Students Take Exam Sixty students from Maine South took the Twenty-Sixth Annual High School Mathematics Examination on March 11. The examination is given in the United States and Canada and is sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America and other organizations. The 80 minute test consists of 30 questions on topics usually taught in the first three years of high school math courses. The annual exams are so difficult that in 25 years with ten million students taking the tests, there have been only eleven perfect scores with none in Illinois. Maine South math students qualified for the contest by taking a preliminary test. This year the top twelve scorers were, respectively, John Andrew '75, Patrick Morrison •75, Bob LeMay '76, Carol
Students Place In Competition The Illinois Geographical Society held its fourth annual contest March 8 at Oak Lawn Community High School in Oak Lawn. Students from Mrs. Pietron's, geography teacher, Urban Geography class entered the event. About 150 fourth through tenth graders participated. All came from the surroimding six counties of the Chicago area. Maine South won first, second, and third prizes. All projects were judged according to tiieir grade level. TTie freshman Maine South winners were: Sonia Kotynsky and Dawn DeVelasco for their first prize entree, "Penningtonville — Model Qty"; Robert Brown and Tom Wessel for their secwid prize "How Chicago Gets Its Water" entree; and for third prize, Christ(^)her Wellbank and Craig Youngquist won with their project, "Fire Safety and High Rises." The six winners were awarded certificates and can now go downstate in May to enter the state competition at Edwardsville, Illinois. According to Mrs. Pietrcm, the projects were done cm the students own time. Wood, clay, poster board, cardboard, and map transparencies composed , some of the concepts learned in geography by building tbese projects."
Prized Poet Visits South On Friday, April 11, during seventh and eighth periods, the poet laureate of Illinois, Gwendolyn Brooks, will spak to all English classes with topics related to poetry. This is considered an in-class field trip for those that will attend. Miss Brooks has been the Illinois poet laureate since the death of Carl Sandburg in 1968. The laureate is considered to be the best poet in the state, and writes commemorative poems at special events. Miss Brooks wrote a poem for the Piccaso presentation in Chicago a few years ago. Gwendolyn Brooks was bom and rasied on the South Side. Her poems reflect her former lifestyle and some of their topics are concerned with the poor, underpriviledged, blacks, and women. Though these topics may seem very specific, her themes are very imiversal. She will speak on the nature of pottery and also read a selection of her poems. Miss Brooks, a Pulitzer Prize winner, will be the guest speaker for the Humanities and Literature of Chicago classes.
Tomer '75, Bob Juckett '75, Eric Sprieser '76. Bill Windsor '75, Tom Crowe '75, Ken Krause '75, Jim Thommes '75, Joel Heinrich '76, and Anne Trytten '75. "nie sum of the top three scores comprise the school team score. The team score is used in determining which schools rank in the top five per cent in Illinois for this contest. Here is one problem, requiring no special mathematical knowledge, that appeared on this year's exam: A woman, her brother, her son and her daughter (all relations by birth) are chess players. The worst player's twin (who is one of tht four players) and the best player are of opposite sex. The worst player and the best player are the same age. Who is the worst player? Choice of answers: A) tie woman; B) her son; C) her brother; D) her daughter; E) No solution is consistent with the given information. The answer to the problem is on page 3.
southwords V o l . 11, No. 11
Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, I I I . 60068
A p r i l 7,1975
Search' for Variety The Annual Marlin Swim Show will be presented April 10, 11, 12, 13 at 7, 8, and 2 p.m. respectively. Tickets can be purchased from the bookstore or any Marlin member. The theme for this year's show centers around all varitties of entertainment over the years. Entitled "Seach," the show will featiu-e the girls searching for the perfect entertainment. The theme is chosen for each year's show at a general meeting in November. Marlin Club specializes in synchronized swimming and presents an entirely original show each spring. Featured in the show this year are a candlelight
act using real candles and a duet starring Dave Mullan and Dayna Limperes. Ms. Dawn Butler, club sponsor, commented, "We have a lot more variety in the show this year. I feel we have a real talented group of girls. Much of our success if due to the fact that we work hard on skills all year." Marlin practices once a week beginning in September and often three times a week during show season. The spring show is developed and choreograohed by the 3 officers ^ o also arrange the music and the costumes. This year's officers are Dayna Limperes, Michelle Nicolau, and Julie Cox.
Pictured a'Senf are f r o m left to right Ingrid A m t zen, Melinda Dickerson, Suzette E r ^ e r m a n , a n d Genie F a r n y . These girls alonq w i t h the rest of the M a r l i n Swim Club w i l l appear in this year's show, 'Search.'
