Vol 17 issue 2

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Queen to be chosen from candidates

Colleen MacDonald has participated in gymnastics her last three years and, was involved in intramurals in her sophomore year. Last year she was a Junior leader and is presently a Senior leader this year. Colleen was a member of several clubs: Art club in sophomore year. Ski club in her iast three years and Pep club since freshman vear. Colleen was in Class Council for four years. Pep Council during junior and senior year and also is a Committee Chairman in her present year. Colleen's outside interests are water and snow skiing, bike riding, gymnastics, music and soccer.

by Julie Langdon

Varsity cheerleadingi captain, Jodi Chidester, has been on the squad four years, serving as co-capiain juniof year. Jodi held the office on Sophomore class Vice-President as well as pinicipating in both freshman and junior class councils. She has participated in\ the Junior and Senior leader programs. 1 As a member of National Honor Society, Jodi has received two Frenclj awards as well as a Golden Pin Art Award freshman year. Her name has been on ih^ High Honor Roll during her freshman, sophpmore and junior years. / Jodi is interested in i career in either medicine or engineering. Her hobbies include soccer, horseback riding, drawing and reading.


by Sun Yoo Dina has been a cheerleader in her freshman year and a member of the Gymnastics team junior year, volleyball team in her sophomore year. In her freshman year, Dina was in summer drama. Dina has participated in many clubs during her four years in Maine South. Ski club, Business club in freshman year and Pep club in her junior year. Dina was in Student Council, Brotherhood society in her sophomore year Class Council in her junior year. Dina's hobbies and interests are gymnastics, skiing, volleyball and drama.

Colleen Mac Donald

Jodi Chidester

Homecoming Queen candidate. Dawn Maloney, has cheered for three of her four years at South. She is a four-year Pep Club member. She has worked on the Fashion Show production. Dawn's hobbies include sewing, drawing and traveUng. Swimming, tennis, water skiing arc among Dawn's interests as are snow skiing, skating and snowmobiling.

Dawn Maloney

southwords Vol. 17, No. 2

Maine South H.S., Park Ridge, III.

Orchesis President, Jennifer Drogosz, has been selected as a Homecoming Queen candidate. She has been a member of the dance club for four years, serving as Publicity Chairman her junior year. A Pep Club Council member for two years, Jenn currently holds the office of VicePresident. Her interest in student government has involved her in both class and student councils for four year. Presently, she serves as Complex Leader. Jenn has participated in the Junior and Senior leader programs. She is a member of both Brotherhood and International Thespian Societies, the latter stemming from her involvement in V-show and the Arena play. Jenn's achievement has been recognized in the areas of language, science and choreography.

Have a Happy Homecoming

October 10,1980

Her interests include soccer, piano, singing, bike-riding and dance.

Jennifer Drogosz

Page 2


October 10,1980

Survey Poses Slanted Question to Students On September 18, 1980, Student Council sponsored an allschool survey. We were told that the intention was for Student Council to gather information and use this information to better represent the students. However, we, the Editors of Southwords, feel that the results of this survey will be deceptive because some of the questions on the survey were misleading. One of the questions we are referring to was number three. It read,"Do you prefer for all students a day ending at 3:02 (8 period day) or a day ending at 3:40 (9 period day)?" In our opinion this question was foolishly worded. It basically is asking the students if they would rather have a "short" or a "long" day. Face it, the natural response of many people would be "Hey, yeah, I'd rather work a shorter day." But if more students had thought a little more carefully, they might have realized that they were cheating themselves. Perhaps a simple analogy will help illustrate the point. "Mr. Smith works an eight hour day at his job. Mr. Jones works nine hours at the same job. Mr. Jones is paid more than Mr. Smith: the increased salary is the reward received from

working one more hour each day. Student #1 is on an eight period day. Student #2 is on a nine' period day. Student #2 is learning more and gaining more experiences because of an additional class." Mr. Smith chose to put in less hours; therefore, it was his salary and pocketbook that were hurting in the end. In the same respect Student # 1, in school for only eight periods, had his learning experiences cut short. Since the only "salary" a student attains is that of being exposed to new ideas and concepts through the learning process, he or she should think carefully before deciding that having eight periods is the "right choice." Losing that extra period (ninth) means forfeiting the chance of taking an additional class and of participation in an extra activity such as band, W\1TH, Eyrie, Southwords. In conclusion, we at Southwords advocate a nine period day. We are active students who like to get involved in school activities. These are sad days, indeed, when our enthusiasm is crippled by having only eight periods to sample all that this school has to offer.

