturas gélidas para repartir folletos con recursos en español y tarjetas que se pueden deslizar por debajo de la puerta si ICE llega a

sus hogares, declarando su derecho a permanecer en silencio y su derecho a un abogado.

Los dueños de negocios de La Villita asistieron a una sesión de "Conozca sus derechos" en el Restaurante Nuevo León organizada por la oficina del congresista Chuy García para compartir estrategias sobre cómo interactuar con ICE si ingresaban a sus tiendas para ir tras empleados o clientes, y organizaciones sin fines de lucro como el Proyecto Resurrección y el Southwest Organizing Project realizaron talleres bilingües dirigidos al público en general.

Se animó a las personas a denunciar cualquier posible actividad de ICE a la Coalición de Illinois para los Derechos de los Inmigrantes y Refugiados (ICIRR) llamando al (855) 435-7693.

Ese domingo, varios vecindarios y suburbios, incluyendo Logan Square, South Chicago y Cicero, sufrieron redadas de inmigración, según grupos de respuesta rápida—grupos de vigilancia que surgieron durante la primera administración de Trump en apoyo de los inmigrantes. Se difundieron videos en Facebook y TikTok que supuestamente mostraban arrestos nocturnos de ICE en el lado oeste y afirmaban que los agentes usaron explosivos para ingresar a las casas.

En una declaración, el alcalde Brandon Johnson dijo: “Ha habido informes confirmados de actividad de ICE en Chicago hoy, domingo 26 de enero. Según el código de la ciudad, la policía de Chicago no estuvo involucrada en esta actividad de aplicación de la ley de inmigración. Mi equipo y yo estamos en estrecha comunicación con los funcionarios de la ciudad, incluyendo CPD. Es imperativo que todos los habitantes de Chicago

conozcan sus derechos constitucionales y compartan la guía de Conozca sus derechos con sus vecinos y la comunidad”.

Los agentes de inmigración conducen vehículos civiles y con placas regulares, por lo que la paranoia está por los cielos. La carga de verificar la presencia de ICE ha recaído sobre grupos de respuesta rápida, como La Villita Se Defiende, cuando los funcionarios públicos no pueden hacerlo. A través de sus canales de redes sociales, los grupos de vecinos han desmentido noticias falsas e imágenes manipuladas de vehículos de ICE en los barrios.

A pesar de la renuencia de la oficina de ICE de Chicago a proporcionar suficiente información a los medios de comunicación locales, los medios nacionales han informado que los agentes de inmigración están aplicando cuotas, que según CNN son 75 por día en Chicago.

En X (el sitio anteriormente conocido como Twitter), la cuenta oficial de ICE ha publicado un recuento diario de arrestos a nivel nacional y fotografías de detenidos seleccionados junto con su nombre, ciudad y presuntos delitos. Un ciudadano mexicano fue arrestado en Chicago el 22 de enero que supuestamente tenía dos DUI en su historial, según una publicación.

Bloomberg informó que ICE tenía en la mira a 260 personas en Chicago el domingo, pero solo un puñado tenía órdenes de arresto.

Para dramatizar aún más las operaciones de ICE hasta el punto de convertirlas en un espectáculo, se le permitió al personaje de televisión Phillip McGraw, conocido popularmente como el "Dr. Phil", acompañar a los agentes de ICE en Chicago para transmitir en vivo y entrevistar a inmigrantes mientras son arrestados. En un video que fue ampliamente compartido,

McGraw acusó repetidamente a un hombre de Tailandia esposado por delitos sexuales que involucraban a un menor de edad. Sin embargo, no está claro si había una orden de arresto para el hombre.

El lunes por la tarde, el concejal Michael Rodríguez (22°) dijo que hubo “informes confirmados de actividad de las autoridades federales, posiblemente ICE, en La Villita hoy” y que miembros de la comunidad de la Red de Apoyo de Inmigración del Distrito 22 estaban en el lugar monitoreando y verificando las pistas. Grupos comunitarios en Facebook publicaron múltiples videos que aparentemente mostraban a agentes deteniendo a conductores en la calle 26, el corredor comercial del vecindario.

El concejal Carlos Ramírez-Rosa (35°) confirmó que detuvieron a personas en los vecindarios de Belmont Cragin y Hermosa. Los grupos de defensa de los inmigrantes Organized Communities Against Deportation, ICIRR, Brighton Park Neighborhood Council y Raise the Floor presentaron una demanda el sábado solicitando una orden judicial contra el plan de deportaciones masivas, argumentando que las operaciones violan la Primera Enmienda y son represalias debido a la oposición de Trump a las ciudades santuario. Un juez federal negó su solicitud de una audiencia de emergencia porque los demandantes no eran el objetivo de las operaciones.

Los republicanos han pedido al alcalde Johnson y a otros alcaldes de ciudades santuario que testifiquen en una audiencia del Congreso el 11 de febrero sobre el impacto que tiene el estatus de santuario en la seguridad pública y nacional. ¬

Jacqueline Serrato es la editora en jefe del Weekly

A Hollywood Affair in the Windy City Black Panther in Concert showcases collaborations and innovations from the Auditorium Theatre.

The Auditorium Theatre has long been a cornerstone of Chicago’s cultural landscape, showcasing an array of international entertainment. From the dynamic energy of Step Afrika to the iconic Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, its programming reflects a commitment to diversity and artistic excellence.

On January 18, the Theatre welcomed nearly 4,000 guests for a one-night-only performance. After a sold-out night in 2022, the Chicago Philharmonic brought back the Black Panther in Concert event, uniting Marvel fans and music lovers for an immersive, multimedia experience.

The evening began with a panel discussion featuring Professor and Marvel comic writer Eve Ewing, Senegalese drum master Massamba Diop, and the executive directors of Chicago Philharmonic and South Shore’s Muntu Dance Theatre, followed by a Q&A. By the time I got there, we’d moved on to a live dance and drumming performance by members of Muntu Dance Theatre, one of the Auditorium Theatre’s many collaborators. While I was coming for the movie alone, to see a theater full of people already seated showed there was collective interest in the entire experience.

The grand setting of the Auditorium Theatre provided a timeless touch to the chilly evening. Beautiful ornate chandeliers and plush, layered seating brought a slice of Hollywood to Chicago.

Over the next 135 minutes, the Chicago Philharmonic, under the direction of the soundtrack’s composer, Ludwig Göransson, brought Wakanda to life. The symphony guided the audience through the film’s high-stakes action scenes and emotional arcs, landing cheers and applause after each crescendo.

While the orchestra didn’t play

continuously, each musical segment emphasized the dramatic depth of the movie, often swelling in intensity during important transitions, such as when we first see Wakanda on screen or when T’Challa kills Killmonger. An intermission halfway through made the show feel a bit like a play, adding to the sense that we were combining movie, concert, theater, and dance.

Black Panther in Concert is part of a series the Theatre is hosting in collaboration with the Chicago Philharmonic, with The Terminator and Naruto up next. It’s also part of a broader trend of collaborations with other theater and dance groups and attempts to innovate the theater experience.

Since its inception in 1889, The Auditorium Theatre’s vision has been to “serve all and promote unity across class and cultures.” Businessman and philanthropist Ferdinand Peck, the Theatre’s founder, saw the arts as a solution to “rebalance and uplift citizens of Chicago from the turbulent years they faced” after the Chicago fires in 1871 and 1874.

The Theatre’s design, developed by famed architects Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan, was intended to “create an inclusive space.” This vision is reflected in the seating arrangement and layout of the theater. According to its website, “box seats occupied the best space in theaters around the world. Instead, the Auditorium adopted a seating model that would be less class divided and thus the theatre was originally designed without box seats to remove the privileged seats that were normally reserved for the wealthy.”

