Vol 10 issue 12

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Tom Crowe '75 Adds Up Top Score in Math Contest Sixty students from Maine South took the Annual High School Mathematics Examination March 12. The examination is given in the United States and Canada and is sponsored by the Mathematical .Association of America and other organizations. According to Mr. Joseph Elliot, math department chairman, these students became eligible

Membership Up In Film Society The remaining films for the Film Society are "Dead of Night" and "Citizen Kane." "Dead of Night," a horror film, will be shown on April 22 and 23. "Citizen Kane" will be shown May 8. This year Film Society has shown more and better films than ever before. Some of the films were "Monterrey Pop," "Bonnie and Clyde," "Z," "A Night at the Opera" and "A Thief in the Night." "Financially, the Film Society is sound again, after several dismal years." commented Dave Cartwright 74, President of Film Society. "First semester we had over 200 members. We have almost that many second semester. Three years ago, there were only 17 members." All films are shown after school in c-127. Membership is $1 per semester.

for the contest by taking a preliminary test offered to all accelerated math students and those in Advanced Math III and IV. This year the top three scoreds were Tom Crowe 75, Joseph Cagney 74, and Ron Miller 74, respectively. The sum of their scores comprise the school team score. "The school team scores are sent to the supervisor of the contest in Illinois, who summarizes them and issues a list-

ing of the top five percent of the schools in Illinois," explained Mr. Elliot. "Maine South has always been in the top five percent, except for one year. In 1972 we placed fourth in Illinois and in 1970, we were fifth. Last year we were fifteenth in the state. Last year we also had a senior, Jim Seidel, place third in the state," he added. Other high scorers for Maine South on the test are as follows: .Anthony Scolaro 74, Law(continued on page 3)

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The sign on the northwest comer of the Maine South campus was recently destroyed by vandals.

Girls Skate To Victory Vol. 10, No. 12

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068

M a r . 29, 1974

3 C. Speakers Participating In State Finals This Weekend Nancy Moore 75, Diane Thunder 74, and Karla Jennings 74 have placed in the sectional contest speakers competition. The girls will go downstate to Bloomington High School in Bloomington, Illinois, on Friday and Saturday, March 29 and 30. They are now among the top 18 in the state. In the sectional, the Maine

South team took third out of 39 schools that participated. The people who placed are: Nancy Moore who took first in Prose Reading, Diane Thunder who took second in Oratorical Declamation, Karla Jennings who took third in Original Oratory, Tammy Barbalace and Bob Leonard took second in Dramatic Duet Acting, Mark Tiberi

and Marl Coles who took third in Humorous Duet .Acting, and Terri Ticrncy took third m \erse reading. In the district competition: Nancy Moore took a first, Diane Thunder took a third, and Karla Jennings took a first. Karla Jennings broke all Maine South speech records. In three years, Karla has won nine first, five second, and four third places in major tournaments and has won one third place in the state finals. She was cocaptain of the team last year and is captain this year. This year, the Maine South speech team has captured three first, two second, and three third place wins in competition. Last year, the team accomplished one first, three second, and one third place in competition. Mrs. Benjamin commented, "This year, we did pretty well and would like to see the team place first in state competition."

Lern 2 Spel Karla Jennings '74, Nancy Moore '75 and Diane Thunder 7 4 placed in the sectional contest speakers competition.

Marlin Members To Take a Dip Soon Et cetera, this year's theme chele Nicolau. This year, the for the annual Marlin swim two trio acts will display the show, should prove to be an- talents of Dayna Limperes-Libother success for the club. Mar- by Elvart-Gail Jacobsen, and lin, the all-girl precision swim Kathy Currier-Gail Eaton-Suzteam, has been practing since ette Engerman. September with the girls trying Dates are set for April 4, 5, out for individual acts in De- 6, and 7. Tickets cost $1.50, and cember. can be purchased from any All the acts are choreographed Marlin member. to music, showing the long hours One Marlin summed up, "It's of work involved to achieve going to l>e a great show and perfection. In accordance with everyone should come and see this year's theme, music will it." contain a little bit of everything, including Stairway to Heaven. Besides practicing, the girls buy the needed supplies, design, and sew most of their own costumes. Miss Dawn Butler, the club's Maureen Blowers '74 has been sponsor, displayed her enthusi- awarded a first-place tuition asm stating, "It's going to be scholarship of $1200, to be apa beautiful show." She also plied to her Dental Assistance added. "This year, we have program at Robert Morris many new and different ideas School in Carthage, 111. She rewith the decorations and the ceived her first place award after competing with more than costumes." Karin .Amtzen, Melinda Dick- 100 girls in the examination. erson, Kim Frindell. and Julie Three other girls also received Sorensen will perform this scholarships to the school. year's solos. The three duet acts Robert Morris School, formerwill be performed by Denise ly Robert Morris Junior ColAhlin and Sally FuUerton, In- lege, is now specializing in onegrid Amtzen and Marilyn Cur- year Medical and Dental Asran, and Betsy Keitel and Mi- sisting career - oriented pro-