College Night aids serious parents, students

by Renee Robbins "Excuse me sir, what percentage of your graduates get into medical school?" "Not that way, mother, over here. That leads to the guys' locker room!" " What type of courses do you have for a theater major?" "How much is this all actually going to cost me? (Pause) What if he doesn't eat?" Although a few humorous remarks were heard during College Night, most parents and students were very serious about finding the best school with the best extra-curricular activities—for the best price. Many schools from Albion College to Yale University were represented: 50 squeezed in the back of the school, over 90 in the cafeteria, and the rest scattered about the main building. The reactions to the evening were mixed, and questioning led to a wide range of answers. One of the important advantages of any college night was voiced by a representative of St. Joseph's College in Rennselaer, Indiana. She noted that such activities bring greater exposure because they are usally done by district.

not through individual schools. It is beneficial to small schools like St. Joseph's because often there are not enough staff members to visit every high school. A big advantage of College Night was the chance to see many schools at one time. A number of the representatives also had applications and other materials with them that usually have to be sent for by mail. As many students are finding out, earlier is definitely better when it comes to college applications. Quite a few negative comments also floated through the halls, specifically problems about the format, Nick Budmats, '81, commented, "It really did help me alot, but I think it would've been better to group it 'Engineering Schools', 'Music Schools', etc." One parent felt the same, but explained that some schools might resent being specialized, therefore limiting the number of people who might consider going there. If not physical grouping, then perhaps a listing of exceptional programs in certain schools might be beneficial. It's hard to know where to begin with just a Ust of


schools, prices, and enrollment. The idea of having an official school representative instead of an admissions officer or other knowlegeable official also bothered many people at College Night. "It seems like they don't know too much," Nick continued. "Each one tries to sell you their school." Another aspect of College night which was both advantageous and annoying was the crowds. All four Maine Township schools were invited and it seems all four showed up at one time. Perhaps next year the colleges could be spread out more, making use of the Spectator Gym, as does Project Big, the career night later in the year. Over all, the 170 college and two financial aid programs were received well by both students and parents. Yes, many students were bewildered by the number of colleges, and many parents were bewildered by all the information. However, the outcome of College Night swings toward success. So, next year about this time, a new set of parents will be asking, "Excuse me sir, what percentage...?"

October 10,1980


Page 3

Parents organize to oppose new schedule

by Anne Sizopoulos Concerned parents of Maine South have organized a committee to protest the eight period day. Barbara Dumit and Carole Coltman, founders of the group, feel that "the eight period day at Maine South is not enough time to maintain 'a quality education." The purpose of their committee is to make parents aware of the problems wth the eight period schedule and to gather support for their effons to return to the nine period day. In a letter issued to the editors of the Park Ridge Advocate and the Park Ridge Herald, the committee presented their points for consideration against the present schedule. They first stated Dr. Clyde K. Watson's reasons for an eight period day as: declining enrollment, fewer study halls, additional five minutes in each period, and early dismissal. The letter then added the principal's stated advantages as: less fiexibility in scheduhng, and less opportunities for lab classes. The committee reviewed each of these points and presented their arguments. They stated that Maine West has a smaller enrollment than Maine South but West stiU has a nine period day. Also mentioned is that the 1980-81 enrollment IS the same as the 1964 enrollment. In 1964 Maine South had an eight period day, but the committee contends that course offermgs have changed. Since 1964, state mandated courses, such as health. Consumer Education, and Driver Safety Education have been added. Also, Maine South has more course offerings than in 1964. Therefore, the committee explains that more periods are needed to accommodate the extra courses. Thus, they rule out declining enrollment as a valid reason for an eight period day. The letter then discusses the changes in curriculum. The parents committee feels that "no chance is given for all the mar\elous elective which make Maine South the excellent school It should be." As to the advantage of having fewer study halls, the committee states "that an eight period day is possible on a nine period dav but not vice-versa." Students who only have'four solids should have early dismissal, as juniors

and seniors have had in the past. "The extra five minutes a period may be a small advantage," writes the committee, "but then the student is being deprived of 40 minutes of contact with a different teacher and subject matter." The parents feel that the extra five minutes does not suffice for missing an ex-

tra class or a lunch period. The committee concludes by saying that "as parents we cannot find any advantages to the eight period day and we have a long list of disadvantages. We urge you (the administration) to return Maine South to the nine period day."

