Vol 20 issue 14

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r Southwards Senior Special ) A I

Vol. 20, NO. 14

Maine South High School, Park Ridge, IL

May 31, 1984


Class of '84 marches to honors

Outstanding seniors of the Class of '84 were honored May 24 at the twentieth annual wards night in the Clyde K. Watson auditorium. Included in the program were the presentation of scholarships. Good Will awards. Athlete of the Year and thirteen department awards. Students earning department awards were: Art.Evelyn Petruleas; Business Education, Kathlene Kay; English.Christina Carmody, Home Economics.Julie A. Holt; Language, Julie Thorburn; Industrial Education, Nicholas Bianco; Mathematics, Joseph Dumit; Music, Beth Ann Karabin;Boys' Physical Education, Scott Mihigan; Girls' Physical Education, Paula Rue; Science, Peter Silkowski; Social Science, Mark Filip and Speech/Drama, Christopher Kraco. National Merit Scholarships were presented to: Vince Fleming, Rice University Merit; Debra Cantlon, J. C. Penney; Sarah Kohlmeyer, Alleghany College Merit; Joseph Dumit, American Hospital Supply Corp. Foundation and Lisa Canar, Payne Founda^ t i o n a l Special Scholarship. ^ B Matt Kuffel was presented with the M-Club ^ ^ ^ J i m McGlade Memorial Award as Athlete of the Year. Diane Lee was named the outstanding girl athlete of the year. Her award was presented by Miss Kathryn Pierce, department chairwoman. Other scholarships presented at the program were: University of Illinois Athletic Scholarship, John Walewander; Northwestern University Athletic Scholarship, Mike Baum; Cornell College Willima Fletcher King Scholarship, Alicia Risner; Vanderbilt University Athletic Scholarship, Julie Pence; Western Illinois Athletic Scholarship, Mark Wachendorf.

DEPARTMENT AWARD Art Evelyn Petruleas

Special scholarships were:Valparaiso University Presidential Scholarship, Amy Albright; Wheaton College President's Award, Lizabeth Altobelli; Taylor University President's Scholarship, Joanne Mayne; Augustana Alumni Scholarship, Leo Karris. Univeristy of Iowa Music Activities Scholar-

ship, Scott Devlin; DePaul University Stanley Scholarship, John Kantor; Illinois Institute of Technology School of Business Honors Scholarship, Daniel Wallace; Illinois General Assembly Scholarhip, Carol White; Drake University Music Scholarship, Gretchen

...continued on page 2

Class '84 Senior Superlatives Best Eyes Best Smile Best Laugh Best Walk Best Legs Best Body Most Masculine/Feminine Most Likely to Succeed Most Likely to be Remembered Joe/Josephine Cool Mr. and Ms. Brain Biggest Jock Preppiest Class Couple Fastest Mover Best Party Giver Best Party Goer Person You'd Most Like to be Stranded on a Desert Island With Best Musician Most Changed Biggest Gossip Best Personality Most Mature Biggest Apple Shiner

DEPARTMENT AWARDS Business Education Kathy Kay

Frank Furio Dave Olson George Ruzzier Jim Flannery Matt Kuffel Mike Costantini Mike Costantini Mark Filip Mark Filip Frank Furio Joe Dumit Marc Mazzeri Steve Langdon George Ruzzier Jeff Nelson Mike Baum Dave Olson

Kristin Waltz Anne Sebastian Sue Summerfield Beth Murray Carolyn Bachmeier Nancy Fisher Claudine Assaf Monica Malec Beth Karabin Mary Simms Julie Seidel Diane Lee Sasha Pisarski Tracy DeGrazia Lainie Panagakis Irene Smolenski Ginger Whalen

Jon Turnquest Scott Devlin Joe Lemersal John Ventrella Matt Kuffel Jon Turnquest Joe Lemersal

Nancy Bower Kelley Gay Margaret Nesbit Lisa Krug Trish Guidi Kim Mitchell Paula Fischer

...continued on page 2

DEPARTMENT AWARD English Cris Carmody

DEPARTMENT AWARD Home Economics Julie Holt

Department honors musicians The Music Department named its outstanding performers for 1984 at an awards ceremony May 15. The National School Orchestra Awards was presented to Lisa Canar. Mr. Irwin Bell made the presentation. Julie Seidel received the John Philip Sousa Award for band. The award was presented by Mr. Gordon McLean. The National School Choral Award was presented to Robert Vinopal by Mr. Irwin Bell. Sousa Award National Choral The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award went to Julie Seidel Rob Vinopal Scott Devlin. It was presented by Mr. McLean. Arion Awards for performance in choral groups went to Beth Ann Karabin and Jefe Arion Awards for Band were presented to Blume. Kelley Gay and James Heitzman.

Jazz Award Scott Devlin

National Orchestra Lisa Canar

Arion Awards for orchestra were given to Dawn Zilligen.

...Honors program recognizes Seniors ...continued from page 1 Boules; Drake University Musical Theatre Scholarship, Beth Ann Karabin. Triton College Trustees Honor Scholarship, Lillian Apida; Jobs Daughters Scholarship, Sally Schaetzlein; Ladies of the Elks Medical Careers Scholarship, Paula Rue and Luthern General Hospital Service League Health Careers Scholarship, Bonnie Leshuk. Sons of the American Revolution lUionis Society Award was presented to Mark Filip. Mrs. Barrie Shinn of the 21st Chapter of the National Scoiety presented the Daughters of the American Revolution Award to Stephanie Hale. Carolyn Bachmeier, Evelyn Petruleas and Jonathan Turnquest were given awards by the Park Ridge Art League. Mrs. Bette Kash was the presenter. Panhellinic Club Scholarships were presented by Mrs. Sue Jacobs to Lizbeth Altobelli, Roberta Beckman and Kathy Humm. Beth Ann Karabin received the Esther Hawkins Scholarship of the Park Ridge

DEPARTIVIENT AWARD Industrial Education Nicholas Bianco page 2

Chorelle from Mrs. Coramae Stenstrom. Mr. William Wuehrmann presented Pip Foundation Scholarships to Brigid McKitrick and Dale Peck. Roberta Beckman, Stephanie Hale, Kathy Humm and Anne Sebastian were named as

Student Council Scholarship winners. Mrs. Lewis W. O'Donnell presented the Park Ridge Rotary Vocational Scholarship to Maria E. Steen. Mrs. Maryellen Waters, chairman of the ...continued on page 3

Class of '84 Senior Superlatives ...continued from page 1 Best Dressed Hardest to get a Date with Easiest to get a Date with Qass Clown Most Radical Most Conservative Most Liberal Biggest Rah-Rah Most Gullible Biggest Sponge Most Sarcastic Most Likely to Change by Ten-year Reunion

DEPARTiWENT AWARD Language Julie Thorbum

Mike Costantini Craig DeVelasco John Johnson John Gust Teak Barton John King Mark Filip Scott Devlin John Ventrella Tom Bourke Jim Slattery

Gretchen Boules Maggie James Lainie Panagakis Ginger Whalen Dianne Slazas Kathy Humm Sasha Pisarski Stephanie Hale Heidi Scheutze Julie Pence Judi Franz

Brooke Lester

Margaret Nesbit

DEPARTMENT AWARD Mathematics Joe Dumit

DEPARTMENT AWARD Music Beth Ann Karabin

Social Science honors best scholars The Honors Award program for the Social Science department was May 9, I Mark Filip, 1983 Peggy Ross Best American ' History Scholar, was a guest speaker; Duane MelUema, Paula Fischer and Kathy Humm also made presentation on Boys' State and Washington Workshop. Students receiving High Honors in European History and Government were; Ami Albright, Louise Bems, Debra Cantlon, Joseph Dumit, Vincent Fleming, Peter Regas and Peter Silkowski. Mr. Patton Feichter presented a special service award to senior Paula Fischer. Junior Tassie McLennan was named the 1984 Peggy Ross Best American History Scholar, and Michael Murphy was named the winner of the Social Science Constitution Contest. Juniors receiving High Honors in United States History were: Elizabeth Cicinelli, Diane Ebner, Kris Falzone, Heather Francis, Heidi Groh, David Inserra, Douglas Johnson, Mary Jo Kinsella, Maureen McCormick and Tassie McLennan. Freshmen and sophomores receiving high honors are: Suzanne Coleman, Colin Cunningham, Julie Filip, Jill Sindt, Susan Szalcynski and Maria Todas. Freshmen and sophomores receiving honors are: Karen Barberio, Palriia Brandl, Christine

. . .Honors Night

Doss, Paul Fonte, Gary Francis, Waybe Coble, Lisa Hennessy, Charles Kennedy, Geraldine Kinsella, Richard Kozik, James KoUross, Joseph Mazukelli, Kristen Pettersen, Tom Rakowski, Hyoin Shin, Darrell Spicer, Julie Thein, Milka Todorovic and Kenneth Zaleski. Juniors winning honors in U.S. History are: Ted Adams, John Albanese, Bonnie An, Tim Anton, Tony Berka, Sharon Carlson, Dan Cieslik, John Ciprian, Lisa Dingillo, Michael Dorneich, Mary Fanchi, Tom Flynn, Tom Fox, Patty Funk, Al Galus, Linda Gillick, Dylan Hedrick, Chris Halloway, Kerry James; Laura Kashul, Sam Kitchell, Kathryn Kohl, Mark Konrad, Karen Krajcir, Leslie Kriesel, Christopher Kurczaba, Michelle Kuta, Christine Lalik, Dan Lamken, Sarah Langdon, Courtney Madsen, Melissa Mau, Dan McCarrell, Michelle Modica, Nina Molick, Sue Nesbit, Scott Niswander, Jennifer Nowak, Mark Olexy; Matthew Par, Gregory Pelzer, Cathy Philbin, Rose Mary Pietrzak, Barb Raidl, Peter Repak, Shirlee Sellegren, Christopher Sinnappan, Amy Steffen, Steve Steffens, Geri Sullivan, Erik Thorson, Matt Uhlig, Barb Viehman, Karyn Walack, Sharon Waniuk, Tim Zahr and Jill Zajac. Seniors winning honors are: Karen

