Vol 13 issue 1

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New MS Library System Strives for Improyement I'm sure many of you have the library for the period. heard about the new library However, upperclassmen with system and would like to know lounge may report directly to the just exactly what it is. library if ihey have a card from To begin with, when a student their teacher. goes to a library what kind of an Any student in the library atmosphere is he looking for? during a study without a card or One that is noisy, overcrowded causing a disturbance will be and unorganized, or one that is reported to their study hall quiet and peaceful with an teacher. atmosphere in which it is easy to Students may check out or concentrate? return books before or after Last year the faculty felt the school using their I.D.'s and underclassmen were using the li- without a librar>- card. When some students were brary as a lounge, or just a place to get together with their asked how they felt about the friends. It was obvious that new library ^stem, answers something had to be changed, be- given were: MaryJo Armato of cause the kids who went to the li- '78 replied. "It is somewhat of an brary to work found it impossible inconvenience, besides being with the noise and other overdone, but the students that disturbances Many students need special attention or help found that when they went to from a librarian will probablv look for a certain book and could benefit from it the most " Mike not find it, the book had Gunderson of '77 answered, ""It p r e v i o u s l y been noted is in a way a burn, but then again "missing", or. in other words, it's not really a new system, they use it in all the state pen"ripped off"! itentiaries. Bernard of '77 also, This year classroom teachers said, "I don't really care, bewill recieve library cards from cause I come up for parole in the library for their students. eight months anyways." And last They will issue the card when li- of all Mrs Lange (head brar>' work is assigned, and librarian I replied. "The reason collect them I if the individual for the action that is being taken teacher feels it necessary) the is mainly a result of the students next day or when the assignment misuse of the library " is completed. Reasons for locking the side Students who have been issued doors of the library will be cards will show it to their study brought up at a later time, when hall teacher and then report to the security system is installed.

southwords Vol. 13, No. 1

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068

Sept. 24,1976

Spanish AFS Student at MS

Seventenn-year-old Guillermo begins in March and ends in Ortiz Acuna from Desam- November, including Saturday parados, Costa Rica is our AFS morning classes. Six years of student this year. Guillermo grammar school and five years arrived in the U.S. seven weeks of high school are required there. ago and is living with the Guillermo felt the greatest Sustchek's. advantage at Maine South is the The language barrier was a choice of classes. In Costa Rica very real problem for Guillermo. everyone has to take the same He studied English for four years course. This system, Guillermo in Costa Rica, but writing and speculates, allows you to study reading were all he was taught. along the line of one's personal He speaks and understands very interests. little of the spoken language. Guillermo's favorite classes Though no one in the Sustchek are Creative Speaking and Spanfamily speaks Spanish, sign language and broken English have ish 4 Accelerated. Creative avoided any serious difficulties. Speaking helps him with his Our fast speech and vocabulay English, and Spanish makes him are above his basic learning feel at home. There are many more rules at abilities. South than in Costa Rica. In Costa Rica Guillermo Maine and our class periods last ten attends a school of 2500 people. minutes longer. students in However, school in Costa Rica Costa Rica are The allowed to go home for lunch and gym is unheard of. Creative Magazine Guillermo works during the day and attends night school. Begins Preparation This, perhaps, can be compared "Take a Chance." the first of to our Office Occupations and four creative writing magazines Distributive Education work expense for materials. " to be issued quarterly, is be- programs. His job can be .All students are encouraged to ginning preparation. classified as a general office help make decorations for the The cost for all four issues is boy. gym during ninth period. Honi once $1. Someone will be the tall buildings and the numWoodside '77, Homecoming sent again to each English class to erous cars interest Guillermo. In Chairman, said. "This is a great collect the money from those in- Costa Rica cars have little sigtime to meet new friends and terested in purchasing this nificance. The driving age of 18 have fun " Tickets for the dance year's magazine. did not bother Guillermo since will be $5 per couple. Pat Pevese '77—editor, Mary Student Council discussed the Beth Cregier '78—assistant his family doesn't own a car. Costa Rica receives a very possibility of arranging a editor, Lulu Winkowski '78, meeting between junior and Sandy De Valle '77—Production strong North American influence senior class officers The major Managers, Doug Bahry '77, Jeff in music and television. These two aspects, therefore, held no issue will be prom. Pawlikowski '78, Katliy Kendzy reat surprises for Guillermo. '77—art editors Mark Landhe music is in English while the erghini '77, Sue Leonard television shows are dubbed in 77—chief judges, and Sue Spanish. Leonard '77—sales manager, Guillermo misses many Costa concludes this year's staff. Rican dishes and prefers "them to Anyone i n t e r e s t e d in study, cost, financial aid, ad- contributing humorous writing American food. There was on mission, housing, campus or cartoons should submit them fruit that Guillermo tried and environment, etc...The program to V-106 or to their English didn't like, cherries. He claims they taste awful. will be divided into four 30-min- teacher. The people. Guillermo ute sessions. Each session will feature a minicourse in financial aidinC-147.

thought, are basically the same. The only difference he could see was that the Costa Rican students are more independent. Since the interview was in broken Spanish and broken English, direct quotes were impossible to obtain. Guillermo is going to have to use hand signs and a Spanish-English dictionary for a few weeks to come.

