Mock Elections reflect student views
by Marya Sakowicz November 4 was the day of the National Presidential Election as well as the first Maine South National Election. Sponsored by Mrs. Barbara Heerman, the purpose behind organizing South's mock election was twofold: to allow the students "to express their preference for the office of President" and to prove the importance of individual votes. The first step in this election was the straw poll taken at the Homecoming Carnival. Out of the 315 voters, about 85<5'o of them were students. The final tallies of this poll showed Anderson victorious with 117 votes, Reagan jiist behind with 116, and Carter trailing in the distance with only 42 votes. The other 40 ballots were cast for candidates from the Libertarian, Citizens, Socialist and Communist Parties. As Mrs. Heerman pointed out, this poll not only motivated interest in the election among the students who ran it, but also among the student-voters. The A-wing display case was the second step in this election process. It contained literature sent to Mrs. Heerman from most Presidential and Congressional candidates. Thirdly, a debate was held on Thursday, October 30 during 9th period. Represented by students at this debate were Presidential candidates Anderson, Reagan, Carter, and Clarke. All students were welcome to attend to learn firsthand the views of the candidates. Finally, after the students became aware of each candidate's stands, they had the opportunity to vote last Tuesday during lunch periods. Early press time prevents us from printing those results. Mrs. Heerman urged everyone's participa-
Members of the mock election committee are: Front: IVIary Ann Mazza, Tom Numrych, Kim Severin, Beth Barinek, Doug IVIichel, Jim Glennon, Linda Stoma. Back: Jim Locascio, John Nelson, John Cinelli, Tom Buranowsky, Nick Moore, Scott Johnson, Vince Bianco, Mrs. B. Heerman. tion in this mock election in order to "demonstrate the importance of each individual's vote and to inform the students about the Presidential candidates and the American election process." By demonstrating the importance of individual voters, Mrs. Heerman hoped to have overcome voter apathy prevalent in young adults. For students not enrolled in a Government class, this mock election should have been an excellent way for them to become aware of the processes of a national election. Mrs. Heerman has been very impressed by the students' enthusiasm in this electionâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;those who attended morning meetings to
southwords Vol. 17, No. 4
Maine South H.S., Park Ridge, III.
plan the events and those who participated in the voting. Among the students who scheduled the events was Tom Buranosky ('81), Chairman of the Mock Election Club, whose duties included approving the Club plans and cowritting the Club's formal document for the approbation of the Executive Committee of Maine South. Tom, too, was very impressed with the entire project, particularly the one vote margin in the straw poll which "proved the power of each vote." He feels that the students have benefitted "from the entire election process in the most complete way so that they will now be able to choose, with ample knowledge, a candidate who will serve them as President of the United States." This mock election has proved to be advantageous in rousing the students' awareness of the candidates and in proving the importance of each vote. Mrs. Heerman hopes that the mock election will be continued in future national election years so as to be profitable learning experience for young adults.
Nov. 10,1980
Senior becomes local Junior Miss P , by Jean Keleher beth Heitzman was crowned Park Ridge's i""'9'" '^iss at the Junior Miss Pageant Oct. 4 n '" ^"^ Roosevelt School Auditorium. Beth and 14 other finalists, 11 from Maine iouth, competed for the title. The three runners-up were: third, Lisa Sopata; second, Th "^c K ' " ' ^^^ *"'"'â&#x20AC;˘ °'^"^ Scheck. ine Scholastic Achievement Award was given to Lisa Sopata. Lisanne Babicz received tne creative and Peforming Arts Award. The spirit ot Junior Miss Award, voted on by the Mabne '"^^'^^^' ^^^ presented to Gayle , J ? / Pageant, sponsored by the Park Ridge tiZ- A "^ ^^'^^ '^^ ^ nationwide program aesigned to recognize, reward and encourage !^h^l?"",'" 'O'^^y'^ yo"'h. Open to all high school girls ages 16 to 18, the program has been in operation since 1958, at which time the iirst senior girl was selected from the
thousands who participated in over 1500 communities in all 50 states. Jeffrey H. Pick, Program Chairman, clarified that "Junior Miss is not a beauty contest." Judging at all levels: personality, intelligence, civil and social activity, talent, and general appearance determine the representative girl. The five categories in judging were: Youth Fitness for 15 percent, Poise and Appearance for 15 percent. Creative and Performance for 20 percent. Scholastic Achievement for 15 percent, and Judges Interview for 35 percent. "There was work involved in preparing, but the fun made up for it," commented Beth who "didn't expect to win" the Pageant. Beth said she is "honored and very excited" about qualifying for the state competition. To be held in Bolingbrook on Dec. 6 and 7, this contest will decide the candidate from Illinois who will compete for the national title.
