Vol 17 issue 7

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Theft causes immediate disciplinary action Recent thefts in school have focused attention on the problem of security for valuables. Mr. Adamo, dean, said, "It would help if the students check to see that their lockers are locked and not preset to open by turning it and hitting the last number of the combination." Other preventive measures suggested by the deans were: don't bring large amount of money to school, don't share your combination with anyone, if you have fund raiser money, deliver it to your sponsor as soon as possible, and be sure to lock all lockers. The event that has made students more aware of a problem is that two students were apprehended in the girl's locker room the first week in December with stolen items in their possession.

The thefts took place over a three day period. Once the P.E. department and the deans were notified, action was taken to apprehend the students. They were caught while stealing items on the third day. Out of the estimated 15 students who were ripped off, many had their lockers unlocked. Among the stolen items were purses, candy sale money, various articles of clothing and makeup. The estimation of the stolen goods is valued at $1,000. Extensive measures are being taken to deal with the apprehended individuals. In addition to the disciplining by the school, court action is being taken. Mr. Bitta, dean, commented on that subject, "any kind of stealing of this kind of magnitude or vandalism to any degree will not be

tolerated by school. Not only will we refer theft or any incidents of this nature to police. We will also go to court with students who violated the rights of other students." Dean Bitta also stressed that in order to prevent similar incidents from occuring, the student body must act defensively against students who "violate the rights of other students." This can be accomplished by working as a system to uncover the guilty parties. Anonymous notes with information leading to the apprehension of student offenders are welcome in the Dean's office.

Safe Driving club

by Laura Coyne Maine South has given birth to yet another club, the Safety Club. The new club is open to all students who have a valid driver's license or permit. The first general meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. 27 in room AI16. The club will be involved in safety projects throughout the community and school. Some of the projects include: Youth Traffic Safety Conferences, parent involvement programs for beginning students in Driver Education, a defensive driving course in which and adults will learn advanced driving January 20,1981 students skills and practice evasive manuvers, bicycle safety programs for grade schools in the area, safety spots on WMTH and local newspapers, and student response to the proposed probationary license for new drivers. Mr. Derril Kipp, the sponsor, "urges all interested students to join." The Safety Club with the approach of the new season, has issued recommendations on driving in severe winter weather: •Get the feel of the road by accelerating carefully to see whether wheels spin and brake gently to see whether they skid. •Increase following distance because it takes three to nine times as far to stop on snow or ice as on dry pavement. •Pump your brakes to slow to a stop. •Have good tires with good treads or use snow tires. •Always carry reinforced tire chains in the trunk of your car for use in severe snowstorms. •Keep your windshield and windows clear at all times.

southwords Vol. 17, No. 7

Maine South H.S., Park Ridge, iil.

0 0 members win positions by Jim Kaeding Mame South Office Occupation students Mary Ann Mazza and Leslie SoUars were elected as 1980-81 Officers of the Illinois Office Education Association (lOEA). Mary Ann will serve as Vice-President, and Leshe will serve as Treasurer. They are two of thirteen state officers who wiU lead approximately 4 600 lOEA students in Illinois. The Office Education Association is a national youth organization designed for high school juniors and seniors enrolled in work programs deaUng with office related careers. To be an lOEA officer, a candidate must first be a local or area officer and answer questions from and give speeches to the old officers Each candidate has a campaign. The responsibilities of the Vice-President include promoting OEA, giving speeches to groups, and writing regional letters about his region Mary Ann Mazza commented, "Being an officer develops responsiblities needed for leadership." The last time a Maine South student won an office was about five years ago.

Mn Bitta iionored by Paul Samborski Mr. Andrew S. Bitta, dean, was chosen Dean of the Year by the Illinois State Dean's Association in November. Mr. Bitta received the award at the twentieth annual convention held in Springfield. Mr Bitta was president both of the Chicago Suburban Dean's Association and the Illinois Jeff will now compete with other Illinois State Dean's Association. Mr. Bitta is presenthigh school representatives to attend the an- ly a member of the school problems Subnual, all-expense-paid, week-long Interna- Committee. Mr. Bitta is also a past member of the Iltional Leadership Seminar on America's Incentive System, sponsored by the Foundation linois task force for children out of school. Mr. at the University of Texas in Dallas, July 4-11. Bitta has been in the education for 27 years. He has taught such courses as social studies, Those chosen to participate in the Seminar will meet other tenth graders from every state, psychology, physical education, and drivers twelve other countries, and with prominent education. He also has been a coach, an Continued on page 2 athletic director, counselor, and dean.

Lesiie Soilars, iOEA State treasurer and IVIary Ann IVIazza, vice president.

Sophomore receives honor Jeff Wood has been selected as South's candidate for the Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation International Leadership Seminar Competition. I The Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation pro•" I L L '^'"•^t'P 'l"^l"'es in high school sophomores. The criteria for selection consists of leadership ability, cooperation, sensitivity to the needs of others, and the desire to learn and share knowledge and experience.