Carniyal to Replace HC Floats Homecoming festivities will be different this year. A carnival will take place in the field house where all the school clubs will be able to organize and run their own booths. Everyone is encouraged to get involved. Decorated cars will replace floats. Bob Schultz, President of the Senior Class, stated. "The main reason for not building floats is because of the lack of student participation and the


Annual Fall College Night at South Assists College-Bound on Monday The Annual Fall College Night will be held Monday, September 27, at Maine South." from 7:30 to 9:30p.m. There will be over 180 colleges represented from public and private schools from all parts of the country All eight state univ e r s i t i e s , including the University of Illinois w^ill be here along with almost every private school in Illinois. Representatives from Purdue University, University of Iowa, University of Indiana, and the University of Oklahoma will also be here to aid students The representatives will offer information about areas of

Mr Kenneth Reese, Career Counselor at Maine South, commented. We feel that this is an excellent opportunitv to explore colleges and gel alf the necessarv information on which to make decisions concerning post high school education" All students and parents in Maine Township are mvited and urged to attend.

GRA Activities Begin Friday at South

The first GRA Sportsnite for this school year will be held on Friday, September 24, from 7-9:30 p.m. and is open to all girls at Maine South. This Sportsnite will feature open play in basketball, badminton, volleyball and swimming. There will be no admission charge and refreshments will be served.

Three Sportsnites will be held this Fall. The members are considering one related to Christmas plus a Father and Daughter Sportsnite in the Spring. This club organizes and sponsors girl's intramurals and tournaments throughout the school year. The intramural program includes volleyball, golf, cross-country, basketball, gymnastics, softb'all and badminton. .A tennis tournament and

swim meet are also planned. The G i r l s Recreational Association has several fundraisers to help pay for trophies which the club awards during the year. One of these is the concession stand which is run by the board members at home football games. So come to school on Friday night and join other girls for a night of fun. Don't forget your suit, cap and towel!

Arena Play Opens Soon

Scott Schwarz, « guard; K«vin Kiolas, Creon; and Laura Sautar; IsnMna, rehearse for this year's arena play "Antigone."

The arena play. "Antigone. " opens on October 14. 15 and 16. and also the following weekend on the 21, 22 and 23 at 8 p m "Antigone," by Jean Anoulih isa modern version of the Greek classic. It was performed for the first time during World War II for occupations in France by Germany, Mr. Ralph Wagonner is the Director, and Mr. Vincent Pinelli is the Technical Director. The cast is as follows: Cathy Rogowski as Antigone, Kevin Kielas as Creon, Debbie Johnson as Chorus, Sue Tybon as the Nurse, Laura Sauter as Ismene, and Dave Millhiser as Haemon. Also, as the guards are: Ralph Black. Mike Stevenson and Scott Schwarz. It also includes: Pat Hennessy as the Page. Carolvn Krause "as Eurydice, Prompter. Ellen Smals as the Messenger,

Lorraine Sauter as Student Director and Garry Sheehan as Stage Manager. Tr>'outs were very good, and the cast was very hard to pick. The play is about the children of Oedipus, the departed king of Thebes, and his brother-in-law. Creon, the present king. Antigone, one of the children, defies an edict given by Creon. and is buried alive for punishment. This sets off a chain of suicides which rocks Creon to his base. The tickets for the plav are $2.00 for adults and $1.5() for students and senior citizens. Mr. Pinelli advises to get tickets early because people are usually turned away on account of full houses. Opening night proceeds will go to the Hal Chastain Memorial Scholarship Fund which last year gave away |300.

Pag* 2

September 24,1976



'New' Library Gains Converts by Kim Kumiega 1. When I heard about the 1500 stolen books this past school year. I nodded my head with sympathetic understanding in regards to the new, magnetic detectors. 2. Remembering the many doors in which any dummy (even freshman) could sneak into the library, through, I forced my now tired body to agree. 3. Math homework assignments, group discussions, and relay races around the audiovisual room, come easily back into focus. With this recollection in mind, I can see why library periods have been eliminted. 4. But, when they came to the part about the carrel assignments which are necessary for long projects, I felt the administration had gone too far. I did and always will sit where I want to in any library. It's bad enough we have class numbers, are divided up in classes and have to sit alphabetically, but carrel assignements? The next step will probably be assigned tables and chairs during lunch!

