Vol. 01, Issue 01

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Dr. Watson Emphasizes Individual Excellence "The major goal of education is to encourage every individual to work to his fullest capacity. At Maine South we have incorporated this philosophy into our important programs. Hence, you might say our student motto has become 'striving for excellence'," explained Dr. Clyde K. Watson, principal of Maine South in an interview concerning his ideas for the school. "We have put into practice some of the most advanced teaching methods-teaching by television, for example. AI-

though all classes are not prepared for use right now, teaching by television will be ready this year. Receivers and cables have been installed in every classroom of the school. . . . School Wired for TV "In addition to broadcasts from MPATI, the Illinois area corporation for educational TV, we plan to have our own closed circuit for the three h i g h schools. Hence we will enrich classroom instruction by broadcasting lectures from teachers who are specialized in certain

fields." These programs were made possible, Dr. Watson pointed out, by the work of 28 voluntary committees composed of 198 individuals. These committees put in more than 5,000 working hours. . . . Students Suggested Plans He noted that a number of students were on the recommendation committee3. Students suggested plans for Student Council setups; athletes recommended procedures for spectator seating at games.

? ? Southwords ? ? Volume 1 No. 1

Maine Township High School South

September 18, 1964

Newspaper Offers $25 for Design An all-school contest to deign Southwords's nameplate has been announced by Mr.

Kenneth Beatty, paper sponsor. A $25 savings bond will be awarded for the winning design.


Southw $;;;1#word

~'6''-6'\~ 1..6'l.6' ~6'1"l.6'"\'

Shown here are a few samptes of the kind of nameplate that could be designed for the paper. The bottom line illustrates the type of ultra fancy lettering that is to be avoided in designing a n3meplate.

Howdy Splash Begins Year's Plans The Girl's Athletic Association' will start the year with a splash in the new Maine South pool at the "Howdy Splash" after school on September 23, from 3:30 until 5:30 p.m. in the pool area. Volleyball will also be offered if the gym is completed. Tickets will be sold in both cafeterias during lunch periods for 25 cents. ... More Activities This Year "There has been a big change in GAA this year. There will be more activities offered and more competitive sports," explained Miss Mary Barnett, GAA sponsor. ".\ctivities include a tennis

Frosh Elect Reps "Elections for freshman class officers and Student Council representativer will be held September 25 and October I, respectively," announced Hillary Rodham, SC Organizations chairman. Voting will take place in homerooms. "I hope that even those who aren't elected as class officers or as SC representatives will participate in the activities of ~tudent Council and of their class," Hillary said.

team under the direction of Miss Carol Fredrickson, competitive swimming under Miss Butler. field hockey under Miss Ann Finnerin, and camping activities under Miss Barnett. Any girls interested in these activities should contact the respective teachers." Officers of GAA have not been chosen yet. Any GAA member is eligible for office. Memberships will be on sale in the cafeterias during lunch periods for 50 cents.

To enter, a student shoulrl submit a simple 2'h by 11 incl} drawing in black ink on smooth white paper. The nameplate must include the name of the paper Southwords. If the name Maine appears, the word South must also appear. All entries must be submitted to Room V-I07 before 4 p.m., Friday, September 25. The contest will be judged by Southwords staff and sponsor. The staff reserves the right to reject all entries. "This is a great chance to win $25!" exclaimed Corrinne Schmid, Editor-in-chief. "Seriously, to win would be a great honor. The winner's design will be used on every Southwords issue for years to come."

SC Writes Constitution Student Council Constitutional Committee met every Tuesday for eight weeks this past summer to write Maine South's Student Council Constitution. The group, composed of 10 members, studied both Maine East's and Maine West's constitutions to write Maine South's. Former Maine East graduates attended meetings to offer suggestions for particular clauses. The constituion has yet to be approved by the Administration and student body. Student Council hopes the constituion will be in effect by second semester. Members of the committee included: Jackie Anderson, Sherry Heiden, Sue Henkin, Scott Kaufman, Vicki Marti, Judy Price, Ellen Press, Rick Ricketts, Hillary Rodham, and Tim Sheldon.

Dr. Clyde K. Watson

Another plan recommended by the committees was the new counseling system at South. This system makes it possible for students to have one counselor for all four years. With this type of setup, counselors and students become better acquainted, thus making the counselor more qualified to advise the student. "Enthusiasm for the school has been amazing! With such enthusiasm," Dr. Watson concluded, "Maine South will surely accomplish much this year."

