Vol 18 issue 13

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News Briefs ICALLING ALL IIRITERS! ^ 1 Do you l i k e to write? Meet W 5 new and i n t e r e s t i n g people? Help inform the school and community of the news? Then j o u r nalism may be the career f o r you. The way to f i n d out is by t r y i n g your s k i l l s on the s t u dent newspaper. Or i f poetry and short s t o r i e s are more your s t y l e , the l i t e r a r y magazine can be your proving ground. Southwords and Maine Menagerie are now accepting applications u n t i l A p r i l 15 f o r next year's s t a f f s . Contact Mr. Ken Beatty in V-106 f o r more d e t a i l s .

IPROJECT BIG Project Big, Maine Township High Schools' Annual Career Night, will be held Wed. April 21, from 7 to 9:30 pm at Maine East located at Dempster St. and Potter Rd. in Park Ridge. Project Big is designed to give students and parents an opportunity to explore careers by talking directly with individuals who work in the occupations represented at the program. Approximately 225 people representing over 200 occupations in trade, technical, buh siness, scientific, medical, I and professional careers will I be available to provide occupal tional information._

Hawkettes win bij Jim Kazdlng

Marlin synchronize show by Vzbblt T.uXthaJidt Marlin Swim Club will perform in their synchronized swim show entitled "Crystallusions" from April 15th to the 18th. Showtimes are 7:00 p.m., except for the Sunday performance at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $2.00 and can be purchased at the door or from any Marlin member. Members of Marlin have been busy practicing their acts and painting background screens in preparation for the show. Mary Brent, president of Marlin, commented, "There's a lot of new talent this year, as well as the excellent skill of the returning members. " Lynda Swanson, a new member, added, "It's a lot of hard work, but you have fun doing it, and the payoff is accomplishment." Along with the new members' acts, "Musical Melody" and "Ole", there

are many other diversified acts, These inc lude solos by Mary Brent and Tracy Keenan and a trio by Ami Erickson, Karen Engelen, and Irene Smolenski. Five duets consist of Joanne Hardi n with Jill Larson, Carrie Petersen w ith Brigid Kennedy, Suzy Egan with Laurie Walters, Roberta Beckman wi Lisa Lusco, and Cindy Coltman wi Al Bello. Each girl had to try out with an original composition. The girls were then judged and ranked accordingly in solos, duets, and the trio. Other acts include the stroking group's "Cowboys" and "Faith in the Free", the floating group's "007", and the Marlin Moms' "Can Can". Miss Dawn Butler, the sponsor of Marlin, remarked, "The mother's act is back and they are better than ever. We're looking forward to a very good show."

southwords Vol. 18, No

Maine South High School, Park Ridge, IL

March 26, 1982

Students place in German test Seven Maine South students scored in the 90th percentile of the German National Contest held on Jan. 14. Fred Palffy and Christian Prohaska of level foyr, Andrea Kind and Liz Pintz of level three, and Kath^rina Prohaska, Thomas Reinhardt, and Christina Wayda of level two will receive a certificate from the National Testing Committee. The two students who placed in the ninetyninth percentile are invited to a

Maine South's varsity Hawkettes won first place for their dance routine, kickline routine, and their novelty act in the Illinois Drill Team Association State competition at Palatine High School last Sat., March 13. The varsity team won second place for eight minute show and the froshsoph team won second place in their novelty art. The varsity team scored above 90% on all their routines except the 8minute show, where they scored 84';:. The frosh-soph scored 85% in their novelty act. Miss Barbara Bobrich, Hawkette sponsor remarked, "It was challenging for our varsity team because we had to learn four routines for the state competition. Other schools kthat qualified for less learned fewFar routines. So the higher a team ranks, the harder it is." High scorers on a recent German Donna Juhlin, the Hawkette captest are Chris Prohaska, (back) Fred tain, commented. "It paid off after Palffy, Andrea Kind, Mrs. Schultz, Itjhree years of hard work."

special presentation by the Germania Club of Chicago in May. A trip to Austria i s one of the many prizes awarded, "Anyone who works hard enough dese rves the prizes," said Mrs. Marion Schultz, German teacher and member of the AATG. "Our reputable lang uage department provides a great opoortunity for students to learn a foreign Ianguage," she added.

teacher; (front) Katharina Prohaska, Tom Reinhardt and Chris Wayda.

