'Ettes kick IVol. 19, No. 15
Maine South High School, Park Ridge, IL
April 22,1983 ••^•••^iM
Musical to be presented This year's musical, Fiddler on the Roof, will be performed April 22, 23, 29 and 30 at 8 p.m., April 28 at 7:30 p.m. and April 24 at 3 p.m. Tickets can be purchased outside the cafeteria during lunch periods or in the front hall before school and at the door the night of the performances. Fiddler on the Roof is a Stein-Bock-Harnick production which tells the story of Tevye, a poor Jewish dairy man, and traces the conflicts between his traditional beliefs and his changing environment. The story is set in the year 1905, focusing on the Russian movement to evict the Jewish people from their towns. Mr. Irwin Bell, stage director, stated about the cast, "We are working very hard to make it a fine production. We have a very cooperative cast." The cast numbers 150 people, including orchestra, dance and singing chorus and crew. Miss Barbara Bobrich. choreographer, stated, "This year we are doing ethnic steps. Though they are more difficult, they are also exciting- The show promises to be exciting." This show has special significance for Mr. Ijoyd Spear, music director and producer of the show. Spear commented, " Fiddler on the
Roof is my favorite musical. I asked that it be done for the last year I was here. It will be a fine production." Musical chorus director Walter Flechsig commented on the singing chorus under his direction, "1 am very pleased with this year's chorus, very pleased. They are exceptional. They're good musicians and are very cooperative with the directing staff."
by Cathy Flynn The Maine South Hawkettes came in third in the slate tournament for their 68 minute show. TTiey performed a revised version of the routine they performed in V-Show, using capes and a Spanish theme. Winning the highest evaluation, a Superior, their kickline was one they had performed at football games. TTie state competition was held in Benton, Illinois March 11. Tryouts for next year's squad will be held in early May. The Frosh-Soph team will be replaced with a junior varsity squad in 1983-84, according to Hawkette sponsor Barbara Bobrich. Captain Christy Scheldt said, "The JV squad willfivegirls in all years an equal chance." Lxx>king back on the season, Christy continued, "Hawkettes has made my years at South more memorable because of the friendships I've made and the experiences of working together towards a common goal."
Dan Piatt to attend Webb Maine South senior Dan Piatt will attend the Webb Institute of Naval Architecture in Glen Cove, New York next year. Webb is a highly specialized technical school, unique because the students don't pay tuition. Everything, with the exception of room and board, is free. The school has an enrollment of 75. Dan is one of 20 incoming freshmen accepted. The school takes into account SAT scores, as well as academic achievement. Since there are only three athletic teams, the school's emphasis is on academics. Dan first became interested in the school through guidence counselor Kenneth Reese.
He found information concerning the school in the Career Resource Center. Dan remarked, "It seemed like a good school for me because I've always been interested in ships. My classes in drafting and engineering also helped me make my decision. Dan will follow a required curriculum, including courses in engineering, drafting and literature. "I like the size of the school because there will be less pressure, and it will give me a very good education. If any other Maine South students are interested in the school, 1 would like to see them follow me," Dan concluded.
acts, cosiumin anTTnusi^^!?^T^Bf!!?ffln!^B^f?TOTfWTnT!^ show." Pictured are Marlin members Sharon Carlson, Jill Larson, Courtney Madsen and Lauren Dirr. They will be performing in "Reflections" this weekend.
Humm to compete in forensic leagu Maine South senior Brian Humm, because of his achievements in the Lincoln/Douglas Debate Tournament in March, has qualified for the National Forensic League. The League is an Illinois team that travels across the country competing in national tournaments. At the Lincoln/Douglas Tournament, held
Juniors present 'Wings of Love' The 1983 Junior Prom, "On the Wings of Love," will be held Sat., .May 7. The dance will run from 8 to 11 p.m. in the Maine South Cafeteria. Tickets can be purchased in the bookstore for eight dollars the week before the dance. The band "Phantom" will provide the entertainment for the evening and the Junior Class Council will decorate a night scene. Class Officer Sue Summerfield commented, "I think the dance will go real well. We've got our plans down and everyone is excited for it." pagÂŤ2
in Deerfield, petition. He Trier student season. Mr. David
Brian won each round of com- to go to nationals. Everyone's a winner!" He also beat Jacob Parks, a New added, "Humm has a good a chance as who beat Brian three times last anybody. He's good!!" Brian will be competing in the national tourLavelle commented, "It's a kick nament in Kansas City June 13-17.
