Vol 13 issue 5

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Opus 13' Gets Underway

It's that time again, the time for all Maine Souths talent to be revealed to the public, with everything put together into one big. exciting show. This years VShow promises talent that will knock you out and jokes that will make your side ache. Opus 13 " contains over fifty acts. Come see performances by the Maine South Stage Band and Ensemble Choir Don t miss the Bandettes doing their own interpretation of the Maine South Hawkettes in " G o r d i e s Bouncing Babies " Come see Pep Club telling exactly how they feel about Maine South to the tune of the Oscar Mayer Bologna Song. Find out exactly what goes on in an X-rated movie theatre, and watch a skit on the

perils of Driver Education classes. See authentic Japanese dance performed by Vivian Yamakoshi and listen to 'Stairway to Heaven" as sung by a Maine South Rock Group. Dont miss The Hesitations" discoing to the beat of A Fifth of Beethhoven ' .Also this year, there will be a series of cuttings from the Broadway musical. •Jesus Christ. Superstar." "Trunk." a group of forty singers. dancers and comediannes. will perform blackouts between acts. This group will also be doing two acts of their own. The Maine South V-Show is one of the largest high school productions put on in the entire Midwest. No one will ever know

the feeling of having to go up on stage and perforin unless he does it. To the professional there is no problem. He just goes up and does it — very confidently. But to the amateur, a person who has never before gone on stage and will have to perform in front of an audience, this can present a very nervous situation. So. don't miss the opportunity this weekend to see your friends performing talent you didn't know they had. Remaining performances of the show will be held on December 3 and 4 at 8 p.m. and matinees will be on December 4 and 5 at 2:30 p.m. Some performances are already sold out. but a few tickets will be on sale at the door for $2.50.

southwords Vol. 13, No. 5

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068

Dec. 3, 1976

Student Gains Office Cindy Ciarmoli. senior in the Office Occupations Program at Maine South High School was elected Treasurer of the State of Illinois Office Education Association in Springfield on November 20. 1976. Cindy ran for this office " to gain further experience in Office Occupations and to see how an

organization such as this works on a higher level ' Cindy, along with seven other Office Occupation students from Maine South and their coordinator. Miss Catherine Siwinski attended the lOEA Fall Conference held at the Forum 30 in Springfield. November 19 and 20 The purpose of this conference was to elect State Officers and plan for the State lOEA Conference in March. Cindy works at Illinois Tool Works in the credit department. This is her first year in Office One of the highlights of the Occupations, and not only is she Christmas season at Maine South the State Treasurer, but she is is the traditional Christmas also the Maine South Office Occupations Corresponding Concert This years concert will be pre- Secretary, sented on Sundav, Dec. 12. at Other students who attended 1:00 and 4 30 p.m. the lOEA Fall Conference were The one o'clock performance Sandy Pierobon. employed at 1st will feature the Intermediate State Bank of Park Ridge; Dawn Strings and the Girls' Glee. Both .Adams, employed at Citizens the Girls' and the Boys" Bank Dan Spitzer. employed at Choruses, as well as the Treble Citizens Bank; Cindy Miller, emChoir, will perform at the four- ployed at Management Response Corp.; Paula Leyva. employed at thirty concert. The program will include Western Hemisphere Corp ; Christmas music, and the Nancy Zurek. employed at audience will be asked to join In Citizens Bank: and Karen Busa. singing some old. familiar carols employed at Board of Education District 64. at the end of the concert. Tickets for the shows can be These workshops which as obtained > without admission Cindy commented. "were costs) in the Music Department available to all students present No I D s or Music Boosters cards to inform them of such processes will be accepted at the audi- as parliamentary procedure and torium doors. how to construct a job manual.

Christmas Carol Concert Planned

Junior Miss Gini Barklow

Gini Barklow Chosen As Park Ridge Junior Miss .America's Junior Miss Program is a nationwide program to recognize, reward and encourage excellence in young people. The program is open to all high school senior girls. 16 through 18 years of age. Each year since 1958 it has selected the outstanding high school senior girl from among the thousands who take part in more than 1500 communities in all 50 slates. (JinI Barklow was crowned as Park Ridges Junior Miss during the pageant which was held on Friday. November 26th. Gini was also nominated by her peers as "Miss Spirit of Junior Miss." which is a congeniality award. Gini competed with 15 other contestants for the title. The four runners-up were: 4th. Sue Leonard; 3rd. Beth DiCola: 2nd. Sue Ebner: 1st. Honi Woodside. Each girl was judged according to five separate categories including. Youth Fitness 15 per cent. Poise and Appearance 15 per cent. Scholastic Achievement 15 per cent. Creative and Performance 20 per cent, and finally, the Judges interview contributing 35 per cent of the total score.

