Vol 12 issue 12

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Broadway Show Rehearses The Broadway Show. The Music Man, ' has been chosen as this years musical and will be performed on April 30. Mav 1. 2. and May 6, 7, and 8. The play was selected because of its bicentennial theme. The background for "The Music Man" is the small Iowa town of River City on the 4lh of July, 1912. The play concerns the con-artistry of a salesman of band instruments and uniforms. Professor Harold HUl. Hill had been chased out of the rural towns of Illinois and decided to try Iowa territory. On arrival Hill industriously begins engaging prospective band members in spite of the by now suspicious local music teacher. Marion Paroo. She soon discovers that he s a phony but keeps the knowledge to herself because of her growing romantic interest in Hill. All ends happily when the "think system band" manages to stumble through their music. Over 200 kids tried out for "The Music Man" and were chosen on the basis of their audition and their availability for rehearsal. Those who captured the leads are Kevin Kielas and David Millhiser as Harold Hill. Mike Flannery as Mati Shinn, and Gavle Corthinos

and Kathy Kielas as Marion Paroo. The rehearsal schedule is every night until 7:00. The week before the play opens, dress rehearsal will begin with scene changes, dancing, and scenery. Mr. Lloyd Spear. Musical Director and Producer, commented, "When we had the first rehearsal I think it was the best we've ever had. It was a difficult adjustment to pull everything together." Other Directors include Show Director. Irwin Bell; Technical Director. Vincent Pinelli, Choreographer: Barbara Bobrich: and Mrs. Baumgartner as Wardrobe Director. Most cast and crew members like the show. Donna Rusch. "77, commented. "Ifs a good play, well-known and with a lot of music. I don t think it makes much difference that this is the second time we've done "Music Man' . It was a pretty long time ago and the department's changed a lot since then. " Lisa Kelly, '76, thought otherwise. "They should have done something they had'nt already done. The biggest reason for getting involved in the musical was because of the fun. Renate Kollin. '77. stated. "It's a lot of

hard work but when you do the performance well it's worth the effort. " One chorus member, Grace Anderson, '76, stated, "I enjoy singing very much and the show is definitely worth all the work. " Not only is the show larger than the regular department productions but it also is a musical. One crew member commented that people in the musical weren't as close as in the Arena and prozenium plays but there was more of a feeling that everybody was pulling the show together to make it work. -Another c r e w member recognized the difference when she said. "The singing is excellent and the most outstanding part of the show, though I think sometimes the acting isn't as good as it could be. " On the Directors of the play one cast member commented, "The Directors are excellent but sometimes I think they could cooperate with each other better." Another commented, "I think the Directors show a lot of cooperation and they do a good job of pulling the show together." One crew member stated, "The number of directors we have sometimes adds to the general confusion."

Kevin Kielas and Kent Scharringhausen are joined by ''The Music M a n " cast members as they rehearse a scene f r o m the Broadway show. The musical w i l l play A p r i l 30, M a y 1 and 2 and May 6, 7, and 8.

Language Contests Clubs offered at MS

Several .Maine South students recently won a place in the District Latin Contest, part of the State Latin Contest, held March 6 at Highland Park High School. In Latin III Bob Cordes won an Excellent in the Chicago Suburban Sectional i the highest of the District winners, i In Latin II Allan Evett won a Superior and Sue Groziak, won an Excellent in the Sectional. Ken Camacho won an Excellent in the Sectional for Latin I. Since .Allan Evett won a Superior classification, he will be eligible for the State Finals, to be held May 1 at North Central College in Naperville, III. How would you like to brush up A p r i l 23,1976 on a foreign language and have

southwords , Vol. 12, No. 12

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068

Sex Discrimination Law Affects Maine High Schools Title IX, the bill which prohibits any sex discrimination in federally-assisted educational programs, specifically physical education, has been creating nation-wide controversey since its passage by the Federal government in 1972. Dr Michael Myers, .\ssistant Superintendent-Instructor of Maine schools has been supervising the acceptance of Title IX in the four Maine high schools since last fall. Title IX will eventually affect all students since it deals not only with the interscholastic sports programs but also the mandator." PE classes. By the July 1978'deadline Maine South and the other Maine schools are expected to be m compliance with the provision that "no person in the L'.S. shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in. be denied the benefits of. or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program receiving

financial assistance from the U.S. government. The ramifications of this new law are staggering. Both the Mens and Women's PE Departments are expected to share all their facilities equally and provide the students with comparable programs Considering the differences in emphasis between the two departments this could be difficult, according to Ms. Katherine Pierce. Chairman of the Women's PE Department. These two departments have such different philosophies. The men emphasize physical fitness, hard muscle sports and calisthenics while the girls dept. emphasizes lifetime sports such as tennis and archery. We'll have to meet each other halfway in order to comply with the Title IX ruling, "" states Miss Pierce. I feel that the federal government was right in adopting this stand on the interscholastic