Class of '65 Completes Plans For Coming Year The two big projects of the Class of '65, the adopting of the constitution Bylaws and selling of the activities calendar, are near completion. Groundwork for these two projects was done during the summer. Both officers and members of the Class of '65 devoted their time to working out problems of writing a constitution and activities calendar. ... Presentation Plan to Students John Kirchoff and Betsy Johnon, secretary of the Class of '65, will present the constitution Bylaws of the class council to the Senior Class Tuesday morning at a senior assembly. The presentation will be followed by an all-student question session after school. Seniors will either accept or reject the constitution Bylaw on Wednesday. President of Class of '65, John Kirchoff, outlined the steps which were taken to start work on class projects. Officers and members held weekly meetings after school was dismissed last summer to set goals for the class. They discussed possible class council set-ups, and names and formats for the calendar. With ideas in mind, the officers then had a dinner with Dr. Clyde Watson, principal, and Mr. Robert Barker, assistant principal, and proposed the class council make-up which is being presented to the class Tuesday. Dr. Watson and Mr. Barker approved and made suggestions for expanding class council. ... Predicts Large Vote John predicts an overwhelming vote of support for them. As he pointed out, "The constitution Bylaws give all seniors

the chance to serve their class council if they so desire. Council members are chosen on the basis of merit, not popularity. Standing committees provide ample opportunity for seniors to serve their class." ot only is John optimistic about the success of the constitution Bylaws, but he also expresses optimism over the success of "Up and Coming," the activities calendar. John noted that subscriptions for the calendar and supplement will be offered on September 21, 22, and 23.

Staffs To Hear Convention Talk The upper taff of Southwords, tudent newspaper, and Eyrie, student yearbook, along with their sponsors, Mr. Kenneth Beatty and Miss Carol Singer, are attending the Illinois Publications Association Convention today an. tomQr::-O''.\' on the University of Illinois campus. The group left early this morning and will return late tomorrow aft ern 0 0 n. Both staffs will attend lectures and workshops in writing, editing, copyreading, layouts, and financing. Sponsors will attend journalism directors dinner and lecture. Southwords and the Pioneer staffs plan to get together for dinner Friday night. Members of Southwords attending include Candy Downer, Lee Kaufmann, Kathy Moore, Corrione Schmid, and John Venson. Eyrie staff members attending are: Bruce Childs, Kris Duyckinck, Nancy Fleischman, Alan Harris, and Debbie Hirschberg.

Hawks To Highlight Game Friday night, September 18, will be an evening of "firsts" for the fledgeing Hawks. Highlighting the evening will be the first public performances of the Maine South varsity and sophomore football teams, the band, and the first public rendition of the new school song, "Hail to the Hawks." The football squads will play Wheeling of the Mid-Suburban League on the Maine East field. Sophomore play will begin at 6 p.m. and varsity at 7:30. ... To Present 25 Bond Dr. Clyde K. Watson, principal, will present the student composer of the new school song with a $25 savings bond, first

prize in the all-student contest held last spring. Gordon McClean will conduct the Maine South Band in "Jubilation T. Cornpone," "Hail to the Hawks," and other halftime numbers. ... Porn Pon To Perform Featured in halftime will be the new squad of Pom-Pon girls under the direction of Miss Barbara Bobrich. Leslie Dunning will be featured twirler. Band arrangements of "Hail to the Hawks" were made by Mr. John Paynter of Northwestern University. Costs for the arrangement were paid by the Maine South Music Boosters and the Maine South Boosters.

Outfitted in new uniforms, band members Jane Klancnik, Dave Anderson, Skip Ritz, ar.d Jeff Phillips prepare for tonight's half-time show.

Page 2


Sept. 18, 1964


Staff Sets Policies, Goals Working with the conception that the Maine South newspaper was established to foster unity within the school, we on the newspaper staff wish to set out policies. Southwords is primarily the voice of the students. The news, features, and editorials wil be written with regard to student scholastics, interest, and welfare. Current issues which affect the student body will be presented accurately and without bias; features of interest and entertainment will be printed; and editorials will be written with the purpose of suggesting improvement, promoting beneficial projects, explaining confused situations or commending worthy school achievements . ... Paper Hopes to Have Broad Scope

Beyond this, Southwords will attempt a somewhat broader scope. Because the paper will be read outside the school, it will act as a bridge between the student body, faculty, administration, parents, community, and

other high schools. We will be concerned with school reputation, student and faculty attitudes, precedents for following classes, and community regard. Accordingly, Southwords pledges itself to report that which affects the students. Although news gathering is a staff's primary duty, we ask readers to bring us news which they feel should be printed but news of which we might not be aware. ... Staff Encourages Letters to the Editor

We encourage letters to the editor from students, teachers, and parents. We reserve the right to cut or edit any letter submitted. All letters must be signed. Names will be withheld on request. Because one of the main objectives of the paper is to foster school spirit, letters of a constructive nature only will be printed. With the preceding in mind, we shall endeavor to incite, to inform, to unify, and to perpetrate South's goals of excellence in scholarship and citizenship.