Air Guard Has Benefits .As a senior, are you concerned about the rising cost of a college education or possible part-time employment while attending'' Did you know that you could possibly start earning $50 for a week-end right now'' This summer you could begin a well paid college accredited training program and return with a free tuition scholarship at any Illinois state school. The Illinois Air National Guard is willing to train you in any one of 300 different career fields, such as: Administration. Electronics. Vehicle Maintenance. Ground Power. Heating & Air Conditioning. Food Preparation. Medical fields or even Radio Repair

While attending this school, you'll receive room and board plus almost $400 per month. After you finish training, you'll return home and may attend college with our Free Tuition Scholarship and have an excellent paying part-time job Other benefits such as free travel and discount shopping are also included. A free education, travel and experience in a marketable skill can be yours' The Illinois Air National Guard is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For more information, contact Sgt. Bob Krause at 1312» 694-3604 or at the Base Recruiting Office. O Hare International .\irport. at i312t 694-3683.

• 1 would encourage those senior girls who receive letters to go and take the initial interview. " Gini commented. Each year less and less girls turn out for competition, and they're really missing a lot of excitement " Gini is a participant in student government, as well as the Thespian Society. She plans to pursue a pre-law curriculum at either Duke or San Diego University Gini will advance to Mobile. .\labama for the State Pageant, which will determine the candidate from Illinois who will compete for the national crown.

Tyler Departs By Catherine Dever Today is Officer Joe Taylor's last day at .Maine South Much to our regrets he will no longer be roaming the halls with his devious smile and famous line "Let me see your l.D " It is a shame that he has to leave us so soon, because he has been with us only a short while, and he is very well liked by many students Joe has not been fired. He is moving out of slate, because he feels he needs a change or a new atmosphere. Officer Taylor will probably not be back at South again, at least not to work, but he will visit us eventually Yet we all know that he can t move loo far because of his deep love and concern for Maine South and its students Officer Taylor wanted to thank everyone for being so kind to him. and he deeply appreciated the friendliness of the students at South. Well, we will probably never get another cop like Joe. He is quite an excellent guy and quite a switch from Renta So. it looks like Officer Drier is on his own once again and for how long ...onlv time will tell

Career Program Planned

This year's pom-pon squad includes: T(^)—Kathy Lange, Nancy Bogacz, Sue Petersen, Mary Hudson, Julie Peterson, Karen Dan'els, Cindy Turek, Joan Gagliano. Middle— Diane Rizza, Nancy Vravick, Kathy Vernon, Elaine Dumich, Nancy Norlander, Jenny Dankus, Donna Hermonn. Bottom—Andrea Donovan, Marianne Joyce, Kay Lawrence, Jeri Casaletto, Linda Holz.

By Gina Bernacchi The Career Resource Center and Business Education Department will sponsor a career program on accounting during 1. 2. and 4th periods on Wednesday. December 15 in room C-100. There will be 3 certified public accountants representing the Careers Opportunity Committee of the Illinois CPA Society in Chicago to help run the program. The 3 accountants are: Mr Lee Knirko. CPA. audit manager of Peal. Marwick. Mitchell and Co in Chicago: Mr Dick Egan. CPA. Vice-President of the Harris Bank in Chicago; and Ms. Linda Schlenke. CPA, Senior .Accountant of Peat. Marwick. Mitchell and Co The program will consist of three parts, the first being a film entitled. Why Not Accounting" " The accountants will then talk about the work of an accountant and the employment opportunities available to students interested in accounting.

"This is an opportunity for students to become exposed to a career area where there is a great demand in the job market. " Mr Kenneth Reese. Career Counselor stated.

Scholarships for Safety Essay All Maine South High School seniors are eligible to compete for ten $500 Chicago Motor Club scholarships which will be awarded to winners of the Illinois Editors' Traffic Safety Seminar's eleventh annual traffic safety essay contest. The topic for this year's contest IS What Can 1 Do t o Encourage My Friends .And Classmales To Become Safer Drivers? " The essays of 500 words or less must be submitted to Seminar Headquarters. 66 E South Water St.. Chicago. III. 60601 postmark dated no later than Dec 31.1976

Page 2

December 3, 1976


Disasters Create Unknown Fear By Liz Fichera Disaster movies appear to be quite popular among movie audiences. However, they are not for people with weak stomachs. When was the last time you saw one that did not gross you out'.' The more blood and gore it contains the merrier

the theater owners will be while raking in the dough. People pay the incredibly high price of a ticket t which is another story i hoping to be entertained by a movie. In most cases, however, one usually leaves the theater paranoid. After watching a shark feast on