...continued from page 2

' Career Education Advisory Committee, presented at Home Economics Sub-committee Scholarship to Lisa Schawk. Twentieth Century Juniors Foundation Scholarships were presented to Roberta Beckman, George Brohlin, Thomas DonzeUi, Suzanne Egan and Daniel Gayford. Mr. Mike Ulshijima of the Maine South Adult Players presented a Fine Arts Scholarship to Scott Devlin. Maine South Business Club Scholarships were given to Sonia Chartouni, Elizabeth Condon and Sally Schaetzlein Delta Kappa Gamma Tota Chapter Scholar-

ship was given to Catherine Ramel. John J. King received a United States Naval Academy appointment from Captain Frank G. Stokes, USNR. Paul Carlborg received a United States Navy ROTC Scholarship presented by Petty Officer Sheila Dowling.

WiUs...Wills... [, Michael Hennessy, bein fo greedy, possessive mind and materialistic body, leave nothing to no one, because I'm taking it all with me.

Andersen, Carolyn Bachmeier, Julie Barsellotti. Teak Barton, Mike Baum, Dana Blouin, Robert Borz, Kristin Burud, Nanci Calamari, Lisa Canar, Cristina Carmody, James Chidester, Mayann Chlipala, Corinne Coltman, Pam Darlington, Tracy DeGrazia, Tom Donzelli, Suzanne Egan; Jill Farrell, Mark Filip, Paula Fischer, Nancy Fulhorst, Kim Ganko, Stephanie Hale, William Hallihan, Deborah Hazlett, Kathleen Helin, Michael Hennessy, Scott Heurich, Karin Hickey, David Hosier, Kathryn Humm, Wendi Hummel, Stephanie lovino, John Johnson, Pam Kakos, John Kantor, Lauren Kavanaugh, Dan Kemmler, John King, Felecia Kotowsky, Suzanne Kozak, Mark Koziol, Paul Krackhardt; Michael Lane, Lisa Lehman, John Leonard, Sophia Leongas, Bonnie Leshuk, Collette Loll, Lisa Lusco, Monica Malec, Scott Martin, Mike Minasian, Michael Murphy, Linda Myers, David Olson, Lisa Par, Paula Piepho, Jon Poklop, Katharina Prohaska; Catherine Ramel, David Richards, James Richardson, Alicia Risner, Elizabeth Roch, Paula Rue, Sally Schaetzlein, Elizabeth Seamen, Anne Sebastian, Julie Seidel, Cyndi Smith, Tim Soper, Lisa Stachon, James Sterba, Susan Summerfield, Nan Webster, Cathy Woytowicz, Kathie Yoo.

Wills... Wills... I, Big Mooski, leave behind everything and anything that Little Mooski can take.. .swim suit, googles, cap, walkovers, kips, ballet legs (you can't have my verticle with the kick, that's mine). Bring some ice to Govt, class next year, you'll need it to stay awake! Be good next year and behave...because I said so! I, Laura Starzec, leave: to Paul Walker, a year's supply of No-Doz for math; to Michelle Sebastian, I leave Uncle Milty; to Mary Ruth Pagone, I leave two years' worth of typing paper and correctype; to Pete, I leave the movie "Eatin Raoul." 1, Andy Rubino, leave my gym suit to the P.E. department—it hasn't been washed all year.

^^^^^^^HBt DEPARTMENT AWARD Girls' Physical Education Paula Rue

S^^HBHH DEPARTMENT AWARD Science Peter Silkowski

DEPARTMENT AWARD Social Sciences Mark Filip

DEPARTMENT AWARD Boys' Physical Education Scott Mihigan page 3

Industrial Ed. presents department awards The Industrial Education Department honored its outstanding students on Monday, May 14. Teachers of the department presented 86 total awards. Four students— Salvatore Torina, Tom Nowotarski, Dan Lurie and Kris Kaplan—received multiple certificates. Students receiving awards in Automotive Fundamentals were: Jeffrey Allen, Dennis Delia, Todd Inouye, Daniel Lamken, Patrick McArdle, James Okulanis, Kristine Rominski, Michael Ryan, Michael Sarno, Michael Slattery, Mitchell Sosnowski, Salvatore Torina and Daniel Wallace. Students receiving awards in Automotive Service were: Michael Cavanaugh, Renato DiFonzo, Duane Mellema and Andy Rubino. Cooperative Work Training classes presented awards to John Bock, Leanne Murray and James Parra. Architectural Drawing II awards were presented to: Stephen Dickerhofe, John Folan, Peter Kurpiewski, Carmen Taglia, Mark Wachendorf and Robert Zajac. In Architectural Drawing III awards went to Dale Peck, Eric Schmeisser and Steven Steffens. In Architectural Drawing IV David Meute won an award. Mechanical Drawing awards were presented to Elizabeth DuSold, Andrew Dzulynsky, Steven Hwang, Eric Johanson, Mark Johnson, Kris Kaplan, Brigid McKitrick, Thomas Mech, Klay Schmeisser, Steven Shewfelt and Joel Waltz. Electronics awards were presented to Robert Andersen, Roderick Berthold, Sang Cho, Williamn Donzelli, Kris Kaplan, George Shapkarov and Mark Trimarco. In Electronics II, to Mark Hanse, and Donald Wright Advanced Electronics: Nicholas Bianco and Robert Jacobs. Machine Shop I awards went to Nicholas Chacons, Neil Hauser, Charles Huettinger, Michael Kane, Daniel Lurie, Anthony Metz , Christopher Petrick and Salvatore Torina.

DEPARTMENT AWARD Speech/Drama Kris Kraco page 4

In Machine Shop II award winners were: Eric Hauser, Ken Kittredge and Thomas Nowotarski. Advanced Machine Shop winners were: Phil Armato and Frank Tortorella. In Woods classes awards were: Woods I: Vince Avallone, Reimondo DiFonzo, Brian Fortney, Minh Johnson, Daniel Lurie and Thomas Nowotarski. In Woods II: Steven Brumm, Mark Groble, Roger Gunderson, Timothy Gustavson, Mike

MuUan, Anthony Sparacino, Robert Tomczak and Paul Zervos. ^ ^ In Advanced Woods: Torre Anderson, B 1 Gregory Brumm, Paul Ehlert, Kenneth Haller, Robin Himley, Paul Podraza and Mark Smith. After the awards presentations, parents and family had the opportunity to talk with staff members and visit the industrial education facilities. A reception with refreshments was held in V-117 along with a display of student's individual projects.

Language department presents awards Foriegn language award winners were recently announced. Students winning awards in Spanish are: Helen Athans, Elizabeth Auer, Karen Barberio, Jennifer Bers, Louise Berns, Anna Caithamer, John Callahan, Michelle Canar, Paul Carlborg, Dave Cho, Jane Choi, Jeanhee Choi, Kathleen Christensen, Carol Cimms, Chris Clark, Marshall Collins, Pam Collins, Angle Contos, Nancy Cox; Karen Davlin, Theresa DeSalvo, Franco Dooley, Michelle Drzewicki, Diane Ebner, Christine Ferraro, Mark Filip, Lisa Frantsue, Beth Gemmel, Rich Gentile, Jose Gonzolez, Sara Honcharuk, Jeanmarie Jacobs, Kerry James, Pam Kakos, James Kallas, Anna Klimek, Paul Krause; Milly Lachiw, Brian Lee, Monica Malec, Sheila Malec, Maureen McCormick, Mark Nakagawa, Margaret Nesbit, Petra Neumann, Jennifer Nickele, Kerri Owens, Sharon Pankus, Cathy Philbin, Cathy Ramel, Jennifer Richter, Frank Ibarra, Maria Schneider, Lisa Shea, Hyun Shin, Pete Silkowski, Joseph Sorquist. Amy Steffen; Julie Thorburn, Cristina Todas, Adelina Tseng, Emily Tseng, Lisa Warder. Winners in French include: Nadia Accet-

tulli, Claudine Assaf, Mike Baum, Cheryl Bott, Nancy Bower, Julie Bower, Frank Calabrese, Soo Chae, Suzanne Coleman, Lisa Conn, Dimitra DeFotis, Mary Fanchi, Rochelle Fran, Heather Francis, Mark Fritz; Kathryn Heudepohl, Kathryn Humm, Krys Kazmierczak, Leslie Kriesel, Courtney Madsen, Beth Maloney, Tassie McLennan, Michelle Michalshi, Fran Moore, Linda Myers, Sasha Pisarski, Mark Rhee, Liz Roch, Laura Stensland, Leslie Stentz, Sharon Thomas, Lora Twar, Julie Wilkhaber, Lisa Williams and Tim Zahr. Latin award winners are: Elizabeth Cicinelli, Matt Cozzi, Franco Dooley, Joe Filkins, Cathy Flynn, Paul Fonte, Chris Frank, Michelle Joesten, Geraldine Kinsella, Karen Krajcir, Neil Pankus, Mark Parisi, Lauren Pelzer, Eva Rossier, Brian Scerba, Monika Schwesig, Jill Sindt and Laura Winkler. Italian students receiving awards are: Madia Accettulli, Colleen Aloisio, Krista Amnetti, Vincenzo Avallone, Anthony D'Astice, Antonia LaTragna, Dina Lusco and Vita Oliveri. Students winning awards in German are: Karen Frank, Peter Krause, Elizabeth Maier, Greg Pelzer, Elizabeth Pintz, Katharina Prohaska and Julie Stolle.