Beth Heitzman
Windmill on A-wing provides poiwer "When Dr. Watson told me sixteen years ago that some day I'd get to the top at Maine South, I had no idea that this was actually what he meant," said Mr. Otto Kohler, language and social science department chairman. Mr. Kohler was referring to the recent installation of a wind powered generator on top of the A-wing building. "The 200 watt generator is now ready for operation," he added, "we plan to use it to generate electricity, store it in batteries and run W%DC, the school amateur radio station. In addition, the science department may use it to light a diplay case, heat water or help keep the Biology greenhouse warm." Design and installation of the fifteen foot tower was completed this summer by Mr.
Kohler and Mr. Teller with the help of members of the maintenance staff. It is run by a wooden propeller six feet in diameter. In a seven mile-per-hour wind it begins generating but cannot operate in winds above 30 m.p.h.. A regulator cuts in to prevent the propellor from revolving too fast and perhaps damaging itself in higher winds. Mr. Kohler stressed that the windmill was mainly for experimental use: so students could observe the processes and as a model for what can be done. "We think that the windmill will enable some of our students to see the potential of wind generation of electricity. We hope we can determine just how practical wind power is in the Park Ridge area. In the future, we may build a large unit which will generate 110 volts AC directly."
Health seminar offered to students Ten students were selected to participate in a two day health care and career seminar at Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center Nov. 10 and 11. The program will "expose and educate the students to the scope, character and organization of health care delivery in a major urban medical center," stated Ms. Dolores Yancey, assistant director of the office of educational affairs at the hospital. The ten chosen from Maine South made up ten percent of the 100 designated Chicago area high school juniors to participate. Applications were presented to those who were interested and scientifically inclined. Criteria included grades, courses, extracurriclar activities and interest. Jeanie An, Mary Belford, Marissa Bottari, Stephanie Chun, Cindy Coltman, Paul Dwyer, Mitch Gerdisch, Chris KondUubanski, Debbie Nelson, and Rich Whalen were chosen. Mr. Reese, career counselor, remarked, "I am amazed and delighted that so many South students were chosen." During the 8:30-5 p.m. time period these students will receive orientation to the hospital buildings, organizations, goals and committ-
Bobbin's poem wins by Laura Coyne Renee Robbins, a senior, won five dollars and a certificate for her poem "Mystic Depths" in the Poets and Patrons Contest. Renee won second place in a special "seniors category." Anyone living in Chicago or within a 50 mile radius was eligible to enter. Winners were announced at a luncheon downtown where all prizes were awarded. This is not the first time Renee has received recognition for her poetry, last year, in the same contest, Renee received honorable mention for her poem^ "With My Eyes." "Mystic Depths" mystic depths of untold dreams where echoes mask a poet's schemes; where secrets haunt a guarded soul, and separate parts despise the w*ole. the darkness, too, was meant to be yet strives to light so Peace may see; see the hurt, but, too the song and share the warmth, so all belong
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ments, clinical rotations, observations, lectures, demonstrations, and discussions as part of the seminar. The students will also participate in a career guidance session, a health skill workshop and a summary evaluation workshop. The students will divide themselves into small groups to study one particular aspect of medicine such as pathology, psychiatry and physical therapy to name a few. At the conclusion of the seminar they will be asked to write an evaluation program
Mr. Ron Teller (at base of tower) and Mr. Otto Kohler work on the wind generator.