Teachers Join Faculty

SC Leaders State Goals Establishing traditions for Maine South, school spirit, an honor system, and an efficient Student Council are some of the main concerns of Tim Sheldon, this year's SC president. Traditions Tim would like to see started here are outdoor graduations and outdoor lunch periods. "If enough student interest was created, this might be a possibility." . . . Wants Honor System An honor system is another idea that Tim would like to see enacted in cafeterias, assemb,::.;;t;, and 5tudy halls. Concerning his plans for Council, Tim stated, "I want to have an efficient Student Council that gets all its duties done on time. If I could accomplish that, I'd be more than happy.

New math teachers at South include: Mr. Charles Francis, Miss Ann Willis, and Mrs. Olga Biernacki.

"It's like-well, it's like a castle in the sky," cited Miss Ann C. Willis when asked of her impressions of Maine Township Hi.gh School South. Miss Willis is one of three Mathematics Department teachers either new or returning to Maine Township. Also new to the system is Mrs. Olga Biernacki who comes from Morton East. Returning to the township after a year's study at Brown University, is M路r. Charles Francis. Mr. Francis previously taught at Maine East . Miss Willis, originally from Atlanta, Georgia, is partaking in the Masters of the Art of Teaching program at Northwestern University while teaching here. Miss Willis teaches algebra and geometry, and has her Bachelor of Arts degree. ... Most Gorgeous School Mrs. Olga Biernacki, who

YOU Just Wait!

teaches a wide range of courses including trigonometry and advanced algebra, feels that Maine South is one of the most gorgeous schools she has ever seen; but, that when she saw it for the first time, she had a premonition that "it would be a long way to walk." Mrs. Biernacki has both a Bachelor's and Master's degree from the University of Illinois. ... Says It's Pleasant Back from a vacation from the Maine Township district-if you can call a year's study at Brown University a vacationMr. Charles Francis stated, "It will be a pleasant experience to teach here at Maine South." Mr. Francis, who has a Bachelor's degree from Iowa State College and a Master's degree from the University of Iowa, is very impressed with the number of opportunities being offered to the students of Maine South.

Students Say

First Thoughts? Too Busy Getting Lost Tim Sheldon . . . Judy Cites Goals Keeping the best traditions from Maine East and West, and establishing new ones for Maine South is one of the goals of Judy Price, Student Council secretary. "Because we are starting a new school from scratch, each student has extra responsibilities in building it. As there is a great deal of excitement and spirit in a new school, it is important that the students start developing this spirit in1mediately, so we can have a school we can be proud of." ... Wants Hall of Fame A hall of fame is another tradition Judy would like to see started. Its purpose would be to honor students who tlave contributed something special to South.

Judy Price

(Editor's note: The following quotations are the student's first impressions of Maine South as told to a Southwords reporter.) Chris Benjamin, '66; "I didn't have a first impression. I was too busy getting lost!" Carol Farley, '65 "I'm really very enthusiastic about the new school. It's so cheerful looking I I still feel like a frosh in the halls. It's no joke that seniors have to ask underclassmen which way to go." . . . Looked Unlived in Pat Pierce, '67; "The school looked unlived in and kind of cold. " Sherry Heiden, '65; "A maze of long, crowded corridors." Carl Franson, foreign exchange student; "I was taken on a tour through the school before it started. My first impres路 sion was that this school would be just great when it eventually would be ready. I like it, and I think I have adjusted to some degree. It is very different from Swedish schools, but 1 think that when a student gets used to it, your system is a little better." . . . Confusion but Beautiful Sally Mullen, '67; "Bells that buzz, crowded stairs, confusion - but beautiful!" John Kirchoff, '65; "It's fantastic! The school is creating its own spirit." Paulette Parnell, '66; "I feel that this building is a temporary school, and any day they'll be shipping us back to East. Things here are so different