Despite efficient upkeep of the Theatre, which boasts 55,000,000 mosaic tiles and iridescent lights surrounding

the stage, it’s faced numerous challenges across its history. It closed entirely throughout the 1940s, 1950s, and some of the 1960s. Thanks to restoration efforts organized by Mrs. Beatrice T. Spachner and a group of dedicated civic leaders, the Auditorium reopened in 1967 with a performance from the New York City Ballet.

Over the years, programming has evolved and shifted. Since the 1980s, the Auditorium has remained a cultural staple venue, offering diverse events such as operas, broadway, concerts, and even political rallies. In 1998 it became home to the Joffrey Ballet company. This relationship would last for the next twenty-two years until the company relocated to the Civic Opera House in 2020.

I had a chance to chat with the Auditorium’s CEO, Rich Regan, who discussed the Auditorium Theatre’s vision and inspiration for crafting cultural experiences.

What was the creative vision and process behind hosting an event like Black Panther in Concert?

It was a collaboration between the Auditorium and the Chicago Philharmonic. Between me and Terrell Johnson, we're like-minded in that we want to get creative, to find new ways to entertain Chicagoans. And what we do is we look for titles that really nobody else is doing, and really try to do them in a new way. You know, last fall we did Bram Stoker’s Dracula. It was really the first time that title was done with the original score in the United States. So, we were excited about presenting that to Chicago. It was very well attended, and it was embraced.

How does the Auditorium Theatre approach its role in creating experiences like Black Panther in Concert? What are the challenges that come with curating such an experience?

We just try and get creative around each one. So when we’re approaching Black Panther, we knew we talked about doing a pre-show talk with some of the artists to give the audience that was interested in participating a more enriching experience, to be able to hear what was really behind the creative process in creating that piece. And then we give the audience a chance to ask questions. The challenge is trying to put together a more holistic and immersive event, not just a concert. You know, pre– and post–performance elements that really bring that added level of engagement that some of our patrons are craving for.

How does the auditorium view its role in hosting events that celebrate cultural phenomenons like Black Panther? Do you all have any other events outside of the concert series that kind of hold that idea of an immersive experience?

Well, it’s core to our beliefs and our mission. We exist to present the arts and the finest in international entertainment to all communities of Chicago. And then the second part of our mission is to restore the National Historic Landmark Auditorium building. It’s truly the core to our mission to find programming that speaks to and caters to as many communities of Chicagoans as possible. So in addition to our auditorium film series, we also do a dance series. Our first installment of this current season of the dance series was Step Afrika, which is a New York-based dance company that

explores the traditional step dancing that’s done in HBCU colleges and universities. And then we brought in deeply rooted Dance Theater, which is a Chicago-based African American dance company, in the fall. And then our next addition to that is Complexions Dance, which is in three weeks, but it’s another New York-based dance company that does choreography dance to more popular music. Then we have Ballet Folklórico de México de Amalia Hernández coming in March, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater coming in March, Parsons Dance coming in April, and we tie up our dance season with South Chicago Dance Theatre, Kia Smith’s dance company based in Chicago. And she just does amazing, fantastic work.

Can you share an example of how audience feedback has influenced the Auditorium Theatre’s programming or approach to live events?

We do have a recent example of that. We produce a show we call Too Hot to Handel, a jazz gospel version of Handel’s traditional Messiah. And this year, we took a new approach to it. We featured

more Chicago-based artists, almost exclusively Chicago-based artists and more gospel artists. And it was a little bit of a risk because it was a departure from how we presented it in previous years, but it was incredibly well received and we got more positive feedback from patrons right after the show and during intermission, patrons coming up to me saying, ‘We love this version, Rich. Keep going with this. We hope you do it again.’ And that’s an example of, you know, we did something for years and years and years that was well received. But we decided, ‘Hey, let’s take a new approach to it and see how the audience reacts and see if we can grow the audience.’ So that was really exciting.

Kristian Parker is a creative writer and visual storyteller whose work is rooted in intentionality and excitement for sharing keen observations about the world around her. Inspiration is often sourced from lived, everyday experiences—from the unique to the mundane.

Pre-show panel discussion.
Photo by Anson Tong

Public Meetings Report

A recap of select open meetings at the local, county, and state level.

January 7

At its meeting, the Chicago City Council Committee on Housing and Real Estate approved the sale of four vacant City-owned parcels in Englewood, South Chicago, and West Garfield Park to be redeveloped as outdoor community spaces. They were sold for ten percent of market value through ChiBlockBuilder, the city’s application portal for encouraging the purchase and redevelopment of vacant land in partnership with community stakeholders. The City has acquired thousands of lots through foreclosures, scavenger sales, property condemnation, and other scenarios. Much of the land has belonged to the City since the early 1980s. Plans for the lots include a plaza in collaboration with artist-activist Tonika Lewis Johnson and a garden music venue connected to The Record Track, a music shop in South Chicago. “I unexpectedly inherited a record shop from my uncle and my original plan was to get my money out as fast as possible,” said The Record Track owner Clifton Muhammad, as he explained why he turned a vacant lot into a hands-on music experience. “But the community in so many ways told us that they didn’t want another vacant storefront.”

January 9

At its meeting the Chicago City Council Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards approved a zoning change in Wicker Park that will allow a developer to continue work on a multi-use building at 1239 North Wood Street. The approval came after years of community resistance and a threatened lawsuit. Under the zoning change, the developer may complete a fourth-floor addition and build a new addition east of the existing building. Those changes will provide a total of twenty-six residential units of studios, one, two, and three-bedroom apartments, and thirteen parking spaces for the building. Property owners Yourgie, LLC, and Michael Mertz changed the original proposal after significant pressure from the community. Neighborhood residents contended that the developer was overreaching, that the expansion would cause density problems on the streets, and that the project would disturb the look and feel of the historic Wicker Park neighborhood. Built in 1903, the building was an orphanage for Jewish children, the site of an Army Veterans Association, and most recently a gallery.

January 13

At its meeting the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Task Force on Missing and Murdered Chicago Women heard a presentation by Jennifer Greene, director of policy and advocacy at Life Span, which covered topics related to the task force’s mission to “examine and report on the systemic causes behind violence that Chicago women and girls experience.” Life Span serves Chicago and Cook County by providing “legal representation, counseling, court advocacy, and immigration legal services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking,” according to its website. Greene’s presentation was designed to educate task force members about some factors that influence their work, specifically sexual assault and human trafficking. (A previous meeting reviewed domestic violence fatalities, another important focus of the task force.) Greene defined and described terminology and interactions, including human trafficking, the nature of the traffickers, why identifying the act is so difficult, the differences between trafficking and sex work, and engaging with victims and survivors. Discussion reviewed the status of bills before the legislature to improve response to human trafficking and to decriminalize sex work; whether task force members have access to training on trafficking; the role of the state’s Department of Children and Family Services; and related statistics. Members were referred to the National Human Trafficking Hotline website for additional information. Part Six of the Pulitzer Prize-winning series “Missing in Chicago” by City Bureau and Invisible Institute focuses on the task force. Information about the series can be found at

January 14

Members of the Chicago City Council Committee on Public Safety were briefed at a meeting about the increasing risks of extreme weather events, including severe winter weather, flooding, tornadoes, and others. Updates were drawn from the Hazard Mitigation Plan for Chicago and Cook County. The plan is “multi-jurisdictional,” according to the county’s emergency management and regional security website. Updating the plan involves 125 “municipal planning partners.” Among the plan’s goals are ensuring that participating jurisdictions qualify for federal funding before disasters, identifying “common threats and hazards,” developing a “comprehensive and county-wide approach” to “mitigation strategies,” building partnerships among the county’s various government entities, and increasing the public’s “knowledge and preparedness” about and for hazards the area might face. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) describes hazard mitigation as “the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters.” To receive funding from FEMA, jurisdictions must update their plans every five years. Public comments and suggestions are welcome at Hazard Mitigation Feedback.