Applications for

Southwords Staff Positions

Beginning Tuesday, .April 2, the Reading Center will spon•sor a Spelling Workshop during periods five and nine in C-117. AH interested students should sign up by Friday, March 29. Since the Reading Center will distribute a list of names to study hall teachers, all students enrolled in this mini-course may come directly to the workshop. Sessions will last until Spring Vacation or longer if interest demands. Students can see Mrs. Ehlen, English teacher, for details.

Diane Havlir '76 and Nancy Swider '74 won the National Speed Skating Championship title in their two divisions. Junior Girls Division and Intermediate Girls Division, respectively. This national meet, sponsored by the Amateur Skating Association of Illinois, that took place March 16 and 17 at Randhurst consisted of 350 skaters from all over the United States. Diane competed in the 440 yd., 880 yd., and 330 yd. events and set a new record for the United States in the 330 yd. final of 31.6. Nancy, skating hard to retain her title of Intermediate Girls National Champion, won the three quarter mile and established a national record of 1:03.2 in the 660 yd. final. She placed second in the 440 yd. and 880 yd. final events. Linda Cobble '74, another competitor in the Intermediate Girls Division, attained second place national medals in the 660 yd. and the three quarter mile final races.

Comprehension To Be Tested Students interested in becoming members of Sigma Chi Sigma, South's honorary reading society, may arrange with the Reading Center (C-117) to take a qualifying reading exam. A student scoring at the 90th percentile or above may receive a silver pin; a gold pin can be obtained for a score at the 99th percentile. Both pins are available in the bookstore for $3.00 and $3.50 respectively. Certificates will soon be available for all students who have achieved this level of reading competency. The Reading Center encourages all students interested in improving their reading rate and comprehension to see their counselors or English teachers for referral to the Reading Center. Mrs. Ehlen will be available for details.

Being Accepted Now

In V-106-7

Wins Tuition Scholarship grams. The first class of students in the new program will graduate in May, 1974. The 40acre Robert Morris wooded campus is located in Carthage, 111., near the Mississippi River with an admissions and placement office at One IBM Plaza, Chicago. The school features lifetime job placement services In Allied Health fields for its graduates. Programs begin four times a year. Maureen will start her Robert Morris p^.ogram in September.

Phillip D. Henry, director of Chicago admission and placement office, presents Maureen Blowers w i t h a first-place scholarship cf $1200 as Dr. C. K. Watson, principal, adds his congratulations.

Pag* 2


March 29, 1974

Quiet-Electric Music "The show must go on!" is the motto of a truly great showman. He performs through personal difficulties, family deaths or sickness. Great showmanship was amplified by Shawn Phillips oo Sunday, March 17 when he gave a concert at the Auditorium Theatre. The concert was almost cancelled because Phillips contracted a viral infection in his lungs. His doctor, he told the audience, said he could go on if he took it easy. I, personally, would like to see him go all out. It must really be something. The show started out with "We". The first half consisted of new songs being tried for the first time. They were quiet and soothing accompanied by an acoustic guitar. The second half was an electric explosion begun with a storm, complete with sound effects, lightning flashes and a thundering crescendo with screaming winds and thunder

clashes. Then it dies to the first quiet drops of a spring rain. The listener is picked up and carried away on a wave of music. It's a great feeling. Shawn Phillips has been endowed with a familiar, quieting voice and an ability to write songs that are totally unquieting. He demonstrated these talents as best he could with a hoarse, sometimes cracking voice, and though he "took it easy" his voice was very harsh from singing high and full all night long. A word of caution to sometimes-concert-goers: If you are going to spend your hard-earned money on concert tickets, don't be fooled into buying first balcony tickets. If you do, you'll end up in the uppermost section of the theatre. It's hard to see, hard to hear, hot and smokey. Also, the nearest (and only) washrooms are five floors down, so consider what kind of tickets you want before paying for something less.