See Life Through Death By NoreenKeane Living' Most people associate this word with; partying. having a good time, attending school, working, or just plain existing Hardly ever does a person refer to dying as a part of living. Yet that is a very important part of being alive. Think about it. \ o one can truly die unless they live first. That s not saying every person alive won't die at a given time. but if you haven't lived your life to the fullest then you've been slowly rotting away all the years of your life. take today, for example, what if it was to be your last'' Would you be satisfied about the way you spent it or for that matter your life up to now? But some may ask. what is living your life to Its fullest extent'' The answer is quite direct. Think about being 15 feet under in your coffin. N'o more will vou see flowers grazing on the grass, people ' enemies or friends I. cars racing, birds

chirping, your parents veiling at you for some reason. These are the things you will miss the most. Unfortunately most people don't take the time to observe the beautiful things of nature and people in our lives. I t s a sad thing, yet we all miss out by not opening our eyes to the beauty around us. All of us should be contented with the life we've led thus far. There should be no regrets having lived our lives to the fullest extent possible. If there are any doubts or regrets then i t s no ones fault but our own. We should feel at peace with our accomplishments as well as our defeats. Dying has a way of finalizing things There is no turning back. I t s for keeps. Pieally though, if you think about it there should be no need to. Having lived out our lives as we saw fit and were satisfied w'ith it. we will have all our cherished thoughts and memories to keep us contented all through eternity.

Rest Home For Young make Typing a mandatory class? .At one time or another, almost At least twelve years of our every student runs across lives, maybe even more, are material needing to be typed, spent going to school. suppo.sedly such as term papers, and. for the in preparation for the outside more businesslike, secretarial world But does school really work. Friends usually get stuck prepare us for later in our lives'" with the unskilled students Manv students are finding out. typing work, which gets to be a after graduation, that they didn't pain in the neck .And, teachers take the required classes for prefer typed material for its their particular profession, or efficient appearance, a point in they didn t major in the right the students behalf, area So then what do they do'' .Also, every student should be They have a choice of having to required to take a class on caring go back and take the courses and fixing a car Sure, right now I which costs precious money i or some of you girls are laughing else picking another profession, But what will you do one night which they may not be happy when vou re alone driving on a with, but are stuck in the rest of deserted highway and your car their lives. gets stuck'' Independence is the Also, some schools don't even key to survival. offer some of those much-needed .A large number of graduates, classes. Why don't high schools according to the Chicago cater to the student bodv's Tribune, are not even able to needs, instead of students to read at a sixth grade level' Most them'' business material is written at a It seems to me that there's an seventh or eighth grade level. important mixup here. Some How are these people going to classes which are totally useless read important letters, bills, tax are required. forms, and so on' For example, why is United A lot of the classes being States History required, except offered today in our high schools if a person is going into that are worthless and boring. What fieW^ Is it to enlighten us of our do many of them end up doing? great heritage':' By not having to Washing dishes at the corner take that useless history class. restaurant, selling hamburgers students would be able to pursue at Burger King — big-time jobs another more important like these. .And all the troubles CGurese. pinpoint to our schools, which, Instead of requiring U.S. nowadays, are merely rest History, why don't high schools homes for the young by Tina Prodyma

ttT THE •FL-dHi ;RtAtOftE iMOvil vJE TOIW -rWEM p,s 1IHE1R >\.uHtje EHB'S

human flesh or after listening to the screams of helpless people aboard a sinking ship, who could not be a little shocked" Today's disaster flicks contain disastrous scenes that seem almost TOO real. The scary fact of it is that a high-rise building could catch on fire and there are such things as earthquakes. At least in the older days one could watch a King Kong movie, scream once or twice in the theater but return home without the fear that a huge, hairy ape would start swinging overhead on the telephone wiresi It seems that after a disaster movie has become a hit. one can read about many similar disasters in the newspapers not too long afterwords For example, when the movie "Jaws " broke box-office records, many more supposedly true shark attacks were being reported than usual People were more interested in sharks after they saw the movie than beforehand. For awhile the United States was infested with "shark fever • If a particular disaster movie proves itself successful, a second movie that continues where the first one left off is sometimes created. .As though there are not enough disasters in the world, moviemakers are still conjuring up new and better ideas for the public. The next thing vou know' a movie will be made about a city faced with the problem of battling an earthquake and flood at the same time while trying to stop a Boeing 707 from crashing into a burning high-rise. Disaster movies can take the fun out of life 1 am convinced that we should be paid to see their movies instead of the other way around. .After seeing most of them. 1 have reached a startling conclusion .. I will never become a bee-keeper, live in a high-rise, swim in the ocean, be friends with birds or snakes, live in California, or be stuck without a boat when it starts to rain. However, if I am ever trapped in a 'towering inferno," I do hope Paul Newman will be there

40, it's definitely stuck. 'Do you think his parents wil notice?"

