Vol 10 issue 9

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Air Conditioning Coming Vol. 10, No. 9

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068

Feb. 15, 1974

3 Students Nominated For Accomplishments at South David W. Cartwright '74, Kirke Machon '74, and Mary A. Spills '74 have been selected as Outstanding Teenagers of America for 1974, according to Dr. Clyde K. Watson, principal. Nominated by their principals, the Outstanding Teenagers of America are chosen from individual schools across the country for excellence in academic achievement and community service. The local students will now vie for the Outstanding Teenager of the Year trophy to be prcsenled by the state's governor. The state winners are selected by the Outstanding Teen-

ager .\wards Selection Committee. Selection for the Outstanding Teenager .\wards program automatically qualifies students for scholarships totaling $7,000. One boy and one gi-1 will be fhO'Ci fo- national schola •^hi•'s of Sl,030 each to be used at the college or university of their choice. Ten regional winners will be selected from the remaining state winners to receive $500 regional scholarships. The Outstanding Teenage-s of .-\merica program was created to encourage young people to take full advantage of the opportunities in our country.

Bad Seed-Good Play

The Senior Class play, Bad Seed by Maxwell Anderson, opened last night. The play is about an eight-year old girl with a harmful split personality. .Additional performances are tonight and tomorrow night at 8

p.m. Tickets are on sale outside the cafeteria, and also at the door. The price is $1.50 for adults and $1.00 for students. Mari Coles '75 summed up her feelines about the play by saying, "Good script and crew."

The awards are presented each spring, and biographies of all those honored are recorded in the annual volume. Outstanding Teenagers of America.

The cost for eight days in Nassau is $239 in addition to 10 per cent taxes and ser\ices. "The price includes plane fare, hotel accommodations, and daily breakfast. Students will be staying at the .Anchorage Hotel overlooking the beach. The Anchorage Hotel, where last year's group stayed, is within walking distance of downtown Nassau. A student who wishes to re-

Reader's Theater Cast To Compete March 2 The Reader's Theater will produce "The Intruder" by Maurice Masterlink, for District Competition on March 2. "The Intruder", one of the early departures from realist theater, deals with the characters" reactions to death. The image of death, the "Grim Reaper", as a skeleton cloaked in a black hood and cape should capture the imaginations of both the audience and the actors. The cast, chosen on Fri., Feb. 9 will be: Mike Larson *7S as the Grandfather, Rocco Rotunno *74 as the Uncle, and Da\id

Downing 76 as the Father. Other members of the cast include: Meg Thielen "74 as the eldest Daughter Kathy Phillips '76, as the second Daughter, and Kathy Ryan '76, as the third Daughter. .\lso in the cast are Joan Rieck '74, who portrays the servant-nun, Tom Dwyer '74, and Pat Henebry '76. Mr. Granzyk, English teacher, who is directing the play, thinks the play will be a "Challenging piece for both me and the students, due to it's nondealistic nature."

The Gvm Jam is sponsored by the G.R.A. In the Febnaarj' 1 edition of Souihwords, the date given for the Gi Is' Choice Dance was March 9. Since the Freshman Party will be held that night, the Girls' Choice Dance has been moved up to March 16. After a week of petitioning, canlidates for student council office's have been decided. The rand'dates for president are Dave Brachman '75 and Dan MfGrath '75: fO'- vice-nresident, Bobbi Inserra '75 and Stacy Kritsas '75: for secretary, Sharon Beckman '76 and Mary Pat Peters '75: and for treasurer, Mary Hallihan *76 and Carol Tomer 75.

Benefits of Industry Discussed At DP "Let's Talk" Festival The Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce Industrial Group is sponsoring a "Let's Talk" festival to inform students and the gene'-al public of the opportunities involved in the industrial world. The Maine We.st spectator gym will accommodate 66 booths ex'ilaining various industries on Wednesday, May 8 and Thursday, May 9 between 14:30 p.m. and 6:30-10 p.m. In announcing plans for the "Friendship Festival," Kathy Mueller, news bureau editor, Carrie Reckert, news editor, and Becky Bufford, public relations chaidman, and Mike Nelson, publicity director representing WMTH were invited along with Mr. Ken Reese, career counselor, to a press release luncheon Jan. 31 at DeSoto, Inc. Speakers from several industries and the Chamber of Commerce explained the purpose of such an exhibit and the way it will be handled. A trade show was held in Providence, R.I. a year ago, and because of its success, Des Plaines decided to organize their own industrial festival to bring a better understanding of the benefits that business and industry can offer. Will Ninnis, vice-president of industrial relations at DeSoto and general chairman of the festival explained that the in-

