southwords Vol. 14, No. 4
Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068
Nov. 18,1977
Vandalism Meeting l-leld By Liz Fichera Creating student, parent and staff awareness of the vandalism problem and discovering positive solutions to vandalism are the two main goals of the Maine South Vandalism Committee. The committee consists of nine adults and five students: Mr. Robert Simonson, assistant principal; Mr. and Mrs. William DeCicco, P.T.C.; Mr. Bernard Brady, athletic director; Ms. Virginia Feurer, counselor; Mr. John Heuman, teacher; Mr. Melvin Mensching, head custodian; Mr. John Minerick, safety director; Mr. Elbert Smith, dean of students; Pete Omarzu, Student Council president; Dan Ryan, Junior; Beth steffen, Senior; Karen Maiorano, Southwords; and Laz Fichera, Southwords. At the committee's first meeting on Nov. 1, Pete Omarzu suggested a Saturday Work Program in place of restitution. Students would be able to earn the money to pay for their damages by doing odd jobs at school on Saturdays. Pete explained that this program has been experimented with in California schools and found successful. Could this program be a deterrent to vandals as well as an incentive to students who accidentally break something and are not able to afford payment right away? Although several serious vandalism cases have been brought to court, the
administration prefers to deal with the vandals rather than resort to the courts. Restitution, suspension and parent involvement often represent more action than prosecution would involve. "Students appear to be more concerned with personal theft rather than damage done to school property," said Ms. Feurer. Ms. Feurer is trying to organize a Values Analysis Clinic for students willing to attend, as well as developing different counseling approaches. Problems in the cafeteria were also discussed. Pete Omarzu announced that Student Council will propose another Student Cafeteria Monitor Program. Six students, including one captain, and two faculty members would form a team. Only sophomores, juniors and seniors could participate and only juniors and
College Fair Being Held The Chicago National College Fair will be held in the Expocenter, on the second floor at 350 N. Orleans St., across from the Merchandise Mart. The Fair will be held on Friday, Nov. 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. and on Saturday, Nov. 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Fair is an ideal opportunity to gather a considerable amount of basic information about colleges and the programs they offer. This can
Senior Wins Scholarsliip David Greising has won the Century III Leaders Scholarship competition at Maine South, according to Dr. Clyde K. Watson, school principal. David is now eligible to compete with other high school seniors throughout Illinois for one of two $1000 scholarships and also for a $10,000 national scholarship that will be awarded at a conference of state winners in Williamsbui^, Virginia. David triumphed in the local phase of the Century III Leaders Scholarship Program, a national futures studies, writing, citizenship, and current events awareness competition. To do this, he scored highest at the school in a current events examination and in the writing of a brief essay on America's needs and challenges for the future. The program is administered by the National Association of Secondary Sdiool Principals and
seniors could be captains. Rewards for cafeteria duty would be honor hall passes and possibly sophomore lounge. Mr. Simonson also reported that he is trying to get a fund for vandalism approved. This fund of $3300 could be used for student purposes if not used up by vandalism costs. Student Council will sponsor a poster contest in February in order to campaign against vandalism. Rewards for best poster will be offered, and the winning poster will be printed up by the Industrial Education Department and displayed throughout the school. The administration wishes to point out the difference between vandalism and accidentally breaking Maine South property. No punishment is involved in the case of an accident.
is funded by the Shell Oil Company. Runners-up at Maine South were Kathryn Kages and Kaveh Safavi. The two Illinois winners will receive an all-expense-paid trip to the third annual Century III National Leadership Seminar in Williamsburg from Feb. 24-27 to participate in seminars on current issues.
also be a time to meet representatives from various colleges. Advice and literature from 330 schools from 44 states and three foreign countries, including France, Mexico and Switzerland, will be available. A special feature of the Fair is the Individual Counseling and Career Information Center, where visitors can sit down and talk with a counselor on a one-toone, basis. These professionals, who volunteer their time, will answer specific questions on college planning. Financial aid and admissions testing information are also available in this area. The Fair is open to the pubhc, and there is no charge for admission or for any of the educational services provided.