Relax, Enjoy Weekends .Mary JoCarlfeldt Not too many students would argue the statement that Mondays are not the most favored days of the week. That is fairly understandable. After all. Monday is the first out of the five days of work, work. work. By Friday, the montony of the routine school work has just about driven each and every student insane. So. with the beginning of the week, comes the anxiety of the weekends. Each day that anxiety grows until it reaches its peak about Friday noon. We surveyed the various entertainment of 50 students and got these results. Thirty-six out of the fifty asked said they spend part of their weekend working at a part-time job. Seven stated that they belong to outside groups such as Campus Life. Son City. Sela or Pep Club Council Sports was another popular activity, especially among the boys, as 27 students said they partake in basketball, football, wrestling, skiing and hockey, both inside and outside school.

Bridging That Gap By


Hicks and Kathy Johnson You told your Mom you d be home at 12 30. you come home around 2:00 .As your Mom is walking up the stairs she tells you you're grounded for life. And she didn't even give vou the chance to explain that you had just talked your best friend out of running away from home. Does this sound familiar'' For the majority of the student body, about eight hours of each w-eekday are spent in school. Where are the other 16 hours of each weekday, plus the 48-hour weekends spent',' Most likely they are spent at home with family, and with parents. Of course, not all of this time is

spent at home, but a significant part of it is For many teenagers, that time can be uncomfortable because of the old-fashioned problem of the generation gap. The generation gap is probably as old as mankind itself It is simply a matter of conflicting ideas of two age groups. Parents may expect their son or daughter to behave in the same manner as they did at their age with the same ideals or goals The problem here is that many parents may neglect to take in mind that lime, even 20 or 30 years, have definitely changed. Perhaps some parents have forgotten what the teen stage of life is like. These two situations • Piease turn to page 5

The night time activities included dating and partying and often both simultaneously. .A weak 24 out of 50 confirmed the dating aspect of the night life while a much stronger 43 admitted to taking the party route Of course the term party can be used in a general sense. .A majority of the students referred to partying as a gathering of a group of friends which often times included drinking and conferring about the past week's news. Hobbies were also a large part of many of the 50 students' free time Some of the popular hobbies included: bowling, singing, musical involvement, working on cars. .A not too popular hobby suggested was training hunting dogs. The general impression given by the small sample of Maine South students was satisfaction with their weekends. There seems to be a wide variety of weekend activities to take part in. However, not everyone feels this way. -As stated by one anonymous senior. "Park Ridge leavesa lot more to be desired."

Soufhwords Th« o«lel*l iludtnl ntwip«ptr of Main* Te*i>»»<iP H'9»> Stho«l Soutli. Park Ridge. Illinois UCU. Wrltttn •nd *di»«l IS tim«t t«cli ytr by «tudtnt« o( th« hish K I I » ! > I . $u6»erlpiiont includtd with jctivHy ficktf, purch«»»d »»p»r»t«lv a) U p*r V»«f. Of Individually tor tSt. Priced hljher tor issutt oi mora than 4 pagaa.i

Editor-m<:hJri Kim Kiiiiii«« News Editiw Julie K«U«r F'eature EdUo- .. Ckrlitivkcr SopaU SporU E«Jjtw K««»Ska>» Corresponding Htan M»rau Photo Editor BrU» MaJOB^ Reporters . Tanuny Barry. Uaiy Jo CarUeldt. Dioa Ciccia. Cathy Dever, T'lm EUsworth. til Ficbera. Debbie Gann. Patty Htclu. Margaret Hupp. Katby Johnson, N o r e e n Keane, Tom Kroeschell. Sue Leonard. John Peters. Tina Prodyma. Candys Qnian. Sue Ann Savace, Marianne Schmidt. BaUoB Stachowlak, Norma Summers. Dan White Photographers Tom Long. Steve Pozdro. Garry Simmons Sponsor Mr. Beatty


' • I : f«1«»f«i'rlS.

December 3, 1976



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i5»t The peerless detective solves another crime.

Rob Williams plays classical guitar.

VIcki Yamakoshi shows "Oriental Grace" with her fan talent.

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The Hesitations disco to the beat of " A Fifth of Beethoven.'

Pat Hennessy, Paul Bixby, Marge Smith, Kevin Kielas, Kent Scharringhausen ting to the tune of "Summer Breeze."

Student return to a nostalgic era in "Shades of Mickey and Judy.'

Is This What Goes on in X-Rated Movies?

The Bandettes get their kicks by doing their own interpretation of the Maine South Hawkettes.

Page 4


Can You Do That?

Lorraine and Laura Sauter and Debbie Johnson as you can see are a "Trio of Trouble."