^ ^ fln

Science students recognized for 1984 achievement Science department award winners were recently announced. Winning the Bausch and Lomb Award was Joe Dumit, while Julie Seidel won the National Science Teachers Association and Illinois Science Teachers Association Award, and Elizabeth Cincinelli won the Rensselaer Medal. Mr. Lee Andersen presented science awards to Patricia Black and Geno Briglio, Earth Science; and Jim Kallas, Physical Science . Miss Barbara Bobrich presented awards to Jenny Bers, Suzanne Coleman, Vincent Conner, Michael Kotowsky, Gwynn Lockwood, Beth Maloney, and Adelina Tseng, Biology I, Accelerated. Mr. David Clark presented awards to Ami Albright, Dan Kemmler, and Beth Lunde, Biology II AP; Bob Andersen, Brian Fortney, and Tom Rakowsky, Physical Science. Winning awards from Mr. George Green were Mike Baum, Neil Deichmann, David Krischke, Tom Schultz, and Emily Tseng, Chemistry 1. Winning awards from Mr. Joe Pellettieri

for Biology I were Brett Gobeyn, Glenn Stavnem, and Norm Walack. Mr, Jerrol Windbigler gave awards to Elizabeth Cincinelli, Mark Fritz, Doug Johnson, and Greg Pelzer for Physics, Accelerated. Mr. Lane Andersen presented awards to Joe Ebner, Physical Science; Lugwig Hermann, Bonnie Leshuck, and Nan Webster, Physics. Pamela Juckett, Jeanne Maier, Karen Smorowski, and Ann Walsh received awards from Mr. Donald Braum for Biology I. Mr. Robert Cook presented awards to Mark Parisi, Chemistry I; Lisa Conn and Beri Lindgren, Chemistry I, Accelerated; and Joe Dumit, Julie Seidel, and Peter Silkowski, Chemistry II AP. Liz Bechtel, Steve Brumm, Brad Carmody, John Folan, and Lisa Frantsve received awards from Mr. Les Kent for Biology 1. Mr. George Twardy presented awards to Jennifer Nickele, Elizabeth Verbrugghe, and Jennifer Woll, Biology I; and Dwight Winkowski, Biology I, Frosh.

^ ^

The films the Oscars ignored by Tom Duffy All too often, controversial films and the » , people involved with them are not given the credit they deserve because of unusual subject matter or sexual content. The following are a few people and their films which will never be given the credit they deserve. These are the types of films that the Academy Awards will forever overlook. Best Director: James L. Brooks won this title at the Oscars for his popular comedy/drama Terms of Endearment, but the award really belongs to the creator of Liquid Sky, Slava Tsukerman. This Russian-born man went through hell to make his movie. He spent five years and every dime in his pockets to create what he calls the movie he's been waiting to see. Liquid Sky delt with aliens and the acquired taste of human sexuality, and because of this story Hne, the Academy refused to recognize Tsukerman's outstanding efforts. Best Picture: Terms of Endearment also got this one, but the true masterwork of the year is Bob Fosse's Star 80, the digusting story of Playboy centerfold Dorothy Strattedn and the man obsessed with her, Paul Schneider. Bob Fosse's masterful talents as a director shined through in his telling of the story, and he spared his audience nothing. Because of this fine direction. Star 80 held the audience in its hand and made them sickened by its characters and digusted at Dorothy's rape and murder in Ithe final scenes. On every level (writing, editing, cinematography and direction). Star 80 is a masterpiece, and a crime to overlook. Again, the Academy couldn't handle a harsh, depressing film. Star 80, just as Terms of Endearment, struck a nerve which everyone has; it was just a different nerve—the one no one likes to talk about. Best Actor: Robert Duvall captured this one for his low-keyed performance in Tender Mercies, and he deserves all the recognition he

received. However, the man who earned the title of Best Actor in 1983 was Eric Roberts for his ugly portrayal of Paul Schneider in Star 80. Paul Schneider, in reality, was a self-righteous jerk, and that's what Roberts convinced his audience of. The audience hated him, yet towards the end of the film, when the audience finally sees the pain in this man's obsession with Playboy centerfold Dorothy Straiten, they sympathize with him, because Roberts portrayed a trait in every man, and the audience soon found itself feelin sorry for the man they hate. Then, there are thefilmsthat destroy any art left in film making... The Outsiders: Francis Ford Coppola's ridiculous adaptation of the S.E. Hinton novel. Return of the Jedi: George Lucas' unforgivably bad Star Wars entry. Slop. Psycho II: Anthony Perkins recreated his role for this rancid garbage as the innocentlooking Norman Bates, who kills people in the name of his mother. This, however, plays more Uke a silly comedy than a suspense thriller. Cujo: Disgusting adaptation of Stephen King's novel, which I never read. Christine: another Stephen King adaptation. Jaws 3-D: Another sequel, insulting to the pockets of people who saw it. Friday the I3th—3-D: This, the third entry in the disgustingly poor series, is probably the most boring movie ever made. Amityville 3-D: Of course. Scarface: Brian DePalma's joke of a movie has Al Pacino painfully overacting in the title role. Superman III: I never really liked any of these Superman movies, but this was by far the worst. The Man Who Wasn 't There (in 3-D): the movie that wasn't there. Educating Rita: ridiculous slop starring the

very talented Michael Caine and the very untalented Julie Walters, who was nominated for Best Actress for reasons that escape me. Zelig: another in a series of Woody Allen bombs. This time he had a great idea, but he overdid it when the script was written. Porky's II: The Next Day: Bob Clark's typical, unimaginative teenage sex comedy, sequel to the equally bad Porky's.

Wills...Wills... I, Sasha "Sushi" Pisarski, leave, and send along, the following to those who deserve it: to Kim, Moussy and the Chief-ship of the Indiana Daily Student; to Kris, good luck even though it's not "a real newspaper;" to Mo, a scorecard for parties so we can compare notes and control of the embezzlement fund; to Valle, the hope that you aren't as neurotic a senior as I was; to Kath, "The Best of Dear Abby," in case you don't have ALL the answers at Saint Mary's; to Liz, turtlenecks, of course, and the hope that you get everything you want this summer; to Lisa, loads of giggles and that chocolate shake I owe you; to Tom, my neck, since you enjoy it so much; to Mr. Hall, a copy of "Winning Through Intimidation" and an editor that's more fun to pick on; to Mrs. Markus, a motivated class, maybe of deaf-mutes (to keep the decibel level down); to Mr. Beatty, thanks for sticking by me through every crisis we'd ever imagined—and some more besides! And finally, to Fishi, a Superdawg with cheese, a dictionary, a rain check for Dave and Joe (next spring?), the hope that your twin isn't in your throat and, of course, yeast. Thanks, kid, you're a dude. And to everyone else—don't call me, I'll call you.

Commentary Editor on mysteries of collegeIf you've looked at the center spread of this issue, you may have Today, there are many options for high school graduates attending noticed the overwhelming number of students staying in Illinois for college. It seems like the number of students receiving scholarships college. This year more graduates are attending trade schools or get- has increased. Students are accepting scholarships at smaller colleges ting jobs after graduation. An increase in military-bound students, as instead of paying higher costs at larger colleges or universities. well as people going to Oakton is present. Another problem this year is thatthat many seniors did not get acThe main reason for this change is today's economy. Most cepted into their first, or even second, college choice. The reasons students are feeling the crunch of the economy right here at home. In vary tremendously, but many students in the top of the class are finyears past Maine South students were more sheltered than other high ding that they do not have activities to add to their long list of good school students. Due to the increases in college tuition, students and grades. A college or university is looking for a well-rounded person, their parents are finding it difficult to pay for their education. Many someone who participates in activities, such as sports, music or comgraduates instead opt to attend a community college like Oakton, so munity functions. they can work and go to college at the same time. People also attend It's never too early to start looking at and thinking about after a junior college because they may not be ready to leave home for graduation. If you plan on attending college, start looking at difschool, or they haven't made a decision as to what their plans or ferent schools so that you can compare them and, also, so you can decide which will suit you the best. When you finally decide, make goals are as of yet. The number of Maine South graduates attending the University of sure it is ,voMr decision, and not the decision of others. Take into acIllinois has always been a high number, but this year the number has count your parents' views, especially if they are helping you pay for decreased slightly, partly because the tuition at U of 1 has been going college, but remember that it is you will be attending college, not up for the past couple of years and the prediction is that the increases them. Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you will be happy will not stop in the near future. Commentarj Editor .' « ^ — — — — — — ^ — — ' ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Kim Wochinski, page 5