M a r l i n Swim Club members rehearse for their annual swim show this weekend. Shows w i l l be tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. and also Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Maine South pool. E x t r a bleachers have been erected this year because of popular demand and tickets may still be purchased f r o m M a r l i n members.

athletic programs because the girls have traditionally gotten the short end of the stick there. " Miss Pierce continued. "However the short end of the stick there.' Miss Pierce continued. "However the regular PE program should be left alone." Mr. Bernie Brady. Chairman of the Men's PE Department, agreed, commenting, "i just can't see scraping two equally good PE programs just because the P'ederal government says we have to be co-ed." Title IX has specifically named six exceptions to the ruling. "Body sports " such as wrestling, ice hockey, football, basketball, boxing and rugby may be taught co-educationally for the instruction part but not for the practice part. Both Brady

and Pierce feel these exceptions should be extended to include "collision sports"" like softball and baseball, volleyball, field hockey and soccer. The two department heads feel that if men and women athletes are allowed to tr>' out for each other "s teams then such sports as basketball and wrestling will become male-dominated. Brady also stated that "the competition in regular gym classes could he disasterous if they're changed to co-ed." "We have named our co-ordinator. published Title IX in the papers and are now in the process of conducting a student opinion poll We are hoping that by the deadline of July 21. 1978 some revisions will have been made in the bill.

MS Social Science Dept. Offers three Excursions The Social Science Department headed by Mr. Kohler. Dept. Chairman, has planned three events for South students this spring and summer. They are the Galena trip, the Washington Workshop and the "Faces in History " contest. The bus for the Galena trip open to all Juniors will leave South at 7 a.m. and arrive at Galena at 1 p.m. Students attending will tour Ulysses S. Grant's home, visit historic downtown Galena and ride the inclined railroad. The Washington Workshop will give a few selected Maine South students an opportunity to see the United States government in action. 300 other high school students from all over the U.S. will also attend the seminars dealing with basic government operations and also to meet senators, representatives and judges and possibly the President. The

Workshop is scheduled for the middle of June. On Monday, .April 19, the "Faces in History" contest began. The contest consists of 300 pictures of famous people in American history and is displayed in the glass case in the Awirig. There are presidents, explorers, and movie stars. "Anyone who contributed something to U.S. history could be included," stated Mr. Kohler. To enter just obtain an entry blank from the Social Science Office in A-217. The deadline for returning the entries to the office is Mav 15. The Historv Honors Night will be held on May 27. About 200 students will receive awards for having an "A " average and a teacher's recommendation The best US History scholar will also be acclaimed at this time and the winner of the "Faces in History" contest will receive his or her $50 reward.

some fun and relaxation, too? .Maybe a foreign language club is the answer. German Club, the largest foreign language club at Maine South, boasts 57 members. Movies, records, and German games are only a part of the meetings, which are held twice a month, with Frau Schultz as sponsor. The Spanish Club, under the sponsorship of Senora Blackstad. has also been busy with a candy sale and bake sale. In the past a Christmas party and picnic were held, and recently the members attended the La Marguerita restaurant for a real Spanish meal. This year French Club wasn't as active as in the past. During other years students held cheese parties and pastry tasting sessions and also went to French restaurants. For the past 6 weeks the Latin Club has been planning their presentation for the Spring Language Awards Night which will honor all foreign language students who have excelled in their respective languages. Latin Club meetings are held every 2 weeks Interest in all language clubs is hoped to increase next year so that more exciting events can be planned.


Student- Council Balloons Are Off by Beth Lee As a fund-raising activity. Student Council has decided to have a pizza sale. The effort will be held on May 15. with the pizzas being similar to those that .AFS sold earlier this year. Due to repeated Council efforts, sophomores, juniors, and seniors will all have early dismissal privileges next year. Early dismissal will be granted if the student has a ninth period study. However, a student's schedule will not be changed so that ninth will be free if he already doesn't have it so. There is still time to purchase "Fly-Away " balloon tickets for tomorrow's lift-off. The tickets are one for fifty cents or three for a dollar The balloon that travels the farthest by June 1 will be awarded $15. The proceeds will be donated to the AFS fund. Next y e a r s c o m m i t t e e chairman were elected recently in Student Council. Thev are. Sue Ebner, AFS; Beth Diola, VShow; Kris McFarland, Homecoming; Dan .Nocchi, Organization: Scott Kuntz. Public Relations: Pete Omarzu, Student Rights; Mark Gibson, Assembly: and Kim Devaney. Social.