DARiSAR. winners announced Julie Langdon and Bob Coniligio, seniors, have been chosen as local Daughter and Son of the American Revolution. They will proceed to regional and state competitions. As D.A.R. winner, Julie may proceed to national competition. Both were chosen in homeroom by other seniors because of their leadership, patriotism and as students "worthy to be honored," in Dean Virginia Fearer's words. After balloting, teachers rated on the remaining candidates. Special attention was paid to their extracurricular activities and grades; only those teachers who were acquainted with the students voted. D.A.R. and S.A.R. are independent groups; however, their purpose to stimulate patriotism, dependability, cooperation and leadership are the same. D.A.R. started as an award for outstanding actual descendents of founding fathers; however, with the increasing population, background is not considered. Both awards are considered "good citizenship awrds." As a local winner, Julie received a pin, certificate luncheon and if she wins the regional competition, she might receive $50 savings bond. In state competition she would receive $100 educational scholarship. To compete she had to complete a quentionaire about her grades, classes, activities, honors and contributions to the community. She also wrote an essay on "Our American Heritage: And My Responsibility to It." Bob received a medal; however, because S.A.R. is a honorary organization he may not attend a state competition. Julie, senior, has been on Pep Cuncil 3 years, Southwords, rising from reporter to

Julie Langdon and Bob Coniglio sports editor to the position of editor-in-chief. She went to Costa Rica as a part of the American Field Service over summer, is vicepresident of National Honor Society, has been on the high honor roll for 3 years. She has received History, French and Journalism awards, worked 12-15 hours a week and has been a member of the JV swim team. Bob Conigilio is currently senior vice president and M Club president and junior class president. He has been a member of class council for all four years, is the assembly chairman for student council and a Quad Council delegate. He is a Thespian, Tri—M member, member of the Brotherhood Society and the Century III Leaders Committee. He was involved in football, wrestling, track, concert choir and ensemble. He participated in the

Reading club rediscovered by Jean Keleher Talented and deserving Science, Language, and Social Science students have something that equally talented and deserving English students do not: a general awards program. However, the Maine South English Department used to have an honorary society which recognized their outstanding students. Sigma Chi Sigma, defunct within the past three years, was an organization functioning purely to recognize those students who excelled in EngUsh, specifically reading. As outlined by Miss Karen Pflederer, director of South's reading clinic, qualifications were determined by scores on a nationally standardized vocabulary and comprehension test. Ranks above 90 percent certified membership, and entitled the member to a certificate and pin. Sigma Chi Sigma was designed in the early

'60's with the catalystic support of Dr. Wiltse, then a Maine superintendent, and enthusiasm for the program spread. When Maine South opened seventeen years ago, Sigma Chi Sigma was a part of it. The probable reason for the discontinuation of this group was lagging participation. As explained by Mr. Marian Davis, English Department Chairman, Sigma Chi Sigma was by nature a "honorary, voluntary organization" (students had to take the exam on their own time). Yet a chapter remains in active operation at Maine East, where initiated members "meet informally over the year and discuss important novels on an unstructured basis." Both Miss Pflederer and Mr. Davis stressed that if enough students are interested in revitalizing Sigma Chi Sigma as an active school organization, they should speak out and a proposal will be considered.

Home Economics changes by Paul Samborsid Mrs. Betty Ohlmacher, home economics department chairperson, will be transferred to Maine West at the end of this year. Ms. Susan Horgen, current department chairperson at North, will replace her. Mrs. Ohlmacher has been head of the

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department since South opened in 1964. She feels that the demand for home economics classes is steady considering the declining enrollment. The same staff and 23 classes will be retained with the exceptions of the drop of Creative Stichery and the departure of Mrs. Cynthia Gilmore, to have her first child.

musicals for the past three years and V—Show for the past two.

Speaking team wins by Jean Keleher The Contest Speaking team participated in its second contest of the season, the Dundee Community Tournament, on Sat., Dec. 13. Out of the eight events competed in—Prose Reading, Oratorical Declamation, Extemporaneous and Radio Speaking, Dramatic and Humorous Interpretation, and Dramatic and Humorous Duet Acting—the team placed in five. Junior Barb Joyce, awarded athlete of the week by the Monday Morning Sports reporters, ranked first overall in the event of Humorous Interpretation. Competing in Oratorical Declamation, senior Renee Robbins captured second place, while the team of Jean Keleher and Mike Harris finished third in Dramatic Duet Acting. Team newcomers John Curran and Jim Chung placed sixth in Radio Speaking and Extemporaneous Speaking, respectively. Over twenty-five schools were represented at the tournament. Team captain Chris Kowols, '81, attributes South's success to "the small core of veterans and talented group of rookies, who are really the strength of this year's team." Those interested in joining the team still have the opportunity, and are advised to contact Mr. Pinelli immediately.