Dance Sponsored by Sue Rebedeau The Snow ball, a winter dance, sponsored by the Senior Class, will be held on Dec. 10 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Casual dress suggested. This means a short dress for girls and a suit for guys. The cost is $4 per couple, and the dance is dutch treat. The Snowball is girls' or guys' choice. David Greising, president of the Senior Class, believes that "The Snowball should be successful because of the four month span during which there are no dances. Because the dance is close to Christmas we've tried to hold down the cost as much as possible, and we believe that some of our new, innovated ideas should make the Snowball lots of fun." Ann Fritz, vice-president of the Senor Class feels that the
S.C. Makes Proposals by Karen Maiorano Three committees have been set up in Student Council to make proposals concerning a student minitors program, an alternative lunch program, and the lunch lines in the cafeteria. The student minitors program will be designed for students to take the place of faculty minitors. There will be one or two faculty members each period and lounge period; however, the rest of the monitors will be
MS Students Tour Springfield
by Mary Callahan be a worthwhile experience. A tour of the state capital in "The students had a chance to Springfield was taken by see how the government really government classes on Nov. 3. worked. They saw controversial Focal points of the tour included issues being discussed. I think it the Capitol Building, the gave them an understanding of Supreme Court chamber, and the how a republican government by Pete Kaeding governor's office. Students also really works." Tickets for the Maine South V- stopped to visit Lincoln's tomb en Show, "Genesis", will go on sale route. Creative Magazines on Monday, Nov. 21 in the student Students viewed a special cafeteria during all lunch session in the House of To Be Distributed periods. The show will be held on Representatives that had been by Sue Rebedeau Dec. 1, 2 and 3 at 8 p.m. and on called for the purpose of HIEROGLYPHICS. the Dec. 3 and 4 at 2:30 p.m. overriding Gov. Thompson's veto creative writing magazine, will There are about 277 performers on mandatory sentences for in the cast and about 100 people in persons convicted of child be distributed on Nov. 21 or 22, according to Editor-in-Chief the crew. pornography. Later, a debate Mary Beth Cregier. emerged on the floor that Fifty-eight pieces of prose and questioned the powers of the poetry being published along Speaker of the House. This led to with artarefrom 14 students. One a heated discussion of the hundred twenty-eight fundamental purpose of a were submitted to judges.pieces republican form of government. HIEROGLYPHICS is now Although the Supreme Court ready to begin judging material was not in session on Nov. 3, for the second issue. Preliminary students toured the court and had judging will take place through the opportunity to speak with the Dec. 16, and the final draft will Court Clerk who explained the begin on Jan. 5. The second issue Court's structure and process. will be distributed around Feb. 1. En route to Governor Single copies may be Thompson's office, the group was purcl^sed in the cafeteria for 30 surprised by the governor cents or a year's subscription himself. He shook students' may be obtained for one dollar. hands, showed them his office, If you have anything to submit and then posed for pictures with to the creative writing magazine, them. bring it to V-106, give it to your Mrs. Barbara Heerman, trip teacher or put it in Mr. Beatty's Senior Dave Greising receives the Century III Leaders Scholarship organizer, felt the trip proved to mail box. from Maine South.
V'Show Tickets To Go On Sale
Snowball will be a big success because everytxxly will be in the Christmas spirit." It will be an inexpensive dance. It should be a really great time." Dave Ryan '78, stated, "The Snowball idea has been thrown around for a while now, and I think that if people keep an open mind about the dance, it should be a goodie." Jim McGlade '80 said, "Since I spent most of my millions of dollars on Homecoming, it will give me a chance to go to McD's afterwards. Anyway I feel the dance is a great idea, and hopefully it will go over big." Many believe that Snowball will be a success and will promote not only the Christmas spirit but also school spirit. So ask a date now to the Snowball.
sophomore, junior, and senior students. Incentives will be given to students who participate in the monitoring program. "Die alternative lunch program is intended to stop students from messing the cafeteria. Students seen messing the cafeteria the second or third time will be removed from the cafeteria. The students will then be sent into a room similar to a detention hall to eat lunch. This program has also been suggested by teachers. The third committee has been formed in protest to the lunch lines. The committee is trying to get all six lunch lines open every day in order for students to get served quickly. The committee is also trying to keep the lunch lines and snack bar from closing too early. At times the snack bar has closed too early during lounge, and the committee hopes to settle this problem also. Pete Omarzu, Student Council president, said, "The conditions of the cafeteria have vastly improved, and the lunch lines need to be open longer."