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April 23, 1976

Reasons, Views Told on Speech Checks Complaints concerning the reading over of Student Council election speeches came to Soutbwords two weeks ago. The investigation uncovered the following:

"The speeches are read over to protect the candidates." said Mr. Robert Simonsin. assistant principal. "They are checked so that nothing is said to offend or hurt anyone."

John Kosik '76, student council organizations chairman, agreed with Mr. Simonsin and added that "The speeches were not read over to protect the administration."

A candidate who ran for student council office, who wished to remain anonymous, disagreed with Kosik, saying that the reading of the speeches was pretty stupid". He also added "What is the administration afraid of?" .Another candidate commented that it was hinted that the candi"Who's Who .Among American another 22 per cent would be Of that percentage, a third would dates should not attack the High School Students polled willing to take on more chores treat their offspring "as people, administration." 22,300 juniors and seniors again, around the house than in a tradi- without regard to traditional sex Though only one speech was posing the question: Has tional marriage. roles.' In addition. 38 per cent questioned seriously • and marriage been liberated' by Twenty-four per cent of the would be more liberal in their eventually rewritten). Dan the women's movement? males polled refused to do any social and sexual outlook, a Nocchi '77. stated that "They According to the poll. 65 per •feminine " work. Sixteen per quarter would be more liberal (the administration) shouldn't cent of the female students felt cent of the women also favored disciplinarians, and 3 out of ID have the power to censor. It would provide a more home- should be between the organizaequality should play a part in the traditional marital format. centered life for their own tional chairman and the marriage Husbands would be On the matter of having children. expected to do the same amount candidate." children, a majority of students of housework. This percentage The reading of speeches is not But while most students also planned to have a job and an agreed that two children or less questioned a law on the 207 policy books. planned a liberated comprised the ideal family, and identity outside the home. TradiThe policy books prohibit such tional marriage, where the wife 85 per cent planned to practice marriage, their attitudes toward things as obscenity, false statepremarital relations were birth control. Two-thirds would stays at home, was not favored. c o n s e r v a t i v e . ments, sexual or prurient use some form of artificial con- g e n e r a l l y Presented with the women s traceptive, including more than Eighteen per cent would themes. The policies govern the attitude toward marriage. 88 per half the Catholic students asked. seriously consider living newspapers and bulletin boards. Several candidates gave their cent of the male students interWhen questioned on bringing together without benefit of views pertaining to the student s viewed said they would still plan up children, 55 per cent planned clergy. .About the same perto marry. Half agreed to share to raise their own differently centage < 17 per cent i felt such a rights of expression. Dan .Nocchi commented that household tasks equallly. while than their parents raised them. relationship could be dangerous "The students should have the and lead to emotional crisis. right to say what they want. If the students planned on They i the administration i should marrying. 77 per cent to 20 per figure we won't write anything Expecting a sell-out like that Jim Leibforth '76 (head cent favored a traditional bad so that we can stay ofi good of last year, the Food Occupa- manager), Terri Burtell '76 marriage ceremony. However, terms with them. Generally summing it up. tions Club IS planning its two out- • dining managen. and Dan many of these students (75 per Tyrpak '76 (kitchen managen. cent I would seek a divorce to end Gerri Smith. '77. commented door cafes. The two. called MAMA Uncle Sam's is managed by Pat an unsatisfactory marriage, that "you can say whatever you VITELLOS ITALIAN CAFE, Roche '76, as head manager. including 65 per cent of the want as long as you say it nicelv." and UNCLE SAM S. will be open John Ellwood '76, as dining Catholic students polled. between May 4 through May 28, manager, and Brian Ellwood '77. and held in the art courtyard. as kitchen manager. Mama Vitello's. featuring Italian food, will be open fourth period on Wednesday and Friday. Uncle Sam s. featuring The official studant newspaper of American food, will be open durMaine Townihip High School South, Park Ridge, Illinois MOW. WriHen ing fifth period on Tuesday and and edited IS times each year by Thursday. students of the high school. Subscriptions included with activity ticket, To attend one of these cafes, purchased separately at S3 per year, reservations will be taken in the or Individually for i;c. (Priced higher for issues of more than 4 pages.) bookstore for fifty cents. This Editor in<;hic£ Laurie Freeman amount will be taken off the .News Editor Suzanne Kuntz check. Students should stay for Commentary Editor — Margaret Kreppel the full period. Passes will be Feature Editor Debbie Schwieder given out at the outdoor cafes, Sports Editor Paul Ray Corresponding Mary O'Keefe and students can take them back Photo Editor John MielecU to their half studies the day Copy Editor Kim Kumiega Cots from "The Music Man" were performed on Cartoonuti Amy Hubbell, Katby after. Paplenski, Lisa Talamentez. Wednesday, Bicentennial Day at South. According to sponsor Mrs. Jen Pawlikowaky. Photographers .. Brian Malooey, Phil Susan Oxendorf. home economic Brooks, Steve Petrowski teacher and coordinator, memNew« Bureau Editor Beth Bower News Bureau Staff ... Mary Halihan, bers of Food Occupations Marianne Loefner, Sue Leonard. manage these restaurants. Sponsor Mr. Beatty Mama Vitello's is managed by by June Jager "I want to go to college and beRecently. Southwords asked come a dentist, commented studCTts if they had thoughts VinceAlbachiaro 79. about their future. To most Bob Johnson 79. staled. "I Just what is Lushwell's heinous underclassmen, this thought was would like to become a lawyer." Dear Editor. "I want to be a professional In regard to the recent publica- game? This travesty, travelling something they didn t worry tion of the creative writing under the guise of creative about too much. However, some con-artist," said Joe Leichton '78. magazine, we extend our hearty writing, has no place in our were planning ahead .Most of the freshmen and Most upperclassmen are concongratulations. There was, society. Hopefully mistakes of however, one article that caused this sort will be avoided in the sophomores asked planned to go cerned about their future. Some to college. Phil Gouskos 79. students were waiting to get out us great anger. The Bedbug future. stated. "I'd like to go to college of Maine South to begin their Michael Sandrock 76 From the Fifth Dimension' was careers. and study medicine. John Pluta '76 a disgrace to the bicentennial Dominic La Loggia '77. comDonna Pozdro '78. commented, theme, to our motherland, and to and the entire 5-6A Advanced the very fiber of our being Just Placement Mathematics Class "I hope to go to Oakton College mented. I hope to get more involved m aviation and also beand then become an architect. ' who is this Stills character? '76

