iSoufAnJOFfcb Vol. 1, No. 12
AAaine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III.
April 30, 1965
Time's Arrived, Claims Council, For Clocks-in-the-Hall Campaign "Because of the great demand for clocks in the halls, Service Corps has begun a drive to raise money to purchase them," explained Claudia Board, Service Corps Chairman. Funds for the all-school Student Council clock drive will come from clubs and societies. On April 2 a meeting of all class, club, and society presi-
dents was held. At the meeting the presidents were introduced to the plan for the clocks and told the prices, locations, and other details of the plan. The cost of a single-faced clock is $61.75, and the cost of a double-faced clock is $122.45. The clocks will be supplied by Standard Clocks Company, a nation-wide clock supplier.
Sophomores Lead A Roll; Seniors Lead B Honors Sophomores were the most tillinger, Paul Weber, Thomas represented class on the high Whitson, and Katherine Hood honor role for the third quarter conclude the list. with 31, but seniors were on . . . 25 Juniors Included top when honor rolls were comThe junior class is represented bined. by 25 students. Those included Twenty-four freshmen main- are Leslie K. Anderson, Cynthia tained the required 4.0 grade Jean Brown, George Cantonis, level. Among these are Mar- Jill Conway, Lewese Ann Davis, garet Aliprandi, Lawrence Barn- Karen Decanini, Thomas Dehart, Wendy Carlsen, Christine war, Mary Anne Dibble, Jeann Eide, Kenenth Garverick, Nata- Engelke, Richard Fess, William lie Geramia, Susan Grainger, Fitch, Eleanor Florence, and Debra Hannible, Michael Hard- Cheryl Fridstrom. in, and Beverly Hoffman. Also are Derek Gilna, StephaAlso included are Peggy Ann nie Haas, David Knuth, Linda Kerr, Janet Kurth, Deborah La Lucas, Jim McClure, Martha Dolce, Stephen Lietz, Diana Mosher, Cynthia Peterson, LinL o v e l y , Randolph McClure, nea Priest, Diane Reporto, and Paul Mitchell, and Susan Pea- Karen Robbins. voy. Concluding the list are . . . 26 Seniors Conclude List Nancy P e t e r s o n , Geoffrey Twenty-six seniors are listed. Priest, Walter Skowski, Judith James Casey, Ida Cook, Arthur Ann Stagg, Suzanne Wendy, and Curtis, Joan Ann Dolan, CanThomas Whitson. dace Downer, Kristie Duycki. . . St^hs Represented ink, Andrew Dyck, Elizabeth Sophomores are represented Elich, Judy Fairbanks, Nancy by James R. Barmeier, Brian Fleischman, and Linda Gross all Berger, Marilyn Conners, Rob- qualified for the high honor roll. ert Denny, Steven Duerksen, Also qualifying are John Gail Griffiths, Kenneth Hansen, Healy, Sherry Heiden, Deborah Connie Healy, Eileen Gail Hirschberg, Stephen Karina, Heath, Jean Hosey, and Steven James Philhps, Penelope PulHyde. len, Hillary Rodham, Lena SalOthers are Fred Jaeger, bego, Marcia Schimmel, Robert David McKenzie, Kathleen Stenson, Susan Stybr, Kathy Metz, Craig Moen, William Mur- Tongue, and David White. phy, Douglas Olsen, Gred ParThe " B " honor roll is comsons, Robert E. Peterson, posed of 414 students who mainThomas Petty, Marjorie Press, tained a 3.0 grade average. Jeffery Reinko, Judy Projahn, Broken into classes, 95 freshJames Scherffius, Mark A. men, 100 sophomores, 96 junSchrag, and Gail Swinnerton. iors, and 123 seniors are listed Nancy Van Buren, Julia Van- in it.
Clubs and classes are urged to donate money as soon as possible for the project. Organizations contributing money to the drive may choose where they want the clock to be placed in the school. (With the help of a professional electrician, the most vital clock locations in the school have been mapped out.) Choice of location will be on a first-come, first-served basis. A plaque will be hung below each clock listing the organization which contributed to the cost. The prices, $61.75 and $122.45, include the cost of the installation, the plaque, and the clock itself. Clocks may be distributed separately, or two organizations may contribute a two-faced one together. In this case, each club's name will be put on the clock. Any club or class president who was unable to attend the meeting on April 2, or who has any question about the drive should contact Claudia Board or Miss Elizabeth Baly by leaving a message in Miss Baly's box in the main office.
