southwords Vol. 14, No. 8
Maine South H.S., Park Ridge,
S.C. proposes changes
Displaying first place trophiM thÂŤy won at a r*cÂŤnt contarwica are Office Occupations students John Plarpoint, Frank Qiampa, Ellleen Olsen, Kalhy Kortas, Cathy Palesa, Janet Ristoff, Cindy Kay and Janet Ristoff. Also pictured Is sponsor Miss Slwinski. Not in the picture are Nancy Swanson and Bonnie Polovlch. The students have qualified for State Competition to be held March 11 at the University of Illinois.
All School Play to open Janet Shamlian This year's all school play, "The Miracle Worker," will open Feb. 23 through the 25. The play is based on the true story of Helen Keller. The play is being directed by Mr. Don Martello. "I feel we're going to have a very strong show. We have a good, hardworking cast. What really makes this play a special one, is that it's all true, and not just a product of someone's imagination," said Mr. Martelle. "The Miracle Worker" was written by William Gibson and is based on Helen Keller's true life experience where her instructor, Annie Silllivan, teaches her how to speak. The part of Helen is played by Donna Lewis *80. Other cast members include, Cathy Rogowski '78, as Annie Sullivan, Dave Millhiser '78, as Mr. Keller and Pat Hennessy '78, as Kate Keller. "The staging of the show is very difficult, especially with the physical scenes between Armie and Helen, but with the cast and crew working together, I think the show should be very successful," said Student Director, Julie Kielas. Dave Ford '78, is the stage manager. Mr. -Vincent Pinelli, Technical Director, and the crew have provided an open set for the stage. The curtain will not close at anytime during the play. On the opening evening of the show, the Speech and Drama Boosters are offering
an evening of dinner and theater at South. The gourmet meal will be catered by the Food Occupations Club. After the dinner, the guests will have prefered seating at the evening's performance. All profits will be donated to the Drama Department for the purchase of a new follow spotlight for the auditorium. The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the faculty lounge. The cost is $7.50 per person for dinner and the show. Tickets may be purchased in the bookstore.
The Hawkettes. under the direction of Miss Barbara Bobrich. traditionally appear at various out of school events while not performing at Maine South. The Hawkettes kicked off this year by dancing at the Football Barbecue, the annual opener for the football season, and dance at all home football and basketball games. The girls also performed in V-Show. Because of a rescheduling of the Glenbrook South game, the Hawkettes missed two games during V-Show weekend. Miss Bobrich commented, "They work hard, and it's a shame they had to miss the games. People told me they missed the girls, but, unfortunately, we can't be two places at once." Recently, Mrs. Nierman, choreCredit Where It's Due Southwords was in error last issue when it stated that the Student Council was primarily responsible for getting the Senior Class Honors Assembly reinstated. Credit should go instead to the Senior Class Council and David Greising.
outside lounge. They are trying to make resolutions to allow the students to use the grass area again. The Student Monitor Committee is trying to get a program to help make the cafeteria and lounge cleaner. This will enable students to monitor with teachers. A committee is working on the Alternative Lunch Program. Students seen messing the cafeteria would eat lunch in a room similar to a detention hall. This program emphasizes on keeping the cafeteria clean. In the recent student siu^-ey held in the home rooms. Student Council emphasized the sale of used paperback books. However, Student Council is not sure that they want to have such a sale. Pete Omarzu, Student Council president, said "I can't see the sale happening this year." The big fear is that Student Council may lose money on the sale. With the exception of Open Campus, the other survey questions were asked to get student attitudes. The student responses to the questions will enable Student Council to initiate programs to reflect what the students want. So far this year Student Council has completed their constitution which now needs ratification by the students. "This took up a great deal of time," said Pete Omarzu. Also, Student Council will be informed when new changes are planned by the administration instead of being informed after the changes are made. This will give the students more of a say in new changes or rules.
Juniors sponsor sockhop
M.S. Hawkettes keep busy Mary Callahan Dancing at Lake Forest College's halftime show will be the next out of school engagement for the Hawkettes. Eight members of the squad will also appear on Bozo Circus at the end of February. A performance at Northwestern University is a possibility, but is still tentative because of the squad's busy schedule. Last Saturday the squad performed at DePaul University's Homecoming.