The second week of school brought in a few serious patrons of the library to break down the barrier. The rules made it very clear that everyone in the library was. in fact, using its facilities. Towards the end of the week there were progressively more students in the library. By Friday, I spotted two underclassmen sitting in the pit, talking, laughing, and poking one another. I don't know if this is a justified indicator, however, it seemed to be a possible reflection of the weeks to come. In regards to the 1500 maliciously stolen Dook for the mere sake of stealing. I would guess that the majority of the books were • b o r r o w e d " because of some school assignment. Once an assignment is completed, however, the book is no longer needed. The Maine South library should hold an Amnesty Day. This would allow any and all "borrowed" or overdue books to be returned with no penalties attached. A few inconspicuous drop off boxes would have to be designated. All faculty members would have to be banned from the areas. This would insure that the student remained anonymous.

by Mary Jo Carlfeldt Most of you have probably noticed that we no longer are seeing officer Lawrence Thorsen "Renta..." lurking in the Something had to be done about the li- alias halls. brary and it was. It's all a matter of time "At the end of last year we now. terminated the service that keeps watch over the school at night. Since Mr. Thorsen's school year duties were over for the summer we hired him as our night security guard. This setup and rugby which can only be own team. The same is true for was much more convenient for taught in single sex classes be- boys. Mr, Thorsen so all we had to do cause they are labeled as contact The intramural program after was find a day security guard," sports. Even though girls cannot school does try to provide an op- said .Mr Robert G. Barker, be allowed to play football with portunity for competition in Assistant Principal. the boys, they cannot be denied many sports. The new full time, day security the right to play. "I really resent the lawmakers guard the school hired is Mr. For example, if enough girls in Washington telling us at Maine Joseph Taylor. He has spent the wanted to play football, they South what we must do for our last two years as a supervisor for could force the administration to young people. Mr. Brady and I evening activities. form a football class for girls. feel that we are properly trained .\s Mr, Barker said, "He is a The same rule applies to bad- to make these decisions and we very reliable employee, he don't like the interference. We seems to get along well with minton, for example, for boys. believe that when you take the he was available at the So. by 1978 there will be three total program for t>oys and girls, students, types of gym classes — girls, there's plenty of opportunity for time and definitely our first boys and mixed The important everyone. " stated Miss Kath- choice." His duties? "Supervising thing is that the administration erine Pierce, head of the girl's student activities and watching makes all P.E. classes available P.E. Department. out for vandalism. He is not here to both boys and girls. Since Title IX has come into to arrest people, he is here to As far as inter-scholastic teams are concerned. Title IX effect, numerous law suits have make sure things run smoothly." When asked how he liked his doesn't effect Maine South be- been brought before HEW cause there are separate athletic (Health, Education & Welfare job at Maine South, Officer teams for boys and girls. How- Department). There may be Taylor replied. When I came to ever, because golf, for example, some changes at Maine South work here, someone told me Id isn't a contact sport and there due to the problems caused bv be working with a bunch of Park Ridge brats They were wrong' I isn't a girl's golf team, girls Title IX could try out for the boy's team or. if enough girls were interested, they could form their

The first week of school left the library deserted. Everyone was afraid to try it. The rules were there, it was all a matter of how strictly they were enforced. The pit was a place of long lost friviolities. No one, understandably, wanted to be the first one caught.

Future Gym Changes Expected How would you like to be in a P.E. class with both Iwys and girls? Well, if you are a freshman or sophomore this year you can be expecting this at Maine South in a couple of years. Title IX. the 9th part of the education amendment act of 1972, states, "No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex. be excluded from participation in, be denied the bienefits of or be subjected to discrimination, under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." In July, 1975, President Ford, realizing that the program would be a lot of work, signed and put into effect a bill that would implement Title IX into the school systems by the '78-79 school year. So, for the next few years District 207 will continue to study the implications of "people" physical education classes. However, there are some sports such as wrestling, footl)all, ice hockey, boxing, soccer