by Julie Bell On Saturday, October 25, the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test / National Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) will be offered to juniors at Maine South. The PSAT is the first of three tests offered to juniors nationwide. Though time is taken to explain the importance of these tests, many students remain confused as to exactly how the results are used. The PSAT/NMSQT has three major functions. First, it aids counselors in helping students planning to continue their education after high school. Second, it can be viewed as its name suggests, as an early measure of how a student will do on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Third, it provides an opportunity for students to be considered for scholarships offered by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the American College Test (ACT) are two other major tests which a student may choose to take during his junior year. Many students believe that these tests scores, combined with their grade point average and extra-curricular activities, determine their college admission, This is not always true. Mr. James Bonney, Chairman of Counselors, says, "The more selective schools tend to use a subjective admissions policy, and the larger and less selective schools tend to use an objective admissions policy." In other words, the more selective schools (such as Yale, Harvard, etc.) tend to take a student's overall record into account, including his activities. The larger and less selective schools tend to rely mainly on test scores and class rank. For instance, the University of Illinois bases admission on a combination of class

rank and the ACT score. All Illinois state schools require the ACT for admission, but some universities will accept either the ACT or the SAT. Other schools use the test only for class placement. According to Mr. Bonney, the best way to find specific college entrance requirements is to look in the college catalogue. Students may wonder how to prepare for these tests. Mr. Bonney feels that good source for preparation is the practice booklet distributed before each test. Students will find this booklet useful for it has sample problems from the test. Additional books and study guides for these tests can be found in any major bookstore.

National test scores valuable

Cartoonists sought Any student wishing to draw serious, satirical, or humorous cartoons for publication should submit their ideas on 4" by 4" squares of construction paper. The cartoons can be dropped off in the Editor-in-Chief's mailbox.

Southwards Editor in Chief Julie Langdon News Editor Laura Olsen Features Editor Cindy Coltman Commentary Editor Anne Sizopoulos Sports Editor Katie Reif Copy Editor Karen YatÂŤ Photo Editor SeanRdlly Photo Staff: Mark Kadzdle, Joe Krause, Mike VukovJch. Cartoonist: Kerry Pakucko, Jim Kelly Reporters: Julie Bell, Laura Chastain, Laura Coyne, Cathy DJoola, Karen Danncnhauer, Judy Huedophe, Chris Kowols, John Matuszak, Mike Passaneau, Rcnee Robbins, Marya Sakowicz, Paul Samborski. Joanne Sutton, Carolyn Szumal, Elaine Tite, Laurie Walters Typist: Sun Yoo Adviser Ken Beatty

Student dr'mkmg at school dames The point of this editorial is not to preach about the evils of drinking, but to point out the problems involved with drinking at a school dance.

Some students wrongly believe that a school dance is a party, but there are many differences. At a dance, the student is with not only his friends, but with other students and faculty. Also, a dance is not a party at a friend's house, but a dance in the school buildmg. Whether you're at school during the day or at a dance in the evening, the rules for drinking are the same. On school grounds, the aaministration has the right and must enforce discipline, including the right to punish any student under the influence of drugs. The school must, legally, turn over a drunk student to his or her parents. Then the student must deal with both school and parental punishment.

Students must also consider the effects on the dance itself. Much time and preparation are spent for the evening: money is spent for tickets, clothes, corsages, and dinner arrangements. If a student becomes ill because he is drunk, the entire night is wasted for both him and his date. Coming drunk to a dance can be very embarrassing. A drunk student can disrupt the entire dance for others. One can't deny that throwing up on the dance floor or on your date doesn't attract attention. Passing out can also have the same effect. In addition, a drunk student doesn't fully realize what can happen when they're driving. They can wreck their car in an accident and put not only themselves but their dale in the hospital. Not to mention the other car and people involved. So consider these points the next time you decide to party before a school dance. If you must drink, do it at home!