Karen Maiorano Student Council has recently formed Tasks Committees and has viewed the possibility of a used paperback book sale. Tasks Committees include seven committees which are working on seven different ideas for improvement in the school. One committee is working on a traffic court. This committee will investigate problems in the parking lot. Student Council also hopes to form a traffic court through this committee. In the 1960's students committing a traffic violation would appear in front of the Student Council traffic court, and the fines would be paid to Student Council. However, this year, as in the past, fines are paid, and the money is given to the Senior Class. The Cafeteria Analysis Committee will investigate problems concerning management of the cafeteria. The committee hopes to get a new time schedule for lunch lines. For example, they hope to have the lines open longer. Another committee is working on the tardy system. The committee will do research on how many unexcused tardies are permitted. They will also redefine the difference between an excused tardy and an unexcused tardy. A committee is working on the Saturday Work Program. This program will enable students on suspension or students who have vandalized to make up their offense by doing odd jobs around the school. Another committee is working on
ographer for the Honeybears, the pompon squad for the Chicago Bears, observed the Hawkettes practice session in order to obtain new ideas for her squad. Maria Gianes '80, a member of the Hawkettes, commented, "It's hard work, but it's really worth it!"
Peter Kaeding A sockhop sponsored by the Junior Class will be held tonight from 9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. Featured at the sockhop will be "Oasis", an 11-piece combo that played "Get It On" in V-Show and also played at a sockhop last year. Members of the group include Manager Gayle Corthinos, vocal; Bill Luvisi, piano; Rob Williams, guitar; Jack Ozzie, drums; Mike Stevenson, bass; Scott Hall, and Tim Herman, tnraipet; Eric Seidel and Chris Pelzel, trombone; Chris Hildebrand. saxophone; and Brian Keman, percussion. "Oasis" plays many Chicago and Stevie Wonder songs and also disco and jazz. "We have a few of the most talented musicians in the school, and with an 11piece group there are few songs we can't perform. We have many engagements already lined up for the spring."
Photo portfolios on sale now By Jon Roma The Maine South Art Department and Photography Club have just completed their fifth annual photography portfolio. The student-chosen theme this year is "Signs of the Times" and expresses the concern of the students about this era of rapid change. This limited edition portfolio consists of ten original prints, each prepared and numbered by the individual photographer. Only 100 portfolios have been offered for sale. Techniques used range from traditional black and white prints to photographic silkscreening. The portfolios featiu-e many prints, including David Torp's silkscreen print of the famous Marshall Field clock, and Bob Banke's print of the soon-to-l)e-closed LaSalle Street Station. According to Mr. Thomas Shirley, photography instructor, one capability of the camera is to allow the photographer to record a moment of time. "This moment is our record of reality," he continued. The Photo Club plans to pm^hase new
equipment for the photo lab with the profits raised from portfolio sales. The portfolios are available at the price of $4.50 by contacting the Maine South bookstore.
All four class levels may attend the sockhop, and tickets may be purchased in the bookstore for $1. Proceeds from the sockhop will be used for the Girls' Choice Dance and Junior Prom.
Speakers place Sue Rebedeaux This year the Contest Speakers were a success at districts. The entire team placed fourth over all. "Hie following students placed and are eligible to go on to sectionals. Peggy Kerr '78 came in first for original oration, Emily Kittler '78 placed second for radio speaking, Cathy Rogowiski '78 was second for humorous interpretations. Juniors Mary Daly and Ann Herron came in third for dramatic duet acting and Pat Hennessy '78 placed third for dramatic interpretation. Sectionals will take place at the Dundee High School this weekend. Cathy Rogowski, captain of Contest Speakers, said, "'This year has really peaked at districts for the whole Contest Speaker team, and it was a great victory for everyone on the team to accomplish so much.
Ken Krlppner '79, Ken Borowski '78, and Bob Banke 79, examine the Art Department and Photo Club ponfollo,' Signs of the Times."
