Vol 13 issue 10

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Presidential Candidates Seek Student Support The four candidates for the Office of President of Student Council are Ed Apida, Fran Janis, Dave Krueger and Pete Omarzu. Some of the main issues of their campaigns include lounge, open campus, early dismissal and late arrival, the student cafeteria and a smoking lounge.

Ed Apido By Liz Fichera Junior Ed Apida is running for Student Council president. In his spare time Ed is a CC.D. teacher for high school students at his church. Ed has been involved in various school activities such as debate team and Latin Club. He described Student C.uncil as "a mechanism between the student body and the administration that is used to alleviate problems." When asked if Student Council is effective, Ed replied, "Student Council has been effective because early dismissal for sophomores and better busing have been accomplished." The main issue of Ed's campaign is the continuation of reforms. He plans to get through to the administration by suggesting changes in the student cafeteria. On the other hand, Ed believes a reform for a smoking lounge would be useless since the law prevents it. He wants to continue having lounge and is in favor of late arrival for students. If elected, Ed believes he will

benefit the student body. The main reason why Ed is running for Student Council president is because "it is the most effective position for pushing reforms that the students want." Fran Janis By Tina Prodyma and Noreen Keane Fran Janis, who is also running for the office of president, transferred to Maine South when she was a sophomore. At her former school Fran was very much involved in Student Government. In the past she worked as a counselor at a camp and taught younger students how to run an effective Student Council. In Fran's spare time, which she has very little of, she works at her part-time job at the airport. She serves on the fashion l)oard at Weiboldts'. Fran is also a Wrestlerette and a Junior Leader. When asked why she feels she should be president over the other candidates, Fran replied, "I'm not experienced like Dave Krueger. I don't have the forceful drive of Pete Omarzu. All I know is how I'm supposed to run the government." Fran feels that if she puts her mind to do something, she'll do it. She describes herself as having a good leadership quality. When asked whether Student Council has the support of the students, Fran replied, "There will never be a 100 per cent turnout of support. There will

Ed Apida

Dave Krueger

Pete Omarzu

always be people who will never be satisfied, just as there will be those that will back it in every way." Fran was asked if she thought that this year's Student Council was effective "It wasn't ineffective. They did what they were supposed to do."

setting up a parent-teacher board to review dean or teacher punishments. When asked about such topics as a smoking lounge and open campus Dave commented. "I think they are both good ideas, but we have to face the fact that the administration will never give us these privileges. When asked what his own personal definition of Student Council is, Dave replied, "It is a mechanism in which students can work with the administration to make school life more enjoyable. It can only be effective when there is a cooperative spirit and good leadership." "Student Council has student support only when students feel Council is getting things done," Dave stated.

Council, he has worked on the campaign staff of Congressman Abner Mikva, as well as those of State Senators Percy and Stevenson, and Gov. Jim Thompson. Because Pete has seen how the Student Council works, he has made the reform of the Council one of the main issues in his campaign. Pete is pushing for better student-teacher relationships, lounge for sophomores, a student-teacher association to help alleviate problems between students, faculty and administration, renovation of girl's gym sign-ups, and a smoking lounge. "At the present, some members take Student Council as a joke, and were only elected because of their popularity." Concerning the lack of student interest in the council, Pete commented, "Only a minority of the students care. A president has to publicize more and work to make Student Council a functioning voice for Maine South and not a club." Pete stated that his goals are realistic, and then added, "With student support, we can obtain what we want within reason."

Dave Krueger

By Mary Jo Also running for the office of president of the Student Council is junior Dave Krueger. Being a member of Student Council, Class Council, Quad Council, and the Title IX Committee, Dave has had much experience in student government. Dave says that his main issue is to keep at least the privileges that we have now, but more imPete O m a r z u portant, to add to them. Some things he would like to see By Carolyn Quinn changed are: The library system, Another candidate running for inequalities in punishments, the office of Student Council more concerts, like the one two president is Pete Omarzu. Pete years ago, and most important. has been very active in politics both in and out of school. Besides two years in Student Council, (where he helped form the Students Rights Committee and Forum), and a year of Class

southwords 13, No. 10

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, ill. 60068

Project Big Heads West

Project Big, a career miniinformation session, will be held on Tuesday, April 19 from 7-9:30 Mar. 11, 1977 p.m. in the Maine West Spectator Gym. Over 200 local people will

