Aime Chidester
Patrice Epifanio
Megan McCarthy
Tina Proskin
Noreen 0'Mai ley
Queen to be chosen from finalists Maine South students have elected 12 Homecoming queen candidates of which the top five choices were announced in the Homecoming Assembly. The queen elected on Oct. 16 will be announced at the football game tomorrow. The five queen candidates will arrive at the game after participating in the Homecoming parade. The queen will be announced at half-time of the varsity football game. The ^ l e e n and her court will reign at ^ e dance Saturday night. The five candidates are: Aime Chidester, Patrice Epifanio, Megan McCarthy. Noreen O'Malley, and Tina Proskin. AIME CHIDESTER Pep Council Vice President, Aime Chidester, has been active i n Ski Club and Pep Club her freshman and sophomore years, and she has been a member of Pep Council her j u n i o r and senior years. In a d d i t i o n . Aime was in V-Show j u n i o r year and the Marl in Swim Club the past three years. Besides being on the Honor Roll a l l three years at South, Aime has part i c i p a t e d in Intramurals a l l four years, and has been a j u n i o r and a senior leader. Aime's outside i n t e r e s t s include g u i t a r , piano, s i n g i n g , w r i t i n g , and soccer.
PATRICE EPIFANIO Patrice Epifanio, a four year cheerleader, was elected co-captain of her cheerleading squad her freshman year and captain sophomore year. • Patrice, who has been active in lass Council since sophomore year, Vice President of Class Council her junior year. She was also elected to Brotherhood Society An honor roll student"for three years, Patrice has also participated
southwords Vol. 18, No. 3
Maine South H. S., Park Ridge, IL
in intramurals every year at South. Patrice likes all sports, especially horseback riding.
October 16, 1981
Besides playing softball, Noreer likes to dance. TINA PROSKIN
ftGAT^i M C C A R T H Y Megan McCarthy, another candidate, has been a cheerleader the oast two year. A member of the tennis team as a sophomore, Meagan was in intramurals last year. As a junior Megan was elected to Brotherhood Society and acted as a junior leader. Presently, Megan is a senior leader. Megan likes sports in general, particularly tennis. NOREEN O'flALLEY
student Council President, Noreen O'Malley, is a candidate for Homecoming Queen. Noreen, secretary of Student Council her junior year, has participated in Student Council in all four of her years at South. In addition to Student Council, Noreen has been an active member of Class Council since freshman year. A fouryear member of Pep Club, she also has been on the Honor Roll each semester. Noreen was in V-Show cast as a sophomore and a junior, as well as, a member of the softball team the last three years. Last year she was a junior leader, and currently is a senior leader.
Tina Proskin, captain of the senior cheerleaders, has been a member of the cheerleading squad since her sophomore year. Tina participated in intramurals and Orchesis her first two years at South. Elected to Brotherhood Society her sophomore year, Tina joined Sole Striders as a junior. She is also a three-year member of the Honor Roll. Tina likes to sketch, horseback ride and participate in gymnastics.
National Merit awards announced Nine Maine South students have been named semi-finalists in the National Merit Scholarship competition. An additional 24 students received letters of commendation. PSAT scores are the basis of the awards. Students who scored in the 99th percentile were recognized as semifinalists. Maine South semi-finalists are: Carol Burswald, Doug Fiddler, Barbara Kazmierczak, Dave Kitchell, Tom Langner, Julie Locascio, Edward Rippert, Debbie Schwartz and Rob Verbugghe. Receiving letters of commendation are: Janet Ady, Steve Amidei, Mike Bauer, Mary Bel ford, Marisa Botari, Molly Carpenter, Terrence Chorvat, Steve Chun, Cindy Coltman, Steve Delano, Paul Dwyer, John Kohler, John McCarthy, Laura Olson, Ron Pejril, Janet Piatt, John Port, Pat Pudlo, Bob Reese, Chryssa Regas, Ed Rogowwki, Richard Stephanie, Robert Trull and Rich Whalen. The National Merit Scholarship test recognizes intellectual apptitude in students nationwide.