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Wrestler angered... Dear Editors of Southwords, I am very disappointed in the Jan. 24, edition of Southword's sports section. The reason being; too much uncessary basketball coverage and not enough coverage of other sports such as gymnastics, fencing, and most of all the toughest sport in the school, wrestling. The question arises, who wants to see a full page picture of Dan Fiddler making a superb landing on his feet after shooting a lay-up. Also, the second column of the basketball article could have been easily deleted without any difficulties. Too much basketball news could be boring. By the way, since when does the hockey team get school publicity when it is not even affiliated or supported by the school. Also, your coverage of J.V. basketball is fine, but don't you think
Varsity athletes deserve the rights to be recognized by their school? Last of all, the 21/2 "x3/4 picture of wrestler Steve Mikos is nice, but don't you think it was ignorance (or shall we say, unprofessional) that there was a picture, yet no article to go along with the picture? Either put a picture and an article in the paper, or put nothing at all. I ask not for full coverage of the various varsity teams; just a chance for other varsity teams to gain recognition and maybe even some fan support. Maybe the girls athletic program has the same sentiments as myself. Do something, Dan White. Sincerely, Richard Pluta and the Varsity Wrestling Team
...but editor explains by Dan White I received your letter about the Jan. 24 sports section of Southwords, in which you questioned judgement about the layout of the sports page. First of all, your article could have been avoided had you come to me and asked why there was no wrestling article. The reason was that the reporter broke his leg, was out of school during our deadline, and was unable to attain a wrestling story. Because my reporters number only a handful and were busy with other stories, the wrestling article was dropped. In other words, you should have gotten the facts from me, before you wrote this letter which was based on a bunch of inferences. Secondly, you said, "Wrestling is the greatest sport in the school." Who are you to say that wrestling is the best? (Compare your stats with other teams aroiuid here.) You also criticize for too much basketball coverage. But, heck, take a look at their record — 10 and 0 in Conference. With their winning success, comes an increase in fan support. Thus these fans will demand more basketball news. That's what the newspaper business is all about; making readers
happy. Specifically, people will always follow a winner. Thirdly, you question my decisions about hockey stories. Like I said before, the people will always follow a winner. Well, seeing that the hockey team finished third in the State last year, and are presently tearing their division apart, I think they do deserve space. Also, all the members of the team are Maine South students and like to see their names in the paper just as much as you and the wrestling team do, when you do well. Finally, you state that it's unprofessional to put a picture in the paper, with an article. You say, "Either put a picture or article in the paper or put nothing at all." If I catch the drift of what you're telling me, in essance it would be "I want the whole cake or nothing, half won't do". Sorry, it will have to do! I would think you would be happy with anything about wrestling on the Sports page. In conclusion, I have nothing against Tom Ziemek. He's a good coach. But I do think that you. Rich Pluta, and the rest of the varsity wrestling team should check out the facts before you write another letter to me and the Southwords staff.
January Grads By Sandy Retaihardt This year's January graduation ceremony possibly will be the last because only one-third of the graduates participate in the January graduation. This year's graduation was supposed to be held on January 27, at 2 p.m. But was postponed, because of the storm, till February 1, at 2 p.m. The graduation consisted of a Piano Interlude, by Nancy A. Lyons, Announcements by Mr. Robert Simonson-Assistant Principal, Invocation, By David W. Greising, Address to the Graduates, by Dr. Clyde K, Watson-Principal, the Presentation of Diplomas, by the Board of EducationMr. Donald Goll, Mr. William Tomrose, and the Benediction, by Rebecca L. Lukens. There were 17 graduates that actually participated. Even with the storm all these made it to the ceremony. According to Mr. Bonney the ceremony was very dignified, and although the caps and gowns were missing (because of the small participation), it went just like the one in June.
The ceremony lasted about one-half hour and the refreshments approximately one-half hour also.