• If

October 10,1980

Reporters awaken listeners

by Chris Kowob It seems that everyone is familiar with Maine South's own "pilots of the airwaves," the famed Monday Morning Sports Reporters, but no one is really aware of what goes on behind the scenes of this age-old school ritual. Back at the main office, with a generous expanse of equipment, sit Jim Minnice, Lisa Sopata and Charlie Vinopal, putting together the vital statistics of the weekend games. The coaches of the various teams drop off the scores and future game information each Monday. All three reporters have been active in sports (at least enough to remind us that in golf the low score wins) and wave radio experience at WMTH: Lisa, former Sports Director and Jim, former Music Director. Both Charlie and Jim express an interest in persuing a career in Mass Communications. Lisa, as of yet, remains uncommitted. "We just want to get all the information to them (the students) without messing up," injected Charlie, as a personal goal for their news team. Lisa, who feels that their main purpose is to encourage people to catch the school spirit and

participate in more of the games, takes a more practical motivation for the years, "We'd like to wake everyone up in the morning," she stated. Also concerned with school spirit, Jim quips, "It's important that we honor our Maine South teams with the "Athlete of the week" and "Team of the week." He hopes

these honors will provide additional incentive for the teams. So next time you're "rudely awakened" from a peaceful slumber during a Monday homeroom—relax. It probably won't be the rowdy kid sitting to your right, it's just the Monday Morning Sports Reporters doing their job.


Spirit to show by Debbie Tritthardt

The Homecoming game is watched by many students, yet the regular games are less attended. What is it that makes this game so special? Janine Engle, '83, says, "The Homecoming game is special because it signifies the school spirit in the students." Paul Nelson, a varsity football team member, states, "Homecoming is a time in which alumni come back to watch the football game. This sustains the Maine South school spirit. The football team trys harder to win because of the alumni coming back. Also, there are many festivities, such as the Homecoming queen, firelight rally, carnival, and dance that draw students." The added activities may be the real reason for the sucessful turnout and "since it's only an annual event, it's very effective," Denise Amore, '83, reasoned. Karen Fritz, '83, added, "The Pep assembly, carnival, firelight rally, and parade, all give school spirit a boost. These events require students' ideas and teamwork so students become united. Also, former students return for the game to make more people there." This weekend is a chance for all students to get involved and have good time as well. Show the Maine South school spirit by attending the Homecoming festivities with your friends.

• j»M xe*.tV.


Poll suggests altering Dance attitude by Judy Huedepohl

With Homecoming approaching us, there are many activities planned for the student body: election of the queen, the carnival and firelight pep rally, the parade, the game, and of course, the Homecoming dance. During the past few weeks, the lunchtable conversations have centered on who's going with whom to the dance; it seems like every year, the same people always go. In a recent survey, the questions "Have you ever been to a Homecoming dance?" and "Do you think that the dance should be an all school event where you don't necessarily have to go with a date; you could go with a group of friends?" were asked. The majority of people polled for the first question answered no: 6SVt had not gone to the dance whereas 32^» had. The results of the second question were closer: 54% thought that the Homecoming dance

should involve more students; 46% said it should just be a few couples. From the "just couples" group, an alternative suggestion was made. Why couldn't we have a dance that was between a formal and sock-hop, one where you could go with a bunch of your friends, guys and giris alike? You wouldn't have to go in pairs. Since it appears that the majority of students in Maine South have not been to a Homecoming dance and would like to see it become less formal, maybe the idea of another dance, less formal but not too casual could be presented to Student Council. This is the era of the liberated woman It's the age of women asking the men out and paying the bill. When asking some people if the girls around Maine South were asking guys to go out. we received several different responses. Paula Wagner. '81. responded; "No. 1 don't thmk we're asking guys out. It's the guy's place to ask a girl out. Even though women's Ub is becoming popular, I think girls are still apprehensive about asking guys to go oyt." "Yes. but I wish they weren't. I'd rather ask a girl out than have her ask me," renlied Tom Hok. '81. *^ Marlenc Berka, '81, answered, "Yes because girls are more sure of themselves and traditions are changing."

October 10,1980



'Perfect Couple' make Dance debut by Laura Coyne Recently, I inter%'iewed Maine South's very own Melvin Von Fussenberger. 1 asked him the following questions about Homecoming. Q. Are you looking forward to Homecoming? A. I guess. Q. Who are you taking?

A. A girl name Kay Mart, I got her at a discount. Q. You mean you're paying her to go with you? A. Yeah. Q. Where are you going afterwards? A. If she's paying, Kona Kai, otherwise the Maine South cafeteria. We might stop at the library and check out some books, or I could show her my shell collection. Q. Are you buying her any flowers? A. Well, I have some freshly picked dandelions that i thought would make a nice corsage—right from my front lawn. Q. What do you plan on wearing? A. Let's see, probably a plaid shirt with my

striped suit, my NIKE gym shoes (we're jogging to the dance), and about four gold chains and some Aqua Velva. Q. Is your date excited about the dance? A. She acted excited when I handed here the money, I think she likes me.