Readers' Theatre wins districts, loses sectionals By Maureen SnuXk

After winning districts, Maine South's Readers' Theater club placed eighth out of eight teams at sectionals on March 20. Reader-'s Theater is composed of four students: Sue McLendon, John Dieden, llynn Harris, and Leo Smith. It is directed by Mr. Tom Kerth, English teacher. Assisting him is Student Director Judi LeMay. Reader's Theatre is a drama group in which students perform a play for

Tri-M initiates

By Bill Wagher Modern Music Masters elected 47 new members at the Maine South Concert Orchestra on March 14. Modern Music Masters (Tri-M) acknowledges students for exceptional dedication and performance to music. Maine South is the base for the local chapter(737) of the national music society. President Franz Wieshuber initiated the new members: T. Bales, A. Belmonte, M. Blandford, R. Carlson, Y. Choi, I. Christy, S. Devlin, D. Gummier, K. Enders, J. Eriksen, J. Gaudreault, K. Gebhardt, K. Gotwald, P. Gruber, A. Marty, D. Haslhuhn, M. Heitzman, T. Hermann, K. Hriensaitong, J. Iverson, D. James, I. Johanson, M. Johnson, B. Karabin, D. Kashul, M. Kim, S. Mackenzie, S. Masters, A. Michuda, G. Modica, L. Mulopulous, D. Nelson, E. O'Conner, J. O'Grady, C. Patterson, L. Ragnar, E. Schon, J. Jeidel, M. Sir, C. Staley, J. Stein, S. Tiberi, E. Torgenson, M. Urizarri, N. Webster, L. Wittmann and P. Zartler.

a panel of judges. Each judge rates the teams in order from the best performance to the poorest. The lowest score wins. The participants compete against other schools in the area. This year's play is The Kryptonite Kid by Joseph Torchia. The play begins as a comedy and turns into a tragedy. It is about a boy, Jerry

Charior (Johrr Dieden) who believes in Superman and writes letters to him with his friend Robert S i p o n i j ^ (Leo Smith). Ridiculed and punishe^P by his teacher, Mary Justin (Sue McLendon), parents, and his classmates (Lynn Harris), Jerry gradually descends into a fantasy that he is gaining super powers, a fantasy that ultimately leaves him paralyzed.

New safety films in Drivers Ed Bt/ Katkiz


"Three Movers," and "Anytime is Train Time" will be presented to all driver education classes March 19-24 in A-119 by a Cook County Traffic Safety Commission representative. "Three Movers" is a film about the things people do to get a ticket and "Anytime is Train Time" is about train and car crashes. This movie is filmed inside the train engine and will show the chances people take at a railroad crossing. Illinois is the state with the most train and car crashes. The Cook County Traffic Safety Commission had shown these programs for the last 15 years, each

semester and summer. Schools are not allowed to rent the films; instead, the commission sends a representative to show the films one day and quiz the class the next day. A new film entitled "A Day in Court" will soon be added to the presentation. The film will show all the procedures involved after receiving a ticket. The commission wants to change the attitudes of drivers because attitudes are what get people in or out of an accident, said Mr. John Minerick, driver education department chairman.

Rotary Club chooses finalists by Kim WodilmkA, Debbie Peterson and Sandy Stuart were selected as f i n a l i s t s by the Park Ridge Rotary f o r the Rotary Vocational Scholarship program. The f i n a l i s t s were selected from a group of 62 students whose credent i a l s were submitted from 52 clubs which comprise Rotary D i s t r i c t 644.

Five $1000 scholarships are a w a r ^ B ded each year to students in D i s ^ ^ t r i c t 644 who plan to attend vocat i o n a l schools, career schools, and specialized t r a i n i n g programs. The winners are selected or, scholastic performance, work experience, and commitment to career goals.

Josten picks finalists Seniors Cindy Coltman and Chryssa Regas are two of 500 finalists for a Jostens Foundation Scholarship. The 140 scholarship winners will be announced this spring, and the other finalists will receive Certificates of Recognition. The Citizens Scholarship Foundation of America, as administrators for the Jostens Scholarship Program, selects the finalists on their academic excellence, meaningful work experiences, and outstanding achieve ments in school and community affairs. "The Jostens Foundation is committed to developing quality education for today's young people and Maine South seniors, L/UU.U , <.LC.responding to the needs of our nation's youth," said Mr. Don C. Lein, son ( l e f t ) and Sandra S t u a r t , with president of the Jostens Foundation. counselors Robert Chaffer and John page 2

i y i e r nave oeen named as f i n a l i s t s i n the Rotary Vocational scholarship program.