National Merit Scholarship semifinalists are congratulated by Mr. Barker, principal (far right), and Mr. Bonney, guidance director (far left). The semi-finalists are: back row:
David Kitchen, Ed Rippert, Rob Verbrugghe. Dough Fiddler, and Tom Langner. Front row: Barb Kazmierczak, Julie Locascio, Debbie Schwartz and Carol Burwsald.
The test, given for the last 27 years, is administered in the spring of the junior year. About one-third of the semi-finalists will be chosen as winners of scholarships. The other semi-finalists and the recommended students may receive special consideration for scholarships from their college's scholarship program.
Carnival slated
Parade, dance tomorrow By Ma/Lca CapoiaZz
The Maine South Homecoming parade will begin at 10 a.m. on Sat., Oct. 17, at Cumberland Park. It will proceed down Prairie Ave. to Maine St., southwest to Prospect, down Belle Plaine, and continue west on Talcott to school. Mr. Robert Barker, principal, his wife, and Mr. Kenneth Reckiewicz, assistant principal, will judge the floats.
By C<vwlyn Schuttz The Homecoming dance, "Always and Forever," will be held on Sat., Oct. 17, from 8 to 11 pm. with music provided by Rampage. Students will not be admitted after 9 p.m. Senior Class President Dan Greising said, "We'd appreciate it if everyone could come out and help us decorate the gym on Friday night. We will be working all during the carnival."
By McLfuxi CapoAaZz
The Homecoming carnival will run from 4:30 to 9:15 p.m. in the field house on Fri., Oct. 16. About twenty organizations and clubs will participate in the carnival. Shortly after the carnival, at 9:30 p.m., a firelight rally, sponsored by Pep Club, will be held on the base of the football field. "There's No Stopping Us Now" is the theme and booths are expected t ^ ^ reflect this in their design. ^ ^ Booths will be set up by clubs such as: Business Occupations, Brotherhood Society, M-Club, and G.R.A. Popular features will include the senior class council telegraph, the junior class dunk tank, and the Orchesis jail dance. Tickets are 10 cents and are used for both food and refreshments. Refreshments will be provided by the Food Occupations Club and A.F.S.
New froshlsoph Hawkette squad formed A new addition to the Maine South Hawkettes is the appearance of the frosh-soph squad. The younger team, which will serve mainly as a preparatory group for the varsity corps, will perform at selected sophomore basketball games as well as compete in the novice division at invitational contests. Miss Barbara Bobrich, the groups' coach and sponsor, said, "The creation of the new squad was imminent because of increasing interest in the group, and the small number of girls actually selected to become Hawkettes." Photo at right: back row: Gretchen Hug, Lisa Bahling, Julie Schniedwind, Joanne Mayne, Jenny Nowak, Alicia Kisner, Diane Santoro, Valle Page 2
Newman; front row: Kathie Yoo, Becky Knueppel, Lynn Schoner, Kim Mor-
andi Mary Ellen Kusibab, Mary Beth Reilly. ^
College application season begins t
Ey LauAa Olion College application season begins or seniors with many questions. The application itself sometimes determines whether you will be accepted more than your grades or activities. "Type everything," encouraged Mr. Robert Hunt, English teacher, "I know a lot of admission people who use that as a screening device: the ones who don't, have it tossed. It has happened. It is an indication of the type of person. Typing shows a person who took the time and really cares." If you are retaking or taking the ACT or SAT at a later date, send your applications so they arrive at about the same time as your scores
will. Mr. Ken Reese,career counselor explained that you can send your application in without the scores as long as the scores arrive within the application period. If this is not possible, he suggests attaching a note of explanation. "You can assume most of the time that the school will use the best set of scores," said Mr. Reese. Essays give another picture of you. Mr. Hunt said, "They look for correctness in an essay. Poor grammar can be devastating. Your essay must be perfect because it shows you care. If you don't care, then they don't care to have you." Mr. Reese added that there was nothing wrong with having your Eng-
What are you doing for Homecoming? By Van Gaij^^oxd