Students View Carnival students recently expressed negative opinions about the new homecoming carnival and car floats as opposed to the traditional parade with floats. Besides being negative most students were uninformed on the new situation. Junior Cathy Dever said. "I liked it the way it was before because it was successful in the past years " Gini Fiedler '79, pointed out. "The way they had it last year was okay so why change it?" • I don't like the idea t)ecause I don't think as many people will be involved in the activities." claimed an anonymous senior. • In addition, carnivals aren't run in a friendly manner." Unfortunately, this is the way the majority of students insisted on remaining, anonymous. Everyone is quick to answer and criticize, but they don't have enough nerve to put their name under it. Insecurity, peer pressure, and lack of knowledge on the subject, are reasons for these inhibitions. It's not that what they're saying is stupid though. Many of

Officer Taylor Replaces Thorsen really like it here, notwdy has hassled me, and I'm not here to hassle anyone From what I've heard one problem with Mr. Thorsen was he hassled everybody, even the straight kids" Most reactions to Officer Taylor were good. As one faculty member said. "We think Joe Taylor is a great addition to Maine South. He is not only courteous to faculty, but to students as well. He gets the message across in the right kind of way." •'I think he's really great, he seems to be fair to everyone. " said Priscilla Schorsch '78. "1 really think he's nice, at least he gives everyone a chance. ' stated Cheryl Packer "77. As Frank Pagone '77. said. He's a great guy." And as one anonymous student said. "He's kinda cute, va knoW"

Southwords TiM oHIclal thidant nvwspipw of Main* TowniMp High S<ho«< Ssulti, Park RMga, lllinoii UCM. Wrlttan tnt tditatf I I Hmat aach yaar by >tv««nH ol tha high school. Sgbicrlplions includad with activity tickal, purchasatf saparataty at SI par yaar, or Indlvitfualty tar lOc. ( P r k a 4 h l i M r tar isiuas of mora than 4 |M««*.)

Antigone Rehearsals Underway

their comments are justified and logical. "I like the regular floats, they're more creative." "Floats are more impressive." "I'd rather have big floats. Floating building promotes much more spirit for the homecoming activities." One girl reacted without my asking her. "They just ^et to decorate a car?! That s no good " This may not be an accurate poll of the new homecoming activities, however, one point was proved. The students aren't satisifed with many school policies and activities, yet how can student council change them when no one is willing to speak up?

WMTH Car Wash The nth annual WMTH car wash will be held on Saturday, Sept. 25, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The car wash will be in the south parking lot and will cost $1. All proceeds will help buy equipment for the radio station. So bring $1 and a few friends and come to the south parking lot this Saturday.

Kathy Rogowski as Antigine and Kevin Kielat as Creon are the leads for the arena play "Antigone."

Page 3


September 24,1976

New Talcott-Dee Safety Fence Angers Students But Must Stay by Patty Hicks If you happen to be a Talcott Dee Road traveler you may have noticed the newest addition to the Maine South campus. If you happen to be one of those walkers who cuts across the north lot to and from school, and if you haven't noticed at all. there's a fence along the Talcott side of the north lot. A common question raised by many of the curious is "Why?" Mr. Robert Barker, assistant principal, explained. "The fence IS a result of the Life Safety Code, which the school has nothing to do with. It was put up to stop balls from rolling on Talcott and Dee Road. It's for the safety of the plavers practicing on the field as well " When asked if the fence made a difference in controling the balls, Dan Kaniff, a class of 78 football player, replied, "Yes. the fence has kept a lot of balls from going out on the street " However, there are some students who can't find much use in the fence, especially, when it blocks their path to and from school. We found few good words about this year's added attraction. Nancy Antosh "77, is one of

those walkers. "Walking around the fence takes about three minutes. Once you gel inside the building, the halls are so congested from closed library doors that its almost impossible to get anywhere on time." she staled. Cathy Bryne '78, had this comment on the fence, • I t s not fair to people who usually walk that way. It makes you late for school, it makes you feel fenced in. and with as many angry people as there are. I'm sure the fence will be cut." After being asked how much longer it takes to walk around the fence, a walker calmly replied, i t doesn't; I jump it." The suggestion of culling a hole in the fence was made by many aggravated students. 0 course this would do the lax payers no good because, according to Mr. Barker, the Life Safety Code would demand its replacement. The amount spent on repairing any vandalism of the fence, no matter how small, would be at least one hundred dollars. One solution would be a gate. Mr. Barker wasn't certain that the Safety Code would allow a gate, but he agreed it is worth checking into.

Not only does the fence affect some students' ability to get to school, but it affects their attitude also. Many students expressed the idea that fences are often associated with imprisonment. They think perhaps fences are needed, but securities do change a school's presence and students" attitudes. According to Dan Karalus "79. i t doesn't belong there. It makes the school seem like a prison and that just isn't what school's for " If you're wailing for that ugly fence to be taken down, don't hold your breath. As a matter of fact, there will soon be another fence going up along the Dee Road side of the north lot.

