Vol 10 issue 7

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Special Passes Only For Upperclassmen Honor Hall Passes are virtually unknown to manv students at Maine South, although the policy is now in effect. To obtain a pass the student must see Mrs. Kleinschmidt in the Personnel Office for an application. The application includes questions such as, "Why do you feel you need an open hall pass?" Another part of the application asks for ways that the student feels he has deomonstrated responsibility at Maine South. A teacher must also sign the application to indicate that the student is responsible. Only Junior and Senior students are eligible to apply for the special passes and he can not have been suspended for the past two semesters. The policy also reads that the student should be an officer on a school activity or a member of a major student council committee to obtain a pass, but other students may apply if they feel they hold a high position at school. If the applicant is rejected he may apply the next semester. The pass can not be used for wandering the halls, but may be used to go to specific parts of the building, during a free period. The pass must also be pinned on at all times that it is in use. If a student is caught for a minor problem the teacher signs the back of his pass. If he receives three signatures, the honor hall pass will be taken away.

Plays Arriving To South Soon Casting of "The Frog Prince," this year's Children's Play, based on the fairy tale, has been completed. Bob Leonard '74, has been chosen to direct the play, and Meg Thielen '74, will aid him as assistant director. The five characters that make up the play are the prince and princess, Olaf, Nannycoo, and the Snake Witch. John Vinopal •76 and Tom Dwyer '74, will play the role of the prince, while Ginny Rooney '74 and Kathy Phillips '76, will act as the princess. The prince's servant, Olaf, will be portrayed by Jon Williams '76. Nannycoo, the princess's nanny, will be acted by Lynn Malone '75. The Snake Witch, an evil monster that transforms the prince to a toad, will be played by Eileen Conner '75 and Diane Thunder '75. Kim Heidkamp '75 will act as prompter, Chee Chee Manika '75, head of costumes, Chris Penkava '74 as make-up head, and Nancy Yost '74 will act as head of the construction crew. Admission is 50 cents for adults and children alike. "The Frog Prince" will be presented at Jefferson School on January 12 and 19 at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and on January 13 at 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. The Maine South Adult Players, a newly formed group, is putting on the musical. Fiorello, soon. The musical tells the story of the life of Fiorello H. La Guardia, the mayor of New York City in the late 1930's and early '40's. Mr. Robert Vinopal will play the role of La Guardia. "Fiorello" is scheduled to appear on the Maine South auditorium at 8:00 p.m. on January 11 and 12, and 7:00 p.m. on January 13. The general admission fee will be $2.50.

Mr. Robert Simonson, Assistant Principal, believes that the new system is succeeding. He feels that way because the students with the passes are officers of clubs, etc. and they are using the passes for a purpose. "I think this new system has good possibilities." Between twenty and thirty students have obtained passes this year, and no trouble has been reported.

©SJTI© Vol. 10, No. 7

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068

Students Anticipate Early Graduation For the second year in Maine South's history. January graduation ceremonies will take place with ninety students receiving

Adelene Fisieris Snaps Up Award In State Jr. Miss Pageant Dec. 29 .Although Park Ridge did not come up with an Illinois Junior Miss this year, contestant .Adelene Fistedis '74 won the Kodak Camera award and a $300 savings bond in the State Junior Miss Pageant. The Pageant, held in South's auditorium Dec. 29, saw South grad and 1973 Illinois Junior Miss Karen Heidkamp crown her successor. Shelly Kolfer of Paxton. Lynn Jochums from Normal was first runned-up, while Ingrid Stumfauser from Prospect Heights was second runner-up. .Adelene won the Kodak award with the three best pictures of nature as she portrayed different scenes at Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks, including such sights as birch trees, waterfalls, and bushes silhouetted against the sky. In addition to entering the photo contest, Adelene also developed her culinary talents in the Kraft Foods contest. Adelene's entry, though it did not win any award, lent a Greek