With the Homecoming festival coming up, here are some student opinions about it: Tracey Degrazio, '84, "I think Homecoming is great because the entire school shows spirit. Even if you don't go to the dance, the rally and parade should be great. I'm not ^ 0 0 sure about the football game." W J^"" Heitzman, '84, "It's going to '-Se really fun because I'll be marching with the band during the parade and the football game." Li am Parrel 1, '82, "It's great because the school gets together to show Its school spirit and gets out
nseU^"""^ °" ^^^ ^^^""^ ^"^ ^"J°>'' it'^s*'a'rV/i\^''°*1^5'^3' '83, "I think I clr I f ^ ? ' ^ ^ ^ ^ y ° " don't have there arL't ° ' P""^^^"" ^'^""se arouSdSere." '"' '°°' restaurants George Chemers,'84, "I think it's really great, and everybody should
get out and participate in one of the events." Dave Moreno,'82, "It's a waste of time. There is no point in going." Fran Moore, '85, "I hope that the football team does not lose."
lish teacher look over it providing he or she is willing. The topic should "be something that will make you unique and distinguishable from others. It should show you as the kind of person who thinks about the situation you have just undergone and how you fit it in to your life," said Mr. Hunt. Interviews, generally for very selective schools, are simply the school's way of getting to know you in the best way possible, according to Mr. Reese. "Most interviews will ask these type of questions: Why did you pick this school? What kind of activities do you enjoy? What are your goals? Why did you pick this major? Tell me about yourself. I've never heard of an interview that was a tense or uncomfortable experience. Be yourself and relax," concluded Mr. Reese. Mr. Hunt had a final piece of advice: "Please apply to the one school that you really want to go to, but won't because you think you won't qualify or be able to afford it. The reason I tell you is because when I CovvU.nae.d on Page 4
Student welcomes bus story Dear Editor: I'd like to thank you for printing an article on a subject that means a lot to many students from the Harwood Heights, Norridge and Norwood Park Township areas. I am referring to your article concerning the elimination of our bus runs to and from school. Upon attending the Sept. 22 meeting (mentioned in your article) with Nortran, I found we might as well have been banging our heads against the wall. According to a law enacted in 1976, bus companies cannot deviate from their regular routes to
provide special school bus service. This year Nortran (as they say) was forced to comply after providing school service since 1976 when the law was passed. We understand they must follow the law, but why in 1981 and why so suddenly without notice? The group of concerned parents that attended both meetings with Nortran has given up on them because there is no way they are going to give us a bus. They are now looking into a private bus for students in our area. I hope it works. Thanks again for printing a story that means a lot to me. Vaim WodJLjta
page 3
Cable TV available next By Laufia Coym By November 1, 1982, 15% of Park Ridge and Des Plaines citizens will have access to cable TV. Remaining homes that wish to sign up for cable television will receive service with in nine months after Nov. 1. Jeff Fuller, who is the assistant to the city manager of Park Ridge, commented, "This is a project that LOLLEGE A P P L I C A T I O N S . . . . . dowtinuzd inam paqz ? was applying, I really wanted to go to Brown, but I never even applied. It still bothers me to know whether I could have gotten in or not." processes, which may be used in com-
bination or exclusively. 1. Early decision means that the college will notify you earlier than other applicants. Usually very selective schools use this procedure and require "a substantial deposit," according to Mr. Reese. "This type of admission is for the student who definately knows where he wants to go. For example, a student who applied Oct. 13 would know by Dec. 4. 2. Early admission is for those students who graduate early or enter early, in January, instead of September for example. - 3. Deferred admission allows the student to postpone enrollment for one year after acceptance. 4. Equal consideration is for all applications received within a certain time period. The University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana has Sep 25 through Nov. 15 as their period. 5. Rolling admission allows the college to make its announcements of admission over several months. Applications are processed as soon as all credentials are received. Another important term, the candidate reply date, refers to that date by which the school must have your response. Usually it is set for May hear page 1, 4 fromtoother give students schools. a chance to