Sophomore... Continued from page 1 leaders in business, government, education and professions. The actor, Hugh O'Brian, established the Foundation in 1958 to seek outstanding high school sophomores and provide them with opportunities for leadership abilities to be recognized. Mr. O'Brian feels, "the Seminars provide a i means for the nation's young people to return home and make a positive contribution towards motivating themselves and their classmates to become contributing members of the community."

Final exams^-Are they necessary? by Anne Seidel Final exams are a dreaded time for students and the cause of midnight cramming, silent swearing, and a rapid pulse. So Southwards hit the classrooms and asked teachers "Why do you feel finals are important?" Here are some responses: Mr. Steven Lowry, Language Department, "Finals prove that the student has learned something throughout the course of the semester; they show that something has stayed with them." Miss Carol Singer, English Department, "Finals are good preparation for college. They are also a good review of the material learned that particular semester." Mr. Donald Olson, mathematics, "Finals prove how well students have learned the material. Though weekly tests show this on a small scale, finals are much more significant;


how much the student has learned. Colleges test students the same way, so it's good training. Finals exams also teach self discipline to the students." Mr. George Green, science, "For collegebound science students, finals are an excellent preparation. They, also, like a grade, add pressure to work." Mr. Ed Bleeden, mathematics, "finals are good training for college exams and they prove how much the student has retained." Mr. John Bostic, mathematics, "Finals are good for everyone except the students with learning problems. They are an excellent experience and a help for college." Miss Barbara Bobrich, science, "Finals help some kids to pull their grade together. They Mr. Otto Kohler, Department Chairman of are general tests that may raise the kids' grades Social Science and Language, "Finals measure up in order to pass the course."

they show the ability to pick out the major material of the semester." Mrs. Patricia Schreiber, language, "Finals pull together all the little bits of knowledge from throughout the semester. They are an excellent preparation for college, also." Mr. Robert Schultz, social science, "I have mixed feelings concerning final examinations. For those students who are college-bound, final exams will give them valuable experience for what they will be exposed to later on. On the other hand, I wonder if final exams really serve a meaningful purpose for the non-college bound student. It seems that this decision should be determined by the nature of the course and the behavioral objectives the instructor is attempting to achieve."

'What is your New Yeai^s Resolution?

devoted to my good friends and to that special by Cathy Stravakas Tommy Anaialone '81 "to be more devoted someone. (Mom)" Gary Swiderski '83 "to kick all my bad to the drama department since it's my last year habits." and the last semester." Fred Zimmerman '81 "to not go to Carin Mizera '83 "never let my hair get over McDonald's so much fifth period." five inches long the whole year." Tom Daley '81 "to look at eye level when Kevin Sewart '84 "to never start a story that I won't finish because people get mad at me." walking in the halls." Bubbles Coniglio '81 "to try to make things Mary Thavis '82 "To help Orchesis become work better in ttie school." more well-known for our efforts." Greg Sturm '83 "to start doing my Rick Stephanie '82 "to raise my grades and homework." try to get along with my parents better." Bill Hanck '84 "to try to meet more girls." Juhe Langdon '81 "to run 650 miles this year, and to lose seven more pounds." Kristi Overbeck '82 "to try to live sanely throughout another year at Maine South." Margie Domanchuk '82 "to improve my bowling average." Leo Smith '83 "to improve my grade point Dear Maine South Students, average and to enjoy skiing during the Maine Stay Youth Services of Park Ridge is wmter. opening up a drop-in center for teenagers. The Girr83 "I want to stop burping out loud." drop-in center will be a place where teenagers Paul "Pistol" Mpistolaridis '82 "I promise can go to have some fun, meet new people, to make my girlfriend happy." hear some music, play pinball or pool and be Patnce Epifanio '82 "I promise to keep all part of the growing concern for teenagers. It is the promises I make." a place where teens could learn about Kristi Meland '83 "I promise to try and themselves and others in a low-key atmake people happy!" mosphere. It is a place to hear some live music. Leanne Nelson '82 " 1 promise to be more It is a place to go if there's no parties around.

Laura Klatt '83 "to try not to go out so much on school nights." Jody Johnson '84 "try to live another year longer by not eating any food in the school cafeteria." Pat Siffermann '84 "try not to get so many green slips." Mrs. Dieter-"grade less papers and eat less food." Cathy Lepore '83 "to start doing good in math." Arlene Heskin '83 "to try and pass all my classes."