This information was collected and curated by the Weekly in large part using reporting from City Bureau’s Documenters at

Brazilian Funk Gains a Foothold in Chicago

A nine-piece ensemble has brought the sounds of Brazilian samba, funk grooves, and jazz to two events

The stained-glass windows, dim lighting, and tall ceilings created the perfect backdrop for a cozy December evening at Epiphany Center for the Arts. There, a nine-piece ensemble captivated attendees with the infectious groove of Brazilian funk and jazz.

The show Brazilian Funk Night combines “all of this Brazilian music with a funk groove and a lot of improvisation,” said Marcel Bonfim, the ensemble’s musical director and bassist. Bonfim is from São Paulo, Brazil, and has performed on stages such as the Chicago Jazz Festival and Jazz Showcase in the South Loop.

A year ago, Bonfim released his debut album, Farewell/Despedida, an ode to his immigration journey from Brazil to the United States. He created Brazilian Funk Night as a passion project, with the December show as the second iteration of the night. It all began with inspiration from one of Brazil’s most prolific bands from the ’70s, Banda Black Rio.

As part of the Fulton Street Collective in West Town, Bonfim took on the arduous task of transcribing Banda Black Rio’s debut album, Maria Fumaça. The twentynine-minute album, regarded by Rolling Stone Brazil as one of the 100 best Brazilian albums of all time, took famous Brazilian songs and infused them with sounds from samba, jazz, and funk, pioneering a new genre and inspiring musicians like Bonfim for generations to come.

“I did this whole album, the Banda Black Rio’s first album, from back to back, and it was very, very hard,” Bonfim said. “If you want to do it, you have to transcribe note by note, listening to the recording.”

Performing Maria Fumaça in its entirety at the Fulton Street Collective sparked a desire in Bonfim to keep the momentum going.

“The idea was, ‘Oh, this is so fun and so cool that we should do it more than once. Let’s keep doing it and expanding the repertoire,’” he said.

The first Brazilian Funk Night was in October. Among the audience was Drew Jensen, the director of entertainment at the Epiphany Center. After the performance,

just really dug it,” Jensen said.

Jensen offered the space and the night to Bonfim.

“I thought it was really tight. I thought that the horns were amazing. And just hearing some of the music for the first time and those compositions is really fun,” Jensen said.

Bonfim kicked off the night by teasing the audience and describing what they were about to perform as taking Brazilian songs and putting “new clothes on them so they can look very funky.”

The December ensemble features Neal Alger on guitar, Casey Dahl on keyboard, Justin Kono on drums, Gerald Martinez on saxophone, Matt Kowalski on trombone, Bian Schwab on trumpet, Cassidy Page on vocals, and fellow Brasileiro Heitor Garcia on percussion.

Garcia is an instructor at the Old Town School of Folk Music and is from Belo, Horizont, Brazil. Coincidentally, he hails from the same town as Jamil Jones, one of the bass players for Banda Black Rio.

Growing up in Brazil, Garcia says there was a scarcity in funk, pop, and rock vinyls as well as accessibility to North American instruments. Because of this, Brazilians were forced to create a new sound with Brazilian instruments like Brazilian Funk.

“The idea of implementing, or mixing Brazilian instruments with the music was... more of a necessity than an option,” Garcia said.

One of the instruments he played at the show was the cuíca, a friction drum typically used in Brazilian funk music. The cuíca creates a squeaky, high-pitched sound that is produced by rubbing a cloth attached to the inside of the drum.

Garcia noted that the majority of Brazilian percussion instruments trace their origins to Africa. The cuíca used to be made in a square shape with natural skin and a bamboo stick, Garcia explained, but due to modernization, the instrument is now made of metal.

For Bonfim, it was important that the percussionist was also of Brazilian origin. “This is something that I made sure to do— hire someone that is a Brazilian and knows all the Brazilian language and rhythms,” he said.

“When I come in with the percussions, when I add the percussions, I don’t just add the percussions,” Garcia said. “I make it sound Brazilian, because that’s how I learned how to play.”

Garcia says there’s more to just playing music and more to the instruments, and it all boils down to feeling and taking your listeners on a journey to a destination.

“When I picked up that three triangle and I played on that song, I did not just play a triangle,” Garcia said. “I played to build the groove, to make sure that every single note of that groove had a certain flexibility that allows the music to flow in one specific direction.”

Garcia’s approach to music set the tone for the evening, emphasizing intention and emotion as Cassidy Page sang in Portuguese. The sounds of the ensemble filled the intimate space, where couples, families, and friends settled into comfortable seating (and drank plenty of vinho), creating a warm and vibrant atmosphere for around eighty attendees.

“Hearing the applause from people and people’s reaction, I think everybody

so far.

Outside of the ensemble, the musicians are friends and play across Chicago, from jam sessions at Bernice’s Tavern in Bridgeport to Uptown's infamous cocktail lounge, the Green Mill. This relationship and camaraderie allows them to perform seamlessly.

“We got together to practice, to be very, very honest, once, and that's it,” Bonfim said through giggles.

That cohesion, professionalism, and passion emanates from their performance, which can transport anyone to their own personal heaven of rhythms and melodies, making it almost impossible to not wiggle in your seat.

The energy in the room at the December show was palpable, as their tight-knit chemistry brought the music to life. It was clear that this was more than just a performance; it was a celebration of their friendship, shared history, and love for the music.

“My goal would [be to] make this regular, like once a month, and make an environment where people could come over and party and dance, listening to some funky music,” Bonfim said.

Jensen said the Epiphany Center is ready to host the Brazilian Funk Night again and hopefully a date is set in the near future.

“Everybody is putting a lot of their time and their talent into it, in respect to me and in respect to the music, too,” Bonfim said. “I feel very grateful for their generosity. At the same time, I feel the responsibility to make this as good and as pleasant as possible for everybody.”

For Garcia, performing is essential to him and for the survival of music.

“I have a belief that music is something that you do not retain,” he said. “You have to let it go; you learn and you pass it on.” ¬

Jocelyn Martinez-Rosales is a Mexican American independent journalist from Belmont Cragin who is passionate about covering communities of color with a social justice lens. She is a senior editor at the Weekly.

From left to right Matt Kowalski on trombone, Casey Dahl on keyboard, Bian Schwab on trumpet, Neal Alger on guitar, Gerald Martinez on saxophone, Marcel Bonfim on bass, Justin Kono on drums, and Heitor Garcia on percussion.
Photo by Jordan Esparza-Kelley

They Lost Loved Ones to Guns. They’re Sharing Their Stories So Things Will Be Different.

Seven gun violence survivors, seven stories of Chicago. How might their experiences drive change?

These essays were prepared with the guidance of staff members of The Trace, a nonprofit news organization covering gun violence in America.

Editor’s note: For space reasons, we’re including a selection of the seven stories in our print issue. You can read the rest at

On an unseasonably warm night this past September, the room was quiet. The only thing the seven people sitting around the table knew about each other was that their lives had been marked by gun violence.

That’s how it all started—seven survivors, gathering in Bronzeville every month to tell their stories as the streetlights glowed to life, casting yellow halos through the large conference room windows. They were there as part of the Survivor Storytelling Network—an initiative by The Trace to empower gun violence survivors to publish their stories in their own words. The daily news cycle’s recounting of stories about gun violence can be minimal and dispassionate. Here, the people who are the subjects of crime coverage become the writers, and they tell the story of gun violence in this city in a different manner.