Jan. 11, 1974

flavor in its presentation. -Adelene did not enter the thi'-d contest, snonsored bv Breck Products. Each entrant in the contest had to create a hairstyle that would fit their own age and lifestyle and name their creation after an aspect of Illinois. The dance number all contestants entered, entitled "Dancing Through the .Ages", was unbelievably hard, according to Adelene, for she declared, "I'm not a dancer." The performance mixed the Charleston, the Tango, Square Dancing, Ballet, the Polka, the Rhumba, and the Jitterbug. The day after Christmas, while most people were still trying to squeeze into the landknit sweater from their Grandma, Adelene, along with the other contestants, checked in at the Holiday Inn near the school at 10:30 a.m. "Every meal at the Inn seemed like a sevencourse meal," recalled Adelene. "By the end of four days, I was sick of eating.

their diplomas. This year, g'-aduation ce>-emonies will be held on January 25, 1974, at 8:00 A.M. Unlike last year, cans and Rowns will be worn bv the stuHents who nlan to participate in the ceremonies. "By having caps and gowns, it will honefully give mo'-e meaning to the mid-year ceremonies," commented Mr. James Bonney. director of guidance. Some .students, such as Liz Curran, do not like the idea of wearing caps and gowns at the ce emonies. Liz stated, "Caps and gowns are a waste of time, they're only a hassle." Though the feelings are mixed concerning the ceremonies, most graduates agreed with Liz about needing a diploma to achieve their goals. Travel, full-time employment, and plenty of spare time are just some of the advantages of graduating early. "Students also have a better chance to be admitted into a college during midyear or get a headslart on a career, since they're not competing with the June graduates," stated Mr. Bonney. He

aUo exniained the disadvantage of not finishing a college prep program fc- those 'Planning to attend college in the fall. Mo«t graduates such as Mary Pat Bvi-ne feel ihev can use Ihci" time for a better u^c. Margo Butz held the same oninion when she commented, "I have no time to naint. work, or do anything while I'm in school: and that's exactly what I plan to do after January." Neither g U s had any misgivings about missing any senior activities. ".U first I felt bad about not being in school for the last semester, but then I realized I could always come back to school and visit my friends if 1 wanted to," stated Rick Wold. Though Rick will officially finish his classes in January, he plans to graduate with his class in June. Barb Giametta. who plans to attend the ceremonies, summed up most January graduates' thoughts concerning early graduation by saying, "Why stay around in school if you have the required credits, when you could be doing something you really enjoy instead?"

Teachers' Lounge


Exorcist" Will Frighten the Devil Out of Faint-Hearted Moviegoers

by Laurie Freeman '76 Christmas vacation brought many things; extra sleep, hangovers, presents, and "The Exorcist". The last item Santa didn't bring, it was more from the devil himself. If being grossed out is a favorite pastime of yours, I highly recommend this movie. The story deals with a 12-year old girl possessed by a demon. Two priests then perform an exorcism (the driving out of a demon) on her. The story is adapted from the last actual exorcism recognized by the Roman Catholic Church of a 14 year old boy in 1949. For those who have read the book and haven't seen the flick yet, I warn you, none of the scenes were left out. Yes, that includes the crucifix scene. Jason Miller did an exceptional job as Father Karras, one of the exorcists. Much credit

Fall Brings Health III "Current Health Problems," a new one quarter min-course, will be offered next y e a r . Health III was encouraged by the increasing interest of Health II classes in pollution problems, fental health and emotional problems, first aid and human sexuality. A grade will be given, but the course wiU be noncredit. The course will be run on a seminar discussion basis, where the students will choose the topics to be explored, thereby insuring interesting and relevant topics. Outside speakers, sun'cys, field trips and experiments may be involved.

and sympathy goes to Linda Blair who played the afflicted girl who is still probably having nightmares from filming it. I understand she has given up making movies. The devil must have made her do it. You can tell those who have seen it. They're the ones wearing crucifixs and strings of garlic around their necks. While the movie is rated R (under 17 not admitted without parent or guardian) Gateway requires you to be over 18. If you're willing to spend $3 on this movie, I recommend you go with a friend, so you both can scream together. Most of the time there is a line to get in. But don't worry, the first 15 minutes are a total drag. If you really enjoy getting the devil scared out of you. "The Exorcist" is for you.


