Vol. 1, Issue 10

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Vol. 1, No. 10

^^SauHiua Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III.

Feb. 26,1965

Cast Lassoed for Western Roles in Galloping Big O' Maine South is looking forward to the presentation of its first musical, "Oklahoma." The production will be presented in the auditorium by the Music Department on April 29 and 30, and May 1 and 2. Two students have been cast for each of the major roles, and each wUl perform at two of the four performances. The leading female role of "Laurie" will be played by Patti Bauer and Peggy Bussert. "Curly" will be played by Craig Ajiderson and Don Anderson. Don and Craig both sang four songs. "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning," "People Will

Say We're in Love," "Surrey with the Fringe on Top," and "Poor Jud is Daid" for their audition. Craig Anderson has participated in three musicals and three V-Shows in the past. Don, somewhat less experienced, commented, "I was really surprised when I found I'd made the cast! I hadn't expected to get the part." The part of "WUl" will be played by Joe Trytten and Mark Newton, and "Jud" will be played by Tony Halda and Ken Laspesa. Sukie Askew and Bonnie Burderus have botk been cast as "Ado Annie'\ Sui

Ready to don spurs, boots, and ten-gallon hats, this posse of recently selected stars-to-be w i l l lead " O k l a h o m a ' s " cast. Clockwise f r o m the top are Craig Anderson, Don Anderson, M a r k Newton, Peggy Bussert, Patti Bauer, Bonnie Buderus, and Joe Tryffen. Missing f r o m the photo is Sukie Askew.

Presentation of Awards, Speaker Highlight Brotherhood Week "Destiny makes us brothers," emphasized the Reverend Carl Winters, featured speaker at the all-school Brotherhood Assembly on February 10. A total of

Prom Group Announces Plan Details of the Senior Prom were released this week by Prom Chairman Jeff Santino. The Prom, titled Medieval Mist, wiU be held from 8:30 to 11:30 at the Brass Rail Restaurant of the Sheraton-O'Hare Hotel. For entertainment, Ben Sharp's band will be accompanied by a female vocalist and a comedy group. Johnston and Betty, who have performed with Elvis Presley on the Ed Sullivan, Johnny Carson, and Steve .Allen Shows. "Upcoming events involved with the Prom will be explained and discussed at a Senior assembly in March," stated Jeff. Everything that is connected witli the Prom will be labeled with a special symbol of the Senior Class. Stated Jeff, "There will be a coat-of-arms representing some projects done in the past by the Class of '65 that will be used as Senior Prom publicity."

25 certificates were awarded to students recognized for their contribution toward brotherhood. Senior-award winners were: Wes Caine. Ron Dell, Karl Franson, (foreign exchange student from Sweden), Tom Kersten, Ellen Press, Hillary Rodham, and Bette Van Natta. Juniors recognized for their contribution toward brotherhood were: Greg Bryniczka, Sandy Guzzetta, Sue Henkin, Bob Holz, Greg Knudson, and Marilyn Richardson. Sophomore winners were: Julie Johnson, Don Lossman, Greg Moutoux, Sally Mullen, Kristie Pedersen, and Jeff Reinke. . . . Fresh Winners Named Freshmen awarded this honor were: Bev Hoffman, Mary Hood, Ken Matson, Chris Stegner, Dave Switzer and Pat Townsley. In Reverend Winters' speech be emphasized you cannot define brotherhood. "You can only illustrate brotherhood. Education is an integral part of brotherhood. Education is the fine art of learning to live and work together, not just the learning of history, etc.," he stated. Reverend Winter concluded his talk with a prayer that all young people would take advantage of their opportunities in school and make the most of their later life.

kie has had previous theatrical experience, but was astonished to learn that she had made the Oklahoma cast. Linda Barth, member of a theatrical group, The CenterStagers, has been cast as "Gertie." The list of cast members continue with John Mattick and Fred Jaeger as "Pa Carnes," and Carla Oleck and Barb Shedden as "Aunt EUer." The "Oklahoma" chorus has been chosen from students who tried out for membership in the cast. Sopranos in the chorus include Paulette Lindgren, Karen Meyer, Virginia Michalko, Marsha Mountain, Sharon Navratil, Margaret Williams, and Marilyn Johnson. The alto members of the group are Betsy Elich, Teresa GiU. Elizabeth Smith. Kathy Benson, Carol Koulos, Sharon VanderBent, and Linda Wittenbom. Making up the ranks of the tenor chorus members are Robert Krause, Douglas Brockhouse, Scott McCullough, Charles Farley, David Geho, Larry Getz, Dick Dean, Wayne Miller, J. P. Sally, and Bruce Anderson. Basses of the "Oklahoma Chorus include Chris Wuehrmann, Ralph Dellar, David Pirie, Ron Carlson, Pete Ranallo, Gary DeGraf, Steve Moody, Terry Maloney, and Rick Fess. Fred Jaeger, cast as "Pa Carnes", commented, "With the great direction of Mr. Irwin Bell, Mr. Lloyd Spear, and Mrs. Ruth Given, "Oklahoma" can't help being a big hit!"