took two years of careful studying; it will be a potentially big move for the city." Cable TV. or cablenet, is a 120channel network. For $5.95 a month subscribers will be provided with 65 channels of programming. These channels include all of the over-the-air channels, two distance stations-WTBS in Atlanta and WOR in New York, and a variety of satellite stations. Additional money provides additional channels. For an extra $5.-95 a month, subscribers will be able to receive pay channels such as Movie ^m
Channel, Showtime and Cinemax. Another unique feature of cable TV is security monitoring; this service promises police and fire alarms for your home. Putting cablenet into production is an involved process and will take time according to Mr. Fuller. A crew is presently identifying all utility poles and underground facilities in the city. The remaining question of where to begin construction is unanswered, When that area is decided upon, Information will be distributed to the homes. •• •_ •
Norgen new aouin cnairman Bt/ Anne S-izopouloi Miss Suzanne Horgen is South's new home economics department chairman. Miss Horgen was a home economics teacher at Maine West and the department chairman at Maine fiorth. "I think the switch has been relatively easy because the staff here has been cooperative," Miss Horgen said. "The kids are kids, they're always nice to work with and Maine South has very nice facilities." A major change in the department is the relocation of the child care lab from the V-wing to a clothing lab. Miss Horgen said the new room provides added space for five to eight more children. Students will also have an observation booth where they can watch the children's activities through a one-way mirror. The V-wing lab will now serve as a department center where teachers can meet with students and hold conferences. Miss Horgen said. "I would like to see students consider taking time in their schedule to take a class in the practical arts area. This ineludes home economics and industrial education." because "I think the things it's you'll important learnmainly will
be helpful throughout your life." Miss Horgen added, "We'd like to invite students to see the child development room." She encourages boys who are interested in recreation and enjoy working with kids to look into the child development program, "I'd love to see some boys get involved," she added. r 1 ^ A ^ l I^Allil/A^ f / ^ O I O C / L l l f frr C/| ( J o I ,. . . tditor-in-Lmet Anne Sizopoulos "^'^^ + rV-i ^^^^^ ^^^ Commentary tditor Laura Olson ^eatures tditor Cindy Coltman Dh°t FH-I Leo Smith Khoto tdUor Mike Vukovich Lopy tditor Cathy Stavrakas D *" ?"^^ D^"ii" '^™ ^^^'^^ Reporters: Phyllis Belmonte, Maria h ^°'"^^'*-h "ci ^°'^"^' ^^'^^''^ Dannen'1^^^'^' "^^^"^ Flynn, Dan Gayford, Ana ,9"^^'^^; Brian Humm, Kris Juneman, '^™ Kaeding, Kersten McLain, Debbie Nelson, Carolyn Schultz, Joanne Sut^°"» Maureen Smith, Debbie Tritt^fc hardt, Laurie Walters, Jeff W o o d J ^ Karen Yates. ^^°^° Staff: Andy Hadley, Lium FarMike rell,01 sen, Eric T.J. Johnson, Widuk. Dave Tickner,
TP'ing: Is it wortt) tlie troubie? by lauJiLz WaMzu On the weekends many houses in rk Ridge can be seen covered under blanket of a paper substance normally associated with the bathroom. This act of enthusiasm is conmonly known as TP'ing. Maine South Pep Council decorates the houses of all of the varsity starting line-up members of major sports during their season before a game. The purpose of TP'ing the players' houses is to psych them up for winning. Missy Kuffel '82, president of Council, said,"A lot of times little brothers or the team members themselves will come out, and we will all TP the house together." In the fall season. Pep Council decorates the homes of either the football players or soccer players. Nick Mitrovich '82 varsity soccer member, said, "I think it's really
super. My parents think it's great because they never experienced anything like that when they were in high school." Bob Pegler '82, varisty football member, said, "I don't mind, but it sip - ' • ' - r t i t i ^ doesn't really get me psyched up for the game." ^WJ» ^'J^^^i.c-iMp? People have different feelings about TP'ing; some even think of it as a form of vandalism. But, for the most part, it is taken in good fun. Brigid Kennedy '82 said, "Police aren't much of a problem because the only time we got caught, we told them we were from Pep Council and they didn't mind." Terri Springer '82, member of Pep Council, said, "most parents don't mind the TP'ing because they know it is just to psych the guys up for the game."
