July 22, 2020

Page 7


What Does Reinvestment Look Like?

The Invest South/West initiative lands small business grants along commercial corridors at a highly charged moment BY JONATHAN DALE


t the end of June, Mayor Lori Lightfoot and the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) announced the first-phase winners for this year’s Neighborhood Opportunity Fund. The fund, which former Mayor Rahm Emanuel started in 2016, awards grants to small business owners on the South and West Sides. Lightfoot has revamped the NOF, and is using it as a main piece of her new development initiative, Invest South/ West, with first-round grant amounts ranging from $8,800 to $250,000. Invest South/West is billed by Lightfoot and DPD commissioner Maurice Cox as an attempt to “re-activate neighborhood cores,” highlighting and injecting resources into ten South and West Side commercial corridors and the neighborhoods they anchor. The NOF portion of the program will distribute among small businesses who apply successfully $10 million annually for the next three years. Of the thirty-two awardees from this year’s first cycle, twenty-five were located on the South Side, and sixteen of those were on corridors prioritized by the city’s initiative. Money from the city comes at a crucial and highly charged moment. The coronavirus pandemic has decimated business, and civil unrest in the wake of George Floyd’s murder hurt South Side economic corridors and sent a strong message yet again that the city has failed so many of its Black and brown residents. Lightfoot, who remains steadfast in her support of police and isn’t doing enough to protect renters, has done little to engender trust. The city’s development gatekeepers must ask themselves how a path towards equitable development can be forged. How can Invest South/West

truly invest in the communities it purports to serve, and not become a tool for invasive private development, displacement, and gentrification? The city has touted the promise of putting $750 million in public funding toward Invest South/West, and holding the purse strings is Cox, the city’s new planning commissioner. Before coming to Chicago, Cox worked in politics, architecture, and design, then served as Detroit’s planning director for four years. He is a proponent of the twenty-minute neighborhood, a concept championed by urbanist Jane Jacobs that holds that a community should have everything it needs within walking distance. Neighborhood reinvestment, if done correctly, could be a start at healing decades of racist planning and reversing the alarming trend of Black depopulation from Chicago. Cox believes that keeping Black Chicagoans in the city starts with reviving historic corridors like Englewood’s 63rd Street, which he refers to as a neighborhood’s “front door.” These commercial stretches are usually right off CTA stops, and he’s betting that more focused development around them will encourage activity and accessibility. “When I look over and think ‘where do we start,’ it became obvious to me that if we want to hold on to those residents who live in those neighborhoods, we have to give them the option to shop locally,” said Cox.


siaha Butler, co-founder of the Resident Association of Greater Englewood (R.A.G.E.), believes that the city’s planning leadership has a long way to go if they want to make lasting change. In Englewood, the only Invest

South/West neighborhood that didn’t receive NOF funding this cycle, “every single unjust system has hit our community.” Butler views the city’s lack of active listening as a consequence of the same racist system that created the capital flight they are now trying to correct. “I’m not seeing tangible things. The things they are pushing, it’s not what people [in the neighborhood] have been working toward for the last ten to fifteen years. People are dying, people are sick, and this process doesn’t seem to be responding to those urgent needs. If you aren’t going to do anything bold and radical with Invest South/West, to me you are practicing white supremacy.” What Butler and other Englewood leaders have been working toward is building out necessary spaces to accomplish the Englewood Quality of Life Plan II, a wideranging and coalition-built plan to stimulate neighborhood development. Go Green on Racine, a neighborhood-led project meant to align with the Quality of Life plan, aims to create a hub of resident-centered growth on 63rd and Racine. It will contain, as Butler puts it, “everything that is acutely urgent in our community right now”—a fresh market, workforce re-entry services, a health clinic, and more. Neighborhoods targeted by Invest South/West like Englewood, Austin, and North Lawndale, through Quality of Life plans, are clear on what they need. “We’ve shared this concern with DPD, and other neighborhood Quality of Life plans have also shared their concern,” said Cecile De Mello of Teamwork Englewood. “We don’t want Invest South/West to operate outside… of the values and strategies [that] were created by the community.”

Cox and DPD are aware of these existing efforts. “[These neighborhoods] have gone through the deliberate process of planning—communities had already prioritized what they wanted to see, so that allowed me to move immediately to the question of implementation,” said Cox. To Felicia Slaton-Young, director of the Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce, the city should be focused on “helping us to identify investors who are really interested in communities of color, like Englewood, Bronzeville, and Roseland. We need them to help us market the vision of what [these neighborhoods] could be.” Echoing Cox’s vision of the walkable neighborhood, Slaton-Young says every community wants to be able to “buy all the goods and services that we need without having to leave our neighborhood.” Butler agrees that the city's main role should be identifying capital. “This infusion of capital and resources needs to first hit the pockets of the people in this community. It needs to be economic stimulation. Most of the support and capital for Black developers is not there.” In South Shore, another Invest South/ West target neighborhood, Chamber of Commerce executive director Tonya Trice is optimistic about what Invest South/ West could bring to the neighborhood. South Shore has high levels of commercial vacancy, especially along stretches of 75th and 79th Streets. “Cox spoke with great admiration about Motor City Match, a Detroit program that links entrepreneurs in need of space with real estate opportunities,” said Trice. Run by the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, Motor City Match has awarded $8.1 million to 170 entrepreneurs since 2015. Trice believes similar programs could be worthwhile for Chicago as well. “There are barriers that hinder businesses from leasing space in our community,” she said. ”We need to find different ways to approach the problem.”


hen the city considers urban planning, large development projects like the Obama Presidential Center often attract the most attention. Invest South/West and the proposed OPC are separate projects, but inextricably linked. The decision-making surrounding both will determine whether longtime residents can reap the benefits of these investments or are left unprotected and priced out of their own communities. JULY 22, 2020 ¬ SOUTH SIDE WEEKLY 7

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