Gym Teachers, Chairman Pick Next Years' Leaders "Sixty-five sophomore girls Sue Sagat, Roxanne Schuesshave recently been accepted for ler, Roni Skiba, Marilyn Smith, the 1965-66 Junior Leader Train- Jill Smiekel, Georgia Soruika, ing Program," announced Miss Beth Splinter, Merideth Stewart, Katheryn Pierce, Girls' Physi- Linda Story, Gail Swinnerton, cal Education Department Paula Thiese, Nancy Tracy, Kay Watson, Barb Ulvilden, Chairman. Sophomore girls who were in- Margaret Williams, Robin Wilterested in the Junior Leader kinson, Kathy Wyman, and Program completed applications Mary Zeller. It is important that all new and returned the completed forms to Miss Pierce. One hun- Junior Leaders attend a short dred twenty-seven applications meeting after school on Tueswere received. The task of se- day, March 9, in C-127 at 3:15 p.m. If you have a valid exlecting two classes remained. The girls were rated by three cuse for not attending, see Miss teachers of their own choice Pierce in her office. and their gym teachers. Girls rating the highest in appearance, attendance, aptitude, promptness, reliabilitly, initiative, social acceptance, emotional maturity, class participation, and leadership are selected as Eleven Maine South seniors Junior Leaders. have been selected as finalists Along with the qualities the in the National Merit Scholarteachers rated. Miss Pierce ex- ship Corporation Program, anplained that the girl selected as nounced Mr. James Cobum, a Junior Leader should be fair, guidance director. friendly, faithful, tactful, conFinalists include: Arthur Cursiderate, patient, and humble. tis, Elizabeth Elich, J u d i t h Girls with these characteristics Fairbanks, Christopher Hoyt, will be good Junior Leaders. Phillip McCullough, John PeaThose girls selected include: voy, Ellen Press, Hillary RodBetsy Bauer, Linda Boidy, Mar- ham, Susan Stybr, Sizanne Tesion Blomberg, Diane Broman, saro, and Frank Wyatt. Sue Calams, Jeanne Chamber"This is the greatest number lain, Sue Conforti, Jan Chris- of finalists that Maine has had topher, Marilyn Conners, Krei- in the past five years," Mr. sa Dernehl, Sally Emerson, Coburn emphasized. Maureen Fanning, Chris As finalists, these students Gehmlich, Chris Geisler, Mary Gindele, Ruth Gillis, Marion rank in the upper one half of Gordon, Lynn Hagen, Kathy one per cent of all high school Harrison, Connie Healy, Eileen seniors and are eligible to win Heath, Nancy Hedlin, Bonnie one of the 1600 scholarships ofHoffman, Jeannie Hosey, Jo- fered by National Merit Scholaranne Hoff, Sue Hume, Mary ship Corporation. On the basis of their scores Jain, and Julie Johnson. Also included are Joyce Jona- on the National Merit Scholarsen, Mary Kilinski, Debbie Kor- ship Qualifying Tests, these da. Ivy Letschka, Lenore Linde- students were previously selectman, Kim Littell, Peggy Mc- ed as semi-finalists. Lagen, Edie Mangun, Mary McAuliff, Kathy Metz, Debby Mester, Ann Mullen, Terry Miller, Sue Nettelhorst, Barb Naleway, Sue Olsen, Natalie Paul, Jeanne Porth, Pat Price, Margie Press, and Cathy Raimondi. Car identification stickers are Also selected are Jan Rasmussen, Joanne Rosenstiel, now on sale in the Driver Education Department, V-122, for those students who drive to school. Sales will c o n t i n u e through next week. T h e c e stickers are to be used for proper auto identification and better traffic control in the school parking lots. girls discussed their work in Only seniors, juniors, and radio, their future plans in show those sophomores who have rebusiness, their work in the Presidential campaign, and pol- ceived special permission will itics in general. In a special be allowed to drive to school. Seniors will pay 25 cents for segment of the show, Penny answered political questions stickers; juniors, 50 cents; and sophomores, 75 cents. The stickphoned in from the television ers will be valid until the audience. graduation of the owner. The girls were asked to ap. . . Must Display Sticker pear because they knew Miss All drivers must fiU out a Kirk and had interviewed her four-part registration form for for WMTH, East's radio station, each car to be driven to school. when she was at the Drury Every car driven by a student Lane Theatre in October, 1963. must have a sticker displayed Gail commented, "I was froz- on its rear window. en—^the studio was so cold. The Stickers may be obtained studio had to have a draft be- from any member of the Driver cause of the hot lights. People Education Department, in Room said 1 was nervous, but I was V-122, upon presentation of a just cold." properly completed registration Penny remarked, "Since this card. Registration forms may is the business we want to go be obtained in homeroom. into, it was very valuable for . . . Must Follow Rules us, and we are very grateful Commencing Monday, March to all concerned. We are parti- 8, any student not displaying cularly grateful to Phyllis Kirk, the sticker will not be allowed who had enough confidence in to park his car in the student us to recommend us." parking lot. Driving privileges may also be revoked if the driver fails to comply with the Curio Earns $530 following rules. The speed limit on all school On Recent Sales property is 10 miles per hour. Sales campaign for Curio, the Students should not park their creative arts magazine, ended cars in the north lot. This lot February 5 with a total income is reserved for faculty, visitors, and other school personnel. of $530. "We'll be printing about 1,100 Cars should be parked properly copies, although orders totaled between the side lines and up 900," stated Linda Dillon, Busi- to the center lines. Students ness Manager. "We plan to sell should follow the one-way arthe remainder of the magazines rows and lanes at all times and to Maine East when it comes be on the alert for pedestrians at all times. out in May."

Gail, Pam, Penny Debut On 'Morning Show' Feb. 11 Seniors Gail Giller and Pam and Penny PuUen appeared on Jim Conway's Morning Show at 9:30 February 11 on WBKB, Channel 7. Mr. Jim Conway and Miss Phyllis Kirk, morning show moderators, interviewed their three Maine South guests for approximately 15 minutes. The

Penny Pullwi, Pam Pullen and Gail Giller, (top to bottom).