Three V.P. Candidates Express Views Pat IHennessy Pat Hennessy '78, is one of the three candidates running for the office of vice-president. Pat is involved in Contest Speakers, Concert Choir, and Tri M. She is also Thespian Society officer, an announcer for WMTH, and this year she had the lead in "The Matchmaker." In her spare time, she enjoys snow skiing. Pat describes herself as a "hyper perfectionist." Pat commented, "Student Council supports the students and values their ideas. Council is made up of students who care about the school. As each year progresses. Student Council achieves more in the way of student rights. Measures toward changes can be proposed instantly; however drastic changes can not be made immediately." Pat believes in early dismissal and late arrival for all. She thinks that Junior and Senior Prom should be kept separate and that there should be more Sock Hops. Concerning the issue of lounge, Pat says that all students, except

Part Hennessy

those receiving an F, should be eligible for lounge. Pat has a definite view on having a smoking lounge and open campus. Pat believes that there should be a smoking lounge outside, but then there should be strict punishment for smoking in school. She thinks there should be open campus only if the disruption of classes that will take place can be controlled. Kevin Pegler Also running for vice-president is junior Kevin Pegler. Kevin's qualifications include two years of Class Council. He has also participated in such school activities as WMTH and V-Show. Kevin thinks of himself as being someone who likes to get things done and tries to make improvements that will benefit others. Kevin defined Student Council as a student body consisting of leaders elected by their fellow students to represent them in matters concerning their welfare and to make known students'

Kevin Pegler

John Stubblefield

wants and needs to the administration. When asked if he felt Student Council was effective, Kevin replied, "It is not whether or not it is effective but that it can be effective." He stated, "Due to the lack of communication between Student Council and the student body, students don't feel the weight that the Council should carry. However, this can be changed." The installation of vending machines are also a part of Kevin's campaign. If elected, he would also push for enabling students to go out to lunch with parental permission. But first, he felt a need to better the relationship with the administration or nothing would be accomplished. John Stubblefield John Stubblefield, another candidate for vice president, has been disappointed in previous assembly guest speakers. His main issue, therefore, is to arrange for more interesting and inspirational speakers. Stubblefield feels that such people as Gayle Sayers and Mayor Butler would have something relevant to contribute to the assemblies. John would like to hold a student poll on who students would like to hear at assemblies. John's stand on the controversial issues of an open campus, smoking lounge, and lounge for underclassmen, is negative. He feels that since these issues have been brought up and ignored repeatedly, they

are hopeless to pursue. Stubblefield does support the more recent issues of student monitoring of the cafeteria and open forums between student and administration. "The library," stated Stubblefield, "should be given back to the students." He does, however, believe that the security system in the library is necessary.

represent 100 different careers in trade, technical, business, science, medical and protessional areas. This program is an opportunity to explore career ideas more fully. Set in a convention style, there will be a number of displays and qualified persons with whom students may discuss their career ideas. Free literature will also be available. Mr. Phil Lindahl, an environmental officer from Des Plaines, Mr. Terry Conner. Park Ridge paramedic, and Bob Phillips from the Illinois Association of Court Reporting are just a few of the people whom students will be able to talk to at Project Big.

Lower Officers Run Unopposed By Debbie Gann Mary Nicolau '78, is running as an unopposed candidate for Treasurer of the Student Council. Mary has been involved with Student Council for 2 years. She has been a complex leader and is presently the junior class secretary. Mary is also a member of the swim team. Concert Choir, and the Junior Cheerleading Squad. She expressed her opinions on many current issues such as smoking lounge and open campus. When asked about a smoking lounge, Mary explained, "I am for a smoking lounge for one reason only. The kids that smoke, smoke everywhere, and that can't be stopped. If one area is designated for smokers, nonsmokers would not have their rights to clean air violated." "I do not have an opinion about open campus. I think that if Student Council continually brings the issue up, the administration will get tired of hearing about it and close the issue permanently."

By Halina Stachowiak Junior Marge Smith is running unopposed for the office of secretary. She stands behind what Student Council has done in past years and would like to be involved next year. Marge has had previous experience as she was VicePresident of her freshman class and is presently a Student Council homeroom representative. Marge is also actively involved in the Drama Department. She works on shows during the year both backstage and on stage. She was the Vocal Director for VShow this year and will resume this position next year. She is a member of Concert Choir and will be part of the Chorus for the musical, C'amelot. Marge wants to be part of Student Council because she feels that she can contribute to the work that needs to be done. She commented, "I would like to work with the staff to improve our School." Marge plans to back up the President and VicePresident in their decisions.