Tami AAcLennan announces "The Gun Show."

December 3, 1976

Mary Scheurmann, Marion Beiie, Debbie Mueller, Don Fagerson and Bob Jajkowski keep audience rocking through "Rocky Top."

Chris Durack drums on "Papa Bear."

Kevin and Julie Kielas and Debbie Mueller sing about "Saturday Night in Toledo, Ohio."

Gumbys all are Mike Stevenson. T i m Kupjack, Ralph Black, Brian Maloney, Paul Amidei, Gary Simmons and Al Bud r is.

Page 5


December 3, 1976

V-Show Crew Important By Marianne Schmidt Next lime you go to any Maine South production, think about all the hard work that has gone into making that production a success. The audience only sees the actors, actresses, singers and dancers. Very seldom does the audience think about the people behind the scenes. The people on crew, who also take part in making the production a success. There are seven different crews; construction, costumes, lighting, make-up. painting, props and sound. The crews are larger than they actually need to be. so that more people can get involved backstage. Construction is in charge of building stepups, flats and drops. In other words, they build the sets. Painting magically changes

these drab pieces of wood into colorful scenery, which is pleasing to the eye. Everything is planned out beforehand, so that the colors are perfectly coordinated. Costumes are important, so that everyone isn't dressed in jeans and T-shirts. Costumes help make the people on stage look like the people they are portraying. They help make the actors, actresses, singers and dancers look more professional. Lighting makes sure that when a person or a group of people are on stage there is some kind of light shining on them. This way. the people in the audience know who is on stage and don't just hear voices coming out of the darkness. Make-up makes everyone look beautiful sunder the hog lights). People on make-up must learn

LRC Lends A Hand By Debbie Gann If you can't figure out why D.\ equal CB. or comprehend the significance of the Pythagorean Theorem, the Math llRC is just the place to go. There, a person will get help with any math problem that they have. The Math LRC is open nine periods a day. every day of the week. By having it open all the time, it can accommodate more students. The purpose of the Math LRC is to provide students with an opportunity for individual help. Mrs. David Paisley, a math teacher who also works in the LRC during seventh period, answered many questions concerning the LRC. When asked if he minded working at the LRC. Mr. Paisley replied, "I enjoy itl Most math teachers feel that their abilities and efforts can be put to better use in the LRC than in the study hall, k teacher can use his math skills and training: he can meet alot of kids and work with them on a one-to-one basis." Mr. Paisley commented that he has seen improvement in most students that have come to the LRC. How can the Match LRC work for you? If a person needs help in math, all that they need to do is ask their math teacher for a pass to the center. The teacher will sign the pass and at that respective study hall, the student goes to the LRC .\t the end of the

period, the pass is signed bv the Match LRC teacher. The LRC is held in C-114 during periods 1. 2. 3, 7. 8. and 9; C-IU during periods 4. 5. and 6. The math LRC has been in operation approximately for three years. Mr. Paisley added. "Everyone that comes to the LRC and needs help gets it. We do. howver. discourage students from coming who don't work. In order to help a student, the teacher must first decide where the student is and where he should be. If there is a large distance, between this, the student should come in for long-range help. " replied Mr Paisley. When asked if ii is difficult to help kids that have different teachers with different methods. Mr. Paisley answered in geometry, it is difficult because different teachers want different details in proofs. " Mr. Paisley further replied, i t is not really difficult to help kids in all types of math courses because all math teachers in the department have good backgrounds. .Approximately ten to twelve kids come each period. Mr. Paisley stated. -Students of all levels come, but there are more seniors in the later periods of the day." .•\s an avid fan of the Math LRC. It s a great place to get help. When you're stuck on a problem or a concept, the Math LRC offers a way for the solution. As Mr. Paisley said, i t sa nicepiace tocome to! "


Winter Lovers Await New Season By Halina Stachowiak Winter has finally arrived' Maybe not officially, but it has in spirit. Perhaps it is too soon for some people, but those of us who love winter have long awaited its coming. The freezing weather is the price we pay for the beauties of winter, but they are well worth the price. To us lovers of the cold weather, winter means snow. Just watching the snowflakes drift in the air: noticing the beauty and uniqueness of each one can fill us with a sense of peace and contentment. The snow glistens in the sunlight as it blankets the earth. Snow also means loads of fun. We can build snowmen and forts.