Student Council replies to Southwords Dear Editors of Southwords: tions, carnival and assembly; Blood Drive; In the last issue of SOUTHWORDS (Oct. Vâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Show; Student Council Fihn Series; stu24, 1980), an editorial appeared entitled, dent Council 'scholarships; and many, "Council's Power Controlled by Administra- many,others. tion." Over the years. Student Council's purOur advice to the author of the editorial pose has often been misinterpreted. Student mentioned is to get the facts straight before Coimcil is a student service organization, not a slandering Student Council, its officers, and its school policy making organization. effectiveness and/or purpose. Student Council is not supposed to have power, but rather it is there to represent stuÂŤ"*1^'^.'. I-"** Fernandez, dent views and present them to the administraJim Davlin Student Councli tion. At times, policies have been changed Student Council President Vice-President after discussions and the presentation of student views. This year alone we have spent countless hours meeting with administrators and ottier groups investigating the advantages and disadSeniors are eligible to compete for ten $500 vatages of the eight and nine period days. Stu- dollar American Automotive Association dent Council just reopened the outdoor (AAA)-Chicago Motor Ciub Scholarships in lounge, and half-doors arc back on the girls' the Illinois Editors Traffic Safety Seminar 15th washrooms, not to mention, the cage is gone in annual traffic safety contest. the library and students can browse freely An essay of 500 words or less on the topic through books. "Teenage Drivers: Are They Getting Better or The author of the editorial also mentioned Worse?". It must be submitted by Dec 31 candidate's promises in campaign speeches. Top scholarship grants will be awarded to Neither of us has ever made any promises con- five girls and five boys. The Motar Club will cerning school policy in any of our many also present 50 dollar U.S. Savings Bonds to 25 speeches. As a matter of fact, the only promise runners-up. we've ever made is to do our best. We have Final judpng will be done by a panel of been working to the best of our ability and will Umversity of Illinois educators and winners continue to do so in providing services to the will be announced in May. Applications mav students and presenting their views to the ad- be obtained in V-106. ministration. The Art Recognition to 17, 18 year olds or Student Council is now using the bulletin seniors who have demostrated excellence in I board in the cafeteria and the paperback dance, music, theatre, visual art and writing bookstore will soon be reopening. Other serCash awards, scholarships amd workshop vices include: the Busy Signal, which will be experiences sponsored by the Educational coming out in November; the homecoming Testing Service (ETS) are available to finalists. festivities, including the parade, queen elec- Appbcations may be picked up in V-106
Scholarships offered
students wxk, learn in Office Occupations by Anne Sizopolos Students who are interested in exploring the field of business occupations can enroll in the Cooperative Office Education Program at Maine South. This program is offered to seniors and a limited number of juniors who want on-the-job training in addition to a related class in school. Students are trained in various jobs such as data processing, accounting, secretarial work, typing, and other business related occupations. Students work a minimum of fifteen hours per week as a paid trainee of an approved business office. Job placement is determined by the student and Miss Catherine Siwinski, Office Occupations Teacher-Coordinator. The student receives one school credit for his work time and gains valuable job experience while still in school.
Mary Ann Mazza
In addition to working, the student attends a related class in school every day. This class (an addition credit) instructs students in using such office equipment as: electric calculators, keypunch, ten-key adding machines, rotary and printing calculators, duplicating machines, and other types of equipment related to the student's job. In class, students also have the opportunity to discuss and share their job experience with Miss Siwinski and the other students. Students enrolled in the program can also join the Office Occupations Club. Members gain business experience by organizing and conducting money-making activities and by competing in office-skill related contests. They also have the opportunity to attend state-wide conferences and national meetings. This year's club president is Mary Ann Mazza, *81. She joined Office Occupations this year and is currently working at Jewel Company, Inc. in the O'Hare Plaza. Her job mainly involves the tax department and Ubrary, although she frequently works as a receptionist. Her business classes at school include two years of typing and Steno I. Mary Ann joined the program because she "wanted to see what office work is like," and enjoys learning new things. Mary Ann who is very involved with the Office Oiccupations Club, feels that "the activities of the club dep)end on the input of its members." The club sponsors such activities as a Homecoming car and booth, club luncheons, and a stuffed animal sale in November. Mary Ann explains that "Office Occupations is not just a typing and reception job; people do different types of business work." Tammy Gieser, '81, is another student enrolled in the Office Occupations Program. She works at Citizens Bank and Trust Company in Park Ridge. She works as a receptionist: answering phones, helping customers, and typing. She also works with computers and wire transfers. Tammy joined Office Occupations after taking two years of typing and general business. She worked solely as a typist her first year at work, and then received additional training from the bank. After gradua-
Tammy Geiser tion. Tammy will probably receive a promotion. Tammy is also the Public Relations Officer of the club. She writes articles about what the club and its activities which are published in the Park Ridge Herald and Advocate. Tammy feels the program has helped her; "for example, I never knew what to do in an interview. But Miss Siwinski showed us what to do and made it a fun experience. She also taught us how to fill out appUcations, make resumes, and recite speeches." Miss Siwinski has taught Office Occupations for the past six years. When asked her feeUngs about her work, she said, "Office Occupations is the best work experience at Maine South, mainly because the students are great to work with and the community has many excellent job opportunities available to students." Editor's Note: In subsequent issues, Southwords will explore (he other work programs offered at Maine South.