Gowned Facull-y To Set Tradition Seniors aren't the only ones being measured for caps and gowns for graduation exercises to he held on June 9. A new tradition is being orientated at Maine South. Dr. Earl Wiltse, superintendent; Mr. Ralph J. Frost, assistant superintendent; Dr. Clyde Watson, principal; Robert Barker, assistant principal, all deans, counselors. Senior Class sponsors; and senior homeroom teachers will also don caps, gowns, and academic hoods appropriate for the school from Vv'hich they earned their degree. They will all take part in the commencement exercises. Mrs. Ruth Given, counselor, suggested the idea because she feels "it would add dignity to the occasion." Mrs. Given is in charge of organizing the marching line for seniors.
Posing with the ever-famous "Surrey with the Fringe on Top" are members of the Oklahoma! cast. From left to right are Ken Laspesa, '65, as Jod; Craig Anderson, '65, as Curly; Don Anderson, '67, who has the dual role of Curly and At! H a k i m ; Patti Bauer, '65, as Laurey; and Peggy Bussert, '66, as Laurey.
Lilting Lyrics, Sparkling Wit Brighten 'Oklahoma' At 8 p.m. last evening, the curtain rose on the first of four performances of Oklahoma! Rodgers' and Hammerstein's lilting musical will again be presented in the auditorium tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. Under the direction of Mr. Lloyd Spear, Mrs. Ruth Given, Miss Barbara Bobrich. Mr. Irwin Bell, Mr. Walter Flechsig, and Mr. Hal Chastain, the entire Performing Arts Department, from the dance and vocal choruses and construction crews
anced musical communicates a •'glad to be alive" feeling, as well as revealing its dramatic, more serious side. The strength of Oklahoma! lies, not only in its resolution of the conflicts, but in its sparkling score. Tunes first staged 22 years ago, such as "People Will Say We're In Love," "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning," "The Surrey with the Fringe on Top," and the title song, "Oklahoma!," have remained popular ever since. The dialogue is descriptive and fresh. The variety of characters gives the production contrast and depth. Enthusiasm runs high in Oklahoma! and the resounding Finale serves as a tremendous ending to a spanking show.
Activities Week Begins May 27
Caria Oleck, '68 to the orchestra and performers themselves, has been preparing for the show for eight weeks. Presenting the age-old account of young love in the setting of turn-of-the century Oklahoma territory, the well-bal-
12 Cheerleaders Chosen Apr. 8 for '65-'66
This year Senior Activities Week will be held from Thursday, May 27, to Thursday, June 3. Highlights of the week will be: The Senior Breakfast, which will be held at 5:30 a.m. at the Des Plaines Oasis on May 27. Seniors should dress up in Sunday clothes for this event. Color Day, on which the seniors should wear red and white, will be May 28. Clash Day is June 2. Seniors should wear clothes that clash. They wiU also be served a special lunch consisting of pizza, potato chips, and coke. The Senior Banquet will also be on June 2. It will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at Maine West in the cafeteria. Bermuda Day is June 3. Seniors will meet at the Park Ridge library and bicycle to school. There will be dancing in the tennis courts periods 6B8. Mike Nilles and combo will provide the music.
NHS Announces Tutoring System
J.V. cheerleaders (left picture) for next year are (left to right), Roni Skiba, Sue Conforti, Lenore Lindeman, Sally Ephland, Linda Boidy, Sue Schneller. Set to lead Hawk yells (right picture) next year are (left to right), Jeanie Chamberlain, Chris Rojec, Katie Huff, Donna Fisher, Bard Becker, Chris Headley.
"A new tutoring system is National Honor Society's 196465 service project," stated Penny Pullen, chairman of the NHS Tutoring Committee. Any student who wants to be tutored should see his counselor. The counselor will teU the student how to get in touch with a tutor. At present NHS has about 50 tutors in almost all subjects. If, however, a student needs help in a subject not covered by the system, NHS will find a tutor for him.