Are All Security Systems Needed? .Maine South has employed manv security systems. SOUTHWORDS sent out reporters to find out what the students think of the systems. Sandy Serio '78. states. The library systems makes us feel like we're in jail. I think, we need cafeteria supervisors because the cafeteria is in bad shape already and it would probably be worse without them • Curt Wundsam '78. comments. •'1 think the system is too weak. We should bring back a few Officer Thorsens. Seriously. 1 think that before the deans and

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how to correctly apply the two different kinds of make-up. because boys and girls get different make-up jobs. People on props must hunt for telephones, buckets and any other prop an act needs. If the props are not in the prop room, the crew must either make or borrow the necessary prop. Sound assures that the audience is able to understand what is being said. The sound crew must be sure the sound is not too loud and not too soft. Each crew has crew heads, who tell everyone what has to be done and show you how to do it. The crew heads ususally have quite a bit of experience, because they have an important job. A crew head needs a lot of patience because people are always asking him or her. 'What's there todo'.'". Being on crew lakes up a lot of time. Most people get three, four, or five Thespian points for being on crew. Every Thespian point means ten hours of work. However, all the work is worth it. because you get to meet a lot of great people backstage. Crew is not all work. Crew is funi Some of the people backstage have been on most of the productions since their freshman year. These people are hard workers, who really know what they're doing. This article was not written to take away any of the credit from the cast of any production. Everyone in any production must rehearse long and hard. They deserve all the applause they receive. This article was also written to gi%'e people some idea of what goes on behind the scenes. For the people on all crews help to make the Maine South productions successful.


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the teachers discipline students, they should make sure that those people were doing the wrong thing. " Anette Schilling '77. The library system is doing some good, but it wastes everybody's time when someone gets caught behind it. Lunch supervisors do some good, if they weren't there what would the cafeteria look like'.' Officer Taylor doesn't bother me. The people that complain about these things are the offenders, if you're not doing anything wrong it shouldn't bother you." Robert Hallberg '79. says, "i think that the library system is pretty good. The cafeteria is too strict. The hall pass system is necessary because if you're in between periods, with 3.000 kids, you have to know who's going where." Pete Kaeding '80, remarks. •Well. I must say it's ithe library detection system) rather a neat device. It could give some one the wrong impression about the school. Cafeteria supervisors don't bother me too much. They do keep the cafeteria from becoming unruly, 1 really have nothing against Office Taylor, he doesn't do much good. He's not needed." Bill Michels "78. replies. The library system was only put up so the librarians could do less work because they don't have to watch the students. Officer Taylor does his job " One anonymous senior reasons, "in a school of this size there has to be many .security systems and supervisors just to keep order. Many times 1 hear of teachers or deans being unfair to students. This could be because the teachers are used to the type of students called burn-outs' that are unfair to the teachers. If both sides tried to compromise this school would be a better place to live."

and we can have snowball fights: even shoveling can be enjoyed. We look forward to the excitement of going lobogganning and sledding down the steep hills in parks and forest pre.serves. Some of us like to ski in the mountains: others enjoy ice skating on frozen ponds. We can go for sleigh rides or just take a walk in the "winter wonderland." The crispness ot the icy air on a freezing day feels good. Bundling up in so many clothes that we can hardly walk keeps us warm — and usually happy. .And after a long hard day out' doors a blazing fire and mug of hot chocolate is the way to top the day. Yes. us winter lovers do know how to make the most of a good thing.

Generation Gap • from page 2 can complicate a parent-child relationship. Most of the people we talked to claimed that it's easiest to talk to a close friend who's near their own age. None mentioned anyone older or an adult This goes back to the generation gap. Kids always complain that their parents don't understand, but the kids who complain the most are usually the kids who would never think of trying to explain their situation to their parents. .And the parents who complain the most about their kids are usually the ones who don't bother to listen.

However, it is all too easy to put the entire blame on parents. Perhaps the son or daughter really does not try to listen The speech. "When I was your age . . usually manages to immediately turn all off. But have you ever tried to listen and put yourself in a parent's position, with all of the knowledge and wisdom that comes with age' You might gain something. Grandparents especially can be quite enlightening with their past experiences. Sure, your parents can't understand everything because it's not happening to them, and times are changing Kids don't understand their parents, but they forget that their parents have already been through being a kid. Why don't you try once in awhile to really listen to the adult's side, and maybe they'll listen to ours. Mending a generation gap is probably not as easy as it sounds. There are simply too many individual generation problems for just one solution. "S'es. just to realize that half of those aggravating arguments can be stopped by either party, is a step within itself.

Page 6


December 3, 1976

Hawk Basketball Team Hosts Warriors by Russ Skiba. The Hawk basketball team will host Maine West this evening at 8:00 p.m. in the first conference game of the year. "Maine West will be a hard team for us to open against." commented coach Quitman Sullins. i just hope we can keep our momentum from the Thanksgiving tournament going because .Maine West is a well-rounded team that .shoots

well." The Hawks placed second in a Round-Robin Thanksgiving tournament played last week. Maine South defeated .Maine West 75-74 in the first round, but they suffered a tough loss in the second round to .New Trier East as the Hawks lost 69-63 in overtime In the final round of the tournament, we trounced the Prospect Knights 101-80.