College Questions? An informational hot line, sponsored by the Illinois Association of College Admissions Counselors, will be available to students on Nov. 25 and 26 from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. during the IHSA football play-off telecasts. Students who have questions about college selection, admissions, testing, and financial aid may have their questions answered by calling the hot line. Calls will be answered by high school counselors, college admissions personnel, college financial aid personnel and representatives from ACT, SAT and the Illinois State Scholarship Commission. The toll-free number is 800-942-4622.
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Nov. 18, 1977
Opportunities Overlooiced By John Peters, Commentary Editor How many times have you heard someone say, "Maine South s..."? For some students, this statement renders affirmative agreement; for others, negative dissent; while still others, no response whatsoever. Regardless, a person who makes such a statement is either exhibiting ignorance to, feeling betrayed by, or despising his own failures in the opportunities available to him at Maine South. Sure, anyone can find at least one aspect wrong with almost anj^thing. However, compared to a national consensus, the average American high school just cannot compare with Maine South. (We were rated as number one in the nation a few years back, remember that?) The level of academic training here at South, as well as the abundance and the quality of the extracurricular and athletic activities are quite superior. However, brought to one on a silver platter these opjwrtunities to excel are not; one has to work at them. History has shown, for the most part, that effort, not talent, is the main key to success; that the individual makes his own breaks. If a student does not attempt to exert this effort and believes success in opportunities to be easily attainable ar arm's length, he will most likely be inclined to repeat the above statement due to his failures concerning these opportunities. Some of us here at Maine South just don't know how lucky we are. Next time someone says, "Maine South s...", he should reflect upon what a great education he could get in Chicago somewhere, or what great ways he could develop his athletic talents and special interests in a Rockford high school, where many athletic and extracurricular activities have
been cut out. Yet, alas, someone may contrive a statement such as "I don't need all that effort and activities — I just want to do my four years and get out." However, where will Uiisp person find himself in later life without knowledge, leadership quality.
and moral stability? If however, this person's main ambition in life is to be a total bum, Maine South does, certainly for him, "s...". Otherwise, a Maine South student taking such a lethal cut at such a fine institution would be the same as a rose counting its thorns.
Seniors Cheated By Catherine Dever Do you remember when you honor the senior class, but the attended your first all school administration feels that the assembly? How could any of us seniors are making some kind of forget...? Not all assemblies may a party out of it. be that exciting, but there is one The administration had assembly that most everyone threatened previous classes for looks forward to, especially the the last 6 or 7 years, but because senior class. That is the Senior of the supposed immaturity Awards Assembly, the last shown by the seniors (such as assembly of the year. tossing balloons around), the Senior Awards Assembly is a administration felt that the very special one to most seniors. behavior was getting worse each For three years the present year, so they drew the line and senior class has attended these made their move. assemblies while watching what However, why should any class each previous senior class has accomplished and achieved, be judged by another class? No praising them for their efforts two classes could be identical, and there has to be such a thing and hard work. Remember looking down from as a good senior class. At this assembly the seniors way up in the boonies at all the big seniors receiving awards and are excited (a normal reaction to scholarships and hoping that your last day of being supervised some day you would be walking in the school you have attended up there in front of the whole for four years). Who is being hurt school, being acknowledged for by Uttle harmless balloons flying something that you worked very around or a few loud noises? The hard for. main thing is that most of the Well, class of '78, now that it's distractions occur before or after your turn to be the main the awards are given out, so if we attraction and looked up to by the give our attention to those who rest of the school, the are being honored, and when they administration has voted to do are being honored, what harm is away with the all school Senior being done? Awards Assembly. They want to The president of the senior replace it with an awards night in class has appealed this action to the Auditorium, where the administration and will be attendance would not be heard on the first Monday in mandatory. They claim this is a December. So, if this really result of the misuse of this means a lot to we seniors, we are assembly in previous years. This really going to have to fight for honors assembly is supposed to it!!!!
Letter Denounces Clique To Those Whom This Concerns: Homecoming—a time for everyone to get involved. Let's hear it for school spirit! !!Rah. Rah. Now that corsages have withered and the foottiall players have hung up their jerseys for another year, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could extend the concept of school spirit to include more that an annual football game? For as soon as Homecoming is over, school becomes once more a cold place to be even on the warmest d a y s just cold and plastic. For one reason—CLIQUES... Call them what you l i k e cheerleaders, Hawkettes, jocks, brains, burnouts, class officers, thespians, Choir singers. Pep Club loyalists... Just look around. Can a "brain" ever eat lunch with a "burnout" without fear of being gossiped about by his fellow colleagues in accelerated classes? Can a "jock" date a common student without being kidded by his lockerroom "chums"? Can a Hawkette lower herself to conversing with someone who does not qualify for any of the aforementioned cliques? Can a member of Choir ever expand his social circle beyond the first soprano section?