Papillon Worth Its Price Only one man ever escaped from Devil's Island. His name was Henri Charriere, known to the underworld as Papillon. He was called PapiUon because of the blue butterfly tattoed on his chest; his symbol of freedom. The true story of Charriere, Papillon, was first published in France where a million copies were sold. It was declared a best-seller in a year. The movie Papillon was taken directly from the book. It stars Steve McQueen as Papillon and Dustin Hoffman as his friend and cohort, Dega. Papillon was accused of a murder he didn't commit and

sent to the French Penal Colony in French Guiana. The rules are strict: the first escape earns two years of solitary confinement, the second earns five years. Anything worse than escape earns the convict a one-way trip to the guillotine. Steve McQueen is great as Papillon, but Dustin Hoffman steals the show as Dega, the refined, intellectual convict who turns into a raving crazy man on Devil's Island. The movie is a sickening, but humorous comment on the cruelty of prison punishment. It's well worth the price of admission and the price of popcorn.

Souths Basketball Squad Appreciates Fan Support To the Editor, As members of the 1973-'74 Msine South Varsity Basketball team, we have played many

Mary Spilis Awarded Northern Scholarship Mary Spilis, a Maine South senior, has won a four-year academic scholarship to Northern Illinois University . in DeKalb.

New Chess Team Challenges Maine West by Mike Cherry and Ron Skiba A newly-formed Maine South che.'.s team wiU challenge Maine West's wood pushers on April 9. The new chess squad includes Mike Cherry '74, Joel Heindrich '76, Jim Conner '77, Dan Chan '76, Terry Coyne '75, and Peter Joyce '77. First semester chess club tournament ended in a first place tie between Mike Cherry '74 and Joel Heinrich '76. Other finishers were Jim Conner '77, third, and tied for fourth through sixth places were Dan Chan '76, Terry Coyne '75, and Peter Joyce '77. Here is a recent Chess Club game between Mike Cherry '74 and Joel Heinrich '76, that led to a first place tie in first semester Oiess Club standings. White: Cherry 1. P-K4 2. N-KB3 3. B-N5

Black: Heinrich P-K4 N-QR3 P-QR3

4. B-R4 5.0-0 6. Q-K2 7. B-N3 8. P-B3 9. B-B2 10. P-Q4 11. PXP 12. R-Ql 13. P-K5 14. P-K6 15. Q-Q3 (b) 16. PXP 17. B-Q2 18. N-QB3(c) 19. Q-B4 20. N-Q5 21. NXB ch. 22. QXQ 23. R-Kl 24. B-K4 25. B-Q5 ch. 26. B-R6 27. N-R4 28. B-B7 29. BXN 30. N-B5 31. R-K3 32. Rl-Kl

N-KB3 B-K2 P-QN4 P-Q3 N-R4 0-0 PXP B-N2(a) R-Kl N-K2 B-B3 N-Bl KXP P-B4 P-B5 K-Nl NB3 QXN PXQ P-QR4 KR-Bl K-Rl R-B2 N-K2 N-Nl KXB R-Ql N-N3 B-B3

teams from the entire Chicago area, and we feel we are in a position to judge the basketball environments of each school.

33. P-Q5! 34. NXP 35. N-N7 36. NXR 37. R-Ql 38. R-K2 39. PXP 40. R-B2 (f) 41. P-<J6

B-Q2 (d) R-B4 (e) Rl-Bl RXN P-N5 P-B6 PXP B-R5 N-B4!

Draw. (a) — The bishop belongs on KN-5 rather than QN-2 (b) — Better is PXP ch. (c) — PXP gives white a powerful attack (d) — Any other bishop move lets white mate with 34. R-K8 ch RXR, 35. RXR ch K-B2, 36. NXQP. (e) — Black goes astray, better was P-N5 (f) — White traps black, but black finds a saving move in NB4, 40. R-Bl would have clinched a white win.

The award covers tuition, room, board, fees, and books. To keep the scholarship, Mary must maintain a 3.3. average. Northern awards three academic scholarships to qualified students who are Illinois residents. Other requirements for the award include an ACT score of 30 or better, a letter of application, and a consistently high record of academic achievement. The candidates were narrowed down to the 28 with the highest scores and grades. As a last step in the selection process, finalists were invited to Northern for an interview. "I wasn't going to go to the interview," Mary commented. "I thought it was just a formality. Now I'm glad I went. I think the kids who didn't show up were automatically disregarded." Until she received notification of the award, Mary had not decided which school to attend. "The scholarship influenced my decision, to say the least," Mary understated. "I'm not offered a nearly free education every day." Mary intends to major in biology and minor in art at Northem. She wants to train for a career in medical art.