Getting a job involves by LcwMi Olion Getting a job can be a job in itjself. Jobs for high school age people are harder to find because more kids are working than ever before. It would be a good idea to get a start during spring break before all the college kids get home in May. Sources for jobs are as diverse :as the jobs themselves. The first place you should look is in the local papers at the want ads. It seems so simple, but many people ignore this source. Ask friends how they got the jobs they have now and if that place is hiring. Many kids work for their parents over the summer. If you can't work for yours, see if you can for a friend's parents. You can check the CRC job board for some listings. During spring break, go to the stores around here and ask for an application for a job. Even if the store is not hiring at that time, fill it out anyway, beacuse very


often it is after someone quits or . and you should. The kinds of jobs are varied. is fired that the business will need McDonald's, Burger King, Walgreens, a replacement. Even if you are going into the store or business building and Jewel are popular choices f o r just to fill out the application, students. You may not have too much dress nicely. Your appearance reof a chance of g e t t i n g a job there veals a lot about your attitude tobecause they receive so many a p p l i wards working if you care enough to cations. Apply anyway, but look for dress up when applying. Secondly, the unusual j o b s . you may be interviewed at the same During the summer, f a c t o r i e s l i k e time and your prospective employer Avon do most of the production f o r may not hire you on the basis of t h e i r Christmas products so they your appearance. This is not discrimhire extra help j u s t f o r the summer. ination but a very good indication (OT your attitude toward the job youAnother more unusual job is c h i l d applied for. Don't overdress though. Follow-up your applications with phone calls unless they said they will call you. Many businesses receive several applications everyday, the determined person is the one that makes his application stand out from all the rest. Many businesses will allow you to reapply after a couple of months.

care. During the summer, working mothers are looking f o r someone to "babysit" f o r t h e i r children during lthe"day(usually 8-5 or so) pay d i f fers with the i n d i v i d u a l . Of course there are lawn j o b s , paper routes, and nighttime babys i t t i n g . I f you can make money- ^n it. Get started and good luck!

S.S. benefactors start college early by LcaiAa Olion Students who receive social security benefits will have to be enlrolled full time in college by the first of May in order to continue to receive money to help pay for education. In order for benefits to continue to assist students to pay for college they must fulfill two requirements. 1. Have received a check in August 1981. 2. be enrolled full time in college or at any other institutions of higher learning. Mr. Kenneth Reese, career counselor, stated, "We are doing what we can to help," and encourages students affected to see him. Oakton and Triton have developed short term late afternoon courses to accomodate such students. A very limited range

of classes will be offered at each school starting in late March or early April lasting for eight weeks. Class timesV Triton: 3:30-7:30 p.m. Oakton: 2:00-4:45 p.m. About twenty Maine South students are affected. Mr. Reese is working with the colleges to concurrently enroll students, that is, have them attend South and college at the same time. Mr. Reese stressed that the approach will vary according to the individual's needs. "It is a very frustrating situation and we can understand that it creates a good deal of financial pressure on the family. It makes it more difficult to finance a higher education and becomes even harder with the reductions in financial aid

overall," commented Mr. Reese. "I think the situation is ridiculous. I need money for college and I need a job for college, this makes it harder to work and go to two schools at the same time. So I guess I won't go to college," commented Don Deran, senior. Paula Bomrad, senior, said, "The hardest part about it is trying to keep up with work and school. I've got enough credits right now to graduate, but I still need Government. They won't let me take Government and then leave. Not only that, but while everybody else is sleezing off, I'll be at home studying. It wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't my senior year. I'm lazy already; I hate to see what it will be like in May.

( OKfi^ SID**^'. LET'J "\ T o WALK DEH/fv)o

KEei-'.ilDl HEEL




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page 3

Rock 'n Roll hiah sehool — South bands rock Park RIdoe Writing

'n singirC

Aime Chidester ' 8 2 , singer and composer, has been oerforminn f o r audiences since the t h i r d grade. She has Dlaved the g u i t a r since Grade Two, has had one year of formal p i ano lessons, and has never taken a voice lesson i n her l i f e . Aime has performed f o r Maine South audiences with a v a r i e t y of hands and musicians, including one sock hop. During her high school years, Aime performed in V-show for the l a s t two y e a r s ; and most r e c e n t l y , the 1982 Winter Sports Assembly. Currently, Aime is with the band PG/ixqee. The other members of the group--Bob CiCicco, bass; Ken Ashner, drums; "Wolf" Franz, lead g u i t a r i s t - - h a v e been out o f high school f o r a year. Says Aime, "The guys had already been together before I j o i n e d . Bob asked me to tryout f o r t h e i r band, and they l i k e d the way I sang so I decided to stay with them." As f o r Pe/ixgee'4 j o b s , "About a month ago, we played on Friday and Saturday nights i n Hooligans, a bar i n Chicago. I t was an 'experience,' we won't be playing there again because bars are bad news-- they're kind o f v i o l e n t . A p r i l 6 t h , though, we're going to be playing at Haymakers f o r a "New Talent" n i g h t , a t r y o u t of s o r t s . " As f o r f i n a n c i a l circumstances of the band, "Usually we get paid $250 a night f o r a j o b , and then we s p l i t up the money as equally as possi-