Ugly stereotypes and prejudices have developed here in lily white Maine South. It's time we got off our egoes. After all what good will it do to have been a cheerleader or a class council member, in 1987? If we start treating each other like human beings rather than hiding behind masks which certain activities prefer, school can be and will be a much warmer place. Instead of racing against each other for popularity, why don't we slow down and walk together? Beneath all the various stigmas attached to us, aren't we all humans? A Disillusioned Student
Soccer Finishes
by Dan White The varsity Hawk soccer team closed out their 1977 season last week in sectional play at Maine West. South played Evanston, Elk Grove, and (Gordon Tech. The team with the best record of the three games then proceeds to the state finals at Northern University. Gordon Tech emerged winner. On October 31, South faced Evanston, one of the top rated teams in the area. The Hawks lost 3-2 in a double overtime. South got an early 2-0 lead in the first quarter on goals by Tom Winkowski and Jay Dunsing with assists, from Bill Shinn and Manny Mueller. Maine South had nine shots on goal, while Evanston had 10. On Wednesday, November 2, In order to solve any problem you must first understand the kickers blanked Elk Grove 3the causes. One thing that students say is that the teams of the 0. school stink. However, this isn't exactly true. For instance, the Nick Leever opened up the girls' volleyball and swimming teams have consistently had scoring for South at 10:57 of the first quarter on a fine pass from outstanding records and yet their fan support is nill. Bill Shinn. Another common excuse students use is that they have to Leever added another goal on a work. Sure, students have to work to get money, everyone penalty kick giving him a total of does, but why bust your back working 40 hours a week to do it. 25 goals for the season. Randy The way I see it is that after high school and college, you've latesta was the other Hawk to got your whole life to work. Why not enjoy the good things now score. The Hawks managed 12 snots on, while Elk Grove had by showing some spirit. only six. Although some students knock the school for whatever the Last Saturday, Gordon Tech reason, you'll find that after you graduate you'll think that handed the Hawks their first school wasn't that bad after all. defeating shutout 2-0. In two or three years when you're paging through your Their offensive punch can be yearbook or a copy of SOUTHWORDS, recalling all the summed up in two words—Joe nostalgic moments, think that you could have enjoyed it by Fillian. While hobbling along showing participation in supporting the sports of this school. with an injured foot and knee this forward still managed to score 1 am not saying that everyone should go out and be a jock both their goals. or a Rah Ra, but show some interest by coming to the games. Both teams had five shots on.
Wlud Haj^md T& Owi SufffioAg Ch^^mie^ by Dan White You're a tiny spot in an empty mass of green bleachers, the wind carrying the distant sound of cheerleaders voices to you, the only loyal Hawk at a typical Maine South game. People realize that school spirit is dwindling, but they don't do anything about it. Maybe this is because few people have been to the games to see for themselves. But, the supporters of the other school's teams aren't as dense. For instance, at the recent varsity soccer sectional tournament two weeks ago at Maine West, a typical observance was made. Several Evanston cheerleaders and some of their many fans asked the few Hawk student fans what had happened to all our school spirit? They said here was a team (Maine South) that made it to the sectionals, but had no fans to cheer them on. This ideal scene of empty bleachers is not only common at the soccer games, but at most athletic events. Lack of spirit is obviously a problem. Its solution isn't very difficult.