Seniors Named Merit Finalists

Driver Dept. Starts Sales

Pag* 2



Cafeteria Explains System "Why doesn't the cafeteria have a separate the food that is served in the lunchroom must milk line like East's does? By the time I get be brought to the cafeteria from the kitchen to lunch and through these lines, half Sie by food carts. Our kitchen-cafeteria layout is period's over." just not geared to an ala carte system." "As it is," Mrs. Moore said, "we offer "Is there any reason why we can't buy just a hamburger or hot dog ala carte? Last year two 'Type A' lunches sandwiches, salads, soup, desserts, and ice cream." Mrs. Moore we could." "And why aren't there any knives in the went on to say that at the present time there cafeteria? Are we supposed to use a spoon would be no separate milk line. Last year at East there was an extra refrigerator for a to cut our meat?" Problems in the cafeteria this year have separate milk line. South's refrigerators, been creating a real stew among students. however, are in the four serving lines. To To find out the answers to the above ques- change this would involve purchasing more tions, we went directly to Mrs. Marjorie refrigerators to be placed in the cafeteria proper. Moore, cafeteria head. "This year has been a trying one for the At the beginning of the year South did not cafeteria. We've run into many difficulties, have a dishwasher—therefore, only paper but we're hoping to iron them out," explained plates, forks, and spoons could be used. As Mrs. Moore. of February 22, however, a dishwasher was "At South we do not have the same caf- put into operation. Regiilar plates and all eteria facilities that there are at East. AU silverware are now being used.

Well Equipped Art Department Encourages Student Originality Unique, individualistic students who create ideas, fashions, or styles rather than students who are "carbon copies" are what the Maine South Art Department wants to develop. This belief in importance in the individual encourages students to find their personalities and to develop original ways to express their art ideas whether they are studying for commercial art, fashion, or fine arts. "We are so proud of our new, well-equipped Art Department," said Mr. Joseph Stilp, department chairman. "We have skylights for natural light, gleaming stainless steel sinks, a huge ceramic kiln, beautiful furniture, colorful rooms, and a fabulous art court with different levels that will soon be a showplace of the school when trees

and flowers are planted this spring." All art courses at South are elective. The beginner may choose Art I, Crafts, or Sketching and then decide to take more advanced work in Art II, III, or IV. Art I projects range widely and may include drawing the human figure, outdoor watercolor painting, or designing greeting cards. Art II students make ceramics, hooked rugs, paint portraits, or design record cover albums. The Art III and IV students might design modern packages or jewelry, learn oil paintings, or make sculptures of enamel, brass, and silver. The "core" of all art courses is drawing, painting, and design. Some jobs for students interested in the field of art are: fash-

ion designer, cartoonist, automobile or industrial designer, TV artist, stage set designer, package designer, interior decorator, map designer, jewelry designer, medical illustrator, portrait artist, magazine illustrator, art teacher, and animated cartoon artist. In the last fifteen years hundreds of new art jobs which never existed before have been created in the United States. To prepare themselves for these jobs more than one-half of the advanced graduating art students continue their art studies in art schools or in college art departments when they leave high school. An artist's subject matter is the whole real world plus any world or even what you dream or imagine. Twentieth-century artists have opened new horizons—the newly discovered forms which can be seen under the microscope, Xray views, the unusual perspective seen from fast-moving aircraft or the whole new world of space exploration. Some people have been surprised at the great variety of materials Maine artists use. The department believes that any material, natural or synthetic, is a legitimate one for art expression.

February 26, 1965


Girls Boost ' 6 5 Spirit

"I do everything that nobody else wants to do. As soon as it's over, I'm going to do my homework, write my Christmas thank-you notes, and then collapse," stated senior Ellen Press as she described her duties as a co-director of V-show. "Seriously," she added, "This year the V-show is reaUy different. We gave a theme, suggestions, and a list of available music to the kids and let them decide on their acts. This gave them a lot more room to be creative and different — but it gave us a lot more headaches. We had to put the show together, so writing committee has played a much bigger part." Jackie Anderson "I really think 'Spirit' is a Jackie Anderson, co-director good name," Ellen continued, of "Americana" feels that this "because V-Show really reflects year's variety show is the "best the spirit of the school. The ever." "This year's theme allows for kids do more on this production more creativity since students » than any other in the year." were not told what kind of acts EUen, whose favorite pas- to organize. The show is based times are talking or setting into on historical facts. It follows trouble when she isn't working the growth of America from the for Curio, Southwords, or as stagecoach to the summit consecretary of Thespians, intends ference." to major in history in college. Jackie is particularly enthusiUpon being asked what she plans to do after college, she re- astic about the settings for "Americana." Part variety plied, "Be a hermit." shows have used only a few •Working on V-Show has backdrops, but this year's theme been a very educational exper- calls for numerous changes of ience," Ellen concluded. "I've scenery. Fourteen versatile setlearned to stuff mailboxes and tings consisting of large props to get eight hours of sleep in have been constructed. two and a half. Anyone who Not only will audiences be plans to take over this job next to lavish sets, but thanks year had better learn to type. treated "wonderful acoustics," they My index-fingers are just about to be able to hear the show gone," she advised as she rush- will clearly from anywhere in the ed off to the snack bar to have auditorium. Jackie is happy a late breakfast. that "at last the back row will be able to hear as well as see." Somehow between rehearsals, she finds time to carry out her duties as vice-president of Stu- • dent Council and maintain an A-minns average. This semester she is taking Spanish IV, •*^?Enghsh 4E, Government, and chemistry, about which she has "no comment." \ Jackie's long list of activities have included being a member of Brotherhood Society, to which she was elected her freshman year. Student CouncU for four years, and Young Life. She was also vice-president of her class freshman and sophomore years. When asked what made her unique. Jackie laughed and said, "I can walk into a strange town, any town, and people wiU Ellen Press come up to me and swear they've met me before. It always happens. Guess I'm just average." Next year she plans to attend -* Miami University of Ohio and Gary visited many classes at major in psychology. Jackie Maine South. He lectured the hopes to become a social workSpanish classes of Mrs. Aida V. er, an interest she acquired — Farmer about Bolivia and ans- while working as a volunteer wered students' questions. "All and part-time counselor on a the classes enjoyed listening to Young Life ranch in Colorado Gary," stated Mrs. Farmer, last summer. "and the third-year class was Jackie's next job, after Vespecially interested because the show is over, will be to try to entire time he spoke in Spanish. find a summer job—in her "The class asked questions in "spare" time, of course. Spanish and felt that they had really learned something from Southwords his talk. Moreover, they felt it an accomplishment to underThe official student newspaper of stand a native speaker," stated Maine ToK-nship High School South. Mrs. Farmer. Park Ridfe. Illinois. Written and edited bi-weekly by students of the According to Gary, both Bolihigh acbocd. Subscriptions included vian life and teen-agers are >\ith activity ticket or purchased calmer than their American separately at K per year. counterparts. "And to us," he Editor-in-chief — Corrinne Schmid remarked, "the Beatles are no Managlnc Editor Kathy Moore sensation. They are just another News Editor Candy Downer. group. South Americans have Andy Dyck Features Editor John Venson a different temperament and Sports EiUtor Lee Kaufmaao ^_ philosophy than North AmeriBusiness Manager .. Ray RUgennann cans do," he added, "and they Art Editor Brace Davis Assistant Bruce Howie are more romantic." Reporters Cheryl Acton. Gary has spent most of his Bob BattagUa. Robert Cycon. Rose Daly. Deanna Gedde. Derek Gilna. visit in the United States travelGail Griffiths, Tim Lindgren, Phil ing and sightseeing. When asked McCullougta. Leslie Padorr. EUen what he liked best about his Press. Linnea Priest, Judy Projaho. Margaret Schmid. visit to Chicago, he replied with Phots Editor George Case typical Latin American courte.i^dvisor Mr. Kconetfa Beatty sy, "this school."

