McLendon chosen state Junior Miss Eij Kiti FaZzonz M Senior Sue McLendon, t h i s year's ^ a r k Ridge Junior Miss, has won the t i t l e of I l l i n o i s Junior Miss and is now e l i g i b l e to compete f o r Ameri c a ' s Junior Miss next year. The Junior Miss Program is not a beauty pageant; i t is a scholarship program f o r senior g i r l s . Sue became interested i n the program when her older s i s t e r was involved three years ago. A l l Park Ridge senior g i r l s with a B average in school are i n v i t e d by the Jaycees to compete f o r the Park Ridge Junior Miss t i t l e each year. A f t e r Sue was chosen t h i s year, she went to Bolingbrook f o r the state competition which lasted a week. Twenty-four g i r l s from a l l over the state l i v e d in host homes in Bolingbrook f o r the week. There were two Junior Miss g i r l s in each home, so everyone became close to at least one other g i r l . Sue explained t h a t "everyone became r e a l l y close, good f r i e n d s , and we had a l o t of f u n . " Junior Miss is judged in f i v e d i f f e r e n t categories; a personal interview with the judges, t a l e n t , physical f i t n e s s , poise and appearance, and scholastic achievement. I The judge's interview counted f o r Ihe most p o i n t s . Sue enjoyed the physical f i t n e s s because they did a jump-roping routine to music, and she " j u s t had a l o t of fun with i t . " She said she also enjoyed the poise and appearance because they dressed up in dresses and t w i r l e d pink parasols. As well as being chosen Illi-
nois Junior Miss, Sue won three different preliminary awards in physical f i t n e s s , t a l e n t , and poise and appearance. Sue said "when they f i n a l l y announced my name as winner, I c o u l d n ' t believe i t ! " Sue now goes to national competit i o n in Mobile, Alabama. S h e ' l l be flown to Mobile f o r two weeks in May or June. The exact date hasn't been set yet because CBS, who usually broadcasts the Junior Miss competit i o n , is t r y i n g to set a date and time. The g i r l s w i l l be judged on the same f i v e categories, except the cash prizes go up to a t o t a l of 325,000, and there are many more scholarships offered to the winners. F i f t y - t w o g i r l s w i l l compete in nat i o n a l s , one from every state plus Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico. The g i r l s w i l l stay in host houses in Mobile, two g i r l s to every house. So f a r . Sue has won a t o t a l of 51400 in cash, and eight o f f e r s of four-year f u l l - r i d e scholarships to top schools a l l over the country. She also received a copper medallion which reads: "America's Junior Miss, Emphasis on Excellence." Sue said that these words sum up the e n t i r e Junior Miss Program. Sue w i l l be going to DePauw Univ e r s i t y in Green Castle, Indiana, a f t e r she graduates. This is not one of the colleges she was offered scholarship t o , but her cash scholar ships w i l l apply there. Sue McLendon is very enthusiastic about the Junior Miss program. She says, "Junior Miss is d e f i n i t e l y a worthwhile experience, and i t ' s a
really wonderfu 1 feeling. I've made iends. The best week so many new fr of my 1ife was the week spent in Bolingbrook wi th twenty-three other girls; the bes t moment in my life was being pic ked to represent all these girls. I t was truly an honor to be chosen, I totally reccomniend the Junior Miss program to any girl'.'
Rename auditorium The Maine South auditorium was renamed Sunday as the "Dr. Clyde K. Watson Auditorium." In a surprise ceremony prior to the annual Christmas Concert, Dr. John Murphy, superintendent, announced the change and presented a special plaque to Dr. Watson, former principal. A large plaque will be mounted in the foyer of the auditorium citing the 37 years of service Dr. Watson gave to the Maine schools. An oil portrait, painted by Peggy Rushford of Park Ridge, will be a part of the foyer tribute. Dr. Watson taught mathematics, was dean of boys, was an assistant principal before he became principal at South.
'Greeks' at South Vol. 18, No. 7
Maine South H. S.,Park Ridge, IL
December 18, 1981
Senior wins national writing award Senior Julie Ann Locascio received the 1981 National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Award in writing. This program was coordinated in Maine South last year by Mr. Steven Granzyk. Each of the 7,000 nominees 3nt a sample of their writing and one hour essay to a state judging team made up of both high school and college teachers. About 850 finalists are chosen from the U.S. and American schools
abroad. The number of winners in each state depends on it's population. Only 13 percent of the students become finalists. Mr. Marian Davis, English department chairman, said, "This is excellent recognition for Julie." Julie has received many letters from colleges and universities as a result of the award. "I am really happy, even though a lot of hard work and effort was involved," she said.