Nevi^ youth center to replace 'Hinge'


or just a place to drop in on. It's a place for the teenagers who say "There's no place to go to in Park Ridge." This place is for you. Beginning January 6 our hours will be every Tuesday through Thursday from 4 to 9, and every Friday 5 to 10. The drop-in center is located at Hinkley Field, 283 Busse, Park Ridge, where the "The Hinge" used to be. Please stop by I hope to meet you there. Thank you, Gina Pope, Maine Stay Staff

Work can be fun in Child Care Occupations by Anne Sizoponios Child Care Occupations is a work program available to students who are interested in working with young children. Students have the opportunity to apply the principles of child development and instructional techniques at several places such as: grade schools, nursery schools, day care centers, a pediatrics ward, or special education centers. Child Care Occupations is actually two different programs—there is both an in-school and an out-of-school plan. The in-school program is instructed by Mrs. Kathryn Olson, and involves three periods daily with two hours credit. Girls (as well as guys) work in the lab school in Maine South and also at Washington Grade School as teacher's aids. The in-school program in addition to the Child Development and/or the Family Psychology classes are excellent prerequisites for the out-of-school program, though they are not required. The out-of-school program is guided by Mrs. Lois Berry. Students obtain valuable working experience while learning in a related class in school. Mrs. Berry stresses creativity and imagination in the class assignments (bulletin boards, games, etc.) which are required for the class. The girls work with children who are 12 months old up tofiveyears old. Dawn Margarites, a senior, is currently enrolled in the out-of-school program after working in-school her junior year. She works in Mimi's Merri Mornings Nursery School as a teacher's aid, and once a week as a teacher. Dawn exclaims she likes helping and working with children and would like to continue after graduation. "My favorite thing to teach the children is some kind of learning experience—showing pictures, or reading stories to them." Mondays through Wednesdays Dawn works with 16 three year olds and on Thursdays and Fridays with eight two year

Kathy Rogers enjoying work at Children's Campus Day Care Center.

Dawn Margarites

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Mrs. Berry with members of her Child Care class.

olds. Dawn feels the hardest idea to accept about little kids is that "they do things differently than what they're asked to do; they don't see things the way we do." Concluded Dawn—"I've learned alot of patience!" Another senior enrolled in the out-of-school program is Kathy Rogers. Kathy works with three to six year old children at the Children's Campus Day Care Center. She plans to become a physical therapist with a major in pediatrics and she feels that the C.C.O. program will help her achieve this goal. Kathy enjoys working with kids and "tries to teach them something while having fun." Kathy adds—"You really learn how to be patient." Donna Juhlin, a junior, is now working in the in-school program after taking Child Development. Donna says she "always liked kids and had been thinking of working in preschools—this (C.C.O.) is good experience." On Mondays and Thursdays, Donna works at Washington School and on Wednesdays she works in-school. She spends the other two days of the week planning activities and lessons for the kids along with other girls in the program. Donna says she has learned how to handle difficult situations and has "learned how to be patient." All the girls expressed a genuine interest in dealing with children and watching them as they grow older and change. Mrs. Berry explains that the changes in the kids every year are very visible and rewarding to their student teachers. Mrs. Olson adds that "the C.C O program is a good opportunity for students interested in children to find out if this field is right for them before going to college." Even if not a lifetime career, Mrs. Berry points out that the class is a good training experience for the important job of parenting—"It gives you a good yardstick to measure your own child's behavior and development." And everyone agrees that one "learn how to be patient'" As a new year unrolls it's course, remember that before one can have a friend, one must be a friend.

Meet M.S. Scholars of tomorTx>w

Last week I talked with some of Maine South's soon-to-be freshmen—the pre-school kids in the CCO (Child Care Occupations). Observing them, I found that they acted just about the same as some of our present freshmen Gust kidding). Anyway, we watched them and talked to a few of them, and amidst their giggles, we found out a little bit about their school. There are about ten boys and girls that attend, four days a week for several hours. They have a math/science period, an art period, and

a free period. If the free-time gets out of hand, there's always naptime to turn to. During the math/science period, they watch as their teachers perform simple experiments. In art, they paint or color. This past Christmas they made gifts for their parents in the class. The free time they get is usually filled up with singing, listening to stories their teachers read to them, and of course, playing. When we asked them questions about which activity they liked best, most of them looked at us and ran away (just kidding). The majority of these

Santa makes special appearance for CCO party

three-and four-year-olds, however, were too shy to say anything, but a few brave ones offered their comments. Peter, '92 likes to paint and color, but his favorite pasttime is playing. Patrick, '92 showed all the toys he likes to play with. Joey, '93 sang excerpts from his favorite song, "The Spider Song" while he swept the floor of the room. Another Patrick, '92 insisted that, "I'm not going to say anything." The last question we asked everyone responded to. They all said they liked coming to the pre-school.

The 'troops' gather 'round Santa as in-school CCO teacher Mrs. Olson looks on.