Now. 18, 1977
Give Son City A Chance
By Noreen Keane very mention of Son City is an People at South have a instant turn-off to some. tendency to condemn things All that can be asked is that you before ever taking the time to as an individual take the time to learn more about them. Such is read the rest of this article the case of Son City. Even now, unbiasedly. If you like what you some will start to turn away to a read, consider going; if not, then different article, because the totally ignore it and forget that
you ever took the time to read this. The one big gripe about Son City, which is very common, seems to be that it's too religion oriented. The funny thing is that it's not. True, Son City as well as South Park Church does practice and promote Christianity, but it is not forced upon you. In fact, even if you are not a Christian a knight then crashing through a you are still encouraged to come. passed pawn for a queen and the Son City is a place to begin new win. Tim's victory locked the relationships with others, grow meet for Maine South giving with other people, and most them a 3-0 lead with only two importantly grow with Christ. games left. Some may wonder how you get On fourth board Herb the chance to begin new Baumann '78, also back rank relationships with other people if mated his opponent. The game you don't know anyone. A Son took only twenty minutes and City team is a good way to meet was the first point scored for new people. A team is a group of Maine South in their debut in the people who meet regularly and league. come together to become quite Rich Schennberg '78, on fifth good friends, working togeUier, board, destroyed his opponent, learning and growing through who had been playing for all of each oOier and Christ. two weeks, leaving himwwith These people that you come to only two pawns against a queen, rook, bishop, and several pawns. know begin to mean a great deal There will be five official to you and you as an individual boards along with three mean a lot to them. The people exhibition boards on which that go to Son City are not games will be played today. "freaks" as many here at South Anyone who wishes to watch the label them. They are just a bunch games may as long as strict of kids that get together during silence can be maintained. The the week or perhaps on weekends that share many common ideals meet will be held in A-308. and beliefs. I think that if you label kids who go to Son City because they hang around the same people part excellently. with the same beUefs, then you Despite a few setbacks at first, must label other clubs here at Dunn and Carol finally fall in South also: drama people, love. Carol finds out that Jack athletic sports teams, rah-rahs. has been living in dreams ever The list, as anyone could see, is since the war. When he discovers endless. It's not fair to stereotype the truth about an old war buddy, people on the basis of what Qiey he rejects Carol and runs off as if believe or who they pick as their to kill himself. But she won't let friends just as it is not fair to him; she tells him how much she stereotype all who go to Son City loves him and how she doesn't as "Freaks"! want him to go crazy. He finally Son City has been in existence faces the truth, as if she for many years. It has proved to resurrected his mind. be the most successful youth One is left to believe that Jack group around. Son City works comes out completely sane and because of the care and the love that he is cured of his illusions. In that people who go there spread. my opinion, it is somewhat It works because many have the unreaUstic that a person can be same goals in mind. cured so quickly and just by the reassurance of love; but maybe one if just supposed to beUeve that he is beginning to realize his illusions and that Carol will By Debbie Gann always be there to help. When most students hear the But the ending is still fantastic, word social worker, they even if a bit idealistic. One immediately associate it with a realizes the depths of love and person that deals with students how powerful it can be. I must who have enormous problems. compliment the director on an Mrs. Natalie Dranoff, our social excellent choice of music for the worker, explained that this belief ending. "Carry On, My Wayward is a misconception. She Son" by Kansas, is so in tune with explained, "I see students who the meaning of the movie, and it want to prevent problems or just adds the final touch into making to talk about them with an objective person as a listener." this a good movie.
Chess Team Hosts Niles West Today the Knighthawks, the Maine South Chess Team, will be hosting Niles West in their first home meet. The Knighthawks defoited Maine North 4-1 on November 2nd. This strong showing against one of the better teams in the North Shore Chess League gives the Knighthawsk a good chance of obtaining one of the several playoff spots next February. First board Art McCann '79, back rank mated his opponent. McCann surprised the club members this year by upsetting many of the top players to secure his position. Art's victory was the second one of the meet and gave the team a 2-0 lead. Tom Tryboski '79, on second board, resigned against Maine North's toughest man. They played an interesting Steinitz variation of the Ruy Lopez. Third board Tim McGinn '78, crushed his opponent sacrificing
'Heroes' Refreshing, Different by Tina Prodyma In an era of violent, vacuous movies, it's refreshing to find one that's different. "Heroes," starring Henry Winkler and Sally Field, is a heartwarming yet thought-provoking flick. Henry Winkler, of Fonzie fame, in his first major movie role, proves that he can actually act. The complex behavior of Jack Dunn is well-expressed by Winkler. "Heroes" is a love story between a disillustioned Viet Nam war veteran and a confused, aloof woman who is supposed to be married in three days. Dunn, who is constantly being shuffled in and out of the Veteran's hospital, finally escapes to travel to California to start his one desire in life, a worm farm with his war buddies. If that sounds a bit absurd to you, remember that a red-faced doctor decreed that Dunn is a bit nuts. Our Dunn travels to his destination via Greyhound bus, and on that bus he meets his future lover, Carol Bell, played by Sally Field. At first one expects Field to sprout wings and fly (remember the "Flying Nun"?) but she, too, plays her