Drivers Under 18 Get No Gas Thanks to the Gideon Society for Bibles, Mr. Simonson added a personal touch by handing the Bibles out. H only more students around here could dead. . . Sports editor Dan McGrath would like to see the school cafeteria get a liquor license. South words promises to back Dan's proposal. Think how fast A type dinners would sell if the orange juice was spiked. Driving to school by the light of the moon has caused many complaints recently. Students waiting for buses express the fear of being attacked in the dark. We on staff don't think that many muggers are industrious enough to get up at 7:30 a.m.

We resent the gas conservation plan in which no licensed driver under eighteen gets a gas allotment. Teenagers depend on cars just as much as adults do. Maybe a teen allotment shouldn't be as much as an adult's, but teens desen-e some gas. Government officials have decided that all our activities are trivial. Let them give up their electric blankets. Many students have part-time jobs after school. .Around the country, big percentages of kids work full time after high school. Depriving employers of parttime help and students of extra cash is a bad idea. But it's easy to deprive people under seventeen of gas. We can't vote. We can be ignored.

Most upsetting is the implication that youth would settle down if kept off the streets. Kids won't get into any trouble it they can't drive. Rowdies are still going to be rowdies. Instead of doing mischief elsewhere, they'll start vandalizing their own neighborhoods. We don't want to deprive some father of five gallons of gas to go to work, but we think the gas could be saved elsewhere. Young people seem to be much more co-operative in shutting off lights, slowing down, and staying energy-conscious than their elders, who often expect everybody else but themselves to sacrifice. We don't expect to be ignored and exploited in return.

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January 11, 1974


Aurora E. Cages Hawks by Dan McGrath "I think our biggest task will be to stop Boesen and Schmelzer. Boesen and Schmelzer are the key to their team. We have to shut them off and keep them away from the boards to win. Most of all, we have to stop the Maine fast-break," concluded Mr. Frank O'Keefe, Niles North cage coach. The Hawks meet the tough Vikings tonight. The varsity roundballers of Maine South are coming off their first defeat, a narrow 7166 loss to the East .Aurora Tomcats in the finals of the Aurora Holiday Tourney. The loss snapped the Hawk win streak at 10 games. Coach Bemie Brady commented. "Aurora's good shooting hurt, especially in the first period. They jumped out to a substantial lead on us, opening a 12 point bulk. They were just hot. The complexion of the game did change after the first period, their press was ineffective and they couldn't fastbreak." Aurora, one of Chicagoland's toughest tourneys, featured state powers Maine South, Aurora East and East Leyden. The Hawks whipped the Oswego Panthers of the Little Seven conference, in the opening session, 83-57. The Hawks then nudged East Leyden in the semifinal round.

The Eagles, hitting a red hot 55 per cent, blasted the Hawks with 16 points in the first quarter. South trailed throughout the game until the final moments, when a bucket by the tourney's MVP, Pete Schmelzer, put South ahead 52-51. Leyden moved ahead until John Reilly tied it at 55. Schmelzer tied it up for South 57-57 with 1:48 left on two key free throws. Schmelzer scored again, but Grunwald tied it up at 1:08, sending the contest into overtime. South shut out the Eagles' offense in the OT. McCa-lhy sank a bucket at 2:34. The Hawks stalled until :13. when Bopp was fouled- Schmelzer followed the missed attempt with a tip, moving Maine ahead by 4 with seconds remaining. Boesen hit one from the comer to make the final score, 65-59. The Hawks faced the home team in the championship, the East .-\urora Tomcats. The Tomcats, led by All-Stater Ellis Files and hotshooting starters Jeff Hicks and Randy Hook, roared into the lead, hitting 14 of 21 shoU to Uke a 30-18 advantage. "Hook was fantastic," explained coach Brady. "We knew he was a good shooter, he has been for three years. He was hot throughout the tourney. Hook made 20 points, all but two from the outside. We tried