Vandalism by a Few Teens Not Indicative of All "Kids want open campus, more lounge periods, all sorts of additional responsibilities. Know how responsible kids are? Go look at the Maine South sign." This line of reasoning has already been verbalized by many people, and is probably the saddest effect of vandalism. People use vandahsm as an excuse to deny students more responsibilities. They don't realize that every age group has a few misfits, and these few hardly represent the age group in general. High school students don't make these kind of generalizations about older people. For example, some older people write checks that bounce. We don't advocate taking away personal checking accounts from everyone over thirty. Young people are the only group which hears, "Too bad. .\ few of you spoiled this for everyone." We don't hear anybody telling militant minority groups

"Sorry, a few of you are burning down buildings so we won't let anybody get equal rights." People wouldn't dare verbalize this thinking in'reference to adult groups. Yet people constantly tell students, "You can't have a no-pass system, lounge, etc., because some of you would misuse the privilege." Sure, some of us would misuse the privilege. But privileges in every other age group are also misused in a few. Nowhere else is the whole age group penalized. Destruction of the Maine South sign is sad and indicative of the times, true, but this destruction is not indicative of students in general. Most students have never vandalized the school and never plan to. Unfortunately, many people are going to vse the sign as an example of why students should be denied more responsibilities. This reasoning is unsound and unfair.

We know of no other fans that back their team as you have backed the Maine South Hawks. We would like to express our thanks to many people, starting with our principal. Dr. Watson. You and your faculty gave us great support the entire year as evident by the number that were at the games. We would like to thank the parents for their understanding and patience, as well as those people who came to the games although they had no persMial connections with the team. The student body of M a i n e South was the most spiritied and vocal of any student body we heard this year. Included are the Pep Club, the Cheerleaders and the Hawkettes not to mention the Rowdies. It meant a great deal to the team when we saw more Maine South fans than home team fans at our away games. lu a letter of this type it is difficult to thank each individual group that formed our fans, so we would like to express one big "THANK YOU" to the entire group. The season ended on a sour note, and as members of the team, we have been told the best thing to do is remember the good times. We hope you too will remember the good times of the 1973-'74 season, and hope that you will continue to support the Maine South Hawks in the future. The Maine South Varsity Basketball Team

Tlw offlclil tlwl«nt n«w«pap«r of MUln* Townthlp High School Soutti, P*rk Rld<]e. Illinolt, iOOU. Writton and tdltid U t i m * i tacli ytar by ttudann o4 tfi* high Khool. SubKfiptions Includx) with activity tickat, purchatad taparattly at $1 par yaar, or IndivMually lor lOc. (Pricad highar for iasvM of mora than 4 pagas.l

Editorin-Chid Aasistant Editor New* Editor In-Deptta Editor Featares Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor Copy Editor Copy Keaden Beporten


Cindy Sopata Ellen Bush Carrie Reckert Prucilla Condon Eileen Dougherty Dan UcGrath Steve Moorman Mary SpiUa Monica Schroeder. Carol Tomer. Paala Glni Barklow McGraw. EUeo KukulsU. Janet Franz. Anna DaskoUaa. Mauraen Buckley. Nancy Deswlck. B a r b Brynnowski, Laurie Freeman. VicU Hathaway. Marty McGraUi. B o b HUdebrand. Ron SUba. Ron Pankau, Karia JenniBSs. Tom Bolmea. Tom Bobka. Sharon Backman. Jill Berry, Sue Trisorea, Sue Norden, Mary Rebe. deau. Kevin Ellwood, Jim Uershey, Mary Peters. Ken Beatty