Nassau Trip Retold To Aid Undecided A trip to Nassau in the Bahama Islands is being offered to Maine South students by Hobbit International during spring vacation. The same organization sponsored the successful Bahamas trip last year during the spring break. Students will begin their vacation by leaving O'Hare on Saturday, .4ipril 13. The returning date is Saturday, April 20.

by Carol Tomer The digging that has been going on by the football field is for the installment of air conditioning. This air conditioning system should be operative by June 1 and will cool the centers area and the auditorium on an alternating basis. Wednesday, February 20, from 7 to 9:30 p.m., marks the night for a Gym Jam for all Maine South girls. Gym Jam will be a night of open athletics. Activities include basketball, volleyball, badminton, and swimming. The'e will also be progressive games. For anyone who has worn herself out, free refieshments will be served.

main anonymous summarized the events of the trip to help anyone who is undecided about going. She concluded that the trip was worthwhile for students to take advantage of. The student described the weather as generally cloudy and humid, although it was sunny enough for almost everyone to come home with darker skin. "Though most of the buildings in town were old, there were several modern ones interspersed. The hotel was beautiful with a pool if you don't like salty ocean water, and it has a lounge with a bar. "The hotel offered outings like a beach party, island tours, and a glass-bottom boat ride to Paradise Island that had waves up over your head when you were standing in ankle-deep water," explained the student. Beth Reckert, a 1973 South graduate, added, "Motorcycles were the big thing down there. They were great for touring the island." The descriptions should convince the undecided to pick up an application from Peg .Anderson, C-147. There is a limit, so don't delay.

dustries "would like to let the young pco;)le and adults know their histories, the products they offer to world\^ide ma'-lets. the wide range of employment oppo tunllic- they offer to today's and tomorrow's wage earner, and the significant contribution they are making to lower the tax dollar of the citizens of Des Plaines."

The public will also learn of the scholarships and financial aid that industry provides. .A 10-minute slide film will ^how the history of Des Plaines since 1835. Part of the presentation will explain why Des Plaines has g own to be one of the industrial leaders among Chicago suburbs in the last 15 years.

Unforgettable Ways To Spend Spring Vacation BY Debbie Schwieder How will many Maine South students begin a typical day of Spring vacation? Most will probably drag their overworked bodies out of bed around 11:30 a.m., following with a leisurely consumption of any edible goodies in sight. This may sound like the only way to spend vacation, but the German Department believes they have found a better way. During vacation, several German students will struggle with their much-practiced accents in the land of sausage and sauerkraut. The students, along with German teacher Mr. Joel Geils, wiU leave New York City aboard Icelandic Airlines on April 12 and will return from Germany on April 20. The approximate $600 fee includes round-trip air transportation from New York, travel expenses while in Germany, meals, and accommodations during the program. .Also included are services of the chaperones, sightseeing and enter-

tainment, and tips and porterage. The upcoming trip is being sponsored by the American Institute for Foreign Study. Some of the many unforgettable German sights will include Luxembourg, Heidelberg, historic castles, a cruise on the Rhine, and the Olympic Stadium in Munich. Any German student who would like to visit the much heard about country and have the opportunity to use his "extensive" Qerman vocabulary should contact Mr. Geils of the Language Department. Maine East students, along with Mr. Kalin, Maine East Spanish teacher, will depart on April 12 for a week of such places as Acapulco, Taxco, and the Aztec resort of Cuernavaca. The cost for viewing these cities, along with bullfights and ancient Spanish pyramids, is $398. .Anybody interested in spending a week in Mexico should contact Mr. Kalin at Maine East or any Spanish teacher here at South.

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SW Avalanched by Letters Mike 'Withdraws' His Girl Critique Dear Fellow Classmates, I wish to withdraw the statement which appeared in the February 1 edition of Southwords. Obviously the reporter took my comments the wTong way. I did not mean my statements to be derogatory to anyone in my classes. I only meant that boys do not always like to date girls that are smarter than themselves. There are many lovely and beautiful girls in accelerated and advanced placement classes. Many of them have great personalities. I hope that everyone will accept this rebuttal, for I was obviously misquoted. Mike Keesey 75

other interestes besides studying, including sports, music, and BOYS. Give us a chance! Miss Barr's accelerated girls






Teacher Gone? Girls Compose Rebuftal Southwords, We are writing in rebuttal to your article which appeared in Southwords entitled, "The Dating Game at South Seems a Matter of Class." We are referring to the statement made by some male chauvinist that girls in accelerated classes "are not too good looking, and their personalities aren't that great either." We disagree strongly. Just because you have brains doesn't mean you have to be ugly. To be a Junior Miss or Miss America you have to have beauty and brains. We have