Has Marriage Been 'Liberated'?

Two Cafes Open at MS


Spring has sprung, but South Students have to wait until June to unwind.

Paris, London Highlight Trip Several students enrolled in the .American Studies course traveled to Europe during spring vacation. Participating with students from other sections of the United States, junior Georgette Horn, and seniors Jane Howard. Sally Leszczynski, Kathy Faehnnich. and Lori Rhode, visited historic landmarks, tasted a variety of foods, and experienced various customs. Beginning their trip Saturday. .March 27, the group took an evening flight to France. .Arriving in Paris, they went on an excursion to the illuminated monuments officially called. • Paris by Night' . Other sights taken in were Notre Dame Cathedral, the Eiffel Tower, and open-air markets. The group also toured the Palace of Versailles, and then look the metro', which is a subway m France. They also visited the Saue Coeur and Montmahtre. which consisted of cafes and a boat ride down the Seine River. !, indon was another highlight i: ttieir trip. The students saw the Changing of the Guard. Tower of London, and other well known landmarks. On Sunday. April 4. the sightseers returned to the United States. Each student paid seven hundred dollars for the week in Europe.

Future Plans Projected by Students

Letter to the Magazine Editors


Read This, but will it Matter? by Margaret Kreppel Ah, tis Spring, and young minds (and a few old) think more of extracurricular activities. Such utterances as "Who cares? ", and 'As if it really matters to me, " float through Maine Souths halls. But, this attitude isn't too surprising. After seven and a half months or so of hard labor (for most, of course), school begins to drag on. Ambitiously working for a good grade (And students do^work ambitiously, don't they'') doesn't have the same appeal as it did in the fall and winter. Reminders by teachers that "You still have part of fourth quarter to go, so shape up," do not help. Yet, both sides seem to enter Maine South in the morning with, "This day better go quickly, " or sigh. "Oh God, here we go again. ' But this attitude has a serious side. People appear too wrapped up in themselves to care about anyone else. Friends and acquaintances can grind on about experiences that once

were interesting, yet thoughts of "So why are you telling me this"?"" pop into individual's heads. Only one person matters and that person is oneself. Classes seem bland and irrelevant to the world outside. Taking a course on English literature or trigonometry will really help when in a car accident or buying a house. frying to erase this feeling is not easy. Although such an attitude is not so strong in some people, apathy is present. Maybe, students and members of the faculty take this school too much for granted. Instead of appreciating the quality education offered (although at times this seems hard to do), and the friends made, many make off-hand remarks about Souths program and the people who attend and work here. So, in all. school may be dragging on and the days until school closes appearing never to get down to the last ten. However, this could be September and a whole year of fun just waiting ahead. But then again, "Who c a r e s ? "

come a better musician. ' "I want to be an illustrator for children's books, staled Lisa Talamantez 77 Ed .McNella 77. replied, "Go to college." Other students wished to travel after high school. Laurie Demos 77, remarked. "I'd like to travel for a year ' "During the summer, I'd like to get about ten friends and go to Florida or Colorado.' commented Peter Chambers "76. Some students want to be involved in working with others. "I hope to be a pre-school teacher. " said Nancy Antosh 77. ' "Oh yes, and a wife, too." Tom Lukashaw 76. responded, • I hope to go to college and then . get into some kind of Christian work." "I want to be a youth camp leader or do some kind of outdoor work, mentioned Steve Towne '76. Other people mentioned their plans for the future, but refused to have them publicized. And some students did not take the question seriously One anonymous responded. Id like to go down in history by finding the miracle cure for constipation." .Another anonymous stated, "I want to be a bum or a flagpole sitter. I have not quite decided between the two." But aside from the above comments, planning about the future should be forming. All loo soon tomorrow will be todav.