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March 11,1977

Action Suggested for SC

Horshack Comes To Life By Liz Fichera Ron Paiillo, who stars as Arnold Horshack on "Welcome Back Kotter," will be appearing in the hilarious comedy "Room Service" at the Arlington Park Theater until April 3. Before the 6 p.m. performance last Saturday afternoon, Ron Paiillo held a press conference at the theater. Ron is different from the "Horshack" we know on television. He is shy and does not speak in a shining tone like the character he portrays. He is the first sweathog to succeed in landing a TV pilot for a possible "Kotter" spin-off in the future. This series will focus on Arnold's family life rather than his school life. Ron calls his show

an "urban-Waltons" and he plays John-boy. During his high school years Ron was never accepted by his peers because of his obsession with the theater. This is why he can relate with Horshack. Don says, "If you haven't noticed, Barbarino has become the dummy and Arnold the hero." Ton's biggest reward has been receiving letters from kids like Horshack. These students thank Ron for portraying a character like Horshack because they are also very human with feelings like everyone else. If you want to see an excellent show, I advise you to see the comedy "Room Service." For more ticket information call (312) 255-0900,

With student council elections coming up soon, we have posed some questions about this institution: is Student Council really effective; what do you think they should aim towards for the coming year. There are many views on this subject and we, here at SOUTHWORDS wanted to hear how you felt about it. Here are some responses: Joan Gagliano '78. "No, I don't think they do anything because the estabiishment is set in their ways and they just gave us the council to make us happy. They should mainly work on the crappy library system and the elective gym sign up."

Southwords T h * e f f l c l i l studtnt n*wsp<ptr e l M a i n * Township High School South, Park RIdgo, Illinois tOOU. Writton and odiXd 1S limes each year by students of the high school. Subscriptions included with activity ticket, purchased separately at S2 per year, or Individually for IJe. (Priced higher for issues of more than 4 pages.)

Laura Lokawski "79, thinks, "Sometimes they are sometimes they aren't. I think they should have a shorter school day. Most people get out early anyway." Carl Lubiz '78, said, "It's not as effective as it could be because certain school events could be planned out more carefully. I'd like to see more school events such as the carnival and the concerts we had before." Cheryl Packer '77, commented. "No, not really, if they ARE doing something we never hear about it. I'd like to see them do things to benefit us directly. I don't remember anything drastically changed for the four years I've been here." Michelle Galadora '77. said, 'Yes, because they've done a lot of good things for us. I want to see

the library system changed and more extra curricular artivities and to really work on the dean and student conflicts. Mary Walsh "77, said, "I think with more backing from the student body that it would be more effective. Also we need l>etter communication with the administration in order to get their respect back. Even though I won't be here to see it, I would like to see an open campus and also lounge for sophomores too." It seems that there are quite a few good, logical ideas among the students but only with help and cooperation will changes occur. We must remember that we are not only helping ourselves, but also the future students of Maine South. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone was happy with the rules and regulations'?