Southwords The ofllcial student newspaper of Maine Township High School South. Park Ridge, Illinois 60068. Written and edited 15 times each year by students ol the high school. Subscriptions Included with activity ticket, purchased separately at $2.75 per year, or individually for 20*. (Priced higher tor issues of more than 4 pages.) Edttorin-Chtef RussSKiba News Editor Jube KeOer Fealu/e Editor Chnatoprwr Sopata Sports EdiloT Dan White Cornmenlary Editor John Peters Photo Editor Bill Kroeschell News Bureau Editor Uz Fichera Copy Edito( Cffl^olyn Qumn Reporters Usa Andoniadis Mary Callanan Mwy Jo Carlfeldl Drta Dccia. lisa Collins. Cathy Dever John Dano. Scott Ertckson Debbie Gann, Noreen Keane Karen MaiOiano. Sheryl Mooney. Tina Prodyma, Sue Rebodeau. Jon Roma Marianrte Schmidt. Tom SetÂťslian Janet Shamlian. Halina Stachowtak Photographers P^'' Brooks PhilCofco TomLrKig Cartoonists Barry Petersen, MfChelie Kugach Sponsor Wr Beatty
Ckouge^ \mdcd (0% 6B bmdm By Chris Sopata People with 6b lunch may have noticed some things that seem to tte two new plans for cutting down stolen food in the cafeteria. The first is to never have enough food in the lines so there is nothing to steal. The second is to make sure that the small amount of food available is so inedible that no one wants to steal it. These probably aren't school plans but it's what the situation has been like during 6b lunch lately. The snack line is frequently out of milkshakes and sometimes short of pretzels, nutty bars, etc. When the snack line isn't out of food, the lines are so long that students have to rush so they're not late. Something should be done to speed up service in the snack line. The cafeteria has some lines that aren't being used. If some of the items offered at the snack line were transferred to these vacant lines, traffic could be eased. With the other lines, 6b lunchers experience the same types of problems. By the middle of 6b, pizzas are almost always sold out. If on some rare occasion there are a few left, they are terrible. They are the pizzas no one else would pick and are always cold. Pizzas should be available throughout the period. "Rie hamburger line is usually sold out of hamburgers by middle of 6b. Sometimes fries remain but they are not warm or edible at that time. Hamburgers and fries should be available throughout the entire period. Type A, Pizza and Hamburger lines all have freezers with ice cream products. Last year all of these freezers were always well-stocked. This year shortages have occurred. These products can last longer periods than most of the other foods sold. They should always be wellstocked. These are the problems that students with 6b lunch face. Some 6b lunch people have been forced to bring bagged lunches to school. All students should have equal lunch facilities regardless of what period they have lunch. Lunch periods are only 20 minutes and students don't have time for anything but eating. Food supplies should be increased to the 6b lunch period. The cafeteria workers are always concerned about having food leftover. Their solution is to make less food. Students start bringing bagged lunches or get disgusted with the service and don't buy food. This makes the cafeteria workers decrease food supplies more and that makes things worse. Earlier this year a big controversy arose about the cleanliness of the
cafeteria. There were numerous threats (none which were carried out extensively) and finally students became concerned. Now the students are keeping the cafeteria cleaner and the administration should reciprocate by trying to improve conditions in all lunch periods. TTiey should also try to raise the standards of 6b lunch to the standards of other limch periods. People with 6b lunch have suffered these hardships long enough, something better he cone before the nurse's office is flooded with cases of malnutrition. T C Z I T T E S S O R E M O L H C S W 1
L ' T D A V I S I Z G B O N S A G I T N R S I N G E R K I R R I C O H R R Y D F O M E Y y B P I A N A Z S R A R L B A B H T R E K 0 0 C 0 N N 0 R 1 . I E E I L L C S R N Y H N E S S M Z O B K N G N O S L E S O T E A P A I L Y A R A L H C I R B O B S T U D E N E W K O M E K K N P E B A R R A M O R O M E S R R E R G E N I E O O E E A N V A N S E K R R A L D T Y T K C D B N N R T S E O F F I L I T A E N T K N P N A M S H L E Z A E C A N D S U G E A I K G A N A I Z I T K Y D R M E H O R S A R S i a C L T T E H N A M L E C
Can you find the names of 75 teachers, counselors and deans in this CregierSkiba masterpiece? Adamo, Anderle. Barr, Beard, Beatty, Bell. Berry, Bitta, Block, Bobrich, Bonadonna. Bonney, Bostic, Brocker. Clark. Connor. Cook, Davis, Deines, Dickey, Draho, Estes, Feichter, Gamer, Gasche, Goll, Granzyk, Greene. Hall. Heerman, Heuman, Hopkins, Homa, Hunt. Iliff, Keen, Kent, Kerr, Kerth. Kolar. LaFruit, Lahsin, Lobitz, Lowry, Mann, Marra, Morris, N. Anderson, Nelson, Ness, New. Nowak. Olson, Pellettieri, Piana, Pinelli, Purdy, Rees, Reese, Rico, Homes, Ross, Rossetti. Sass, Schlomer. Schmidt, Shirley, Singer, Tyler, Vergoth. Voelz, Williamson, Windbigler, Wyatt, Ziemek.