The tenth annual "Sororities Today" program will be presented at Maine South during the fourth period Wed., Jan. 6, in C-100. Career Counselor Kenneth Reese will serve as program coordinator. Panel members will each discuss rush procedures, pledging, life as an active sorority member, panhellenic and alumni activities, and answer questions from the audience. All senior girls are invited to attend the panel presentation to learn what sorority life has to offer and to ask questions about college life in general. Maine South graduates participating on the panel are: Lisanne Babicz, Jodi MacKenzie, Lori Mattick, Susan Trull, Martha Tully.
New financial aid procedures disclosed B(/ J-art
New college financial aid procedures were explained December 2 by Mr. Michael Dessimoz, financial aid director at Elmhurst College. The program, entitled "What You Need to Know about Financial Aid" was presented for Maine South upperclassmen and their parents. The other speaker, Mr. Kenneth Reese, Maine South's career counselor, discussed sources, types of financial aid, and the application process. This year a student can apply for an Illinois Monetary Award, s Pell grant, and/or other federal programs
News briefs A Forestry Career workshop was created by the University of Illinois, Iowa State University, and the University of Wisconsin. The workshop whose objective is to acquaint students with careers in forestry will be held at the Trees for Tomorrow Environmental Learning Center. The cost is S105.00 for the week of Aug. 8-14. Applications must be turned in by Jan. 31, 1982. For more details contact Mr. Reese. Tryouts for the Marl in Swim Club will begin on Jan. 6. Interested girls should report to the pool on that day after the ninth period. Scripts for this year's musical , Annlz Get VouA Gun, are now available. Check them out from the Reserve Roam in the library.
The Super Sleuth victim this week is a very well-known person. He is an alumni of school, who comes back every once in a while. He lives on the North side of town. THis person is very generous and caring. He can be seen wearing the school colors-mostly red. This person likes animals. He has an unusual beard. The lady in his life is a little overweight. He hangs around with a bunch of people who are shorter than he. If you have not guessed yet, this week's Super Sleuth is Santa Claus! Merry Christmas! Congratulations to Lisa Williams, Karen Braun, and Joe Lemmersal for guessing last week's Super Sleuth, Tom Wells '84. page 2
and have information sent to colleges of their choice by filing either the Family Financial Statement (F.F.S.) or the Financial Aid Form (F.A.F.) depending on which form is required by the applicant's college. The required form should be completed and filed as soon as possible after January 1, 1982. Students can also apply to the Illinois Guaranteed Loan Program through participating bonds. Savings and Loans, and credit unions. Families with adjusted gross incomes of $30,000 must submit to a needs test to qualify for an Illinois Guaran-
teed loan. If the gross income falls bel $30,000, the family can borrow up $2500 per year without submitting to a needs test. The interest rate on this loan is 9% and the government will pay the interest while the student is in school.
Some institutions may require a new form entitled "Application for Federal Student Aid." Students who find that their university requires this form should contact their counselor or the career resource center for further information.
Is smoking clinic effective? sure is the strong motivation for beginning smokers. Mr. Schreiber said, "A person goes through life making choices, it's their choice to stop; it's never too late to quit."
students caught smoking for the second time have a choice of being suspended or going to the Maine South Smoking Clinic. The smoking clinic, run by Mr. Richard Schreiber, helps those students who are open enough and willing to learn about smoking. The clinic meets twice a month until the end of May. Each session is two hours long. Mr. Schreiber said he tries to "scare" the students to stop smoking by showing films and discussing the real effects of smoking. The only problem is, many of the students don't care; there is hardly any participation or any questions asked. Many students start smoking because their friends do. Mr. Kenneth Reczkiewicz, assistant principal, quoted facts that stated peer pres-
South seniors
help seniors
Members of the Maine South Senior Class Council will help the Park Ridge Senior Citizens with their Christmas project on Dec. 20 and 21. The students will donate and help sell Christmas cookies to help needy senior citizens. The money earned from this project will be used to cut down the cost of Senior Citizen's activities.
Mrs. Pam Schreiber, senior class sponsor, said, "So many of our activities geared towards earning money for Prom. We wanted to do something to benefit others instead of ourselves. We believe this is in keeping with the Christmas spirit." Any seniors interested in helping Senior Class Council, please contact Debbie Nelson.
CHRISTT1AS rtSSAGES CHRISTWS f€SSAf£S^ Merry Christmas to the Tarqueray Lovers. Love, Winnie Twitch: All 1 want for Christmas is you! Mer M e — E n j o y the holidays, you deserve it!! Best of luck in your bright future. Love always, Moi Thanks Varsity Soccer, our only winning team, for givina us something to be proud of. Merry Christmas!
Baby Wojo-Merry X-mas! Felicia Mike: Sorry we didn't go to Hawaii but South America is close enough. To Leo, the only person on staff who could manage to stick his whole hand in the wax machine. Merry X-mas! Luv ya. Features d^ To the SoatkvoKdi staff--Have a M e ^ ^ ry Christmas and a Happy New Year (remember, only three more weeks until deadline!) Enjoy it while you can. Love, Anne.