Northwestern Sponsors High School Programs
Pictured f r o m left to right are Sonia Kotynski, Dawn DeVelasco, Tom Wessel, Dr. Watson, M r s . Pietran, Craig Youngquist, and Chris Wellbank. Missing is Bob Brown.
Northwestern University in Evanston is now accepting applications for the 1975 National High School Institute and the High School Music Institute, both renowned summer programs for high school students. The 45th annual National High School Institute is the oldest and largest summer program of its kind in the nation. The institute, which limits enrollment to 400 of the nation's top high school students, offers specialized programs in six fields for students entering their junior or senior years in high school. The
Speakers Place in Competition Question: What has four wheels, several half-awake bodies and approximately 48 doughnuU? Answer: A bus load of hungry Contest Speakers leaving for a tournament at the break of dawn on Saturday morning. The team, coached by Mr. R. Wagoner and Mr. T. Kerth, has entered many contests this season and has done well in most of them, (insisting of 11 events with usually 23 people as starters. Contest Speakers have com-
peted since November and recently took first plact in Districts. Individual winners were Dana Olsen with a first in Original Comedy, freshman Pat Hennessy. District Champion in Prose, Susie Tone with a second in Oratorical Declamation, Adrian Sakowicz with a second in Radio Speaking, and Melissa Anast with a second in Dramatic Interpretation. Seven finalists competed in Sectionals at Proviso East on March 15. Placing were Dana Olsen-first, Susie Tone-fourth, Melissa Anast-eighth, and Tammy Barbalace and John Vino-
pal-eighth with a Dramatic Duet cutting from "Dark of the Moon," At the State Contest in Peoria on April 4 and 5, Dana Olsen will compete in Original Comedy. Next year, a class in competitive speaking will be offered for credit here at South. Said Mr. Wagoner, "It's a natural for people interested in Contest Speakers." Also placing well in competition is this year's Contest play "Under Milkwood," by Dylan Thomas. The story involves the people of a Welsh fishing village from just before dawn to sundown of the same day.
fields are: engineering science journalism, forensics, performance and production, radio-television film, and communicative sciences and disorders. The National High School Institute will begin June 29 and continue for five weeks. Application deadline is May 15 for all fields but forensics, which has a May 1 deadline. The High School Music Institute, now in its 26th year, will offer a select group of student musicians from all over the country an opportunity for intensive music instruction and music - making. The regular Northwestern School of Music faculty, many of whom play with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, will conduct courses of study in nine areas of music; keyboard, voice, string, bass, woodwind and percussion, ccmducting, orchestra, chorus and madrigal singers, opera workshop, and jazz ensemble. The Music Institute, running from July 6-July 26, will enroll about 120 students entering their 2nd, 3rd, or 4tfa years in high school. Application deadline is May 15. Students attending both the national and music institutes will live in University housing on Northwestem's campus and will have full access to all University recreation and study facilities.
Pep Band Promotes Spirit Moms Help Aid Seniors The Maine South Mothers Scholarship Fund Club announces that scholarship applications will be available to Maine South seniors starting March 18. Applications may be picked up at the College and Resource center at school or from the student's counselor. Any senior planning to attend college in the fall may apply. The form should be completed and submitted by April 25, 1975.
Maine South's Pep Band, led by Mr. Gordon McLean, has been participating throughout the year invarious activities to help promote school spirit. Our dedicated Pep Band consists of many Concert Band members and is strictly on a voluntary basis. The Pep Band has played at all of the home basketball games this year and have been disting\iishable by their brilliantly colored red and white sweaters along with their instruments. They have also shown up at all of the school assemblies and displayed more of their terrific talent to the entire student body. The Maine South Pep Band accompanied the Hawkettes to botii Northwestern and to DePaul Universities and played
during the half-time while the girls danced. Pep Rallies, though they are few and far between, are also graced with the Maine South Pep Band, which then spreads more spirit and esprit d' corps to the multitudes that are jam-
ming the stands. These truely dedicated rahrahs with rhythm and readiness have been active all year, though not always truely appreciated and deserve some thanks and recognition for all that they have done.
M.S, Hosts 'Project Big' The sixth annual Career Night "Project Big 75" will be held on Wednesday, April 9, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at Maine South in the Spectator Gym. The continued success of Project Big has been recognized on a state as well as on a national level. Mr. Ken Reese, South's Career Counselor and General Chairman says "Project Big" is a district wide ^ o r t , but
what really makes it happen "is the cooperation and hard work of the Maine South students." Bulletin Although Student Council was williBg to aid Southwords in its money shortage, the administration denied the appropriation. Therefore, our next issue will come out May 9.