They’ve opened up about their experiences so we might all learn—in a much kinder way than they did— about how gun violence reverberates far beyond its victims, affecting families, friends, whole communities. They show people who fortunately do not have a seat at that tragic table why the crisis truly is everyone’s problem. And the survivors’ reflections reveal, too, different

possibilities for combatting gun violence.

As Melinda Abdallah said at the very first meeting and many times after, she’s telling her story, “so no one else has to go through this.”

After several meetings, the survivors would come to know each other not only by their own names but also by the names of those they’ve lost.

Corniki… and her son Fontaine.

Delphine… and her son Tyler and her daughter Tyesa.

Tamika… and her brother Tyler and her sister Tyesa.

Estela…and her son Zadkiel.

Jessica… and her brother and sister Rodney and Juanita.

Juan…and his childhood best friend Junior.

Melinda…and her son Jacob.

Although the people telling their stories are connected by the same horror, their experiences of mourning and healing were all very different.

For some, the loss is painfully recent. Others have been grieving for nearly three decades. Some are part of bereavement groups; others have rarely talked about what happened. Some have weathered the challenges of parenting in the midst of mourning. Others have felt excruciatingly alone in their grief.

But over the course of two months— during which they shared their oral histories, learned the basics of journalistic writing, examined how their stories

connect to broader conversations about gun violence, and crafted a vision for their essays—they learned that they are connected by more than just loss.

They shared, for example, an aching need to know more about what happened to their loved ones, and why.

University instructor Jessica Brown explores that need to know in her essay chronicling her two-decade-long quest for documents about the murder of her siblings.

For Melinda Abdallah, whose son Jacob was shot in Little Village, it was the lack of information—when no one in the neighborhood was willing to come forward about the shooting—that turned her into an activist.

What brought each of the survivors to this program was not that need to know, but the urge to share.

Because as Tamika Howard pointed out, even though “we reinjure ourselves every time we tell our stories,” they hope that doing so might change something, might make it so that others won’t have to suffer in this way.

That’s why Estela Diaz flagged down Mayor Brandon Johnson at a rally and told him the story of how officers did not allow her to hold her son after he was killed. She hopes telling that story will change the way the justice system treats survivors.

By telling the stories of her son and daughter, Delphine Cherry has helped convince legislators to support bills that could help curb gun violence.

For Corniki Bornds, sharing is about saving her own community. After her son was killed, there was such an overwhelming need for people to share and commiserate, that a support group

formed almost automatically. She helped give it a name, a place, and some structure.

For Juan Rendon, however, the person he survived is the person with whom he would have shared his grief. His essay, this experience, is the first time he has really talked about it since Junior was killed twelve years ago.

At the first meeting, he earned silent nods from everyone when he gave voice to something else that connected them all. He smiled as he invoked Dia de Muertos and the movie “Coco.” “Remembering them is how we can keep them alive,” he said.

In these essays, you’ll find details that are hard to read; you’ll find anguish and anger. You’ll find love and hard-won healing. You’ll find people delving back into their darkest moments to share them with you, in hopes that you’ll connect with something, too.

Connection, they show, is how you take an impassive line item in a news story and turn it into impactful legislation or a pioneering support group, or even just one person feeling like they can share their story, too. ¬

Crystal L. Paul is a journalist and editor based in South Side Chicago. She currently serves as the State Investigations Editor with the Illinois Answers Project. Her Chicago-based work has appeared in Chalkbeat Chicago, Block Club Chicago, American Theatre Magazine. She previously worked as a journalist and editor for The Seattle Times

My Community Had No Support Groups for Gun Violence Survivors. So I Started


son was killed soon after he

My Own.


cousin. I wish he’d had a community like mine.

I’ll never forget what the pastor said in a Bible class I attended two weeks after my son was shot and killed, “Gun violence won’t take you and yours out.”

I looked at the girl sitting next to me and said: “Too late. It happened.” Then, I walked out.

All my life, church has been where I go when I have a problem. This time, I knew I needed more help.

I wasn’t the only one. Two years before my son was killed, he weathered a loss of his own. I watched as he became a different kid, and people told me he needed therapy. If I knew then what I know now, maybe I could’ve gotten him the help he needed.

When it was my turn to seek help, I learned that there were no support groups for gun violence survivors in North Lawndale, one of the neighborhoods in Chicago that has struggled the most with gun violence. I knew other families here had experienced loss, yet I had to travel to the North Side for support.

As I talked to more people in my community, it became clear that the city’s emergency services treat the wound, but not the resulting mental state. Studies say that exposure to community violence is a risk factor for becoming a perpetrator or a victim of gun violence. It’s why I created a group for survivors in our community. It’s what I wish Fontaine had.

Fontaine loved basketball, but injuries prevented him from playing professionally. He was attending Robert Morris University in hopes of becoming a physical therapist to help other injured players.

In 2015, Fontaine’s favorite cousin,

Rock, was shot outside my hair salon. It created this downward spiral. He became a totally different kid. I watched him rebel against teachers. He became combative. He came to church in a T-shirt and jeans.. But I love my pastor, because he said: “He still came. Let him get up there on them drums.”

That’s when people started telling me he needed therapy. So he was connected with an agency that was supposed to help, but I’m not sure they did.

Eventually, he was ready to begin his life again. He went to prom, like Rock would’ve wanted.He was accepted into college. He became more cooperative. I had my baby back … for a time.

On April 10, 2017, Fontaine went to a local park to play basketball. Two people got out of a car and fired into the crowd. My son died the next day. He was nineteen.

Even though I had no clients, I went back to my job at the salon, because I didn’t want to feel the void at home. I didn’t want to keep walking past his room knowing he wouldn’t be there. I wanted to survive this.

I kept going to church, but this was the one time in my life that praying did not help me get over it.

I found Parents for Peace and Justice in Rogers Park. I tried to get other local families to join, but they didn’t want to travel so far north.

I was skeptical at first because I was the only Black person there. Some coping mechanisms might seem weird to people not used to therapy. There was a technique where you pull certain fingers to relieve pressure and stress. They told us things like “it’s OK to just scream to

release the chemicals in your body.”

I didn’t necessarily understand it, but it helped, so it became a habit.

That support group helped me navigate back to my path—a different path, but a path of living still.

The day after I buried my son, I attended a basketball game held in his honor. People gave their condolences and shared stories of my baby, and I spent hours comforting them.

One of the girls said: “We just had a session here! We need to do this on a regular basis.”

A week later, two more young men in our community were killed.

We began to meet regularly and talk about how we felt. After I joined Parents for Peace and Justice, I realized we could benefit from something more formal. So I founded Help Understanding Grief, or HUG.

I asked my pastor if we could meet at church, because even though the therapy and support groups helped me understand the pain, memory loss, and new health issues, my relationship with God has sustained me through these

seven years without my son.

The room was packed. People talked about my baby and the other two boys that got killed. We kept meeting.

The North Side group had therapists and clinical professionals. HUG was just us.

At a recent HUG meeting, one survivor said: “Black men don’t get flowers. They only get flowers at their funerals. We need to give them flowers while they’re alive.” That’s what I hope HUG can do. I wish my son had support like this.

After my son was killed, I tried to survive by always being on the move, always doing something. Now, I take time from work. I make choices based on what I feel will make me live. I ain’t trying to just survive any more. I’m trying to get my flowers while I’m alive. ¬

Corniki Bornds is a licensed cosmetologist and founder of H.U.G (helping understanding grief), a support group for families affected by gun violence. She’s a lifelong resident of the Westside of Chicago

My Children Were Killed in Different Neighborhoods. Only One of Their Deaths Seemed to Matter.

When my daughter was shot in the Gold Coast, her story received media attention, and her killer was sentenced. When my son was shot in Hazel Crest, his story barely made the news— and we were treated like criminals.