^ ^

bu C-indii Coltmayi, LatiAa Otion^and Atmt^SczopotLioi

wVe got the

The story behind Bill De Paul's band, Tijianyuj, is one basic to many bands: finding the right people. People within a band may change and regroup as Bill describes: "It started when I tried to get a band together. I knew a drummer who worked in a music store and we got together and jammed for awhile. I play bass guitar, and he knew two other guitarists and the four of us got together. We placed an ad for a lead singer. When he came over, he brought a rhythm guitarist friend of his along. These guys had been involved with The Houndi, and The. Pack. ble." When asked what the members get out of the band i t s e l f , the answer was "playing time, r i g h t now, because the band i s going to break up soon. The drutimer i s going to go his own way with jazz rock." As f o r the other two, "Music i s n ' t t h e i r l i f e . They'd l i k e to pursue other areas f o r careers." "Me? This summer I want t o go i n a studio and record a l o t o f my o r i ginal music. I'm going to work on

improving my jazz and my improvisat i o n . Hopefully, I ' l l be bringing my demo (demonstration) tape to producers, and i f they l i k e me enough... w e l l , then, i t ' s up to them!" " I might take o f f 2nd semester next year and go to C a l i f o r n i a to work on my music. There's a music school out there. The Musicians' I n s t i t u t e , i n Hollywood that Ken (our drummer) i s going out there f o r . You can learn a l o t about music i n that C L ^ ^ Continued on paa

Guitarist looks for band Sophomore Dave 01 son,who currently is not in a band, describes why he plays and the difficulty in finding the right people to play with. "People aren't available, or they've got their bands set," he commented. "You have to do it through the peo-

pie you jam w i t h . They w i l l say, 'You should jam with him, he's real good.'" "When I was jamming with Voijage.i (Tim Ogarek, Mike Smolenski and Mike Wehrman), we t r i e d to f i n d a singer Continutd on Pagt 5

Gotta stick with it!"Playing in a band i s something I ' v e always wanted to do." Mike Smol e n s k i , bass g u i t a r player, sat with his feet propped up on the t a b l e , his legs bent i n the most amazing angles. Maybe t h a t ' s how he p r a c t i ces f o r his jumps on stage? A s e l f taught g u i t a r i s t , (lessons were boring) Mike started playing with his b r o t h e r ' s band, TAZ, freshman year. Mike i s c u r r e n t l y t r y i n g to get a band together with Sue Serantoni, lead singer and composer. "Writing songs doesn't r e a l l y take long, they are more l i k e poems when I w r i t e them." Sue's family has always been mus i c a l l y i n c l i n e d ; her s i s t e r used to sing opera, and Sue herself has sung f o r years--the church c h o i r , special occasions. "When I s i n g , i t ' s because I want to get something across The words have t o mean something," page 4


she said. Mike and Sue both plan to s t i c k with music as a career--"you gotta s t i c k with i t . I t takes some performers ten or twelve years to make it. You're bound to get noticed sometime!" said Sue. " I f you've got t a l e n t , use i t . I t ' s b e t t e r than s i t t i n g behind a desk a l l your l i f e " added Mike. The biggest problems high school bands face, according to Mike and Sue, are money, places t o p r a c t i c e , compatability, and g e t t i n g noticed. "You've got to go to the r i g h t p l a ces i f you want to get n o t i c e d , " said Sue. "You gotta go to a l o t of bars and clubs and get a name. I t costs a l o t of money, but you gotta keep going," said Mike. "Everybody has a t h i n g about them," added Sue, " t h a t ' s how they get noticed. See, everybody knows Mike's a spaz!"

Parental support, as f a r as Sue's family i s concerned, i s non-existent Sue explained that a f t e r seeing her s i s t e r struggle as a singer, her parents a r e n ' t over-enthusiastic about Sue s plans. Mike's parents are accustomed to the r o u t i n e , even though his grandmother envisions him as a future h i p p i e . "Most bands in school j u s t want to get popular with t h e i r f r i e n d s , " said Mike. He explained that they have to consider that the people i n the bars are over 2 1 , and the music your friends want t o hear i s n ' t necessarily r i g h t f o r a bar. Mike and Sue seem to have a l l t h e i r problems i n perspectivp--p.uen a n t i c i p a t i n g the bleak prospectliPf becoming "a rock 'n r o l l star '• A remark about cleaning garbage cans appeared from somewhere. Like Sue s a i d , " i t ' s a gamble."