Restaurants re-open The Maine South Food Occupations Tuesdays and Thursdays during fifth period, restaurants will be open May 3-27, serving Advanced reservations can be made in the lunch in "" the courtyard. " bookstore for fifty cents a person. "The Finish Line" will be open May4-27, The food in the restaurants will be prepared Wednesdays and Fridays during fourth period, and served by members of the Food Occupa"Fifih Valley Inn" will be open May 3-26, dons classes at South.
Super Sleuth born to run This week's Super Slueth was "bom to run." He is an uppcrclass boy. He is in fourth year French and does his homework in his homeroom, C-J29. He inbibcs very heavily, very often and very seriously. He is a frequent vbitor to U. of I. He is a hockey fan, and h is favorite team is the Blackhawks. He also enjoys baseball and
went to the World Series last year. He went to Emerson Jr. High. This week s Super Slueth could be called the strong, silent type. Bob McKune '83, Tom Tully '83 and KiHeen Leahy '86 guessed last week's Super Slueth, who was Tiernan Leahy '83. Don't forget to submit your guesses to V-106.
Even bad movies have good moments •
by Clahne Batla You all know what a bad movie is. Siskel and Ebert refuse to even talk about it, and your parents turn the television off when ads for it come on. The newspaper ad for a bad movie features scantily-clad young men and women either locked in hot embrace or about to be mangled by a mad killer. Let's face it, there are times in my life when I definately need a bad movie. Like when I got my third quarter report card and my highest grade was a C in gym. Or when Mom finally found the gash on the side of the car. Time hke these don't call for good movies like "Sophie's Choice" or "Frances." They call for awful, horrendous movies like "Galaxy of Terror" and "Madman." While good movies leave me with a nice,
wholesome feeling of having learned or matured, a bad movie makes me feel as though I've survived a disaster. There's a certain note of pride in my voice when 1 say, "I've seen "Prom Night' four times," or "I sat through 'My Tutor' twice." What really scares me, though, is that sometimes I'd really rather watch an inane movie called, "The Last Virgin in America" than the gripping drama of "The Verdict." The utter bad taste of these adolescentoriented celluloid nightmares makes my life a little brighter. The comedies are not much better. According to these movies, girls are only pieces of meat for guys to inspect. There is usually at least one guy waiting to be initiated into the
world of manhood via an unsuspecting teenage girl. Even horror films are sure to have at least one scene where a young woman is in a shower or hot tub when the murderer kills her. Females are being exploited in these films. The acting is generally awful and the dialogue borders on the infantile. Only once in a great while is any real plot discernable. I know all that, but I go to see this trash anyway. Chances are I'll pay four dollars to see "Joystick" before I slap down the same amount for "Table for Five." Maybe I need a laugh once in a while. Or maybe I'm betting four dollars there will be some good looking guys in the movie.
Board debates closing schools There was standing room only in the Maine South Auditorium April 11. Parents, teachers and students filled the auditorium to hear the Building and Grounds Committee present facts and proposals concerning District 207's options in the future to the Board of Education. , „, Dr. Bill DeYoung, from Ohio State Univerity, did a study of the district to find out the ost efficient and practical way to operate the schools. He took into account enrollment, staff requirements, the value of each high school and possible options the board would have to save money. DeYoung came up with two alternatives. The first alternative would be a three-building configuration. In it. South, West and North would be open, allowing for the greatest amount of fiexability in the school system. Maine East could be sold or leased in a long- or short-term arrangement. In each case, having one school as a revenue source would aleviated much of the taxpayers' burden. Another alternative would be a two-building configuration containing either East and West or South and West schools. A third school would remain under District 207's ownership in case a need for it ever arose. There is much controversy surrounding these issues. Many faults lie in the two alternatives. We already have a three-building configuration, would it be practical in the long run to fund the reopening of one school and the closing of another? Also, to be taken into consideration are the community ties to a school and the disruptions involved in closing a school. The feelings and emotions involved in this issue was one topic of heated debate last Monday. . ^ The audience that night was made up ol .vSidents of District 207; however, the majority of that audience represented Maine East High School. Students from Maine East had come to show their support for their school, most wearing bluq and white. Some students even had their faces decorated with Maine East war
paint. The adults from the Maine East area were no less supportive. Many addressed the board, pointing out the emotional and nostalgic ties the community has to Maine East. Views in support of the two alternatives were not as numerous as those opposing. Qieers and jeers were heard from the audience, and often times the speaker from the board had to remind the people that this meeting was a hearing, not a public rally. There were many responsible and well as irresponsible statements concerning both sides of the issue. However, responsible, logical and practical statements must be made in order to achieve intended goals. Cheap shots at the board and the administration and outcries
from the audience were unnecessary and demeaning to their cause. It will be a difficult decision for the board to determine the fate of the Maine Township high schools. They must look at the statistical data to determine the most practical way in which to run Maine Township. They also must take into consideration the public sentiment. Perhaps the board could find another alternative plan in which the three schools (East, West and South) can remain open as they are now. If the board decides to close a school, the most likely candidate being Maine East, there would be many people displaced in such a drastic move. The board must be absolutely certain that closing a school is the best choice.