Before my children were killed, I couldn’t fall asleep until they came home. Now I can’t sleep at all.

On January 17, 1992, my daughter Tyesa was the unintended victim of a

gang-involved shooting in the Gold Coast neighborhood. The murderer, a fourteen-year-old boy, was sentenced to fifty years. Tyesa died instantly, but her story lived on in the news for months.

Because we lived in Alsip, the state’s attorney said he thought she would be white.

On December 22, 2012, my son Tyler was beaten and shot in our driveway in the South suburb of Hazel Crest. No ambulance came. The police treated us like criminals. At the hospital they made him wait. He died of blood loss. His murder remains unsolved.

The differences in how my kids’ shootings were handled made me think about how the systems we’re supposed to trust fail Black and brown communities. Murders involving Black men are cleared at a much lower rate than those of other racial groups, according to an analysis of Chicago Police Department reports.

Even as I advocate for bills that could change things, I feel stuck. Knowing that no one tried to save my son, that his murder is still unsolved, haunts me.

A tale of two murders

Tyesa had just left the Chestnut Station movie theater with her friends when rival gang members began shooting. Tyesa looked back for one second and was shot, detectives told me.

At the hospital Tyesa was on a slab, fully dressed. I could feel the bullet hole in her temple. I passed out.

Tyesa was sixteen. She was about to graduate high school and lost her life in a majority white neighborhood. She wanted to be a nurse. Her killer served twenty years of a fifty-year sentence, and was released in 2012. I kept every article written about her.

When Tyesa died, I was one month pregnant with Tyler.

Twenty years later, he was killed, too. It barely made the news. The media and the justice system treated him like just another Black boy lost to gun violence.

A year earlier, Tyler had been arrested and charged as an accessory to a robbery. A friend had asked for a ride, but Tyler didn’t know that friend had just robbed someone. Police confiscated Tyler’s phone and found his friend. Tyler was released, but I wonder if he was killed because people thought he was a snitch.

A month before his death, he was worried. I told him: “You don’t ever have

to worry about somebody coming in here. You know, we’re covered.”

I didn’t see the danger.

He was in our driveway when someone beat and shot him.

Later, I learned that a neighbor called the ambulance, but it never came. My son ran to his friend’s house and they called 911 again. Still no one came. So he took Tyler to the emergency room at South Suburban Hospital. Even after telling hospital staff that he’d been shot, they made him wait.

He was taken to the trauma center at Advocate Christ, but it was too late. My son bled out. His murder is still unsolved, and no one will talk.

Tyler was twenty. He loved music. He wanted to be an occupational therapist.

The pain was the same, but I was different

When Tyesa died, I sat by the cemetery, crying my heart out because I couldn’t get her back. I wanted to die.

With my faith, I knew I couldn’t kill myself. So I wanted somebody else to do it.

On her anniversary, I left my children with their dad, and I went to the worst places. To get ran over by a bus, to get shot, to get robbed, anything. Nothing happened.

For six months after Tyler was killed, I couldn’t get out of bed. I went from a size ten to a size two.

The pain was the same, but I was different.

I wanted vengeance. I bought guns. I learned everything about how people get guns illegally.

I kept track of the people who might have been involved with Tyler’s murder. When the detective assigned to Tyler’s case retired, he said that his department told him not to investigate. I realized I had to do this on my own, so I started fighting a different way.

Fighting with a pencil and paper

Writing saved me. When Tyesa died, someone gave me a journal and told me to write down the responding police officer’s name, police report number, to

document my journey. Sometimes I wake up at night and write thoughts about the case.

So when I decided to help others who’ve lost children, I started with journals.

I started the TY (Tender Youth) Foundation, using the first two letters of my children’s names, because our youth are tender and need guidance and better communities.

We give survivors journals. Tyler wrote music and Tyesa wrote poetry. I think I learned it from them.

I started to speak, too.

Fighting with my voice

I joined Brady Illinois and One Aim (Illinois Council Against Handguns) to change gun laws. Those organizations gave me the tools to speak on behalf of my children to get legislation passed. Now I’m on their boards.

On Jan. 17, 2019, exactly twentyseven years after Tyesa was killed, I shook hands with Governor Pritzker as he signed a bill requiring gun stores to get state licenses. That triumph came after so much trauma, telling my story over and over to convince legislators to pass the measure.

Since then, more bills have been passed. Now, we’re working on three bills on rights for victims’ families, access to firearms for people who have orders of

protection filed against them, and police transparency.

Still, I feel frozen in time because my son’s case remains unsolved.

I haven’t moved out of the house where he was killed. Tyler’s bedroom is still exactly how he left it. His car is in the garage.

My daughter Traci tells me, “You won’t move forward until you actually clean out the room.”

I am stuck.

But I can still fight from here. I’m fighting for accountability and investment in Black and brown communities. If we invest in impoverished communities, parents can invest more in their children.

The boy who murdered my daughter was fourteen; his mother was on drugs, and he grew up on the streets in CabriniGreen.

He was in the affluent Gold Coast neighborhood when he killed Tyesa. Tyesa is proof that gun violence anywhere affects everyone everywhere.

In a 1992 article, I said, “I wish this gun violence would come to an end.” It’s 2024, and in some neighborhoods, it hasn’t gotten better. So, what are we going to do? ¬

Delphine Cherry is an advocate for many social and political causes. She founded the TY Foundation (Tender Youth) in honor of her son Tyler Randolph and her daughter Tyesa Abney.

If a Trauma Center Had Been Closer, My Best Friend Might Still Be Alive
The neighborhoods with the most bloodshed need adequate medical services.


always thought Junior and I would go to college together, and our kids would grow up together. Instead, when he was nineteen, I lost my very best

childhood friend.

On Jan. 30, 2012, Junior was shot along with two other people. Junior was shot in the abdomen, but there was no

trauma center nearby. Blood loss, his family said, was a major factor in his passing.

Losing Junior made me realize that while impoverished areas suffer most from gun violence, they’re often not equipped to handle the bloodshed. In Chicago city limits, there are five Level 1 trauma centers (and a sixth that serves only pediatric patients), and they tend to be on opposite ends of the city. There were only four when Junior died.

Chicago needs more trauma centers, and its hospitals and emergency staff need better trauma training. This was the case when Junior died, and it’s still the case now. The only changes I’ve seen in Humboldt Park are more condos and coffee shops for outsiders. These changes don’t serve the people who’ve been there for generations, the neighborhood kids like me and Junior who grew up thinking we had the whole world in our little slice of Chicago. If we instead invested in communities like ours, maybe my best friend would still be here. Growing up with Junior

I met Junior when I was eleven and he was seven. A bully at Kedvale Park where the neighborhood kids used to hang out tried to push Junior, who hit him and ran away.

I later learned that we lived maybe

Norwegian American Hospital (now Humboldt Park Health), which does not have a trauma center. They transferred Junior to Stroger, but it was too late.

It could have been just another story. I can imagine him saying it. “Oh, man. Remember when I got shot in the stomach, and I’m still here?”

We could have joked about it, but the first hospital wasn’t properly equipped, and now he’s gone.

A rift in time

Losing Junior felt like losing my childhood. It’s like when they tell you Santa Claus isn’t real; the magic was gone. It was like a rift in time. One moment we were experiencing our youth, and then, everything I knew vanished.

hurt the way that I am. I don’t want to make any plans that would fall through if the worst happens.

He’s the person I would’ve talked to about something like this.

The world and everything in it

I didn’t ever go downtown until I was seventeen. I thought all those buildings on the horizon were landmarks I would never get to touch.