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April 23, 1976

Presidential Candidates: A Diversified Issue at South

According to her English I class, this teacher just couldn't seem to get bunnies out of her system.

'All the President's Men' Shows Watergate Scandal by MaryO'Keefe All the President's Men is a realistic movie about the Watergate break-in and the two reporters who first investigated the scandal. It is based on the book by Bob Woodword and Carl Bernstein. The film stars Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman. Jason Robards, Jack Warden, Martin Balsam, and Hal Holbrook as Deep Throat, an informant. The plot details Bob Woodword and Carl Bersteins efforts as they try to find the truth behind the burglary. The film reveals all the tedious telephoning and legwork necessary while checking up on each source. The movie relates how the government employees were pressured to say nothing to the press as part of the cover up. The fears of the careful editors in printing these risky stories are also shown. Perhaps most apparent in All the President's Men is the realistic portrayal of the journalists. The film does not overglamorize their jobs. In addition, the movie clearly shows how the investigation slowly progressed from some small-time burglars to the office of the President, and eventually the cover-up. The acting all throughout the movie is excellent, especially Jason Robards as the skeptical editor-in-chief. There is not much action, as most of the film deals with dialogue concerning the facts of the investigation. Unfortunately, the viewer can get lost in ail the facts, figures and dates. Perhaps having a better knowledge of Watergate or having read the book, might help him. , A message on the significance of this scandal is still relevant. .Mthough while viewing the film, one recognizes names, also one realizes how little he really knows about this scandal. In adB.L. — How did you like the flowers? Maril D.A.R. - Any ID. photos? Mr. X To Boio — My. my what big feet you have! Signed "A Secret Admirer "

dition, these events seem so recent, lindoubtedly, some people will still be sensitive atx)ut the matter of Watergate and Nixon s role because such a short lime has passed.

Hey, Bracelet Bandit! To the person who admired the copper bracelet with the cats eye stone at the art display so much that he or she took it: How can you justify your fewseconds of tiiievery to the many weeks of hard work that went into making if Clear your conscience and leave it in the Personnel Office, no questions asked. ADMIRE ART. BUT RESPECT IT.

by David Barklow Unfortunately for Gerald Ford. Richard Nixon resigned almost two years before the next Presidential election. This may appear to be a good thing for Ford at first, since it gave him a chance to be the President longer. However, the almost universal appeal which Ford enjoyed back in those balmy days of 1974 has had a chance to die down considerably. This is largely due to the fact that — like it or not — Ford has had to make a few decisions while waiting around for the 76 election, and as everybody knows, as soon as a president does something, somebody else doesn't like it. So now It's 1976 and a lot of people are out to get Jerry's job because they say they can do a better job. The 'They " refers to Ronald Reagan (Ford's only opponent for the Republican nomination!: Former Governor of Georgia. Jimmy Carter (right now the top Democratic candidate i; Morris Udall. a represenative from Arizona; Senator Henry (Scoop i Jackson from the state of Washington. There are several other candidates, but these four seem to be the leaders. Nobody seriously expects Sergeant Shriver iTrivia: Just who is Sergeant Shriver? i or Ellen McCormick (the antiabortion candidate! to do much as far as a campaign is concerned. Since it seems like an appropriate time. Southwords decided to go out and ask Maine Souths all-knowing student body about the question of presidential preference. Mary Papuga 78. likes Ford because he has experience. Agreeing with him was Steve Nierman '78. who thinks Ford's done a "good job.' Reneta Siemion 77, however, disagrees with both. She says she likes Reagan because 'his views are better than Ford's and I don't feel Ford has fulfilled his job " Pete Omarzu '77, Student Rights committee chairman is unique in his support of Jimmy Carter. He explains Ronald Reagan is an incompetent who acts like a leftover Joseph McCarthy. Ford's proven he's an

MePerv: Driving is really much easier when in a totally coherent state. G.K.S. Well, are you embarrassed' Your loving sister Eleano - Happv B-Day! E. I. Chief