Bicentennial Spirit Not Felt by Christopher Sopata This summer our country celebrated its Bicentennial. SOUTHWORDS sent out a group of reporters to ask students these questions. I. How did you celebrate the bicentennial? 2. When vou celebrated it. did vou feel the

Maine South Liked Over Junior High by Tina Prodyma

Remember when you were a freshman, starting at Maine South isuch a long time ago)? Remember roaming the halls, staring at unfamiliar faces, being rewarded with dirty looks from the upperclassmeii? Did you wish that you were back at good old grammar school, where you were the 'big guys?" Soulhwords recently asked some freshmen: and, surprisingly, most really liked it here at Maine South. When Terry Nakagawa was asked if she'd rather be here at South or back at grammar school, she simply replied, "Here." But Sue Hart had a lot to say. i d rather be here at Maine South. There's nicer people here and cuter teachers You also get away with a lot more. The only bad thing about going here is that 1 see my sister." Sorry about that, Laura. Jamie Dunsing also preferred Maine South over junior high. His reasons were that he met many new people. Steve Kriekel agreed with that statement also. Sue Rast likes it here, too. because i t ' s cool. • Pat McNamara. when questioned, said, i like it. I feel bet-

ter over here," Dawn Bussert likes high school a lot. That's her reason for wanting to be here. Maureen 0 Leary also likes it here — but she doesn't know why. Steve Barry prefers Maine South too because it's more fun. and he meets a lot of new people. Beth Johnson also chooses South, her reasons being that there's more lime for doin^ homework in her study. Julie Kielas agreed with her. adding that it is a much better school. Kathy Wilke says she prefers Maine South because there's more freedom, "i also meet a lot of kids here" Devra Schimpf likes it here. She sees lots of her friends Terri

Lescher picks South because she likes it a lot better. "Maine South is bigger and better than grammar school. " stated Sue Novak. "I also meet lots of new people, " she added. Dawn Seeker agrees with that. "It's a lot bigger, and nice too, " she commented. But not all the freshmen love the adored" halls of Maine South. One wishes he was back at grammar school. I like grammar school a lot better." staled Tom Johnson. "There was hardly any home)^'ork, and you could talk whenever you wanted. Here you cant talk " You'd belter get used to it, Tom. You'll be here four more years.

Kevin Kielas. a senior, also wanted to answer this question. • i like it here, because there's no spelling tests. But I think there should be more Communist organizations at this school, " Kevin. Don't worry. Susan Bickel of 732 S. stated I'm sure you'll find a way Greenwood died suddenly as a Kevin. result of an automobile accident to start one Summing it all up. it seems as in McHenry on July 31. She was 16 years old and would have been if the frosh really like it here at a junior at Maine South this fall. Maine South, except for a few. She graduated from Mary Seal of I t s a place for them to meet new Wisdom grammar school. Burial people, have some fun, and, unwas at All Saints Cemetery. fortunately, do schoolwork.

Student Perishes

true meaning of the bicentennial? Here's how the answers went. Bryan Smith '79, said, " I celebrated the bicentennial by going to Lake Opeka and watching the fireworks display. (2) Yes, it really brought out the spirit in me.'' Karen Szymanski '77. said. "My boyfriend came over to my house and shot off some fireworks for the neighborhood. (2) No, I was just having fun." Roman Benko '78. said, "I went to Soldier Field to watch the American pastime, soccer with the Chicago Sling, Chicago's only championship .sports team. (2) Yes, they had "red. white and blue soccer balls." Jean Papuga "80. answered, i didn't do anything. (2) Yes, when they rang the bells. Peter Kaeding '80, replied, 'I put some flags in my rock garden. I admired the decoration. (2) Sometimes I do think about our free country." Richard Ristoff '79. said, "I blew off a ton of firecrackers. (2) Yes. because at night I had all these Roman candles and flares. I blew them all off at once

No Free Parking Parking stickers, once taken for granted, will now have to be regarded more seriously, since now they, like almost everything else around, are not free anymore. Dean Elbert Smith claimed that the main reason for the new stickers was that "Kids kept taking more stickers then they needed, and then would give them to friends. Now they'll lake belter care of them." The new stickers can be purchased in the bookstore for $.50 per car Dean Smith added. "We have the finest, and most controlled parking lots in the country. "

and they looked like a flag." Paul Paterakis 78, answered, "I didn't celebrate. (2) Yes. I thought about the real meaning of the bicentennial." Kurt Wundsam '78, said, "I celebrated just like a regular Fourth of July. (2) No, I didn't" Paul Carrol '76, commented, "I can't remember."