Gary Compares Schools, Thinks Beatles Common Advanced art shidents (left to right) Paul Ryba, junior, and June Blaker, and M a r y Pudelwitts, seniors, interpret still life objects.


A r t II students, Debbie Korda ( I . ) , Jill Jonasen, John Christiansen, and Rick Mellen debate the merits of woodblock printing in three colors.

"La gente se excita facilmente—y por eso, hay grandes cambios politicos en Sudamerica," emphasized Gary Luis Lacunza, visitor from Cochabamba, Bolivia, as he explained the political state of South America. Gary, a 17-year-old senior, spent his summer vacation visiting an aunt in Glenview. After visiting Maine South three times, Gary remarked, "Our schools are not as comfortable as this one, and our courses are much h a r d e r." Gary attends his school in Cochabamba from 8 a.m. till noon and from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., six days a week for ten months of the year. He is taking 14 courses: mathematics, geography, physics, mineralology, chemistry, biology, government, music, physical education, history, philosophy, literature, Spanish, and a foreign language. . . . Plans to Attend College After his senior year, Gary will have completed 12 years of school. He plans to attend a university in either the United States or Europe and study political science.

February 26, 1965



Success of 'Americana' Depends on Teamwork "In preparing the production for opening nigtit, l i t e r a l l y thousands of problems have been faced and solved," states Mr. Hal Chastain, faculty director of "Americana." "Theme and format had to be selected; scenery had to be designed, built, and p a i n t e d ; choreography and costumes had to be created; a lighting scheme had to be planned; programs, tickets, and promotional material had to be prepared; and backstage crews had to be organized and rehearsed," Mr. Chastain noted. "A majority of the decisions and most of the work came from an energetic group of people between the ages of 14 and 18." Headed by Jeff Santino, a six-member writing staff composed of Claudia Board, Linda Dillon, Sue Kreuz, Sarah MilLeft, Jane Klancnik leads Keystone Cops as they struggle valiantly to arrest right perler, and Julie Strom assumed son. Pat Price, right, dances to show's version of "Pink Panther." the responsibility of helping prepare the format and tying the show together with creative scripts. Research provided historical information which then had to be incorjwrated into the skit dialogue. Constant revision of this work required the presence of the writing staff at all rehearsals. The 15 spectacular b a c kgrounds in "Americana" went through many processes before they were ready to be viewed by an audience. Student art director Carol Mack first drew a sketch of the proposed set, which Mr. Chastain made into a working drawing. After he had sized it to scale and given instructions on the type of building materials to be used, the construction crews, supervised by faculty technical director Mrs. Saundra Trunick and Don Knapp and Glenn Swanson, student construction "Now Ich was a guy who thought learning was cool," chants Chris Tellchick in a beat directors, took over. version of the "Legend of Sleepy Hollow." The set was broken up into several different pieces to simplify construction. Upon completion of the pieces, the set was assembled, and the art director again took over for the final step of painting. "Because we always had three or four sets being constructed at the same time, backstage got pretty crowded and noisy—there was never a dull moment!" exclaimed Don Knapp, student construction head. Skip Ritts, student music director, has worked with his faculty counterpart, Mr. Gordon McLean, to select music typical of the different eras of American history. Under their direction, student performers on the stage augment music proin "Temperance," Sue Kreuz vided by the band. speaks out against the evils An unavoidable question concerning musical numbers apof liquor.