page 3
student Council reviewed by niember by Kathy Humm In addition to the new activities, ideas and proposals which the Student Council comes up during the year, they must carry out the traditional activities which they are responsible for organizing every year.
Student Council sponsors several activities their school mailbox. of AFS (American Field Service). They pay for Every year the Student Council sponsors a , the exchange students' books and they donate film night. The purpose of the event is not to money to the organization. This year, they make money, but to show a good, popular bought books for the three students and movie at a reasonable cost to the student. This donated over 350 dollars. year's film was "Dial M for Murder. " The Homecoming carnival, parade. Queen The main fund raiser of Student Council is Student Council gives out four scholarships crowning. Queen election and assembly are all V-show. Members are in charge of tickets, annually. This year a special committee revised the responsibilities of the Student Council. publicity, programs and ushering. Student the criteria for the scholarships and three will This year, everything,save the parade, was a Council also funds the shown and receives alt be awarded to Student Council members and great success. Even the parade incident pro- profits minus 15 percent given to the the other to a non-council member. The scholarships wilt value 400 dollars. vided positive goals; a special homecoming Speech/Drama Department. Along with the North Suburban Blood committee has reconstructed the parade route During Christmas, Student Council sponand made several new rules and provisions so sors a Christmas card exchange. Students can Center, Student Council will sponsor an allthat the complications of this year's parade send Christmas cards to their friends to be day blood drive. Any student or adult 17years will not reoccur. received in homeroom by dropping them in or older can go to the back gym and give blood. This year's blood drive will be held on Every year the Student Council is in charge special boxes. Wednesday, May 4. of finding entertainment and organizing the Also, during the Christmas season is the In addition to their traditional events. Stuassembly procedure. The three held this year celebration of Teacher Appreciation Day. This dent Council makes proposals to the executive were the Homecoming, Winter Sports and year, teachers were treated to coffee and rolls committee which take time to research and to AFS/Brotherhood Assemblies. in the teachers' lounge and an apple was put in develop or to be denied.
Real Morrison story different Surrounding James Douglas Morrison, the vocalist of The Doors, are many myths which walk hand-in-hand with the fast lane of the music community. Although many of his drugrelated exploits are true, there are many fallacies which cloud his character. In all respects this is a simple attempt to clarify his image. Morrison, unlike many of his counterparts of the '60's, held music as his secondary occupation. Although The Doors' reputation grew from his stage personality and appealing voice, he was foremost a poet. Jim used The Doors as a vehicle to enlighten his followers. Through! abbreviated trips he attempted to transcend the audience beyond the world of reality. On these mind-related excursions, though many were drug-induced, Morrison would introduce poetry of an inner nature, and energize it through the power of music and his personae. Two songs come to mind when I attempt to envision the youthful sage at work. These songs, "The Celebration of the Lizard" and "The End," are the anthems of the true Doors. "Celebration," for example, deals with the topics of death and insanity, subjects which intrigued Morrison. The song, which would only appear on the "Absolutely Live" album, crawls through nearly twenty minutes of crazed, intense melodies. He introduces the topics, rides them, and glides into his true resting place, a world disengaged from reality. Although the listener may also break on through to this other land, the meaning is clear: this is the home and security of the orator alone. Likewise, "The End" uses scattered bits of poetry to convey a vision of a psychotic landscape. His assorted commentary, mixed with an Oedipan theme, ironically allows the aupage4
dience to reason with insanity. The somg would later be used as an introduction to the insane world of Francis Ford Coppola's "Apocalypse Now." It was his personality which aided Morrison in the war he waged against the upperclass. His policy of the "salt parade," the quiet uprising against the establishment, granted the movement temf)orary success. Unfortunately, his enemies, led by government propoganda, would kill his campaign and drain his life force, yet his message was implanted in the hearts of his fans. His message, however, has been misinterpreted. Jim wasn't looking to make the audience believers of his ideas and aaions. Instead, the man wished to grant all his fans an opportunity to enjoy individualism. Even
amist his abscene drug use and frenzied drinking, he was of free mind. These "doors of perception" allowed him to purify his mind, but sadly, they deteriorated his physique. Morrison, though, most likely wouldn't wish his admirers to follow in his tracks. If Jim was still living, and he may be, he would look down on the worship of his image. Since his introduction to the populus, too many, including myself, have judged the man, the poet, the singer, to be god-like. Morrison believed he lived in a land of lords, you and 1, where he was an adviser to his troops. The time has come to adhere to his advice, and consider rock stars entertainers as merely gifted human beings. Let sleeping dogs rest in peace and move dn to new frontiers.