Student Council Dead? At Maine South, Student Council is dead. Granted that Student Council continues to perform certain public relation functions (i.e. V-Show, Busy Signal etc.) but the ultimate purpose for Student Council has been killed. Council's purpose is to represent the students of Maine South, and to act on their behalf. Unfortunately for those same students, no one can deny that Student Council is impotent to perform these functions. Student CouncO lacks the structure for action for one simple reason. The students and their representatives fail to be recognized. Two years ago. Student Council asked for Open Campus privileges, only to be heard, but not listened to. One year ago. Student CouncU spoke out for a smoking lounge, but their pleas fell upon deaf ears. Just this year. Council was asked to find out what type of school calendar the students wanted, but when Student Council found out, the calendar was determined by the administrative mystics who refused to acknowledge that 3,000 students could think. The ultimate irony of this lies in the fact that on the Open Campus and Smoking Lounge issues. Council was acting on the initiatives of the students, but with the calendar, Council was urged to find out what the students wanted, and then ignored. Even the most

February 15, 1974

naive student could read the writing on the wall. This continued refusal to acknowledge the wishes of Student Council, which is the only representative body the students possess, has resulted in an attitude of apathy, both in the student body and Council itself. Student Council's attempts to improve attendance by rescheriuling the meetings, however, is like treating the fever of a person who has already died from pneumonia. Attendance and lack of interest are not the causes of Student Council's problems, only the symptoms, for there are individuals who wish to act, if there was a way. But at Maine South, the way does not exist. That was made clear last year when Council decided to give money to WMTH, the debate team, and other clubs, only to have the requests to spend their own money denied. Caught in a dilemma. Student Council, rather than have its funds impounded, bought a sign which was not wanted. Student Council began its slow death two years ago when those who could have helped, refused to heed its cries; last year, those same people performed euthanasia, and only now is the corpse trying to bring itself back to life, but most sadly of all, no one appears to be mourning. Bert Haas '74

Dear Editor, Between periods 5a and 5b, the washroom just before the cafeteria (close to C-147) is a maze of smoke. Is some teacher delinquent in her potty patrol? Every time I need to relieve the pains of nature, each stall is filled with spaced-out girls asking any passer-by, "Hey, like got a match man?" What's even worse, they use those matches to (of all things) l i ^ t up cigarettes! Can't something be done? My kidneys would appreciate it. In Pain

Council President Calls 'Myths Untrue', Student Council 'Busy', Needs Support It's time to clear UT) some of the myths about Student Council's effectiveness or lack thereof. .-\s election time dr-aws near again, many are saying that Council is a "do-nothing" organization. I disagree. In this letter I will try to b'iefly outline the various proposals Student Council has worked to pass this year. Befo-e I do this, however, I would like to explain about next year's calendar. In the Dec. 21 issue of Southwords, I said that twelve thousand students in the four Maine .schools don't have any power because their calendar proposal (start in .August and have longer vactions) was ignored. .My statement prompted a meeting called by Dr. Myers, Administrative Assistant. Dr. Myers explained that the teachers of District 207 submitted a similar proposal to that of the students. The calendar, however, is based on the decision of District 207 and the elementary schoob contained in it. District 207"s proposal (the students' proposal) was voted down by the elementary districts. Had the calendar been District 207s decision alone, the students would have had their way. This definitely was not a case of student opinion being ignored, of students being powerless.

.•\siie from the calendar, I would li':e to catalog Student Council's accomplishments concerning student activities this year. Student Council took care of Homecoming orga "ization. successfully ran the businessend of V-show, and. in a short time, will have '74 Busy Siglals out. Besides these activities. Council sponsored the in-school concert last spring and is now wo'-king on a money-making project that will be of interest to everyone. This year Student Council has worked hard with student government. Last spring Student Council arranged for the library to be open longer at the end of this year if possible. It has also made a number of proposals through Quad Council. A proposal to get advertisements in the school newspaper, a proposal which would allow students to opt for pass/fail P.E., and a proposal which, when withdrawing from a class anytime during the year, would make it possible for a student to avoid receiving an " F " on his record — all are in Dr. Short's office waiting for review. Quad Council also attempted to make P.E. classes equal for girls by giving them a varsity gym period. This and the proposal to make final exams teacher-optional were vetoed.