that 1 don't know what to dobesides homework." Eileen Halek, '65; "It's a great big school with a lot of little stuffy rooms, but it's gonna be great." Rick Ricketts, '65; "Obviously planned by someone who never went to high school-or never used a locker." Margo Diamond, '66; "The rooms are impossible to find, but it's okay once I'm there." . . . Envies Freshmen Sarah Miller, '65; "This is one of the most beautiful schools I've seen. The only trouble is that I get lost so often. 1 envy the freshmen who get to stay here four years and are able to take advantage of the excellent fa cilities." Jill Korenevich, '65; "It's go路 ing to take a long time before everybody's used to the school and stops making comparisons. So far I like all the kids best because they're trying so hard to make this thing work. I think. it will!" Peggy Jacobs, '66; "At Maine South there is not enough time to see or talk to anyone. You see all the same people throughout the day, in your study halls, homerooms, etc." . . . It Takes Hard Work Debby Butler, '67; "I think South is a beautiful school and can be a wonderful success if the kids will only take advantage of the opportunities, instead of complaining about how much better school was last year. After all, it took hardworking, school-spirited kids to

make East and West what they ar.e today. How about South?" Sue Wohlers, '65; "I walked around a section of homerooms twice before I realized I was walking in a circle." Judy Zak, '65; "I feel very definitely school spirit has improved. Most of us are from the same area so we've known each other longer. 1 think this makes us feel more a part of the school. Then, too, the newness of the school improves the spirit. Oddly enough, even the teachers are friendly." . . . l\')t Part of School Yet Vicki Marti, '65; "I don't feel a part of the school yet to have school spirit. Once I'm used to it, I think I'll feel more a part of it. The only complaint 1 have is the lack of variety in the school lunches." Betty Paulauskas, '66; "My first impression of Maine South was one of disbelief. 1 still don't believe how easily 1 can get lost. I've never seen an entire school of frosh before." Sharon Strother, '67; "My first impression was the freshmen were running evorything. They were here a day earlier and knew their way around. It wasn't fair." Patsy Henderson, '65; "My first impression of our new Maine South is very exciting. It is different from all other schools because it is quite modern and colorful. The atmosphere, I believe, is made fresher by the beautiful, clean halls and rooms (which I hope will stay that way)."

Sandy Guzzetta, '66; "Boy, I've never seen so much confusion! Everyone was just roaming around looking for wings marked C., V., P.A. etc. I sure hope I figure out which is which before 1 graduate." . . . Prospects of Greatness Cheryl Acton, '65; "I think it shows the prospects of being a great school. It shows a lot more life than the old oneeven the lockers are lively. The rooms are nice except' the ones that have chairs that break every now and then. The spirit and the kids are great-if only we can keep it that way." Jeff Reinke, '67; "When they told me it was the girls lockerroom, I knew it wasn't my English class."

Southwords Th" official student newspaper of Maine Township High ::><:hoo\ South. Park Ridge. lI1inois. Written and edited biweekly by students of the high school. Subscriptions included with acth'ity ticket or purcha ed

separately at $2 per yt'ar. Edltor-in- 'hief . ........ Corrin"" ::>chmid Managing Editor .. J{ath~' Moore News Editor. ('-"Hly Downer Features Edlto,' .. John Venson Sports Editor I.ee Kaufmann Business Manager ........ ........ Ray Hilgermann Art Editor Bruce Davis Assistant Bruce Howle Reporters Chen'\ Acton, Marianne Butz, Robert Cycon, Rose Daly, Andy Dyck, Gall Griffiths, Linda Haka, Lori Johansen, Tim Lindgren, Phil Mcullough, L sUe Padorr, Ellen Press. Linnea Priest, Judy Proj,h,.

Aavlsor .... Mr. Kenneth Beatty

Page 3


Sept. 18, 1964

Yell-Leaders, Pom-Poners Prepare During Summer Cheerleaders and Porn Pon Corps spent a busy summer of practice and preparation for Maine South activities. Patsy Henderson, varsity squad secretary, explained that cheerleaders practiced twice a week in private homes. Patsy went on to say, "We practiced a few new cheers, but spent the majority of time practicing old cheers with different endings." Cheerleaders Peggy Jacobs, captain, Katie Huff, and Jill Poyer plan to cheer at all games, pep rallies, and a few assemblies. This year, the cheerleaders will wear red and white pleated skirts with white sweaters and red emblems.