Page 3 VoO KWOu) WHY He H^5 A UÂťCAK *>U^T FOR f^ 1 aSAUit ' HiÂŤED J0>^60*)e TO CVT A H0CC UMOettUCAT^l
students speak out on Southwords by Laura Coyne
This week's Forum question, "What do you like and dislike about Southwords?" provoked many reactions from students and faculty. Sandy Eliken, '83, "I enjoy reading it, and 1 think the comics are cute." Lisa Elliott, '82, "I like the special issues where there are more pictures; most of the news is boring." Chris Bechtold, '84, "1 like it alot because it tells you what's going on around the school." Marge Domanchuk, '82, "The surveys are good, but most of the news is common knowledge by the time it's printed. There should definitely be more pictures." Ms. Charlene Lobitz, English teacher, "It's a good form of communication and 1 think it's something the school takes for granted. The new form is great." Jennie Kash, '81, "It's a fairly good, but it could be alot better. I think there should be more stories about how people feel towards certain matters or problems."
Southwards Editor in Chief Julie Langdon News Editor Laura OUen Features Editor Cindy Collman Commentary Editor Anne Sizopoulos Sports Editor , Katie Rcif Copy Editor Karen Vales Photo Editor Sean Reilly Photo Staff: Mark Kadzetia, Joe Krause. Mike Vukovich. Cartoonist: Kerry Pakucko, Jim Kelly Reporters: Julie Bell, Laura Chastain. Laura Coyne, Cathy DiCola, Karen Dannenhauer. Judy Huedepohl, Jean Keieher, Chris Kowols, John Maluszak, Mike Passaneau, Rcnne Robbins, Marya Sakowicz, Paul Samborski, Joanne Sutton, Carolyn Szumal, Elaine Tile, Chris Trudell, Laurie Walters Typist: Sun Yoo Adviser Ken EJealty
Jack Pankau, '82, "It's very informative, something to read during study. There should be more pictures, especially in sports." iMr. Kerrill Kipp, driver education, "1 think it's a very good paper, I like the way it's set up. however, there should be more articles about the students, instead of outside things." Sue Powers, '82, "It's fun to see what's going on, I like it." Karen Engelen, '82, "All the stuff in there people already know about. They don't tell you anything new." Tom Broz, '82, "1 usually don't read it, but when I do I usually read only the sports." Terri Heim, '83, "It's so bland and boring, because there's never any new ideas. There should be more stories pertaining to teenagers instead of the administrative staff." Mr. Tom Castronova, History teacher, "1 think it's very worthwhile. 1 like the articles where students express their opinions. I've taught at Maine East and 1 think it's a better paper then theirs. It's a good form of communication." Carol Jenkins, '82, "1 think the paper's OK. I like the sports section. 1 like the smaller issues
but 1 don't always agree with the ideas of the writers. Rose Straley,- '82, "I think that the newspaper has gotten better. The articles and the jokes are pretty good. Sometimes, some of the articles are boring because they're not related to the kids; they write too much about the administration."
Meaning mystifies by Karen Yates The other day, while paging through Webster's Unabridgeci New Intenational Dictionary (second edition) looking for the definition of a word, I.,saw carriwitchet obscurely hidden between ca'rhtch and carrizo. Upon futher investigation, I discovered that carriwitchet was an adsurd question intended to be facetious." When I asked Judy Huedepohl, '81, what she thought the word meant, she said, "It sounds like a town in England." Chris Christie, '84, stated that it was "a garden tool."