W e Agree to Fair Play; Resent Pressure Miss Kathyrn Pierce, head of the girls' p.e. department, recently sent us our annual carbon copy of a letter to Dr. Watson complaining about girls' sports coverage. Before Henry Kissinger is called in to settle rumblings between the girls' p.e. department and Southwords, we'd like to explain why we haven't been able to print as many girls' sports stories as we've wanted to. In turn, we hope Miss Pierce will stop implying that we deliberately discriminate against girls' sports. This paper is not run by male chauvinists. We believe girls' sports to be as important as any other aspect of student life. Unfortunately, SW has had unusual difficulty getting girls' sports stories in on time and finding space for those we do get. We don't think Miss Pierce is aware of these difficulties. Despite our insistence, girls' sport stories have been coming to us so late that Southwords is already printed. This issue, we had planned for a story on girls' gNTnnastics with pictures, for example. Through no fault of the reporter, the pictures were not ready on time. Girls' sports coverage seems ill-fated. We don't object to Miss Pierce's complaints about coverage, but we do feel indigant at her suggestion that we deUberately discriminate against the girls' teams or that we should be told to print more girls' sports. Southwords has always been controlled bv its editors and a strong code of ethics. This continued authority gives Southwordf its validity. The editors can not allot ascertain

amount of space to each department. Southwords is a newspaper, not a showcase. We print stories on the basis of their news value. We select those stories we believe will be of interest to the greatest number of our readers. Unfortunately girls' sports must compete for space and interest against championship teams in two popular sports, basketball and wrestling, as well as with the traditionally high-interest sports of gvinnastics and swimming. During one week of school there are 18 boys' teems competing in various events as well as the two to four girls teams. In a two week period we could conceivably cover up to 40 separate sports events. We ask ourselves which of these 40 events have the greatest interest to the majority of our readers. We make our decisions in precisely this way. We frankly do not as yet know how we are going to satisfy the growing demands being made on our sports space. As we enter that period where preessures for space ease as the winter sports teams close out their seasons, we can plan on more extensive and intensive coverage of tlie girls' accomplishments in sports. We believe they deser\e it. We will not stop tr\ang to do our iob. We will not deliberatelv ignore anv worthwhile student activity. We will be printing girls' sports stories whenever we can.

Quad Council, however, goes on working with Student Council to voice and try to change any g-ipcs that students might have. For the first time, Stuient Cou "cil is working on what it should be, student govornme-it. Eve" if evei-y proposal fails. Council has cstabli.shed itself as an organization not to he dealt with lightly. It is finally working to become a real student govenment. Contrai-y to critics' opinions. Student Council has been busy this year. Unfo-tunately, poor attendance and criticism by members who don't even show up for meetings has caused a lack of communication with the student body. This lack of communication coupled with criticism has also caused students to lack confidence in Council. More and more students are pushing for change, but few will lift a finger to make that change. No matter how powerless Council may seem at times, we can't give up now. Thi-ough Quad Council, we are finally being heard. In a matter of time, we will be making changes. But these changes will never come if we write ourselves off as powerless. Give Student Council a chance. Give it a little support. I think you'll be surprised at the results. Brad Stach Student Council President

Th« eHicial »tud«M niKMpiptr of Maint Township High School South, Park Ridqt, Illinois, iOOM. Writttn and oilittd )S t i m t t oach ytar by shidcnK of Iht hish school. Subscriptions includtd with aclivitv tIcKel, purchased separattly at »I par ytar, or Individually tor 10c. (Prictd highar for issuts of mora than 4 pagas.)

Editor-in-Chief Cindy Sop.ila Assistant Editor Ellen Bush Ne«s Editor Carrie Ucckert In-Depth Editor . . Priicilla Condon Features Editor . . . . Eileen Dougherty Sports Editor Dan McGraUi Photo Editor Steve Mocirman Copy Editor Mary Spillj Copy Readers Monica Schroeder, Reporters Carol Tomer. Paula Gini Barklow McGraw, Ellen Kukulski, Janet Franz. Anna Daflkolias. Maureen Buckley, Nancy Deswlck. B a r b Bryioiowski, Laurie Freeman. VIcki Hathaway. Marty McGrath. B o b Hlldebrand. Ron Sklba, Hon Pankau. Karla JennlnKs. Tom Holmes, Tom Bobka, Sharon Beckman, Jill Berry. Sue Trtgorea, Sue Norden. Mary Rebedeau. Kevin Ellwood, Jim Hershey. Mary Peters. Student News Bureau . Kathy Mueller News Bureau Reporters. Beth Bower, Ginny Kelly. Paula Piaaeckl, Sharon Snyder, Sponsor Ken Bcatty