Computers offer new opportunities by LaiMi
The expansion and opportunities of computers have been compared to that of the telephone and television Computers can not only store information, but process it. Business applications such as payroll, income tax and sales trends, for example, can be computed by using specialized programs. The game potential is limitless.
From video "arcade" style games like Space Invaders or Pac-Man to intricate games like Dungeons and Dragons are all available. You are even able to draw on the screen with "electric crayons," and save it to be played back later. Home planning systems offer budgeting programs as well as those that count calories, help study for tests like the ACT and even astro-
Sex: a question of maturity
logy programs. The home computer, made-up of a TV screen, a typewriter-style base and a disc-drive range in price from $1200 to $2500. The "floppy disc" is capable of storing a filing cabinet drawer of information onto a disc four inches square and costs about five dollars. The connection between the home and business will become as common with the computer as it is with the telephone, according to T-lme, magazine. Banking can be simultaneously transacted without paper or people. Banking and shopping will be possible without leaving your home with the use of the computer and a credit card. Computers are offering new opportunities in careers. "It is one of the most sought-after career areas in the country," said Mr. Kenneth Reese, career counselor. The demand for jobs varies with
by LOWLLC. WaiX&u attitude. The majority of these opHigh school students' attitudes inions are from girls because guys about sex is a very touchy subj-^ct, were very reluctant to respond. For but an important one. Statistics are the most part, they would start to always being thrown at us about teen laugh, make jokes, or just mumble. sex, pregnancies, venereal disease, This type of response may prove and abortions. Because of the large that people our age are not mature amount of teenagers involved in the enough to handle a sexual relationstatistics, many people come to the ship. On the other hand, many seemed conclusion that everyone in high to be quite mature when expressing school is sexually active, which obtheir attitude. Of course the choice viously is not true. Continued on fsaqc 4 is up to each individual. It is hard to get a very accurate concensus of the student body; however, many expressed their ideas. Several people said that they thought that if the couple was mature enough to handle it, then it is by Cathy Stavnakoi '82 "My mom gave me assorted okay. Many added, though, that most soaps with Kleenex and towels. I This week, students were asked kof us are not mature enough yet. thought it was weird, and she said about any unusual Christmas presents 'What does "mature enough" mean? That she thought it was cute." they have ever received. Here are is what everyone must decide for '82 "I thought I was going to get some of their responses. themselves. candy because it was in a Fanny Mays '82 "My grandma gave me one of box, but it was two live turtles." Other students said: those toy space guns when I was 14; "If vou do. and then break uo, '82 "I got something called a my grandma's a little old." the guy will say you are a slut." "Pee-pee Puppy." You would fill it '82 "My sister Jackie and I have "I think it is a girl's own fault up with water, and it would walk the same initials, so I got her preif she is pressured against her will around and take a leak. It was realsent and she get mine. I got a by her boyfriend, if she can't stand ly a riot." blouse, and she got a pair of pants up to him." '82 "This may not be a Christmas two sizes too big." "The way I was brought up, and my present, 'but I got the chicken pox '82 "I got a Barbie doll when I religion says that it is wrong." on Christmas Day when I was 10 yrs. was 16, but it wasn't so bad that I "It's scary." old." got a Barbie doll, it's just that "If your intent is on marrying '82 "I gave my friend something most 16 yr. old guys don't play with each other, and if you are really in called a "Horny Toad." Let's just Barbie dolls. Sorry, Grandma." love, it's okay." say it was distinctively a male '83 "My dad got an I.V. bottle From these comments, it is appartoad. When she picked it up, she that you can fill with booze." ent that everyone has a different screamed."