New Doors in girls bathroom by Karen Yates
New bathroom doors were installed three weeks ago in the girl's locker room. The doors were cut in half from the original full doors that had been removed last year due to some girls smoking in the stalls. Since the doors had been taken off, controversy revolved around the rights of privacy. This latest action came about, according to
Miss Kathryn Pierce, chairman of the girls physical education department, because "we had a lot of questions and inquiries from the Mother's Club about having no bathroom doors. We thought we had a solution when'the doors were taken off, we found out soon enough that we didn't. So, a compromise was found," Continued Miss Pierce, "We've given the girls reasonable privacy. I've gotten very positive comment.s and thank-you's from the girls," Paula Meyer, '82, said, "There's not much more privacy than when there were doors." Commented Debbie Schwartz, '82, "I think they should hang beads in front of the doorways." Julie Bell, '81, stated, "They're fine with me," When asked if she thought the smoking problem would stop. Miss Pierce said, "We've chased the smokers from the Johns' to other places. However, only when the non-smokers get angry will the problem be solved. Until then, I don't know what we can do,"
Student appreciates concern
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I would like to compliment Miss Kaye Pierce, head of the Girls' Physical Education Department, for her concern and hard work in dealing with the bathroom doors. Even though many girls do not like the new situation of half doors, these doors are better than no doors at all. Complaints should be directed at Miss> Pierce. Rather, they should be voiced to the real cause of the problem, smokers. It is the inconsideration and selfish attitude of the smokers that caused the removal of the doors Miss Pierce, I appreciate your concern and trouble. Sincerely, Julie Langdon
Quick-thinking boy saves ctioking friend by Laura Coyne About a month ago, something happened that usually no one hears about. John Dieden, a junior, was choking on a piece of candy, and another student. Wally Kugler, saved his Ufe. They were standing outside before school with some other people when it happened. John had a hard piece of candy in his mouth and suddendly started to choke. "I was holding my throat and no one was reacting and I thought to myself 'this is it,' " stated Dieden. But Wally, who could see he was choking, jumped to his feet and successfully used the Heimlich Maneuver. Said Kugler, "The first time I tried, nothing
happened, and I was getting scared. I almost quit, but the second time it came out. It all happened so fast." I almost collapsed because my knees were shaking so bad; I was so nervous after it happened."
ed thousands of lives and John was lucky he was one of them.
'People' rates high
Dieden commented, "I was scared to death and I was relieved when it was over. I've by Chris Trudell known Wally most of my life because we went Are you bored? Getting tired of homework to grammar school together, and I am very and reruns on the television? Want to do grateful. I'm glad he's getting the recognition something fun, but don't know what? Well, I he deserves." have an answer! Why don't you go and sec OrWally added, "I'm just glad I was there." dinary People! Filmed in Lake Forest, Ordinary People is John was not hurt at all. After it happened he went to the nurse to be sure he was alright. about a young man, Conrad, played by The Heimlich Maneuver has reportedly sav- Timothy Hutton, trying to cope after spending several months in a mental hospital. He was admitted there following the tragic death of his brother. The movie illustrates his difficulty in adjusting back to his old routine. Mary Tyler Moore, playing the selfish, uncaring mother, is Mrs. Pinelli, who is Mr. Vincent Pinelli's no help to her son's well being. The father, mother (the drama teacher), also enjoys her played by Donald Sutherland, fails to realize job. She has been working at Maine South for the lack of communication within his family. seven and one-half years. The first six were With the fine directing by Robert Redford spent "scheduUng"students. Mrs. Pinelli com- and fantastic acting by the whole cast, the truemented, "I wanted a change so I began work- to-Ufe story is a movie that should not be missing in the bookstore. The day goes by very ed. fast." Linda Zaworski, '81, stated, "I thought it was touching and meaningful. It was one of Periods two and seven, the bookstore is clos- the best movies I've seen in a long time." ed. Mrs. Beyer added, "The kids think that Polly Craine, '81, commented, "The acting this is a rest period for us, but it is not. We have to ring up the register, bank money, and was great! I really liked Mary Tyler MoQre and Timothy Hutton. It was very reaUstic, and all I make out a djiily report." can say is that it was terrific!" Mrs. Pinelli concluded, "The job is really ideal because it's so close to home, and I really The more we study, we more discover our enjoy being with the kids." ignorance.—Shelley
Bookstore ladies like job atmosphere . by Laura Coyne cu-I "^ names are Mrs. Elvera Beyer and Mrs. ul PinelU. They serve and help students each day selling everything from candy, sweatshirts, to Kleenex. Who are they, but the forgotten bookstore ladies. Mrs. Beyer has been working in the bookstore since the school opened. "The best thing I like about my job is the contact with the studente," she says. "There is no discipline, so tile tads do not feel threatened. "Mrs. Beyer MS four children and eight grandchildren. Two of her children graduated here at South. Mrs Beyere feels blessed because the students are always courteous. Mrs. Beyer continues,"! really don't have anything negative to say about my job."