February IS, 1974

Page 3


Students Express Assorted Irksome Oddities by Maureen Buckley In an effort to find out what really bugs Maine South students, various people were asked the question, "What are some of your 'pet peeves'?" A wide range of answers was received. Andi Gilszmer '75 said she gets annoyed, "when you ask someone a question and he doesn't answer you — he just ignores you." Julie Bomba '75 agreed, "It bugs me when people don't lis-

ten to you while you're talking to them." -Another 'pet peeve' of Julie's is "when people step on your foot." "Rude people — that really bugs me," commented Jeanne Fulton '75. "When people act like big shots," offers an anonymous sophomore girl. One thing that bugs Hans Kamstedt '75 atwut people is "they just don't joke around enough." Mary Spilis "74 hates "when

College Loses To Careers by Jim Hcrshey Over the last few years students at Maine South have been con.sidering more options in choosing and training for careers because of the increased options open to them. As a result, fewer students are going to college. More students arc looking to community colleges and vocational and technical schools for career training. Mr. Reese of the Career Resource Center cited other reasons why less students are entering colleges. The present economic situation has made it difficult for college graduates to find jobs. Parental and social pressures hae lessened. Rising costs of education discourage students who consider going to college. Although many students at

Maine South enter coUege, the curriculum here offers students a choice of many training programs. From the Business and Industrial Education programs many students arc trained well enough to go into a career after graduation without further training. From the Home Economics department former students have studied the same material in college as in Maine South. Some students earn up to a year of credits for college from the advanced placement courses offered here. Mr. Reese said, "Feedback from students has always been positive." Some former students are now doctors and lawyers. Mr. Reese explains how high school students should plan careers during high school. "Before they graduate, kids not going to college should know what they are going to do. Kids going to college should not have to choose a sj)ecific career immediately, but should be exposed to general areas."

people mispronounce the word 'often'. Having someone scrape his nail across the board doesn't bug me as much." An anonymous freshman boy tends to disagree, "I can't stand it when people drag their fingernails across the chalk board." Carey Barcal '75 commented that "people don't know how to walk in the halls — they stand in the middle and stop to talk." "It really gets to me when girls act real dumb in front of guys or when they try to put on an act — a fake personality that really isn't them," is a 'pet peeve' of an anonymous junior girl.

A guy '74 who wished to stay anonymous, agreed. "It bothers me when girls don't act like themselves in front of you. Guys can see through that most of the time anyway." Maureen McCarthy '75 said that it annoys her when she's trying to carry on a conversation with someone and he starts to sway back and forth. An anonymous junior girl added, "It bugs me when I see people who think they're dressed really nice, and then I look at the bottom of their pants, and they look like 'peel-pushers'. When an anonymous sophomore girl was asked the question concerning 'pet peeves,'


she said that one thing that bugs her is "how critical everyone in this school is." "Gijls in accelerated classes are really at a disadvantage because the only guys in their classes are the really smart ones. They're not too good-looking and their personalities aren't that great either," commented Chee Chee Manika '75. Finally, in summing this up, one can see the variety of 'pet peeves' Mame Southers have. Almost everyone has something that really bugs him. Gerrit De Jonge '75, however, is an exception. When asked the question, he simply commented, "Nothing bugs me."

V-106 Announces Copy Roundup

Geel Who was that masked man? I wanted to thank him for this great magazine!

The Creative Writing Magazine staff is starting to rustle up copy for Kimo Sabbe, the 1974 Creative Writing Magazine. The staff is looking for original poetry, prose, photos, and drawings — black and white copy only. According to Nancy Casalino '74, Sales Manager for Kimo Sabbee, the magazine will sell for $1 per copy. Salesman wiU tour English, Drama, and Art classes the week of Feb. 25March 1. Each piece of work turned in to V-106 for possible publication must be branded with the student's name and a statement that the piece is original work. Copy can be reclaimed in April. Creative pieces wiU be accepted from now until the second week in March.