to play him as close as we could, evidently it wasn't close enough. Files and Hicks also scored well." The Hawks slowed the game and crept to within seven of Aurora at the half. Hook smashed a late Hawk third period surge with a 10 point effort. Boesen and Schmelzer battled on the inside to keep the Hawks within four. Leading 66 64. Aurora went into a stalling pattern until Hicks was fouled by McCarthy. Hicks sank one and made a bucket on the rebound to ruin the Hawk chances. Schmelzer and Boesen were named to the tourney team. "It's hard to say why we lost," remarked Coach Brady. "We played close and came from behind. The loss was to a highly regarded team. The tourney was one of the toughest in the area. I think it was a good experience. The East Leyden game gave our kids a lot of confidence. Wc came back in the Aurora game and almost won. We'll snap back." The Hawks face off tonight against Niles North in the spectator gym. Coach Brady described the Niles team: "Niles North is very good, they have an outstanding boy in Steve Goebel. They fastbreak as much as possible, they are a good shooting team and use many defenses, all effective." "We will be two weeks without a game, which may affect us. The kids still have a fine attitude," stated Mr. Brady.

Pete Schmelzer and Bob McCarthy fight for a rebound in the Hawk's victory over Highland Park.

Flexers Await Deerfield by Ron Pankau The varsity gymnasts have had a very busy schedule over the past few weeks. The team ento-ed the Maine East Invitational Meet with manv of Illinois' best teams convicting. Representing Maine South were John Davis, Jim Kaucich, Jim Tanne-i. Bob LeMay, Jim LoBue and Craig Martin. Next, the gymnasts traveled to the Rich Central Holiday Meet where all-around men Rob Wright and Craig Martin were entered. Martin earned a fourteenth place finish out of a field of 52. Ctaig also won seventh place on the side horse, an outstanding performance for a sophomore. In meeting the top seeded Niles East flexers, South gave a very good showing in a losing

effort, 130-115. John Davis and Jim LoBue were top men for South on the rings and in free exc-cisc, respectively. C r a i g Martin finished well on the side horse and parallel bars, Jim Tanneri on tramp and Jim Kaucich on high bar performed equally well. The squad is currently ranked third in the Central Suburban. Coach Tim Higgins remarked, "I am very pleased with the boys performance and effort, they are learning very fast. We are averaging about 112 points per meet." "I think we will have a fine showing against Deerfield here tomorrow at 2:30. If the boys just keep working as hard as they have been, we should do well for the remainder of the season," concluded Mr. Higgins.