New Styles Worn This year has a variety of styles from the past, plus a few new ideas for the more daring. Gauchos are big this year. A more neutral colored gaucho can be worn with a striped cowl neck sweater under a tunic top for a special occasion. Collared sweaters give the effect of a great layered look (the layered look is still very much in I. For a more' casual occasion, you can wear a western blouse with your gauchos and a bandanna lied at the neck. The rugged, rustic looking boots are a nice compliment for your outfit. If boots are out of your price range, different colored socks and nylons also look nice. "•Pants this year are being worn anywhere from the knee to the top of your shoe. 11 bet you never thought your floods would be in style). Denim outfits are still very stylish. Skirts, vests, pants and blazers in denim can be mixed and matched for almost any occasion. Many accessories complement all styles this year: Necklaces, chokers, bangles, r i n g s , earrings, and scarves. Mix and change your accessories, but make sure they match. Looking nice is the in" thing this year. Clothes are tailored and tucked in. If you can afford this year's styles, but are afraid to buy them because they might not be popular next year, don't worry. This year's styles are casual and confortable. They'll be back in 10 years and while you are wailing you can always wear your gauchos when you go horseback


Silent Movie' Ranks High

Three girls model new fall fathiora.

by Christopher Sopata "Silent Movie" is really a silent movie. It's mostly slapstick comedy, but people ranging from Three Stooges fans to soap opera watchers will enjoy it. The stunts and jokes are very predictable, but you'll laugh at them anyway. The plot is centered around Mel Punn (played by Mel Brooks t. a former movie director, that ruined his career by drinking Funn and his assistants. Dom Deluise and Marty Feldman, Iry to make a comeback by making a movie out of a silent movie script.

Their old movie studio is nearing bankruptcy and very close to being foreclosed by the firm Engulf and Devour. The studio needs a hit movie to pull themselves throueh. It is finally decided that Mel Fun's movie will be used. The movie continues as Mel and his two friends look for some big name movie stars to act in their film. Everything goes fine until opening night. Don t go to this movie with intentions of only seeing Marty Feldman. His role is not very impressive. "Silent Movie'' .should be seen not heard.

Page 4

September 24,1976


Soccer to Play Warrenville by Russ Skiba The Maine South soccer team will play Wheaton Warrenville tomorrow at 8 p.m. The Hawks will be trying for their first win. Souths record stands at 0-4-1. The Hawks are starting to play as a team of late, and should do well against Warrenville. South lost to the Highland Park Giants 6-1 on Tuesday. The Giants dominated most of the game until late in the fourth quarter. Hawk pressure in the Giants zone gave them a corner