Guitarist.... Continued ifiom pagz 4 through those free ads. Three of the four we t r i e d were g i r l s i n t h e i r 20s and l i v e d on the South Side of Chicago. One was t o t a l l y spaced out. These were not the Park Ridge high school kids you're used to jamming w i t h . I guess we wanted someone who l i v e d nearby. " I l i k e p l a y i n g , especially when Ij||fc worked real hard f o r i t and i t s ^ W s nice. I t ' s noro than a hobby, i t s an a l t e r n a t i v e to being a jock f o r one reason. I t ' s also something else to do: i t involves a whole d i f ferent group of people. When you play with four people and when they are working together and i t sounds goods, i t is r e a l l y f a n t a s t i c . " My goal w i t h i n a band would be t o , get a l o t of recognition with the kids around school. My other goal i s to have a band at the point where the music is good enough to go well any time we'd play someplace.I would also l i k e to play p a r t i e s , and develope a t i g h t working band," concluded Dave.

After awhile they couldn't make our p r a c t i c e s , and the singer wanted t o j o i n a d i f f e r e n t band, so they l e f t . "Then we thought our sound wasn't quite r i g h t so we got a g u i t a r i s t and a keyboard player from Toiixncij. We had a singer, drummer, keyboard player and myself because one g u i t a r i s t q u i t . We then got a g u i t a r i s t from P.xodigij and got a d i f f e r e n t drummer--the o r i g i n a l drummer from the music s t o r e - - t h a t ' s the group we have now." Tijfiajinij has f i v e members, ages 16 to 20 years o l d . B i l l is the only one s t i l l i n high school. Tijinnny'i upcoming gig w i l l be A p r i l 24 at the Grand I l l u s i o n , a rock-bar that doesn't serve d r i n k s . I t i s located on Grand at Harlem. The music Ty^ianmj plays has "a lew-wave f l a v o r to i t " as B i l l describes i t . The band plays the music of Lovan Boy, SiLivivoi, 20/20 and The. Beat. "We play 'bar music', that i s , music that i s danceable. People want to dance, they want an up-beat. Everyone around here (Maine South) wants to hear Ozzy OibouMie, UFO,

^ 9

and other basic o l d heavy metal, but in other places i t j u s t gets to be noise. "You have to be d i f f e r e n t and unique and have a d r i v i n g beat, not j u s t Judai PfiieMt, but powerful l i k e the Romantiu. I t ' s got to sound harmonious with a l o t of rhythm. A l so each person i n the band c a n ' t be a s o l o i s t ; we want people to be able to say "Look a t that band." "Playing i n a band is j u s t something I've wanted to do. I ' l l probably be playing a f t e r high school," commented B i l l . Con.tinatd on page. S

The band comes first Junior Adam Epiney, lead singer for SuHt-t^e since September, says ne's doing now hwat he "always wanted to do." The band practices twice a week, and usually plays at parties For Adam, music is more than a part-time hobby. He plans to stay with the band and continue performing after high school. "My biggest fear is that I may be into it too much" and he may be let down if hi plans don't succeed. "But if you want to make it, you gotta go for it," he added. The band's big problems are money and getting everyone to practice. "On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'm obligated to the band. I have time to do my homework, but the band comes first with me. School's a close second; it depends. Adam's parents

'think it's great as long as I'm inv'olved with something." Adam doesn't think drugs are a major problem--"as long as you don't overdo it." "The high from the music and the audience is the best high I've ever had. When you play, it gives you a great feeling to know that people like it and they're having a good time." Suyfviie basically does copies of other band's songs, but tests out new material at parties. "I help out with the lyrics--writing songs is probably the hardest thing to do," said Adam. The chances of succeeding in the music business may be slim, but determination can help overcome many obstacles. As Adam said, "I really want to get someplace."