Hawk Talk new magazine

by Paul Samborski The Creative Writing magazine will have a new name, "Hawk Talk", with editors as follows: editor in chief—Nancy Holda '81, copy editor—Mary Rotter '81, typing editor—Ursala Brandt '81, art editor—Laura Pavese '81, sales managers—Nancy Howard '82 and Kris Connor '81, chief judge—Liz Cook '81. Mr. Ken Beatty, sponsor stated, "We've worked hard on this issue and are looking forward to a successful year. We have a good staff and hope to get the material to compliment them. 1 encourage all students to submit their short stories, poems, drawings and cartoons to the magazine in V-106."

Tips presented

by Kersten McLain and Laurie Walters Girls are often found, this time of year, frantically running through stores desperately trying to find just the right dress for Homecoming Dance. This year it seems shorter dresses are popular. Liz Roth, '82, says, "Last year most girls wore knee length dress, but there were few long ones." As for the corsage, added a senior, "I prefer wrist corsages because they are the easiest to wear. Pin-ons get crushed, and nosegays are to hard to carry around all night." Many other "Love is like a snowflake, you never know girls agree. It seems the dress code for girls has been set. when it may blow away." Author Unknown. As for the guys, they seem to have an easier time. It is the usual, a nice suit. What to do after Homecoming evening is just as important as at the dance. Whether you are in a group, or just your date and you, an enjoyable Homecoming evening is guaranteed by Joanne Sutton if you find a restaurant that is affordable and "It's a day off school," replied Dave entertaining. Some of the popular spots this Tickner, '83, when asked his thoughts on Colyear include Allgauer's, Kona Kai, The Barn, umbus Day. Cervantes, and Oscars's. Every year Columbus Day quickly pops up. Other couples opt to do something difAs far as a majority of the Maine South ferents. One senior said. "This year, to save population is concerned, Columbus Day money, my date and 1 are going back to my means one thing—a three-day weekend. This house, and I'm cooking dinner for two." appreciated day off also provides time for a litA recent grad added, "Last year, for "<5 R&R after the festivities of Homecoming. something unusual, we went downtown and But as each year passes, we seem to be took a boat ride on Lake Michigan." forgetting the true meaning of Columbus Day, But whatever you do after the Homecoming a time specially saved each year to comdance, the important thing is that you have a memorate the day Christopher Columbus good time. courageously traveled to America. All will not be forgotten if each Columbus Day a few minutes are taken out to reflect upon the significant words of our first grade 1^1 '^^•"fniber learning that long ago, in I4»2, Columbus sailed the ocean blue? Junior Kathy Connelly, when asked her opiIi!°"if °f" ^^olumbus Dav, simply answered,"! tnmk of sophomore hisiorv because we learned that Columbus Day,shouid reallv be Phoenician Day, since the Phoenicians really discovered America first." So, after you've slept in until noon this Oct. ii, just remember the man who is responsible. YOU guessed it, Christopher Columbus.

Holiday's true meaning remembered

Page 6

October 10, 1980


Homecoming festivities begin toniglit Carnival tonight The Homecoming carnival, scheduled for Fri. Oct. 10, will run from 4:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the field house. About twenty organizations and clubs will participate in the carnival. Booths will be set up by clubs such as Business Occupations Club, American Field Service, Distributive Education Club, Music Boosters, WMTH, M-Club and Pep Club. Popular features will include the senior class council sponsored telegraph, and the Junior class dunk tank. Tickets are 10 cents and include everything except refreshments. Refreshments will be provided by Food Occupations club. Marlin Swim Club and French Club will hold bake sales. "I hope the carnival will be a big success and add to the spirit of homecoming," stated Kim Dick, homecoming committee chairperson. "The Longest Yard" is the theme and booths are expected to reflect this in their design. Shortly after the carnival, a firelight rally will be held in the North lot.

