1 minute read
from Vol 59, Issue 5
by Southwords
Across Down
6. Famous Italian plumber searching for his princess
7. Get too close to this mob and you may encounter an explosion
9. Video game brand that has released five home consoles since its development by Sony in 1994
12. Teachers really pushed your “buttons” about learning to use these efficiently in middle school

13. A main platform for streaming
20. Immortal princess with elf-like ears
21. A suspicious character who hides their identity and hunts Crewmates
24. Artificial intelligence meant to imitate human players
29. Notable sidekick who always wears green
30. A board game that focuses on property investments and avoiding bankruptcy

33. Popular board game that goes through the aftermath of post-secondary school
34. Gaming console famous for its innovative motion control
35. Board game involving strategy and maneuvering green, red, blue, and yellow pieces
37. From A and B to X, Y, and Z, this is what you need to play any game
38. 3-D game typically played through a headset
Using the clues below, complete the crossword by filling in the boxes with all things gaming. E-mail a clear photo of your completed copy to southwords@maine207. org. The first person to submit will receive a Southwords t-shirt! Good luck!
1. First independent YouTuber to hit 100 million subscribers most known for gaming content
2. Oh, “crop”—it appears the boat left without you filling the crates with the food you made on this app
3. Minecraft YouTuber who gained major popularity in 2020
4. An extension to a gamer’s PC setup that allows for more efficient scrolling
5. A place filled with an assortments of games like Pac-Man
8. This popular hedgehog shares a name with a fast food chain
16. Group of friends who queue together for match making
17. Digital word game produced by The New York Times
18. Playing video games is a significant part of this person’s identity
19. Waiting room for players before their game begins
22. A combat game first released in 2017 that was featured in the 2018 “YouTube Rewind”
23. This game simulates real life and allows players to build make money and customize the characters