we a l l learned them and when the band begins--join in and SING!): H a i l , to the Red and White, proudly we proclaim. That we are cheering f o r our team, on to greater fame. (Rah!) (Rah!) (Rah!)
- i i ' ^
H a i l , as the game begins, our team w i l l prove t h e i r might. While we shout our loyal cry of Fight! Hawks! Fight! Fight! Hawks! Fight! Fight! Hawks! F i g h t ! Red! White! Fight! Hawks! Fight!
Soap-ahoiics fixed on adventure The Marching Band strikes up the familiar melody and the Hawkettes, cheerleaders, rifles and flags begin their routines. The team rushes onto the field,the Rowdies stand to cheer and slowly others join in. It's Homecoming and school spirit IS high. All of us should be belting out the Pep Song. But there is one problem! No one seems to know the words. We know when to shout "fight! Hawks! fight!" but when it comes to the rest, we stand mute. So—here are the words (it's time
B(/ Plujttli M. Belmotite. Soap opera junkies, are they for real? Watching soap operas is becoming a national habit among high school and college students. Being a soap opera fan myself, I often find myself glued to the T.V. for the 20 minutes watching my soap opera (Gene^'uil Hoip-ital). The current increase of popularity is due to changing formats of the soap operas. I find CzncAol Hoip-ctal
doctors fooling around in a hospital to a new generation of characters whose activities no longer center
'Eye' recommend 'Eye of the Needle' by KoAen VatzA
. I!jg-iye of the Needlp stands out in my mind as one of the few fine movies to come out this summer. It is the story of a German spy (Donald Sutherland) who has infiltrated England's war department during WWII and discovered beforehand the surprise attack at Normandy. . in an attempt to rendezvous with fne Germans, the Needle (the spy's coae name) is shipwrecked on Storm island and falls in love with a woman (Kate Nenigan)living on the island with her crippled husband.
The film only has one major flaw. The character of the Needle is portrayed as a cold, efficient machine, unlike his character in the novel by Ken Follett. It is rarely in this film that we see through the Needles cool exterior. Even with that flaw, I can highly recommend everyone to see E ^ of the Needle. This movie proves that filmmakers can still produce films of quality. Note: if you missed Tess when it first came out, see it now. It is back again for a limited engagement.
around the hospital. I asked a few people if they watched soap operas, and here is what some of them said. Laurie Walters '82, "I have been watching MI Uy CkiZdKm since it started. I used to go home for lunch and my sister told me to watch it, so I could tell her what was happening. She used to pay me a penny a day. I've been hooked ever since." Manuel a Guidi '83, "I watch GmeAat Hoipltal, and I've been watching it for two years. I started watching it because I fell in love with Luke." Kathy Helin '84, "I watch Gmwal Hoip-ctal. I started watching it because everyone else was." Joanne Sutton '83, "I used to come home for lunch, and I'd watch Bozo'i C-cAcoi. Then one day I came home, and my mother had on Ml Uy, so I had no choice but to watch it. Now I watch it because I want to." Mindy Miculescu '83, "I watch GeneAot Hoipital.