Trees To Be Planted Here Ofi Arbor Day At noon on Friday, April 30 the Maine South Bicentennial Committee will perform a treeplanting ceremony on the school campus. Mayor Butler has agreed to be present for the occasion, which will take place along Dee Road in observance of Arbor Day. Maine South is planting six trees in honor of the six sovereign States that developed out of the old Northwest Territory. The trees representing their respective states are: the Buckeye for Ohio, the Tulip Poplar for Indiana, the Native Oak for Illinois, the White Pine for Michigan, the Sugar Maple for Wisconsin and the Norway Pine for Minnesota.

win by default. As John Plata, "76 says, ""Let me put it this way. Who else is there besides Ford? " Kevin Conway, '77 would vote for Ford only "as long as Betty's included in the deal." Evelyn Carlburg,'78 picks Ford because "he's done a lot for the country, " while Patti Buchanan, '78 points out that Reagan doesn't know too much about foreign policy. Steve Walk, '78 disagrees and considers Reagan "the least of all evils. " and Brett Kush, '78 also supports the ex-movie star because I always haled Ford." Linda Wood, '78 hasn't read enough about each candidate to form an opinion — an indecision which shared by many South students. It is interesting to note that a few of Souths distinguished faculty were unanimous in their support of absolutely no one. For all the talk of the radical young generation, Maine South has shown itself to be surprisingly conservative in its support of Ford. Nobody even mentioned dark-horse Hubert Humphrey, and Henry Jackson might as well be Simon Plolkowski for all the recognition he enjoys at South. (Henry who? > T(X) bad for Ford most of the kids at .Maine South can't vote, but then if you consider that some students gel their ideas at home, their parents might just elect Ford anvwav.

Job Hunting Got You Down?

by Marie Meyer and Doug Savage It's summer job time and il you are like most students looking for vacation employment, you have probably noticed that employers are not knocking your door down in an effort to hire you. The fact is that if a job opportunity is knocking at your door, you're probably in the wrong house. However, given the wide array of jobs available, motivated students can usually find a temporary position with some effort. First of all, it is important that the job hunter not be afraid to hit the road and knock on some doors in search of employment. It is important to get out early and beat returning college students to job openings. Remember that in a competitive job market graduates will seen' and pretends to be spoken usually get first preference over to someone, anyone who has younger high school students. written letters, prayed, or Be sure to let people know that exulted can feel it and use it."' you are looking for a job. Since

Poet Jay Paul to Visit Maine South Poet Jay Paul will be at Maine South on May 4 as a part of the Illinois Arts Council's statewide Poets in the Schools program. In addition to reading selected poems of his. Dr. Paul will conduct writing workshops with creative writing classes at South He has had work published in magazines such as The Windless Orchard and The Wisconsin Review. Says Paul 1 believe that poetry — reading it. writing it — makes people more responsive to their world and thus more responsible." Jay uses the works of others in his classes — poeis such as A. R. .Emmons, e.e. cummings, James Dickey. James Wright. .Anne Sexton and William Stafford. Dr. Paul was born in .Albany. New York in 1945. Jay Paul feels his poems reflect his having lived in Illinois. Michigan and Upstate New York. He has been writing for about a decade and he feels that "Since poetry is something

idiot — he pardoned a national criminal. The other Democrats I except Udall )don't match up to Carter. " Marge Lupori, '77 would vote for Ford because "he seems to have cleared up a lot of Nixon's mistakes, and he seems honest." Honesty also makes Ford the choice of Mark .Andersen.'78. Actually, if it were up to Maine South students to pick the new President it seems Ford would

many jobs go unadvertised, it is a good idea to consult various people and keep your ears open for advise from friends and relatives. In presenting yourself to any potential employer, it is important that the job seeker appear his best. Try to 11 act intelligent and knowledgeable: 2i remember manners and politeness ; 3I look presentable. Another consideration when looking for employment is to find a position that will suit vour interests and abilities. There is nothing worse than spending the summer doing work that is mono tonous and uninteresting. If at all possible, find a job that you can return to either next summer or during school breaks. Unless you're quite lucky, however, you may have to take only what you can get. What is important is to start looking for possibilities now instead of waiting for some golden opportunity.

Spring is . . . a child feeding the animals at the loo. This photo was taken by Marianne Loeffier, a Photo I student at AAaine South.