Super Sleutli IrdUs
TO I>0U.0»*>»»IM?^
• X.°" P'^y ^^ asking yourself who is and what "K u -^^^^^ sleuth." Well, I can't teU you Who he is, but I can teU you what he does. He Chooses a person in the school and writes about him/her. He finds out what he does alter school, whether he has a job or is on a T ' l ^ ^ ' classes he is taking, what year he is, and all sorts of little details about him. Then, ne wntes the article and it is printed in Aoutnwords for everybody to read. The object lor you, the student body, is to try and solve ine mystery of the secret sleuth. The first three people who guess the correct idedntity of the person written about gets his name printed in Xit,"! ,J^*"^ °^ Southwards. All you do is cnlT A ° 7 ' " ^ and submit the name of the person. And now, for this week's mystery identity H^^if "u" **™°'' ^'^ is on the football team, ne nas been on it aU four years. He attended wfcH •''i"'°^ "'«h School and Mary Seat, of wisaom. In lunch, he sits at the jock table in whi 1? u °^ ^^^ cafeteria. He has a 4B study in wmcn he always is working on some kind of homework. Third period he has co-ed tennis hac c B*^""^ with a guy named Al. A source .„h,t .• *' ^^ '"s ''ind of slow in adding and AnH , "8 '" a business course he is taking. H n « : J ^ ' - *'"' no' 'east, he went to the "omecommg dance with a cheerieader. we^^i''^'*^^^ -^^Good '"^"Sluck! 'o 8uess who this wecK s wictim is.
iit^ 7<Cu.V'XiM*
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'Smoking Stinl^ aimed at teenagers The Great American Smokeout? "What's that?" you may ask. No, it's not some obscure history date you forgot to memorize but an up and coming event. November 20 is the day that the American Cancer Society has designated for Americans to either "kick the habit" for at least twenty-four hours or help a friend quit. The Great American Smokeout is an extension of the American Cancer Society's current "Smoking Stinks" program aimed at the one quarter of the nations' teenagers who smoke. Traditionally, teenage boys have accounted for the smoking portion of the youth; however, since 1968, a doubling has occurred in the number of female smokers. Equal numbers of boys and girls are regular smokers today. These statistics worry the American Cancer Society. Every day nearly 4,500 boys and girls light their first cigarette. Just what are they getting themselves into? A common misconception is that "smoking's not addictive; I can quit anytime I want." The truth is that nicotine is a psychogenic drug, and, like any drug, it hooks people. Proof Ues in the hospital wards of laryngectimy patients: addiction to nicotine is the force that compels them to continue smoking even if it means smoking through the hole in their throat. Smokers may start with two or three cigarettes a day, but soon they may find themselves smoking two or three packs a day. The physical effects of smoking are endless. A smoker might as well take one minute off his or her life for every one minute he or she smokes. Modem research provides hard core data: smokers increase two-fold their risk of heart disease; smokers irritate and clog up one million air sacs with every drag (therefore, it follows that smokers caimot breathe as well as
non-smokers); smokers are subject to more wrinkles than even an outdoorsey person (smoking causes the constriction of blood vessels); and smokers are more likely to develop diseases such as emphysema and cancer of the lung, tongue, lip, voicebox. There are over four thousand different chemicals in cigarettes; thirty of these chemicals have been found to cause cancer. Therefore, it is not surprising to hear that 90%
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Smokers Stopped Stopped 5-9 yrs. 10 or « < more yrs American Concer Society
'Budgeting time' easier said ttian done by Kersten McLain It is now the end of first quarter, and we are finding out what our first quarter grades of the
year are. Many students' first grades will be low because, to them, the school year has been a continuation of summer vacation. Others realized that this was a chance to start fresh and have tried to improve their average. For those people who discovered that their grades were not quite up to par, try and work harder on your semester grades. The solution to this may be to settle down and take studying seriously. Your grade point average is very important because it determines your class rank and because it might determine which college you attend.
Page 6
of all lung cancer occurs to smokers. Lung cancer is rarely curable: most victims are dead > within six to nine months of their diagnosis. The sad part is that by the time the second symptom of lung cancer is reconzed, the bringing up of blood in coughing, it is too late. Emphysema is a siow progressmg disease; its victims suffer many years before they die. Take a deep breath right now; now take a second and a third. That third breath is how a sufferer of emphysema normally breathes. The American Cancer Society realizes that people don't always believe statistics; it is human nature to believe it "only when you see for yourself." Therefore, convince yourself of the visible effects of smoking and try the following experiments on your own. Take a plastic, transparent, liquid soap bottle, cut off the spray pump, and fashion a plastic tube to hold a lit cigarette. Now watch the smoke pour into the bottle from just one cigarette. No matter how much a smoker exhales, he or she only gets rid of about onetenth of that billowing smoke. Among the substance in tobacco smoke that cause more disability, disease, and earlier death are nicotine, arsenic, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, tars, etc. Take the same bottle set-up and repeat the experiment with a few cotton balls inside the bottle. It is highly educational to smell your fingers after handling the dirty cotton. Maybe this article hasn't convinced you of the health dangers smoking causes; maybe you've read this whole thing as a joke. But there is one more point the American Cancer Society would like to add. Ten years ago, 52''!'o of our physicians smoked cigarettes. Since that time, more and more breakthroughs have occured in the research field. A recent poll shows that today less than 30% of those physicians still smoke. Actions speak louder than words? Take the pledge on November 20. Smokers, quit for twenty-four hours or more. Nonsmokers, help a friend quit. Next issue we will explore the smoker's side of the story on why they smoke and list some ideas on how to quit. Editor's Note: The American Cancer Society is now warning any girl using birth control pills that it is "suicidal to smoke!" Heart attack risks are increase.! twelve times because smoking increases blood pressure and heart beat rate. Doctors also warn that a pregnant woman smoker is endangering the development of the fetus.