Art students receive awards The Art Department Awards program was Tues., May 8. Art Instructor Kermit Lindberg presented awards to Art 3 students Carolyn Bachmeier, Lisa Bergman, Amy Black, Michele James, Leslie Kriesel, Alison Krischke, Elizabeth Lekan, Valle Newman, Laura Proskin, Barb Raidl; Art 4: Craig DeVelasco, Katrina Grabowski, Dean Pajevic, Evelyn Petruleas, Jon Turnquest; Design for Materials: Andrew Alt, Geno Briglio, Kelly Connor, Julie Schneidwind, Robert Sellegren. Mr. Richard Mastrolonadro presented awards to Art 1 students Ann Arent, Julianne Ewry, Anne Hosier, Sarah Kohlmeyer, Christine Muscarello, Erik Sagerstrom, Cynthia Smith, Brendan Waters, Sheila Wixted, Dawn Zilligen; Art 2: Ellen Albanese, Colleen Aloisio, Nancie Behnke, Michael Cavanaugh,

Nancy Cox, Maria Dvorak, Andrea Marty, Juyon Hur, Megan Keefe, Anthony Sweeney. Mr. Joseph Stilp awarded Art 2 students Caralyn Anderson, Lori Dereczynski, Diane Ebner, Cathy Flynn, Doug Irvine, Angie Kontos, Lori Larsen, Sophie Leongas, Lisa Michniuk, Robert Sellergren, Steve Slaughter; Photo 1: Michael Brosnan, Alison Krischke, Edward Kulach, Dina Lusco, Dawn Penning, Kurt Sellers, Dan Terpstra; Design for Materials: Tom Liacone, Denise Watson. Mr. John Wood presented awards to Photo 1 students Marge Arbeit, Steve Baab, Darren Bochat, Todd Clark, Anthony LoSasso, Beth Maloney, Heidi Neumann, Christa Oswald, Kerri Owens, Barbara Presti, Valerie Romund, Julie Thein, William Theisen, Joel Waltz, Heather Watson; Photo 2: Andrew Alt, Thomas Fox, Richard Kaye, Stephen

Wills...Wills...Wills...Wiils... I, Mary Cox, being of relieved mind and weary body, will: to my sister Nancy, all of my tests an themes, but try to do better than me! Plus, I will you full use of the car, until I come back from school. To my incoming freshman brother John, I leave you four long...long...long years of high school! To Mrs. Beyer, I will you a future of fun and plane tickets to Minnesota and Lousiana. To Mrs Pinelli, I will you two more fifth and sixth period bookstore helpers. To Liz, I will a trip to Depauw to see Pam, your brother and Sue. Finally, to Trish, Ginger, Kris and Irene, I will us another trip to Fort Lauderdale! I, Katrina Louise Grabowski, being of muscled mind and body, leave the following: to the Dude I leave my Italiam erge; to Baby, all my moves; to Jeff, my roller skates and my

bee bee gun; to Julie, memories of a lost cause; to Steve and Rick, my collection of Muscle and Fitness; to John Gunther, a punch in the face; to Kevin, Wendy to tease; to Karen, my Beach Boys Greatest Hits and a bruised bicep; to Scott, a rat tail weh and my little book on how to lift weights; to Matt, the world's smallest Speedo; to Liz, deine Beste Jahre in Deutsch; to Beth, an hour long lunch period; to Michelle, my red Pugeot. I, Matt Kuffel, depart the following: to JD, I leave the captain ban whose responsibility means a great deal to all. Also, the only person who knows where my bandana remains lie. "Flammers Forever!" To Vi, a brand new joke book; to Doug, a copy of every picture I've ever had in the paper; to Laura, I will always care about you! Thanks Hawks!!

Langdon, Susan Stuart, Catherine White. Winners in the Gillick Photography Contest were: Todd Clark, Barb Presti, Tom Fox, Marge Arbeit, Richard Kaye, Steve Langdon, Steve Baab, Matt Kluchenek, Heidi Neumann and Gary Pfister. Winners in the Park Ridge Art League Scholarship contests are: Jon Turnquest, Evelyn Petruleas, Carolyn Bachmeier, Tom Duffy and Lisa Michniuk.

Wills...Wills I, Kim Wochinski, do hereby bequeath the following: to my best friend, Emily, I leave you with fond memories of Southfork, our 3:00 a.m. wake-up call during spring break, building columns in the living room, watching movies (don't forget your party noise-makers!), stories about vaccuum cleaners at 6:00 a.m., and the unforgetable "Don't forget to get your cat uterized." To Trish M. I leave new car-walking shoes, more closet movies with refreshments, and a gift certificate to AM-PM. To Sasha, I leave you with memories of frantically typing in last-minute stories on the computer and then driving over to East, Moussy Ale, and all the "f words" we've had to say during deadlines and pasteups. To Next year's Commentary Editor, 1 leave my list of story ideas (joke), a big bottle of aspirin, and a new staff that will (hopefully) get their stories in on time. To Gordy, I thank you for all the help you've given me—I couldn't have gotten through without you. And, finally, to everyone on Southwards—keep up the good work, hope next year you are able to get every issue out on time (Ha!) Good luck, Kris. Thanks everyone for everything.

Editor, lookin' back, goin' on, complainin'... There are so many things I want to say, but I don't think they'll sound right. I'll try anyway... The set-up of the regular level English classes leaves mucho to be desired. The upperclassmen classes are too specialized, with either a semester of reading or a semester of writing. As a result, students lose touch with a basic sense of grammatical proficiency (good words, huh). If regular classes could be set up more like the accelerated program, with a combination of literature and mechanics, above-average students probably wouldn't leave Maine South feeling "cheated." Why do some teachers insist on sacrificing originaUty in thought for a common writing style? The best English teacher I ever had taught me that it's what is written that matters more than how it is written. The teachers who read themes sentence-by-sentence, searching for misplaced modifiers and "w.c."s are wasting their time and often miss the point of a paper. Sure, a Warriner's is a handy little book, for things like propping a window open, but that doesn't mean it has to be the Bible of the English department. I leel so lucky to have been involved in activities in this page 6

school. I almost feel Uke I learned more outside of class than in. The best part of the extracurricular system at South is the student involvement. Students actually run most of the activities at South, like the paper, yearbook and productions. The "Editor-in-Chief or "Student Director" is not just a stooge for the sponsor, but gets on-the-spot leadership experience. This sometimes means the student gets the heat from administrators and other students, but this is an enlightening experience, one that too few students get in Maine South's cocoon-like atmosphere. I commend and thank the facuhy for having the good judgment in running their activities. I shouldn't complain. My four years at South have been great. I've met some great...interesting at least...people, had some good times, and learned something too. What a concept. I'll miss this place. I'm glad to be leaving, expanding my horizons, as it were, but it'll be weird. The Class of '84—a bunch of sarcastic, obnoxious kids. I couldn't have asked for better friends. Sasha Pisarski. Editor-in-Chief 1983-84^

Tunes: Best of the Class of '84 by John Johnson ^ High school would have been a complete hassle without music. Music is really appreciated, especiallly when talking to someone who has nothing to say. Imagine talking to Mark Filip, our beloved Student Council President, during a pleasant get-together without something to keep your mind off what he is saying. Plus, music saves many people without anything to say or who do not want to say much. Besides an escape, music can set a mood or atmosphere. A toga is just not complete without Otis Day and the Nights turned up loud. A good 60s bash means no Boy George, while a "gay-teeny-bopper" gathering means no Jimmi Hendrix. But with all moods and atmospheres, music carries the special quality of much-needed pleasure. With all this in mind, I put together a list of the most-played gourps throughout the fouryear stay of the Class of '84. If they're different from your picks, don't bug me—it's just my opinion. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young: This group made the list because its followers would bug me about the absence of their listing. Rob Vinopal and associates would inform me for weeks of my poor decisions and worthless listening habits. I would much rather mention CSNY and be done with it. If you are unaccustommed with CSNY. they are played at \ "cynical parties" where people ten to disagree with most conclusions of modem-day man. Plus, an acoustic guitar is needed to get in. Pink Floyd: This extremely talented eccentric group has not problem making the list. Floyd has give us such works as Dark Side of the Moon, Final Cut and The Wall. The group's talent is unbelievable, knowing the on-