peared last November at the time of tryouts. It was decided that students could try out with music only if the music department could secure orchestration. Use of the complied list of such available songs alleviated later work. Dance chorus and individual dance acts have perfected intricate steps through the direction of Ellen Lipsey and Jan Goble, student co-choreographers, and Miss Diane Phillips, faculty dance chorus supervisor. "The great variety of dances performed demanded hard work and creativity of all involved," Miss Phillips pointed out. Because the representation of people from our country's history is achieved in part through facial representation, make-up has provided a challenge to the 27-member student staff headed by Linda Peterson and Sue Wohlers and faculty member, Miss Marilyn Collins. A special committee was organized for the sole purpose of finding pictures of such men as Franklin Roosevelt, Hirohito, Sir Winston Churchill, Stalin, and Hitler to insure correct portrayal. "The most intriguing assignment has been finding the right makeup for the Headless Horseman of Sleepy HoUow!" quipped Sue Wohlers. Student costumer June Blaker and faculty director in charge of costumes, Miss Helen Naden, have designed costumes portraying American fashion styles over a 300 year-period. Most students made their own costumes, using the costumer's designs; for authenticity several costumes, however, such as army uniforms and Keystone Cop uniforms are being rented. Costuming faced two major difficulties. Because of t h e lighting, color choice is tricky, for everything must be brighter than usual. Obviously it would have been impossible for students to recreate the elaborate costumes from American history. June and Miss Naden were confronted with the challenge of simplifying the costumes without losing effect. "Americana" is supervised tiuring the actual performances by Wayne Baumgart, stage manager. He must coordinate the movement of scenery and curtains with that of the performers going on and off stage with split-second perfection. Alan Clark worked with him to perfect the lighting. Student Council, sponsor of "Spirit of '65," has assumed the role of business manager. Sharon Strother, assisted by Mr. Loren Stuvick and Miss Elizabeth Baly, Student Council sponsors, supervised the endless problems occurring with tickets, programs, and publicity.

Carolyn Muller, Sue Sensenbrenner, Rea Matousek, and Lois Kercher (all foreground) flit through "Bird in a Gilded Cage," reminiscent of the Gay Nineties.

Lynette (left) and Marilyn Johnson revive popular song, "Come to the Fair."

From left to right. Bob Dorkt, John Sally, and Jim Busse provide music for "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."


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February 26, 1965

'Americana' Displays Students' Varied Talents

Kicking to the rhythm of " I Ain't Down Y e t " are Pompon girls Sue Brown, Connie Huebner, Barb Sensenbrenner, and Cheryl Acton.

Students go through their paces in "Lady Be Good."

"Whatever you do, don't break a leg—that's not what we mean by casting regulations," quipped Mr. Hal Chastain, faculty show director, in a talk to the 300member cast. He concluded with, " I f you are as loud on the finale as you are backstage, everything will be fine."

" E t tu. Brute," choHle Dave Mallow (left) and Bill Fitch as they practice plunging swords for the show's magician act.

Audience Transported on Trip Through US History Cast members of "Americana" took their bows last night amid ovation at the show's opening night performance. Revolving around the theme— the United States, 1620-1965— the show captivates its audience as it transports them through the realm of American history and culture. As well as highlighting important historical events, a portrayal of the different eras emphasizes the change in the American people themselves through the metamorphosis of their dancing, literature, recreation, and fashion. A p r o l o g u e introducing "Americana" deviates from the traditional two-act variety show, thus adding to the originality of "Spirit of '65." Development of a favorite American pastime, dancing, is traced in a medley of five dances, ranging from a stately minuet to the presentday twist. Since folk singing has abounded in America since Civil War days, it was appro-

priate that it be included in the prologue. A tableau of America as the Pilgrims found it sets the pace for characterization of the Colonial period. The Revolutionary period comes to life with the Midnight Ride. After capturing the spirit of Westward expansion, "Americana" relives the tense, worried days of the Civil War. Industrialization and World War I are followed by the Roaring Twenties, the Age of Al Capone, speakeasies, flappers, and the lost generation. Carefreeness is soon forgotten, however, amidst the gravity of the Great Depression and World War II. Portrayal of presentday life ends the show. One-fifth of Maine South's student body have demonstrated a cooperative spirit of responsibility, creativity, and initiative throughout months of work to produce this 47-act, two-and-onehalf hour spectacular.

Debby Butler applies makenip before appearing on stage. Make-up is essential for all performers appearing in the bright lights.

February 26, 1965

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Parents, Teachers, Kids Invited to HR Parties Homeroom parties have replaced the traditional Parent Teacher Council parties, according to Mr. James L. Cobum, Director of Guidance. At Maine East and West, PTC parties were held for each class, freshman through senior. However, at Maine South, be-

cause of the homeroom system, individual parties will be held for the students of each guidance unit and their parents. Mr. Cobum explained, "The homeroom parties are part of Maine South's four-point program aimed at bringing together socially students, par-

ents, counselors, and homeroom teachers." Homeroom parties last from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. They may be held in the spectator gym, and the pool may also be used. Activities such as volleyball, ping pong, table tennis, shuffleboard, basketball, and dancing to student combos are made available. Students may wear sports clothes. Donations are $2 per family. On January 23, guidance imit C-140 held its "Classathon." Dancing to the "Animal Men" and diving exhibitions by the students highlighted the evening. February 19 Miss H e 1 e n e Holmes' guidance unit sponsored a party with a ski lodge

Skiers Downhill A t Cascade Mt.

Come on, dear, you're going to teach us the Frug tonight.

Ski Club will return to Cascade Mountain near Portage, Wisconsin, tomorrow for a full day of skiing. The group will leave the school at 6:30 a.m. and will return at 9 p.m. The trip will be sponsored by Mr. John H. Ladd, Ski Club sponsor. Skiers made their first trip to Cascade Mountain on Saturday, February 6.

theme. The evenings's entertainment consisted of dancing to the "Tradesmen," and skits put on by the parents and students. Refreshments were served. February 6, Mrs. Ruth Given's complex held a party with a carnival theme. "A ThreeRing Circus," homeroom complex C-134's party, featured games, booths, dancing to the

"Fugitives," and a floor show with acts by both the parents and students. Parents and students also competed in volleyball contests between classes. Friday, March 5, Miss Mary Anne Morris' guidance unit, C-114, wUl hold a "Discotheque" party from 8 to 11:30. Refreshments, games, and dancing to the "Stardusters" will highlight the evening.