April 7, 1975
Valuable Secrets Hidden In Mr. Reese's CRC The Career Resource Center is designed for students to seek information on various college and career opportunities. Students can come to the resource center during any free period to browse among the many sources available to them. Mr. Reese, director of the Center, handles everything from college catalogs to university representatives. He arranges visits for guest speakers, supplies financial aid information, counsels, finds job c^>enings, and more. Mr. Reese invites all students to utilize the wide range of facilitiefi. The methods used are up-todate, modem equipment. Microfilms on occupations and cdleges, records, films, and books, are just a few of the many devices offered for students to use. There is even a machine \riiere one can feed in his interests and requirements to
learn about the jobs open to his specific qualifications. Another way that the area helps is through the use of "foUow-up studies". Cards are sent to graduates in order to find out what type of career they have chosen. By examining the results, Mr. Reese can determine «^at tibe trends for specific jobs will be. Mr. Reese feels the key to a good career is to plan for it. In other words, a person shouldn't go to just any school and then plan his occupatiMi. Rather, he should choose a school suitable for his planned career. The job crisis has hindered the Center's ability to get jobs for the students. The number of job openings has now dwindled down to about S-10 since the beginning of the year. Mr. Reese hopes that any parents reading this with part-time jobs available will contact him at the school.
Letters to the Editor
B-ball Team Still No. 1 Dear Editor, In regard to Tuesday afternoon's loss to Waukegan. the less said the better. Although it's a shame that the basketball season is now over, it would also be a shame to see the kind of spirit that swept through this school end now, too. It would be nice to see that spirit stick through the rest of the year. Thanks a lot, B-ball team, for your excellent season and all the good times that came with it. Hans Kamstedt '75 Dear Editor, We're proud to have a basketball team like ours, because they have proven to be an out standing group of skilled and unified players. With great pride we look back on this basketball season, for only sixteen teams in the entire state made it to the super-sectionals. The Hawks have accomplished this only one other time in Maine South's history, and it should be the traditional goal of future teams to come. Supporting the team has given us tremendous satisfaction. We feel especially proud of the record this year's varsity bas-
ketball team leaves behind, and we voice the opinion of many others in expressing appreciation. Your're still number one in our hearts. Maureen Buckley '75 Wendy Kalke '75
Democracy Classes Plan Field Trip The popularity of the field trips sponsored by the NCCJ promoting brotherhood between all races has given way to two other field trips - one being for Spanish classes and the other for Democracy classes. Mrs. Heerman, history teacher, and 35 other students wiU be visiting the Chicago Urban
at 4500 S. Michigan Avenue in Chicago. There, they will discuss the lives and problems of blacks in the city. After that, they will be touring some black housing projects, and they will be looking for the differences in houses between black neighborhoods in League (a black political group)
Student Says: The Show Must Go On by Paul "J(^-Boy" Ray The last minutes before opening night are always the most anxious knowing that in a few moments, all you have rehearsed will come to a test. The time arrives, the house lights dim, you ready yourself for going on, the main curtain is brought up, the stage areas darken, and it's so quiet you can hear a pin drop. The stage lights go up, and you're on. Anyone who has ever worked at putting on a show before a paying audience knows these special pre-show feelings. Wondering whether all the technical arrangements will work, whether every performer will remember his lines, and most of all, whether the audience will accept the show. Ibis anticipation is nearly
cancelled out by one factor: trust. It is the crux of performing arts. Trust in the show, trust in the cast performing their roles, trust in the crew to work the lights, sound, and set changes. It is exemplified in the performing arts creed. "We believe." On the second night of performance, everyone gathers before the show for a few words from the director to instill cwifidence, a useless task since it is already running high along with the feeling of being aprofessional. After the show, with the applause still echoing in the performers' ears, there is much hugging and kissing to mark the delight and satisfaction felt after the show. For what reason are many hours of time spent rehearsing,
designing, constructing, and painting sets and staying after school until eight, nine, and sometimes ten o'clock? For the closeness, the new friaidships made, the old ones more tightly bonded. l i e second reason is the satisfaction obtained in putting a show together from scratch, making it into something an audimce will enjoy. On closing night, the pre-show meeting is charged with emotion. There are tears of sadness because it is the last time they will all be meeting as a whole, but also tears of pride in themselves, cast, and crew. The emptiness will soon be replaced by a new show coming hard on the heels of the past with new cast, new crew, and above all, another new audience.