Patience and cooperation are toys to getting unstudi by Laurie Walters th-u ^.^'^^° picks up Foxy Roxanne for FJ^", ,"°'date to the movies. As they get in Mark s Datsun 280Z, he has visions of a wild evening. However, instead of peeling out, Mark Jiears the familiar sound of tires grinding in the snow. It's not Roxanne's heart that will oe spmnmg tonight, but Mark's worn down tires. Getting stuck in the snow is not a cool thing to ao. bo all you cruisers out there, take some precautions so that you won't end up as embarrassed as Mark Macho did. uunng these winter months, we should all ^rry some equipment in our cars in case we tind ourselves rammed into a snowbank. cnn,.!?f°7u '^ ^'"^^ys helpful to move away n?^rl? 1 ^ problem-causing snow. Kitty litter

won't do any good if you forgot all those great tips you got back in drivers class. To get a car out of the snow, the best technique is rocking it. If no one is available to push it back and forth, switch gears back and forth from reverse to drive until you work your way out. The same goes for stick shift cars, move from reverse to first and continue. This rocking action should give the momentum needed to get out of the snow. The worst thing to do is to sit there and floor it, just spinning your tires in the snow will make the problem worse. At one time or another, everyone gets stuck in the snow. Some of our readers have shared their experiences with us. One junior said, "One New Year's Eve, I

'Stir Crazy' stars in new movie releases

s o S c t f o ^ " ' ^ * ° " ' " ^ '° «"^ ^ '"^ ^^'^ wh^?^"v»?" ^^ f^ inovative as you want bv using by Karen Yates S f to h J ° " ^^^^'" ^he car. If you don't hap Stir Crazy, a comedy being shown in local mat wn,^H^ ^ "?« ^'^^ y°"> so-^e rags or a car fTf^« '^°'^' J"''^ something to put under theaters, reunites Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder, who both starred in The Silver Streak the tires to get some traction. Just carrymg these things around with you several years ago. Stir Crazy begins with Wilder and Pryor losing their jobs. Wilder, an aspiring playwright, persuades Pryor to migrate out west with him, in hopes that he will find a better atmosphere now^"alL.^*^^"*'"^ message! Southwords is for his writing interests. The largest portion of Stir Crazy is spent tion in tK^^ ^"^ personal messages for publicavonr ml. "^^''^^ue. We request that you sign observing our two heroes behind bars, after nZeTf V ^*'= \ ° ^ ^ ^ " ' *^ ^ i " withold your they're falsely acused of robbing a bank. By nowinH T^- ^°' '^' yo"r creative juices some freakish talent for riding a bull, Wilder VriZJt • 'e"'* ^ Valentine greeting to your finds himself the star rider in an annual rodeo friends via Southwords in V-106 meet against a rival jail.

Think pink, send Valentine

was going to a punk party so I -was all dressed up and I got stuck in the snow. Two guys driving by stopped to help me and I was so embarrassed because I was all dressed like a punk rocker!" Mary Jo Lusk '81 told Southwords, "One time I got stuck in the snow, and I had just gotten my license, so I didn't know the first thing about getting my car out. Finally a bus of laughing guys stopped to help me out because I was just sitting there blocking an intersection." The next time you go cruising, keep some things in mind. Remember it doesn't do any good to swear, so be prepared and knowledgable of the right actions to take.

Although the first three quarters of the movie are quickly and evenly edited, the last half hour lacks rythym and excitement, which is unfortunate because that part of the movie concerns itself with an escape attempt, something that can easily become exciting with a new approach. Directed by Sidney Poitier, the characters, while in unbelievable situations, still retain a feeling of believability and spontineity. The humor in Stir Crazy is boisterous and good natured. People with subtle and sedate tastes should stay away. While Stir Crazy 's a fun movie, certain flaws prevent it from being a fine movie. _

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Catch 'finals' spirit witli *fiese tips by Joanne Sutton Well freshmen, you thought that the worst of the year was over. There are only a few more months to coast along until spring break, right? Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come. Whether a freshman or a senior, the pressure of finals still produces the same effect. Late night cramming, nausea, mental breakdown, and panic are often symptoms of this disease which strikes every semester. Never fear—there are a few handy tips that can help you through finals. One of the first items in your survival kit should be aspirin, especially for those newcomers who will be rereading all of their textbooks. Also on the list of medical supplies should be cough drops. From past experience, many students know that a coughing attack can be quite embarrassing while taking a test in a completely silent room. Sniffling is no better, so stock up on that tissue and decongestant. Having the right tools is also necessary when battling the task of taking a test. There is usually no problem with forgetting number two pencils. By the time finals come around, the teachers have drilled this into your head. It is also advisable to bring eraseable pens for those beloved essays. Be careful though, for too many test-takers turn their papers into big blue smears by the time they're finished erasing. Speaking of essays, don't forget the paper needed to write them on. Timing is also an important factor. That new watch you got for Christmas can really be

helpful when trying to allow the right amount of time for each part of the test. A word of caution to those who have audible alarms on their watches. It is not advisable to set the alarm unless you want to give all your fellow classmates minor seizures. On the other hand, if you are slightly kinked, an intimidating little trick is using a musical calculator during the test. Nothing is more irritating than those annoying little beeps while trying to concentrate. If attempting this prank, be prepared to face the wrath of your cohorts. Mischief can add to the nervous tension of

the classroom atmosphere. Since a majority of normal people start to freeze before a test, it's a good idea to bring a sweater along. For those extremely paranoid students, a hat and gloves might even be needed. Biting nails is also another great pastime for high-strung people. Fussy girls wno can't stand to look at a hand full of bitten off, jagged stubs, why not include a nail file in your tool kit? Along with these tips, remember to stock up on the coffee and Kaopectate. Most students pull through one way or another, so keep your head on straight and good luck!