I started watching
it, because I was at my grandmother's house, and she made me watch it." Sandy Colorato '83, "I watch GznejLoZ Hoip-Ltal, and I' ve been watching it for two years. I started watching it because I was sick one day, and I turned it on." page 5
'True essence of Homecoming' debated by Ve.bbiz
Without trying to remind you of any nightmares from English I, the "true essence of Homecoming" can be figured out by breaking up the word and turning it around. "Coming home" is exactly what some alumni will be doing in order to see the Hawks play football.
But, is this Homecoming weekend intended mainly for the students or visiting alumni? Robyn Krug, '82, says, "I think it's for everybody. There's a lot of people from the class of '80 that are coming back." Lynn Seaberg, '83, also agrees. "I think it is for both. A lot of
Topical Topics
Driving drunic a serious offense by LauAa Coynz About two months ago, four girls, ages 17 and 18, were hit by a car as they walked on the shoulder of Rand Road. One girl was killed instantly, another died after several days on a respirator, the third suffered broken bones all over her body and the other sustained minor injuries; however, she later went into shock and had a nervous breakdown. Unfortunately, the sad part of this story is yet to come: the man behind the wheel was a 35 year-old drunk. The entire incident could have been avoided if only he did not have "a few too many." Traffic accidents are the greatest cause OT violent death in the U.S. today, and drinking is a factor in at least half of these accidents. About 25,000 people are killed annually by alcohol-related accidents. This figure makes the U.S. the undisputed leader in deaths by drunk drivers. Here is how other countries deal with the situation. Australia: The names of convicted
page 6
people that I know in college have plans on coming back." There are others that say this/ weekend is for the students. Ann Seidel, '82, reasons that "it is for the people that are already here, because very few people want to come back after they've escaped from here. Agreeing with her is Carolyn Szumal '82, who says, "It is more for students that are here now mostly because I think anybody that's already graduated would not want to come back." Laura Weaver, '82, takes a humorous approach to the question. "It is for the people here but not the sennior girls because they never get asked. All the guys there are to ask are going with underclassmen." Remember, Homecoming is what you make out of it. If you can't go to the dance, cheer up and go to the carnival and firelight rally with your friends. As to the question of alumni coming back, watch the football game and keep an eye on old familiar faces. You never know who might be there.
drunk drivers are published in local newspapers under the heading "Drunk and in jail." Malaya: The driver is jailed; if he's married, his wife is also jailed. Finland, England. Sweden: Drunk drivers are automatically jailed for approximately one year. South Africa: The drunk driver is given a ten year sentence, a fine of $10,000, or both. Turkey: Drunk drivers are taken 20 miles from town by police atid forced to walk back under escort. ?^niiTHwoRDS MEEDS T Y P I S T S Bulgaria: A second conviction of drunk driving is your last. The punSoutlfMondji needs t y p i s t s who have^k\ ishment is execution. completed Typing 1 and possibly T y p - ^ f / San Salvador: Drunk drivers are inq 2. Check with Mr. Beatty or Anne executed by firing squads. Sizopoulos i n V-106 before school. Unfortunately, all of the statistics, preaching and tragic accidents may not change a person's attitude about his own drinking. However, a person can make one promise to him This issue kicks off the first or herself: never drive drunk or let Super Sleuth column since last year. someone else drive drunk. Someone If you can't remember what the Super may get hurt. Sleuth is all about, let me refresh your memory. The Sleuth chooses a person in the school and writes about him/her without revealing the name of that person. Your job is to guess the name and go to V106 to submit the name, along with your name. All the responses submitted on the day the paper comes out will be thrown into a hat. The first three correct answers will get their names printed in the next Soat/iwo^d*. We are working on some prize to award the winners with. And now, the mystery identity: She is a senior girl. She has been in concert band for four years, and accelerated English for three years. This year, she has English first period. She went to Washington school fourth through sixth g r a d e s ^ , and then attended Lincoln Jr. High.^P] She is currently going out with a person involved in the drama department. Have fun sleuthing!