Doin' it for fun Junior Doug Zirkel and the other AtnoipheAZ members-Andy Constantini, Chris Lenzini, Steve Roder-have been playing together since eighth grade, excluding Andy who joined last year. The band has appeared on Kidding AfLOund, a nationally televised T.V. program, but usually plays at parties, dances, and some shows. "We don't have too many problems, it's a lot of fun. We still have fun doing it after so many years," said

Doug. The band practices once a week usually at Chris's house. "My parents don't care, but they don't like you spendino your own money." -\e explained that new equipment, especially drum sets, are very expensive and the band's main cause of financial problems. "I don't want to do this for the rest of my life," he added. "You have to be lucky to make it big." page 5

Interns evaluate political experienc by Vzbblz NeZson During the past four weeks, Maine South students have been participating in the Government Internship Program. The purpose of this program is to get students involved in the political system. Students were introduced to both the Democrat and Republican candidates for state offices four weeks ago during their government class. Live presentations and video taped speeches of each candidate introduced the students to the people running for office. Students were not required to work in a primary campaign but there were advantages for participating. In some government classes 40 extracredit points were granted for 12 hours of work and a paper explaining the primary. Consequently, many students canvassed neighborhoods, passing out campaign pamphlets and so on in the name of extra-credit. Bridget Field '82 who worked for Rep. Robert Kustra said, "I would not have done it if I didn't want him in office, but the credit was a big incentive." Curt Oddo '82 who worked for the unopposed Rep. Penny Pullen stated, "I worked because the opportunity was there, for the extra-credit, and because I liked her policies when she spoke to our class." Now that the primaries and extracredit incentives are over, I asked students if they would continue to volunteer their time to their candi-

28th district. "Kustra constantly redates. Bridget was skeptical about ferred to Nimrod's financial records her further involvement; it would while Nimrod pointed to Kustra's,^^ depend on if she could still find votina record. <^^P the time to do the volunteer work. Curt was undecided as to what he Bill stated, "It was an interestplans on doing after the orimaries. ing campaign in which the issues Bill Savage '82, however, is de- weren't the focal point of the camfinitely planning to continue workpaign. There was a lot of mudslinging for Kustra in his battle for the ing." Senate. The primary campaign that "More students should take adBill worked on was a highly public vantage of the opportunities availabattle between Kustra and the incumble through the Government Internbent Sen. John Nimrod for the Repubship Program in the future," Rill lican nomination for Senator of the added.



Get out your shorts! . ^ ^au4a Spring fever is here! Whether you are spring cleaning or spring training, the season (as of March 20) has officially arrived. The coming of Spring means more than flowers and trees and green grass. To kids in school the season brings an end to the "third quarter slump" and the beginning of Spring break. Spring break is a welcome relief whether you are going to Florida or staying in good old Park Ridge. When break is over, the home stretch of the school year remains. Just one more quarter

and the

Writing, singin'. ContLnutd j^/iom page 4 area. In one block, there are about e i g h t or nine studios. A f t e r a l l , Hollywood's the music capital of the United States!" As f o r long-term goals, "My dream is to f i n d a s t y l e that appeals to me as well as to the public and to give music a better name than what's being put out now. Music l i k e AC-DC and Joan J e t , or otherwise Heavymetal, shows absolutely no musical a b i l i t y . They play g u i t a r l i k e it was j u s t invented." Aime i s most unique in her t a l ents i n o r i g i n a l composition. " I w r i t e my music based on what I see. I always t r y to t e l l a story or make a p o i n t . " I And j u s t how does one go about composing music? " I can do both; I can s i t down and make myself w r i t e , but three-fourths of the music j u s t comes to me n a t u r a l l y . I don't have to be in the s i t u a t i o n to w r i t e about i t . For example, I had the idea f o r the song "Lady C h r i s t i n e , " page 6

but the words j u s t d i d n ' t come to me u n t i l I was s i t t i n g l i s t e n i n g to the deans giving t h e i r annual lecture in the beginning of the year. The words struck me then, i t j u s t happened, and I had to get i t down on paper r i g h t then and there. Aime not only writes her parts in her o r i g i n a l compositions but the other members' parts too. " I w r i t e a l l the back-up vocals, the bass l i n e , and the g u i t a r ; the drummer and the lead g u i t a r usually improvise." " C u r r e n t l y , Aime i s taking piano lessons f o r jazz which "has got a l o t of rhythm t h a t ' s not the same as rock-n-roll." "Right now I'm g e t t i n g i n t o a d i f f e r e n t s t y l e . I l i k e to compose f a s t e r paced songs. I l i k e to avoid using ' l o v e ' as my theme, and I'm staying away from slow-paced m u s i c ' Aime concluded w i t h , " I f I am lucky enough to make i t , i t wouldn't be a j o b , because music is one of the most enjoyable things I d o - - i t ' s d e f i n i t e l y a part of me."