March 29, 1974

Page 3

Lady Godiva in a Ski Cap and Tennis Shoes? Spring is busting out all over. So are streakers. What is the reason behind (or is it in front of) the streaking fad? Kathy Faehnrich '76 believes that it is because "women are taking over, and the men want to prove their masculinity." Believe it or not, streaking is not too new a fad. California students started it in the mid'60's. In fact, it goes all the way back to Lady Godiva. Mari Coles '75 believes one reason for streaking is "too much pressure in colleges by the administration and faculty." Nancy Casilino '74 said, "People have decided to chuck their emotional inhibitions." Speech coach Mrs. Susan Benjamin believes it's "youth's desire to expose all." When asked if she would streak in the future, she said, "Don't you think all women in their ninth month of pregnancy should?" According to Mr. Elbert Smith, Dean of Students, "The district has a policy about

streaking because of the incidents at the other Maine schools." He would discourage the future streakers by talking with them. As to the penalty, he said, "It denends on the severity, the length of the area, and what the streaker has or hasn't got on. The school is for the good of the students. There are so many things that are wholesome for recognition." One of the faults of streaking as seen by Dee McNamara '74 is, "If a girl streaked and got attacked, she wouldn't have a leg to stand on in court." Ms. Chris Voelz, girls' P.E. teacher, thinks "streaking is an outcry against society standards in our government corruntiveness right now. I believe it's a just cause." If Linda Diekman '76 saw her parents streaking, she said she would roll over and have a coronary. Kathy Phillips '73 said she'd join her parents.

One anonymous gi>-l who saw a streaker said, "I felt like taking off my clothes and joining him. It looked like fun, and he was cute." Gail Podosek '77 saw a streaker and said that it was funny because she didn't expect it at the time. Math teacher Mr. Tom Gasche states the reason for the streaking fad as a "passing fancy for people who want to run free." Laura Oancarz '74 said, "Kids had nothing else to do in college because they don't riot any more. They do it to get attention." One unusual reason fo'- the streaking fad is held by Pat Steven'son '76: "It's because Pluto, Mars, and Venus are 120 degrees away from each other now." Miss Roberta Iliff, Dean of Girls, lelieves streaking is only an attention-getting device. As soon as the weather is warmer. Jon Williams '76 said

Senior Honor Assembly Open to All? As fourth quarter approaches, many seniors can look forward to being honored at the Senior Honors Assembly. But who will see the seniors awarded is still in question. When many students were asked the question, "Should the Senior Honors Assembly be just for seniors, or should it be an all-school assembly?" students voiced varied opinions, Carey Olson '74 said, "It should just be a senior class assembly because of the fact that most underclassmen don't really care who is getting the awards, but the seniors know the kids who are getting the awards and can relate to it."

Kathy Ryan 74 agrees and stated, "I don't think there should be an all-school assembly because the awards are just for what the seniors themselves have accomplished. The underclassmen aren't really involved." Some underclassmen disagree. Tim Kelly '75 said. "I think seniors deserve an all-school assembly. If they've l)een working hard enough to receive the honors, then the school should know about it." One student thinks that the underclassmen would be bored at the senior assembly. Pete Schmelzer '74 commented, "Underclassmen shouldn't be sub-

Driver's Ed. Simulators Key to Defensive Driving Driver's Education, the prep'' aration of the future drivers of America, depends a great deal on driving simulators. A simulator is a small machine consisting of a seat, steering column and wheel, gas and brake pedals, mirrors, and turn signals. Simulators arc new but are they worth student time and district money? The students believe, on the most part, that the simulators are a waste of time and money. "It would be all right if the film was one per student. Instead it's one per fifteen with > no individual attention," said an anonymous junior. Simulators arc designed to make the student ready for pos- sible hazards and to teach him driving techniques. By the time a student is in a car he should

theoretically know what he is doing. The Driver's Education department has 16 films with hundreds of situations. Taking time to prepare the student in the simulator leaves more driving time once he is actually on the road. "The main reason for using simulators is to increase student perception of driving hazards," said Mr. John Minerick. Chairman of the Driver's Education department. "When you ask a student what he doesn't like about the simulators he'll say motion. They want to get into a car right away." Simulators arc not to take the place of street driving," Mr. Minerick added. ".Ml we can hope is mavhe one situation will help a stuJe..l to cope with ? real emergency."

that he would love to do it. Richard Cox '74 said, "Everybody is going back to nature. It started with Euell Gibbons." Streaking has many pros and

Clinic De-Lights The second time a student is caught smoking, he does not receive a green slip for a threeday suspension. Instead, he is sent for two sessions at the school's Smoking Clinic. The Smoking Clinic is a "class"taught by Mr. Thomas Higgins, Health Instructor. The "class" meets on Wednesday nights, from 7 until 9 p.m., at Maine South. The first session, Mr. Higgins gets acquainted with his "students" by having them fill out a questionnaire and by talking to them. He tries to discover how long the student has been smoking, if the student ever tried to quit, and if his parents smoke. When he first started the Clinic, Mr. Higgins thought he might find a relationship be-