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April 30, 1965
Times, They Are A-wastin' It's about time . . . time for a clock drive . . . claims Council's Service Corps. And we couldn't agree more. Since the beginning of the year, the student body has wanted clocks in the halls—and for a good reason. With no clocks in the halls, it's been hard to judge exactly how long you had to get to homeroom or your next class or to wherever you were going. Now, though, students can take advantage of Council's drive to put more clocks in the halls. Clubs and honor societies are being asked to contribute money for the cost of a clock, either single or double-faced. Although the price, $61.75 or $122.45, at
first may seem somewhat high, how could a club use its money for a better cause than the clock drive? Then, too, any contributions to the drive will be unique in that in following years there will be no second chance to contribute. To raise money for the project, interested clubs could hold taffy apple or cookie sales. Thespian Society, Tri-M, and Sigma Chi Sigma have already gotten the c'rive off to a good start with their contributions. "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter . . ." Now's the time to campaign for clocks in the halls.
Junior, Senior Prom Planning Proves To Be Large Headache May and June will be busy months for juniors and seniors. Shopping for formals, renting tuxedos, ordering corsages, and scrounging for money will fill their time. In the midst of their preparations, they tend to forget the months of work and worry that have gone into these two special prom nights. Jeff Santino was Maine West's Junior Prom Chairman last year, so he had a pretty good idea of the difficulties awaiting him when he was elected Senior Prom Chairman last October. In October the Brass Rail was chosen as the site of the prom. Since prom planning got underway in October, there have been numerous obstacles confronting the senior, the biggest being money, naturally. In order to keep the prom within its $1,000 budget, Jeff and his committee have had to do a lot of bargain hunting and praying for donations. . . . Organize Paper Drive Senior Class Council organized a special money-making project, the paper drive. It was a great financial success, but again there's a catch. Jeff laughingly stated, "Anyone who wants some used furniture in good condition may have it, compliments of the Senior Class, provided they come and haul it away!" Six extra committees had to
be formed for the prom. One of these committees, b i d s , proved to be a "big headache."
To Janitors Dear Editor, As the school year is coming to a close, thanks and congratulations are being offered to the many people who have worked to make Maine South's first year a success. However, I think some of the finest persons in our school have been overlooked—our janitors. Maybe there are more important jobs in the school, but what would happen without the janitors? Whenever there is a school dance or play, the janitors are always there helping out. They go beyond their duties, offering suggestions and helping with decorations. Not only do they give their assistance, but they do it pleasantly. Then, after most people have left, they stay and pitch in with the clean-up. Most students have had the experience of being stranded at South without any money to call home. There is always a janitor willing to lend a dime to a desperate girl or boy. I wonder how often they get paid back. Jeannie Hosey
The bids chosen by the committee were to be made of red suede, accenting the gold senior emblem. Unfortunately, red suede is a very popular material for jackets. It took the committee two weeks of telephoning all over the country to find a place that could supply them with the suede. Speaking of lights, the Brass Rail won't supply any lights for the band and the entranceway. Extra spotlights are needed to focus on the couples as they enter and are announced over the speaker.
"Poor kids just can't get used to hall clocks.'
'Spring Has Sprung' Spring is . . . Walking outside from the centers building to the academic building. Lots of fire drills. A rise in the sale of M-pins and motorcycles. Overflowing crowds at sports events. (Ah — bless our school spirit.) Roomier lockers. Bees coming through open windows during classes. A more pleasant forest preserve.
Car hops instead of window service only at A & W. Peeling Florida tans and blonde hair even if you didn't have it when you left. The same as winter as far as lunches are concerned. A chance for geology and conservation students to study the basic types of mud without ever leaving the schoolyard. A change in parking lots. A deep concern in seniors over grades.
- ^ . . . .
. . . 600 Juniors Vidunteer Juniors enthusiastically pitched into their prom planning. Last March 600 of them packed into C-136 volunteering to be committee chairmen. This presented quite a problem since there are only five committees. It took the juniors four meetings to choose the name of their prom, Cotton Ball. However, when the bids arrived, they were made out of satin which didn't go too well with the cotton theme. The haggling over a name started all over again. " T a r a " finally won out over complaints that no one would know what it meant. Incidentally, it's the name of Scarlett O'Hara's plantation in Gone With the Wind.