South Finds Problem Relating to Minorities by Janet Franz Being a part of the student body of Maine South for the past four years, I've come to know and observe many different types of students. Most of the students, and many of their parents too, are living a rather isolated life in the comfortable suburbs for many years now, myself included. The school seems to be promoting inter-racial communication through such groups as NCCJ and by having such classes as Ethnic-Minority Groups being taught here. With these in mind, it seems that some students the really interested in finding out about how people different from themselves live. But still one cannot help hearing or simply perceiving how many more of the students feel. After the Super-Sectional game that the basketball team lost to Waukegan, such words as niggers, junglebunnies, and coons were used to describe the victorious team. It was also heard that blacks are derived from the apes, so that is why they were able to jump so high, or that in the jungle, they were accustomed to running fast, and that helped "those little apes" win the game. When I heard these remarks, I don't know if I was shocked or upset at first, but I did realize that the words were spoken by ignorant and cruel individuals that cared more that the team was beaten by blacks than that it was beaten at all. This not only shows the widespread prejudice among ourselves, but also that a school like Maine South, which
is known for winning all sorts of awards in parctically any field, is actually upset to see another less-acclaimed school win something and feel some pride in themselves. As a member of this school, I was anxious to see 9ur team win too, but just because we didn't it gave me no reason to cut the other team to pieces. I don't feel that the students would have been so upset if another white school had won because black supremacy in any field is hard for some students to accept. The basketball game was cited primarily as an example and not intended to make anyone feel any worse about that, but maybe about ourselves as individuals. Some students will never have to deal with people from other racial backgrounds, but the majority will. Everyday more integration is taking place, perhaps not In Park Ridge, but in surrounding areas. Also, colleges and the job market are specific areas where competition and interaction between racial groups is almost compulsory. Instead of criticizing and ignoring blacks and other minority groups, we should begin to learn more about them and to finally begin to understand them and the situation they are in and have been for many years. We should try to put ourselves in their place, if that is at all possible. Most of all, every one of us should look at ourselves and see in what way we can help the situation. Understanding and a willingness to learn are two of the main answers. Education is another answer, and that's what we're for, isn't it?
Chicago and white neighborhoods. Some projects they will visit will be Kenwood,"Hyde Park, Wood Lawn, and Chatham. These are housing projects owned both by the government and privately. The students will be eating lunch at Hirsch High School, an all black school. The final stop of the day will be at the Johnson Publishing Company, which is an example of a black corporation. This company publishes such magazines as Ebony, Jet, Black World, and Black Stars.
Blood Provided by Carol Tomer Student CouncU officer elections, which were held on March 13, produced a voter turnout of 51 per cent of the Maine South student body, an increase of 2 per cent over last year's election. Results are as follows: for President, Sharon Beckman — 690 votes, Vic Gauger — 404 votes, Steve Shaull — 360 votes, Kevin Bums write-in candidates — 139 votes, for Vice-President, Joe Solon — 1172 votes, for Secretary, Gini Barklow — 1423, for Treasurer, Geri Smith — 850, Rich Schneider — 770 votes. The new SC officers will take office the first Wednesday in May. Regarding the status of recent proposals.. — . . A motion, made by Vic Gauger stating that "a student be allowed to enter or leave the campus any time before school starts," was passed by Council and rejected by the administration. A locker protection proposal, made by Dan McGrath, was passed by Council and rejected by the administration. Student Council will be sponsoring a blood drive at Maine South, pending administrative approval of further organization. This project vidll be in conjunction with Park Ridge Blood Central. A committee has been formed to investigage the problems of lounge and the possibilities for eligibility expansion and student monitors. The committee members are Kim Heidkamp '75, Vic Gauger '76, Dave Greising •78, Tim Kelly '75, Steve Shaull '76, Carol Tomer '75, Dave Krueger '77, and Sharon Beckman '76.
