Vol 18 issue 11

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News Briefs CHOIR NEWS

Maine South's Concert Choir recently won first place in the high school division of the American Choral Festival on Feb. 13. South's choir, however, was not chosen to represent the dis trict they won. Instead, a college choir was selected. Next Wed., March 17, South's choir, directed by Irwin Bell, //ill perform in the Edison Park Church. The choir recently helped raise $800 for AFS in a benefit concert on March 2.

Achievers named in Englisli by Kfuji Falzone. Four Maine South students have been chosen as nominees to the National Council Teacher of English Achievement Awards in writing. The four students are: Michael Curcio, Scott Longman, Sanja Nikolich, and Jeff Roma. All of them are juniors and have been in the accelerated English program for the past three years. They were recommended by their English teacher, Mrs. Diane Johnson, to be eligible for the award. The National Council Teacher of English (NCTE) is a professional organization for English teachers with

Hawkettes The Maine South Hawkettes will enter the state competition held for drill teams on Sat., March 13, at Palatine High School. This competition will last all day starting at 8:30 a.m. The Hawkettes are eligible for the state competition after scorina higher than 90% in districts. The frosh-soph squad placed first in No-

its national headquarters in Champaign, Illinois. Maine South's four eligible students will now submit a sample of thier best writing and write a onehour impromptu essay. Each of the writings will then be sent to NCTE to be judged. The winners will llien be recommended for college scholarships. The essay will be written in April and winners will be announced Nov. 1, according to English Department Chairman Marian Davis. Julie Locascio, a senior, was one of the winners of the award this year.

COMPUTERS Fortran, Pascal, Cobol--all computer science classes will be offered this summer for students at Northwestern University. See Mr. Reese in the CRC for details.


win, advance velty Novice division; the varsity placed first in kickline, novelty, and eight minute show and second in dance. The varsity won a Grand Champion trophy for four minute shows and one for eight minute shows. In the upcoming competition, the frosh-soph will enter the four minute Novelty Novice; the varsity will enter four minute dance, four minute



kickline, four minute novelty, and eight minute show. In order to win a trophy in the four minute shows, the team has to score 90;:' of the total points, while eight minute shows are ranked for the championship. "Competition has become increasingly difficult as the years go by. More schools in the state are entering comp tition and many small towns have surprisingly good squads," said Barbara Bobrich, sponsor of Hawkettes. "People from school should come out and see what competition is all about and cheer us on," said Sandy Tiberi, co-captain.

Girl's Choice tomorrow Tlva, Onu'i ijoi Vou, G i r l ' s Choice dance, is scheduled f o r tomorrow, March 13, from 8 to 11 p.m.

The Maine South Varsity Hawkettes performed in front of other competitors in recent mmnotition.

Here shown performing their "Physical" routine.

Remember to arrive before 9 p.m. The band will be Rampage, which was well received at homecoming. The junior and senior classes have been busy preparing decorations and bids and the election for the Girl's Choice King. Scott Wind, junior class president wants to remind everyone to help with decorations on Saturday morning at about 10:30 and adds, "We also" ask that you keep the festivities traditionally associated with dances on the lighter side--save it."

students jump rope for Heart Maine South's second Jump Rope-athon on Wed., March 10 was held in the cafeteria from 3:30 to 6 p.m. The funds raised will help the research, education and conmunity programs of the Chicago Heart Association and its divisions serving Cook, Dupage and Lake counties. The Jump Rope-a-thon is sponsored by Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Teams of six students jumped for a maximum of three hours. The team that jumped the longest and turned in the most money was declared the winner. Students receive a T-shirt and certificate of appreciation for participating. Windbreakers will be awarded to members of the team turning in the most pledge money (over $200). All students who raised over $100 will receive an imprinted athletic bag. Those students who raised over $200 will receive their choice of a lined windbreaker jacket or an athletic bag. Maine South may receive free physical education equipment if over S6,000 is raised. There are also little contests ir progress such as most jumps on right

foot then left, most backwaKl jumps on one foot, most consecutive piggyback jumps, most forward and backward crossover jumps. The main event is when the ropes are tied together to see how many students can jump at one time. The Jump Rope-a-thon benefits the

Heart Association's research, and it will encourage physical fitness and^ heart health among students. Miss Candice Purdy, health teach^ er said, "Students are encouraged to join as a team such as boys' basketball or Orchesis. It is something everybody can do."

