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Outsourcing the Search (for someone special)

Technology has made dating more complicated& impersonal. Hiring a matchmaker might be the answer.

You’re successful, single and attractive, so why is it so hard to meet someone special? You’re not alone. Many singles


share your frustration. Butthere are options. We sat downwith Erik Laver and DanielleMerritt-Laver to find out whythey turned their dating livesover to the matchmakers at It’sJust Lunch (IJL).

Dating life pre-It’s Just Lunch?

Erik: I mainly met womenthrough friends and work associates.It was always awkwardand hit or miss.

Danielle: I had been divorced fora few years and was trying to figureout how to get back into thedating world. The online thingwas not what I wanted to do, andnot the caliber of men I was look-ing for. A friend of mine met herhusband through It’s Just Lunchso I decided to give it a try.

Challenges of re-entering the dating scene?

E: The rules had changed. It’s apart-time job and too much workto meet someone online. I wantedto meet someone face-to-faceright off the bat. My time is valuableand I didn’t want to waste itgetting to know someone in thevirtual world only to realize “thisisn’t going to work out”.

D: I was out of the singles scenefor a couple years. I liked It’s JustLunch because it was a commitmentto “I’m going to take thatstep and venture out.”

Benefits of working with a matchmaker?

D: As you get older, it’s harder tomeet people. I was surroundedby married people. The matchmakersintroduce you to peopleyou wouldn’t normally meet inyour day-to-day life. That’s whatI absolutely loved about it. I alsolove their feedback process afterevery date. You feel like you’re getting a little bit closer to findingthat person that you want tospend time with.

Particular challenges of being an entrepreneur and dating?

E: Being a business owner, myschedule is always full. My officemanager turned me ontoIt’s Just Lunch. She sat down inmy office and said, “You have tostart dating and meeting somenew people. It’s Just Lunch isthe dating service that I wish Ihad gone through.” So I calledand signed on as a member. Mymatchmaker made it so easy forme to meet new women. She seteverything up. The restaurant.My date. I just had to show up.Simple. I had a fabulous experience.And met Danielle, my wife!

Find out what an It’s Just Lunchmatchmaker can do for you bycalling 1-800-858-6526 or visitingwww.itsjustlunch.com.

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