April 7, 1975
Pag* 3
Outdoors, Politics, Sports Head Teachers Interests Teachers may only appear to be assignment-giving and grading machines sometimes, but they actually have many interests outside of school. Going back to nature is a popular escape for many of South's learned people. Mr. Thomas Kerth. English teacher, explained, "We spend so much time indoors; I've figured I average V4 hour outside during the week, so I do everything I can to get outside during the weekend." Mr. Kerth enjoys canoeing, fishing, and walking through the forest preserve. "One of the most uplifting experiences I've had was this Christmas vacation when I went canoeing down the Des Plaines River." Mr. Donald Rakowsky, science teacher, agreed. "Outdoors away from the masses of people, you can really communicate with nature." He enjoys fishing, hunting, camping, and scuba diving. Mrs. Judith Stone, French teacher, also goes camping during the summer, but commaited, "Most of all, I love to cook and try out new restaurants. Mrs. Barbara Heerman, social science teacher, replied, "I go to basketball games and
watch the TV news." Mrs. Heerman also knits and plays bridge in her spare time. Politics and campaigning is another area of interest. Mr. Thomas Mahon, math teacher, stated, "I'm president of the Des Plaines Park Board and I'm up for reelection April 1. Much of my time is spent campaigning." He has also been elected as City Treasurer. "I also like to tie fishing flies and go camping." Mr. Michael Deines commented further, "I think the outdoors is where you find out a little about yourself — as you are reflected in nature, in contrast to here." Mr. Deines, English teacher, hunts ducks, geese, and pheasants. Keeping tropical fish, writing, and playing tennis are his other hobbies. Some teachers become busy with school-related activities. Mr. Stephen Granzyk, English teacher, stated, "My main relaxation was working with Readers' Theatre, which w a s very time consuming." Mrs. Margaret Ehlen, English teacher, stated, "I work on various handicrafts. I enjoy refinishing furniture and swimming." Mrs. Ehlen is also taking a Creative Writing class.
Why Not Do Something Stimulating? Why Not Try Breaking a Record? by Laurie Freeman When spring fever hits, many students tend to daydream through school anticipating a good summer ahead. By the time a kid gets some free time cm weekends, there are so many things to be done that he ends up doing nothing but daydream - about his activities. Well, it's about time you blank brains did something stimulating, a n d what better way to do that than breaking a record. (Not the LP kind) Many of you might be saying, "Why would I want to break a world record?" There are many good reasons. 1) It will give you something to do on a boring weekend; 2) It will impress your friends and make -you a her; 3) Your name and picture might appear in the pap' er and Guinness Book; 4) It . will give you a feeling of achieve ment. The first thing to do before breaking a record is to decide what you do best. If sleeping is your best talent, remember that Rip Van Winkle's 20 year record has never been broken. With the help of Guinness Book of World Records, here is a list of some activities that might interest Maine South students: Apple peeling - the longest single unbroken apple peel on record is 1,568V^ inches peeled in eight hours. If you have stork blood in you, maybe you can break the . record of standing SVi hours on one foot. Were you hot at ball-punching during your Romper Room •• days? The ball-punching record is 125 hours 20 minutes. Next time the gang comes over, why don't you organize a bed-pushing marathon? In 1972, a 12 man team pushed a wheeled hospital bed for 604 miles. Remember the Twist: Play some old rock and roll records next week and try to break the 102 hour Twist record. What about grabbing an old enemy and having a face-slapping contest? Thirty hours is the record. Can you Frisbee freaks throw a Frisbee over 285 feet? Do it and break the record. How about a massive frog leap game to beat the 40 mile record game?
There is also the 11,052 pogostick jump record and the 14 hour 6 minute hand-clapping record waiting to be broken among many others. Another area in record breaking is in food consumption. How often have you asked for third helpings? That is nothing compared to the record of 77 hamburgers at one sitting or 1220 cold beans one-by-one in three minutes. What about the amazing record of 130 pitted prunes in 105 seconds? There was no comment on the contestant's condition after the contest, though. If Guinnes can have a book of world records, than so can Maine South. The first category is the "Boy's Locker Room to the Third Floor AWing Run with One Locker Stop." Ilie winner is John "Legs" Thompsen with a SVi minute record. "TTie Largest Number of Blue Tardy Slips Collected in One Semester," was won by Charlotte Scnook with 40. "The Most Washroom Passes in a Study Hall for One Semester," was accomplished by Frank "Gotago" Frump. In the area of eating ability, the winner is undoubtedly, Carl "Iron Guts" Nurd who has eaten consecutively for three years the Type A lunch in Maine South's cafeteria. In addition, Carl has also won the "Largest Number of Nurse's Pink Slips," with 311 at the last count. If breaking records sounds like fun to you, spend all summer breaking them, and maybe you'll break the record for breakiiig records.
Mr. Dcmald Kerr, English teacher, likes "to garden, work the soil, and raise crops." He also becomes involved in his children's interests. While Mr. Joel Morris, social science teacher, enjoys playing tennis, he doesn't have much spare time now. His major hobby is "coping with my four-
month old son to let my wife have a breather." Mr. Thomas Neu, social science teacher, commented, "I like long-distance running and to follow politics." Mr. Patton Feichter, social science teacher, admitted, "I look forward to vacation, be-
cause I like to travel." He also enjoys playing golf during the summer. Mrs. Margaret Taylor, Spanish teacher, answered, "We go to the movies, have friends over, and go bike-riding." Mrs. Taylor had recently spent her time studying for the U.S. Constitution Test.