Class of '82 w i l l graduate. (Yah!) Meanwhile, the freshmen w i l l become sophomores and begin c a l l i n g the i n coming students "dumb f r o s h . " Springtime also signals the s t a r t of the baseball season. Hopefully, Chicago w i l l be pleasantly surprised by the Cubs and Sox. I hope so! That saying, "Wait ' t i l l next year," is worn out. Spring sometimes brings back childhood memories. I remember when I was l i t t l e , I could not understand^fc why they named the season S p r i n g . ^ ^ And then I figured out i t was because "everything springs up," and I thought I was so smart. One senior g i r l s a i d , "Spring r e minds me that there are only about 50 days u n t i l I s t a r t seeing guys in shorts."




This week's Super Sleuth victim is a junior boy. He enjoys skiing in Colorado, and he is an avid soccer player, both for Maine South and for an outside team. Our "victim" can be seen at 8:15 coming out of homeroom C-129. He coaches a boys' youth soccer team, and likes the music of Steeley Dan. He attended Girls' Choice with a junior girl who he has been dating for over a year. Six Super Sleuthers correctly identif'ied last week's victim, Mike Hainey '82. These students were Karen Dannenhauer '83, Jill Larson '83, Liz Cox '84, Diane James '83, and for the second week in a row, (A Super Sleuth record!), Judi Franz '84 and Maureen Rowley '84. ^^ Remember, V-106 is the place t ^ P go to if you can guess the identity Df this week's victim. Have fun sleuthing!

Athletic budget, Wliere does the money go ? Throughout the year SoiMvMoficU as covered the issue of additional • .ports programs, such as a Girls' Soccer team or a Boys' Hockey team. One of the obstacles in getting these passed is funding. The purpose of this article is to look at where money is spent. Athletic teams are aided by an Educational Fund provided by the Board of Education. The majority of money is spent on Coaches' salaries. Other financial factors are equipment, repairs, hiring officials, uniforms, door supervisors, tournament entry fees, food, and lodging. A separate fund is set aside for transportation. Recently, a report concerning this topic was prepared by Athletic Director Miss Katherine Pierce and presented to the Board of Education and Administrative Staff. It included all of Maine Township. The report was based on the cost of each sport in comparison with the number of people involved. The study showed Girls' Gymnastics as the most expensive girls' sport, costing S423 per athlete. The reason for this is the equipment. For the boys the most ex-

Running in conference bij ScLika PtioxilU The girls' track team will compete in their first outdoor meet on April 8. The team will take on Maine West in the stadium at 4:30. The outdoor season is considered the most important part of a track season. The competition will be more nerce, with the Hawks taking on Evanston and New Trier, considered the oest teams in conference. Also, the 'Tiajor meets, GBS and Wheaton Invitationals, and the conference and district meets are held outdoors. All the long practices and hard workouts are leading up to conference and aistnct meets, which decide whether a team is "successful." At the Evanston Invitational, the team placed eighth overall. The four lap and eight lap teams of Heskin, « IK, Lahart, Felcan, and Mines both th^^^ • ^°'J*"th. Gail Baldoni placed tnird in the half mile, while Chris ^naconas placed second in the mile witn a very strong run. Colette Provencher placed fifth in 50 yard hur• |ies, and Mary Bel ford placed fourth in shotput. Schultze called the meet a good overall effort." The Hawks placed second in the Wildcat Relays.

pensive is basketball costing $274 per athlete. Girls' track which is S145 per athlete and involves the greatest number of girls in any Maine Township sport is the cheapest girls' program. Boys' cross country is S77 per athlete and the most inexpensive of all boys' sports. Although sports are costly, they bring in an income as well. Football, basketball, wrestling, and soccer all bring in money for the school. Due to declining enrollment and failure to pass tax referendums it nay be necessary to cut back on certain programs. The study by Miss ^ierce will be valuable in planning the future curriculum. In making decisions about extra-curricular activities it will be necessary for the district to look at what appeals to the most students. Based on money

and staff the district will decide what it can continue to offer. For now, the school is studying the entire curriculum and putting priorities in order. Possible cutbacks will effect those who have only one interest involving very few people. A major reduction in sports may cause a decline in school spirit as well. The cost of a Girls' Soccer team has not been estimated yet. However, the boys' team, which has three levels, is the second cheapest boys' sport. Maine Township athletic directors have recommended to the superintendent that a team be installed into the program. Other possible options for additional sports programs include another level of girls' Softball or boys' soccer, or a separate girls' cross country team.

All-conference gymnasts named 6(/ Mau-ieen SnUMi Michele Ryan and Dianna Steinohrt have been named to the a l l - c o n f e r ence gymnastics team. The conference coaches e l e c t the g i r l s to the a l l conference team. This is the f i r s t time in Maine South h i s t o r y t h a t two g i r l s have held positions on the team. Varsity took second place at the d i s t r i c t meet. The score of 105.2 i s the team's highest point t o t a l .