Looking for 'Perfect Date' This week. Southwards asked the question, "Does the "Perfect Date' exist?" According to Jill Pankus '84, "No, because before getting to know someone well, it is neccessary to go through some awkward moments." Her sister Sharon, '86, added, "No matter how perfect someone is, your standards of perfection are always changing." Rob Vinopal '84 said, "No. Because girls are icky." John Folan '86 commented, "I haven't found her yet, but I'll keep looking." Corinne Coltman agrees, "I'm sure he's somewhere, but not at Maine South." Scott Devlin '85 points out, "There's a perfect date for everybody out there someone; it's just a matter of finding the right person." No matter who the person is, the events of a
cbte can often be uncomfortable. What is the 'perfect date?' Tom Soper '84 would enjoy "going out with a math tutor." Kathy Humm '84 says, "Going to a movie or a school play is more comfortable because it's neutral ground and it's not necessary to talk all the time." Bob Kazuk '84 thinks that the perfect date would be "going to the Blackhawks game and to Superdawg." Heather Francis '85 says that "going to a movie and out for dinner is comfortable and | fun." ' But whether the perfect date exists or not, getting along and having fun on a date is more important that where you go or who you go with.
Track starts outdoor The girls' track team will be taking on Maine St Tues., April 26, at East. Coach Jackie Schultze said that East is a really strong team. Their strength lies in Rosie Wadman, who is the defending state champion is the high jump and placed in state in hurdles last year. South place second in a tri-meet against Maine West and Niles West April 11. On the varsity leve. South took first in the 800 meter relay and the 800 medley relay. The 400 meter relay took second. Chris Chaconas took second in the 1600 meter run. Other outstanding inviduals were Sheri Herbert, who placed second in the 200 meter dash and Cyndi Smith who was second in the high jump. The JV team took first place in the 1600
Hawks are in playing form Coach John Doherty admits he docs not have any John McEnroes or Bjorn Borgs this year, but then again-who does? This year's team has some returning starters and a couple of inspiring juniors and sophomores. " 1 Dave Clark, the Hawks' starting first singles vlayer for the last three years, has opted to play junior national tournaments instead of Illinois State Tennis. A new rule passed by the Illinois Board of Temnis Coaches prohibits players from participating in state competition after playing in a particular national tournament held each March. The Hawks will be looking toward seniors John Crosson, Tom Lahart, Dave Radke, Leo Smith and Tom Tully to provide stability in the months of April and May. Juniors Steve Baab and Steve Langdon combine with sophomore Andy Sponder to provide a good supporting cast on the varsity unit. In their first dual meet, Maine South defeated Forest View 4-1. Against Niles North, the team pulled out a 3-2 victory. Tom Lahart won 6-4, 6-1 at 2nd singles. Andy Sponder 6-2, 7-6 at 3rd singles, and John Crosson and Tom Tully won at first doubles 6-2, 6-1 at 1st doubles. Lahart and Crosson expressed their feelings about the season. "As a doubles player, I'll need to serve and return well in order to place high in conference and districts. Pre-season practice will hopefully payoff in way of success," commented Crosson. Tom Uhart said. "1 feel as if continued lard work and dedication by all the team ~mbers will result in a well-balanced team. 1 ^ T h ilink i we'll turn some heads this year." The next meet is a quad meet at Maine South on Saturday at 9 a.m. The Hawks will be play against Palatine, Wheaton Central and Wheaton North.