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Cliques hurt students In a recent issue of Southwords, there was a Letter to the Editor complaining of cliques. The aforementioned letter seemed to be quite effective; many sighs of approval were heard throughout the day. Briefly, the letter stated that there were many cliques around Maine South that proved to be very stifling. First, for the very technical readers, the definition of a clique, according to Webster's New World Dictionary, is "a small, exclusive circle of people." It seems rather obvious that there exists many differenct circles of students at Maine South. The freshman handbook one receives when enrolling at South boasts of a rainbow of activities and groups. Ah, how well the handbook unknowingly pinpoints the idea of cliques! From rahs to burnouts, from brains to Son City freaks, etc., one has no problem finding his special group or clique. The separate lunch tables, all filled with various cliques; the parties that are only for one clique to attend; the classifications and prejudgments of people on sight; all these are indications of the effect cliques have upon our school. A cheerleader walking by, aware of students muttering 'Rah" with sarcasm; a burnout acing a hard lest, as some, who prematurely expected him to be totally spaced out and dumb, gasp with surprise; a student being astonished to hear a brain crack a funny comment:
all examples of the prejudice cliques have caused at school. How commonplace is it to see a jock dating a commoner around Maine South? It seems to be a rather safe assumption to say that people in cliques stick mostly to others in their own clique. Is this by choice, or could it be pressure from one's clique? One does feel safe and confident when belonging to a certain group. There is always the security of having friends who will always be there; the certainty of knowing a weekend will never be too lonely. But how can one judge a person by their respective cliques? Doing that is like proclaiming ail John Wayne movies are bad, just because "True Grit" didn't please you. People don't all fall into clear-cut patterns; everyone is different from each other. Probably a lot of burnouts and brains have overlapping likes and dislikes. It's sad that many people don't bother to find that out. It's hard to classify a person as being in one certain category, with the magnificent complexity of people's personalities. I know with many others and myself included, that we have characeristics of a lot of different groups. Many of us love to party, yet we might also work hard to maintain good grades at school. Let's all judge people as what they are: people, not rahs or burnouts or drama people.
Girls' choice dance nears Halina Stachowiak If you don't have enough excitement in your life, Maine South is providing yet another opportunity to have some fun. Once again, the time for the annual "King of Hearts" Girl's Choice Dance is approaching us. Although the event may still be a month away, it is never too early to begin pondering about the possibilities. Already the Junior and Senior class councils, sponsors of the dance, are working hard to make the dance a success. Banners and posters are being created in order to publicize the dance. Bids, tickets, and refreshments are being ordered for the dance. Every one is working to produce an enjoyable night. Nervous chatters are also already being heard around school as girls discuss their plans. These are not, however, without worry as the girls now experience what boys traditionally must undergo. Although it is not uncommon these days for a girl to ask a boy out, especially to one of the other dances, the the tSoteric'ddveriurK of xx'OOw
excitement of Girl's Choice is singular. Anticipation of "popping the question" may be as great or greater than that of the dance itself. Queries such as "how"?, "when"?, "where"?, possibly "why"?, and most importantly "WHO"? abound everywhere. One young gentleman, offering a word of advice, suggested to act on impulse when asking a boy Whether on impulse or carefully thought out, the point is to ask someone soon before the boys are all snatched up. The dance will be held Saturday night, March 11 from 8:00 until 11:30' in the Spectator Gym. The popular band "Copperhead" will again delight us with their music. Guys, put on your best smiles and pour on the charm...girls are on the lookout. Valentine's Day. just around the corner, is a perfect chance to ask that special (?) someone. If that's too early, just be sure to ask at least a few days before the dance, or else the guys will be worried! Besides, they need the time to prepare themselves.