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A p r i l 23,1976

Hawk Baseball Splits to Clenbrooks by Rich Olson Since the start of the baseball season, the Maine South baseball team has accumulated a record of 4-4. They finished the exhibition season at 3-2 with wins over Lake Park 4-2, Glenbard West 4-3, and Waukegan East 11-2. The losses came against Elk Grove 7-5. and Waukegan West 31. In regular season play so far. the Hawks are 1-2 with a victory over Glenbrook South 9-2. and losses to Glenbrook North 11-7, and Maine East 5-3. In coming games, the Hawks will face Niles West at .Niles today and Maine West at home on Monday. .Against Lake Park, the Hawks scored four runs in the fourth inning behind key hits by Gaydon Brandt and Dan Linden. Gaydon Brandt and Glen Hendrie each pitched three innings and allowed five hits, struck out eight, and walked five between them. Glenbard West trailed the Hawks 4-2, but in the seventh

chased Glen Hendrie with three walks and a hit batsman Gaydon Brandt, who started the game, re-entered, allowable by IHSA rules, and got the final two outs. He got the first by trapping a runner from third on a pitch out. and then striking out the next batter Gaydon Brandt and Tim Snow each drove in a run to help the Hawks to a 4-2 lead. Brandt pitched five and two-thirds innings, in which he allowed two runs, four hits and struck out ten. In the game against Elk Grove, the Hawks committed eight errors to give Elk Grove their first win of the Signature of Source season. Brett Hartmann was the victim of the barrage as he gave up si.\ runs, five unearned, seven hits, and hit a batter during his stay of two innings In the third, the Hawks closed the gap to one run behind a two-run double by Mark Galler, Unfortunately, this was the last time the Hawks were to cross home plate and Elk Grove added a run in the sixUi inning to seal

the win. One bright spot was the pitching of Steve Malin who pitched four innings and allowed only one run and two hits. Against Waukegan East, one error allowed two runs to score and that was the difference as the Hawks lost 3-1. Also lost was Tom .McGlade. who suffered a shoulder separation in the game. The Hawks then ripped Waukegan West for ten hits and eleven runs. Nine different Hawks got hits in the rout. After the end the exhibition season. Coach V'erber explained his views on exhibition games, "I like to win but Id rather lose an exhibition game than a regular season game, I also get a chance to play many different players. I averaged fifteen players per game," In their first conference game, the Hawks pounded out 11 hits and scored nine runs to enable Gaydon Brandt to pick up the win, .Against Glenbrook North, the Hawks weren't as successful. Glen Hendrie was hit for six

runs and eight hits during his two inning stay Gaydon Brandt relieved him but could not stop the Spartans as he allowed four runs on one hit and six walks during the two innings he pitched, Ralph Russel pitched the final inning and though he hadn't pitched before, he allowed only one run. The game was called on darkness after the fifth inning, which was unfortunate since the Hawks were finally hitting the Spartan pitchers and had scored three runs in the fifth. Against Maine East, a controversal play in the third

ended a Hawk rally. With bases loaded. Rich Smith hit a fly ball that was dropped by an outfielder Since the umpire ruled that he caught the ball, the result was a double play and the end of a potentially high-scoring inning. Aided by this, the Demons came back to score one run in the third and four in the fourth to win. Gaydon Brandt was the losing pitcher in the game. •".Against Glenbrook South, we put everything together; pitching, defense, and hitting. At Glenbrook North, we got the hitting and defense, but not the pitching." stated Coach Verber.

Tennis Faces Glenbard West by Russ Skiba

The Maine South Boy's Tennis team will compete against Glenbard West this Friday. The team has a 4-2 record this year. At our Invitational last Saturday. Mauie South finished with 4 points and a fifth place of eight teams, Don Kopach took a third place at 1st singles bv winning his first match 6-0, 6-1, He lost in the semi-finals 3-6. 4-6. but came back to take a third, winning 6-2. 7-6, At 2nd singles. Ray Emerick won his opening match 6-1. 6-5, He lost 3-6. 2-6 in the semi-finals, however: he won 6-4. 6-3 to take a third place. Mark Dzulynsky finished fourth at 3rd singles. In his first match. .Mark won 6-3. 64. but he lost the semi-finals 3-6. 4-6. He also lost 4-6. 0-6 in a bid for third place .At Isl doubles. Mike Nelson and Bill Muno lost their opening game 1-6. 4-6. Then, they lost their playback 4-6. i-6. John

Thomas and Tom Wilkis lost at 2nd doubles 1-6.2-6. In their playback, they were defeated 6-7. 3-6. •'Our singles players were our bright spots on Saturday.' said Coach Les Kent. •We didn't get the play I hoped for from our doubles teams " This Invitational helped me to see some of our weaker points. Our sophomore doubles team still needs some work At second doubles, we have a new combination. I'm hoping they'll jell as the year goes on. Maine South lost to Forest View 0-5 a week ago Thursday, .At 1st singles, Don Kopach lost 46. 6-4. 3-6. John Condon lost at 2nd singles 1-6. 0-6. while Bill Muno lost 3-6. 3-6 at 3rd singles, Rav Emenck and Mike Nelson lost 4-6. 2-6 at 1st doubles. While, John Thomas and Tom Wilkis lost at 2nd doubles 0-6.1-6. "Don Kopach played well for us. added Coach Kent,

Don Kopach (foreground) swinas at a low ball while M i k e Nelson gets ready for anotner volley.