Debbie Erickson '75 summed u;- her feelings by saying, "The seniors have worked really hard for these honors and they deserve to bo presented in front of the whole school. They should make the assembly optional so the misbehaved kids don't have to come."


tween students who smoke and those who have parents who smoke. However, over a period of time, Mr. Higgins has found that most students started because of their friends, regardless of their parents' smoking habits. The second session, Mr. Higgins shows movies emphasizing the hazards of smoking. Then the students participate in roleplaying certain situations, where they try to pyt themselves in their parents' or teachers' places. The Smoking Clinic has not become a "sure-cure" for smokers. However, last year nine out of 70 students who attended it did quit. Since most student smokers have tried to quit at one time, the clinic is helping them. 'n^ s u r e UOH all

jected to something they're not interested in. The seniors weren't interested in the Meet Your Candidate Assembly. It's the same situation with the Senior Honors Assembly." Miss Patricia Barr, senior class sponsor, held a different view than many of the seniors interviewed when she stated. "It's good for the underclassmen to see what the seniors have achieved and what the underclassmen will be able to achieve as well. Also, it's important for seniors to receive this recognition because many privileges that were for seniors exclusively have been given to the other classes. However, at these assemblies it is important for the seniors to conduct them."^elve- in a mature manner. "

cons, but it gives people a chance to air out their differences and it is the first time in years one has been able to tell the boys from the girls.


Students Score in Top 5% in Math rence Kusch '75. Carol Tomer •75, John Zautcke "74, William Fitzmaurice '74, James Haase '74, Daryl Bengtson '75, Ken Chan '74. and David Braun '74. respectively. The examination covers topics that are usually taught in the first three years of high school. "The test is a very good measure of a student's ability to think quickly with ingenuity and

creativity." commented Mr. Elliot.

Tennis Starts have done well in it. The indoor practice has been help. In a general outlook, Coach Kent was optimistic. "We should have a real good chance in most of our duel meets and at least an even chance against Deerfield,"

1984 Hears Reality! How Will It Be? by Karla Jennings What will the world be like in 1984? Most students, when asked this sharply controversial question, replied: "Different, I guess, but don't quote me." Other answers ranged from "a mess" to "a disaster," but a few of the students interviewed actually had a theory of what ten years from now would bring. Diane Jorgenson '74 sees "seven billion people, electronically run cars, and the beginnings of World War III." Dave Cartwright, also a senior, sees Maine South changing with the times, and Student Council fulfilling a vital need. He thinks that "Maine South will be all black, Student Council win be running the lost and found, and Spiro T. Agnew will be president." The views of Jeff Smith, senior, covered a larger scope — the world. In 1984, according to Jeff, "We will either remain in a period of mass confusion and insanity due to the inability of people to look at themselves realistically, or have a revolution, after which Dan Amidei and I will co-ner the toilet paper market and rule the world." Other views were not as harrowing, but also inclined to the dark side. Katy Ellis "75 com-

mented, "I think people will get more apathetic. "Things will get worse and people will say 'Well, that's the way things are", and try to make do." Judy Lottich, a sophomore, says of the U.S., "There will be a lot of attempts at revolution, but they won't come off." A student wishing to remain anonymous sees the Arabian countries "as a third world power, with Red China being the top super-power and the U.S. a close second." Senior Sue Engelskirchen believes that science should limit life saving devices as time goes

on. She hopes "we won't be making so many inventions that make people live longer and add to overpopulation." Recent interest in euthanasia and some state laws on "mercy killings" makes such a statement a likely reality. Only one student saw the world being brought closer together. The others interviewed who had something to say mostly agreed on a dread future. Katy Ellis, with her opinion on apathy, was probably the most accurate predicter of all. Out of 20 students questioned, only 10 bothered to reply.

Girls Badminton Finishes Second Last week-end, the girl's badminton team completed a fine season with a second place showing in the league championships held at Niles East. Twelve schools competed in the meet, and our Hawks finished the meet with 20 points, losing to New Trier West's 21. Only varsity players competed in the meet. All varsity single players advanced to semi-final competition; however, only Sue Gillette '75 advanced to the finals where she was defeated. All three doubles teams were seeded in the meet, and the first

and second doubles team advanced to the semi-finals. Both the Varsity and Junior Varsity had an over-all season record of seven wins and one loss and a conference record of four wins and one loss. The sole loss was to Niles West. Jill Berry '74, varsity player, commented, "The team this year did a good job, and a second place showing in the meet is excellent. I know Ms. Albrecht is proud of us, and the team is proud, too. I'm sorry to see the season over with."