School spirit topic again by Loraine Keane "R-o-w-d-i-e, that's the way we spell Rowdie — let's get rowdie." You've guessed it — SCHOOL SPIRIT — again. If anything, the participation of the crowds at school sponsored events has greatly diminished from year to year and there are no clues to the reasons. Of course, fan participation hasn't really decreased all that much pertaining to the two most popular sports around school; that is, football and basketball. But just for a moment let's consider some of the more unpopular attended sports events. For instance, how many will prefer to go to a wrestling meet when a basketball game is being sponsored at the same time? How many come to a track meet after school or on a
Saturday? What about swimming? Speaking of not enough support of teams, take a look at girls' sports. How many had ever attended a girls' track meet? Or how about a girls' basketball game? When the girls' volleyball team did so well this year, the support of the team was great. But what about all those games they had before their chance of going down state was good? Harping on this issue was not the intention of this article. Simply, "how's about turn about is fair play?" "There will always be one sport that's more popular than another but can't the student body offer some school spirited support to the unpopular teams of our school. Don't they deserve the same recognition given to the more popular teams?
Winter blues down students By Lisa Coilin only chance for a little cheer. If asked where I wanted to live, I would All of the skiers in Maine South say, "up north." This answer would be probably love winter, but what about said with undoubtful reassurance, yet tennis players, swimmers, and bikers. the winter months often put a damper on These months leave us shut away in the house to rot in front of the T.V. with a big my enthusiasm. Statistics have shown that the suicide bag of potato chips. rate in January and February is at its peak. This is probably because of the poor weather, the fact that spring activities (when most things happen) are far away, and finals are near for many Dear Dr. X, I, as most other students, dread 8:10 to students. December is full of parties and 8:24 on weekdays, or the time of day afholidays and skiers can jump on fresh fectionately known as homeroom. I just piled hills. January and February sit there very bored. Last week I even consist of nothing but slush and zero caught myself listening to the Daily weather. These months prove that no- Bulletin. Was that serious? WORRIED thing is over quite like Christman. De- Dear WORRIED, Sit down and prepare yourself for a cember is such a happy time that we tend to compare it to the downfalls of January shock. If you have ever studied the works and February. And we all know there is of that famous psychoanalysis Fraud, no comparison to that. Unless you want then you are aware of the seriousness of to throw a wild party for Washington's or your illness. It's called Bullelania. It Lincoln's birthday, Valentines Day is our usually only affects freshman but you're probably a freshman mentally. There is only one cure for it. You must face your fears. The next time your teacher begins to read the bulletin, collapse. When he comes to help you, jump up and devour the bulletin. You probably won't have anymore problems (where you'll be). P.S. Have you ever contemplated suicide? Dear DR. X, I am a reporter for Southwords. Lately, I have felt that my stories have been going downhill. Everyone that reads them tells me so. R.T.S. Dear R.T.S., I have read them too. Quit. Dear Dr. X, I am a teacher at this great school. The school is great but the students are terrible. For example, last week the students tied me up in a bundle. What really got me mad is when they threw me down the stairs. After I hit bottom, I shouted, "Get back to your seats!" They proceeded to throw their seats down onto me. What really infuriated me was that as one of the seats came whizzing down, I noticed that someone wrote "burnout" on the desk. What causes such decedance in students nowadays? HELP Dear Help, I have also noticed these changes in the student body. I'm glad that after 200 years we are finally communicating with our students. By the way, your little parables should be exemplary to the other teachers. I wish that there was more of your kind around. As to our new age in education, I think an elevator repairman summed it up nicely by saying, "1-1-1 doesn't equal three anymore."
Dr. X answers questions
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Netmen to collar Bulldogs by Dan White The first place Hawks, who have an unblemished record of 10 and 0 in Conference play, will attempt to collar the Waukegan East Bulldogs tonight, beginning at 8 p.m. Tomorrow, the Hawks will face New Trier West in a challenging game in which the Hawks will definitely have to be overpowering on the boards, shoot like "Fire" from the field, and be agik on the line in order to win the game. The rough and tough Cowboys of New Trier will be boasting a 20-0 record, while the Hawks with an impressive 16-4 record of their own, will try to put an end to this seemingly long West winning streak. However, since this is a nonconference matchup, the conference standings won't be affected by the outcome of the game for either team.