Office Occupations Area Contest winners (L to R) Loriann Michaelsen, Joann Russo, Scott Leone, Sandy Stuart, Wally Kugler, and Nancy Sell,

are showing

their awards with Cathy

Siwinski, sponsor, and Robert G. Barker, principal.

Travel abroad available to students^

bij liohla Capowlz Have you ever dreamed of seeing Buckingham Palace in England or the Eiffel Tower in France? Very few people ever get the chance to go to Europe and see these wonders, yet this opportunity can be available to high school students. Many organizations give you the chance to stop dreaming of a trip to Europe and taking advantage of the opportunity. One such organization is the American Field Service (AFS). AFS is an international, intercultural exchange program. The prograir is designed to help people to view the world, and see how other people live. In AFS, students go to one country and live with a family to learn their ways of life. They can join AFS by filling out an application in the personnel office in the beginning of the year. Anybody can sign up but preferrably juniors for the summer program and seniors for full year trips. After the application is handed in, students go through various interviews, write more applications and essays about themselves and their family, in addition to essays written by teachers and the interviewers. Applicants must have fairly good page two

grades and must be interested in learning about different cultures and people. Another organization that offers trips to Europe is the People-toPeople High School Student Ambassador Program. Students can join the Ambassador Program by being recommended by Mr. Reckiewicz, assistant principal. Prospective applicants are chosen from the honor roll. The program offers three five-day homestays in three different countries. This way students meet their hosts at amore personal level rather than as a tourist. Students fill out an application and get letters of recommendation from teachers, people in the community or a leader of a youth group. Student participants are carefully screened and must have an interest in international understanding and a desire to be an "ambassador." In both programs, students have to pay a large amount of money. AFS will supply some money for transportation, meals, and orientation tours etcetera. In the Ambassador program, students also pay for the transportation, meals, and airport taxes. Nancy Irvine, AFS student said, "I think some people think it costs more than it really does. Others

don't have the desire to go on a trip to Europe. Many would love to go but can't. The opportunity is there but the money isn't." Mrs. Lois Stenstrom, director of the Ambassador program, said, "The m a m problem is the cost involved. There is also not enough organizations to offer the opportunity of a trip to Europe. People-to-People is one of the finest groups that offer that opportunity. When students see an opportunity and the prospect of living with a family in a foreign country rather than a tour, they °°"MSfI]*..° ^^^^ that adventure." Nell McKitrick, AFS student said, A trip to Europe is very expensive. ? f ^ P^°Pl\ think of it as a drean in the back of their head but they have no enthusiasm or courage to take an adventure to a foreign counstudent "^ ^ totally new world for a Mr. Anderson, language department chairman, said, "The main problem is economics. It is difficult •Iv. .t ^°'^"9 people to go on a trip with the high cost. There is also a. lack of time for students to go on | trip. There are many organization' where students can get a chance. The students must build themselves up and be eager to go."

Robbing cradle: Desperation or legi By Lauxlz WalX.eA& I f i t i s a l l r i g h t f o r an older guy to date a younger g i r l , is i t a l l r i g h t f o r an older g i r l to date a younger guy? In t h i s day of l i b e r a t i o n , women should be free from social stigmas about d a t i n g , j u s t as men have a l ways been. However, some g i r l s may s t i l l feel self-conscious about dating younger guys. Several couples here at Maine South have f a l l e n into the category of older girl-younger guy. This type of dating s i t u a t i o n seems to work out f i n e f o r the following students. Alison Franz ' 8 3 , " I t took some g e t t i n g used to but a f t e r a while I liked i t . " Tina Schneider ' 8 2 , "There is no difference to me because we are only one and a h a l f months age difference

even though he is a year d i f f e r e n t in school. Also, when we get to be t h i s age, age difference doesn't matter as much l i k e i t would i f we were eighth grade and a freshman." Various circumstances can change the s i t u a t i o n . Many g i r l s agreed that one requirement would be f o r him to be able to d r i v e . Common i n t erests and s i m i l a r friends also come i n t o the p i c t u r e when g i r l s date younger guys. Sandy Tiberi ' 8 2 , " I think it's f i n e as long as the people a r e n ' t bugged by the idea, and as long as he can d r i v e . " Mary Brent ' 8 2 , "To me one year doesn't make a d i f f e r e n c e , but more than one year might cause problems because his group of friends would be too d i f f e r e n t from mine." Here, another f a c t o r i s brought up: What is the c u t - o f f l i m i t ? One year, two years? Several people f e l t