Matmen Roll Over Holidays by Bob HUdebrand The varsity Hawk grapplers won second place honors in the classy Hinsdale Central Holiday Tourney. The Hawks took second place out of a field of 16, beaten out by Glenbard West of the Des Plaines VaUey conference. It's another two points for Maine South as forward Strong Individual showings for Pete Schmelzer goes to the basltet in Maine's victory South were made by Kurt Fiech over the Highland Park Giants. and John Skoullos, champions at 105 and 167 pounds, respectively. Bob Mikos won first place in the consolation bracket and Keith Skaathum and Mark Jenkins also placed. by Marty McGrath Tom Barr leads the freshmen Maine South had eight vie Maine South's underclass bas- attack with a 20 points per ketball teams are once again game average, including a re- tories in all in first round comthe class of the Central Subur- cent 41 point barage of High- petition. South fell to fourth place in the meet behind West ban League. The South sophomore powerhouse presently land Park. Ricky Smith and Chicago, faltering in the second owns an 8-1 record. The fresh- Paul Preston are second to round. South dropped again in men A team also has an 8-1 Barr in scoring and rebound- the third round, but Hawk inrecord, both are undefeated in ing, respectively. Ball-handlers dividual wrestlers were very league play. Frank Pagone and Pat Nugent successful. Mark Jenkins and The sophomore Hawks won fill the guard spots. Tim Mc- John Skoullos held their oppothe Elk Grove Holiday Tourney Namara contributes his efforts nents scoreless. Roger Burton pinned his rival in the 138 pound title. The squad is led by re- at center. bracket at 4:33. Bob Mikos, Ed turning MVP Chris Steffen and 6*5 center Russ Schmelzer. Schmelzer and Steffen combine for most of the Hawks scoring and rebounding power. by Dan McGrath, Sports Editor Jim Briars and Mark SwierThe top spot in the Central Suburban south division is enga solidly anchor the defense, an effective 1-2-2 set. on the line tonight when our varsity netters battle Niles Brian Malloy, Jim Lee and North. Maine South is the only undefeated team in the Mike Burton share the guard south, while unbeaten league powerhouses Glenbrook North spot. The team is coached by and New Trier West head the pack in the North. Since Mr. Bob Schmidt, who directed Maine South does not meet either Glenbrook North or New the squad to a divisional title Trier this year, a victory tonight should mean a sure road last season. The Hawks square to the conference title. off tonight against the Niles Following the East Aurora battle, Maine South slipped North Vikings in tonight's preto the number three spot in the rankings. Undefeated Bloom liminary game. cind East Aurora are rated as the top two teams. A winning attitude has been The loss at East Aurora was unfortiuiate, but did have the key to the success of Mr. a brighter side. Better to lose now than later, on the road George Verber's league leading freshmen roundballers. The to Champaign. The Hawks were in the game throughout Hawks also won the Hersey Hol- and played excellent basketball. The Hawks still remain iday Tourney championship. one of the favorites to compete downstate this year. Maine Deerfield fell to the Hawks 56- South could be a very imposing ballclub in the state 43 in the opener. The Hawks tournament. crushed Barrington's Colts 85- • .Ml you Hawkette watchers don't forget to tune in and 46 in the semi-final and finished see the squad perform in beautiful pageantry on next the drive with a 52-26 cream Sunday night. The show will be seen January 20, on NBC job over highly touted Elk at 9:30. Grove. • Congratulations to varsity gridder John Shemechko.

Frick and Kurt Fiech also won decision victories for South. The Hawks came up with clinching performances in the championship round, winning six of eight decisions. John Skoullos set a new varsity record for quickest pin with a :17 verdict. Coach Ziemek stated. At the Prospect Tourney Maine again nailed down a second place trophy. Downers Grove North won the invitation-

al, amassing 79 points to the Hawks' total of 70.5. Maine remained in first place throughout the first round, collecting eight decision victories. Point totals were doubled in the second round where Maine suffered only three losses. In the final championship session Maine won two first place awards with Kurt Fiech winning at 105 pounds and Chuck Myers taking first at 126 pounds.

Underclassmen Gain

Mark Jenkins finds himself in a tight spot during the Hinsdale Meet. Jenkins went on to win, 8-3.

Division at Stake Tonight, Netters Rate 3rd In Area John set a new Maine South record in physical fitness, doing an unbelievable 165 extension press-ups, breaking Tony Ruggeri's 3 year old record of 161. The PE department's own TV personality, Mr. Glen Van Proyen, did the counting. • Speaking of TV personalities, South has been getting top coverage on the networks and Chicago newspapers. Basketball fans may have caught Mr. Van Proyen reffing a recent NBC high school game of the week. Mr. Van Proyen is one of the state's top basketball officials. A week ago Wednesday, ABC TV's Bill Frink interviewed coach Bemie Brady and filmed a practice, seen later that evening. If you follow sports in the papers, you must have noticed the top coverage given to Maine South consistently this season by Taylor Bell of the Daily News. • I would like to thank Steve Moorman and his staff, for their excellent photography this basketball season. Special thanks to .'Advocate photographer Dave Gibbons for his shots. Also, this crusading reporter (editor), would never have been able to bring you these outstanding, awardwinning and earthshaking basketball accounts without the service of the Mike Keesey Limosine Agency, and the helpful hints of rowdies like Dave McLean, Bob Graf, Tom Crowe, Craig Bma and Bill Marshall.

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