Junior knew better. He would say: “There’s more out there. Let's go.”

a block apart and that we both loved wrestling and video games, especially Street Fighter. We started hanging out in the park that summer. My family ended up moving into the first floor of the building Junior’s dad owned, solidifying the friendship. We did everything together. The only time we were apart was when we were out of town. We were practically family.

As we grew up, Junior was still someone I counted on the most. One Father's Day, my son's mother got mad at me, and refused to let me see my son. Junior talked me through it.

It could have been just another story

Around 11pm one night, I was on the Red Line coming home from a bad date, and I wanted to talk to Junior about it. I told myself I’d call tomorrow. I had no idea Junior’s tomorrow would never come.

Fifty minutes earlier, Junior had been shot. He died at Stroger Hospital at 12:15am.

I found out from family and friends later that an adversary from his past challenged him to a fight. But when Junior and his friends arrived, the person ambushed and shot them.

Another friend drove them to

His death created a gap between then and now. Then, we didn’t have much, but we shared everything we had.

Now, I don’t share what I’m feeling. I don’t seek out new friends. I’m cautious with my kids. I probably shelter them too much, but sometimes I feel like they’re too trusting. I just don’t want them to

One of our favorite movies was “Scarface.” Our favorite scene was when Tony Montana’s best friend, Chico, asks what he wants. Tony answers, “The world and everything in it.” When I have the money, I’ll start a club to teach at-risk youth art, history, sports, and science. They’ll see more of the world than we did. ¬

Juan Rendon has been a resident of the Humboldt Park community for 32 years. He currently runs a business that brings children from school to their after-school activities.

I Want to Change the Culture of Silence

This crisis has shattered so many families, including mine. If more people support survivors, we could begin to solve the problem.

On November 10, 2019, my son Jacob woke up, did laundry, and finished painting the room he and his girlfriend were preparing for the birth of their first child. A few hours later, he was shot while driving in Little Village.

Five years later, I know he was the unintended target, but not who did it. Even though detectives told us that the gun used to kill my son was used four other times—three times before Jacob

and once after, killing a sixteen-year-old girl—nobody has come forward to say they saw anything.

Because Jacob wasn’t from Little Village, no one there knew him, so detectives said they have few leads. I’ve come to learn that because there’s so much violence in Little Village, even firsthand witnesses won’t speak up.

I want to change this culture of silence. Every day since Jacob’s death, I’ve fought to honor his spirit, to bring

Juan Rendon outside his home, holding a photo of Junior Estudillo. Photo Akilah Townsend for The Trace

survivors and nonsurvivors to support each other in grief and to fight for safer streets. Just this year, as of the end of November, there have been 247 shootings, including forty-four fatalities, in the 10th Police District, which includes Little Village, according to the city’s Violence Reduction Dashboard.

This crisis has shattered so many families, including mine. Last summer, Jacob’s girlfriend was killed in a hitand-run. I’m raising my four-year-old grandson in Wisconsin. But because of Jacob, we’re part of the Little Village community. If more people support survivors, by coming to marches, helping police solve cases, or advocating for better gun laws, we could show perpetrators we’re not afraid of them. We could begin to solve the problem.

Losing Jacob

Jacob was driving a family friend’s car and stopped at a light when another car pulled up and opened fire. He was shot

six times: once in the side of his head, twice in the arm, and twice in the chest. But he held on.

The doctor told me that Jacob coded and came back several times.

“With that trauma, we should have never been able to bring him back the first time,” the doctor said. “Your son's hanging on for some reason.”

I believe he was waiting for his baby. When the baby came, Jacob was mostly unresponsive, but he seemed to know. Jacob died two days later. We named his son Jacob Jr.

Our estranged family came together around both Jacobs in those five days. Jacob always brought people together, and now I bring his spirit to unify the people of Little Village in the fight for peace.

Forever tied to Little Village

I didn’t know about Little Village before my son moved there. Now, his death ties me to the area. I’ve learned that police there are understaffed, that residents

are afraid they’ll be targeted if they come forward as witnesses, and others won’t come forward because of their undocumented status.

Now, I work with Parents for Peace and Justice and Mothers and Families United for Justice (under the Little Village Community Council) to advocate for victims, support survivors, and try to prevent gun violence. On July 27, we had the first-ever “Run for Peace.” Shortly after, a three-month-old baby was shot nearby, in broad daylight.

Knowing that my son was killed with a gun that hurt others has also made me an advocate for greater gun control policies. No one with gun violations should be able to own a firearm.

I’m gonna fight for my son until the death of me. We held another event this November, the week Jacob was shot. We

march because we want a rebirth in Little Village. Jacob would’ve wanted that, too. It’s my hope that the more people who know Jacob’s story, the more they’ll see that we need change. Maybe someone will come forward with information about Jacob’s killers, maybe more survivors will come to our events. Maybe non-survivors will join.

Maybe no one else will have to lose a son. ¬

Melinda Abdallah is a Native Chicana, currently living in Wisconsin. She’s worked as a packer at a large worldwide facility but is currently an at-home Nanna & wife while healing from an injury. She is an activist advocating against gun violence in the Little Village community.

Melinda Abdallah poses in front of a memorial wall of her lost family members in her home.
Photo Akilah Townsend for The Trace
Our thoughts in exchange for yours.

The Exchange is the Weekly’s poetry corner, where a poem or piece of writing is presented with a prompt. Readers are welcome to respond to the prompt with original poems, and pieces may be featured in the next issue of the Weekly

magnitude and bond

did i see this leaf or small car and think of you, or am i always thinking of you?

when i hold your name in my mouth, i drop my tongue into the bowel of my jaw so i don’t suck too hard on calling you.

your love dissolves so quickly and i need it so i save some. i tuck my passion away in my cheek and say okay, no worries when i want to say please don’t forget to call me back this time because i never got to tell you what i really wanted to say and i never do—i can’t get around to trusting you care before you dissolve.

passionate people are so hard to come by, but it's the only thing that can save us. why be distracted by ego and circumstance? don't yall wanna kiss and hug?

don’t yall wanna play a card game with your friends? when can we hold hands again, don’t you need it?

i appreciate anything i desire and receive; food and partners alike. of course i love you, i love everything—this is not a spectator sport.

there's so much to hate, this should be the fun part…ain't that obvious?

i look at you, whoever you are, whenever you will be, and i lose my mind.

in the meantime, i’m searching for your fire. people used to build monuments just to say hey.

folks don’t even genuinely listen when their friends are speaking without gazing at the light in their hands.

what about the sun behind my eyes or the one above my head what about this leaf i saw that reminded me how much i love and i wondered where it all goes and when i can get some of it back. please when you can, send it back changed. make everything you hold new.

you complain more than you kiss and hug, and i withhold myself from so much now that i've seen what happens to a voice that travels somewhere it will certainly be misunderstood. God forbid.

i cherish the time people give me, i know how much it costs. each second you offer is a piece of your life, and we share them ‘ knowing the next is not promised. why wouldn’t i hold everything i’m close to with honor?

i hope you never run out of things to tell me, you remind me of every leaf—you are so special even when you are falling.

leaves do not dissolve even after being crushed. i pray we can hold hands again soon even when you don’t call me back.

every story you tell me comes at the price of breath that isn’t even yours to give, and yet you choose to speak to me. isn’t that beautiful? how could i call you anything else?

Chima Ikoro is the Weekly’s Community Builder.


This could be a poem, journal entry, or a stream-of-consciousness piece. Submissions could be new or formerly written pieces. Submissions can be sent to or via email to

What Immigrant Communities Should Know About Their Rights

All immigrants in the U.S. have rights, including the right to remain silent. Here’s what you should know if you encounter federal immigration agents.

This article was originally published by Borderless Magazine.