medley relay and the 800 meter relay. Kerry Felser won the 800 meter run and Beth Gemmel took first in the 400 meter dash. Heather Watson took first in the 100 meter hurdles and thrid in the 200 meter hurdles. ***** The Maine South boys' track team will compete against Prospect today at 4:30 at Prospect. Coach Tom Mahon commented, "It should be a close meet. Our strengths lie in high jump, hurdles and middle distance." Junior Andy Hadley stated, "Prospect is strong in sprints and we'll just have to go out there and run our best." "We don't just want to win but develop good individual run;iers," Mahon continued. High jumper Mike Vukovich is exr>ected to have a strong season, returning after going downstate last year. In the indoor state invitational, he placed third in high jump.
season "I'm approaching seven feet and hope to do very well in the outdoor season," Vukovich said. Returning lettermen Mike Olson, who competes in high and low hurdles, and Kevin Kingston in the half and quarter njile, Larry Maigler in the mile, half-mile and quarter mile, will be key runners for the team this year. The team finished up its indoor season with a 5-3 record. Mahon commented, "We had some close meets that we could have won but we lack sprinters and that made the difference." Junior John Danile said, "We have a strong team, and I think some of our relays could go downstate." Coach Mahon added, "This year we have had a lot of support from the Trackettes and parents, which helps a lot. In a sport like track where the athlete is against himself, it helps to have people there supporting him."
How injuries affect us by Brian Humm One of the most damaging events that can befall a team is an injury to one of its athletes. No one likes to talk about injuries and yet they are a fact of life in most sports. One sf>ort that is currenctly suffering more than its share of injuries is Girls' Softball. Coach Don Kerr said, "Whenever an injury occurs there is, of course, the remorse that one of your friends has been injured. But then, there is also your responsibility as a coach. You try to develop a rhythm in your program. Injuries disturb that rhythm and rob your program of some of its continuity." This is especially difficult in team sports where each player fills a specific role. An injury at a critical position could leave the team severely hanicapped. This will have a great effect on the other members of the team. Basketball Coach Jerry Nelson stated, "When one of our starting players is hurt, like Marc Mazzeri was this year, each of the other members of the team has to pick up the slack. In our case our other players did a fine job of scoring the points and getting the rebounds that otherwise would have been contributed by Marc." An injury can be a far more catastrophic event on a smaller or more individually oriented team. Mr. John Riccitelli, boys' gymnastic caoch said, "In gymnastics you do not have a large
number of athletes who come out for the team, and even fewer who have had previous gymnastic experience. If we lose one of our top scorers we are significantly handicapped until he recovers." There are many ways that a team can attempt to plan for an injury. Mr Kerr attempts to always be at least two deep at every position, so as to decrease the effect of an injury. Another common pratice is to educate team members in injury prevention. Many of the nagging injuries suffered by athletes can be prevented by wearing proper equipment, being alert to possible trouble signs, and proper warming up. All of these steps can be fairly easily taken and can pay great dividends in injury prevention. Finally, one of the more difficult problems that an injury brings about is integrating the injured player back into the team after he has healed, especially if the abscence was of considerable length. Quite often it takes a number of weeks for the player to be back in top form, and, until, then the understanding of team mates is of critical importance. It is a difficult situation that can best be resolved through good attitudes on the part of both the injured player and his team mates. In a given season almost any team can expect a number of injuries. The impact of these injuries will be determined by how well they were prepared for it and how the team reacts to them. page 5
Baseball play starts slow for Hawks by Nick Roder Tomorrow, the Maine South varsity baseball team takes on Schurz. Next Monday, the Hawks play at home against cross-town conference rival Maine East. The team is led by field captains Brian Lawrence and Paul Minasian. Pitcher-center fielder Minasian talked about the way South shapes up this year. "Our strength lies in our defense. Since we don't have the true home run hitter this year, we will have to bunt, steal and hit and run whenever we get the chance," stated Minasian. Pitcher Tom Fiddler added, "We're a fundamentally strong team, and very quick." The quickness of the team is shown by junior second baseman John "too quick"
Walewander, as he is called by his teamates. Walewander, who takes comments on his running ability lightly, had this to say on his unusual speed, "It's got to be the shoes. They make me run faster." Walewander started the season slowly at the plate. Getting on base seems to have been a problem in the early going for him. "I'm confident things will come around soon," said Walewander. The Hawks veteran outfield and experienced infield provide the strong defense Minasian indicated. The big question is whether or not junior John Turnquest can handle the catching duties. So far, Turnquest has handled his assignment well. He threw out three runnCTS in the Hawks
home opener. "You don't really expect a junior to step iif and be able to handle the pressure behind the' plate. John is very confident and steady as a catcher," stated pitcher Minasian. Maine South's only loss in the young season came at the hands of New Trier. Lawrence explained the defeat, "We didn't capitalize on their mistakes, while they cashed in on ours." First baseman Tony Szpealiak said, "If we cut down on our mistakes we'll be right up on top." Junior Paul Krakhardt summed the team's situation up, "The team has a real good attitude, and they're tough competitors. I think we'll finish high this year.