Comical presents better to give
page 3
Germany and America:
One noticeable difference, added| four different schools. Attending B(/ Lau-xa Otion Erin, was the price of gas. It w a " class is our responsibility, we canSuzanne Mueller-Grote is visiting $5 or $6 a gallon, so the people not miss more than 25% of our class America to help explain Germany to drove only small, economy cars and to get credit. The only tests we us and Erin O'Connor visited Germany were very conservative. have are two big six hour tests on to help explain America to them. The people of Germany, however, one subject per semester. Also, kids Suzanne said that the lifestyle were not conservative about their in her hometown of Oev-Evkenschwick, do not work while they go to school, beliefs. in central West Germany is the same for several reasons. The first is, "The people were very politically as here with the Bixbys. It is the there aren't jobs available, like Mc same size,(48,000), as Park Ridge, Conalds here and all the others. involved, even teenagers and children. They always fought for what middle-class, and they share the The second is, most kids in Germany they believed; for instance, they same relationships and feelings. work right after graduation if the> were very anti-nuclear and would ofThe differences lie in attitude. do not go on to a university. Suzanne feels that people she's met The government pays most of the ten hold protests. They were also not very fond of Reagan. especially the students, are "more cost of going to a university. Also, "The most interesting part of my conservative than the German people. you can wait after graduation to go, visit, concluded Erin, "was seeing People our age have much more inte.vou don't have to go right away. rest in political events in Germany. I've been to England, Switzerland Italy, Denmark and the Netherlands. My friends and I drive to the Nether lands the way you drive to Wisconsin We have Turkish workers in the coal mines around my town, like the Mexicans. Only the father and his sons work ana sena tne money oacK to Turkey. Sometimes they go back home Erin after five years but usually they bring their families here with 10 or O'Connor 12 children. Suzanne I like it here and I am grateful for all that the AFS people have Muellerthe castles found in West Germany. done for me." There were two kinds. A Burg castl^fc' by Lawm Cornel Grote was medievel and obsolete; it h a H ^ "When I first arrived in West large decorated rooms. Schloss was Germany, I thought it was a lot like the other type but more like a palAn example is housing. Many people America," stated AFS student Erin ace with small decorated rooms. It do not have their own homes and the O'Connor, "but I soon found out that was an unbelievable sight." owners let some houses stand empty, there were many differences." so that the price rises. Last June, Erin lived in Engers, a subsecCOffUTERS... we demonstrated because they were tion of the city Neuwied. "I lived Continued {^Kom pagz 3 going to tear down a house. For two in a two-floor house with my mother, the skills of the person. The most weeks 13 people worked on the house: two sisters, and brother. We had all "sought-after" jobs include, systemspainting, repairing and replacing. the furniture and appliances that Then the police came with 200 men analyst, engineer, program analyst Americans have. The country of West and chased us out, and destroyed the and computer designer. A graduate Germany was typically well-off. My house anyway a couple hours later. family owned a horse, and this was of a four year college with a major If we demonstrate without permisnot uncomrron. I spent most of my in computer science will begin at sion, and are caught, or even have free time riding at the stable. I S22,000 to $25,000 a year. also took lessons once a week." our picture taken during it, it will Those interested in aareers in go onto our file, which is the equicomputer science can follow three Erin continued, "The people were valent of a jail sentence. We will paths, engineering, math or business very nature-oriented. The country not get certain jobs because of it. was always clean and litter-free. Engineers handle the design of the The kids here are also conservacircuitry. Math (computer science) The land was full of hills; there rive in their relationships. The were flowers all over the place.." , majors control the theory and design of the programs to deal with the pro girls wait to be asked out or to a The people of West Germany also blems created in Business. With a dance. In Germany, it is much more differed in their views and attibusiness background, "The computer informal and the girls ask the guys tudes. "The people were very conshould be thought of as a tool, to if they want. cerned about each other. We often be used to solve problems," said I think the people here are kind had tea at friends' houses. We just Mr. Thomas Mahon, computer science sat and talked for hours. And as" a of superficial. When they ask, 'How are you?' in the hall, and I begin custom, we always brought a bar of teacher. chocolate to thank them for their to tell them, they are already gone. The capabilities of computers hospitality. Food was an important In Germany, if they ask, they really have already phased out lower level part of their lives. The host or want to know. skills such as filing, but h a v ^ \ hostess was always offering food. Our school is very different from created a new career field. The v e r w If you refused, they felt insulted. Maine South. We have 30 minutes for satility and relative affordability a break after every two periods. We Furthermore, a person was never sup•)f home computers may help them to become as common and as useful as can smoke, do not need passes, and posed to eat with his finqers--even when eating pizza or trench fries." the telephone and television. have open campus. I attend class at paqe 4
Boy visits Santa for first time 6(/ Vabble. TnAXthoAdt
^ Once upon a time, there was a Pittle boy named Billy. Billy's mother told him she would take him to see Santa Claus in a few weeks. He had never actually seen Santa before and he was full of questions, so he went to talk to his older brother, Mike, who had seen Santa many times when he was Billy's age. "Mike, do you remember the first time you saw Santa?" "Well, no, not really. Mom told me all I did was cry." "I don't remember, Billy. I was only three. Now leave me alone, OK? I have a term paper to finish." Billy left Mike's room with a worried look. "Santa Claus isn't someone who makes you cry, so why did Mike?" he wondered. "I'm not going to cry," he said aloud. "I'm going to go right up to him and tell
him what I want for Christmas because I'm a big boy, not a baby." When the day finally arrived, Billy and his mother stopped at Murrey's Department Store. Holding his mother's hand tightly, he felt both nervous and excited when she said, "There he is, Billy, on the left side of the Christmas tree." But, Billy couldn't see Santa yet because of all the "big people" in his way. Finally, Billy got a glimpse. '"He looks just like he does in the books. Mommy! He really does have a white beard and laugh funny." His mother smiled down at him while they walked to the forming line. At last, it was his turn. "Billy, have you been a good boy," asked Santa. "Well, I didn't hit Joey, my best friend, when he broke my truck. It was an accident. Santa, what does
Mrs. Claus feed you that makes you so fat?" "Ho, ho. Well, she feeds me the same things you eat, Billy, except a lot more of it. Now, tell me what would you like for Christmas?" "I would like...urn, peace and joy for the whole world." "That's a very grown-up thing to want, Billy. But, don't you want a toy car to play with or a bike to ride?" "Well, yeah, but my mommy said if there was peace and joy in the world everyone would be happy. If everyone was happy, everyone would love each other, and there would be no wars. Can you do that?" Santa nodded slightly, wished him a Merry Christmas, and, while the little boy found his mother, thought to himself, "I wish I could, Billy. I wish I could."