'Fred? Fred
Unique 'Big O' Cast Reveals Character "Before going on stage, I mostly shiver and pray," admitted Peggy Bussert, '68, who plays Laurey in Oklahoma! "Laurey's the only straight character in the play; she knows what she wants, but she's too stubborn to give in to anyone." "Although she's sweet and innocent," chimed in Patti Bauer, '65, who also has the leading female role, "Laurey's intelli-
gent and determined — to get Curly, of course." Patti doesn't find crying on stage difficult. "By that time I'm so wrapped up in the role that it seems natural." Don Anderson, '67, is the only person with two roles in the musical. He plays Curly, Laurey's counterpart, and Ali Hakim, the Persian peddler. "Ali, a cowardly ladies' man, reveals his dislike for women in
the line. Every daughter's got a father with a gun. "Curly is a typical cowboy," Don explained. "To quote the show, he's a 'braggin', bowlegged, wish't-he-had-asweetheart tramp'." "Dear Granny is great!" exclaimed Craig Anderson of Mrs. Ruth Given, who directs the show Craig also portrays Curly and interprets him as "sure of him-
Membert of th« "Oklahoma!" cast are gathered around the newlyweds. Curly and Laurey, portrayed by Don Anderson, '66, and Peggy Bussert, '67, for the Finale.
self in everything except where Laury is concerned." Carta Oleck. '68, and Paula Lingren, '67, agree that their role of Aunt EUer should be that of a "hard-working, kindly busybody." Ado Annie, the naive country girl, "can't help falling in love with every boy she meets," according to Sukie Askew, '65. "Yeow! She doesn't like anybody in particular, just everj'body all at once!" "Annie's really a nut I" exclaimed Bonnie Buderus, '66. who also has the role. Joe Trytten, '65, thinks his part as Will is that of "a lovable rogue." "Will is a good character to play because he's expressive and realistic. 1 also enjoy the Oklahoma Hello," he griimed. "It's a nice way to greet your friends." "Will is lots of fun today," said Mark Newton, '65. "He's not as extreme as -Ali, but does have a definite character." Plays are never complete without a villian. Oklahoma! has its villian, Jud, who is played by Tony Halda "66. and Ken Laspesa, '65. "Jud's been looked down upon all his life," said Tony. "He's
had a rough time time; everyone despises him." "He's no good," added Ken. "In the smokehouse scene, Jud brings out his entire rotten character." "I like my role because it's a dramatic challenge and presents a character that isn't everyday," commented Steve Quast, '65, who plays Ali Hakim, the Persian peddler. "Hahahahaha," giggled Linda Barth, '65, about Gertie. "Giggling Gertie is a flirt, and I just love the part," she said. Pa Games, the shotgun totin' farmer, is played by Fred Jaeger, *67, and John Mattick, '65. "Pa's a real swinger," said Fred. "I enjoy getting mad at people on stage."
Souf-hwords The official stuiltnt newspaper of Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge. Illinois. Written and edited bi-weekh' by students of the high school. Subscriptions Included with activity ticket or purchased separately at S: per year. Editor-in-chief — Corrinne Schmid Managing Editor Kathy Moore Sews Editor Candy Downer, Andy Dyck
Features Editor John Venson Sports Editor Lee Kauimann Business Manager .. Ray Hilgermann Art Editor Bruce Davis .\»sistant Bruce Howie Advisor Mr. Kenneth Beatty
A p r i l 30, 1965
Page )
South Equestrians Horse Around, Climax Year with Show May 7
" B u t , Teach, I just KNOW he's dreamin' about geometry.
Exhibits, Demonstrations Featured at Open House
Maine South will hold an Open House Exhibit Night on Tuesday, May 4, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. The Open House is held so parents may visit with teachers and see exhibits and demonstrations of work done by the students. The Art Department will exhibit some of the best work of the year in the art gallery by the library. Sculpture will be displayed in the open-art court by the cafeterias. Students will demonstrate oil painting and the use of the pottery wheel. Typewriters, calculators, dictation equipment, bookkeeping machines, and adding-listing machines will be on display in the Business Education Department. There will also be a student demonstration of the dictation laboratory. The Industrial Arts Department plans to have students operating much of the equipment. The print shop will show letterpress, offset press, and silk screen work. Auto-shop equipment will be running, as well as the machine lathes, milling machines, and welding equipment of the metal shop. Students will also run drafting machines. . . . Demonstrate Sports The Girls' and Boys' P.E. Departments will join to offer exhibitions of co-recreational bad-
minton, volleyball, trampoline, tumbling, and table tennis. In the pool the Marlin Club will present some of the numbers from their water show, and the boys will demonstrate water polo. The English, Language, Science, Social Science, a n d Drivers' Education Departments plan to have displays originated by individual teachers. In addition, the Language Department plans a demonstration of the language laboratory. The Reading Clinic will also be open, and Miss Rosemary Case will present demonstrations of teaching techniques. Parents attending the Open House will be guided by members of the Girls' Club, and coffee and cake will be served in the cafeteria. Key Club members will pass out exhibit and room directions.