Dance Sat night

Parade tomorrow Homecoming Parade will start at 9:30 a.m. on Sat, Oct. 11 at Cumberland Park. It will proceed down Prairie Avenue to Maine St. on to Prospect and continue down Belle Plaine to school. Once at school, the floats will be judged as they drive around the track of the field. Among the floats, entries include those by each class council. Brotherhood Society and the Music Boosters. Mr. Bernard Brady, athletic director and grand marshall, will be judging. The marching band and Hawkettes will also panicipate in the activities. April Fischer, last year's queen, along with the queen candidates will be in the parade. Kim Dick, Homecoming Chairperson, stated, "We hope that everyone will come and enjoy the parade and cheer the football teams to victory!"

by Jean Keleher "How Sweet It Is," the homecoming dance, sponsored by Senior Class Council, will occur in the spectator gym on Sat.," Oct. 11. Commencing at 8 and running until 11, students attending the dance are advised by the administration to arrive before 9. The dance promises to draw 400 to 500 couples, alumni included, as estimated by Ms. Patricia Schrieber, senior class sponsor. "Jazzmin" will be the featured band. Kim Dick, homecoming chairperson, along with the rest of Student Council, feels.ft will be successful. Tickets are $6.50 per couple, and available at the bookstore. Mike Rotondo, senior class president, urges everone to attend. He adds, "We would appreciate help setting up the decorations tonight from anyone who can find the time."

Arena piay to open Oct 17 by Cathy Stavrakas Murder Room, the arena play, will be performed Fri. Oct. 17, Sat. Oct. 18 and will continue Thrus. Fri. and Sat., Oct. 23-25. all shows at 8:00 p.m. The play, a murder mystery-comedy, written by Jack Sharkey, takes place in Sydney, Australia and is set in the present time. The plot centers around a couple who have been married for one day. Mavis then attempts to murder her rich new husband, Edgar, for his money. Humor is brought in with phone calls from the corpse and the arrival of Edgar's daughter and her fiance, who can ruin Mavis'scheme. The Arena play is different because a percentage of the profits will go toward the Tom Barron memorial scholarship fund. Tom was highly involved with the drama

department and contributed his talent in many ways. By writing "Tom Barron memorijd schalorship fund" on the back of the ticket, a percentage of the price will go towards the fund. The scholarship will be given to an outstanding senior from the performing arts department. Murder Room is directed by Mr. Vince Pinelli and assisted by Molly Carpenter, student director. As Mr. Pinelli stated, "There are no hidden messages, no great morals, this play is just for fun." Before the Thurs., Oct. 23 performance the Food Occupations Club will cook and present a dinner in the cafeteria. The dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. and tickets will be sold in advance. The dinner-theatre program is sponsored by the Speech and Drama department.

The 1980-81 National Merit Semi-finalists from Maine South are, back row, L to R., James Stanger, Joseph Winters, Kathi Rafayko, Peter Riis, John Garvey; front row, Catherine DiCoia, James Chung.

Baitxra KazmlauBk

Junior plays with Symphony

by Laura Olson In "an honor yet to be achieved by many professional pianists," Barb Kazmerczak "82 will be playing with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, according to Mr. Lloyd Spear Barb's appearance is the result of her auditions last spring for a series of youth concerts. She will be heard twice each day of Oct 21 22 and 28 and 29, under the direction of Mr' Heni7 Mazer. Barb is currently a member of Concert Orchestra and Mr. Spear, director, spoke of her, "Barb is the essense of a fine musician and student. She will go far in music or any other profession she may choose. We wish Barb the very best when the big day comes on Oct 21 " Barb tries to practice several hours a day and maintains a 4.7 grade point average She related her feelings, "I've auditioned for the Symphony a few times, and finding out that I '"111 "wf^-Af^i *'u",*^. "^o"' *as really unbelievable. Although I'm a little apprehensive, I am looking forward to playing." Barb has also gone through interviews for musical magazines and a classical music radio station.

October 10,1980



Hawks Ready to Attack Indians by Karen Danncnhauer The Maine South varsity soccer team is hoping to stampede the New Trier East Cowboys today at 4:30 p.m. at home. The Cowboys beat the Hawks 4-2 last year. Goalie Nick Mitrovich commented. "This year's game will be very tough. I'm looking for a really good game. The Cowboy's have always been tough for us." When asked about how he thought the season was coming along, senior Bill Oberheide remarked that, "We haven't gotten many breaks, but we've been playing the hardest teams. Our team morale is still high." Added Mitrovich, "Our team is really better than our record shows."