ly use three chords (G, D, A) and make it George Ruzzier: "I think Air Supply is sound different every album. Individuals such revolutionizing the music scene." as Roger Waters and David Gilmour are the Teak Barton: "huh...oh. The next Smurf boackbone of Pink Floyd. They both also have album should break the charts. They're turnquite promising solo careers. ing punk, you know. Their new name is the The Police: I hate to admit it, but many peo- Smurf-Pistols." ple listen to this fad-type group. Putting their The last subject to be dealt with is the Dog funny hair aside, they might have lyrical poten- of High School Music (it's like the At the tial (that's what Joe Lemersal tells me). Sting, Movies dog but in music terms). Michael the guy who does not even know himself, can be Jackson is that Dog. Besides being a little an interesting guy to watch. At least he's better wimp, singing silly songs, having a nose job, than Boy George. blowing up for commercials, having an annoyOtis Day and the Nights: The "good-time ing voice and wearing really stupid clothes (like toga" music makes the list. Not everyone one glove and floods), he is bad. Don't be listens to Otis constantly, but the Nights sound fooled into believing that Michael Jackson is out at every toga. No toga is complete without popular because people do not really enjoy the familiar sound of "a little bit louder now." him; people love to hate him. Jackson's Animal House, the movie that made togas popularity is a practical joke many people popular again, made Otis unavoidable in a thought funny to play on him. The best part of four-year stay at Maine South. the joke was during the Grammys when Mr. Bruce Springsteen: Bruce's music has Michael thought he really won seven awards, touched some of us, and then it has touched so he took off his glasses. What a laugh, huh. some of us TOO much. Bruce often becomes an addiction. Bruce's band does, however, contain dynamite musicians and performers. One example is Clarence demons, one large sax player. Playing with the E-Street Band, I, Nan Webster, pass on the following: to Bruce's band, Bruce usually produces at his Miss GoU, a new accelerated gym class; to little best. Alone, Bruce tends to lose excitement. Nugent, three more zany year in Orchesis; to Mr. M., the stage I've loved so much; and to Comments about the subject from the Class my love, my honey, my baby doll, courage to of '84: make it through the storms of next year here. Rob Vinopal: "Anything with good guitar, I, Liz Bello, hereby relinquich: to PC, MC, none of this electrical stuff." MH, TB. BC, JP and FS, thanks for lasting John Ventrella: "I hate Boy George." (In- and memorable friendships; to MC and TB the sightful, John. Really.) unforgetable time at DePauw (Toga!); to Steve Duerkop: "Too many songs become Jackie, all the P.R. parties—gladly; to my worn out by radio stations overplaying them." "Bro" Tim my last name; to Jimmy, the last Mark FiHp: "It's really too bad Bob Dylan three years of high schook—enjoy them; to had to die the way he did." Pam, thanks for our everlastinf friendship.


Council President reviews year As Student Council President, I think it is important that the Maine South student body be informed of Student Council's activities throughout the year. In the summer, Student Council worked at booksales, selling Busy Signals and providing tours for incoming freshmen. During the fall, Student Council sponsored a Leadership Conference for the officers of school clubs. Student Council also organized and supervised Homecoming, specifically running the carnival, parade, assembly and queen selection. Student Coucnil also sponsored the fall Ice Cream Social and then had a food frive at Thanksgiving for the underpriviledged of Chicago's West Side. During the winter, Student Council organized and ran the Winter Spirit Assembly and also provided much of the background support of V-Show, including a free dinner for the cast and crew and initial funding for sets and equipment. Student Council also ran the Christma Card Exchange, delivered Busy Signals and held a Faculty Appreciation Day.

During the s p r i n g , S t u d e n t Council ran the AFS/Brotherhood Assembly, the Spring Charity Ice Cream Social and also sponsored a Spring Festival, which included an Art Festival, Sports Assembly and South Sounds concert night. Also, Student Council participated in four student exchange programs with Maine East, Maine West, New Trier and Providence-St. Mel, and gave four scholarships to college-bound seniors. Student Council has also pursued several ongoing activities, among those being the creation of a comprehensive, organized orientation program for transfer students and incoming freshman, and also participation in district, regional and state level council organizations. Finally, this past month Student Council held elections for next year's offices, committee chairmen, complex leaders and representatives, and now the newly formed Council has taken charge for next year. Mark Filip, Student Council President 1983-84 page 7

staff recognizes seniors

Kathy Humm

\-Bura Marti




Sasha Pisarski

Kathy Humm Kathy Humm is a senior well deserving of the Unsung Hero honor. She has been involved in many Maine South organizations, and has provided competant leadership in her many responsibilities. Kathy is a three-year member of Student Council. As a junior, she was elected Treasurer, and served as Organizations Chairperson as a senior. She is also a two-year member of class council, serving as cochairperson of the Homecoming dance committee. Another of Kathy's interests is dance. She has been involved in Orchesis for four years, and has performed in the Dance Chorus of the musical for the last three years. As a four-year member of the V-Show cast, Kathy served as Assistant Choreo-grapher and later. Choreographer. Kathy is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief of the Maine South News Bureau. She is threeyear member of the Southwards staff, earning a journalism award her sophomore year. As a junior, she was initiated into Quill and Scroll, the journalism honor society. Kathy has been on the honor roll for four years, is an Illinois State Scholar and was recently initiated into the National Honor Society. She was also a member of the gym leader program, and won a history award as a junior. Her other activities include Contest Speakers, French Club and Pep Club. Laura Marti Laura Maiti's participation in many Maine South activities, most notably those in the music and drama departments, make her a worthy candidate for an Unsung Hero nomination. Laura has performed in the musical for three years, with leads in Fiddler on the Roof and The Music Man. She is also a three-year member of the V-Show cast, and was initiated into the National Thespian Society as a junior. Laura is a two-year member of Concert Choir, and she also performs in the Choir Ensemble. She was involved in Girls' Chorus and Girls' Glee as well. Laura was initiated into Tri-M, the honorary music society, this year. Laura is a two-year member of the Creative Writing Magazine and Southwards staffs, serving as Sales Manager of the magazine as a junior and as Chief Editor this year. She has received two journalism awards for her efforts. Laura also serves as treasurer of the senior dass council.

Most of Sasha's activities have centered around school publications. She is a three-year • J] member of the Southwards staff, serving as ^ News Editor her junior year and as Editor-inChief this year. She received a journalism award her sophomore year, and was initiated into the Quill and Scroll Society as a junior. Sasha is a three-year member of the Creative Writing Magazine staff. She also wrote the "What's Up Down South" column for the Park Ridge Advocate. Sasha is a two-year member of Class Council, and served as co-chairperson of the Homecoming and Beach Party dance committees. She also served as a student body representative to Student Council first semester of her senior year. Sasha performed in V-Show her junior and senior years. As a senior, she was also a member of the V-Show writing staff. She was a member of the track team her freshman and sophomore years, earning her varsity letter as a sophomore. Sasha was recently initiated into the National Honor Society. She is also an Illinois State Scholar, and received a history award as a sophomore and a language award as a senior.

Sue Summerfield Sue Summerfield is another senior well ^^^ deserving of recognition for her four years of mp' contribution to Maine South organizations. Sue is a four-year member of the Maine South Marching Band. She also performed in the Concert and Pep Bands for four years. As a junior, she participated in Concert Orchestra, and was in Stage Band as a senior. She was initiated into Tri-M, the honorary music society, as a junior. Sue is a four-year member of Class Council as well. She has served as Secretary of both the junior and senior classes. She is also a fouryear member of Student Council. Sue performed in V-Show her junior and senior years, and was also a judge for the Creative Writing Magazine as a senior. Sue participated in the junior/senior gym leader program, was named an Illinois State Scholar as a senior, and was also a member of the Spirit Queen court as a senior.


I, Kathy Humm, leave the following: to Beth, change for the Christmas bums and one dollar for your train ride home; to Mark Filip, a can of mushroom soup and a new suit; to Mr. Beatty, a news release that needs to be copied; to Orchesis, my "gymshoes"—may they dance forever, or until they fall apart! And to my favorite little sister Nancy, I leave 0 Sasha Pisarski Senior Sasha Pisarski is another leader our "new" bedroom, and important corSue deserving the Unsung Hero honor for her work respondence in your box and a CTA transfer to remember our downtown ventures. Thanks Summerfietd in many Maine South organizations. for the memories. page 8

as Unsung Heroes Curt Gruber

John King

Curt Gruber is another Maine South senior worthy of the Unsung Hero honor. Curt is a three-year member of Class Council. He served as vice-president of the sophomore class, and president of the junior class. Curt is also a two-year member of Student Council, serving on Tri-Council his junior year, and acting as A.F.S. Committee Chairperson his senior year. As a junior, he was involved in the A.F.S. student exchange program and spent the summer in Uraguay. Curt has been in Marching Band for four years. He is a three-year member of Concert Band, and was in Cadet Band as a freshman. As a junior. Curt was initiated into the honorary music society, Tri-M. Curt was also involved in athletics at Maine South. He was a four-year member of the soccer team, earning his varsity letter as a junior. He served as M-Club treasurer this year, after being initiated into the club as a junior. Curt also ran track as a freshman.

John King was another senior awarded the Unsung Hero honor for his contributions to Maine South organizations. John has been a varsity swimmer since his freshman year. He served as captain as a senior, and was named a Most Valuable Player both his junior and senior years. John was initiated into M-Club as a sophomore. John is currently a member of Student Council, and has also been involved in the senior class council. He is a two-year member of the Brotherhood Society. John's academic contributions have also been outstanding. After three years on the high honor roll, he was initiated into National Honor Society as a junior. He was also named an Illinois State Scholar. John received science and language honors both his freshman and sophomore years.

Wiils...Wills... I, Beth Ann Karabin, being of sound mind and body (?!), do leave the following: to Mr. Martello, be careful driving those "50/60/70 miles" home; to Mr. Flechsig, my Aunt Lilly's corset; to Mr. Bell, five bucks a tie; to Scooter and Andrew, life membership in the weinerbiff society (remember that?); to Pamela and Ami, keep dancing in bathrooms, and don't forget next month's issue of "Playgirl;" to my luch table, remember, if you return a dollar, you get two cookies; to Laura (Bass!) a gun to shoot Mannequin, Miss Piggy and Ginsu, Senior Power and a smile; to Jeff, Joe and Tony, a good-for-nothing tenor section without you guys; to Rob, Jim and Steven, thanks for your friendship (to Steven, a rose, also!)—keep rocking when you sing; to Kimberlee, a great life with our men, my love and my tears when we part; to anyone else I've forgotten, 1 love you and shall miss you! Keep dreamin'! 1, Laura Wundsam, being of sound mind and body leave: to Beth, my will-power to say no; to Delora, 1 leave it up to you to get boggled; to Mike, a pair of .scissors and trident gum; to Chris a gift certificate at Sportsman and a new clown outfit; Kevin, I leave you my thanx for being such a great guy. I, S and Em, do leave the following to two of the best friends a person could ever have. To Kimu, I leave the memories of the BEST spring break ever ("Hey, you guys, get up and let's party!"), and, hopefully, more for the summer. And to Tricia, I leave Showbiz, and maybe the money I owe you. It's been great and I'll miss you both, you gave me the best senior year ever.