more than two years may not work. Many other not-so-obvious reasons may cause an older g i r l to date a younger guy. Stephanie Masters, '82 says, " A l l the good-looking seniors are taken and the only thing l e f t is e i t h e r someone outside of school or a j u n i o r , so I date j u n i o r s - - s o p h omores and freshmen are too young. The guys' point of view basically agrees that age shouldn't make a difference. J e f f R a t c l i f f ' 8 2 , " I ' v e dated an older g i r l before and there were no problems." Ted Bales '82 " I t doesn't matter; in f a c t , i t ' s b e t t e r . When I was a freshman or sophomore, I couldn't drive so i f you go out you don't have to worry about t h a t . Also, they don't expect you to put on a macho image. Older g i r l s are more understanding and can deal with problems better."

Student spends summer in Spain by LauAji Coyne Sarah Bixby traveled to Spain over the summer as part of the AFS program. "I lived in a pueblo called Leiza in Navarra which is in the north of ^Spain. The town lays in a valley of the Pyrennes Mountains." "I lived in a small apartment on the fourth floor with my parents, two sisters, and four brothers: The family owned a tavern on the groundfloor. While my father worked in the town factory, the rest of the family worked in the tavern. I used to work from 9-11 a.m. and whenever else I was needed. It was open from 6:30 to 2:30 a.m." "The people of Leize did not consider themselves Spaniards but of the Basco nationality. Bascos have a special dialect which is very old and considered one of the hardest in the world. For example, Gracias in

Spanish is Isquiragatsho in Basque. "I naturally did not understand this language so my friends and family would speak to me mostly in Spanish. Even though I never studied Spanish, my five years of French helped a great deal." "I did not do very much sightseeing while I was there since my family usually had to stay in town. I kept busy, though, helping out in the tavern and working in the family's two gardens. I also took up ceramics. It was a lot of fun experimenting with and making different objects from clay." "The event I enjoyed most was the 'town fiesta.' It was a week-lonci festival of celebrating. All businesses closed while people enjoyed and participated in traditional celebrating, such as, dances, bull-running, and bull fighting.


"During the fiestas the people danced traditional dances in the streets everywhere. At the disco we danced to everything from Polkas to AC/DC. They also had a lot of American music, such as Beatles, Police, and Neil Diamond." "We all wore bright colors during fiestas, and everyone celebrated and danced until all hours of the night. The people were energetic and funloving. It was incredible!"

NAfâ‚Ź J.R.'S DOG CONTEST Name J.R.'s dog! Submit your entries to V-106 in the box labeled "J.R.'s Dog," before homeroom and during first period only. You may make more than one entry. Remember to include your name, year in school and homeroom number. The deadline is Wednesday, March 24.


VMJcÂŁj! s.^


page three

Death: Most-ignored, denied topic by Vzbbin TnJJMiafidLt

What is ignored and denied by most people? Well, the answer could be a term paper, but, in today's youth-worshipping, progress-oriented society, the real answer is death. Yet, death is inevitable and just as much a role in human existence as birth is. Victims to terminal illness may pass through five stages before the inevitable, possibly in a different sequence or skipping some as well. People close to the victim may also pass through these stages. 1. Denial is the typical response to first learning of the illness. 2. Anger can happen when a person resents others' health. 3. Bargaining with God for more ^.oyoccaZ

time to live is possible even with people who have never called on Him before. 4. Depression may amount when the person realizes those things that were never accomplished in life an4 may not want to see friends much during this time. 5. Acceptance is not necessarily a joyous stage but a peaceful one where comfort in death is found. Not everyone, though, is given a warning about their own forthcoming death; the accident victim is a good example of this. Such a person could be a best friend, a member of the family, or you. Students were asked how a death has or will affect them. Jenny Avery, '82, "I'm really kinda scared of my grandma dying be-


Preparation needed Most people would probably concede the following statement: Maine South is a very fine high school academically. While our school prepares a student for college, it fails, like most schools, to prepare us for social situations--such as parenting. Even though Piychotogy

