Vol 16 issue 11

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Southwords Senior Special Seniors select Superlatives for ttie Class of '80

Maine South H.S., Park Ridge, III. Vol. 16 Number 11 May 23, 1980

Class Clown Most Handsome/Beautiful Best Dressed Best Walk Biggest Applepolisher Best Smile

Best Eyes Best Legs Best Laugh Biggest Ham Best Party Giver Best Party Goer Worst Driver

Most Conservative Most Mature Class Couple Most Masculine/Feminine

R.J, Coleman—Colette Hawley Most Likely to Succeed Torey DeGrazia—Linda Hagner Most Likely to be Remembered Tracy Hager—Heidi Suendermann Most Changed Bruce Sachs—Cathy Nelson Joe/Josephine Cool Tony Taglialavore-Janet Shamlian Best Leader Mark Paulik—Margaret Hikido Best Personality Bill Kropke—Judy Wilkas Guy/Girl Who Attracts Joe DiCola—Cathy Nelson Most Girls/Guys Kevin Pilarski—Michelle Epifanio Most Gullible R.J. Coleman—Colette Hawley Biggest Sponge Mike Greising—Jenny Jonesan Biggest Flirt Mike Lohens—Stacey Paphitis Mr./Mrs. Brain Chuck Sterba—Candy Kidston Biggest Rah-Rah Joe Reif—Lisa Chidester Person With Whom You Would Bob Loll—Barb Egan Like To Be Stranded On A Steve Wind—Cindy Braun Desert Island The Most Mike Constantini—Colleen Crowlev

Jim Santee—Carla Rendina Jim McGlade—April Fischer Bill Kropke-^udy Wilkas Dan Murphy—Julie Hultberg Jim McGlade—Margaret Hikido Dan Lonergan—Margaret Hikido Mike Constantini—Linda Hagner Mike Corr—Carol Borchardt Pat E. SuUivan^udy Fichera Geoff Woodham—Laurie StrefT Mike Bors—Karen Pinney Steve Letner—Carol Borchardt Mike Constantini—Linda Hagner

MS gives honors to deserving students Outstanding seniors of the class sented to students who had been of 1980 were honored last night at selected by the faculty as the the s i x t e e n t h a n n u a l Honors most outstanding in each departprogram. ment during their four years at The program was held for the South. first time as a night program inD e p a r t m e n t award winners stead of the traditional assembly. were: Art, Scott Stuart; Business. All honors recipients and award Education, Ann Bagel; English, presenters were seated on the au- Lisa O'Connor; Home Economics, d i t o r i u m s t a g e . P a r e n t s and Rebecca Miller; Industrial Educaothers were invited to attend. t i o n , Jeff S t r o u t ; L a n g u a g e , Department awards were pre- Kathryn Nesbit and Karen Pin-

We all admired Jim

We were all saddened by the news of Jim McGlade's death on Wednesday, May 14. Jim was a special person who was respected and admired by students and faculty alike. Jim's enthusiasm, courage and dedication will not soon be forgotten. Jim was Souths Senior Class President. He was to give the Address at the Commencement Ceremony. Jim was interested in art. He had won three art awards and was president of the Art Club. Jim was also the president of the M-Club. He participated in football, track, and was a trainer. Jim was a Student Council representative, a member of both the ski and pep clubs, and wrote sports for Southwords. B e s i d e s w i n n i n g t h r e e art awards. Jim received numerous o t h e r h o n o r s . He r e c e i v e d a French Award, was an honor roll student and was elected to the Brotherhood Society in his sophomore year. Jim was selected from Maine South as the Century III Leaders Competition winner and was just recently named the Sons of the .Amerian Revolution Award winner. Jim also participated in the Variety Show, intramurals. and the Maine South French Club. Jim McGlade was active in many of Souths extracurricular activities. But what really set Jim

Department Award Art Scott Stuart

ney; Mathematics, Stan Kantor and Karen Pinney; Music, Scott Hall and Lorrin Madsen; Physical Education, Bill Glennon and Teri W e s t e r m e i e r ; S c i e n c e , Mike Klimas; Social science, John Quinn; Speech/Drama, Marv Ellen Blandford. Athlete of the Year awards were presented to Jim Walewander and Joan Boesen. The program included many special and group scholarship presentations. Maine South Mothers' Club presented Scholarships to Debra

Murray, Wendy KoUross, Jim De Lano, Debra Hirsch, Cindy Braun, Donna Engleson, Krista Hoeppner, Ed Kosowski, Julie Nelson, Kevin Pinney. Joan Solon. Donna Wallace. John Baldoni, Michelle Bringas, Mary Beth Fagerson. Kevin Goczeski, Chris Hainey, Sue Lo Sasso, Raphael Mastrolonardo, Chris Pelzl, Julia Riley, Scott Stuart, Steve Tolan, Joe DiCola. Joyce Lazzara. Kathy Schroeder. Mary Tasted. Lynette Vedrine, Eunice Rensner. Devra Schimpf, Meredith Swanson. Ann Marie • Please turn to page 2

Music department honors seniors

ten Sousa Award Scott Hall

Jim McGlade

McGlade apart from others was his attitude about people. Jim wanted to be liked and to have a lot of friends. He had a special talent for treating those who were different with an open mind. He listened to people, and he cared. Many people were aware of Jim's bout with his illness. We all admired his courage as well as his optimistic attitude. For those of us who knew him well, there will never be another friend quite like Jim McGlade. Although we are saddened by his loss, we are gratified to know that he is out of his pain. Our thoughts, prayers, and love are with him and his family.

Department Award Business Education Ann Bagel

National Choral Lorrin Madsen

The Music Department Tuesday honored many students at the a n n u a l S e n i o r Music Awards program held in the auditorium. Specialized awards were presented to students who have excelled in specific areas. David Small was awarded the National School Orchestra Award for his performance in Concert Orchestra. Lorrin Madsen received the National School Choral Award for her contribution to Concert Choir. Siri Anderson received the Treble Choir Award. Scott Hall was awarded the John Phillip Sousa Award and Chris Pelzl received the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award. Choral Arion Awards were presented to Ralph Black and James

National Orchestra Jazz Award Dave Small Chris Pelzl Farny. Orchestra Arions were presented to Rita Alberts and Band Arion Awards went to Maureen Rotermund and James Glennon. The Marine Corps Youth Foundation Award was given to Mary Ann Aloisio. A special certificate was presented to Naoko Suzuki, a junior, in recognition of her contributions to the music department. Naoko is returning to Japan for her senior year. Teachers participating in the awards were Lloyd Spear, department chairman, Irwin Bell and Walter Flechsig, choral directors. Gordon McLean, director of bands and Angelo Rico, orchestra and theory director.

Department Award English Lisa O'Connor

Department Award Home Economics Rebecca Miller

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