Curt Gruber

Chris Kraco

Chris Kraco's outstanding participation in the Maine South Speech and Drama department and the leadership he provided in many productions makes him a worthy candidate for an Unsung Hero award. Chris has been involved in every school production put on in four years at Maine South, including V-Shows, musicals. Children's Theatre and the All-School and Thespian plays. Some of his leadership positions included construction head of several shows, including The Shadow Box, and Stage Manager of this year's production of David and Lisa. Chris' contribution to the Drama department made him a candidate for initiation into the International Thespian Society his freshman year. He currently serves as an officer of the society, as he did last year.

John King


Nick Roder

Nick Roder is another senior deserving of an Unsung Hero nomination the dedication and leadership he has provided to several Maine South organizations. Nick is a three-year member of Class Council, and is currently serving as president of the senior class. Nick has also been involved in Student Council for two years, and this year he serves as Assembly Committee Chairman. Nick has also been on the Southwards staff for three years. He received a journalism award as a junior,and was recently initiated into the Quill and Scroll Society. Nick is also a four-year member of the WMTH staff, and last year was an announcer of the Monday Morning Sports Report. Nick was a four-year member of the basketball team, and received his varsity letter as a senior. He also played baseball his freshman year. Nick was a V-Show cast member as a junior, and a member of Spanish Club as a senior. He received a language award his freshman year, and was named an Illinois State Scholar.



Chris Kraco

Nicic Roder

page 9

We, the Class of '84, hereby leave I, Julie Holt, of sound mind (I think) leave: to Cara and Beth, the flag squad—Good Luck! To any freshman, by hall locker and band locker; to the band; memories of Texas and Washington; to Mrs. Burger, some thread; and to Brian, I give me. I, Sue Waltz, leave the following: to Diana Salisbury, my Earth Science book and Jim's purple underwear; to Julie Karbusicky, my Girls' Choice date; to Jenny Paulch, all my guys; to Chris Stein, Jude. Finally, to Chris Whammond, I leave the fish popper, mishy motto and the fun we had in the rain. I, Scott Devlin, being of jazz mind and body, leave the following: to Laura Kashul, one more rose, a (root) beer bottle opener and my heart; to the girls of Maine South, a warning: Jeff and Mike are still around next year! Rnally, to Gordon McLean, everlasting thanks for four years of joy and learning, which will serve me well in Hawkeye country! I, Steven David Duerkop, leave: to my cousin Andy, all rights to tell embarassing stories about me; to John McKitrick, the position of being the new "Waldo" on the soccer team; to Jim Huston and Steve Kohler, all my height for their sophomore year; and to my special girl, I leave all my love and anything else she wants. I, Margaret Huber, leave: to Carolyn, both G.S.s and D.A.; to Kim, bathrooms, and Halloween memories; to Shannon, Doritos and whipped cream and a new tree; to Marianne, K.K.; to Anne, "the box;" to Linda, LD.s, Jimmy A. and Pat Corcoran; to Cindy, Monsieur P.' to Diane, Wed. wins, S-lists; to Jill, ears; to Joanne, a ride; to the Hawkettes, a million memories; and to B's, "just two more times and you can go," engraved in gold. L John Danile, being of fatigued mind and weary body, do bequeath to my friends: to Tom Fox, the use and care of SW Photo (good luck); to Kathie, a new interest in better music, like Willie; to Mr. Craddock, a life without hassles and a personality; to Mrs. Singer and Mr. Beatty, the enjoyment of having no more Danile's; to Pat and Jim, the friendship of brother and a new, marked deck. I, Sue "Sueage" Summerfield, leave the following: to Flanage, plenty of Juice and a flick of the wrist; to Jo, my bones-jumping kit, it didn't work; to Poe-Poe, more racial slurs—you're looking very Caucasian; to Laura, you bogi sex change—practice shooting your Grahms; to Collage, the hope that you have no more dealings with "tends to;" to Gordy, memories of Dallas and my four fantastic years; and to Drew, a better way of handling the opposite sex. L Jen "Oz" Oswald, never being of sound anything, hereby bequeath the following: to Mr. Sauerland, a reminder to look for me at Pomona; to Mr. Stilp, my Sophia Loren paraphenalia; to Mr. Erickson, I leave, at last; to "Edju" Schaffer, 1 leave you anything you want; and Christa, I leave you...laughing! page 10

I, Jim Novotny, being of neurotic mind and body leave the following: to Pat C , plenty of items on aisle seven; to S.K., some swell equipment, and a new pig brain; to Jo, many unfinished stories; and to the D' Strokers Club, my chile con came, bagle and meat ring. I, Dale Peck, never being of sound mind and body, bequeath the following: to Paula, ugliness; to Mrs. Markus, another El Dorado and "problems;" to second period lounge, Joe and a box of Saran Wrap; to Lisa, a new roomate; to Pete, Bubba for the storms; to Mrs. DeGeorgio, my discount; to Jen, all of her ambitions; and to Diane, a brain. I, Lisa Stachon, leave: to Aud, L.Y.'s chair and perseverence; to Lisa, bad ravioli and maniacal pickleballs; to Bawk, the knowledge that b-ball games will never be the same; to Mr. Nelson, a seventh period with more personality; to Mr. Hall, a new knee an' the blessin's to all the wee sprites in Ireland.

I, Joel Krause, of sound body and not so ^ ^ much mind hereby leave the following: to my tfl| sister Jan, I leave two years of trying to find a " ^ real boyfriend (and I'm not talking about Michael Jackson!); to Chris, Dana and Scott, I leave two years of having to put up with Jan; to Vince and Matt 1 leave three more years of Gordy; to Mr. McLean, I just leave. I Chris "Pork" "Chippie" Paterakis, being of sound mind and body, leave the following: to Liz Pintz, my "Ciao" pink gym shoes and my Mercedes; to Gary Pfsiter's Anti-Michael Jackson fund, my money; to Kevin Peterson, my big mouth. I leave my love and my body to Fritz Scheller. And last, I leave this school. Thank God! I, Gary "Pork" Pfister, being of sound mind and body, leave all my worldly possessions to be sold and the money used to organize an Anti-Michael Jackson Movement in hope to rid the world of ridiculously mindless music. I, John Ventrella, leave the following: to Dave Phillips, my grade point average so he can raise his from the decimal number; to Paul Walker, my parking space so he won't have to park illegally next year. And to Lisa, I leave you memories of Girls' Choice, even though I don't remember how you got home. And last, I leave my I.D. to the librarians for the last time.


I, Scott Martin, as a last will and testament upon graduation, do hereby bestow upon Tony Sweeney and Jim Huston the task of performing at state-caliber levels in gymnastics and the job of scoring the points lost by all the graduating seniors! If you work hard, you can do it! I, Eva Rossier, leave my treasured belongings to these people: to Kelly Hearty, my smel1, Karen Ann Christensen, will my most imly gym attire; my cute freshman brother, my portant possessions and memories to the chewed pencils; to Elizabeth Pintz, my favorite following: Bart, a glass of ice water; Ilona, a chemistry chair; and to Elizabeth and portrait of admiration; Len, peanut butter and Margaret Beehtel, my locker with the old coat jelly sandwiches; Kathy, all my secrets to beat which has never seen daylight and which hid the system; and Edgar, all my thanks, and my necessary "material" for survival. promise to be there whenever you want to talk, or simply chew bones. I, Catherine Ramel, being of sound mind I, Jenni Miller, leave the following: to Marand body, do hereby bequeath the following: to P.J., I leave Sean and Prom Night. To ty, the memories of "All Night Long;" to Lante, Mr. Anderson's smile. To Rob and Greg and Darren, somebody else to wake you Katrin, four great years. Sr. Anderson, thanks up in the morning; to Doug and Chris, a ton of for two fun Spanish years, to Mr. Igleman, a laughs and the tracks for $200; to Joe, "woe is better homeroom next year. Good luck me" and "Modern Love;" to Tommy, thanks; to Sean, a mental face; and to Barrett, your freshmen, you'll need it. old seat in English. I, Michelle Rizzo, with warm heart and open I, Audrey Port, being of tall mind and body, mind leave: to Suzette, the knowledge that I to hereby bequeath the following: to the will always listen and the lead in Musical your sopranos in Choir, all the Melodiia books in ->^ senior year; to Beth, the music to "Sunrise, the world; to Dylan Hedrick, a new set of jPJ) Sunset;" to P.J., my sweat pants; to Cris L." camoflage clothes to go with your lucky hat. the "Van Man" and "Mom;" Eedy, ice cream To Sal Lombardi, all my music theory notes on and a hockey puck and to the Drama Babies, flat keys; and to Mr. Flechsig, a toy boat to sail the Roach Motel (backstage). in the Port of Audrey.