The answer to your grade problems may be just budgeting your study time. If you are involved in a sport or extracurricular activity, try Mystifies . . . and find a certain time before or after this activity to put aside for your homework. "I think it's that suction toy that sticks to Another gCKxi way to fit in everything is to do the walls when you throw it," declared one it in advance and not wait till the last minute. unidentified freshman boy. Laura Chastain, '82, reasoned that carriwitMake up a schedule and stick to it. This way you'll be certain to finish everything. If math chet was a girls name." "Carriwitchet sounds like a round jellygets loo hard to handle, move on to something filled doughnut," said Alex Kaminsky '82 else and come back to it later. Anne Seidel, '82, thought it was "a Although it sometimes seems impossible to plimiber's tool." One anonymous senior declared "It's a fit in everything, both grades and extra ac' tivities are important. Budget your time wisely, show on channel 26." and you may find it easier in keeping up them Stated John Port, '82, "Carriwitchet is a polo mallet." both. Good Luck!
Swim team striving for state contenders by Laura Coyne Next weekend, Maine South will host Districts at home. Thirteen schools will compete, including Maine East, Maine West, and Maine North. Next on the agenda is state competition. Maine South placed eleventh last year, but Coach Butler expects to do better. "Our goal is to place in one of the top six in state. We might have some divers place in state, which we've never done before." Two individual girls, two divers, and a relay team will attend state. The varsity squad has a season record of 10-0 in dual meets, and JV has a record of 9-1.
Both the varsity and JV teams are leading their conference. One of the key factors of the girl's swimming team is depth. The JV squad has illustrated this ail year, junior varsity coach Phyllis Goll stated, "We've utilized all our talents, and had a great season. There's just not enough to say about the girls, their super to work with!" Varsity team member Justine Descher talked about Districts. "I think we can win Districts again; it will be a challenge, but we're all looking forward to the competition." The Maine South swim team competed in a conference meet Saturday at Evanston, seeking a first place trophy. Head coach Dawn Butler expressed her feel-
ings about the competition, "To be conference champs is just one of our goals. I really think we can meet this goal, but it will take everyone's talents."
Rnal swing for MS tennis by Laura Coyne The girls tennis season came to a close as two doubles teams and two singles players competed in Districts, which was hosted by Maine South. The first doubles team of Cheryl Please and Carolyn Szumal captured first place, overpowering Maine East. The tough duo easily wdn their first matches. Advancing to the finals, Cheryl and Carolyn played their toughest match, but pulled out the win in three sets. The second doubles team of Kim Zeman and Paggy Wilkas also did well. The two were in comand until the fourth round, where they were defeated. However, They placed a respectable third in the competition. The singles competition was held at Maine East. Marth Tully, the first singles player, had an unfortunate draw and lost in the first round to a tough Maine East player. Mimi Sponder, the second doubles player, proved her competitiveness as she conquered her first two opponents. However, in the third round, Mimi's opponent, who was the number one seed, came out vitorious. As a team, Maine South placed third. Cheryl Please and Carolyn Szumal moved on to state, as did Peggy Wilkas and Kim Zeman. Peggy and Kim lost in the first round, but lost to the team that placed second in state. Cheryl and Carolyn won their first two matches before suffering defeat. They then went on to consolation and pulled out several victories, but rain fell and dampened their chances for further wins.