Drama Schedule Includes 5 Plays Maine South's the a t ric a I schedule will include five productions this year. Each one will have a complete production staff, and all casting will be open to the entire student body. Life with Father, sponsored by Thespian Society, will be the first presentation of the year. On December 3, 4, and 5 the Senior Class will sponsor its play, The Importance of Being Earnest. Late February will bring the Variety Show, sponsored by Student Council. A bill of one-act plays will also be presented, although the exact date has not yet been decided. The last production will be the Music Department endeavor, Oklahoma!, the school musical. It is scheduled for late April. "All students are encouraged to tryout for one of the casts of these plays," emphasized Mr. Hal Chastain, drama coach and Thespian sponsor. "Acting presents an opportunity for not only an enjoyable experience, but also an opportunity for a person to better understand himself and his relation to others."

... JV Squad Replaces Frosh The Frosh-Soph cheerleading squad has been replaced by a Junior-Varsity squad which was chosen last year. The JV squad consists of Chris Headley, Chris Dernehl, Paulette Parnell, Sue Wells, Sue Conforti, and Nancy Reinheardt. Porn Pon girls were also preparing for performances. Fourteen regulars plus two substitutes met three days a week in various homes to practice new routines to the pep song and other music. Cheryl Acton, Corps captain, stated, "Most of the time was spent teaching new girls old routines, but we also learned new routines to new music." _._ Porn Poners at All Games The POol Pon Corps will perform at all games and pep rallies. They will also take the time of the twirlers because there will be no twirlers to perform this year with the band or at half-time shows. Among those who will wear white skirts, red sweaters, and new Phi Phi Chi necklaces will be: seniors Cheryl Acton, Ann McIlrath, Jill Korenevich, Connie Huebner, Ann Linquist, Sherry Heiden, Rita Hayden. and Marcia Boemi. Sophomores and juniors include Donna Hood, Marilyn Richardson, Margo Diamond, Sylvia Domaratius, and Sue Brown. Margie Grant and Pat Price are substitutes.

Darkest Africa came vividly alive for Mr. Smith's seventh period geometry class and Mr. Baker's government class when Carolyn Press, '61, lec'ured on

Maine South's first dance, the Kick-off Dance, will be held Saturday, September 19, following the game Friday night against Wheeling in the Maine East stadium. The dance, sponsored by Pep

Club Invites All "The Business Department has announced the formation of a business club for any interested junior or senior boy or girl," announced Mrs. Rosella Dieter and Mr. Norm Anderson, club sponsors. The first organizational meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 30, at 3:15 in A-113. According to Mrs. Dieter, the proposed club will be something other than the White Collar Girls' Club with which students may now be familiar.

Arena Play Another First Life with Fat her, Maine South's first production, will be staged in an arena theatre on Thursday, November 5; Friday, November 6; and Saturday, November 7. The play, sponsored by Thespian Troupe 2554 and directed by Mr. Hal Chastain, will offer acting opportunity to any interested student A popular family comedy, Life with Father was chosen because it can be easily adapted to arena setting, has a balanced cast, and encourages inexperienced actors. . . Expects Strong Production From the tryouts, which wcre

Darkest Africa Brightens As Carolyn Converses on Katete

Pep Club Holds Kick-off Dance

Club, will be held from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. in the cafeterias or in the girl's gym. Sunday dress is appropriate for this date affair. Entertainment will be provided by a local group, the Avantis. Refreshments will be served. "I'd like to see a large turnout at the dance," stated Mr. Daryl Dickey, club sponsor. "Then we can get in on the ground-floor at the very beginning."

It's Come a Long Way!

Carolyn Press

East Band Wins Trophy at Fair The Governor's Trophy was won by the Maine East Summer Band, which includes 30 Maine South musicians, at the Illinois State Fair August 17. The band won highest honors in Class A in addition to defeating all other bands through Class F. Classes were determined on the basis of school enrollments. Mr. Theodore Varges, Maine East Music Department Chairman, commented, "We won the contest because we played difficult selections requiring interpretation and musicianship. Most bands played marches." Selections played by the band were "Irish Washerwoman," "Elsa's Procession," "La Bamba," "An American in Paris," and "New Horizons." Each band member who participated received a medal. Mr. Varges stated, "South has a good chance of getting that top trophy next year."