Spring break coundown already begun? by Debbie Tritthardt Stumbling off the bus, Mike heard a chorus of complaints. "I don't want to be here. This is murder." "It was super cold in Florida. I would have sworn that I saw a polar bear on the beach." "What a bummer. You should have been in Colorado. We had ten inches of mud on the slopes." "Mr. Snide actually gave us a term paper over Christmas, but I'll just tell him the dog ate it." "Well, it's a good thing Fido got hungry before Snide corrected it. Your dog might have died from all that red ink that he uses to grade papjers."

"Hey, did you get stuck riding one of those yellow school buses? They remind me of first grade." "I hope spring break is coming soon 'cause I don't think I can wait that long." "I don't think I'll make it to second period." "New Year's Eve was excellent. You should have seen . . . " Mike was very tired and he figured if he could take a short nap before homeroom he just might not have to visit the nurse. He found a dark, little room, felt around for a chair, and quickly drifted to sleep. Shortly after, a powerful beam of light shone on Mike, and he woke up to murmuring voices. He knew right away they belonged to his dean and his teachers. Questions were hurl^ ed at him. ^F "Where were you last week, Michael?" "Why aren't your assignments done?" "We've been looking for you. Didn't you get your green slips?" By now, Mike was confused. After all, wasn't there a two week holiday? He decided that he would make a getaway, but in the rush he tripped over the chair. (The latest news on Mike is that he was heard counting the days until spring break when they wheeled him into the nurses office and was still counting when the ambulance arrived. By the way, there are only 67 days until your next vacation.)

Our teachers: the other side by Laura Coyne Her favorite food is chocolate, she makes most of her own clothes, loves to travel, and belongs to The Richard III Society. This person is not another victim of the Super Sleuth, but is a description of Miss Lucille Wright, who teaches American Studies and English II Ace. at Maine South. Today, the hfe of a teacher (outside of school) is disclosed. Miss Wright was raised in Portage, Wisconsin, and also began her teaching career there, "I taught in several schools in Wisconsin before I came to Maine South. I wanted a change, and I wished to teach somewhere other than Wisconsin. This is my favorite school; I'm very loyal to Maine South. I look forward to coming and teaching every day." Miss Wright received her bachelor's degree in Oshkosh, WI and her masters degree from the University of Colorado. Miss Wright's hobbies include sewing and reading mystery novels. She is also the sp>onsor for the Wrestlerettes. Each summer or holiday, or "whenever I can get away," Miss Wright travels. She has been all over the United States, from Alaska to Hawaii, and also parts of Europe. Miss Wright commented, "The scenery in the United States is extremely outstanding. My favorite place is probably Yosemite National Park in California. However, the most impressive thing I ever saw was Mount McKinley in Alaska. I'm very partial to mountains, even though I do not ski. I

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^ ^j^ ^^

would love someday to go to Switzerland." Beside all her traveling. Miss Wright is a member of The Richard III Society. This society is a very unusual club with only about 3,000 members throughout the world. People in this organization share a common goal. Miss Wright explains, "King Richard III was the King of England from 1483-1485. Sources say he ordered the deaths of many people, including his two nephews and the Princess' in the Tower. However, research has been done that questions this accusation; the people in the club feel he did not order those deaths. Although this organization may seem useless, we feel that we would like the truth about him known. We want people to know he was not the cruel leader people thought he was." Even though Miss Wright is busy with her hobbies, traveling, and The Richard III Society, teaching is her first priority.

"A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of ones heart, chaff and grain together. Knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and siff it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."

Super Sleuth trails anew Ready for this issue's mystery victim? This time our super sleuth chose a junior guy. He went to a Catholic grammar school and in the eighth grade transferred to Lincoln Jr. High. He is active in both the football and baseball team. His hobbies include snow skiing and playing the drums. You may have seen him perform in the V-Show. Some times he plays for his father's band. He is presently going out with a

cheerleader. In front of his house on the northwest side of town, you may see his green car parked there out front. Well, that's all the clues for this week's victim. Don't forget to submit your guesses in the box in V-106. The winners of last issue's mystery girl wereNick Loise '83, Kristi Meland '83, and Leanne Nelson '82. Mary Tortorella was the super sleuth's victim.