{^on. Living

and CiviM Vtveloprmnt are two classes which are offered by Maine South, the existence of these classes does not insure that the students will enroll. Therefore, these two classes Should be part of the curriculum they should be required just like consumers, history, health, etc. (Now before you mark this article as a complete bore--consider the advantages. ) Clictd V^vzlopmttvt,



would stress parenting and the way a child's mind works. I took Civitd Vzvzlopmunt as a junior and found it to be the most interesting, worthwhile class. There were, however, no guys in the class, as you probably could have guessed. This is the one main reason why it should be a requirement. Since people are in contact with each other every day, it would seem only natural to learn how to deal with them in different situations. By taking a Piychology

or Human Re.-

tatloni, class, students would better understand why people act the way they do. They would be more aware of people and their feelings. The


for a Human


course becomes even greater when we consider our "unrealistic" environpage four

ment. Maine South, like Park Ridge, is basically an all-white conmunity. The halls are filled with people who are basically similar--in race, religion, language, etc. This, I feel, is a handicap because we are beino exposed to the same situations and experiences every day. Thus, an awareness of other people and the way they live can only be an advantage. Students sometimes approach requirements with reluctance because they think the class will be boring. People "just want to pass!" These two classes should be easy, interesting, and open. There should be little homework, and the student need only be equipped with the desire to learn, the desire to better him or herself. The classes should provide examples and dramatizations so we can apply what we have learned to everyday use. Getting along with people and being a good parent is an art; it is not instinctive and, therefore, needs to be practiced. So while we study our history and our math and our English, we should also learn the fundamentals of human relations. This added knowledge could help us form better relationships through life and make finding happiness easier. Why Maine South and other schools have neglected this idea for so long is puzzling. Maybe there's some law against it or something--who knows? Whatever the reason is, I can't buy it. Hopefully, someone agrees with me for "where there's a will there's a way," to quote whoever said that.

cause no one close to me has ever died." Chris Serio, '83, "The immediate effect would be that I would just numb out. Later, when I did something that person and I had done, the memory would upset me greatly." Garth Olson, '83, "I wouldn't know because I never had anyone that I knew well die." Judi LeMay, '83, "At first I was in shock and then I got mad and then I kept expecting him to be around again." Dan Connolly, '82, "I reacted with irrational hate, then a selfish guilt for not having spent enough time with him when he was dying. Then I realized that dying is a part of living and that I was lucky to have him while he was here." Like Dan says, dying is a part of living. In fact, the way you deal with your own future death and the death of others around you reflects the way you live your life now. Death should be an "invisible companion" reminding you not to put aside what you mean to accomlish. Dying at a young age or at an older one is not the crucial point; one person can live a fuller life in eighteen years than someone else could in eighty. Living does not rean quickly doing everything there is to do as if it were a race. Living means finding a sense of peace within yourself and strength to deal with life's disappointments. Focus on the little things that are tuned out or taken for granted. Watch the child in his uncomplicated world become fascinated at what the older person sees as routine. Living life instead of passing through it is important.




This week's Super Sleuth victim is a senior boy. He can be seen regularly on week nights at the Park Ridge Public Library. One of the subjects he studies is Advanced Composition which he takes 5th period. This senior was one of the first guys to start dressing preppy, being one of the early preppy-tie-withoxford-shirt wearers. A local grocery store is his place of employment. Last year he was on a spring team, but this year he quit. His friends have a nickname for him, but revealing it would give it away. Good luck sleuthing! Congratulations to the people who auessed last issue's victim, Cris Camiody "84. They were: Jennifer Oswald, Judi Franz, Maureen Rowley, Jill Pankus, and Jenny Paul.

Number 44 in hoop record books by Le.0 SmUh

Mr. Bernie Brady, athletic dir'ector, honored the Schmelzer family by retiring the number 44; all five Schmelzers wore this number. Number 44 was retired in a ceremony during the halftime of the Maine East game. The Schmelzer tradition has existed for 13 years, starting from 1968 to 1982. Greg Schmelzer played in the 1968-69 and 1969-70 seasons. Tom Schmelzer played in the 1971-72 season. Pete Schmelzer played from 1973 to '74, and Russ competed between 1974 and '76. Ed Schmelzer is the last, ending his high school career this year. The Schmelzer years include numerous conference and regional championships along with a sectional championship in 1976-77. In 197374, the team Pete was on was ranked number one in the state.

Mr. Brady presents Mr. and Mrs Schmelzer with number 45 (away), and

number 44 (home) jerseys at halftime of the last regular season game.