Wniim Ttwitfed; JCocfe Oh OdeM by Marianne Schmidt Every two weeks, the poor, overworked writers for Southwords feature section are faced with the same dilemma. They must think of an original, exciting idea to write their article on. At first glance, this may seem very easy. However, one must realize that articles pertaining to sports and news are off Umit to feature writers, since there are certain pages in Southwords devoted to these topics. So it is up to the writer to think of something original; something that will interest the students as well as the faculty. It is very hard to think of articles dealing with school which are interesting and original. Of course there are the usual articles about the library system, lounge, and open campus, but after awhile these issues lose their appearl. Then it is time to think of something new. Admittedly, I am one of those writers who has problems thinking of new ideas week after week. So I decided I would ask some of my friends for help. The
response was hardly enthusiastic. Most people couldn't think of an idea either. Many students argue that the articles in Southwords are not interesting. If these students have any ideas on how to improve the articles, they should tell the editors or writers. I'm sure any help in improving the paper would be appreciated. Soemtimes I wonder if writing articles is worth all the time that goes into it. It is very easy to become discouraged, when there is no idea to work with. Then there is always the problem of typing up the article. This can be very traumatic (especially when you can't type very well). After all the work, you wonder if people actually read your aritcle. And then, it happens! Someone comes up to you and says they read your article. The person doesn't necessarily say the article was good, just that they read it. You are filled with joy. Someone (besides your best friend) has read your article! All the time and trouble of thinking of an idea was worth it!
Social Worker Available For Counsel When asked how many students she talks to in a day, Mrs. Dranoff replied, "On a typical day I talk to about eight people." She also added that she not only talks to students, but faculty and parents also. As another facet of her relationship with students, Mrs. Dranoff teaches values clarifications in several English and Humanities classes. One goal of these classes is to provide students with preventive counseling and to develop a sense of awareness or self-discovery. Through several exercises, students evaluate decisions and the reasons behind making them. To be able to evaluate decisions also helps in dealing with fictional characters in literature. By understanding the force that makes characters chose certain
paths, allows for a better understanding of a novel. To affirm an idea in a classroom makes a student see that decision more clearly to himself. Another benefit from these exercises is that they create an atmosphere where students can be honest with each other without fear of embarrassment. No one walks away from a values clarifications class with the feeling that their answer was incorrect, because there are no right or wrong answers. Mrs. Dranoff's office (in the personnel office) is open to anyone who would like to talk with her. A poster on her wall sums up the type of help she can give. "To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are."
Om m Om Ghm Goiul FeeSmg "One on One" is a movie that leaves everyone with a good feeling as they walk out of the theater. It is a surprising and slightly ironical script that emphasizes the old moral that with determination and an understanding friend anything can be conquered. The plot begins as a college freshman from a small town enters a top university on a basketball scholarship. He is treated sarcastically by his private student tutor who thinks all jocks are dumb. The coach, on the other hand, couldn't care less about mentality. The irony
comes out when the roles are switched and the coach's motives interfere with the tutor's realization of the main character's ability to study; as well as love. The audience is easily drawn into the feelings of frustration, anger, love, and the wiU to fight back so that by the time the movie is over you will feel as though you've accomplished a miracle yourself. The best thing about the movie is that it isn't a miracle, but a beUevable portrait of humans and unlike most movies, it relates to teenagers on a serious leveL
Page 4
Nov. 18, 1977
V-Ball To Compete in Tourney Tomorrow By Janet Shamlian it should be a good challenge for The Girl's Volleyball our block and coverage," said Tournament team will compete Jane Bixby '78. in the Homewood-Flossmoor On Nov. 25-26, the volleyball Tournament tomorrow beginning team will host the Maine South at 10 a.m. Turkey Tourney. The "We're ready for a lot of tough Tournament involves about 16 competition during this schools from all over the state. tournament. We have as good of a Play begins at 8:30 a.m. on chance as any of the other teams, Saturday and continues through and we hope that we'll make it to 8:30 p.m. Semi-finals will start on the finals," said varsity coach Sunday with finals beginning at Chris Voelz. 2:30 p.m. "In the Homewood-Flossmoor "During the Turkey Tourney, Tournament we'll be up against we are expecting some of the some really big competition, and finest and most exciting
volleyball in the state. The caliber of play will be as high as in state competitions," stated coach Voelz. "Drop in anytime. Maine South begins play at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday against Morton East." Last Saturday, the Hawks faced West Leyden. The varsity team won 20-4 and 20-6, while J. V. lost a tough game 15-13, 10-15 and 12-15. On Thursday, Oct. 10, the girls took the conference championship with a win over Waukegan East. Having lost only
Skaters Glide to 3-0 Record by John Dano Led by two-goal performances from Jeff Starzec and Bob Havlir, the Maine South Hawks extended their record to 3-0 by t>eating Maine East last Sunday 6-0. The Hawks next game will be this Sunday against Niles North
at 5:30 p.m. at Oakton Park Arena. Freshman Steve Sullivan, who started in nets in place of the injured Dave Maloney, turned in a sparkling performance while leading the Hawks to their first shutout of the season. Jeff Hultberg scored the only
This year's Maine South varsity hockey team's tri-captains include: John Peters [lett] Jeff Starzec [middle] and Bob Havlir [right]. The team now has a 3-0 record.