her recent trip to Katete, orthern Rhodesia. Carolyn, a senior at Cornell University, was a member of "Crossroads Africa," whose purpose it was to create better relations betwecn thc United States and Africa. Total cost of her trip was $1,000. She received $300 in contributions; the other $700 she earned. While in Katete, Carolyn and a group of American and Canadian students built houses for hospital personnel at the St. Francis Mission. ... Stresses Differences Throughout her talk, Carolyn stressed the differences between African life and our way of living. In orthern Rhodesia the houses are identical, square buildings. When a man dies, his home is abandoned. School is a status sym bol tu the African. Only 20 per cent of the population is able to receive an education. Almost all of the secondary schools in Africa are boarding schools. Students' fa vorite sport is rolling rocks down a hill! ... Women Very Shy African women, carrying work materials on their heads, do most of the heavy work. They are extremely shy and refuse to talk or to be photographed. Carolyn prized a picture she had taken of a chief's wife. Africans are musically inclined. Carolyn played a native instrument made out of the spokes of a bicycle.

Contest Winner Yes, the school song really does exist! To prove it, here is the text: Hail to the red and white, Proudly we proclaim That we are cheering for our team On to greater fame! Rah! Rah! Rah! Hail as the game begins, Our boys will prove their might While we shout our loyal cry of "Fight, Hawks, fight!"

held on September 14, IS, and 16, Mr. Chastain gained an impression of the abilities and potentials of participants. He explained, "I look forward to working with the cast we have chosen and expect a good, strong production." _ .. Family Quarrel Is Play Mr. Chastain went on to say, "The production will provide a unique theatre experiencc for cast and audiencc alike. With the intimacy of central staging, the warmth and humor of Life with Father will bc shared to a most enjoyable degree."

Life with Father, which had one of the longest runs on Broadway, centers around a conflict between Mr. Day, the father and his wife Vinnie. Conflict arises when she discovers Mr. Day has never been baptised. She quickly concludes she is not married, despite the fact that she has four children. The plot is reinforced by various ramifications which develop. Mr. Chastain describes the playas one which "presents a warm. humorous picture of late Victorian family life."

Keep Eye on Your Parking; Monitors Enforcing Rules Mr. John R. Minerick, chairman of the Driver's Education Department, has announced the following plans and regulations for students and faculty members for use in two parking lots. Mr. Minerick stressed that students must park in the east lot only. There are approximately 200 parking spaces in that lot, and when the south parking lot area is completed, there will bc an additional 200 or more spaces for students. At present, the student parking lot is somewhat cramped, but when the ncw lot is finished, the congestion should be relieved. The north lot is strictly for faculty and school personnel. There is no parking allowed on the circle in front of school except for visitors. Three spaces are also reserved in front of school for the principal, assistant principal, and the nurse. . . . Backing into Spaces Rules governing parking have also been set up. All parking is to be angle parking, and no backing into spaces is allowed. It is important that everyone parks correctly because the driving lanes are narrower than

in most lots. One car out of line will throw the whole row out of line. Parking lot monitors h"v~ been on duty since last Monday and will issue tickets to improper parkers. By next week the new Maine South parking stickers will have arrived and will be on sale soon afterwards. Seniors will pay 25 cents for stickers, while all other students must pay 50 cents. Entrances to the school are all two-way except on Dee Road where there are separate in and out entrances to the north lot. Traffic on the circle is one-way going south. ... Limits, 25 MPH Proper signs will be installed soon regulating speed limits and directions. The speed in the parking lanes should be slower. Mr. Minerick requested that until further notice, all parents should drop students off at some other point than the circle. He feels that if students will work in car pools, use extreme caution in loading and unloading, and obey the rules, the parking lot situation will run smoothly.

• • •

Be Sure to Enter Southwords' Nameplate Contest Details on Page 1

Page 4

Sept. 18, 1964


Hawks Challenge Wheeling Tonight in Season Opener Led by seven lettermen, a new coaching staff, and a student body abundant in spirit, the Maine South Hawks Varsity Football Team will take to the field tonight in a non-conference game against Wheeling at Maine East. Head Coach Marv Nyren has had about 60 boys out for the team since practice started, Aug. 26. Up until the time school started, the team was working out two times a day at Southwest Park. Last week's Booster's Club games served as practice, with Coach Nyren and his staff dividing the varsity into a red team and a white team. The red team, primarily first-string boys, won by a score of 47 to O. . . . Team Is Enthusiastic Tom Kersten and Bernie Ma terson led the attack for the red's, each getting two touch downs. Ray Matthies, Tim Sheldon, and Eric Zinsmeister also scored one touch down each. Jim Van Schoyck booted five out of seven extra points.