kick. Ken Dude then centered to said coach Tilley. "We were John Hepburn. Hepburn passed moving quicker this game. Jim to Jim Krumwiede. who shot and Krumwiede made some good scored. passes. Ken Dude got into the Last Saturday, the Hawks lost open well and Mike Moorman 2-0 to New Trier West. "We played a fine game at fullback." played our best game of the "We were still bunching up too year, especially on defense, " much, but if the guys start commented South's coach Jack talking more, we should play Tilley. "However we are still belter." added Coach Tilley. waiting for the ball instead of Upcoming Hawk games will be going toil. " Hawk fullback Paul Vinopal (21) brings the ball upon at Barrington at 4:30 on Although the Hawks were oul Tuesday, then at home, against a fast break while Dave Greising (32) and J i m Krunv shot, they started to play more Niles North on Saturday October wiede get ooen for a pass. The Hawks lost to Highland aggressively. Halfback Mark 2nd. and at home against Niles Park 6-1. Dzulynski made some good West on October 5th. passes to the outside, and Ken The sophomore soccer team Dude played a fine game at left wing. One of Dude's shots went beat Highland Park 2-0 last off the post in the fourth quarter. Tuesday. The Hawk's record the game. Frank O'Con- now stands at 1-2-1. South ran the ball to their own 24 norAfter a 15 yard penalty. by Russ Skiba Against the Highland Park commented. "Maine South On the next play, half-back yard line. Then, Hawk's quart- played a good game, The Maine South football team but our Giants. Ron Muck scored on a erback. Gus Paloian threw a Ken Mrowiec ran all the way for will host Maine West tomorrow forwards still need to take more hard shot about 30 yards oul. The at 2 p.m. The Hawks will be a 77 yard touchdown run. The pass over the middle to half-back shots. Also, the first half of goal ball over-powered the Giant's extra point was no good and the Jamie Perrin. who ran 76 yards tending was excellent." trying for their third win. goalie and the Hawks led 1-0. for a Hawk touchdown. The "Maine West should give us a Hawks led 6-0. Later in the game. Bill Shinn Maine South tied 3-3 against good game," commented coach "We had excellent blocking on extra point was good and the Oak Park last Thursday. At 8:00 scored on a penalty kick. Robert Schmidt. "Our team Mrowiecs run. We block just a Hawks won 13-6. the third quarter. Hawk's left "This was a turn-around game should be keyed up for them be- the right time and Ken made Coach Schmidt added. "I was of wing Ken Dude scored from a for us. " said coach Tom Paulsen. cause this is our first conference some good down field moves," pleased with our victory. It was corner kick by John Hepburn for "We have gotten out to a slow game." a fine defensive ball game. Un a 1-0 South lead. said coach Schmidt. start this year and this was our fortunately, we couldn't open up Last Saturday, the Hawks beat Oak Park scored 2 goals in the first win. 1 feel things are on the At 0;19 of the third quarter. our offense since we had bad second quarter to lake a 2-1 lead upswing. The guys know they New Trier West 13-6. The first half was scoreless, with the only New Trier West tied the game on field position during most of the at half-time. beat a tough team on Tuesday " highliie. a 37 yard run by Jamie a 4 yard run by Lauer. The game. " The Hawks tied the game at "The team is getting back the Hawks blocked the extra point Perrin. "We still gave up loo much 10:40 of the third Quarter, when confidence that they had last In the second half, the Hawks and the game was tied 6-6. yardage to New Trier, but Mark Dzulynski lea Ken Dude on year when we went undefeated scored first After holding New in the fourth quarter, the overall 1 was pleased with the the left wing, and Dude kicked a won our stale tournament. I Trier on a goal line stance. Hawks winning touchdown was defensive play of Tom Garcea fine shot high into the right hand and found out that Highland Park Souths drive started at their set up by a Ken Mrowiec inter- and Dan Linden. Also, our de- corner. beat Glenbrook .North this year own 1 yard line They advanced ception at the Maine South 6 yard fensive backs, Tom McGlade, The score remained tied 2-2 at Glenbrook was runner-up to the ball to the 23 on two runs and line. On the next four plays, Ken Mrowiec, and Bill Zurek the end of regulation play. The and us in the state tournament. So played excellently for us." teams then played two 5 minute I'm happy about the win." The Hawks beat Highland overtimes inon-sudden death). The sophomore Hawks lost to Park 20-14 in their season Oak Park took a 3-2 lead, mid- New Trier West 4-0 last opener. Maine South's first way through the first overtime. Saturday. "I was very disapteam. "Some real good talent touchdown was scored by Jamie by Sue Leonard Then with 0:50 left in the sec- pointed in the way we played," The Maine South girls swim could develop from our J.V." Perrin on a 12 yard run. Ken ond overtime, the Hawks got a commented coach Paulsen." "We team will open their home said coach Butler. "They are the Mrowiec scored the other two corner kick Ken Dude kicked beat this team 3-1 last year " season against New Trier East most enthusiastic J.V. I have Hawk touchdowns: both on 4 the ball in front of the net. where In their other games, the yard runs. Junior Dave Ryan halfback Bryan Pelikan passed Hawks tied Evanston 2-2 on goals tomorrow at 1 p m. The Hawks ever seen." the Hawk's leading rusher to Mike Moorman, who scored to by Marshall Wells and Tom are looking forward to another Probably the toughest team was 122 yards in 17 carries. make the final a 3-3 tie. successful season. Winkowski, and lost to Oak Park South will have to face will be with Coach Schmidt commented, The girls will be trying for Glenbrook North. "They want to "We hustled well this game." 4-2. their second straight state title beat us more than anybody. " "We played an excellent first half. We had good blocking, and this year. "Winning state this stated coach Buller. ran the ball well. We almost had year will be tougher.' The Hawks will swim against toogoodof astarl. " commented coach Dawn Butler Glenbrook three times this "In the second half, we had a "Since we won the title last year, season. We will face them first the other teams will be out to gel in a dual meet at Glenbrook complete let-down. We lost our aggressiveness. We made one us." North on October 15th. then later The Hawks will have an ex- on. in a league meet, and finally mistake that gave Highland Park a pass for a touchdown.'' perienced team this season Re- in the state meet. "Overall, we played well. " turning swimmers will be Kim Coach Dawn Butler added. If added coach Schniidl. Our Lindstrom '77. Virginia DeYoung uards, Kevin Conn and Bill '79, Patti Pence "78, Maria we are going to be a winner this ornrose, and center Rick Chakos '77, Tracey Lindstrom year, we are going to have to think like a team We have to Szatkowski blocked excellently "79. and Mary Nicolau '78 Jamie Perrins (20) drives up the middle as Gus Kim Lindstrom. an all- remember that it is more on traps. Ken Mrowiec played Palioan (11) fakes to the outside. The Hawks beat American last year, holds the important for the team to win steady and Ralph Reporlo did a good job of punting." Highland Park 20-14. state records in individual than for an individual to win. " medley and 5^0 yard free style and was a member of the championship relay Virginia t)eYoung. a state qualifier in free style last year, placed sixth in the Maine West Senf led the Hawks with fifth provement of the juniors like by Tom Kroeschell and Patti Pence should be the Invitational meet on Saturday. place at the Homewood- Larry Rodgers and Mike Maine South's cross country Hawks strong free stylers this September Uth. Flossmour Invitational. Jim Cernold, as well as Jim Mcteam will open their conference season. The first signs of improvement McNamara continued to Namara to close the gap between season against Glenbrook North This year's varsity divers in a home meet against improve and finished 10th. The the top three runners; Steve will be Thadine Bak t!. Sarah this Tuesday. The team is ex- came Highland Park and Maine North. harriers ran Iheir last non-con- Senf, Tim McNamara and Joe Ebner '79, Terri Lusignan '78. pecting another win. In that meet. Tim McNamara ference meet last Tuesday (Skull) Bogard. The harriers have shown Rita Rortvedt '78. Pernann The lack of summer running ran a tough race, winning by 20 against New Trier West and Von steady improvement since their Karecki "78 and Emily Kitler '78 is still painfully obvious in seconds with a 14:36 - a very Steuben. "Divers can pick up some first meet on September 9th. In good time for this early in the This year's conference race certain runners." said coach important points in close that meet, the Hawks finished season. Steve Senf finished poorly, taking a third place shapes up as a battle between the John Killcullen. But we still meets.' added coach Butler. fourth, Joe Bogard look fifth, three Maine schools. Maine West have three weeks left until we .A new addition to girl's swim- behind York and Palatine. Fol- Jim placed seventh, looks like the toughest team to run against Maine West " ming this year is a junior varsity lowing their opener, the Hawks whileMcNamara Larry Rodgers took four- beat because they have a lot of 'We are still improving and teenth. The Hawks beat High- depth. Maine East is now the gap between the first and land Park by 10 points and Maine running at lop form. fifth men in closing. Just how North by 23 points. The success of the Hawks much we will know by state The following Saturday, Steve depends on the continuous im- finals on November 13th.