What To Do in Spring

SPRING FEVER has struck vacation are looked upon with again. Watch out it's pretty great enthusiasm and everyone contagious. During the last week is looking forward to all the fun of March the school decides to be and exciting things there are to generous and gives us a whole do. After the first hour, however, week of spring vacation to do the following hours and days are with as we please. Some people looked at with great disaplook forward to this time, pointment. Boredom sets in and especially freshmen. They have becomes incurable. never before been through this If you really get bored you torture treat and are quite un- could try counting raindrops as suspecting. But most of us really they fall from the sky. You could dread this time of year. always result to term papers, if There is, of course, a bright you get desperate. side to this (it's just finding it). Well, spring vacation is not a However, there ARE things to do very long time away or the end of in Park Ridge, and if you get the "break" for that matter. I really bored you can resort to hope you can come up with better some of the following ideas than those that have been majority of students interviewed these mysteries will always be suggestions. Of course. I hope listed above or your vacation will held the same attitude as one asked. The answers are for each you never get that bored. probably be the "pits." Have a student who stated her belief in a person to choose. Usually the first two days of nice vacation everybody! superior being who created man. When asked if she believed in the Bible, she said partially. She does not follow the Bible word for word, but rather molds its words to fit her own life. As to the by Russ Skiba, speeches? Of course, all speakers are subject of destiny after death, she nervous, but perhaps there is a better Last week, we all had our first look replied that she does believe in reason why most of the candidates failed at the Student Council candidates for next heaven, but not in hell. The student questioned the im- year. The candidates attempted to give in their speeches. There is a tremendous disadvantage portance of full belief in God as speeches about their qualifications and compared to the help and love reasons for running for office. However, in writing a speech when you know that each person gives during his or most of the speeches failed to be strong half your audience will not be listening. her life. points for their candidates. Why not make "the speech giving part Another student had a similar In general, most of the speeches con- of the election" similar to the way voting concept; however, he tended to sisted of the format, "this is bad, this is is being done this year. Put speech listenreject the Bible's preachings. He bad, and this is bad, and I will work to ing on the concern-interest basis, instead became skeptical to its truth change this." Speeches like this point out of a force basis. after finding numerous con- the problems all right, but it does not offer This type of arrangement would not tradictions while reading it. His belief in what is named "God" is any practical solutions to those problems. be hard to set up. Clear out one of the that He or it, is responsible for If a good candidate knows something lecture halls before school or during homethe beginnings of the elements. needs to be changed; he should at least room. Then, let those students who want Consequently, he found the take the time to plan some action before to hear the speeches go and do so. This scientific explanation of human he makes a promise he cannot keep. method would not only be better for the life more acceptable. Another type of speech used was the students, but also would be better for the While listening to students' "I have never had any experience on candidates. The candidates could gear thoughts, several interesting council before, but I will try my best." their speeches to an audience that they questions came to mind. For one, The candidate is not even aware of the knew would be interested and not to an if God does not exist, what problems yet. How can that type of an audience that was forced to be interested. created the beginning materials, If such a system would be used, we even if the scientific explanations officer come up with any worthwhile solutions? would probably get some speeches that for evolution were accepted? As Over all, I heard only two speeches were worth listening to. We could avoid to the thought of heaven and hell, if God forgives all, why would He which showed both problems and possible the poor quality of most of the speeches send anyone to hell? ways to solve them. However, why could that were made at last week's meet your Of course, questions about none of the other candidates do this in candidate assembly. Editor-iii<:hief Kim Kumiega News Editor Julie Keller Feature Editor .. Christopher Sopata Sports Editor Russ Skiba Corresponding Ellen Marcus Photo Editor Brian Maloney Reporters .. Tammy Barry. Mary Jo CarUeldt. Dina Ciccia, Cathy Dever, Tim Eaisworth, Liz Fichera, Debbie Gann, Patty Hicks, Margaret Hupp. Katby Johnson, N o r e e n Keane, Tom KroescheU, Sue Leonard, John Peters, 'Hna Prodyma, Carolyn Quinn. Sue Ann Savage. Marianne Schmidt, Halina Stachowiak, Norma Summers, Dan White Photographers Tom Long, Steve Pozdro, Garry Simmons Sponsor Mr. Beatty

What Do You Hold Your Belief In? By Patty Hicks At one time or another in the course of a human life serious decisions must be made. Sometimes it is very difficult to make them. Perhaps the most perplexing issue of life is the origin of man, what rules him during that existence and where his soul goes after death. Each person must untwist these questions to satisfy his own curiosity. Religious attitudes have changed as other alternatives to man's origins and destiny are evolving. It is difficult to decide which answer is correct or if any is correct. But, it is equally as difficult to live an entire life span without planting one's faith somewhere in something. Now we are old enough to evaluate the beliefs of each religion. To some there seem to t^ many unfilled spaces in the concept of the Bible, but to others there is no trouble in accepting the religion they grew up with. Yet others are willing to accept portions of the Bible and reassemble other portions to fit their needs. Another alternative is to reject the Bible and look for a totally different concept to have faith in. Upon talking to a few students, interesting attitudes towards religion were uncovered. The

Speeches Prove Unsuccessful


>kiiV XuÂŤÂŤ.'. K "^"i SVooy

March 11,1977


Page 3

Few Kids See 'Matchmaker' By Marianne Schmidt "The Matchmaker," the All School Play, is over. Those students who saw one of the three performances know what an excellent job was done by the cast and crew. A little over 1,200 people came to see the show. Not many students came to the performances; although, the publicity for, "The Matchmaker," was heavy. Pat Hennessy '78, who played the part of Dolly Levi, was asked why she thought more students went to V-Show or the musical. Pat replied, "One of the reasons is that there are so many people in the cast of V-Show and musical. The people in the audience are sure to spot someone they know. Students figure the All School Play is a serious drama or tragedy. When in fact, for the past three years, it has been a comedy. For example, "The Matchmaker" was a rowdy farce." Mr. Don Martello, director of