Coffeehouse Offers Warmth, Christian Comradeship

Pete Schmelzer j u m p s over the hoop for two points in the Hawks 57-S4 over Niles West.

by Janet Franz Warm and friendly is the prevalent atmosphere found at the Hinge Coffeehouse on Friday and Saturday nights. Located at the Hinkley Field Warming House, the Hinge offer a comfortable and relaxing change for the youth of Park Ridge. "It's a place to meet people as individuals; a place for people to grow and exchange ideas," commented Jeff Lee, assistant manager. Each Friday night, the coffeehouse offers some sort of entertainment, usually from a folksinger. On Saturday night the entertainment is provided by anyone who feels worthy enough to express himself. On Tuesday night a free chess class is given by Steve Wolcott. Wednesday night features a class in modem and jazz dancing, directed by Linda Harrington. Beth Thielen conducts lessons in figure drawing on Thursday night. In the future, Monday night may see the opening of a music workshop, but the idea is only tentative. The Hinge is run by a very competent volunteer staff which

consists of people in their 20's, as well as high school students. The staff wants the Hinge to be known for its Christian attitude, although Christianity is not pushed on anyone. Jeff also stated, "We've got a product that we know is unt)eatable. We don't have to sell it, because people are going to find it anyway." When a person invests his 50

The medley relay team of

Rich Hummel '74, Brian Loughlin '74, Bob McCullough '74, and Dane Kozie '75 has led the team for most of the year, and are expected to continue their fine showing tonight. Other swimmers to watch are: Don Wilhelm '75 in the 200- and 500yard freestyle events, Paul Okamoto '74 in the individual medley, Mike Pence '74 in the diving, and Ken Krause '75 in the breaststroke event. Head coach .^rt Johnson is hopeful of a strong showing by his swimmers. He commented,

met someone new. The coffeehouse opens at 8 p.m. and closes to those under 18 at 11:30, a half hour before the curfew goes into effect, on Saturday and Friday nights. On the other nights, the classes begin at 7:30. If only for shelter from a cold winter's night or the need for friendly companionship, the Hinge welcomes everyone to come.

Juniors Only Undefeated Squad by Dan McGratb The Junior Varsity basketball team is once again the only undefeated Hawks squad with an unblemished record in overall play. Coached by Mr. Quitman Sullins, the JV team has compiled a 14 and 0 record and are in first place in the Central Suburban League. Junior varsity teams have lost but one game in the past three years. "The boys on the team have a very good attitude and play with a lot of hustle and desire. Our greatest assets," commented Mr. Sullins, "are the pressing defenses and fastbreak attack we use in our style of play.

Tankers Start Conference Meet by Ken Krausc The Hawk varsity swimming team, after a slow start this • year, looks forward to tonight's conference championship meet at Maine East as the first cap to another successful season. The Hawks have won their last four meets of the year to finish with a 7-6 dual meet record, and tonight they have a chance to improve on their ninth place showing at last year's conference meet.

cents admission, he gets popcorn, donuts, coffee, tea, or pop. But aside from the material aspects of the Hinge, the person gets something that cannot be bought. He gets people who care. The staff goes out of its way to make a newcomer feel comfortable. There is no need to worry about coming alone, because by the end of the night, the visitor will probably have

"With the lineup we have, we should place fourth or possibly higher. We have a swimmer in almost every event that has a chance to break the state qualifying time and swim in the state championship preliminaries." After this meet, the Hawks have one more week of work before the district meet, this year also at Maine East. It is this "do or die " meet that decides who will advance to the state preliminaries on March 1.

We use basically the same game plan as the varsity." The team has many talented individuals, all but Mark Chapman and Duke Vogel members of last year's division winning 19-2 squad coached by Mr. George Verber. "Our big men are Mike Chrzan and John Kuntz who do most of the rebounding and a share of the scoring for us," stated Mr. Sullins. "The playmaker is Joe Pagone," continued Mr. Sullins. "We rely on Kuntz and Chrzan to get the fastbreaks initiated with their rebounding power. The major scorers for the squad have been Mike Sellergren and Ted Henderson." "In our last two games," remarked Mr. Sullins, "Ted Henderson scored 32 against Maine East and 28 the following morning against the Niles West Indians. Against Maine West Mike Sellergren had an excellent 39 point effort. Also in the Maine West game. Rich Anderson came off the bench and popped in 19 points, an outstanding effort." The Junior Varsity program is the testing and development ground of the Hawk varsity basketball effort. Consistently Maine South varsities have been dominated by seniors with Junior Varsity experience, illus-

trated this year by Tim Bopp, Bob McCarthy and John Reilly. "John Kuntz is probably the most improved player on the team this year," remarked Mr. Sullins. "John didn't see much playing action last year; in contrast he has started every JV game this year." The Hawks have three games remaining on their schedule, including a contest against Niles North tomorrow morning at Niles.

Pete Boesen narrowly gets his shot over Keith Larsen in the Maine West game.