C-C Boys Complete Season by Scott Erickson The varsity cross country squad met stiff competition in the District Meet at Ridgewood on Sat. Oct. 29. The team finished with an overall score of 170, which put them in sixth place. The first man to come across for
Hawk Dave Craig finishing up the last 100 yds. of his run at Niles West in the conference meet. Craig finished in third place.
Maine South was Dave Craig '78. Dave finished 11th with a time of 15:13. The teams second man was Joe Bogard '78 in 12th with a time of 15:15. Dave Mau '79 was next to cross the Une. Dave finished in 22nd with a time of 15:35. Mark Borgmann '78 was the next South runner to finish. Mark ended up in 48th with a time of 16:11. Dave D'Hooge was the number five man for the squad. Dave finished 78th with a time of. 16:57. Only two members of the varsity squad advanced to the Sectional Meet at Oak Park last Saturday. The two runners were Dave Craig and Joe Bogard. On a terrible track, Dave pulled in a super 17th place. This run beat six of the runners who had finished before him in the District Meet. Joe Bogard, the other South nmner, came in at the 52nd spot. Coach Kilcullen said, "The team kept losing the fifth man is our lineup. If we had been able to keep a steady number five man we would have done much better."
goal of the first period for the Hawks, five minutes into the period when a Maine East player was in the panalty box. Assists on the goal went to Dan Zyumal and Barry Thomas. Shots on goal in the first period ended at 6 a piece which gives an indication of how even the first period was played. In the second period, the Hawks started to take command. The Demons had a golden opportunity to score at the beginning of the period when a Demon player was left open in front of the Hawks net. A fantastic save by goalie Sullivan was the only reason the Demons did not tie the game. The Hawks then exerted themselves and at 11:52 Barry Thomas ripped the puck home for a score. Bob Berleith and Hank Smyth assisting. Two minutes later Jeff Starzec scored the first of his 2 goals when the Hawks were shorthanded. Starzec stole the puck from the Maine East defenseman and skated in alone from the red line and flipping the puck over the sprawled Maine East goalie for the score. To give an example of the hard checking going on, at 5:40 the referee was hurt when he was caught in a melee of players and had to leave the ice for repairs. When play was resumed, Starzec scored again on a slapshot when he was given the puck inside the blue line from Bob Havlir, thus the Hawks had a 4-0 lead. The third period began with two penalties, both against Maine East. As a result, the Hawks scored another powerful goal. Then Maine East started to get frustrated at their inability to score and as a result the rest of the game was peanlty filled. With the Hawks again finding themselves on the powerplay, Havlir scored his second goal on a good pass by Starzec. The Hawks defense, by allowing only 14 shots on goal the entire game, enabled the Hawks to coast home with a 6-0 victory.
one game this season, the Hawks have a 5-1 record in conference play. On the varsity level, the Hawks downed Waukegan East 20-13 and 21-19, while J.V. defeated the Bulldogs 15-11 and 15-13. "The game was an exciting team win for us," said coach Voelz. "Throughout the season, we've been gaining more depth and power," said coach Voelz. "Our bench strength is developing even more, and the number of consistant players we have is increasing." On Friday, Nov. 4, the Hawks defeated Libertyville on both levels. The varsity won 16-20,20-8 and 20-9, while the J.V. team came up with another win by defeating Libertyville 17-15, 9-15
and 15-9. Although both teams lost one game, they came back with consistent offense and defense to win the match. Becky Lukens '78 had an outstanding game against Libertyville. Becky passed for 79 per cent, served for 100 per cent, hit for 84 per cent and set for a solid 90 per cent. As a team, the varsity girls passed for 71 per cent, served for 93 per cent, hit for 73 per cent, set for 87 per cent and blocked for 100 per cent. "It's been very exciting to win first place in our conference. I feel that we've had a very successful season thus far, and some of our best volleyball is coming with the tournaments ahead of us," said Lukens.