Gymnasts compete against Highland Park bij Maateeu SmWi

they placed third in the conferences and scored 120 points in their first meet. South placed fifth in conference and scored 15 points at their first meet. Varsity's strong points lie in events where older gymnasts compete, such as vaulting and free exercise. Coach John Riccitelli said, "In our first meet we hope to score over 100 points and improve as the season Soutkoondi salutes the Schmelzers continues." and thanks them for their imnense This year, the team is younger contribution to the Maine South basKetball program and the Hawks great with only three seniors--John Kaptradition. linger, Paul Siebert, and Franz Wieshuber. However, last year freshmen and sop omores had to compete on varsity. The team this year is composed mostly of sophomores and juniors. what Coach Mahon called "a very fine <;„ ° " V e e k from this Sat. the Maine "Now all the gymnasts are about TnH ^^^^ "^^3m will compete in the performance." Finally, scoring conthe same age so we will progress as sistently in the % mile events is Jnin°r-.'?°"^^^^"<:e Meet. The stiff a team. Hopefully by the end of the competition will be headed by consophomore Larry Maigler, who returns year all five guys in each event to the varsity team after having M^i!"^^, powerhouses Evanston and will be equal." lettered in his freshman year and ™ "^ West who Coach Thomas Mahon The team has suffered the loss of racking up points for the frosh shot cllnl M u°'^^^ ^e*'y tough." However putting team is Mike Zachar. All of last year's seniors--Tom Numrych who ^oach Mahon continued, "the varsity competed on rings and Kieren Kennedy numh. ^^ looking strong. We have a the athletes make the outlook good S e n L °K ^^tremely probable conwho competed on the high bar. The for future track teams. v„r„""^^hamps, among them are Mike returning lettermen, Paul Siebert, Also there are currently ten varvukovich in the high jump and Mike sity runners competing for one of Mark Koziol, John Kaplinger, Franz Weishuber, Mike Ambrosia, Scott the four spots in the mile relay oihers'" ''^^'' P^"' ' <=°^P^^ °^ Martin, and Dan Linzing are expected team, making prospects for a strong to strengthen the team. finish in that event very good. thpJp ^^^ ^°P^ ^"'^ ^'•osh level, Maine South's toughest competi^fZl ^r^ ^ number of strong competOn Wed., March 4, the varsity tion is New Trier. Since New Trier etors who will be definite assets to team rolled over both Niles North East and West have combined, they sorinf ^" ^^^""^ *o come. For the and Ridgewood by a score of 70-43-40 and i^r^;, sophomores John Danile will be very tough to beat. respectively. This victory, accordvSr.i? Checuga. who currently run ing to Coach Mahon, was the result Gymnast John Kaplinger said, "The "of strong sprinting, hurdling, high team spirit has really changed since ii^tln^' *^^^^ ^^^'^ turning in conjumping, and triple jumping." The I was a sophomore. Our practices are at thP P!'"^ormances. Looking strong sophomores also racked up a victory Dan vl ?^stance events is sophomore more intense now." Jan Kemmler who at the Niles North/ by score of 63-60-19. The sopho"We have a lot of raw talent as both ^^'^ T^^ captured 2nd place in more team is still sufferina from a well as enthusiasm," Assistant Coach •^oth the 2-mile and 1-mile races in lack of athletes. Phyllis Goll said.

If a most valueable family award was ever given at Maine South this family would deserve it. They have played eight varsity seasons for the Hawks. Twice they have received most valuable player awards from their ^eammates. Greg and Russ received ~his in their senior years at South.

This year's varsity gymnastics team opens its season today against Highland Park at 6 p.m. in the field house. In gymnastics, five gymnasts perform. The three top scores in each event add together with the average of the highest all-around to form the score of the team. Tonight's competitor. Highland Park, is a strong team because they have club gymnasts, boys who have been competing up to 10 years with private organizations. Last year

Track team hustling in Wildcat Relays


page five

Winter athletes In the State swim meet, held at Hinsdale South Feb. 27, Maine South senior Jeff Stachelek placed fifth overall in the 100 free, and seventh in the 200 free. He got the third best time in the 200, but because he was in a consolation race, he only place seventh. He commented, "My times were the best of the season--! couldn't complain. " Stachelek's time in the 200 broke the record he had set earlier in the season. "State was a good climax to the season," Jeff continued, "the team has worked harder and harder every year, and we've gotton a better overall record every year." The team's record was 12-2. They place third in districts. The team is losing six seniors to