Maine South... to the freshmen! I, Karen Braun, leave the following: to Paul, money for any more first dates and Jenni's hand at the movies. I also leave lots of good memories, fun times and the best of luck in the future. To Marty, I leave lots of luck for trying; to Dave, what he remembers of an off-thewall evening at Girls' Choice; and to Etch, the three-fingered sign and memories of Liz's car. I, Sue Stuart, being of confused mind, leave the following: to Chris "Tigger" Turk I leave Mocco Cocoa, okay? To Julie Karbusicky, Girls' Choice memories; to Tom Lange, my parking space; my car to the highest bidder; my locker to a lucky freshman; to Mr. Hall, the popcorn machine; to Miss Butler and the swim team, another undefeated season, and to Maine South, thanks for the memories. I, Laura Capparelli, leave the following: to Ann Carroll the responsibility to watch over my dearest friend Jack in hopes that one day he will find Jill, my brilliant one-liners and my ability to meet new people; to Franco Spano, my ability to always keep up a conversation, and never be at a loss for words. I, Sonia Anne Chartouni of able body and sound mind, leave the following: to my dearest friend "Tex" and my brother, I leave two more "wonderful" years at South; to my Southwards companion Maura, lotsa luck; to my best friend Tuz, happy memories we had at South, and a stick of "gum" for Good Stuff Maynard.

l.uh.LEAVfcHYCLtATS, AKJO... UW ... Tb NlCt I. . U h . . . I*av€.>i,hi, +^^e. JUNIOR CHtBR-

LtAofcas... ahi a>\i •

I, Jill Chiappe, hereby bequeath the following: to Mr. Martello, my braces and bod; to Mr. Lavelle, another year of Peter and Ron; to Mr. Pinelli, a fun-filled evening with youknow-who; to Diane Ebner, the correct directions to Old Orchard; to Ken Weichert, a life; and to Julie Ewry, the best of luck always. We, your two favorites of homeroom C-lOO leave to you, Senor Cadson: stories of our wild weekends, all our pictures, behavior reports and green slips. Good luck next year, Senor, you'll need it with all those screaming freshmen. We're going to miss you next year. Admit it, Carlson, you're gonna miss us too! Adios, Jen and Lain

We, the Band, being of great sound do hereby leave the following to Trish Finnegan: a Walkman with unlimited batteries, the "blessed" Crysler, cheat sheets for chemistry class (don't get caught this time), SOCKS!, a list of weekend activities, a closet clarinet solo, a shopping spree at K-Mart (Is that where you got that green outfit?), and new, naturallooking red hair dye. I, Rick (Cheese), being of sound mind and body bequeath the following: to Lisa Z., one compass for my lost adventurous trip; to Beck, I leave two cents to buy one gookish style; to Bird, our lawyers are near so don't fear; to Fred, who has no head, I leave one style of normal habits. I, Lisa Krug, leave the following: Mike Ryan, thanks for all the "special times"; Billy Krug, a quiet house, the car every weekend, and all your clothes back; Kevin O'Hagan, a new "Jacuzzi"; Bob Gianni, "a new nose"; Sean Slocum, a warmer place to sleep "Halloween '84"; and Carrie Sadogierski, a "Beginners Handbook" on how to type. 1, Carol White, in sound mind and body, will: rides home from ensemble performances, V-Show practices, musical practices, etc. to Rob Temple without Tony's permission. I also will Laurey Lechner millions of wonderful computer problems, tests, scratch paper, and disks, to make all her boring moments filled with concentration and joy. I leave melodia book number 49 to Heather Francis. I, Chris Grahn, being of unsound body and insane mind leave the following: to Mr. McLean, my much over-used trombone and band locker; to my little sister, anything she wants; I willfully give up my piece of the bench. I leave anything that is left to anyone who cares.


6UT,Li/(;E,i DoNir CWOLO

I, Sue Jozsa, being of sound mind and body, bequeath the following: to my sis Carol, everlasting friendship and great memories to take with you; to Paw, at least one slow dance at Prom with Scott; to Chris G.,the memory of Girls' Choice and of frosting; to my teachers, thanks. I, Pamela Kakos, being of sound mind and body,leave Ami memories of the past, hopes for the future and a pins colada. To BethAnn and Kim, dresses to bowl in and a subscription to Playgirl; to SS, a smile and a tear; to Orchesis, FOOD!; to Dan, a rearview mirror and to Ev, a housecoat and hat. I, Alicia Risner, leave to J.D., something dumb; to Stevie, 1(X) G.Q. magazines; to Duffy, all my love; to Erica, a tall, short-haired doc and all the fun she can find in the prison. Love to all the seniors—have fun—be good. I, Dimitra DeFotis, leave the following: to Andrea, an empty house to blast Duran, the eleven o'clock dog shift and four years without me; to Kim and Julie, a great summer; to everyone in lounge, here's hoping we find a painless, easy diet. Thanks, Mr. McLean, for being the best "leader of the band."

1, Osh, leave the following: to Kollar, the loudest basketball yell Maine South will ever hear; to Lynn, Backy, Julie, and Kristyn, the memory of March 1983; to everyone, the February OSHFEST. Thanks to Denz, Len, Dobzie, Pete, and Dr. Kuff (wha-juh) for the best years. 1985 will be great, Vince. Good luck, GAP. I, Beth (Pork) Murray, being of sound mind We, Roxy and Mo, being of eccentric minds and body in cooperation with Gary and Chris, and unique bodies, do hereby bequeath the leave the "Pork" name to Mitchell Porkcheck. following: to Sue, "cool" earring and dates I, Linda Therrien, do bequeath the follow- with the "king of zits." To Jodz, the Eddie ing: to Christopher, more stolen Kurt Von- Murphy tape; to both you guys, we leave the negut books; to George, everything I've ever key to Abbey Springs, a box to sing with, "borrowed" from you; to the Mods, cloves, and our beautiful voices; to little Tomeverything you've ever given me—nothing; to my, a lifetime supply of dips and the keys to the car; to Julie K., my lipstick and my gnarley Mr. Beatty and Laura, those l(X)'s of copies of clothes. my banned story (thanks for being on my I, Ami Albright, leave: to Pam, two soggy side); to my best friend, Chris, thanks for you friendship (same for Therese, Steph, and pieces of pie, a deluxe copy of "Wihm," pudgy cheeks, our song, my heart, soul and Julie). love. To Evelyn, three cookies, a basketball I, Stephanie latesta, being of logical mind bequeath these things: to Mr. Lonergan, a player, my love; to Kim and BA, 24 guys and a book on teaching Basic; Mr. Feichter, a trip to Playgirl. To KW (my dance partner), great Hirrappa to find a famous Feichter site; my memories, don't give up...to JL, my "warm" friends, lots of games of Star Trek; my Cap- car. To Corny, ten years of giggles; to Dan, tain, the chance to read the next Trek novel. "How to Draw the Body"; and to Orchesis, my prissy imitation. page 11

Grads spread through U.S.A.; Arizona Arizona State: Lainie Panagakis, Jim Paulette U. of Arizona: Cyndi Smith California Santa Barbara: Shiela Wixted UCLA: Liz Nelson U. of Redlands: Nanci Calamari USC: Steven Schermerhorn Colorado Colorado College: Margaret Nesbit University of Colorado: Michael Murphy Colorado State: Steve Hultberg Connecticut Yale: Steve Langdon, Cathy Woytowicz Florida Embry-Riddle Aeronautic University: Bill Christie, Harry Gambino, Ed Miles Idaho Ricks College: Gail Stensland

omBs? Illinois Augustana: Ingrid Christy, Alison Krischke Bradley: Steve Baab, Wendy Berendes, Elsan Debish, Yolanda Krzysik, Sue Neswold, Cathy Ramel, Rick Smith Columbia: Carolyn Downs Concordia: Steve Frenzel, Dave Meute DePaul: Adriana Cataldo, George Chemers, Karen Christensen, Kim Ganko, Dan Gayford, John Kantor, Alan Martin, Pat McArdle, Therese O'Donnell, Sandee Reich, Lisa Seaman, Robert Seaman, Dyanne Slazas Eastern: William Amedeo, Matt Curtis, Nancy Fisher, Daniela Moreno, Katrin Prohaska Elmhurst: Kristen Franks, Vic Cecchin, Jeff Nelson, Barbara Broda Felician: Terry Bernas Greenville: Debbie DeLaRosa page 12