"If we play like we did against Glenbrook South last Monday, we stand a good chance of beating New Trier. We all know that it's going to be the toughest game of the year, so far," said Dave Areen. According to Coach Quitman Sullins, New Trier runs a 2-1-2 three quarter press, which hasn't bothered the Hawks this year. "We've done well this year breaking the press. Ken Fritz (guard) has done a superb job bringing the ball downcourt," added Sullins. The Hawks won't only be looking at New Trier's press, but two fine ballplayers, Joel May and Franz. Both 6*5" Seniors shoot extremely well. "Joel May was the key man that led New Trier downstate last year," said Sullins. Whereas, New Trier relies on both May
Girl tankers sink Waukegan E
Sharpshooter KIrfc "Fire" Meyer [41] sparks the Hawks with one of his seven outside 25 foot jumpers in a recent game against the Maine East Demons. John Crow! [15] watches [Photo by Curt LeValley]
Last weekend, the girls' varsity swim team won against Waukegan East by a score of 123 to 48, finishing first in all but one event. Taking first place for the varsity was the medley relay team of Cheryl Roberts, Virginia DeYoung, Julie Okamoto and Patty Pence and the freestyle relay team of Barb Beckman, Margie Gabriel, Tracey Lindstrom and Jessica Boxer. Individual first places were captured by Jessica Boxer in the 200 yd. freestyle. Barb Beckman in the 200 yd. individual medley, Sarah Ebner in diving, Julie Okamoto in 100 yd. butterfly, Virginia DeYong in 100 yd. freestyle, Tracey
Icemen win two more by John Dane The first place Maine South Hockey Team polished off two more opponents last week by beating Loyola 6-4 last Sunday and trouncing Maine West 7-0 Feb. 1. The Hawks next game will be this Sunday against Maine West beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Oakton Ice Arena. The Icemen have only two more regular scheduled games before the playoffs at the end of the month. Against second place Loyola, the Hawks turned in one of their best performances to date. Dan Sullivan began the scoring for the Hawks when he teamed with Bob Havlir and Jeff Starzec for two goals to make the score 2-0. However, the Hawks kept attacking the Ramblers goal and towards the close of the first period, John Peters scored on a slapshot from the point. Assisting on the goal were given to Starzec and Sullivan. The first period ended with the Hawks ahead 3-1. The second period proved to be damaging for the Hawks. Kurt Barcol opened the scoring when
he tipped in a Mike Sifferman slapshot. Keith Krippner also assisted. Loyola, not to be given up for dead, skated right back and scored three straight goals. Two goals were scored on powerplays. The game deadlocked at 4-4. But, with a minute left in the second period the Hawks broke the deadlock when Bob Berleth scored. Assisting on the play were Starzec and Sullivan. Dean Thomas put the icing on the cake when he scored with a minute left on a play that found Jeff Hultberg and Starzec receiving the assists. Steve Sullivan turned in another sparkling performance in a goal for the Hawks. In a long awaited rematch with Maine West, the Warriors were no match for the sky high Hawks. Goals were scored by Thomas, Berleth, Starzec, Sullivan, Krippner, and two by Bob Havlir. To give an indication on how the Hawks outplayed the Warriors, the shots on goal for the game was 36-8 in favor of the Hawks. Tom Sullivan racked up his second shutout of the season against Maine West.
Lindstrom in 500 yd. butterfly, Patty Pence in 100 yd backstroke, and Virginia DeYoung setting a new varsity record of 1:12.217 in 100 yd breaststroke. The Maine South girls junior varsity swim team has completed their season undefeated. The girls won all of their dual meets and finished first in last weekend's Central Suburban League South Division JV Championship meet held at Glenbrook South High School. First place finishers for Maine South were Lisa Casten in the 50 yd backstroke and the medley relay team of Lisa Casten, Barb Siebert, Jane King and Nina Casten. Taking third places were Camille Otto in the 200 yd. freestyle, Mary Beth Fagerson in the 50 yd. freestyle, Jane King in the 300 yd. freestyle. Barb Siebert in the 50 yd. breaststroke and Loy Sheflott in diving. The junior varsity team is under the direction of assistant coach Phyllis GoU and diving coach Tom Higgins.
and Franz, the Hawks have eight possible players who could carry the load on any given night. "That's what impresses me the most, different guys can carry the load for us on different nights. We aren't forced to look to one player to carry the team. Also, this years' bench has been the strongest I've coached in a long time," added Sullins. Chris Theodore summed it up well, "Although I'm looking forward to playing New Trier, we've still got three Conference games left to worry about. Maine West is definitely going to be tough. Waukegan and Glenbrook North could also give us a good game." Last Monday, the Hawks whaled on Glenbrook South 83-49 at Glenbrook. Dave Areen popped in 21 points while on the boards, Ed Swanson snatched 14 rebounds. From the floor, the Hawks shot 62 per cent, 36-58. "I thought we played one of our best games of the year, so far. Swanson did a superb job on the boards. Areen had a good night with 21 points. Meyer's coming off the bench and hitting those key shots, was what blew the game open for us," commented Coach Quitman Sullins.