Thespians, Tri-M Host Radio Star The Thespian and Modem Music Masters societies will play host May 12 after school to Mr. Dick Jones, WGN radio personality. Mr. Jones will speak to the societies on approaches in professional auditioning.
Mounted Mainites will .present South's first spring horse show on Friday evening, May 7, at 7 p.m. The program will be open to the public without charge and will be held at Idle Hour Stables, 8300 Higgins Road, Park Ridge. Judging the show will be Mr. Al Rissman. Announcing th"e events will be Mr. Elbert Smith, a member of the faculty at Maine. Mr. Jesse Ford is the club's instructor, and the ringmaster will be Mr. Jim Gerard. Dr. Clyde Watson will present the trophies and ribbons to successful contestants. Ring secretaries for the show will be Miss Barbara Pritchard and Miss Denise Clark. . . . Consists of Nine Classes The competition will include nine classes: opening drill, advanced equitation, pair class, beginner's games, intermediate equitation, beginners' equitation, advanced game, parentdaughter class, and championship. Trophies will go to the firstplace winners, and ribbons will be awarded to the first five riders in each class. Points wiU
f jk ^
NCTE, the Awards Program is part of a comprehensive program undertaken by the Council in cooperation with American high schools to encourage improvement in English language and literature at all grade lev-
Miss Karen Hannagan, Mr. Elbert Smith, and Mrs. Sandra Trunick. Student riders in advanced equitation i n c l u d e Janis Erhardt, Cindy Gercken, Carolyn Getz, Bobbie Lockhart, Jane Oshinski, Marcia Reid, and Holly Sindelar. Intermediate riders include Martha Buckley, Joan Dolan, Susan Knuth, Leslie Krussell, Ruth Reinhold, Karen Robbins, and Donna Teel. Beginners' equitation riders include Jane Barucki, Christy Cole, Terry Cole, Kathy Jo Mayla, and Carol Robbins.
Latin Brains Go to State
Finishing Touch Applied To Tare Finishing touches are being put on Tara, the Junior Prom, as May 15 draws closer. This week each member of the junior class is receiving his invitation to the affair. One member of each couple attending will be required to present both an invitation and an ID card. Class council representatives are checking this week for a list of the couples attending. A ballot will be made up for use in voting for a king and queen of the prom. Oklahoma is lending the junior class a surry which will be used for taking pictures the 'night of the prom. Help is needed in putting up other decorations in the spectator gym; anyone interested should contact Betty Paulaskas. Petite-fours will be served along with punch at a threetiered fountain. "We are really happy at the way things are running," said Sandy Guzzetta, junior class president.
Juniors Vie for NCTE Award Jo Ann Engelke, Margaret Grant, Linda Lucas, and Linnca Priest have been nominated for the Achievement Awards Program sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English and by South's English Department. For the eighth year, NCTE is conducting the N a t i o n a l Awards competition to grant recognition to outstanding high school seniors for excellence in English. The writing abilities and literary awareness of each nominee will be judged by local and state committees. NCTE will announce the winners in December, 1965. Their names will be sent to every U.S. university Director of Admissions and English Department Chairman with the recommendation that these students be considered for scholarship assistance. Most Awards finalists report that they have been admitted to the college of their choice, and many have already been given direct scholarship assistance. According to Mr. James R. Squire, Executive Secretary of
be awarded for riding, and a high-point trophy will be awarded to the girl wth the most points at the end of the show. Marcia Reid, junior, is chairman of the show. Assisting her with arrangements are Holly Sindelar and Jan Ehrhardt of the publicity committee. . . . Officers Listed The officers of the club are Carolyn Getz, president; Karen Robbins, vice-president; Bobbie Lockhart, secretary; Leslie Krussel, treasurer; Marcia Reid, horse show chairman; Denise Clark, banquet chairman. Faculty sponsors for this first year of the Riding Club are
By stimulating interest in English studies and by supporting the improved instruction in English, the NCTE seeks to contribute to an educational program of excellence.