Hawks to sizzle Demons Friday by Leo Smith Maine South's varsity basketball team will run and gun for crosstown rival Maine East this Fri., Jan. 23, at home. The sophomore tipoff is at 6:30 pm and the varsity action begins at 8 pm. Maine South-Maine East games have always proved to be thrillers, and this match up seems to be no less. Maine South is a must win situation after their slow start in conference, while Maine East is coming off a strong start and has been rated in one local newspaper. Coach SuUins will have his hands full with a quick Demons team. Although Maine South has to be considered the underdog, the entire varsity squad will be up for this traditional rivalry. The home court advantage this year has not been a big factor for the Hawks, with crowds dwindling every game. Traditionally, the fans have played a crucial role in the outcome of the Maine East game. Without fan support, the Hawks could drop another game behind. With a good turn out on Friday, they could pull a stunning upset. In past years, opponent coaches have feared

Maine South crowds and the effect it has on their boys. It's about time that Maine South students give the much deserved support to our Maine South team. While Maine South has had a less than successful season this year, they have one big victory over St. Joseph, the Chicago Tribune's Top Prep Power. "The lack of offensive attack is the reason for low turnout," says Paul Minasian, '83, while Jim Chidester, '84, comments, "The basketball team has had a generally bad year." Ann Sizopoulos, '82, has another look at the problem as she suggests, "Well, some years students just stay home. I really don't think it has anything to do with the team itself." Whether it is the student attitude or the team's win-loss record, let's hope that everyone cheers our Hawks on to victory this Friday. No complaints are heard from sophomore or freshman fans, as they are in the middle of two successful seasons. The sophomore record is 7-3, and includes a third place finish in a recent tournament. The freshman A record is 8-2 and the Frosh B are almost as strong with a record of 7-2.

Fencers remain undefeated Varsity B-Ball player Ed Schmelzer fights for the jump ball while teammate Mark Pankus (45) waits for the tip.

Gymnasts keep balance by Laura Coyne The girls' gymnastics team will compete in a major meet January 24 along with thirty-four other schools at Niles West. Head coach Phylhs GoU hopes to do well, "Some of the best teams will be there and 1 expect Maine South to finish in the upper half." The gymnastics team has had three conference meets. The varsity has a record of 1-2, and JV 2-1. Coach GoU continues, "Our record does not show the talent that we have. We have many young gifted gymnasts with a lot of potential, and I expect to do better than last year."

by Peter Curtis The Maine South varsity fencers, the only imdefeated varsity Hawk team, put its reputation on the line against New Trier East yesterday at New Trier. The Hawks have a 9-0 record. In meets prior to the hoUdays, the Hawks beat the Indians 12-6, Maine West 11-7, and New Trier West 11-7. The Hawks wiU compete against these teams again along with eleven other schools from the Midwest in the 1981 Midwest High School Fencing Championships in Milwaukee on Feb. 7. Although undefeated this year, the Hawks feel that a victory will not come easily. When asked the chances of winning the tournament, captain Steve Amidei said, "We could win if we work hard in practice, so as to improve our

skills. If we are prepared, we stand a good chance of winning." The Hawk frosh-soph team is 2-1 this year. The team beat both New Trier schools, losing to Maine West. The frosh-soph team will compete in the frosh-soph Invitationals later this month. This invitational was won by the Hawks last year. The Hawks competed individually in the Junior Olympic qualifying meets with some outstanding results. Mark Rusin, Dave Moreno and Steve Amidei all qualified in Men's Under 20 divisions. Mark is the third fencer in the eppe division. Dave and Steve are first and second alternates, respectively in the foil division. Diane James and Charlie Hoeller, both first year fencers, also qualified; Diane, in women's under 16 foil, and CharUe, in men's under 16 foil.

The team's two captains are CoUeen MacDonald and Kathy Nistler. Both have been members of the gymnastics team for all four years. Kathy has been on the varsity squad smce she was a freshman. Kathy is also an allaround gymnast along with Michele Ryan and Diana Stemohort. These girls participate in all events. The JV squad is also doing very weU according to coach GoU, "The team is made up of treshmen and sophomores and they show a lot of promise." The girls practice every day for two-and-half !!!?""xu 째 " Saturdays. Coach GoU concludes.. Ihe giris are very dedicated and all of tfteir attitudes are excellent."

The 1980-81 freshmen cheerleaders: front row, I to r Trisha Finnegan, Carolyn Bachmeier, Joy Jensen, Anne Sebastian. Back row: Stephanie Hale, Margaret Nesbit, Lisa Williams, Karen Anderson. Rage 7

Gill's B-Ball to stuff Waukegan by Mike Sir The Maine South girl's varsity basketball team is off to a red-hot start. So good in fact, that Coach Deines is calling the 1980-81 team "the best he's ever seen." The Hawks are doing so well that for the first time ever, the girl's team was rated in a recent Tribune wire service poll. Even though it's the first girl's basketball poll in Illinois, and the Hawks were rated 5, all signs show that the team is headed upward. Virtually every team the Hawks have or will play is a ranked contender. Sue Lee, a senior guard, commented, "Playing ranked teams each game not only helps us improve, but develop poise." Poise within a basketball team is a definite must when the State tournament rolls around. The girl's basketball program, now participating on three levels, has a combined total record of 10-5. The freshmen are undefeated in two contests, the junior varsity has 2 wins and

MS Icemen fly Tomorrow, the Maine South varsity hockey team is scheduled to take on Notre Dame at 8:30 p.m. at the Oakton Ice Rink. This promises to be an exciting game as the Hawks race for a win over the only team that has defeated them. On Sun., Jan. 11, the Hawks were victorious over St. Viator 3-2. Forward Bob Kuker had a hat trick, scoring all three goals. Sophomore Chuck Berleth did a fine job in the nets. Goalie Steve Sullivan has been out with a broken arm, but will hopefully be back on ice soon. Maine South is currently second in their division behind Notre Dame. Their record is 9 wins, 2 losses, and 1 tie. The Hawks have been invited to play in a tournament in Green Bay, Wis., which is to be held in February.