Southwords asked Coach Nyren for a word or two on how the team has progressed. "After three weeks of practice," he replied, "I feel the team has progressed very well, is enthusiastic, and can and will have a successful season." Coach Nyren's seven returning lettermen are: Bernie Masterson, Eric Zinsmeister, Jim Yrigoyen, Jim Van Schoyck, Tim Sheldon, Steve Richards, and Tom Kersten. . . . Lineup Shows Depth Masterson and Zinsmeister will be sharing the quarterback position with Richards at center. Tom Kersten and Tim Sheldon are halfbacks, and Jim Yrigoyen is a fullback. Van Schoyck is a "jack of all trades," as he plays tackle and doubles as a place kicker in kick offs and extra points. Mr. Nyren's assistants this year are Mr. Glen Van Proyen, Mr. Bob Schmidt, Mr. Lou Gatta, and Mr. Joe Suffield. Coach Nyren coached sophomore football at Maine West

This year's coaches are: Marv Nyren, Ed Smith, Tom Ziemek, Elbert Smith, Robert Schmidt, Glen Van Proyen, Joe Suffield, Lou Gartner, Chuck Walters, Roy Haglund, Lou Gatta, and Bill Kochalka.

Halfback, Wrestler, Second Sacker

last year. ... Dell Injury is Setback Ron Dell, senior fullback, was injured about three weeks ago in practice. This injury has accounted for the team's only major set-back. Ron suffered a hairline fracture of the ankle. He is due back with the team in about two weeks. - Regarding tonight's game, coaches agree it should be interesting, as the potential of neither team is known. Wheeling is also in its first year. "The first game should give us an opportunity to evaluate our overall team strength," added Coach Nyren when questioned about tonight's game. The varsity game will begin at 8 p.m. and will be preceded by the sophomore game at 6 p.m.

Cross Country 64-65 Schedule This season's Des Plaines Valley League Cross Country schedule is as follows: Thurs., Sept. 17 Wheeling (away) Sat., Sept. 19 Prospect (away) Thurs., Sept. 24 East Leyden (away) Tues., Sept. 29 3-way meet (away) Niles East Schurz Maine South Thurs., Oct. Willowbrook (home) Thurs., Oct. 8 Proviso West (home) Thurs., Oct. !~ Palatine (away) Mon., Oct. 19 Niles West (home) Thurs., Oct. 22 League meet at West Leyden Tues., Oct. 27 West Leyden (home) Sat., Oct. 31 District meet Tues., Nov. 3 Morton West (away) Sat., Nov. 7 State meet

Tom Kersten Versatile Athlete A small but versatile senior, Tom Kersten seems to be a million places at once, doing a hundred different things. With jersey numbered twenty-eight, Tom starts out the school year running hali back on the varisty football team. He plays a fast, rough game; but by doing so, he was able to earn his numerals in his sophomore year and his letter in his junior year. Tom feels that the football team now is much improved over last year's squad and that they should have no trouble gaining a victory over Wheeling tonight. As winter comes, bringing its sports to Maine, Tom turns his talents to wrestling. Tom has wrestled each of his three years at the 133-pound class, earning

Tom Kersten

his numerals as a sophomore and his letter as a junior. Spring, bringing the baseball season, finds the Hawk playing varsity for Coach Glen Van Proyen. Although second base and outfield are Tom's specialties, he has been known to put on a mask and try his luck behind the plate. His ability at the plate isn't bad either! .... Plays Legion Baseball During the summer, Tom continues displaying his baseball ability on the Mel Tierney Legion Team. Tom was one of the fortunate juniors who traveled downstate with the team this summer to bring back a secondplace trophy for Park Ridge. Besides all his sport's activities (which are quite enough for anyone!), Tom finds time to officiate over Boys' Club meetings as president. BC intends to build new traditions at South besides carrying through the old ones, such as the Christmas Formal, food baskets, and Boy's Club Christmas Card Post Office. . . . Key Man in Boy's Club Last year, Tom was a key man in the club, originating the car wash and other activities. Jokingly Tom remarked that the only thing Maine South's Boys' Club lacks now is a dealer! College-bound Tom plans to attend Dartmouth College next fall to major in pre-dentistry. He'll make it there if he can maintain his B honor roll status while taking English IV E,

I, trigonometry, Chemistry government, and economics combined with his many activities. With all the things Tom does to keep himseli busy, does he have any free time? Sure, lots of it-nine hours a night when he sleeps'

Last Saturday night's action provided preview of tonight's game with Wheeling.