Nunc est bibendum! Leslie Anderson, Andy D y c k , and Jo Ann Engelke placed superior in the District Latin Contest and w i l l go on to the state contest, May 8.
'Voice of Youth' Winner Talks of Pioneer Spirit Jill Conway, junior at Maine South, recenOy won the "Voice of Youth" contest in the Chicago Tribune. The "Voice of Youth" column in the Tribune gives high school students of the Chicago area a chance to express themselves through the printed word. The Tribune pays $5 for each article published. Jill's prize-winning story, "The Pioneer Spirit," appeared in the Sunday, April 11, Chicago Tribune. In it Jill describes the joys and problems encountered when a typical family decides to "rough it" for the weekend: "After driving in an air-conditioned car for several hours, the family arrives at their crude cabin. Father has the tedious task of turning on the electricity and water so that the electric dishwasher, the airconditioning unit, and the electric range will be in tip-top working order. "The children have to amuse themselves with their power speedboats; and, if the weather is bad, they are forced to remain inside and watch the color television or listen to an eightspeaker stereo hookup. Meanwhile, father is seen roughing
Future Teachers To 'Polish Up'
N.C.T.E. scholars, left to •cjiit, Linda Lucas, Linnea Priest, Margaret Grant, and Jo Ann Engelke, show varying degrees of confidence w hile awaiting their test r e s u l t .
An Apple Polishing Tea will be sponsored by the Future Teachers Club on Wednesday, May 5, in the Home Economics Department Family L i v i n g room at 3:20 p.m. The tea's purpmse is to give each member of the club an opportunity to lionor a teacher whom he thinks has helped him most in developing his interest in the teaching profession. Dr. Clyde Watson, principal, will be a special guest.
it . . on the ninth green in the sand trap!" According to Jill, this all goes to prove that "modern man is just as capable and rough as his forefathers. And some people say that our generation is soft."
Key Club Starts Quotes Contest "He has just heard of Lee's surrender and Richmond's fall And his face is marble over his high black stock. For a moment he walks there, smeUing the scents of Spring. A gentleman taking his ease, while the sun sinks down." Are you able to recognize the above quotation? If not, you haven't missed your opportunity yet; for you can try your luck again at the Key Club Paperback Bookstore, where a new quote will be placed each Monday morning for any alert student to identify. Diane Bauman, '67, reasoned out the identity of the premiering quote, which was read in class by all English and history teachers. Melinda Chapin, '65, was the first to recognize the second quote, which was placed in the bookstore window. If you do know any of the quotations, give your answer to either Mr. Davis or Mr. Kohler, who are usually found in Room A-209. The first student to correctly name the author and the work from which the lines were taken will be able to choose any paperback from the Key Club Bookstore. Each quotation will be taken from a work of literary merit or a commentary from history, philosophy, political, economic, or social thought.
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April 30, 1965
Undefeated in Conference, " ^ Netmen Travel to District The varsity tennis squad will compete in the district meet at Evanston tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. In dual-meet competition the squad has posted an 8 and 2 record and is undefeated in conference with a 2 and 0 record. The varsity netmen b e a t Argo, Wheaton, Prospect, Glenbard West, Glenbrook South, Deerfield, Proviso West, and Niles West. Their only losses have come from highly rated New Trier and Lyons. On Wednesday, April 21, the squad defeated Proviso West 4 to 1. The first doubles team was the only group beaten in that meet. The following Saturday the squad hosted Niles West and shut them out, 5 to 0. The competitors have been at the same positions for most of the season. Harold Masoncup with an 8 and 2 record has done some fine playing at first singles. Paul Schuwerk (9 and 1) has recently been playing at second singles, while John Healy C6 and 4) plays third singles. The first doubles team of Jeff Swander and Jeff Phillips is 8 and 2 for the season. The second doubles team of Rick Ricketts and Bill Osterland, the only starting junior on the squad, has posted a 6 and 4 record thus far. The frosh-soph team is also 8 and 2 overall, and 1 and 0 in conference dual-meet competition. Outstanding competition for the team is freshman Mike Masoncup, who is undefeated at first singles. Tom Beck, sophomore, and Dave Flanagan, frosh, are currently holding the second and third singles position. Freshmen Dan Lathrop and Chris
Hansen make up the first doubles team while soph Bob Denny and freshman Roy Martlno play second doubles.