What gets you in the X-mas spirit? Except for a few Scrooges, almost everyone gets excited around Christmas time. This time of year is associated with all kinds of fun times and good feelings. Even if it does ot snow, many other things will ring the Christmas spirit into the air. What gets you in the Christmas spirit? Mee Kim '82 said, "Baking cookies and mistletoe and Christmas lights." Beth Black '82, "Seeing the decorations and lights downtown." Suzanne Egan '84, "Shopping for Christmas presents." Bob Dumit '85, "getting out of school."
Craig Rowley '82, "when my dad starts to wear his funny-looking ear muffs." Debbie Nelson '82, "It's my fav-
Topical Topics"
Smiling brings Christmas clieer The ability to smile is perhaps one of the greatest gifts of mankind. It's simple yet special, showing affection, sincerity, care, and love--the true gifts of Christmas.
'Make someone happy' I t is Nov. 25. You have f i n i s h e d your English, and now you want to watch T.V. You turn on the s e t , and you are bombarded by specials l i k e " B e n j i ' s Christmas" or "The Grinch meets Frosty the Snowman at Rudolph's house." Disgusted, you turn o f f the set and look through magazines t r y i n g to f i n d new additions to your 12-page Christmas "want" list. Two hundred, 100, even 50 years ago, Christmas was a time f o r giving and being with people you loved* Then came t e l e v i s i o n , and the netj o r k s began p u t t i n g cute Christmas •pecials on. However, when they f i g ured out t h a t they were making money they started making more specials and putting them on e a r l i e r so people would buy more. So now we have
orite time of year. I love the anticipation, buying presents, and seeing how exciting Christmas is for my little brother."
specials s t a r t i n g in November, s p i n offs of s p i n - o f f s , and those r o t t e n commercials in between. I t seems that at Christmas, when people should be thinking of o t h e r s , they concentrate on themselves. This year, instead of concentrating on another stereo or wardrobe, why not donate some of your time (or money) to a needy c h i l d r e n s ' organization? Send a check--maybe your paycheck or j u s t a couple d o l l a r s ' - t o UNICEF or the Salvation Army. Make a home f o r an animal from the Humane Society; check i t out beforehand though! Or go caroling to a nursing home. V i s i t an e l d e r l y neighbor; bring a t r e a t and t a l k to a person whose Christmas might otherwise be lonely. Why not give a l i t t l e of yourself t h i s year?
THE VALUE OF A SMILE AT CHRISTMAS \t coiti notlilng bat cAtate^s much It Q.nlich(U> tko6(i Mho KzcZyivz, uxitlwat '( thoie. who giv^ It happam, in a ^£04/1 and the. meinofiij o{j It iomeJUmd!, las-td ijotevei None oAc io lich thzij can gtt along without -it, and nont oAe io ]xoK but oAc nlchcn ioK Iti bcnti^it: It cAta-tu happineM in the home, dateu good wLLt in a buAinc^i, and ii the couiitexiign OjJ (J'lxeniii. It i6 Kz-ht to the weoAij, daijtight to the dticouAaged, ianiliine to the iad, and Nature'i bcit antidote ()Ofi tiouble. Vet it cannot be bougiit, begged, bofiAowed, on. itoZen, ion. it ii iomething that ij> no e/Vithiij good to anybody till iX ij> given aimyl knd i{^ in the loi-t-minutt uah o^ C/iAxiAnoi buying iome OjJ ouM. iaZeJ>people ihould be too tiJied to give you a imile, may we a.ik (jou to leavz one ofj youJUi? Fon. nobody need!, a imite io much 04 tlwit who have none te^t to give! Frank
Fletcher page 5
Maine South says 'Merry Christmas' Look out Red Nails - - I t ' s your time of the year, but don't get caught wearing witchy shoes and PLEASE be careful f o r l i t t l e elves hanging around long braids. Have a real good one. REK I love you A l . Merry Christmas
To: Kuff, Curt, Vince, Jim C., Todd, Jim S., Mark R., Suds, Tom W., Leo, Rob, Dan, Tom F., Squeaky, Steve S., Steve H., Squirrely, Steve B., Paul, Paul C , Steve K., Pete, Chris K., Mike L., John D., Phil, and oh yeah, Buuf: Have a great X-mas, (especially New Years') and thanks for making this fall fun. Love, Stats
To Salt and Peppier - - - Have a great X-Mas under the sun. Meet you in wat e r l e a f c i t y . A l i a s , Hair Snatcher. P.S.- Swallow, honey, d o n ' t chew.