"The Matchmaker" was asked t^he same question. Mr. Martello commented, "We draw ven.' large numbers of adults. I honestly believe the smallest number to attend our All School Plays are the Maine South students. I think it's a mistake on the part of the students, because they're missing a very valuable experience - live theater." Mr. Martello also said, "As for reasons for their non-attendance, with the coming of television and large scale rock concerts, young people have grown away from live theatre, because there is not that much for them to see. This is a shame, because it is a distinct experience, and a resvarding one at that, to see actors take the written word and present it on stage. It can become an exciting experience for both the actors and the audience, because without that vitally important ingredient (the audience) you can have no play." Mr. Martello added, "As for the V-Show and the musicals, while

usually of very high quality, they have a built in audience potential because of their very large casts, large crews, and heavy musical participation. We are talking in the hundreds. A play with a combined cast and crew of under a hundred people doesn't have the large ticket selling potential of a musical or V-Show." Mr. Martello went on to say, "We have, from time to time, had much larger attendance at the All School Plays. I don't know what else we can do to attract the students. As stated earlier, they make up the smallest part of the audience. We thmk we run a very efficient publicity campaign, but it seems to work much more effectively outside the school rather than in the confines of Maine South." Those students who did see the show will be happy to know that the profit made on "The Matchmaker" goes towards new equipment, stage supplies, and Drama Department Scholarships.

Equal Rights Hurting Whites By Tina Prodynia

In the Constitution of the United States, every citizen is promised equal rights. Up until a few years ago, nothing could be farther from the truth. But then, finally, our society strived for equality. Situations today are still not perfect for all races. And now, in the last few years, a new and different kind of discrimination has appeared. It seems that in the long struggle to end discrimination against minorities, our society has created a reverse discrimination against whites. Some institutions and people, trying to be fair to the minorities, have innocently been unfair to whites. Equal rights is just what the term says: equal rights. Not being more favorable to minorities, but treating all races the same, whether good or bad.

Why should anyone be given special priveliges and opportunities in our society, if we are all supposedly equal? Does our society think that by giving special treatment to minorities, we are paying them back for all those years of discrimination? An example of reverse discrimination is the hiring of workers on jobs. On lots of jobs now, a special quota is required; for example, hiring four blacks, three Puerto Ricans, three Chinese, and two whites. Obviously, these requirements are based entirely on appearance, not on skill, like it should be. Isn't it unfair to say that if a man is black, he can have the job over a white man, regardless of their ability, but based on their color? In many Chicago high schools, some students that are bussed in

are given a free lunch every day, while the others must pay. According to a worker at one of the schools, many of the recipients of the free lunch have enough money to buy it, but they continue to receive it. Is that fair to the other students? Some welfare recipients drive Cadillacs. They're supposed to be poor? Who are they trying to lool'' Many hard-working people cannot afford Cadillacs, so why should someone on welfare get one? Busing is another discriminatory practice. Isn't it unfair to our parents, who worked hard to live out here and send us to this school, to have inner city students bussed out here tor free? Discrimination is unfair, to any race. But we must not hurt another race while trying to be fair to another.

Girls' Glee Ensemble Sings on By Debbie Gann If you happen to hear "heavenly" voices early in the morning, angels are not singing, but the Girls' Glee Ensemble is. The Girls' Glee Ensemble is an organization composed of 38 girls who have a desire and a talent to sing. The Ensemble practices usually three to four days per week; 45 minutes before school. During the course of the year, the Ensemble sings at various clubs, schools, and other organizations. This year has been one of the busiest for the Ensemble. The Ensemble has existed for 13 years. Mr. Walter Flechsig,

the director of the Ensemble, explained that the Girls' Glee Ensemble gives an opportunity to perform as a special unit for kids who love to sing. "We are a very good public relations medium between the community and the school. The Ensemble promotes good will. The kids in the Ensemble develop stage presence and poise," added Mr. Flechsig. When Mr. Flechsig was asked if he enjoyed working with the Ensemble he replied, "I love kids!" Mr. Flechsig is also directing and leading a chorus which will I)erform in Europe this summer. The European Chorus is com-