With President-elect Donald Trump taking office, organizations nationwide have been preparing for his hardline immigration promises with Know Your Rights workshops.

Immigration advocates hope to equip immigrants with critical information about their rights in light of Trump’s plans to carry out mass deportations and reinstate travel bans.

“When people are interacting with immigration agents, if they do so in the wrong way, they can get themselves in trouble—they can get arrested, they can say stuff that can set themselves up for deportation,” said Fred Tsao, senior policy counsel at the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. “We want to make sure that people know what their rights are and feel comfortable being able to exercise them.”

Regardless of their status, all immigrants are entitled to certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution.

“Our U.S. Constitution, our Bill of Rights, guarantees rights to everybody [who is] in the United States,” Tsao said. “It’s not just citizens, it’s not just people who are born here. It’s not even just people who are legally here. It’s everybody.”

Trump’s Border Czar, Tom Homan, said the administration plans on reviving family detention centers and instating halfway homes for children of noncitizens. He also promised last month that the administration’s deportation plans will begin in Chicago.

Dulce Guzmán, executive director of Alianza Americas, emphasized the

rights groups recommend that you ask to talk to a lawyer or request to see an arrest warrant with your name.

You Have The Right To Walk Away From An Interaction With ICE

If you are stopped by an officer, you can ask whether you are being arrested or detained. If you are not being arrested or detained, you have the right to walk away from an interaction with ICE, according to Informed Immigrant, an immigrant resources organization.

Demonstrators from several organizations gathered at Plaza Tenochtitlan in Pilsen for an anti-deportation rally organized by the Coalition for the People’s March for Justice on Sunday, Jan. 12, 2025.

need for mental health services during this time of uncertainty. While informing immigrants of their rights is important, it can also generate anxiety and fear of what’s to come, she said.

“We’re in a waiting game,” Guzmán said. “But [we’re] making sure that we have the people, the resources, and most importantly that we stay grounded… because this is going to be a long next four years.”

Outside of Know Your Rights education, Tsao added that ICIRR encourages people to get involved in their communities—whether through a local organization, labor union or faith congregation.

“People are not alone,” Tsao said. “There are family members, institutions, organizations that can provide assistance, support and help.”

Borderless spoke with local immigrant leaders and immigrant rights organizations to compile this Know Your Rights guide. Read on to learn what rights you are entitled to here in Chicago, regardless of immigration status.

Photo Oscar Gomez/Borderless Magazine

You Have The Right To Remain Silent

Under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, you do not have to speak with an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent, answer their questions, or sign any papers if they ask, according to the Immigrant Legal Resource Center.

The right to remain silent includes protections around “self-incrimination,” which means saying anything that may signal your responsibility or involvement in a crime. That means you have the right not to speak with an ICE agent. You don’t have to tell them anything about your citizenship status or what country you are from.

Anything you share with an immigration officer or federal official can be used against you in immigration court. If you choose to answer questions, know that lying to an immigration officer has permanent consequences that can bar you from citizenship.

If you decide to speak, immigrant

If you are arrested by ICE, you can ask to call a lawyer, according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). You do not have to sign any documents without your lawyer present.

You Have The Right To Refuse To Be Searched

You can choose not to consent to being searched by ICE officials by saying: “I do not consent to being searched.”

ICE officials do not have the right to search you without your consent or probable cause, according to the ACLU. Probable cause means that an official must have a “reasonable” basis for believing you may have committed a crime, according to the Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute.

You Do Not Have To Open The Door If An ICE Official Is Knocking

Under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, you are protected against “unreasonable searches and seizures.”

This means ICE officials cannot search you or your home without your consent or a warrant signed by a judge.

Some ICE officials may present warrants that are not signed by a judge, which do not grant them access to your home without your consent.

You Do Not Have To Sign Any Documents

You have the right to refuse to sign any documents presented to you by ICE.

United We Dream, a youth-led immigrant advocacy group, recommends you decline signing any documents ICE presents to you. Many groups recommend speaking to an immigration lawyer before signing any documents. This is because, in most cases, you have the right to a hearing with a judge to challenge your deportation. If you sign something called a “Stipulated Removal Order,” for example, you waive your right to that hearing, according to the ACLU.

You Have The Right To Hire A Lawyer

Under the Sixth Amendment, you have the right to consult with a lawyer for your immigration proceedings.

If you are arrested or detained by ICE or Border Patrol, you have the right to hire a lawyer, but the government does not have to provide one. If the police arrest you, you have the right to a governmentappointed lawyer.

You have the right to have your lawyer with you at any hearing with an immigration judge.

Police Officers Are Restricted

From Working With ICE in Chicago and Illinois

Under Chicago’s “Welcoming City” ordinance and the Illinois TRUST Act, the Chicago Police Department (CPD) cannot cooperate with ICE officials seeking to deport immigrants and CPD is not allowed to arrest someone based on their immigration status.

Under these policies, the Chicago Police Department is also prohibited from asking an individual about their immigration status or questioning, arresting, or prosecuting someone based on the suspicion of being undocumented.

You Have The Right To Take Photos In Public Spaces If

You Have An Interaction With ICE

Under the First Amendment, individuals can take photos and record videos in public spaces.

United We Dream suggests ensuring photos and videos are synced to iCloud or Google Photos so a trusted relative or friend can access them if you record an interaction with ICE.

Other Resources

Many organizations in Chicago offer free or low-cost mental health services to immigrants and refugees facing fear or anxiety due to anti-immigrant policies and rhetoric, displacement, violence and more. While immigrant rights organizations advocate that knowing your rights are essential, they also emphasize the importance of taking care of your mental health at this time.

Borderless and the Coalition for Immigrant Mental Health have compiled guides for mental health services available to immigrant and refugee communities.

If ICE agents are conducting raids in your area, if you need help locating someone in ICE custody, or if you would like to report ICE activity, ICIRR has a hotline you can call at 1-855-HELP-MYFAMILY (1-855-435-7693).

The hotline has operators who speak English, Spanish, Korean and Polish.

If you are looking for Know Your Rights information in your language, check out resources from these organizations:

• Spanish: The Resurrection Project

• Korean: National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC)

• Chinese: Coalition For A Better Chinese American Community

• Tagalog: AFIRE Chicago

• Arabic: CAIR-Chicago

• Urdu: CAIR-Chicago

NAKASEC also offers a free mobile app on the Apple Store that offers Know Your Rights information in sixteen languages, including Urdu, Vietnamese, Thai, Nepali, and Hindi. This story is for information purposes only. Borderless Magazine does not provide legal assistance or legal advice. ¬

Borderless Magazine is reimagining immigration journalism for a more just and equitable future.

Lo que las comunidades de inmigrantes deben saber sobre sus derechos

Todos los inmigrantes en EE.UU. tienen derechos, incluido el derecho a permanecer en silencio. Esto es lo que debes saber si te encuentras con agentes federales de inmigración.


Este artículo fue publicado originalmente por Borderless Magazine.

Con la toma de posesión del presidente electo Donald Trump, organizaciones de todo el país se han estado preparando para sus promesas de línea dura en materia de inmigración con talleres de Conozca sus Derechos.

Los defensores de la inmigración esperan dotar a los inmigrantes de información crítica sobre sus derechos ante los planes de Trump de llevar a cabo deportaciones masivas y restablecer prohibiciones de viaje.

“Cuando las personas interactúan con agentes de inmigración, si lo hacen de manera incorrecta, pueden meterse en problemas: pueden ser arrestados, pueden decir cosas que pueden exponerlos a la deportación,” dijo Fred Tsao, asesor principal de políticas de Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR, por sus siglas en inglés).

“Queremos asegurarnos de que la gente conozca cuáles son sus derechos y se sienta cómoda para poder ejercerlos.”