Clubmen still swinging by Katie Reif The Maine South golf team participated in the District tournamant held yesterday at the Moonlight Golf Course. "Our team has played at the course before and has done well," commented Coach Ron Ross. "I'm looking forward to another good team score which would advance us to Sectionals." Sectionals are scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 14, followed by the state tournament Oct. 18 and 19. The seniors on this year's team mclude Paul Ellsworth, Roger Gunderson, Tom Kaczkowski, Mike Passaneau and Jerry Riordan. The Hawks have had several good performances in their competition. At the Rich East Invitation, the team placed fourth out of twelve teams, falling in only four strokes behind the first place team. D ^heir lowest score for the season was at the Park Ridge Country Club, opponents being Highland Park and Conant. Mike Passaneau was the medalist with a low score of 35; Kaczkowski. 38 and Ellsworth. Riordan and Gunderson all had scores of 39. Coach Ross was pleased with the low scores and hopes the team will do as well in the upcoming tournaments.

Maine South lost nine starters from last season to graduation. When asked how this affected the team. Coach Jack Tilley reported, "We have a more balanced team than last year. Our offense is stronger, but the defense isn't quite as strong." Coach Tilley feels that the team to beat this year is today's opponent, Niles West. Oberheide summed up his feeling for the game in three words: "We'll beat 'em!" Senior John Kenneally reported that, "It looks like everyone in the conference is

pretty well matched. We're all having tough games." The team is optimistic about the rest of the season. Nick Mitrovich added, "I'd like to see us return to the state tournament. If we make it that far, it would be a great feeling." The Hawks are scheduled to play Waukegan East Oct 14 at home, and away against Glenbrook North Oct. 16. All Varsity home games begin at 4:30 p.m. and away games start at 8 p.m.

Netwomen Confident to Spike Bulldogs

by Julie Bell competitive team. The volleyball team is set for a win when Though the Hawks have improved a great they take on Waukegan East today at home at deal, setter-hitter Kathy Bickler insists that 4:30 p.m. there are plenty of things to work on. "We The Hawks displayed their traditional com- can't be satisfied with the improvements we've petitiveness by beating teams in the New Trier made so far. We need to work on communicaEast Tourney and establishing a winning streak tion, getting to know each other as players, that includes the upset of defending state working together as a unit, and playing our champions Oak Park-River Forest. own, controlled, type of game." Coach Saunders' goal of gaining experience Though there are skills to be worked on, the is quickly being realized, as sophomores TierHawks certainly haven't experienced a loss of nan Leahy, Sue Rushford, and Mary Quinn confidence. "We have the talent to do it (go gain opportunities to play. Veteran players downstate) commented Kathy Bickler, also show a great deal of improvement. Senior echoing theagain," sentiments of her coach, Mrs. Margaret Quinn, 5'7" and small for a hitter, Saunders. constantly impresses fans and opponents with The JV team, after suffering several losses, an amazing display of power. Hitters Carolyn Peska and Gretchen Stoltenberg also look im- also remains confident. Sophomore Debbie pressive, and all-around player Donna Kashul looks especially impressive, Phyllis BrDrazkowski adds to the Hawk line-up with her ingas adds to the team with strong defense and tough defense and calm consistency in tight encouraging leadership. situations. The freshmen are also gaining experience Though the Hawks lack an individual stan- playing on their first high school volleyball dout, good fundamentals, outstanding defense team as their coach, April Fischer (class of '80) and a tough serving game make them a tough, experiences coaching her first team.

Tennis in Conference

by Carolyn Szumal .K • I ^ ""^^ season comes to an end for the girls tennis team, the coaches and players are very ainxious to participate in the conlHV^'^A ^"^..district meets. The conference will i*,? *• Niles West for varsitv on October 10 ana n . ihe district meet will follow for two singles players and two doubles teams. Coach Bill Lange displayed an optimistic view lor the district competitors. "The team has the personnel and the experience to take l^vit f " " ' 5"''»^" The coaches plan on taking advantage of non-conference ineets to whh nfff ™'"'' '^*^ ''"«-"P hy experimenting r » t n i r ? J ^combinations of players. La^ I o m«ke nn f '•''" ^ ^<^* >"^a"- ^"'^ 'hey intend DlavTrs dn w ?r ,^^"y»hing the coaches and players do will be centered around districts, nhTv^rc. ""f" o^'J^'ive to win it and send players to state competition.