The Hawks and the Maine the Warriors a 40-35 lead at halfWest Warriors played a very time. .After a Paul Preston basket even first quarter. The lead changed hands 6 times during the closed the gap to three points period. However, free throws by early in the third quarter, the Pat Nugent and Tom Barr gave Hawks and Warriors traded Maine South a .slim 21-19 lead at baskets until late in the period. Then, consecutive field goals by the end of the period, Maine West came back in the Tom Barr and Russ Schmelzer second quarter on the hot shoot- put the Hawks up by one. 53-52. ing of forward John Zuccarini. at the end of the third quarter, Maine South extended their Zuccarini had i:! points to give lead to 12 points at the beginning of the final period. The trio of Russ Schmelzer. Chuck Daly, and Jeff Baker scored to put the Hawks on top 66-54 Maine West almost came back, but they fell fought game victories, yet short as a Chuck Daly free throw .stammered when it came to late in the game gave the Hawks winning the decisive third game a 75-74 victory. of the match and dropped all •We didnt play up to our pothree of their contests. Meg Seng 77 attributes the tential.' said coach Sullins •Qur ball handling and reboundvarsity success this year to a ing was poor, but it was probably team balance.

Volleyball Destroys Indians by Sue Leonard Maine South voUevball will be hopping this weekend as the team is scheduled to travel to New Trier East tonight for a 6:30 match and host Glenbrook South at 2:00 p.m. Saturdav. The varsity will seek to strengthen its 6-1 season record while the J.V. will seek to tighten the gap upon its present 3-4 standing Coach Chris \oelz captured the tone of the upcoming matches this weekend when she stated. This is the midpoint of the season, therefore, it will be a reflection upon where we ve been and an indication of where we are going." On Tuesday. .November 23. the Hawks romped against conference opponent Niles West Both levels swept their matches in two games, the varsity won by identical scores of 20-9, and J \'. won 15-3. and 15-8.

The Indians could not muster a solid offense and thus enabled our Haw'ks to pick away at their court imbalance The J.V. showed calm and poise on defense and attacked with an added gutsiness that gave them the winning edge In the LaGrange Invitational on .November 20. the Hawks were not able to capture first prize yet they did gain a new focus or stress point for further growth and success— that being a more efficient backcourt. The varsity fared quite well against Richards and Oak Forest, defeating them bv scores of 20-11. 20-2: and 20-7. 20-5 respectively. .Against Lions Township, however, the Hawks were caught in a shuffle when battling the towering block of Lion s 6 3 spiker. and were setback 14-20.10-20. The J.V. earned four hard

typical first game jitters. I was pleased though with the play of Tom Barr. He really shot well this game .Also. I thought we shewed a lot of courage when we came back after being down five points at half-time." The Hawks lost in the second round to New Trier East 69-63 in over-time. Maine South outplayed New Trier in the first half but New Trier came back in the second half. They sent the game into over-time on a half court basket just as the fourth quarter buzzer sounded. The Hawks tired in the over-time period and New Trier won 69-63. Guards Pat Nugent and Jeff Baker had an excellent night for the Hawks. "The kids played a much better game against New Trier, and we led throughout the whole ball game until the over-time.""

Hawks Look to Win by Ted Pankau Maine South bovs swim team takes on Wheeling tonight and will host Morion East tomorrow at home beginning at 1:30 p.m Coach Butler stated. We should beat both Wheeling and Morton East. Some of the juniors who haven't had much experience are doing very well and will help out against these two teams "• The leam started off their season with a loss to Elk Grove F"irst places were taken bv Keith Thurnell (200 individual Medley I. and Wayne .Madsen 1200-yard Freestyle'. In a triangular meet against Evanston and Lane Tech. Maine