4 4 South Artists Display Art Work at Wieboldt's Forty-four art students at Maine were chosen by a panel of professional artists to be in the 38th Annual Regional and Scholastic Art Awards Exhibit at Wiebolt's in Evanston. Thirty-five junior and senior high schools of the North Shore region competed for awards in this annual competition. Students submitted art work in 19 categories which included oil painting, sculpture, graphics, hooked rugs, water color, and commercial design. Maine South students won 4

blue ribbons, 13 gold keys, and 56 place awards in the contest. Among those earning gold keys were: Paul Bond, George N. Case, Bruce Davis, Gay Crossland, Kris Dernehl, Ken Hopkins, Connie Huebner, Chris Matthieson, Jeffrey Miller, Vicki Parke, Mary Pudelwitts, Nancy Textrum, and Susan Timmerman. All exhibits will be on display on the third floor of Wiebolt's, 1007 Church Street, in Evanston from February 20 through March 6.

37 Seniors Head A Honor Roll The " A " honor roU for the semester ending January 22, 1965, has been announced by the personnel office. Heading the list are 37 seniors: Lois Brockhoff, James Casey, Ida Cook, Arthur Curtis, Joan Dolan, Candy Downer,

Kristie Duyckinck, Andy Dyck, Betsy Elich, Nancy Fleischman, Linda Gross, Anne Haake, John P. Healy, Sherry Heiden, Ray HUgermann, Deborah Hirschberg, Connie Huebner, Jan K. Johnson, and Mark A. Johnson. Also included are seniors:

Debaters Win Fifth Place At Augstana Meet Feb. 5



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South's top ten debaters came back from the Augustana College Tournament in Rock Island, Illinois, February 5 and 6, tied for fifth place among 49 schools from two states. From the 200 debaters that attended, Maine's Andy Dyck placed among the top ten speakers, scoring 150 speaker points out of a possible 180, only 14 points short of the high scorer at the tourney. Debating with Andy was Chris Hoyt, who averaged 23 out of a possible 30 speaker points a debate. Steve Karina, an affirmative, did the same. Lee Mortenson, Greg Rnell, Bruce McGuinn, Pete Schroeder, Craig Anderson, Don Anderson, and Ray Hilgermann composed the rest of the Augustana group. Accompanying the debaters on this overnighter were Mr. Gerhard Rempel and Mr. William C. Hoag, co-sponsors of Debate. . . . Performance Good Commenting on the results of the competition, Mr. Rempel stated that it was "quite significant that we have done better than any of the Maine Township schools have ever done in the many years that they have attended." When asked if he thought that Augustana gave any indication of how South will do in the sectional tourney at Forest View on March 6, Mr. Rempel replied, "Because of the fairly good record at Augustana, I believe we have a better chance of doing well at the sectional and going on to state competition." . . . Pick Teams For State The teams that have been tentatively picked are Steve Karina, and Greg KneU, affirmative; backed by Craig Anderson, alternates; Chris Hoyt

and Andy Dyck, as the negatives backed by Nicki Sieveke and Connie Brandt. To qualify for the state we must win a majority of our rounds.

SC Election Plans Given 1965-66 elections for Student Council president and secretary will be held on March 25 and 26. The Student Council Banquet will take place on Friday, March 26, and will be followed by an all-school jitney where names of the newly elected officers will be announced. Election Week, March 22-26, will be devoted to candidate campaigning. Hall skits, homeroom speeches, and combo entertainment are planned for the week. Other preparations include two assemblies at which the candidates will present their campaign speeches. The first will be on March 19 and the second, March 25. On March 15 and 16 students will be invited to meet their candidates in a personal interview. After deciding on their choice of candidates. Student Council urges students to support their choices. Campaign headquarters will be opened on March 20 and will close on March 24. Qualifications necessary to run for president or secretary of Student Council are: one year of experience on Council, member of Junior Class, C grade average, and approval of candidacy by counselors. Students wishing to run for an office must submit their petitions to Council no later than March 3.

Steve Karina, Lois Kercher, Gary Koca, Kathleen Koporc, James McDonald, Valya Nelson, John Peavoy, James Phillips, Ellen Press, Penelope Pullen, Hillary Rodham, Lena Salbego, Marcia Schimmel, Robert Stenson, Susan Stybr, Suzanne Tessaro, Kathleen Tongue, and Frank Wyatt. . . . Juniors Named Twenty-seven juniors have qualified: Leslie Anderson, Cynthia Brown, George Cantonis, Jill Conway, Lewese Davis, Karen Decanini, Thomas Dewar, Joann Engelke, William Fitch, Eleanor Florence, Cheryl Fridstrom, Derek Gilna, Jane Hansen, and Richard Hood. Other juniors are: David Kemmerer, Jane Klancnik, David Knuth, Linda Lucas, Paul Lund, Alexandra Martin, Jim McClure, Martha Mosher, Cynthia Peterson, Linnea Priest, James Reeder, Diane Reporto, and Karen Robbins. . . . 28 Sophs Included Sophomores number one more than juniors with 28. Included are: Patricia Barcheski, Dianne Broman, Steve Duerksen, Marion Gordon, Gail Griffiths, Kenneth Hansen, Connie Healy, Eileen Heath, Jean Hoseh, Steven Hyde, Fred Jaeger, Susan Kott, and Robert Marmaduke. Kathleen Metz, Craig Moen, Douglas Olsen, Greg Parsons, Robert Petersen, Thomas Petty, Marjorie Press, Laura Pudelwitts, Jeffrey Reinke, James Scherffius, Mark Schrag, Robert Seidel, Gail Swinnerlon, Julia VanTellingen, and Katherine Woods complete the list. Freshmen attaining a high standard for their first semester include: Margaret Aliprandi, Lawrence Barnhart, W e n d y Carlsen, Linda Carney, Susan Dizynski, Kenneth Garverick, Debra Hannibal, and Beverly Hoffman. Also are: Peggy Kerr, Janet Kurth, Deborah LaDolce, Diana Lovely, Susan Peavoy, Nancy Petersen, Thomas Whitson, and Diane Willey. The B honor roll for the first semester, composed of those attaining a 3.0 to 3.9 average, included 139 seniors, 102 juniors, 121 sophomores, and 108 freshmen.