Harriers Run First Race The Maine South V a r sit y Cross-Country Team opened its first season September 17 at Wheeling High School. The team has been working out for this meet since August 27. Leading the pack this year are seniors Larry Ayres, Larry Kelly, and Phil McCullough, and junior Rich Syverson. Depth is provided by Jim Spotts, Karl Tinghino, Augie Matejzel, and Bryant Murphy, all '65. Coach Ronnoc Connor stated, "We have a potentially good team this year, and we would

like to bring home Maine it's first conference crown. Our strongest conference competition will come from Proviso West." On the frosh-soph level, Bill Murphy and Dick Benedict, sophomores, are team leaders, followed by a large group of new freshmen. The team is running on a rugged new course in the forest preserve across Dee Road from the school. The first home meet will be against East Leyden on Thursday, September 24.

Five New Coaches Boost Fledglings in First Flight Five coaches have come to Maine South to organize the new football squads. After the football game last Saturday night, it appears they have made great progress. Mr. Marv Nyren, head varsity coach, came to coach the Hawks from Maine West. Coach Nyren has a good deal of experience on the football field. He played football for the Demons as a student at Maine East later continuing his gridiron 'activities at the University of Michigan while majoring in physical education. Mr. Bob Schmidt, coach of the varsity backs, is also an ex-Maine West coach and driver education teacher. He coached football, basketball, and baseball at West, and intends to follow suit for the Hawks. Coach Glen Van Proyen, wellknown Maine East varsity baseball coach, has come to South to coach the varsity ends. This is Coach Van Proyen's first year as a gym teacher, which is a

big switch from his previous role as a driver education instructor. The last two of the big five football coaches are brand new to the Maine Township .. Coach Lou Gatta, straight from Drake University, is experiencing his first year in the teaching field. Besides teaching many confused seniors the processes of chemistry, he is working with the varsity linemen, using his experience as a football letterman at Drake to help the boys. Later this year, Coach Gatta plans to assist Coach Van Proyen with the varsity baseball squad. Junior. varsity coach, Mr. Joe Suffield, completes the coaching staff for the Hawks. Although he has never taught in the Maine Township before, he previously taught for three years in Fort Wayne, Indiana, after attending Monmouth College. He has joined the South's staff as an English teacher.

Happy Medium Necessary For Unity by' Lee Kaufmann In keeping with the seemingly endless deluge of "it's a Maine South first" propaganda, the sports page would like to get in its two cents' worth. I have at times questioned the amount of zeal with which this campaign has been waged, but the desired result, school unity, is certainly worthwhile. This is the first editorial on the first sports page of the first issue of the first Maine South newspaper. (Gaak) We will be reporting on the first game of the first season of the first Maine South interscholastic athletic teams. (See what I mean?) This seemingly ridiculous volume of verbal voracity is meant to be humorous and not critical. Let me elaborate. You've all heard the term "school unity" until it's become merely another meaningless phrase tossed at you by the Administration. Some students will undoubtedly comment that we had school unity at East and that no change is needed. Does that explain the

poor attendance at sports events, the poor (please admit that it was) sportsmanship of many who did attend, the constant tension between geographic areas, and the ever present group of cynics who managed to correctly identify the problems and ideal cases, yet never found time to help solve these problems? It's very nice to be "rebels," but does it really matter one way or the other? And, of course, there is the other side of the picture-the group of students and class councilites who simply ignore the school faults and preach "peace on earth, good will toward men" when confronted with criticism. As some of you might know, Dante reserved the lowest depths of you-know-where for hypocrites. Well, thus endeth the Gospel according to Kaufmann. I promise to keep myseli under control in future issues. Future issues. What will readers find in future issues? Beats me. Perhaps you'll find good

news, perhaps bad. Our athletes will decide this. Most of you are already expecting the worst. But, after all, the WSC was the toughest conference in the Chicago area and one of the best in the state. Even if we do lose occasionally (I use the term lightly), it's no reason to stay away from athletic events. Look at the attendance record of the New York Mets. See you next issue.

Maine South Hawks Football Schedule Leyden E. at Leyden E. 12 Noon Friday, October 2 ':'Willowbrook at Maine S. 6 P.M. Friday, October 9 "Proviso W. at Maine S. 6 P.M. (Dad's Nite) Saturday, October 17 Palatine at Palatine .. 12 oon Saturday, October 24 "Niles West at Maine S. 12 Noon Saturday, October 31 Leyden W. at Leyden W. 12 Noon Saturday, November 7 Morton W. at Morton W. 12 Noon 'HomE' GamE's


at MainE' East

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