Football to Meet Warriors

Swimmers Go For Title


Cross Country is Seeing Steady Improvement

Ghrs Tennis Team, Expecting a Great Season, Will Face Maine West Team This year's girl's tennis members are (from right to left) top row: Coach Joyce Albrecht, Katie Schiesser, AAary Frick, Mary Lee, Ginger Schwieder, Ellen Eastmen, Kim Kuchenberg, Lisa Chidester, Cathy Nelson, M r . Bill Lange; 2nd row: Mary Depke, Carol Kazuk, Jane Bixby, Gail Keilhoffer, Pam Kezios, Linda Bonahoom, Stacy Paphitis, Judy Wilkas, Kelly Muno; 3rd row: Mary Scott, Michelle Ploussard, Sue Brey, Donna Pozdro, Kathy Wells, Julie Oelfosse, Cindy Seno, Laura Fabianich.

by Russ Skiba The girl's tennis team will iipen their home season this luesday against Maine West at 4:15 p.m. "We are expecting a fine season, " said coach Joyce Albrecht. "We are stronger this year because we have more depth." added coach Albrecht. "We have some very skilled first year players." This year's varsity singles players will be Mary Scott, Mary

Frick, Carol Kazuk, and Mary Depke. Coach Albrecht commented, "Mary Frick and Mary Scott will be a good one two punch for us at first and second singles. As for doubles play, we are still looking for the right combinations." Probable varsity doubles teams are Laura Fabianich and Mary Lee at first doubles. Pam Kezios and Cindy Seno at second doubles and Judy Wilkas and Kim Kuchenberg at third doubles.

Other varsity team members this year are Jane Bixby. Lynne Bonahoom. Sue Brey. Lisa Chidester. Julie Delfosse. Ellen Eastman, Gail Kielhoffer. Kelly Muno. Cathy Nelson. Stacy Paphitis, Michelle Ploussard, Donna Pozdro, Katie Schiesser, Ginger Schwieder and Kattiy Wells. "If we work hard we should win. " added coach Albrecht. "We have some tough meets coming up against Glenbrook North and Maine West.'"

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