Gold key winners in the Scholastic A r t competition are, standing, left to right, Nancy T e x r u m , Vickie Parke, Susan T i m e r m a n , and M a r y Pudelwitts. Kneeling, left to right, are Ken Hopkins, Bruce Davis, and George Case. Winners not in picture are Gay Crossland, Kris Dernell, Connie Huelner, Chris Maithiesen, and Paul Bond.

Lost and Found Resembles Store's Bargain Basement "May I help you? Oh yes, we have boys' suits with the new English look. Knee boots? Right over here. New and used text books are on this shelf." Carson's bargain basement? No, believe it or not, the scene is Girls' Club's Lost and Found. This unassuming box-like room which adjoins Cafeteria C-lOl has as great a selection of wearing apparel as any department store in the country. Miss Iliff, Girls' Club's spon-

sor, laughingly stated, "We could easily outfit a boy and a girl." Mohair sweaters, c o l l e g e sweatshirts in every size and color, gym suits, girls' skirts, boys' suits, slacks, bermudas and even raincoats are neatly laid on the shelves and in boxes, patiently waiting to be claimed. Miscellaneous articles include everything from knee boots and gym shoes to a box filled with jewelry, wallets, and glasses.

SC Lost and Found is completely equipped to dress two people, as Lee Mortenson and Candy Downer demonstrate. It even provides entertainment---bingo!


Page 6

February 26, 1965

Tonight Soaring Hawks Aim For Crown Against Proviso The 1964-65 Des Plaines Valley League basketball race will come to a close this evening for all eight league teams. Maine South Hawks will play host to Proviso West in the last homecourt appearance for senior members of the team. With the termination of conference play, the varsity cagers move on to regional action at Maine East next Tuesday night. South is currently riding on top of the Des Plaines Valley League with an 11-3 mark. Coach Brady's team is 18-3 overall窶馬ot bad for a first season. Tied with the Hawks for first is East Leyden. However, East Leyden must play Niles West tonight at East Leyden. Niles West was also tied for first, but Morton West upset them last week. If the Indians can come through with a win over East Leyden and if the Hawks can win tonight, the entire league crown will belong to the Hawks. No matter who wins the Niles West-East Leyden game, if the Hawks win tonight, they will be

assured of at least a share of the crown. . . . Wins 5, Loses 1 Since Southwords' last edition, the varsity has played six games, wiiming five and losing one. On January 29 South defeated Niles West 67 to 58 at Maine South. The following evening WiUowbrook varsity scored an upset over the Hawks. The Warriors pulled off a onepoint win, 58-57, in the final minute of play. Friday night, February 6, the Hawks ventured to Morton West for the first away game of a double-header weekend. After trailing most of the way, Morton came alive and tied the score at the end of regulation play, 55-55. However, 13 freethrows and one field goal by the Hawks in overtime play was too much for Morton, and South won by 10 points, 70-60. The jolt of almost losing an overtime battle seemed to awaken the Hawks, and the next night they tore into West Leyden with an 87-55 victory.

G-men Compete at Dist. Maine South Varsity gymnasts travel to the district meet at Harrington tonight. Coach Jon Cada remarked, "We hope to qualify at least eight boys for the state meet at Prospect on March 13." The Varsity finished fifth with 39V^ points in the Des Plaines Valley League meet held on February 20 at Niles West. Willowbrook won team competition with 114"/2 points. Senior John Kirchhoff tied for eighth place on trampoline, and Jack Carpenter placed seventh on side horse. Steve Wronski earned a fourth place on the rings. Dennis Osgood was sixth on the parallel bars. Tumblers Dan Magine and Al Cook placed third and fourth respectively in tumbling. Junior G-man Dick Hood finished tenth all-around. The team ended their dual meet competition by beating Niles North February 6 by a score of 69-63. This gave the squad an even 5-5 record in dual meet competition. Frosh-soph gymnasts finished sixth in the conference meet with 36V4 points. WiUowbrook swept the first place trophy with 132V2 points. Sophomore star Jim Gerian picked up 28 of the team's points with a second-place finish on high bar, eighth on parallel bars, second on the rings, and fourth all-around. Gerian rates as a fine varsity prospect for next year. Dean Mulcaky placed ninth

on trampoUne, and John Headley finished in a three-way tie for fourth in tumbling. The frosh-soph squad was narrowly beaten by Niles North on February 6. This defeat left them with a 4-6 record. They were, however, 3-3 in conference competition. (Morton West does not field a gymnastics team.)