Strong hitting leads Hawl(s to victory by Clarine Balla The Maine South softball team travels to New Trier to play the Trevians today at 4:30. In their first game of the season, varsity beat Lake Park 9-2. They then traveled to Libertyville to eke out a 12-11 victory. April 12, the Hawks trounced Waukegan East 14-2. Eleven varsity members from last year's 19-6 team have returned. Hopes of getting to the state tournament in May are high. "We know what needs to be done, and we're going to do it," said first basemen Nancy Nielsen. Second baseman Judy Stein added, "We're hitting really well." The Hawks are well-known for their aggressiveness at the plate. In the first three
games of the season, the team averaged eleven hits per game. Third baseman Sherri Marte commented, "This team has a lot of spirit in spite of all the injuries we've had." The team has been plagued by injuries, with as manv as four players out at once, but they On the JV level, the girls have already established themselves as a force to be reckoned with. Starting off with three wins, the team has its sights set on breaking the record for most games won in a season set by last year's JV team. Coach Mike Deines commented, "Six girls came back ready to play even better than they did last year. We look pretty strong." He added, "Injuries haven't hurt us yet."
Coach calls gym season by Maureen Smith Today at 6:30 p.m., the Maine South varsity boys' gymnastics team takes on Glenbrook North at home. "We should win the meet because right now they are averaging 105 points, and we are averaging 111," commented Coach Riccitelli. He continued, "Our strengths are in floor exercise and vaulting. Our weakness is in pomHKI horse." On April 8th, the Hawks lost to Maine East 110-132. Scott Martin performed well on vaulting, scoring 9.0. He had an all-around score of 7.41 "Mike Ambrisia, Dan Linzing, Bill Christie and Scott Martin all did very well," stated Coach Riccitelli. Riccitelli said on the season as a whole, "Our record will be 5 wins and 4 losses because the games we are going to win and lose are very sure. No teams are in close competition. The team is young but has a lot of promise." page 6
seem determined to have a strong season regardless. The pitching of Laura Kashul, especially her no-hitter against Waukegan, has been a major factor in the team's three victories. Injuries have taken their toll on the freshman team. In the first game of the season, shortstop Annmarie Walsh broke her leg in two places while making a play at second. Freshman coach said, "She's my starting shortstop, and one of the best hitters on tht^fe team. Also, Annmarie is pretty much t h e ^ ^ team's leader." In Walsh's absence, the team is 2-1, led by catcher Mary Bringas and infielder Pam Juckett. Coach Kerth seems confident. "We'll have a good season."
Hawks are in season form
Hawks Arlene Heskin (foreground) and Angle Kontos ran in recent relay. Story on page 7.
by Bob McKune Next Tuesday at 6 p.m., the girls varsity and junior varsity badminton teams host Waukegan East in a non-conference game. Recently, the girls lost a conference meet to New Trier 6-1 with first doubles Mary Beth Wilkas and Stephanie Sullivan picking up the lone victory. Suzanne Stenholt said, "We played tough and although we lost, we showed much improvement over last year." The Hawks did show their abilities in the tough New Trier Invitational where they came in second. They were edged out by New Trier for first by only four points. Among the winners were the doubles team of Mary Beth Wilkas and Stephanie Sullivan with a first place in the < 4 ^ | division. Missy Passaneau and Kathy Kay p l a J ^ P ed first in doubles in the B division; while, the doubles team of Julie Leoffler and Judi Franz came in third. Alison Franz placed fourth in the A division singles.