Gymnastics finish in fifth by Scott Erickson The Maine South varsity gymnastics squad fought for a fifth place spot in the conference meet held on Jan. 26 at Waukegan West. Putting in a fine performance, Eric Martin '79 placed third in the free exercise competition. In the district meets held last Thursday at Niles East, the squad pulled in fourth place. As a result of good performances at the meet, Eric Martin advanced to competition in the sectional meet to be held at Elk Grove High School this weekend.
Grappiers finish second by Tom Sebastian On Feb. 4, the varsity wrestlers travelled to Downers Grove South for a quad meet, finishing second out of the four teams that participated in the meet. The grappiers came close to bringing home a first place victory, but were barely edged by Downers Grove. On the same day J.V. went to Glenbrook North for an Invitational. Among the winners V "e Ed Schroeder, Steve Dick, and Ray Mastrolanardo, all who came in 2nd place. Steve Jin look 4th. Steve Mikos and Rich Pluta have both wrestled well all season, both have near perfect records. They both added alot to the team this season, and xhould be commended for their effort. The District meets will begin soon, and the Maine South team could be a siu-prise. Even though the team record doesn't show it, the wrestlers are tough. They
could duplicate last years performance, and surprise some people. Maine East, Maine West, and Glenbrook North will probably give oiu* matmen the most trouble. All three teams have had fine seasons. Steve Mikos, Rich Pluta, Ron and Ralph Reporto, and Mike Solon will most likely be the ones that will carry the Hawks. Ed Schroeder commented "Even tough we lost that last two meets, we have really been improving. The two losses were very close. We should do well in the Districts." Coach Ziemeck has worked hard with this years team. He has put alot of time and effort into working with the wrestlers. He should be commended for a job well done. The State Districts will be Friday and Saturday, Feb. 10 and 11.
Girls b-ball to meet Wildkits by Janet Shamlian The Maine South girls' basketball teams have gotten themselves off to a good start and are looking forward to meeting Evanston today. The game wUl be held at Evanston and will begin at 5 p.m. This year's varsity players include. Kal Schroeder '80, Mary Beth Wilson '79. Julie Kwasegrech '79. Mary Lee '78, Terri Lusigan '78. Michele Rotondo '78, Sally Peterson '81, Kathy Spychala '80, Kathy Pabst '78, Joani Boesen '80, and Patti Buchanan '78. Judy Huffman is the team manager and Miss Chris Voelz is the varsity coach. J.V. members include. Sue Lee '81, Sue Annetti '80, Lisa Sopata '81. Kim Banks '81, Beverly Schiffer '81, Anne Erbach '81, Sally Zeiger '81, Coleen Sir '81, LesUe Lundell '80, and Diane Epp '81. The J.V. coach is Mr. Mike Deines. and Anne Bagel is the team manager. "In our last few games we've been really working more as a team than we have ever before," said Michele
Rotondo. "Our games have been really challenging, and we have had to work a lot harder in order to maintain oiustandard." Terri Lusigan said, "We're halfway through our season now, and we have been really building up. I think that we are going to peak very soon, and then everything will fall into place at the right time." The teams theme this season is "FIRE." They are coached on the qualities of pride, practice, perfection, persistence and performance. The next home game for the girls will be on Valentines day, Feb. 14, against crosstown rivals, Maine East. The J.V. game begins at 4:30 p.m., and the varsity game follows immediately.
Ideas? If there is anything going on around school that you would like publicized in Southwords, please drop us a line in V106. Possible story ideas are greatly appreciated. There is almost always extra space for newsworthy items. Thank you.
Among the Hawkette's many performances Included a halftlme performance at DePaul Universltle's homecoming last Saturday night. Tomorrow the Pom Pon squad will dance at Lake Forest College during halftlme.