Golf Team Starts; Putt Way to Win 2 Golf is not a major sport on the high school level but is important. The effort and amount of practice required is comparable to that of other sports, but attention to the effort is minimal. So far the golf team has had four meets, two of which they have won. They won against Ridgewood and Niles North. They suffered defeat in the other two meets at the hands of Maine East and Glenbrook South. The Maine East meet was lost by three strokes while the defeat by Glenbrook was six. The team moved on to its first conference meet yesterday. The golf team this year is led by Steve Johnson and Bob Spark. Returning letterman Jim Malik will probably also be a great help at future meets. Steve, a member of South's conference swimming team, shot the lowest score at a recent meet. The rest of the players are excellent golfers of almost equal ability. The future golf meets? Well, it's hard to say. Maine South does have a very strong team which should do well in the conference standings. They have high hopes for the remainder of the season including warmer weather in which to play. All home meets are played at the Park Ridge Country Qub.
Hawk Tawk
Spring Sports Roar by Lee Kaufmann Our spring sports are well underway here at Maine South. As with all the sport's we've already had this year, our Spring line-up should prove to be tough competition for our athletes and very interesting for you sports fans. The tennis team has started the year with some fine performances. The varsity netmen probably benefited more by the school split than any other squad. Of the starting seven positions, six are filled by returning lettermen. I'd like to mention the fine job the frosh-soph squad has been doing. It looks like the Masoncup family is going to be a big factor in tennis for a few years to come. Tennis will be a good sport to watch this season. The netmen should take conference and might puU some surprises out in the district and state meets. The new courts here at South should make meets more enjoyable for spectators and players alike. Golf is off to a .500 start with a two and two record. The conference season has just started, and the team should do well in the Des Plaines Valley League. Competition has been tough for starting berths and should urge the golfers on to maximum performances. . . . Track biggest Track is the biggest spring sport from the standpoint of number of participants. The runners also have a good chance for a conference crown but wiU be met with some rough competition from several other teams, making the final stretch very interesting.
The clndermen suffered a setback Tuesday by Proviso West in a tough meet for their first outdoor setback. Proviso West is one of the teams to beat in the DPVL besides Morton West. In general these two teams, Proviso West and Morton West, are the teams to beat in all sports. And finally we come to the great American pastime, baseball. Rah, rah! The varsity baseball team fared well in the season so far. Their one win, two losses record isn't indicative of their conference chances. The team still has a good chance for a title but must win most or all of their future games. A few more fans will be a big help.
Varsity Tennis Team. Standing: Coach Les Kent, Paul Schuwerk, Jdin Healy, and Jeff Phillips. Front: Harold Masoncup, Jeff Swander, Rick Ricketts, and Bill Osterland.
Willowbrook Drops Hawks; 4 - 2 Loss Hawk's Fourth The Maine South Hawk baseball team was defeated 4 to 2 by the Willowbrook Warriors last Wednesday. This loss brought the Hawk's season record to 3 and 4 and their conference record to 1 and 3. Maine's conference victory was over the East Leyden Eagles, 5 to 2. Rick Kilinski pitched seven innings for the win. Palatine and Niles West defeated the Hawks 3 to 2 and 8 to 1, respectively. Bill Sanders pitched seven innings for South in its game against Willowbrook. He gave up three hits, while junior Bob Carpenter went the distance for the Warriors, surrendered two hits, and struck out nine Maine batters. . . . Error at First The first man up for Willowbrook hit the three-and-two pitch to Dick Bigelow at second base, who threw him out. An error by Bob Holz, first baseman, put the second batter on base, but he stayed there as the next two men flew out to Tom Dewar and Chuck Coad, respectively. Carpenter threw only twelve pitches to the first three Hawks he faced, striking them all out. Heaps led off Willowbrooks'
second inning with a line drive that got past Dewar in left field for a home run. Seven pitches later Sanders had retired the side. After Sanders and Eric Zinsmeister had made out, Dewar reached first base on a walk, and stole second. He remained there as Holz struck out to end the inning. . . . Blank Third Inning Each pitcher set the side down in order in the third inning, but in the Willowbrook fourth, Hogan got to first on Matejzle's error. He was caught in a run down between first and second, but as Sanders rushed to cover first base, which had been left open, Kersten's throw got by him, and Hogan went to second. Two fly outs later, Kersten hobbled Carlson's grounder, allowing him to reach first base, Hogan unable to advance. The inning ended with Carpenter's fly out to Dave Strom. . . . Coad Reaches Second Matejzel's bunt opening the fourth was picked up by the third baseman who threw him out. Coad reached second base on a throwing error. Sanders and Zinsmeister made the last two outs leaving him on second.