GfVe Better Promises The whole system of Student Council elections works well. There are people keeping the election fair and legal. The candidates are screened and advised. But, if any candidate wants to have a landslide, they must be different. The rest of this article has some election promises that they could make in their speeches. A major issue among candidates of the past has been a smoking lounge. Future candidates should extend this idea to a drinking lounge. Coke, Pepsi, and other things bad for your system could be served. And to add to the excitement of Mr. Adamo's life, freshmen should be offered Driver's Education. The issue of open campus

should l)e brought up again. A footnote on this issue could be a proposal to build an underground sidewalk below Dee Avenue to the woods for the safety of our students. Priority of ticket sales and class registration should be given to the students in the lower '.s of their class. A few shorts items are: A weekend trip to St. Norbert's College, sponsored by Ski club. Televisions in study halls. Student supervisors in teacher's cafeteria. Owl-liver Soup offered in the cafeteria once again, and replace the cushions of "The Pit" with waterbed pillows. One last point, lounge should be opened only to students that received a 'F' on their last report card. Dig it!

posed of 40 girls who are members of the Girls' Glee, Girls' Glee Ensemble, Treble Choir, and Concert Choir. They will visit many cities in Germany such as: Munich, Innsbruck, and Bonn. Besides singing at concerts, the chorus will also go on many sightseeing tours in famous cities like Munich. Innsbruck, and Salzburg, Austria.

Daydreamers Loose Insomonia By Halina Stachowiak As the third quarter slump begins to show, so do the daydreamers begin to emerge. Though they can be found any time of the year, spring is their prime season. With hopes of warm weather ahead and visions of flowers and green leaves, who can help but daydream? The dreamers range from those who just stare out the window and wish for spring to those who totally lose touch with reality — temporarily, of course! Dreams are where the action is You are the hit of the party, the center of attention at the dance, all right there the dentist's chair. A Saturday afternoon spent at the library becomes an adventure as you claw your way through the jungle of shelves, searching for that one rare speciman to add to your unique collection. Aha! You pounce on it

— Dr. Franklin's Guide to Dinosaur Teeth, a few librarians frown as you pick up the mess you made. Even science class can lose its doldrum as you lose sight of the board. You picture the teacher as a mad scientist (Which he probabyl is I) brewing a solution to destroy the world. Only you can save everyone from doom — by giving the wrong formula, naturally! Dreams seem to preoccupy our time. Homework doesn't get done because you are in Hawaii on some sunny beach. You do not listen in class because you are in the midst of closing a multimillion business deal. But then again, who could listen to Miss Martha while sitting next to that gorgeous girl in the pink sweater. You can see the both of you next Saturday night, going out and "equals what, John?" Whoops, slipped away again!

Student Weekend Plans Recently, we polled students at students don't plan to go to the random, asking what they do on sectionals because of rides and weekends. Students are divided money problems. Some students stay home over on what they do on weekends. Some of the principal activities the weekend but come back to on weekends is going out with school on Monday with exciting friends to a party, on a date, or to stories about their boring weekends. However, Chris the movies. When kids go to parties, the top Clarke '77, said, "I think it is kind are benders, pizza, and stupid how people make up what drinking. Other kinds of parties they did on weekends to impress include disco and tupperware. their friends." One question was: Where do A large percentage of dates go to movies, parties, and concerts. you go after a basketball game? In the interviews that were taken, Many students said that they a majority of students like school went out for pizza or out to activities. Surprisingly, many Maloney's for ice cream.

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March 11, 1977

Basketball Hawks 'Rammed' in Sectionals Kv Russ Skiba and Dan White Maine South's state hopes were smashed Wednesday when the Gordon Tech Rams edged out the Hawks 63-53 in the opening round of the Sectionals at Arlington Heights.

Russ Schmelzer slams in a dunk in the Hawk's 9176 Regional win over Maine East.