Netters set for Indians, Broncos by Julie Bell The volleyball team is optimistic as they head for their final week of regular season play. The Hawks will take on conference rivals Niles West on Tuesday and hope to beat Barrmgton on Friday. Though the Hawks did not accomplish their goal of becoming conference champions, they have a good overall record of 9-6 and are seeded third in the upcoming district tournament. Commented senior Lynn Brownson, "First and second seecjs get byes in districts, but being seeded third isn't bad and, if we work hard, we 11 be able to do it." Coach Saunders certainly hasn't given up on her goal of making it to Carbondale to play in <-j ^^^^^ finals. Displaying her usual confidence, Saunders told her players that "No i%^'^ '^^"nbeatable," and added that, though Maine South will have to fight for every point.
the Hawks can come out on top if they work hard. But no tean can make it to the top without supportive leadedship. Besides Coach Saunders, players listed hitter Carolyn Peska, captain Margaret Quinn and, most often, allaround player Kathy Bickler as important team leaders. With most of the regular season behind them and the state tournament drawing near, players are setting new goals for themselves and their team. "I just want to go as far as we can and hope for the best," said sophomore Tiernan Leahy. Sue Rushford listed, "good pratices, more intensity, and consentration when playing, "as her goals for the remander of the season. With these goals for the remainder of the season. With these goals as a guide. Sue feels that the Hawks can take districts.
GRA supports MS talent by Katie Reif Right alongside the many other hardworking clubs at Maine South is the dedicated Girls's Recreational Activities (GRA) board. The main purpose of the club is to support the girl's sports at school. GRA helps in many ways, such as: selling the food at the concession stand, making buttons for the individual teams, organizing the girl's intramural programs, making tags for the team lockers, and holding the carnation sale on Valentine's Day. The 1980-81 GRA officers are: Jackie Benke, president; Linda Heffeman, vice president; Shelia Smith, secretary; Laurie Oken, treasurer. GRA is sponsored by Miss Finneran.
Frosh runners finish The 1980-81 GRA board: Top, l-r L. Heffeman, J. Benke, L Brownson, J. Eilken, M. Ludwig, M. Clark, B. Farmer, L. Oken. Bottom: J. Descher, K. Eiken, L Eiken, L Fulhardt, C. Peska.
The frosh intramural cross country meet was held on Friday, Oct. 17. The top 10 finishers, in order, are as follows: John Leonard, Dave Lester, Jeff Green, Nick Ricci, John Dfonlich, Bob Guy, George Brohlin, Brook Lester, John Okulanis, and Tony Sparcino.
Cross Country The varsity cross country team finished their season Oct. 25 at the state district meet. The meet was held at Maine East in freezing temperatures and Manie South finished eight out of eleven competitors. A week earlier on the eighteenth South competed in the conference meet and Steve Gummel '83 was named to the all conference team. The girls' cross country team will start its state competition on November 8 at the state districts. Dan Lee, varsity cross country team, commented, "Next year the team should be strong with many returning letterman from this year."
Writers Sought During the break between fall and winter sports is a good time to recruit new writers for the sports page. Anyone with an interest in sports and who has an interest in writing is encouraged to come to the Southwards office, V-106, to learn more about our school newspaper and perhaps become a member of the staff. Basketball, swimming, gymnastics, hockey, and wrestling are the major upcoming sports. If you have an interest in any of these sports and think you would like to write, pick-up an application in room V-106. It is not necessary to have eighth period free (the designated period for Southwards).
This year's M—Club officers are (l-r): Gary McMeen, treasurer; Mickey Zdeblick, secretary; Vince Aganad, vice-president; Bob Conigllo, president.
J - C O p e BOARD
auRirrcR • • o o Soccer—(v)
MS 5, ND 0 MS 4. ME 3 (s) MS 8, N W 0 MS 3, ME 1 MS 1, HPO MS 0, GBN 2
Swimming—(v) MS 87, NTE 85 (f) MS second in New Trier East Frosh Invitational Volleybali—(v)
victorious over Waukesan West.
Talented athletes Wanted: information leading to Maine South athletes who are outstanding and talented in a particular sport. There are many sports besides the usual football and basketball games which students participate in. If you know someone who is active in a sport outside of school, whether it is an individual sport or a team sport alert the Southwards office so that this athlete can be recognized and applauded by h i s / h e r ^ classmates. Ideas are welcome in V-106 anytime TfM 1980-81 JV cheerieaders: top(l-r): Sally Engerman, Chris Mayer, Tina throughout the year. Proakin. Middle: Nancy Cristia, Sue Bartalone, Megan McCarthy, Pat Pages Epifanio. Bottom: Ann Wllkaa, Cristen Ryan.