South finished second behind —^ Evanston. First places went to Keith Thurnell 1500-yard Freestylei, Amy Pontow (33) smashes a spike in a recent Hawk victory. Other Hawks (in white) Thurnell also look a second in the are (from left to right) Peggy Lukens (40), Sue Leonard (23), Meg Seng (55) and 200-yard IM Joan Henley. Tom Rorvedt took a first in the diving competition. Bruce .Arbeit led the medley relay team as he came from behind in the Breaststroke to pass the Lane Tech relay team. The varsity Hawk wrestling trying for their third win in three •We wrestled well against a Coach Butler commented. leam 1 considered to be even We did very well at the Tri- learn will battle Deerfield at 7:30 meets. Coach Tom Ziemek com- competition for us.'" said Coach meet Lane Tech has improved a tonight at Deerfield. mented. "West Leyden is a tough Ziemek. "1 thought that .Adolf great deal since last year which Tomorrow, they will go into a helped to make it an exciting double dual at West Lcyden. leam. They are as strong, if not Vaniz and Rich Pluta wrestled meet Our times weren't as good Holy Cross and Glenbard West stronger than the Wheeling team well for us." as the first meet, but as a whole. will be the other two teams at that beat us 51-0 the other d a y " The matmen were shut out by Last Saturday, the wrestlers Wheeling 51-0 on Wednesday. the twvsdid verv well" this meet. The Hawks will be traveled to Willowbrook and November 24. Wheeling domicame out victorious 28-22. This nated in all the weight classes was a very tight meet for the Hawks since they and Willowbrook were evenly by Sue Fay Gymnasts. Roxanne Vogel cap- Goll. "Tlic girls are performing matched. In two of the individual The girl s gymnastics leam tured a first in compulsary very well and they haven"t matches, Steve Mikos and Ron was narrowly defeated in their vaulting with a 6 6. In optional reached their peak yet. The Reporto tied their opponents. .Adolf Vaniz and Dan Todd won second meet of the season by vaulting. Jan Krueger scored a future looks very bright." Glenbrook South on Monday. 5.9 to take a second place. The Hawks next home meet is their matches for the Hawks in by Tim Ellsworth November 22 The difference in The Hawks grabbed first and Saturday, December 4th against the lower weight classes, while, The Varsity Gymnastics team the varsity .score was less than se<'ond in optional bars. Loy Niles West Competition begins in the heavier weight classes. two points with Glenbrook on top Sheflotl scored a 7.65 for the first at 1:30, The girls will be going Rich Plula. Tom Garcea and opened their 1976-77 season with 78.4-77,1. The J.V. score was while Robin Becker took second after their first win of the Kevin Jones won for Maine 3 losses to 3 non-conference teams South. even closer wiih only a 65 of a with a 7.0 In the optional bal- season. In the Hawks opener against point being the winning number ance beam competition. Carol Mundelein. the team looked for Glenbrook as thev won 47 35- Peterson took a second place by shaky in losing 104 to 61. .Sopho467. turning in a 5.75, more Eric .Martin compiled a 6.3 "The meet was a success for Fine performances were on the trampoline and a 5.9 in the turned in bv manv of the Hawk us." commented coach Phyllis The Granzyk football league turning lettermen. Bob Havlir. free exercise Ruxton also and the F.V. junior's bowling Jeff Starzec. Don Fagerson. and scored well on the high bar with league have been two of the theGries. 6.15 points more popular activities outside The battle for first place in the In their next meet, the Hawks of school. FV. juniors league is going ran up against a tough Wheeling The Granzyk football league is strong Favored team Team team, losing 124-72 Scott Kimdrawing near to the close of its Ebonite has dropped down to an brel looked strong on the parallel fourth successful season. The 18-18 record and a fourth place in bars scoring an 8 10 and Eric G.F.L. is sponsored by Mr. competition so far this year. Martin compiled a 6.95 on Granzyk and Mr. Dienes and Captain Nero E. Skiba stated, trampoline, a 59 in free meets regularly on Sunday "the reason we aren't doing so exercise, and a 3.1 in all around. mornings. The sponsors actively well is that our best bowler. Against East Leyden. the Craig Youngquist. was placed on participate in the games. Hawks were defeated again 113 our 21 day disabled list a couple Many of the regular players to 75. .Again. Scott Kimbrel and telt that the G.F.L. is among the of weeks ago This hurt us since Eric Martin came through with best curricular activities at we had to take a 139 for "S'ounger very high scores. Martin scored school. Kevin Conway, "77 com- and Buffalo Hiera. Ralph Hetzel an 8.55 tramp and 7 35 free mented. 'Well, hey — there's a and myself have seen a slump of exercise, while Kimbrel tallied a lot of hard hitting going in there, nine pin taps" 7.95 on the parallel bars. bui 1 think we come away from it The league leader thus far has Next, the Hawks will have to better friends." been the Grandolph boys This face rivals Maine West and The teams season was hurl a team (Team Guami is made up Evanston to put a win on their little this year since there were of the following fine bowlers: record This Year's Maine South Fall Sports MVPs are (from no returning lettermen. but the their captain, the evil Keithmo. On the Frosh-Soph level, there left to right) Ken Mrowiec, Steve Senf, Mark StiggleG.F.L. is looking forward to a John Pudlo. Jim Harrington, and is none, so 1 won't mention any good '77 season with four re- Kristv Barrett. man, Jeff Getz and Mike Moorman. thing.

Wrestlers Battle Deerfield

Gymnastics Team Comes Up Short

Lost Leagues Uncovered

Gymnasts Drop Three

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