How Does Southwords Work? by Janet Franz Southwords, the official Maine South newspaper that attempts to give its readers an idea of what is going on in and around South, does not fall from the sky as some of you might have previously thou^t. The newspaper actually has a semi-competent staff of reporters, writers, editors, i*otographers, and artists. To give the uninformed student an idea of how Southwords actually works, a step-by-step approach will be taken. The first step that must be taken is for the editors to find out news around the sdiool, or to think up ingenious stories, like this one, when the news level is at a low. ITie various stories are assigned to reporters and it is their job to make arrangements for interviews, to find out the details of a story, and to make sure their story is in on time, which is usually the Friday before we go to print. The editors then take over, starting with the copy editor and editor-in-chief who reads over all the stories and make necessary corrections and revisions. The stories are then divided as to which page they belong. First page is News, second page is In-Depth, which usually ends up being more of an editorialcommentary page, third page is Feature stories and finally, fourth page takes care of the great sports at South. When the pages are divided
right, it is then time for all the page editors to meet at our beloved editor-in-chief's famous kitchen table to do lay-out. Lay-out is probably the least known part of putting together a newspaper. Many people fail to realize that stories cannot just be thrown on a page and be expected to come out correctly. Each story must be estimated as to its length in column inches. After this is done, the editor takes a lay-out sheet and attempts to fit the stories on his or her page. He or she must also leave enough space for the headlines to fit. If the stories do not fit as planned, they must be juggled around imtil they do fit right. Sometimes this involves cutting some material out of certain stories or adding another story if the page comes up short. Headlines are another obstacle involved in the paper. Contrary to belief, headlines are not all that easy to write. The story must be read over to find out the key details in order to write an informative headline. One will notice, while looking at any newspaper page, that there are many different types and sizes of headline print. Obviously, all these different sizes will not all fit into the same amount of space, so these too must be measured and made to fit. When all these tasks are completed, it is time for the five editors to go to the printers. Southwords is printed in Des Plaines at the Des Plaines Sub-
Ah, Yes-Anoiher Nostalgia Quiz by Laurie Freeman Ah, yes. Here is another nostalgia quiz for you trivia freaks, investigators, or just bored kiddies in homeroom. 1) Superman was faster than a speeding bullet, but what ultraterrestrial substance had the power to slow him down? 2) Popeye the Sailor's angular girlfriend was: 3) Name the ITiree Stooges. 4) A power ring and a Green Lamp gave Green Lantern his awesome power. What took them away? 5) Name the steady boyfriends of Nancy and Little Lulu. 6) Name the leader of Our Gang series and his buddy with the cowlick hairstyle. 7) Who played: a) The Tin Woodman; b) The Scarecrow; c) The Cowardly Lion; d) The Wicked Witch; and e) The Wizard? 8) Name all seven Dwarfs. 9) Who was Perry Mason's secretary?
JMusical aocompanimmit to spring is provided by th« silvory-voiced tong sparrow.
10) What was the name of the witch doctor on Bewitched? 11) In Green Acres, what was the name of a) The owner of the General Store; b) The carpenter brothers; and c) The county agent? 12) Name the children of Morticia and Gomez Addams. Is your mind boggled? Is the answer on the tip of your tongue? Fret no more, because here are the answers:
urban Times building, where other school and local newspapers are printed. We all travel there with Mr. Ken Beatty, our ever-present sponsor, and attempt to get the paper out on time. We always go to the printers the day before the paper comes out, which is usually a Thursday. Anyway, getting back to the serious side of this story, many important things do happen there. Wien we first get to the printers, aU the stories have already been typed on to long sheets that placed the print into columns. All of these sheets must be proofread, usually because of typographical errors, they are corrected and given back to the printers to correct. We then must take galley ^eets and do another, sort of lay-out, called paste-up. Pasteup involves following the layout sheet and taking the typed columns and pasting them to a sheet the same size of the actual newspaper. Whereas they lay-out was nothing more than an estimation, paste-up is the real thing; if it doesn't fit now, it won't fit in the paper. After paste-up is completed, (always with rearrangement involved) the page is given to one of the men that works at the print shop. It is then his job to look at the finished lay-out and to fit the lead print into his frame so that it can be properly printed into a newspaper. After this is completed, one copy of each page is printed out, so it can once again be proofread for mistakes. It then comes time to leave the printers and wait xmtil the next day when the papers are delivered to the school for distribution to the students. Editor's Note: Part 2 of our two-part series on school publications will be printed in the next issue. A description of the Eyrie Staff will be included then.