Grapplers Hurting by Tom Sebastian The wrestling season starts November 22 at Wheeling. This years team is being set back by injuries. Three key Varsity wrestlers, Steve Mikos, Mike Solon, and Rich Denton are all out until Christmas. However, Rick Pluta will be coming back along with Bill Baumgartner who wrestled in the District meets last year. Ron Roporto and his brother Ralph will be coming back with alot of experience in their favor. Also coming out this year will be Bob Brown, who doesn't have experience, but will add to the heavyweight class. Coach Tom Ziemek commented that in order to win the boy's wiU have to separate their weights, there are too many men in the same weight class. The sophomores are also hampered by injuries. There is
also a dire need for more boys to come out. The Freshmen, however, have come out with 45 boys. Most of these boys are from the Football team, and coach Ziemek thinks that this is a tough bunch. The Freshmen will be our future hopes for Varsity. When asked what the goals are for this year's team. Coach Ziemek replied that they set their goal for the conference and District Championships. The Wrestlers have a very tough schedule, which they hope will prepare them for the District meets. Come out and support the Wrestlers this season. The matches at home are unique, in that all lights are switched out except on the Wrestlers which really is an excellent setup. So come on out and support your Wrestlers.
GBN Shoots Down Hawks By Dan White The Maine South varsity football team got clobbered 26-0 by Glenbrook North two weeks ago in the last game of the season. In first quarter action, both teams appeared to be very evenly matched offensively and defensively. George Gianakopoulos's two QB sacks highlighted the Hawk defense in this period, along with Rasmussen's sack. In both the first and second quarters, both teams failed to cross the others goal line. The Hawks gained only 39 total yards during the first half of the game. Fifteen of these yards came on passing, while the other twenty-four yardis came on runs by Dave Ryan, Duke Van Selow, and Joe Beaumont. Glenbrook ripped a total of 73 yards, all of which came on the
rush. Glenbrook's Chris Larson opened up the scoring at 11:17 of the third quarter on a 38 yard TD run. This TD was the first of three to be scored by Glenbrook in the third quarter. Their next TD came on a 46-yard run by quarterback Sagan, with the help of some key blocks. North tallied at : 28 of the third period on a 51 yard Iwmb from Sagan to Renshaw, giving the Spartans a commanding 19-0 edge. A Hawk fumble on their own 29 yard hne, just seconds into the fourth quarter, resulted in the final addition to the Spartan victory. North halfback Larson eventually busted loose for the final 23-yard TD run. The extra point was good. South finished the '77 season with an overall record of 4 and 5.
Fall MVP's Announced By Dan White another record by making four At awards night last Monday, out of four penalty kicks. Leever Most Valuable Players from the was named to the All-Conference four fall sports were announced. and All-Area teams. Ed Swanson was MVP for the Mark Stiggelman was this football team. .As a tri-captain, years golf MVP, for the second Swanson was a dependable year in the district meet, and player offensively and defensively, Swanson was also third in the Lake Bluff nominated to the all-conference Invitational. He finished with the team, and was the leading Hawk lowest average of all the Hawk pass receiver. He was second golfers. Joe Bogard and Dave Craig leading tackier and scorer. Nick Leever was voted as MVP were announced as MVP's for the for the soccer team. Leever was cross-country team. They both captain of the team, scored 24 lead at the district meet, where goals in one season-thus setting Craig finished eleventh and a new school record. He set Bogard came in twelfth.
The new 1977-78 pom-pon squad Includes: front row. Ginger Schwieder, Nancy Vravick, Marianne Joyce, Linda Hagner, Ellen Eastman, Jenny Pankus, middle row: Mary Hudson, Nancy Bogacz,
Kathy Nelson, Nancy McLendon, Linda Holz, Sue Peterson, top row: Dawn Karris, Del>bie Wyatt, Julie Males, Joan Gagliano, Kay Lawrence, Maria Gianes, Karen Daniels, Daine Rissa.