24-Hour V-Ball Marathon Aids Retarded and Youth .Are you tired of always being a sponsor for some organization's walk-a-thon. bike-a-thon. band-athon. dance-a-thon or kiss-athon? Always the sponsor never the sponsee"* The time has come to utilize all that stored up energy in the Park District s Second .Annual 24-Hour Volleyball .Marathon. This spectacular event is open to anyone 13 years and up i which applies to a vast majority of Maine South students < and will be held from noon .May 15 to noon May 16 in the field north of the warming shelter at Centennial I West I Park. .Any individual or group can register to play at South Park and select playing times ranging from an hour and a half to all 24 hours. Last year the proceeds went to aid Leukemia research and to local youth activiti^. This year

all pledge money will be divided between the Northwest Suburban Aid for the Retarded and local youth activities. Diane Guse. the energetic lady who is in charge, stated "This year we wanted to support a local organization for the community, so people can really see the results of their participation and feel closer to the cause. Many local organizations and business' will be participating or donating food and small prizes to the never tiring volleyball players. This is bound to be an excellent opportunity to wear off a few calories and have a real good time, so gel a sponsor sheet and get ready to spike (or attempt to > for a worthwhile cause, P'or more information call Diane Guse at the Recreation Office-692-5128,

On Tuesday the thirteenth, Maine South beat Waukegan East 5-0. Don Kopach won 6-1,6-1 at 1st singles. At 2nd singles, Mark Dzulynsky won 6-1. 6-2. while Bill Muno defeated his opponent 6-1,6-1 at 3rd singles, Mike Nelson and Ray Emerick won 6-3. 6-1 at 1st doubles. John Condon and John Thomas went 16.6-1,6-3 at 2nd doubles.

Question of the weel<: Who is this mysterious M.S. batter? Winner w i l l w i n three free driving lessons f r o m Sports ed. Paul Ray.

Cindermen Lose to North Tomorrow Maine South's Outdoor Track Team moves to the Spartan Relays after dropping a meet to Glenbrook North Tuesday. Running events fared well, scoring 42 to the Spartans 45. but the field events managed only six points to Glenbrook's 48. First placings included: the 440 yard relay of Scott Sutchek, Eric Sprieser. Darrel Schmidt and Ted Zaworski with a 46.1; the mile run of Mike Sandrock in 9:52,7 which was his best time of the season: the mile run of Randy Niese in 4:41.2; the 330 low hurdles of Eric Sprieser in 40.8 and the mile relay of Sutchek. Jim McNamara. Al Ivaska and Dave Mueller. Placing second in the meet was Steve Senf in the mile run with 10:07,6. Tim McNamara in the 880 yard run with 2:02,2. Jim McNamara in the 440 with a :54,2 and Tom Groeschell in the 220. finishing with a time of: 24.3, "Glenbrook North has always been strong in the field, although 1 thought we'd pick up a fewmore points, also we have had a few minor injuries." commented Head Coach John KilcuUen. Last Saturday the Hawks competed in the Viking Relays at Niles North, placing tenth out of sixteen teams entered. Thornton was the winner with 60 points followed by Maine East, "A few of our guys aren't as sharp as they could be. but 1 think that with these meets under our belts we will improve," said Coach KilcuUen, Friday the Hawks will travel to Northbrook with the idea that the team will have to be reckoned with. "We have good depth, so in relay meets we do pretty well.' commented Kilcuilen. Ten schools will be

competing including Loyola which is a very strong school. Tuesday, South cindermen face New Trier East, who were the runner-ups for their division.

On the New Trier team. Mr. KilcuUen commented. I don't know what particular events they are strong in. but we are expecting a good meet "

Weekends As a Rowdie RAH RAH More Fun Than a Barrel of Seer Editor's Commetory .Now that the winter sports season is well over and the spring season has arrived with pleasant temperatures, it is time for the Maine South sports fans to again participate in the many activities Hawkmen and women are involved in Think back to the last basketball game you went to and how full the stands were on F"riday and Saturday nights. What do ail these people do now? Some stu-

dents go to wild parlies, some cruise the streets of .Action Ridge . and some go to sip beers with the gang. These activities represent some of the people, but not all. The majority who lack something to do may look at the sports page and see the events lined up for tonight and say Nothin to do tonight when they have never been to a baseball game or a track meet or a tennis meet. Like the now old adage Try it you'll like ill'

Coming Today Tennis: Glenbard W. Track: Relays Baseboll: at Niles W.

V a r s i t y f i r s t baseperson Lori Duncan makes an easy play at first in last Tuesday's softball game against DeerField. Maine South was defeated 20-3 and the J-V game was called due to darkness.

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