Pag* 4

February IS, 1974


Cagers Co into Stretch by Marty McGrath The Hawks of Maine South improved their record to an 18 and 1 mark with shellings of Maine West and Maine East and narrow decisions over Waukegan and Xiles West. The Hawks moved up to second place in the state standings, trailing only Bloom. The Hawks are still deadlocked with Glenbrook North for the conference lead. South destroyed Maine East last Saturday evening, 70-42, at East. Pete Boesen led the Hawk onslaught against the East Demons, scoring 24 points and pulling in 9 rebounds. South trailed at the end of the first period 12-10. but regained their stride to build a 29-17 half-time lead. Tim Bopp was the key man for the Hawks, breaking into double figures for the first time in several games. Tim sank 16 points, all of them on outside shots or fastbreaks. Bopp completely demoralized the Demon team, upsetting their carefully constructed strategy of ball control. The Hawks did not have such an easy time against Niles West and Suburban League leader Waukegan. South escaped from these squads in the final seconds of their encounters, prov-

ing themselves vulnerable to teams that have speed. Waukegan's two big men, AllConference players John Sims and Jerome Whitehead, battled South's fabled post combination of Pete Schmelzer and Pete Boesen all evening, outrebounding South 27-15. Only the accurate shooting of Hawks Boesen and John Reilly kept the Hawks iu the contest. South hitting for their best percentage of the season, Maine was also bailed out by the game-breaking play of guard Denny Kladis, who weaved his way through the Bulldog defense to score four key buckets. With some key steals and last second buckets from hustling guard Bob McCarthy, South bailed out a 49-48 victory. Maine South didnt have any difficulty with Niles West in the fii-st three quarters of play, the Hawks building an 18 point bulge as late as the third quarter. The Indians, paced by offensive threat Marty Block's 19 points, came within one of the Hawks with less than a minute remaining Bob McCarthy chose an opportune moment and stole the ball away from Block, scoring and giving the Hawks the lead Maine won 57-54. Coach Quitman SuUins stated, "Niles West is a much better

Hawk Bob Mikes has the match all wrapped up, pinning the Warrior 138 pounder in the contest against Niles West.

ballclub than their record indicates. We played rather flat in the final period." Tonight Maine South will meet the Niles North N'ikings at Niles North. The Vikings trail the Hawks by two games in the divisional race. In their last match, the Hawks dumped Niles 77-(i2. but Niles was lacking their 6'7"' center. -Mr. Sullius continued, "if Niles North has their big man ready for tonight they could be a tougher team. We will stick to our game iil.in. however, and do nothing different. If we play up to our capabilities and give an inspired effort, we should beat tlicm like we did last time."'

Flexers Poised for Conference Fight by Tom Holmes Maine South will be facing .some of the toughest gymnastics teams in the state when they participate in the CSL conference meet. The Central Suburban houses two of the state's top-rated teams, Niles East and Niles West. Several state candidates arc destined to emerge from this battle. "Our top men arc Craig Martin '7(j, Jim Lx)Bue '74, Jim Kaucich '74, Keith Brocker '74, and John Davis '75. Martin is our all-around man, LoBue is excellent in free exercise, Kaucich is our high-bar performer, Brocker is on the side horse, Davis on rings," commented flexer coach Tom Higgins. The leading Hawk competitors must come up with a good performance if they arc to place in the conference meet. The conference battle for the number one and two spots has been decided, Niles East and West numbering among the top teams in the stale. "Niles East and Niles West will go one-two

Wrestlers Suffer First Defeat by Bob Hildebrand The Hawks ended their regular season on a high note with a victory over the Niles West Indians, 34-17. The win provided the Hawks with a 13 and 1 conference record. Coach Ziemek commented, "This is by far the best season we have had." The Hawks only loss of the season was two weeks ago to a determined Maine West squad. 24-18. Mr. Ziemek attributed the loss to a possible psychological letdown. "Our players were not up as much for this meet as they could have been," remarked Ziemek. West is the traditional rival

of South and had suffered only two dual meet losses during the season, both to teams South had defeated. The Warriors were considered a good team, but not a threat to the state-ranked Hawks. The loss to West could result in the Hawks removal from the ranks of the Top Ten Teams in Illinois wrestling, the new ratings have not been published. The Hawks had resided in fifth. With the regular season completed, the Hawks are now poised for the district and sectional encounters coming up in the next three weeks. The team effort that produced a 13

Foilers Head Downstate Maine South's varsity fencing team is right in the running for the state championship once again this year. The fencers hold an excellent 13 and 2 record and first place in conference. The lone losses of the year came at the hands of defending state champ Notre Dame. The Hawks have very tough competition, especially in this area. Up to this point, the Hawks are fencing better than any team in the state except Notre Dame. In the opinion of the team members. South could whip Notre Dame if they could pool their talents into a collective effort. The team on the whole has improved all season, each individual performer registering his victories with greater regularity

and speed. The Hawks have already qualified for downstate play because of their winning the divisional a few weeks ago. The .-^ strip of Dave Young, Ken Taylor and Jim Herring has a good chance of making it all the way this year. The team is hoping for at least a second place finish with the obvious team to beat being the Dons of Notre Dame. The BStrip has also shown some promise, Chris Carlson, Andy Bonk and Dale Franke all being fine foilers. All of these players will run into strong teams from New Brimswick and New Berlin, two good downstate schools along with Notre Dame. These four teams will most likely encompass the state semifinalists. The Hawks have an excellent chance.