Phillips took third. With the top graduation, but will have returning three finishers in sectionals, Maine! lettermen in Mike King, John King, Mark Wachendorf, Steve Srage, Pat South had the first wrestlers to g Grage, and Eric Thorson. These taldov\/nstate in eight years and als ented swimmers will benefit next the first time two went down in one year's team. year. Downstate, Ericson lost in the The Maine South wrestling team first round and Phillips lost in the recently ended its season. In the second. The battle to state was dedistrict competition Dave Ericson scribed as "two super performances" and Bob Phillips were champions at by Coach Ziemek. He also said, "Dave 132 and 138 pds., respectively. Andy will be named to all-conference beSkoog placed third. cause he has beaten all conference The three advanced to sectionals foes in his weight class." where Ericson placed second, and

Basketball looks to next year The 1981-82 varsity basketball team ended its season in regionals against Prospect, 54-44. Ed Schmelzer ended his high school career with ten.

J.V. team second In conference The freshman girls won their conference championship and had a record of 16-3 in overall play. They also placed third in Glenbrook's Freshmen Invitational on March 5,6. Their only loss came against Liberty ville in the semi-finals of the tournament. With such strong finishes from the lower level the outlook for next year's team is bright. Also six letThe varsity finished the regular ter women will return to the varsity season with a win over Schaumburg, next year. They are: Sanja Nikolich, this moved their record to 10-18 Pat Samborski, Denise Stuart, Debbie overall. Kashul, Amy Black, and Diane Lee. The junior-varsity team has fin- Key losses to graduation include: Culverwell, ished their season, and posted a re- Kathy Bickler, Nancy cord of 17-5. They took second place Cathy Carney, Jenny Mumford, and Kerry MacDonald. in conference play. The girls' basketb all team competed in regionals on Mon. , March 8, against Resurrection If they won this game they went on to play the winner of the Maine East-Ridgewood game for the regional title. (Deadline did not allow scores for these games to be reported, ) The regional champion will then pi ay in the Deerfield sectional.

Girls run In Wheeling Invitational by Soiiha PliaJviki The girls' track team will compete along with the boys' team in their first Wildcat Relays. The meet is at Wheeling. It is a co-ed, relay-style meet. No individual races will be run, but runners will compete on groups of four. The scores of the girls' team will be combined with boys' team's scores to determine the final standings, so it will take a lot of effort from both teams to place well. The team will compete against Glenbrook South on March 15. The Spartans have all-around strength, according to Hawk Head Coach Jackie Schultze, but they are especially strong in the distance and field events. Last year the Spartans beat page six


the Hawks, so the team is out for revenge. "Glenbrook South should put us to the test," said Schultze. "We haven't had that much competetion so far but GBS will show us where we are." On Feb. 22, the team competed in their first meet against Niles West and University High. The varsity won 78-52-3, with Niles West in second. JV won 69-30-19. On March 1, the team traveled to Maine East and won 63-32, while JV won 75-20. Outstanding performances came from Colette Provencher in the 50 yard hurdles, Cyndi Smith, who came two inches away from tying the school record in high jump, and Mary Belford in shot put. All the runners and field event competitors poured out their best to beat the Demons.

The junior-varsity team posted a record of 10-3, which placed them second in conference. Their only conference losses were against New Trier. They destroyed Maine East 9547 in their last home game, where Tom Fiddler set an unofficial school record of 26 assists. The JV squad is comprised of four juniors and three sophomores. The sophomores are: Bill Karavites, Marc Mazzeri, and John Djonlich. The juniors are: Mike Sir, Norm Lajewski, Jeff Thorson, and Tom Fiddler. Next year's conference race will probably be between New Trier, Evanston, and Maine South. New Trier won the .^y^fe conference this year and E v a n s t ^ i ^ had some juniors on their varsity team. This experience will pay off for the Wildkits. The Hawks are a contender after coming in second. Mike Sir commented on next year's prospects, "We can run, jump, and shoot with anybody, but we do lack some height." Torn Fiddler said, "We should be a very exciting team to watch and a very competitive one. Many of our players have a good chnace of growing in the next year." If the team does grow, this will be the final link in an otherwise strong basketball team.

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