To "Dust" - Have a cosmic Christmas! "Oh wow" To Debbie PEACE!!!!!
Secret loves can come true A i l e e n ! !
To Varsity Basketball Team: take o f f , e h ! ! From Ned
Merry Christmas,
Muffy! Love, Bunny
Hey Twitch - - You're a c u t i e ! Christmas! Love always, Mer
Red, B a r t , Prune, & Dingo: Deck the h a l l s w i t h somethin' merry-- Jingle with a swig of sherry! L.A.-Flake Dear Grecian Hosebag--Kala gena.
Dear "Windy"- The p a r t y ' s over! Your extended parole i s through. I wonder i f y o u ' l l have a white Christmas at Levenworth. Mr. Banana Man--You are the only one FOREVER!! Mr. Kid Honey Bunny I love you! Have a very merry Christmas!! - - T r i n k e t D i d i - Thanks f o r always being thereMerry Christmas. Sissy Tom, J e f f , Mike, John, Cheryl, Jim, Rob, Ami, and Steph: Sing, smile and party on your Christmas break! (ending on a r i g h t n o t e ) - - P h i l Dear Volleyball team - - Have a very merry Christmas!!! — Mr. Lonergan Orca s t r i k e s again! Marjorie and Sandy, Merry Christmas from your English p a l , PM. HO!HO!HA! To Ding Ding - We d o n ' t t h i n k you're an airhead! P, J , and E. Woosh - Happy 1 8 t h ! ! ! Y . B . F . , Kitch C h r i s , Have a super X-mas. Good luck w i t h Scott. Love, Meam T r i n a , Have a Merry Christmas honey! Love, Meam Sue, Paul, T r i s h , Nancee, Margaret, Ami, Jean, Patsy, Denise, Mary Jane, Tom, Pat, John, Dave, Rick & Liane, Amy, Jim, Guy, Colleen, Barb & John, E r i c , B i l l , Vince, T e r r i , Patty, and oh yeah Brian: Have y o u r s e l f a merry l i t t l e Christmas, f r i e n d s ! ! ! - - P h i l Santa--All we want f o r Christmas is a p a i r of Mickey Mouse w a l k i e - t a l k ies. C l i f f and Andy
Remember "Prep", Santa says - Joey with your pants so tight, won't you ride in my sleigh tonight? page 6
Becky A l l e n , Merry Christmas and P. S. f o r e v e r ! ! Love always, MeMe Moogie - Hope i t was as meaningful f o r you as i t was f o r us. You are a c u l t u r a l heartland! The Lone Ranger, Tonto, and S i l v e r To Mike, Steve and Dave: A l l I want f o r X-mas i s a working f o i l ! Love, Diane Dear Gordy— Thanks f o r l e t t i n g me use your typewriter to w r i t e t h i s . Merry Christmas!!! Karen Stuart - Have a great C h r i s t mas! We'll party and h i t the slopes. Love, Maria Merry Christmas Sotitiuwidi and a great New Year. Thanks f o r a l l your help. Love, Scrooge Yacky: Maybe you can get you- knowwho under the m i s t l e t o e . Love, Chopper. Steve: Merry X-mas Honey!! Tee-hee, I love y o u ! ! Bah Humbug to a real bunch of H o o l i gans: Dave, Steve, Andy, Mike, John, George, Tom, Wally, Steve H, C h a r l i e , Ken, Chris, Cathy, Bob, K a t r i n , Dan, B i l l , and Mike H. Susie - Have a merry X-mas!! Luv, Di K.M.- You can hop in my stocking any time! Have a merry X-mas. S.S. Merry X-mas Amykins. Friends, Terry, Owen, and Nina Merry X-mas Wien Eat a Babka Luv Cuz Lauren Merry X-mas-Your buddy Terry To Porkey-Have fun i n F l o r i d a ! Bring me home a tanned slab or 2 or 3 or 19!-Chin Kimberly-Hope Santa Claus has l o t s of presents f o r you. Maybe your very own slab?? Chin Hey Chipper (gym shoes)-Don't make too many weird noises over your Christmas break. Have a nutty X-mas and a w i l d New Year! P.S.-Remember you're the only one t h a t I want.Love Elryn
Mary--Watch out f o r the SWAT team.i They're on the moye! Merry Christmas" Chin Cindy-Senor Cabeza i s watching you! Don't get caught with any yaraakababas, kooklas, or dinga s t a t s . Jeanus Dave-Get out your mistletoe then watch out f o r the g o r i l l a . Dear Mood Eyes-Knock knock. Who's there? C'mon i n . Thanks. Boy i t ' s cold out there. Happy X- mas. Bosco To Gordy-Season's greetings from the percussion section. P.S.-Iowa will win the Rose Bowl. Hi Gorgeous-The only thing I want f o r Christmas i s you! With l o v e , Chuggs Dear Weasel-You are paying f o r the reserve book! Does "Rags" know you bite? Merry Christmas! Love, Ann Ony Mouse. Eat l o t s of mashed potatoes S t r i n g Beans-Merry X-mas! Love, B,L, & L. Ami-Merry X to a sweet f r i e n d . Flea Pam-Feliz Navidad!! Have fun in the sun. F e l i c i a Alicia-The Chem. Gods & I wish you a Merry X. Flea Nanci-Merry X & Happy New Year! Havti a great vacation. Flea To V-Show Directors-Merry Christmas! The show was great. Your dedication paid o f f . I t was worth g e t t i n g i n volved. Chrisi Mueret: Sorry about the note! Patty Jay Okulanis—Somebody you!!!