John Reilly drives in to the basket for a score in the close Niles West game.

and 1 overall record will shift to one of individual performances. Many of the Hawks have an excellent chance down.state, if they can emerge from the Uidgewood dislriet and West Leyden sectional. Some of the Hawks to watch are John Skoullos, South's 167 pound wrestler, who recently shattered the varsity record for pins in a season: Tim Starck, South's excellent 185 pounder; Dave Jenkins and Kurt Ficch If they can get out of the sectional; Roger Burton at 132 and last year's sectional finalist Chuck Myers. "Our sectional is the toughest in the state," added Mr. Ziemek. Some of the tougher competetion will be coming from East Leyden with 105 pound wrestler Brian Reo, Maine West, Wheeling, Notre Dame and others. John Skoullos will have a major stumbling block in Wheeling's Bob Smith. The Districts are very tough also; Maine will begin competing this afternoon. "The district outcome will boil down to a contest between ourselves, Maine West and Notre Dame" remarked Mr. Ziemek. "If we can get thseo of four wrestlers into the finals we will have a fair chance of winning." "Even though we didn't finish 14 and 0 this season," commented an optimistic Ziemek, "The desire and effort was present, the boys did an outstanding job. This is the best squad we have ever had, with the strong junior team emerging, we should do even better next year."

in the meet." stated Higgins. "The interesting spot in the meet is the battle for third place between ourselves, Glenbrook South and Niles North. We are presently tied with Glenbrook for third. In the sectional the roughest competition we will meet is Elk Grove." Playing one of the toughest schedules in the slate. South still managed a 10 and 5 overall reeo'd and 7-;5 conference slate. "Our parallel team of Ciaig Martin, Brian Erik.son and Mike P-ricksen is one of the to-)s in the conference," remarked Coach Higgins. .\s to possible downstate candidates. Coach Higgins added.

"Craig Martin on parallel bars has a good chance at making it downstate this year. Keith Brocker has a shot of getting through the sectional. Jim Kaucich could make it down on the high bar. Our di-itrict is very tough because of Niles." This y e a r s varsity carries several underclassmen on the varsity level. Steve and Bob LoBue are illustrations of this |)olicy, and of course standout Crdaig Martin. The team has been averaging close to 120 IKiints per meet. The team will have to improve some on that if they are to win the post-season competition, a goal within their range.

Split Decisions

Trackmen Compete by Ron Pankau Ha\e you been wondering just who those idiots who were running down Belle Plainc .Avenue In their red longjohns are? Well, stop guessing, the track season is underway and those described arc members of the Hawk track team. The season is now in full swing under the direction of head coach Carl Magsaman and assistants Mr. Kilcullen, Mr. Mahon, and Mr. Drennan. Hawk trackmen have engaged in two meets this season to date and split the decisions, losing to Niles West 75-43 and beating Glenbrook South 7G-33. In the first meet of the year against Niles, the Hawks revealed .several bright spots. The sprint-relay team of Sellergren, Murphy, Grupp and Walsh won first place. Mike Walsh won the two-mile run. Art Vandcrlleyden gave a fine performance, earning first place in shotput.

Many other trackmen did place in the event; however, no other first place awards were won. In the one mile run Norb Lyle took second place. Tom Black won second place in the quarter. and Mark Hyler grabbed the third spot in the half. Polcvaulters Battersby a n d Gregory took second and third, as did Ixm NowikI and Mike Walsh in the long jump. Mike Durak took a third in the high jump comi>etition, but even with these efforts South lost the meet, 75-43. In the meet with Glenbrook South, the Hawks .showed a marked improvement by trouncing the Trojans 76-33. First place awards went to Hylen, the sprint-relay team and sweeps in the mile, quarter-mile run. Individual stars were Straub, Dohn, Iwata, Nelson, Lotich, Nowicki, Palumbo and Hermes.

Bob McCarthy goes up for the winning basket in the Hawks 49-48 nudging of Waukegan.

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