Page 4


March 29, 1974

Peoria Bound

Baseball Season Opens by Dan McGrath Baseball fans at Maine South will have plenty to cheer about this spring when the 1974 Hawk diamond season is launched today. Built around the nucleus of this summer's third place state team, the Hawks should be one of Illinois' biggest contenders for the elusive state crown. "There is plenty of depth on this squad," commented coach Verber. "The team is about two thirds junior, but the seniors will probably be filling the key positions for us." As sophomores, the juniors finished in second place to league champion Maine West in the CSL South with a 12-6-1 slate. Pitching was that squad's strong point. Last year's var-

2nd Baseman Dave Hood

sity was 11-8, winning nine of their last eleven ballgames. "I think the basic strength of this team lies in its good defense. In the past few seasons we have lacked either speed, hitting or pitching. I think that the season ahead will show a little bit of everything — balance," commented Mr. Verber. The Hawks should be very strong on the mound this season, with John Klinpstein and Dave Paterson anchoring the starting rotation. Patterson was all-conference as a sophomore, but was beset by arm troubles last spring. "Patterson. Klippstein, and Bob Flagler appear to be the starting rotation right now," remarked Mr. Verber. "I also expect to get a lot of work out of juniors Dave Mc-

First Baseman Tom Colmen

Lean and Jim Davis." "I think Bob Flagler could well prove to be our biggest asset this season, I think he is the most over-all improved player on the team," continued Mr. Verber. South will have a team composed of eight returning lettermen, a very impressive and influential factor. "We will have Pagone. Zdeb, Patterson, Horn, Klippstein, Colmen. Hood and Morrison back with us this year," added Mr. Verber. "Zdeb and Pagone were both named to the all-conference team with honorable mention; Pagone at third and Zdeb at short." If the Hawks are going to gain the experience necessary to compete downstate they could not be in a better area in which to do it in. "This is one of the toughest, if not the toughest baseball conference in the state. Niles North and Niles West, the Glenbrook schools, Maine East, and Maine West and ourselves make it a very difficult conference to win," stated Mr. Verber. "In the last ten years," continued Mr. Verber, "six Central Suburban League teams have been in the top four teams. We will also play some very tough non-conference foes. LaGrange is picked to win the West Suburban and Glenbard West was runner-up to the Lions last season. We also play defending Mid-Suburban champ Forest View and perennial power Evanston." South's excellent finish in the

Pitcher Bob Flagler

Pitcher Dave Patterson

summer state tourney was an indication to players and opponents ahke of Maine's return to the state picture. South was runner-up to Glenbrook North in the 1936 finals. "We should gain some confidence by winning the conference last summer and then doing so well in

the tournament." surmised Mr. Verber. "The difference is that we are going to really have to apply what we gained now, when it counts. When you take into consideration our strong points with the experience we have it could be a successful and rewarding season."


Murphy Sets New Record; Winter All-Staters Named by Dan McGrath, Sports Editor

Pole-vaulter Brian Murphy set a new Hawk mark with a record-shattering leap of 14 feet against the Notre Dame Dons. It was a career and field house high for this event. Brian has consistently been one of the top scorers for the track team this season. • The Chicago Daily News and the Chicago Tribune both named Pete Boesen'to their annual All-State teams. Pete should be named to the AP poll, still to be disclosed. Pete averaged 23 points and 13 rebounds a game for the top-seeded netters. Hawk fans should see even better performances by their 6'8 center next season. Jim Herring will join Pete on the gy-m foyer wall, he was the second Hawk in Maine South's history to win the in the past four seasons to ad- individual state foil crown. Jim had a lot of competition vance from Maine South. One downstate from Notre Dame, and from teammate Dave of the top five, he ended up in Young, an outstanding fencer in his own right. the middle at the sectional, • The spring season officially begins this weekend where he shot at 85. Anyone with baseball, golf, tennis and track getting under way. of the starting rotation could make it." concluded Mr. Ross. The golfers show promise of developing a fine squad with the abundance of talented juniors on the team. The track team is warming up to make another battle for the outdoor crown, last won by South in 1972. Tennis should be the team to really go places. Coach Les Kent will welcome back a good crop of returning lettermen. second and Lottich ended up • The varsity netters caught the school and this sports with thi'-d, but the big news was the outstanding perform- editor by surprise with the defeat at Hersey. The surprise ance of first place winner Brian forced a complete revision of our last sports page ending Murphy. Murphy brought the at 3 a.m. that Thursday morning. It is fitting that now after spectato s to their feet with a the tourney has closed, that the school recognize all Uie dazzling and record breaking honors, accolades and respect the 1974 Hawks brought to jump of 14 feet, easily clearing South. the bar. Greg Palumbo ended The guys played the best regular season of any Hawk the meet for South with an ex- net team. The team compiled a 23-2 season slate won the cellent jump of 6 feet in the conference and regional crowns, finished runner-up at the high jump, making the final Aurora Holiday Invitational, and was ranked the top team 66-43. in Illinois. They were a real team.