Super Sleuth trails
Kickers to battle at New Trier By Je-U Wood The Maine South varsity soccer keam will play Evanston at home this lat., Oct. 10, at .11 a.m. Tuesday Oct. 13, they will host Maine West in the stadium at 4:30 p.m. Tomorrow's game against Evanston will count in the conference standings. The last loss to Evanston was
non-conterence, but the team took it as a tough loss. Dave Ansani said, "It was a hard loss but we plan to gain some revenge. I think we have the better players and the better team." The team is now 6-3. Two of the losses were to Stevenson 2-1 and to Evanston 1-0. Coach Jack Tilley said
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^Bouth swingers volley hatd The girl's tennis team will host their final home meet on Oct. 20 against Niles North. In the past few weeks Maine South has played against new Trier, Maine East, Waukegan West, and Evanston. The varsity and junior varsity lost to New Trier 0-7. Against the Evanston wildcats, both levels lost by a score of 0-7. The varsity beat Waukegan West with a score of 6-1. The JV shut out the Raiders by a score of 7-0. The doubles team of Lisa Wittman and Yonnee Choi played well. Singles player Carolyn Szumal and Cheryl Pease helped add to the win also.'
"We met two tough games in Evanston and G.B.N., but we shouldn't have lost to Stevenson. They just got two quick goals in the first minutes and the team couldn't make up the deficit." Jim Fogarty said, "Organization within the team is looking better and we can play much better when we play as a team." Dan Path said, "The bad games are behind us and we're finally putting things together and living up to our potential. I think we've kind of come down to earth from our overconfidence and we're ready to play tough soccer now." Nick Mitrovich said, "The Sting's victory has added some motivation within our team, and I think we're beginning to look stronger. We seem to have found some inspiration that we didn't have earlier." The team's recent wins include a victory over Waukegan East 5-1 on soccer day. Ansani scored in the effort. They also defeated Highland Park 3-0. Ansani scored two helped by Marty Leever who scored one. They beat Gordon Tech. Here Fogarty and Leever combined with one each. South also beat Deerfield 3-0. Tom Daley had two and Fogarty scored one. The team has four more games in the regular season.
Girls run fast The girls cross country team will compete at conferences on Saturday, October 24. Coach Kilcullen stated "I'm looking for a good finish from the girls. Niles West looks really touch, but I think we can place second." On Oct. 6, the girls were defeated by Evanston 27-31. However, Chris Chaconas remained undefeated in dual meets with an excellent winning time of 11:49. In a surprising strong finish, freshman Julie Berecz placed third overall. Other strong finishers included Gale Baldoni and Laura Kasicki.
Joggers run in Addison Trail Invitational by BUatx Huim
Cross country team will challenge conference foes for the title Sat., Oct. 24. With their teams enlarged through school closings, Maine West, Maine ^ s t and New Trier look exceptional\ tough. Coach Kilcullen stated, ?ven with this caliber of competition, I expect some good individual performances. In a home meet Tues., Oct. 6 the
varsity Warriers, led by Dan Lee, Steve Gemmel and Eric Johnson defeated Taft 45 to 16. However, in the same meet, the varsity lost to Evanston 20 to 38, leaving the varsity record at 6-3. For the sophomores Larry Maigler continued an excellent season by winning the Taft-Evanston meet handily with a time of 16:01.Kyle Denzel placed third with 17:28. The Frosh rolled over both Taft and Evanston with scores of 45 to 17
and 49 to 17 (almost perfect score). Moving on to the Maine South AllTime Top Ten was Scott Kingston, Pat Grange and Jim McCarthy. Excellent races were run by Mark Fritz, Tom Schultz and Brian Serba. The Freshman team is undefeated in conference meets. Coach Drennan stated, "We are looking to win the freshman conference title. The most difficult challenge will be provided by New Trier, but we have a good chance of winning." page 7
Homecoming game tomorrow Bi/ KoAtn
The Hawks varsity football team will take on New Trier tomorrow at 2 p.m. Coach Van Proyen is optimistic about the upcoming Homecoming match. "We'll win this game and the rest of them. If we don't, our season is over. We just have to do our best," Coach Van Proyen said. New Trier will be a hard team to beat, ranking sixth in state with no particular weaknesses. Coach Van Proyen noted that "The defense will have to improve some; but if thev do, we can hold anybody. The offense
can score on anybody." The Hawks opened their home season October 3, losing to Deerfield 20-7. The tough Hawk team had several notable players, including defensive back Brian Lawrence, offensive back Pat Murphy, and defensive linesman Ted Zervos. Coach Van Proyen also
spoke of offensive linesmen Eugene Bambach and John Werdell, and line-, backer Jim Kaepplinger. ( "The 400-plus students who participated on the team, band, cheerleaders, Hawkettes, and broadcasting staff made the game very enjoyable and deserve special recognition," said Coach Van Proyen.