Varsity soccer Todd Voth fights for control of the bait as teammate Martv Leever (10) waits for a pass. '

October 10,1980



Homecoming offers incentive to Hawfcs

The big game for Maine South fans, players, and coaches will be the Homecoming game tomorrow against Niles West, a top team in this division. So far, its been a tough season for the Maine South Hawks. At the end of September, the Hawks had an 0-2 record for conference play, and an 1-4 overall record. With those kind of statistics, it would be easy for the coaches and players to call it a season. But that would not be in keeping with the fighting tradition of Maine South football. In the weeks ahead, the Hawks will have some excellent chances to turn their streak around with scheduled games against Niles West, Glenbrook North, and Deer field. The Waukegan West game proved the Hawks could put points on the scoreboard.

Carl Schmeisser scored the first Maine South touchdown on a 14-yard run and Tony Jacobson brought the Hawks to a 14-6 lead over Waukegan West. The two extra point kicks were successfully converted by Mike Masini in the fourth quarter. With only 45 seconds left on the clock, Waukegan West scored a touchdown and ran for a two-point conversion that tied the game at 14-14. Unfonunately, Waukegan West won the game in overtime with a final score of 22-14. Even though they lost, the Hawks were pleased with their performance. In that one game, the Hawks doubled the number of points they scored in their three previous games. One player, Brian Schuetze, felt that there had been a "big improvement that week. The key was that the offense moved the ball

Swimmers, Divers to Dunl( Niles West

by Laura Coyne The girls' swimming and diving team continues its successful season with a meet today against Niles West at home. Tomorrow, varsity will compete in the New Trier East Relays. The team is undefeated with a record of 5-0 in dual-meet competition and a conference record of 2-0. Coach Dawn Butler commented, "It's the best swimming and diving team in five years. One thing that makes it great is the team spirit; everyone is pulling for one another. Captain, Barb Beckman and Ann Scotese are also doing a superb job." Team member Linda Sloma added, "This

team has a lot of talent that will develop over the season." The girls have already won two first place trophies, one from the Fremd Invitational and the other from the Maine South Relays. The diving team, according to Coach Butler, is doing "beautifully." Senior Robin Reichard broke her own diving record at a recent meet with a score of 211 (over 200 is considered excellent). Coach Butler, concluded, "1 expect us to swim just about every meet. Right now, we're just waiting for our toughest opponent. New Trier East. We swim them towards the end of the season, so we will be ready."

well." Coach Schmidt also feels that there has been "steady improvement since the opening game." Coach Schmidt thinks the Hawks will play differently for this game. "1 know our playfers want to play the best game they can. It is their chance to show the former players the tradition of Maine South football." It's great to be so optimistic about tomorrow's game, but senior Nels Engblom is taking a realistic view of the Hawks chances. "The Homecoming game will be tough, but we plan to give our best." Brian Schuetze feels,"If we work together-we'U do okay. The guys are definitely psyched-up for the Homecoming game."

SCOREBOARD Maine South 14 Maine South 14 Maine South 8


Niles North 6 (V) Niles North 0 (S) Niles North 0 (F)

Cross Country Ridgewood Invitational Varsity Sophs Girls Maine South 2 Maine South 3 Maine South 2 Maine South 2


Seventeenth Third Ninth

Highland Park 1 (V) Highland Park 0 (S) j Highland Park 1 (F) Libertyville 0 (V)

COMING EVENTS Football—Hawks vs Niles West Soccer—Hawks vs Niles West Cross Country—Addison Trail Invitational Swimming—New Trier East Relays Tennis—Conference Meets Volleyball—Glenbrook North Tourney

Runners enter Invit The Maine South cross country team is ready to take-off in the Addison Trail Invitational tomorrow at 10 a.m. Both the boy's and the girls teams will participate. The boy's varsity team is 1-1 in conference and has an overall record of 5-5. "All the times are good for this early in the season." commented Mr. William Drennan. "Our first four runners- Tim Crowe. Eric Johnson, Jim Kemmler, and Steve Gemmelare well-packed, and our fifth runner is beginning to move closer." Conference record for the girls thus far is 0-2, and their overall record is 2-6. "We still have not run at full strength—at one time or another we've had each of our top runners injured or ill." stated Coach Drennan. Runners Gail Baldoni. Laurel Kasicki. and Maureen Barry have all scored well in recent meets. | Sophomore runner Dan Lee commented, " r think the sophomores are really well this year; we should have a peak team for varsity in a few years."

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