To Mr. Kerr: Merry Christmas from your f i r s t period English class. Now a l l you have to do i s f i g u r e out which two people sent i t ! ! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year t o a l l the Bers. Love Kimbers Duff, Dwy, Jurgs and Kip wish Bob McWeiner a Merry Christmas in Iowa. Quinn
FIRE!!(only psuedo) S.
To Spanky, Porky and Petie: Have a lambchop of a Christmas and don't drink too much. Remember, you might wet your pants. From Buckwheat and Alfalpha Jenny Starzyk, Merry Christmas from your Wrestlerette Kris K r i n g l e ! Tweety, Merry Christmas! We'll q e ^ tanked t h i s holiday f o r sure. L o v e l y Winnie Merry Christmas! To a very n a t i e n t man. We love you, Mr. Beatty. Love, Soaf/uiwidi and Maine Menagetxc s t a f f
Wrestling team looks to pin West by Bob UcKunc
The wrestling team will wrestle its last home meet before Christmas tonight starting at 6:30 against Maine West. This will be the first conference meet of the season. Recently in the Holy Cross Tournament varsity wrestlers Bob Phillips and Russ Nelson turned in strona second place finishes, while Dave Ericson took a third. Last Friday night the varsity fell to Glenbrook North 8 tr 52, picking up a superior decision was Dave Ericson, while Bob Phillips picked up a win. The JV-1 team also lost to GBN by a score of 30-39. Picking up pins were Herson Astorga and Andy Rubino. However, the fresh men won their meet 39-30. In Saturday's meet the varsit>' and JV-1 lost to Rolling Meadows by
scores of 17-44 and 12-48 respectively. The freshmen team lost too. Picking up wins on varsity were Bob Phillips and Jin Paulette with Dave Ericson winning by a superior. John Lurnquest and John Johnson Dinned
their opponents for the JV team. Although the varsity lost twice. Coach Tom Ziemek said, "The team as a while is wrestling a lot better." He also added, "Mrestler of the vveek was Dave Ericson."
Sauth .takes on West The girls' basketball team will host Maine West tonight at 8 p.m. The Hawks are still getting used to a new kind of offense. Coach Mike Deines changed the offensive strategies to take advantage of the height of 6 foot tall Nancy Culverwell, 5-20 Jenny Mumford, and |5-9 Cathy Carney. " The change will take some time to learn, as Maine South lost its first two games. Both matches, however, were very close, with a score of 5351 against Resurrection and 49-44 versus Glenbrook North. Injuries, which the team was unable to escape last year, are back. Carney injured her shoulder in the Glenbrook North game. The Hawks have added height to the team this year, possibly slowing them down. But all " fears of a slow team were forgotten after the close loss to Resurrectin who is a small, but fast team.
Dave Ericson
pins Waukegan
East wrestler. He won by a superior.
Gymnasts display talent by Brian Humm On Tuesday, Jan. 5th, the girls' gymnastics team will take on a power ful Deerfield team. The meet is expected to be a close one. On Saturday, December 5th, Maine South was victorious over Schaumburg by a score of 97-76, while placing first in every event. Strong performers were Michelle Ryan on bars and beam, Debbie Tworek in vaulting, and Karen Zachory in floor exercise. Coach Phyllis Goll commented, "There were no surprises at this meet, I expected to do well, and we did. The meet will help in that it gives the girls confidence in their abilities and routines." However, on December 10, the var-
sity team lost to Highland Park by a score of 104-99. Coach Goll remarked, "Highland Park is an up and down team, and this year they are up. We are equal to them though and had a good shot at winning." On the brighter side, the freshman team was victorious over Highland Park 104-99. Talented freshmen include Becky Paul, Darlene Numrych, and Meg MacDonald. Coach Goll added, "I expect good things from them."