3 loses, and the varsity contributes 6 wins and 2 losses. Although the JV is at below .500 mark, the bulk of their season lies in the months ahead. The varsity, with a little less than half the season over, took 4 of 5 games over the Christmas vacation, including a consolation championship in the Evanston Tournament. The team played excellent, losing only to Niles West 40-26 due to a poor second half. Senior Sally Petersen and junior Kathy Bickler led the

Hawks in scoring, while Jenny Mumford cleaned the boards and hustled well on both sides of the court. Most state-ranked teams in the past at Maine South have had large crowds at their games. Let's not let the girl's basketball be an exception. Be at Maine East Friday at 6 p.m. to watch all three teams sweep the Demons. And be sure not to miss the Hawks home game Saturday at 6:30 p.m. when both the JV and varsity scalp the Raiders of Waukegan West.

Wrestlers strong and on top by Kersten McLain Last Friday night, Maine South's wrestling team lost to Niles West with a score of 41 to 9. Despite the loss, Scott Skoog pinned his opponent in the 145 weight class in only 49 seconds. Matt Bringas also won his match. The JV-1 and JV-2 levels also lost to the Niles West Indians with a score of 21 to 30 and 52 to 10 respectively. The Hawks did not lose completely, however. The freshmen team won an exciting match with a score of 27 to 26. Maine South was on the Indians' heels throughout the entire meet. In the last match, Tony CoUeti scored the three points needed to win. Other winners were Phil Morelli, Jim Bringas, John Okulanis, and John Johnson. After this meet the freshmen record was 7 and 1. Freshman coach, Mr. Kolar, stated, "These kids are going to be winners, and this kind of match brings together their team spirit. They are good wrestlers and if they stay together, we will have an excellent varsity team." On Saturday, Maine South met with Maine West, Notre Dame, and Gordon Tech for a tournament in which they finished fourth. During this meet Scott Skoog's arm was badly

broken while wrestling his opponent in the 145 weight class. This means that he will probably be out for the rest of the season. John Sheehan, '81, "The loss of our 145 pounder not only hurt us in this tournament but will also hurt the team in future meets." Also on Saturday, Maine South's freshmen were in a tournament with Maine West, Maine East, and Gordon Tech. They first beat Gordon Tech with a score of 40 to 17. Phil Morelli, John Johnson, and Neil Deichmann each pinned their opponents. The freshmen were then defeated by both Maine East and Maine West. Wrestling is an exciting sport. Our Hawks have been doing very well despite last weekend's loses. To encourage our team, go out to some of the meets to cheer the Hawks on.

Next Week in Sports GIRLS GYMNASTICS: At Home vs. Niles West, Jan. 21; at Niles West Invitational, Jan. 24; at East Leyden, Jan. 27; at New Trier West, Jan. 29; Conference Meet, Feb. 6; Districts Feb 9 BASKETBALL: At Maine East, Jan. 23; Home vs. Waukegan West. Jan. 24; Home vs! New Trier East. Jan. 30; Home vs. Deerfield, Feb. 6; at Glenbrook North, Feb. 7. BOYS SWIMMING: Jan. 23 at Glenbrook North; Jan. 30 at Deerfield; Jan. 31 at Home against Maine East; Feb. 3 at Home vs. Wheeling. BASKETBALL: Jan. 23 at Home vs. Maine East; Jan. 30 at New Trier East; Feb. 6 at Deerfield; Feb. 7 at Home vs. Niles West WRESTLING: Jan. 23 at Home vs. Ridgewood; Jan. 24 at Rolling Meadows; Jan. 30 at Home vs. New Trier East; Jan. 31 at Home vs. Stevenson High; Feb. 6 at Waukegan East.


Page 8

Boy's Basketball MS 43, NW 41 (v) MS 42, NW 39 (jv) MS 47, EG62(v) MS 45, EG36(jv) Girl's Basketball MS 37, GBS 46 (v) MS 40 GBS38av) Wrestling MS 9, NW 49 (V) MS 21 NW 30 Gv) MS 10 NW 59 (frosh A) Ms 27 NW 26 (frosh B) Fencing MS 13, GT 5 (V) MS 8 GT 10 Gv) Hockey MS 3 St. Viator 1

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