Linkers Aim for Districts remarked Mr. Ross. by Tom Holmes "Our goals for this season," Hawk golf fans can look forward to a strong season from continued Mr. Ross, "are to adthis year's varsity golf team. vance one player out of the disSeasoning and dedication should tricts and significantly improve be the margin of success for on last year's showing. Rob this season's linkers. The team Stiggleman was the first Hawk is coached by Mr. Ron Ross. This year's key performers will probably be the Most Valuable Player of last year's Hawks, Rob Stiggleman: talby Ron Pankau ented junior Bob Graf and budMaine South's varsity track ding sophomore star Ray Becker. These three players figure team placed another notch in the most prominently in the the victory column with their Hawks 1974 plans, the last year recent destruction of Notre when golf will be held in the Dame's Dons. The Hawks defeated Notre Dame 6643 at the spring. Most of this year's competi- field house, coming from behind tion for the younger Hawks in a strong indoor showing. South managed a clean sweep should come from returning Central Suburban League champ in the 2-mile run: Norb Lyle, New Trier West. Deerfield and John Moody and Matt Straub the Glenbrook schools also fig- winning the top three positions. Tom Hermes won both the low ure into the title picture. "The North Shore schools con- and high hurdles. Pete Nelson sistently dominate the Central took a third place award in the Suburban in golf," commented high hurdles and Eric .Anderson coach Ross. "The boys from earned third in the low hurdles. these schools play every day Mark Cc'Jorgren barely nosed at community golf courses. They out fellow Hawk Duke Vogel, have a great edge in experience newly arrived from the JV basand have tough competition." ketball team, in a close 50-yard Coach Ross hopes to improve heat. Each sped to a 5.7 mark, on last season's record of 4 and Sellergren clipping the tape 10, a mark that earned the first. In the 880-yard run. Bob Hawks a fifth place in the CSL Swaback won the event while south division. However, the teammate Mark Hylen finished coach does feel that with the third. The S80-yard relay team took combination of benefits received from winter workouts, summer first place with a good mark of tourneys and consistent prac- 1:38.3. Competing for South in tice the team should be in good this event were Sellergren, Grupp, Ruggeri and Murphy. condition. "The most improved player Glenn Iwata and Tom Black we have on the squad is sopho- were one-two in the mile run. more Vic Kaczkowski, He should The Dons managed clean form the basis of the team with sweeps in the long jump event Stiggleman, Graf and Becker. and the shot put. Maine South They should improve as the sea- did come back, the Hawks clearson progresses. I would think ing the slate in the pole vault each of them could shoot in the event, perhaps the biggest sinlow eighties or high seventies gle strong point in the Hawk There is a lot of potential," attack. Bill Battersby finished

Track Beats Notre Dame

Netmen Launch Spring Drive by Bob Hildebrand Even though the weather has not been the most ideal lately, the var.'ity tennis team has been out on the courts working hard to prepare for their first meet. The Hawks will travel to Glenbard West on April 4th. Glenbard West "should be a good test for us," stated coach Les Kent. "They are a fairly tough squad, close to South's expected team strength. The team will be doing some traveling this season as 5 out of 8 of our meets are away." This year's squad could be considered stronger than last year's, since it has much more depth. South should have dependable players all the way through second doubles. The team will have a core of 4 returning lettermen; Doug BergeKon, Jim Haase, Bob Hildebrand and Bob Lee to build on. Round-

ing out the team will be juniors Rich Anderson, Paul Casaletto, John Daniel and Mike Kopach. All the players have played indoors to varying degrees this

Infieldtr Andy Bryniczka

winter. Bergeson and Hildebrand had qualified for a CDTA sponsored junior development excellence program last fall and {CONTINUED ON PAGE 3)

Shortstop Kip Zdeb

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