E n o u g h of the momentum picked up against West Leyden was carried over the following weekend when South and East Leyden clashed. A win was necessary for South as East Leyden was a game ahead of them in first place. . . . Hold Ball For Win Leyden commanded leads of nine points twice in the game, but some hustle by the Hawks pulled South even. With 2:38 left in regulation play and the score tied at 68-68, Coach Bernie Brady instructed his team to hold the ball for one last shot. Hold it they did, but three lastsecond shots failed, and overtime play was needed. The same strategy was used in the overtime by South with Larry Wiseburn sinking a 15-fcoter with four seconds to go. Final score: Maine South 70, East Leyden 68. Last Friday at Palatine, the Hawks overcame an early deficit and beat the Pirates 57-46 with forward Bill DeBartolo netting 30 points. Next Tuesday's regional game at Maine East (the Maine West regional) will be played at 8:30 against Ridgewood. The winner of that game will play Thursday evening at 7:30, and the winner of that game at 8:00 the winner of that game, at 8:00 are home tonight at 7 p.m. to play Proviso West in the last league game of this season.

Mermen Compete Tonight In Evanston Preliminaries At the district meet last Saturday, four Maine swimmers qualified for the state preliminary meet tonight at Evanston. The four memebrs of the medley relay team and their events are: Frank McCullough, backstroke; Greg Knudson, butterfly; John Benda, breast stroke; and John Zucco, freestyle. If they qualify, these swimmers will be in the state meet tomorrow at Evanston, which will be televised. Divers Dick List and Jim Kersting also qualified for the state meet by placing high in the district. February 13 the Mermen ended their conference season, winning the Des Plaines Valley League Championship. Their over-all record was 11-2, At district. South was third behind New Trier and Deerfield, who accounted for Maine's two defeats this season. Coach Jack Tilley commented: "We were happy to

"You take the ball and run through the south entrance. The rest of us will block tfie doors. . . . " Photo by Steve Holton

have such a successful season and are looking forward to next year when we will be much tougher as a team." The sophomore team, coached by Mr. Tilley and Mr. Art Johnson, took their conference championship also.

Senior Bill DeBartolo sets up a score against East Leyden. The Hawks won 70-68 in overtime. Pboto by Steve Uolton

Caine, O t t o , Kersten Take Thirds in Sectional Meet The Maine South wrestling season came to an end last Saturday as Wes Caine, Ron Otto, and Tom Kersten all captured third places in the Palatine Sectional Meet. All three wrestlers qualified for the sectional meet by winning in district. Wes Caine, 120 lbs., and Ron Otto, 127 lbs., were crowned district champions, and Tom Kersteh, 133 lbs., finished in runner-up position. Non-sectional qualifiers w h o placed in the district were Steve Richards, 165 lbs., third, and John Pirie, 95 lbs., fourth. At the sectional meet, three Hawk wrestlers made bids for the state meet but failed. In round one, Wes Caine and Ron Otto both won on decisions, and Tom Kersten drew a bye. Round two was a different story, how-

ever, as Caine and Kersten both lost close matches, and Otto lost on a pin. Caine's loss was his first of the season, snapping his long, undefeated string. . . . Win on Decisions, Pin In the consolation finals, Kersten and Otto won on decisions, and Caine won on a pin to earn third place for Maine South. Caine's victory left his personal season's record at 19 wins, one loss, and one tie. For the most part, it was a somewhat disappointing season for Coach Ziemek's matmen. The over-all team record was three wins, eight losses, and one tie. The conference record of one win, five losses, and one tie placed the Hawks next to last in the Des Plaines Valley League.

Hawk Tawk

Basketball Season Nears Close By Lee Kaufmann One more win and Maine South will have its first conference varsity basketball crown. Proviso West shouldn't be too tough but neither was Willowbrook. I'm not expecting any

Liffle Hawks Set For DPV Crown The Sophomore basketball team will compete in a sophomore invitational tournament to be held Saturday, March 6, at 6:30 p.m. Eight schools will participate in the tournament at Mundelein High School. The Little Hawks play their first game against Antioch. If they win this game they will be up against the winner of the contest between Mundelein and Forest View. This game will be played on Monday, March 8 at 6 p.m. The final game will be played Tuesday, March 9, at 6 p.m. The battle for third place will be fought at 4:30 p.m. on March 9. Other teams in the tournament are McHenry, Warren, Lake Forest, and Wheeling. The Sophomores are currently in a tie for first place in the Des Plaines Valley League. A win tomorrow will assure them of a tie for the Conference crown.

other upset like that, though. The team should be in as good shape as ever for their last home game. Now we've got to look to the regionals. Ridgewood proved to be very little competition earlier in the year, so we should be able to handle them again. The second game might not be so easy. Maine East will have its hands more than full with St. Pat's. They will be the team for us to beat. A win there could give us a lot of momentum. The Des Plaines Valley League conference title is still in some question. It could end up with Maine South in sole possession of the crown or in a threeway tie. East Leyden plays Niles West this weekend, and a win by East Leyden would eliminate Niles and give them a tie for first with us. If Niles West wins, however, they could tie with us if, heaven forbid, we lose. If we win and East Leyden loses, we'll own the sole title to the conference championship. Track has started already and South won its first meet against Palatine by the ridiculous score of 99-1. I hope it keeps up. Due to the lack of a field house track, the meets are run at Maine East.

DES PLAINES VALLEY LEAGUE STANDINGS TEAM Won Lost Pet. MAINE SOUTH 11 2 .846 .846 East Leyden 11 .769 10 Niles West .462 6 WiUowbrook .385 5 West Leyden .385 5 Morton West .308 4 Palatine Proviso West 0 13 .000

Hawks Hunt Title The Cheerleaders Conference Championship, here we come! Everybody be sure to come to the final game tonight and watch the Maine South Hawks make their final bid for the conference championship. Tuesday, March 2, is our first regional basketball game, which is to be played against Ridgewood. If we win Tuesday, we go on to play the winner of the Maine East - St. Pat's game. Friday, if we go that far, we will be matched against, among other possibilities, Maine West. These games will all be played at Maine East. So come to the games, to see your old school, to see your old friends, and most of all, to cheer your team on to victory.

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