Sonnet 50-47
by Adrian Sakowicz The boys take the court with •iCisSnd J? XepsaupoAi (zi their hopes and pray, nBquim JfUBH ^ 'aojuoK JIV Champaign they think of playpuB qdiBji 'jasianja "i^S (IT ing on T.V.; •Xequiog J Q (01 As they try, nothing can come "j93x>s Bnaa (6 in their wayXadOQ =S 'XddBH 'iCdaais 'OOQ Becoming number one, led by 'Xzaaus 'Xduiaio 'pijqsBa Ig Jim Lee. UBSJOW: 3(UBaj[ 'uo^nuiBH laaBSJBW '•iwi i-i^a Chrzan and Boesen, Kuntz and Henderson'jaSloa XBH 'XaiBH JloBf (i •(aaz^iMs) BjiBj Are longing to all take the long bus ride; •IV 'J (PUBIJBJOBH) XJlUBdS (9 Urbana here we come as they •Xqqnx =? oSSnis (s dethrone MonaX SunpAuv (fr The reigning East Proviso Pir•aow 'j^lJna 'AuBq (e ates' pride. •ai/CO 3AnO (Z All eyes on Phillips with ChamaiiuojdXjji (X paign in sight. They play this one without full Bulletin concentrate; Watch for advertismg of The game is over and without a fight Maine South's own restaurant with the two names, Rainbow's They all can burn their tickets for downstate. End and THE COURTYARD. Sponsored by The Food Occupa- Coach says the boys played a tions Club, it will be open begood game tween April 29 and May 23 dur- And not to worry, a long way ing fourth period on Tuesdays they came. and Thursdays and fifth period on Wednesdays and Fridays in ANSWER the art courtyard. Faculty and The answer to the math probstudents can make reservations in the bookstore. lem on page 1 is "B".
Page 4
April 7, 1975
Promising Diamond Team Wins Opener Notching a victory against the defending summer state champions in their first ballgame, the varsity baseball Hawks show promise of an excellent season. Nudging the powerful Glenbard West squad 3-2, the Hawks seem well enroute to defending their 1974 conference title and high ratings. South had scheduled a doubleheader encounter with the Waukegan Bulldogs Saturday and a conference game with the talented Niles North Vikings Monday, at Northwest Park. Neither seems probable. "We're looking very good defensively and have better than average potential to be a fine offensive club," commented coach George Verber. "This team could well prove to be the best defensive and quickest team I have ever coached." Maine South, Iwig one of the area's better baseball schools should have no change in its luck this season. A squad of
experienced seniors, talented at offensive and defensive skills indicates a strong season in the Central Suburban League, generally acknowledged as the state's roughest diamond conference. Pitching this season will mean the difference between a good season and a great season. Forming the nucleus of the staff will be all-conference selection Pat Morrison, Jim Davis, Gaydon Brandt and John KUppstein. "Morrison is an intelligent pitcher whose best assets are his knowledge, control and competitive spirit," said Verber. "Jim Davis' strong point is his outstanding velocity and Brandt is getting better all the time and has great potential. Right now though he is short on experience." But Brandt had all the experience of a seasoned veteran against the Glenbard hitters, smashing a latÂŤ fifth inning
rally to win the Hawk opener, 3-2. In the third inning, South packed the bases and then Mike Sellergren walked, shoving a nm across the plate. Right fielder Joe McNamara then rifled a single, driving in another pair of runs. In the fifth however, Jim Davis, sank into deep trouble after two infield errors. Davis then walked one and hit two batsmen, making it a 3-2 ballgame with no outs. Brandt was then inserted and the junior hurler forced the Glenbard firstbaseman to hit into a double play and then threw a strikout. The game was then called because of the cold. "We beat a fine team and I
think this win is an indication of our potential," commented Mr. Verber. "Brandt did a heck of a job, he was just fantastic. Morrison pitched two first first three innings excellently, allowing only one hit and giving up a walk. I thought the defense was impressive, but we'll have to hit better, which I think will come around with the warmer weather." South will play a solid and powerful infield. Starting at first will be Mark Galler. the strongest hitter in spring training. Helping Galler will be Jerry Kania and Mike Sellergren. At second, hard-hitting Brian Flanagan is slated and as short, fine-throwing Tim Snow. An-
choring the infield wiU be all CSL South division Joe Pagone. Utility infielder will be junior Phil Pawloski, capable of playing any position. Morrison wiU play center, unless he is pitching when Mike Sellergren will start. Joe McNamara is slated for right and Mike McNamara or Steve Camehl in left. At catcher Bill Horn will exhibit his talents as one of the area's finest defensive catchers. Pitcher John Klippstehi is a question mark for the season, out indefinitely with a reinjured elbow. A strong fastball and curveball pitcher with decent control, Klippstein rates as a fine all-around pitcher when sound.
