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Girls’ track finds success as they prepare for out- door season
from Vol 59, Issue 5
by Southwords
Kyra Demeros & Maeve Strotman Sports Editor and Sports Writer
Thegirls’ indoor track team and field team is on a winning streak. At press time, the team was undefeated.
Unlike other winter sports, track has an indoor and an outdoor season.
The indoor season begins January and ends after the conference meet on March 16. Athletes on the team are encouraged to try a variety of different track and field events.
The events include, sprints, hurdles, long jump, high jump, relays, triple jump, pole vaulting, and throwing. This wide variety of events draws many athletes to the program.
The indoor track team has over 45 girls on the team among all levels and grades. Even with this large number of athletes, the girls are still able to form a tight bond and foster an encouraging environment.
“Our team this year is very close and we are very good at having each other’s backs,” sophomore Kate Dunleavy said.
While having a large team can have many social benefits, practicing with this number of athletes can be difficult.
Rostering a large number of athletes makes finding adequate practice spaces a challenge. The track team usually practices in the field house; however, many other sport teams also occupy this space at the same time.
During the winter months basketball, Hawkettes, wrestling, and other teams that lift in the cage, must share the field house with the track team.
“There are so many teams in the field house and it has been a bit of a challenge to find a space for all the girls on our team,” Dunleavy said.
The constant flow of athletes in and out of this space can be distracting and chaotic for the girls’ track team.
In an effort to resolve the issue, the track team has occasional early morning practices. While adjusting to the practice schedule can be difficult, the team has found a way to make practices enjoyable.
“It has been at these practices where the team, has created closer bonds with each other,” senior Hanna Lind said.
Regardless of all the struggles this team has faced regarding practice spaces, they have still managed to find success this season.
At the Hawk Invite on Feb. 17, sophomore Sofia Arcuri cut into a large Loyola lead in the 4x400 relay, coming up just short of winning the evening’s final event. The Hawks went on to win the meet.
“I remember running around the track cheering her and all the other girls on the team,” Dunelavy said. The team is looking for many more accomplishments at conference and in the outdoor season.
“Outdoor track has typically more of an exciting environment surrounding it, as the events are longer and the meets are generally more exciting being outside,” Lind said.