Dianna Steinhort had several good performances. She placed t h i r d on bars, second on f l o o r and f i r s t on beam. She placed second in a l l - a round, and missed f i r s t by one onehundredth of a p o i n t . Juniors Debbie Tworek and Michele Ryan q u a l i f i e d f o r s e c t i o n a l s , but neither advanced to s t a t e . Coach P h y l l i s Goll commented, " I am very proud of the team. The g i r l s are r e a l l y s p e c i a l . "

Trackmen take to outdoors soon After spring break, the track team will move outdoors and in doing so, will add more important events including the 220 yard run, 100 yard dash and discus. Times are also lower outdoors because it is easier to run with less curves on the tracks. On March 13, the team took second at the Wildcat Relays against twelve other teams in what Coach Thomas ^ahon called a "good solid performance by the entire team." The meet was extremely close going into the Final event--the twelve lap relay. In order to place second, the Hawk team had to beat Fenton's team by two places. The team of Kevin Kingston, Dan Lee, Larry Maigler, and Mike Strout ran, according to Coach Mahon, "an outstanding ti.iie," taking first overall and securing second place for the team in the process. A strong factor in the finish is the fact that the team scored in most events. While varsity was at Wheeling, the frosh-soph team was at the Evanston Invitational. The mile relay

team of Andy Hadley, Larry Maiqler, Steve Grage, and Dan Greenberq took second and Maigler tied the meet record in the half-mile with 2:03.6, the best indoor half-mile ever run by a Maine South runner.


Stephanie shotputs page 7

Guys gymnasts take on G.B.S. bii ^^auAeen SmWi Maine South's varsity gymnastics team takes on Glenbrook South at 6 p.m. tonight at SBS. Maine South enters the meet minus two strong gymnasts, John Caplinger, who injured his shoulder, and Franz Wieshuber, who is on vacation. Glenbrook's team has been weakened by the loss of seniors. Coach John Riccitelli said, "I think we have a good chance at beating Glenbrook South." On March 12, MS lost to Highland Park 134-110. However, this is an accomplishment because it is the first time in five years that the team has scored over 100 in their first meet. Paul Siebert had a score of 8.6 in vault. He and Scott Martin's score of 8.7 in vault won that event for the team. Maine South's highest all-around was Scott Martin, who averaged 6.7. "For our first meet, I think we did exceptionally well," coimiented Coach Riccitelli. "Eventually, we would like to score over 120, but it will take a lot of hard work and determination to do this." The team is currently trying to work on their weak events, rings and

parallel bars. This extra will help in the GBS meet.




bij Bob McKum

The Maine South varsity baseball team is well into spring training. Their first game is a doubleheader April 3 against Elgin and Lake Park. Head Coach Davis expects a "very successful season and a strong bid for a conference championship." Davis welcomes back eight lettermen: Ernie Stocco, Rich Rosenberg, Terry Stassen, John Kohler, Ted Kozios,

Tennis team volleys at another season The Maine South tennis team returns with three lettermen from last year. Dave Clark played first singles last year, while Don Lemersal played third singles, and Charlie George played second doubles. Dave is presently ranked fortysecond in the country in the 16-andunder division. He placed second in conference and last year was among the 16 best single players in Illinois. Don won his first conference match but lost in the second round

of the tournament. Charlie and Mike Meland, '81, lost to the eventual state doubles champions in the district meet last year. The team finished the season twelvth in state, the highest finish ever. This year South will also enter the season with a new Head coach. Bill Lange. Don Lemersal commented on the upcoming season, "If we all work hard as a team and play up to our potential, this ought to be a successful season for MS tennis." we



page 8

The team is hopeful for the season and encourages fan support.


ftAcc ve T! J


Carl Schmeisser, Pat Murphy and Jim Kaepplinger. Stocco, Rosenberg and Stassen will lead a strong pitching staff, supported by lefties Paul Minasian and Ed Fagerstrom. Juniors Tpm Fiddler, Brian Murphy, and Brian Lawrence will add strennth and depth to the team. Davis also addes that New Trier, Evanston, and Maine East are tough conference foes who are sure to give the Hawks a run for the conferenc^^ championship. ^^ The 1982 baseball season will be and exciting one, and the team appre ciates team support. BILL'S BEAT Continued dfiom pago. b "I've been playing for awhile. When I was in junior high, I was in the band



with Jim

Bashaw, and Lou and Phil Morelli. We played at Haymakers on one Monday night. People came in after work; they liked it: thirteen and fourteen vear-olds on stage. It was sort of a gimmick," concluded Bill.

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