The 1975 Arlington Sectional Champions, the 23-4 Maine South Hawks. Left to right: Mark Swierenga, Russ Schmelzer, BianMalioy, Mike Sellergren, Tom Barr, Jim Lee, Ted Henderson*, John Kuntz"*, Mike Chrzan*, Joe Pagone, Pete Boesen*, Coach Quitman Sullins, Joe Crosby, Coach Bob Schmidt. * All-Conference; All-Area, All-State Mention.
Super Sectional Entry Mike Chrzan pumps a JoÂŤ Paoona pass into the basket over Prospect defenders Bonthron and Black.
John Kuntz battles Evanston's "Jumpin" Dean Brown In the Hawks memorable overtime win.
Netters Close Fine Season by Jim Hershey Before losing to Waukegan in the supersectionals, the Hawks became only the second team in the history of Maine Township to win a sectional tournament. Against Waukegan, the Hawks fell behind early in the game. Trailing 23-17 at halftime, the courtmen scored nine unanswered points at the start of the second half to lead 26-23. However, Waukegan recovered to win 50-41. Pete Boesen led all scorers in the game with 19 points. Mike Chrzan added 12. For Waukegan, Haywood Campbell tallied 14 points. Chris Calhoun totalled 12 points, 16 rebounds. Coach Sullins commented, "It was a tough loss to Waukegan.
Blue Demon Title Contested; South Shares Trophy With West District officials awarded Maine West's track team first place trophies lost through a controversial decision after the Blue Demon Relays. The games committee was asked to reevaluate its decision disqualifying the Maine West mile relay team because one member's uniform had different striping. The penalty cost West the title. The committee decided to reinstate the Warrior relay team after threatened protests from West track members and parents and district pressure. South
Coach Carl Magsamen had asked for a ruling on the apparent uniform violation and as a result of West forfeiting the meet. South won the meet with a total of 70.5 points. Maine East was second with 65V4 points, Maine West third with 60. The first place finish is worth 12 points; Maine West and Niles North had tied for first in the relay. "All I did was ask for a ruling on a new regulation," explained Coach Carl Magsamen. "It surprisingly went in our favor, ac-
cording to the starter's interpretation. 1 felt I owed it to the team to get a judgement and a ruling for future reference. I would do the same thing again, because the rule is still vague." "I can understand the parents and kids at Maine West being upset, it's justifiable," continued Magsamen. "The rule is very vaguely worded and difficult. I still question the legality of the ref being overruled. It is unfortunate because South has received a lot of bad publicity and half-truths. It's unfortimate it went to the administration."
We could have beaten them if we had a better game. They beat us on the boards, and our shooting wasn't as good as usual." "It takes a lot of luck to get downstate. I don't think it's anything to worry about. We played some of the toughest teams in the state (Proviso East and Evanston) and won." In Champaign, Waukegan lost 67-61 to state champion Phillips. No other team came within 20 points of them in the finals. Against Evanston in the first sectional game, the Hawks led throughout most of the game. However, the Wildkits tied the score at 55-55 at the end of regulation time. With no time left in the overtime session and the Hawks trailing 59-57, Mike Sellergren made two free throws to force a second overtime session. The Hawks dominated the second period to win 72-63. Sellergren explained the crucial free throws. "1 thought right away about the East Leyden game when I missed the free throw with a few seconds left. But I took that out of my mind right away and concentrated on the free throws. I'm just lucky they both went in." Making all 11 of his free throws, Boesen scored 23 points. John Kuntz tallied 15; Ted Henderson, 12. The Hawks exploded in the second half of the sectional final against Prospect to win 70-56. Kuntz and Henderson tallied 19 points each to share scoring honors. Recently Pete Boesen was
named to the third team of Parade magazine's All-America high school squad. Also he has been invited to play in an aU-star game in New York. Over his three year career at Maine South, the All-Stater scored 1315 points to rank behind Dave Butz in career points. Speaking of this year's team Sullins said, "They had a great attitude; they were a very dedicated group and played with a lot of desire. I was equally proud of them on and off the court." The Hawk mentor noted that the. junior varsity won the conference this year and said, "I can see some juniors stepping in and playing a lot. With a lot of hard work this summer, we'll have a good team next year."
All-State player Pete Boesen and teammate Mike Chrzan led the Hawks to an outstanding season.