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Bachelor of Science (Honours) Professional Policing Practice | Course Handbook

5. ASSESSMENT 5.1 Types of Assessment The methods of assessment adopted have been chosen to reflect the nature of the assessments expected of those entering the policing profession. There is a mixture of in class tests, practical scenarios, academic written assignments and assessment in the workplace (see 5.9). Assessment is both summative and formative. Formative assessments do not generate a recorded mark but will be used to facilitate learning and give you and your lecturer an idea of your progress. A schedule of the qualification’s summative assessments can be seen below. The months have been inserted as a guide to help you plan, however, exact dates will be provided to you during your induction. Whilst the general structure will be followed, submission dates may sit outside the month indicated.

L6 Year Three

L5 Year Two

L4 Year One

5.2 BSc (Hons) Professional Policing Practice - Assessments Schedule Role of the Police I

Responding to Incidents I

Continuous Improvement I

Working with Communities I

Prevention and Protection I

Evidence and Investigation I

Assessment Methods: Month 2 In Class Test (40%) Month 2 Written Assignment (40%) Month 10 OCP Portfolio (20%)

Assessment Methods: Month 2 In Class Test (50%) Month 10 OCP Portfolio (50%)

Assessment Methods: Month 4 Written Assignment (40%) Month 4 Reflective Journal (60%)

Assessment Methods: Month 3 In Class Test (30%) Month 5 Written Report (30%) Month 10 OCP Portfolio (40%)

Assessment Methods: Month 6 In Class Test (50%) Month 10 OCP Portfolio (50%)

Assessment Methods: Month 6 In Class Test (25%) Month 8 Presentation (25%) Month 10 OCP Portfolio (50%)

Role of the Police II

Responding to Incidents II

Continuous Improvement II

Working with Communities II

Prevention and Protection II

Evidence and Investigation II

Assessment Methods: Month 4: Presentation (70%) Month 10 OCP Portfolio (30%)

Assessment Methods: Month 3: Presentation (35%) Month 10: Presentation (35%) Month 10 OCP Portfolio (30%)

Assessment Methods: Month 5: In Class Test (100%)

Assessment Methods: Month 6: Presentation (40%) Month 6: Written Assignment (30%) Month 10 OCP Portfolio (30%)

Assessment Methods: Month 7: In Class Test (70%) Month 10 OCP Portfolio (30%)

Assessment Methods: Month 8: Written Assignment (30%) Month 10: Presentation (40%) Month 10 OCP Portfolio (30%)

Modern Policing and Investigations

Intelligence Led Policing

Management in Policing

Operational Competency Portfolio Review (EPA)

Evidence Based Project (EPA) (40 credits)

Assessment Methods: Month 2: Presentation (50%) Month 2: Presentation (50%)

Assessment Methods: Month 4: Written Assignment (50%) Month 4: Presentation (50%)

Assessment Methods: Month 5: Portfolio (100%)

Assessment Methods: Month 9: Presentation (100%)

Assessment Methods: Month 9: Dissertation Evidenced Based Research Project (75%) Month 10: Presentation on Dissertation (25%)


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