Spikers setting By Mau/ieen SituMi The v a r s i t y v o l l e y b a l l team has t h e i r next game on Tues., Oct. 20 at Maine West. Varsity beat Waukegan East by a score of 11-15, 15-5, 15-10 at home l a s t Friday, Oct. 2. Coach Lonergan s a i d , "We've been having a problem with teamwork but the g i r l s were able to r i s e above i t and win games. Mary Quinn has been c o n t r i b u t i n g to the team's wins and Cathy Bickler has provided strong serving." V a r s i t y ' s record is 7-1 in the conference. The overall record f o r the team is 8-2. Varsity has l o s t to New T r i e r and L i b e r t y v i l l e . D i s t r i c t s w i l l be played on Oct. 27 and 30 at Maine South. The team looks f o r fan support during t h e i r
district battle.
'JK"M Fitness kick starts in P.E, On Oct. 2 an elective gym course began. The class is a combination of exercise and dance to music that allows one to work out vigorously without realizing it. The program was added due to student demand. "It has great appeal," said Miss Catherine Pierce, the department chairman. "The program will increase the participant's fitness and flexibility. I think it will be popular'.' Miss Phyllis Goll and Miss Joanne Barnes will begin teaching the pro-
gram. Miss Barnes, from Maine North, has had previous experience in this type of exercise. "The girls at Maine North really liked it," said Miss Barnes. "Girls who are interested in dancing wil'^B^ really enjoy it." ^ ^ "I was skeptical at first but now that I'm starting to get into it I really enjoy it," Miss Goll said. "I would like to evaluate it at the end of the program to see if it has taken effect."
Girls' swim team to dive at Maine East
Girls' swimming Coach Dawn Butler expects two easy victories as the Hawks face conference rivals Maine East today and Maine West next Fri. Both meets are home. The following day (Sat. 24) Maine South hosts the Hawk Invitational, a 12-team event. According to Justine Descher, team
captain, the invitational "will be a tough one with strong teams." However, being tough is nothing new for the Hawks. Both varsity and JV levels have an undefeated conference record of 4-0. Varsity suffered their first dual meet loss when they faced Naperville North; JV, on the
other hand, pulled out another win. "The JV squad this year, says Butler Miss Butler said, "The JV squad this year is the best we have ever had. We are not only defeating our opponents, but we are beating them by a wide margin." Coach Butler is equally impressed with the varsity level. Tracy Keenan who is a four-year varsity member is the only undefeated swimmer. Butler added, "We hope Tracy will be state champion in the breaststroke, right now, she has the best time in the state, but she could face some tough competition." Janine Engel is another swimmer who deserves recognition. Janine broke last year's diving record of 222 with a score of 225. Maine S o u t l ^ has never had a diver in state coifl^' petition. "If Janine competes her point score would help the team immensely toward our goal: to be third in the state," concluded Butler.