Icemen face off against New Trier The hockey team will travel to Northbrook Sunday to play New Trier at 5:30. Center Dave Jackson commented aDout the upcoming game, "I think we have a good chance if we stay out of the penalty box. Our goaltending has been strong this year." On Wed., Dec.9, the team lost to New Trier at Oakton Rink 6-2. J1m ^ o m a s and Wayne Auge scored South's • p a i s . The game was close until sevY^} penalties were committed by the Hawks. The team has gotten off to a slow start and lost their first three
games. However, their record in the last five games is 3-1-1. Varsity's overall record is 3-4-1. The outlook for South is hopeful vith many injured players returning. ^hey are Dave Jackson, Mike Roberts, Jave MacArther, and Steve Artishuk. It will strengthen the team as well as give it a set line. Jim Bresler, Mike Becker and Jim Keplinger have helped to hold the team together during the injury period. Wayne Auge said, "The arrival of Harry Sator as assistant coach will help to Improve the team."
(photo by Tom Voth) page 7
Basketball shoots at another title The varsity basketball team battles Maine West tonight in a conference game at West. This is their second conference game and, while their overall record is 0-8 they only have one conference loss. This loss came last weekend against a strong New Trier team, 6741. Maine West started their conference play with a win over Maine East 57-43. Their game plan is a balanced attack with everyone contributina apually to their seven wins this season. They began with three wins and the Jacobs Thanksgiving Tournament title. In conference play; Maine West, New Trier, and Evanston all have 1-0 marks, and Maine South, Maine East, and Miles West are 0-1. Niles West lost to Evanston 63-28. If the Hawks can salvage a win against Maine West they will be back in the conference race. Looking ahead the Hawks will play in a post Christmas tournament on Dec. 28, 29, and 30. The East Aurora Tournament contains many area powers East Aurora, Lyden, Batavia, and DeLaSalle are all in the tourney. DeLaSalle is the suburban Tribune's number one ranked team and got there by beating previously ranked St. Joes. Since DeLaSalle has the best record and South the worst they will most likely face off in the first
League announces AH-Confence teams CcngiatiULattoni to tha , . _ _ -leceived the. AU-Con^e.r^nai mention ^H miimmlng and diving. Thtij are: Rc'faet-ta B^ckman, hia/ici Ktoim, Janine. Engel, Collten GiZluplz, Cawntnuj Madien, Gtxatijn Wac/icrtdo-tj and Tn.aaj Ko-Znan. CongAÂŁutuÂŁatiofi!t atso go ou-t to Mt-Conii^fizncz Clou Coantiij -lunneu; Juliz BeAzcz, GOAX BaZdoni, and Chili Chaconai.
scored by three, s i x , and four in the second, t h i r d , and fourth q u a r ^ t e r s , respectively. Against a c o l ^ ference power t h i s was not a ooc showing.
round. South also has played Stl Joseph but they l o s t handily. A l l hope is not l o s t , while nett i n g o f f to a slow s t a r t i n the New T r i e r game, the Hawks were only out-
Ed Schireizer
passing against St.
Swirnrning bij Soi/ia Vlzka.vik.1 One of the key meets of the season for the swimmers will take place tonight when the Hawks host Glenbrook South at 5:30. "There is a lot of motivation to win this meet and there's a very good chance we'll win," said Coach Frank Boothe. Head Coach Doherty said, "We will win this meet. We're one of the top ten schools in state, and not many teams can beat us." Boothe and Doherty will rely on Steve Delano, Mark Wachendorf, team captain Jeff Satchelek,Steve Grage, Mark Mossier, and Mike and John King to lead the Hawks. Diving Coach Kochalka also looks to GBS for a victory. "There's no doubt that we'll win. Look for a good performance from Tom Walsh." The Hawks certainly give the coaches a reason to be optimistic. In
undefeated their Dec. 4 meet vs. Highland Park, the team won every event but the 100 backstroke and breaststroke. Versus Notre Dame, however, the team poured out victory after victory to not^ only win every event, but to win bl almost 100 points. Diver Tom WalsF also placed first in both meets. "I'm very impressed with the performance of the team. Their times now are beating their times at the end of last year," said Boothe. Junior Mike King commented, "The team is coming along well; with work and dedication we can reach our goal which is to qualify as many people for state as possible." Senior Steve VanSpankeren said, "One of our goals is to break every school record, and all are in our reach."
Fencing in Junior Olympics The 2-1 fencing team, with Junior Olympians Walter Cwik, Diane James, Dave Moreno, Mike Elfert, and Dan Wallace will meet Catholic Memorial The team has fenced against Maine West, Gordon Tech, and New Trier. The Hawks beat NT and GT, but lost a very close meet to Maine West. On Dec. 5, the Under 16 Illinois Junior Olympics were held. Wally Cwik qualified to fence in the national competition in Los Angeles. page 8
Junior Diane James also took fourth in the meet. James stated, "I was kind of disappointed that I took fourth, but I know I tried hard. The competition was tough because there were two college girls there that took first and second place." In the Under 20 age group, senior members Dave Moreno and Mike Elfert qualified as alternates to the team. Sophomore Dan Wallace was named second alternate to the Under 16 team.