Cindermen Running W e l l The varsity track team wUl compete in the fifth annual Maine East relays tonight at 6 p.m. Included in the eightteam field are Maine West and Maine East and state contenders Evanston and New Trier. The Hawks are off to a running start in the outdoor season having won their first two meets easily. The victims include West Leyden 72 to 46 and Morton West 73 to 45. Despite the absence of many athletes away on vacation, the Hawks had no difficulty defeating West Leyden on April 13. Leading the way for the cindermen was Jim Brandon, who captured three firsts. Brandon was victorious in the broad jump, 100-yd. dash, and 220-yd. dash. Ed Ward, junior, and Bob Cycon senior, both took
two firsts as Ward won both the high and low hurdles. Cycon Hon the shot put and discus. Also capturing firsts in the meet for Maine South were Rawls Williams in the high jump and Jim Spotts in the quarter mile. Last week the Hawks met powerful Morton West but won handily as the Morton West squad was somewhat thinned by vacationing members. Larry Kelly scored the only double win for the Hawks, as he won in both the quarter mile and half mile. Doug Macomber defeated national indoor record-holder Ed Halik in the pole vault with a fine performance. Also finishing in first place were Bob Cycon in the discus; Ed Ward
in the low hurdles; Jim Brandon in the broad jump; and Bob Benedict, sophomore; in the mUe. The 880-yd. relay of Marty Johnson, Jim Brandon, Tom Frost, and Doug Macomber, and the mile relay of Phil McCuUough, Larry Ayres, George Cantonis, and Jim Spotts also finished in number-one positions. The Hawks were scheduled to compete in the Spartan Relays at Glenbrook North last Friday night, but the meet was postponed due to bad weather. The meet has been rescheduled for Friday, May 28. A week from tomorrow the Hawks will travel to Evanston to compete in the all-important state-qualifying district meet.
An error by Kersten put Holing on base. He stole second and went to third on Ogilvie's ground out to Bigelow. Sanders struck out the lead off hitter, Ryan, and got the next man to fly out to Kersten. Carpenter retired the Hawks in order in their half of the fifth inning, and in the Warrior sixth a man got as far as second base before Sanders struck out Carlson to end the inning. . . . Strom Singles Strom slapped Carpenter's second pitch of the sixth inning into center field for a single, the Hawk's first hit. Bigelow laid down a sacrifice bunt which advanced him to second base, and he took third when no one covered it on the bunt. Strom scored on a wild pitch to Matejzel, tieing the game 1 to 1. Matejzel struck out and Coad grounded out to end the inning. Carpenter walked and took second on a wUd pitch to open the Warrior seventh. The next man reached first on an error that moved Carpenter to third, and the man on first stole second . . . Ogilvie Tritdes Ogilvie followed with a triple into right field scoring both runners. Ryan singled scoring Ogilvie, and was forced at second on Tiberio's ground ball. Hogan hit into a Kersten to Bigelow to Holz double play to end the inning. Sanders and Yrigoyen walked, between w h i c h Zinsmeister struck out. A single to left field by Holz scored Sanders, but the left fielder caught Yrigoyen off second base with his throw there. Kersten struck out to end tlie 4 to 2 game. The Hawks play Niles West at Niles today at 4:30.
Delta Kappa Holds Tea May 2 at RB Future Teachers of America will be honored at a tea at Riverside-Brookfield High Schotd Sunday, May 2, at 3 p.m. The tea will be given by Delta Kappa Ganuna, the international honor society for women teachers.