Independientemente de su estatus, todos los inmigrantes tienen ciertos derechos y protecciones bajo la Constitución de los Estados Unidos.

“Nuestra Constitución, nuestra Carta de Derechos, garantiza derechos a todos [los que están] en Estados Unidos,” dijo Tsao. “No sólo a los ciudadanos, no sólo a los nacidos aquí. Ni siquiera se trata solo de las personas que están aquí

legalmente. Es todo el mundo.”

El zar fronterizo de Trump, Tom Homan, dijo que la administración planea reactivar los centros de detención familiar e instaurar hogares de transición para los hijos de no ciudadanos. También prometió el mes pasado que los planes de deportación de la administración comenzarán en Chicago.

Dulce Guzmán, directora ejecutiva de Alianza Américas, hizo hincapié en la necesidad de servicios de salud mental en estos momentos de incertidumbre. Si bien es importante informar a los inmigrantes sobre sus derechos, también puede generar ansiedad y miedo a lo que está por venir, dijo.

“Estamos en un juego de espera,” dijo Guzmán. “Pero [estamos] asegurándonos de contar con el personal, los recursos y, lo más importante, de mantener los pies en la tierra… porque los próximos cuatro años van a ser largos.”

Aparte de la educación de Conozca sus Derechos, Tsao añadió que ICIRR anima a la gente a involucrarse en sus comunidades, ya sea a través de una organización local, un sindicato o una congregación religiosa.

“La gente no está sola,” afirma Tsao. “Hay familiares, instituciones y organizaciones que pueden prestar asistencia, apoyo y ayuda.”

Borderless habló con líderes inmigrantes locales y organizaciones de derechos de los inmigrantes para compilar esta guía de Conozca sus Derechos. Sigue

leyendo para conocer qué derechos tienes aquí en Chicago, independientemente de tu estatus migratorio.

Tienes derecho a guardar silencio

Según la Quinta Enmienda de la Constitución de EE.UU., no tienes que hablar con un agente de Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE, por sus siglas en inglés), responder a sus preguntas, ni firmar ningún documento si te lo piden, según el Immigrant Legal Resource Center.

El derecho a guardar silencio incluye protecciones en torno a la “autoinculpación,” lo que significa decir cualquier cosa que pueda señalar tu responsabilidad o involucramiento en un delito. Eso significa que tienes derecho a no hablar con un agente del ICE. No tienes que decirles nada sobre tu estatus de ciudadanía o de qué país eres.

Cualquier información que compartas con un oficial de inmigración o funcionario federal puede ser utilizado en tu contra en un tribunal de inmigración.

Si decides responder a las preguntas, ten en cuenta que mentirle a un funcionario de inmigración tiene consecuencias permanentes que pueden impedirte obtener la ciudadanía.

Si decides hablar, los grupos de defensa de los derechos de los inmigrantes recomiendan que pidas hablar con un abogado o solicites ver una orden de arresto con tu nombre.

Tienes el derecho a retirarte de una interacción con ICE

Si te para un agente, puedes preguntar si te están arrestando o deteniendo. Si no estás siendo arrestado o detenido, tienes derecho a retirarte de una interacción con ICE, según Inmigrante Informado, una organización de recursos para inmigrantes.

Si te arresta ICE, puedes pedir llamar a un abogado, según la American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU, por sus siglas en inglés). No tienes que firmar ningún documento sin la presencia de tu abogado.

Tienes el derecho a negarte a que te registren

Puedes optar por no dar tu consentimiento

El concejal Byron Sigcho López habla en la Plaza Tenochtitlan en Pilsen durante una manifestación contra la deportación organizada por la Coalición para la Marcha Popular por la Justicia el domingo 12 de enero de 2025. Foto por Oscar Gómez/Borderless

a que te registren los funcionarios del ICE diciendo: “No consiento a que me registren.”

Los funcionarios del ICE no tienen derecho a registrarte sin tu consentimiento o sin causa probable, según la ACLU. Causa probable significa que un oficial debe tener una base “razonable” para creer que pudiste haber cometido un delito, según el Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute.

No tienes que abrir la puerta si un funcionario del ICE llama a la puerta

Según la Cuarta Enmienda de la Constitución de EE.UU., estás protegido contra “registros e incautaciones no razonables.”

Esto significa que los funcionarios del ICE no pueden registrarte a ti ni a tu domicilio sin tu consentimiento o sin una orden judicial firmada por un juez. Algunos funcionarios del ICE pueden presentar órdenes judiciales no firmadas por un juez, que no les permite acceder a tu domicilio sin tu consentimiento.

No tienes que firmar ningún documento

Tienes derecho a negarte a firmar cualquier documento que te presente ICE.

United We Dream, un grupo de defensa de los inmigrantes dirigido por jóvenes, recomienda que no firmes

está autorizado a arrestar a alguien por su estatus migratorio.

En virtud de estas políticas, el Chicago Police Department también tiene prohibido preguntar a una persona sobre su estatus migratorio o interrogar, arrestar, o procesar a alguien por sospecha de ser indocumentado.

Tienes derecho a hacer fotos en espacios públicos si tienes una interacción con ICE

Según la Primera Enmienda, las personas pueden tomar fotos y grabar vídeos en espacios públicos.

United We Dream sugiere asegurarse de que las fotos y los vídeos estén sincronizados con iCloud o Google Fotos para que un familiar o amigo de confianza pueda acceder a ellos si grabas una interacción con ICE.

ningún documento que te presente ICE. Muchos grupos recomiendan hablar con un abogado de inmigración antes de firmar cualquier documento. Esto se debe a que, en la mayoría de los casos, tienes derecho a una audiencia con un juez para impugnar tu deportación. Si firmas algo llamado “orden de remoción estipulada (stipulated removal order),” por ejemplo, renuncias a tu derecho a esa audiencia, según el ACLU, por sus siglas en inglés.

Tienes derecho a contratar a un abogado

Según la Sexta Enmienda, tienes derecho a consultar con un abogado para tus procedimientos de inmigración. Si eres arrestado o detenido por ICE o la Patrulla Fronteriza, tienes derecho a contratar a un abogado, pero el gobierno no está obligado a proporcionártelo. Si la policía te arresta, tienes derecho a un abogado designado por el gobierno.

Tienes derecho a que tu abogado te acompañe a cualquier audiencia con un juez de inmigración.

Los policías tienen prohibido trabajar con ICE en Chicago e Illinois

Bajo la ordenanza “Ciudad Acogedora” y Ley TRUST de Illinois, el Chicago Police Department (CPD, por sus siglas en inglés) no puede cooperar con los funcionarios del ICE que buscan deportar a los inmigrantes y el CPD no

Otros recursos

Muchas organizaciones en Chicago ofrecen servicios de salud mental gratuitos o de bajo costo a inmigrantes y refugiados que enfrentan miedo o ansiedad debido a políticas y retórica antiinmigrante, desplazamiento, violencia y otros factores. Aunque las organizaciones de derechos de los inmigrantes defienden que conocer tus derechos es esencial, también hacen hincapié en la importancia de cuidar tu salud mental en estos momentos.

Borderless y Coalition for Immigrant Mental Health han compilado guías sobre los servicios de salud mental disponibles para las comunidades de inmigrantes y refugiados.

Si los agentes del ICE están realizando redadas en tu área, si necesitas ayuda para localizar a alguien bajo custodia del ICE o si deseas denunciar alguna actividad del ICE, ICIRR tiene una línea directa a la que puedes llamar al 1-855-HELP-MY-FAMILY (1-855435-7693).

La línea directa cuenta con operadores que hablan inglés, español, coreano y polaco.

Este artículo es sólo para fines informativos. Borderless Magazine no presta asistencia ni asesoramiento legal. ¬

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