The Hawks put up a good battle throughout the whole game, but some sure shooting from the free throw line by Gordon Tech late in the game put it out of reach for South. The Hawks fared well against Tech's full court pressure in the opening quarter. Alter one time spotting the Rams a six point lead, a balanced team attack by the Hawks gave them a brief 1413 lead. However, a basket by Tech late in the period put the Rams ahead by one. Jeff Baker was high man for South in this quarter with six points. Maine South regained their lead in the second quarter on baskets from Rick Smith and Pat .Nugent. However, this was the last time that the Hawks were to have a lead the rest of the game. Hot shooting from Tech's John .Murphy and Tim McAvoy spurred the Rams on to a 32-26 halftime lead. Midway into the third period, Maine South had fought their way back to within 3 points, but then, the Hawks were dealt a bad break as Rick Smith fouled out at 4:11 of the quarter. The struggle still went on with neither team able to gain anything on the other. The hard fighting Hawk team of Preston,

Gym-men End Year By Russ Skiba Maine South's gymnasts ended their season with two fine performances from Scott Kimbrel and Erick Martin in the State finals held last Saturday. Kimbrel placed sixth in State on parallel bars while Martin's routine earned him tenth spot in the trampoline competition. "With two of our gymnasts placing in the state meet, we did a lot better than some of the teams that beat us this season," said Hawk's coach John Riccitelli. Before the state meet, Maine South had some excellent performances in the districts and .sectionals. Erick Martin earned a sixth place in the district free exercise competition when his routine scored a 7.25. John Race also did a fine job for South as his 5.7 on side horse placed him third in districts. In the district parallel bar competition, Scott Kimbrel

scored a decent 8.55. This score made Kimbrel the district champion for this event. Erick Martin rounded out the sectional qualifiers for Maine South as he placed second on the trampoline. At the sectional competition, the Hawks were only able to qualify Scott Kimbrel and Erick Martin for the State meet. Kimbrel qualified by becoming the sectional parallel bar champion. Scott's routine received an 8.5.

Barr, Schmelzer. Baker and Nugent kept South's hopes alive by staying within striking distance of the Rams. The third period ended with South still down 45-41. The Hawks almost made their comeback complete at the start of the fourth quarter. After Tech had gotten out to another six point lead, Maine South's Tom Barr and Paul Preston led the Hawks back to within two points of a tie at 49-47. However, this was as close as the Hawks came. At 4:10 of the period, Gordon Tech went into a stall offense. After nearly two straight minutes of unsuccessful steal attempts, Maine South took a chance and fouled Ram's John Murphy. Murphy hit on his shot and South now trailed by three points. The Hawks moved the ball down quickly in hopes of a hoop, but they came away empty. Another pair of Ram free throws put South down by five. Late in the game, baskets by Russ Schmelzer and Tom Barr kept Maine South's dwindling hopes alive, but not for long. With momentum and time on their side, Gordon Tech went on to win 63-53. On Friday, March 4, the Hawks trampled Maine East in one of the most spectacular games of the season. The final score was 91-76. Coach Quitman SuUins stated, "I was very impressed by the team's fine effort." South took the lead seconds after the tip off and never gave it away throughout the entire game. In first half action, Russ Schmelzer poured in 14 points, while Rick Smith dumped in 9. Schmelzer finished the game with 28 points. Jeff Baker had 10 baskets. Pat Nugent and Rick Smith tallied for 15 apiece. Pat Nugent, a modern day

David, in the midst of many Goliaths, showed the effectiveness of his brilliant playmaking. Tom Barr shot 80 per cent from the field, and Paul Preston muscled his Demon opponents, giving the Hawks their twentyfirst win. A key factor in this win was South's shooting. They just couldn't miss. Their 68 per cent shooting in the classroom might be below average, but on the basketball court, 68 per cent was excellent. High scorers for the Demons

Rick Smith drives in for a lay-up against the Demons.

Netwomen Face N W By Sue Leonard The Girl's Basketball Team will travel to Niles West tonight at 6:30 to battle its last conference opponent of the season.

Hockey Club Thwarted by Hot Goalie By John Dane

The Maine South Hawks had their Metro League Championship hopes ruined March 2 by losing 4-2 to Saint Viator. The Hawks outplayed St. Viator for most of the game and outshot St. Viator 44-19. Saint Viator's goalie was unbelievable

Badminton Serves Up Two Wins

in thwarting almost every shot the Hawks had. The game was a classic example of one player being able to turn the whole game around. The game was fast and furious from the opening face of f with the Hawks applying the initial pressure. Scoring the first goal of the game was Maine South. Jeff Marshall skated the puck out of the Hawks zone to the St. Viator's zone. Marshall then made a pass to Art LeBeau who let a wristshot fly from the faceoff circle for a goal. St. Viator then started pressing the Hawks who were penalized

for South in singles competition By Russ Skiba Maine South's girl's badminton were Carol Kazuk, Mary Depke, team had some fun in their last I^ura Kean and Mary Frick. The doubles teams for South two meets as they swept both Niles North and Glenbrook North were also successful. 7-0. The Hawks are now 4-0 in the conference. In their smash win over the Glenbrook North Spartans, the girls got out to a good start. Carol Kazuk stroked her way past her first singles opponent 11-9, 11-0. South got two more wins when Mary Depke took second singles 11-8, 11-7 and Laura Kean conquered Glenbrook's Linda Johnke 11-2,11-7 at third singles. In fourth singles competition. Mary Frick easily beat North's Wendy Frieden 11-4, 11-4. The doubles teams were again a bright spot for the Hawks in this meet. South's first doubles team of Amy Pontow, and Sue Ratcliff destroyed their opponents 15-3, 15-3. An equally fine second doubles team of Sara Denham and Pam Digati had no trouble as they handily annihilated Spartan's Joan Anderson and Sue Donland 15-1. 15-2. In third doubles competition, Jeri Roche and Debbie Gawaluch won easily 15-3, Maine South's Debbie Gawaluch (left) and Jeri 15-5. Roche volley their way to a 15-3, 15-5 third doubles The Hawks defeated Niles win over Glenbrook North's Sue Gilberkow and Mary North 7-0 last Tuesday. Winners Harosek. Hawks beat Spartans 7-0.

include Scott Russ with 20 points and Dexter Brown with 17. Coach Sullins added, "we improved our defense which helped us beat the Demons." On Wednesday, March 2, the Hawks rolled over the Notre Dame Dons 81-69. Russ Schmelzer, a modern day Goliath in the midst of many Davids, scored 18 points in the first half and 19 in the second half for a game total of 37. Tom Barr cashed in for 20 points. Notre Dame coach Ralph Hinger commented, "we couldn't stop Russ Schmelzer inside."

two successive times. With the Hawks shorthanded, St. Viator was able to work the puck in and score at the halfway point of the first period. The Hawks, not to be outdone, came right back and applied pressure for the rest of the period but did not score. The period ended in a 1-1 tie. The second period opened up with the Hawks controlling the play in St. Viators zone. The pressure the Hawks applied caused St. Viator to be penalized. However, the powerplay of the Hawks backfired and St. Viator scored a shorthanded goal with nine minutes left in the period. Undaunted the Hawks again took control of the puck and applied pressure to St. Viator's goalie. With five minutes left in the period, the Hawks scored on a powerplay. The score was tallied by IvcBeau, his second of the game, on a deflection on a shot from the point by Mike Sifferman who had received a pass from Gary Kania.

With a victory, the Hawks will secure first place in the conference. The varsity enters this game with an 8-3 record while the J.V. boasts a hard-earned 10-0 record. On Tuesday, March 15, the Hawks will begin their journey toward the State Crown by facing either Mother Guerin or Maine East in the Maine West Regional. Last weekend our Hawks got a belly full of basketball and victories by defeating both Glenbrook North and Waukegan East. On the varsity level, the Spartan's lack of body control sent our Hawks to the line quite often. South responded by hitting 70 per cent of its free throws providing the 64-49 edge. Liz Boesen controlled the boards with 12 rebounds. Sue Leonard and Kathy Pabst scored back-toback with 16 and 15 points respectively. The J.V. handled the Spartans quite nicely with a 34-23 victory. Kal Schroeder had that "little something extra" and gathered four plus-points. Joanie Boesen led the scoring with 16. South played a grand finale game in its last regularly scheduled home meet against Waukegan East by tallying double victories. The Varsity game was a squeaker with the lead seasawing constantly.

Tankers Splash at State Maine south's swim team ended their season on a strong improving current. For the first time in years, a Hawk swimmer qualified and placed in the state finals. South's stroker Wayne Madsen splashed his way to a ninth place in the state 100 yard free style competition. Another bright spot for Maine Southcame in the districts competition. The Hawks qualified swimmers for four different events for state while capturing a seventh and tenth place in two other events.

"We have improved greatly this year," commented Hawk's coach Dawn Butler. "We almost took third place in conference, came close to beating Deerfield, and qualified some swimmers for the state finals. The improvements we achieved made this a very successful year." Coach Butler added. "Next year should be something to look forward to. We have a lot of depth and some good team people coming back. Our swimmers have a good attitude for next year."

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