Harper: Doug Berker, Scott Braman, Julie Holt, Nick Ricci, Diane Santoro ///. Inst, of Technology: Teak Barton, John Danile, Robin Himley, Bill Kounellas, Tom Reinhardt, Dan Wallace Illinois State: Jennie Bachmann, Patty Boyle, Karen Braun, Paul Dickey, Pat Hefferan, Bob Kazuk, Mike Infante, dan Kazmer, Diane Lee, Trish McConville, Pete Michuda, Jenny Miller, Brian O'Halleran, Mark Riedel Illinois Wesyelan: Debbie Hazlett Knox: Nancy Fulhorst, Paula Rue Lake Forest: John Leonard, Paula Piepho Lewis: Marie Weiller Lincoln: Charlie Pasters Loyola: Claudine Assaf, Lisa Bergman, Louise Berns, Frank Calabrese, Soo Chae Nancy Dzien, Jill Farrell, John Gavin, Cur Gruber, Eveline Kcrczynski, Steve Mano Duane Mellema, Jackie Noel, EveU Petruleas, Cas Ries, Jeff VanSpankeran, Christine Wayda, Jim Yaniz MacMurray: Lisa Schawk Millikin: Andy Blyth, Laura Marti, Min Morandi, Jim Shaw Monmoutti: Kenan Zuizdich National College of Education: Jill Curry North Central: George Brohlin Northern Illinois: Julie Barsellotti, Chris Bechtold, Bob Broz, Sonia Chanouni, Liz Condon, Jenny Domanchuk, Colleen Donovan, Lynn Hanson, Lauren Kavanaugh, Jim Heitzman, Jody Johnson, Sue Kozak, Matt Kuffel, Laura Lannon, Kevin McArdle, Brad Olsen, Dave Olson, Phil Mattes, Sue Park, Jim Richardson, Ken Rode, Kari Sienna, Jeff Simonsen, Patti Smith, Carol White. Jim Woodbury, Dawn Zilligen North Park: John Djonlich, Ralph Houck, Bill Karavites, Sue Miklasz, Jim Sandstrom Northwestern: Mike Baum, Lisa Canar, Debra Cantlon, Cristina Carmody, Jane Choi, Rick Gentile, Liz Roch


Oakton: Cheryl Anderson, Matt Balla, Jim ^ , Bashaw, Carl Bertram, Cindy Black, Jeff ยงJ^ Blume, Lisa Burghardt, Bernadette Byrne, Maria Cinelli, Mary Ann Chlipala, Julie Colorato, Mary L. Cox, Rich Dawidczyk, Kim Delia, Alan Dereczynski, Eileen Dohr, June Gaudreault, Gary Hauch, Mary Hogan, Johanna Keenan, Karyn Kitteredge, Beth Kopp, Joe Lusignan, Dan Malin, Jill Mumford, John Nowak, Peggy O'Brian, John Okulanis, Jen Oswald, Mike Pawelek, Carrie Petersen, Steve Plantz, Ann Pistone, Paul Podraza, Mary Beth Reil, Michelle Rizzo, Andy Rubino, Kristie Scheunemann, Lisa Scheunemann, Lisa Scholz, Liz Seng, Jim Sisko, Amy Sklena, Mark Smith, Erika Stange, Laura Starzec, Maria Steen, John Vela, Sue Stuart, Sue Waltz, Linda Weliesek, Bob Wieland, Joe Zei, Mark Zhill Rockford College: Pauline Wieshuber Roosevelt: Peter Wink Southern: Roberto Baratta, Tony Cambio, Chris Hardin, Mark Johnson, Gary Pfister, Gina Roberts, Pat Siffermann, Todd Zarn Trinity: Cathi White Triton: Don AUegretti, Lillian Apida, Tony Calefati, Nancy Carr, John Checuga, Marie Colbert, Laura Coon, Randy Davis, Dee DePalma, Barb Donnelly, Steve Earl, Emily Gary, Julie Helfogt, Bob Heuer, Kim Johnson, Sue Jozsa, Kathi Kay, Gail Schoefer^ nacker, Mary Lu Sciascia, Theresa Schnell, ^ J ) Tony Sparacino, Roger Visina University of Illinois: Chicago Circle: John Auge, Marilyn Brandt, Debbie Brighton, Amy Colomb, Steve Grage, Cora Hartler, Evelyn Kounellas, Tod Ruxton, Nellie Saharkhiz, Blair Sandberg, Ed Walley Champaign-Urbana: Carolyn Bachmeier, Liz Bello, Nick Bianco, Paul Carlborg, Corinne Coltman, Corey Coscioni, Dimitra DeFotis, Tom Donzelli, Sue Egan, Trish Finnegan, Paula Fischer, Jim Flannery, Steve Gillette, Katrina Grabowski, Michael Groble, Stephanie Hale, Kathy Helin, Mike Hennessey, Monica Kay, Russ Kinnel, Felecia Kotowsky^ Mark Koziol, Joe Lemersal, Bonnie Leshuk, Beth Lunde, Lisa Lusco, Bob Masulis, Sharon McCarthy, Rhoda Papanastassiou, Dale Peck, Maureen Rowley, Anne Sebastian, Heidi Scheutze, Pete Silkowski, Kim Sime, Irene Smolenski, Tim Soper, Lisa Stachon, Sue Summerfield, John Walewander, Rick Walker, Nan Webster, Tom Wells Western: Ann Arent, John Bryla, Maureen Boyle, Nancee Haase, Chris Kenneally, Matt Kluchenek, Amy Krause, David Richards Wheaton: Beth Altobelli, Kelley Gay, Wendi Hummel Kansas Kansas University: Ellen Heitzman Maryland Naval Academy: Leo Karris, John King

# >

local schools still popular Indiana DePauw: Tony CoUetti, Pam Collins, Jamie Sterba U. of Evansville: Judi Franz Indiana University: Bert Beckman, Jim Chidesier, Kelley Daily, Chris Kraco, Lisa Williams, Kim Wochinski Notre Dame: Dan Fabian, Nick Roder Purdue: Neil Deichmann, Lisa Lehman, Patty Wyatt Saint Mary's: Kathy Humm Taylor: Joanne Mayne Valparaiso: Ami Albright, Chris Grahn, Sue Holsen, Tina Papandreou, Jon Poklop Iowa Cornell College: Alicia Risner Drake: Jill Chiappe, David Dummier, Andrew Hadley, Stephanie latesta, Lisa Krug, Greg Pas, Tom Sizopoulos Dubuque: Dave Lester Iowa State: Lee Anderson, Ludwig Hermann, Maggie James, Jim McKune, Sally Schaetzlein, Dan Vandenbrink, Mark Wachendorf Simpson: Rick Fagerstrom U. of Iowa: Mary T. Cox, Pam Darlington, Scott DevHn, Jim Doherty, John Gust, Bill Hanck, Scott Heurich, Steve Hughes, John Johnson, Steve Klancnik, Kim Parson Massachusetts Boston College: Sue McGovern Boston University: Dean Pajevic f\/lass. Inst, of Technology: Julie Thorburn

No Plans Made

Pennsylvania Allegheny: Sarah Kohlmeyer

Karen Bales, Michael Cavanaugh, Kris Karbusicky, Mark Kurtzer

Rhode Island Brown: Monica Malec R.I. School of Design: Craig DeVelasco Tennessee Vanderbilt: Matt Keenan Vermont Middlebury: Nancy Bower


Wisconsin Lakeland: Colleen Fennelly Marquette: Ed Broderick, Kyle Denzel, Robert Kimura, Brigid McAlpin, Michelle Mines, Tom Pataky, Jim Slattery St. Norbert: Liz Conlon, Tracy DeGrazia, Dave Farmer, Vince Nannini, Mike O'Shea, George Ruzzier, Katie Sullivan, Rob Vinopal, Ginger Whalen U. of Wisconsin: Eau Claire: Angela Floreani LaCrosse: Carolyn Bickler, Brian MacDonald Madison: Walt Cwik, Tom Field, Margaret Huber, Sophia Leongas, Linda Myers, Greg Nazuka, Michelle Pesigan, Roxanne Smedley Oshl<osh: Tim Johnson Platteville: Dave Dahl, Tony DeNardis, Jim Zybora White Water: Ellen Avery

Missouri Central Miss. State: Kevin Sewart •




New York Cornell: Shannon Vincent Syracuse: Laurie Kladis

Oklahoma U. of Tulsa: Greg Alex


Marge Arbeit, Dana Blouin, Ric Cantalupo, Laura Capparelli, Ron DiFonzo, Michele Eaker, Ed Ettswold, Larry Foster, Vicki Glienna, Christine Hart, Gretchen Hug, Joy Jensen, Brian Johnson, Richard Kowols, Elizabeth Murray, Donna Myers, Carin Nowak, Michele Panzarella, Rina Sarvady, Ron Taylor, Sue Tworek, David Walesa, Mike Walley, Margaret Zaleski Too Late to Classify Barat: Liz Emerick; U. of Miami, Florida: Peter Kouvelis

I, Kyle Denzel, will to sister Karyn and her friends, lots of great parties; to my sister Kristyn, more guys like Mike H., to Screamer, I leave the great times Kuff and I had atBrady's camp. To Mike "Jubie" and all basketball players I leave "Jerry;" and to Mick, Laura and Sue I leave my great sense of humor.

Minnesota St. Cloud: Phil Armato St. Mary's: Kris Burud St. Olaf: Diana Specht Winnona State: Alison Bocian

Ohio John Caroll College: Larry Maigler Dayton University: Terry Dohr Miami of Ohio: Jill Pankus Oberlin: Julie Seidei Ohio University: Lisa Par, Audrey Port Wittenberg: Sasha Pisarski

Wray Bridger, Tom Cooper, Diane Gagliardi, Robert Guy, Joel Krause, Connie Letner, Lisa Purceil, Sean Russell, Jim Thompson, Joe Vitulli


Michigan Michigan State: Karen Hickey, Chuck Jackson Western Michigan: Amy Black

New Hampshire Dartmouth: Vince Fleming

Trade School

Torre Anderson, Andy Binetti, Julie Fray, Scott Friedman, Jeff Grimm, Ed Goss, Andrianne Havlick, Marta Jedliczka, Chris Paterakis, Jane Pirok, Ed Schafer, Greg Smorowski, Linda Therrian, Dave Ursin

Unknown College Gretchen Boules, Bill Culhane, Steven Duerkop, Joe Dumit, Stephanie Fielitz Bill Gavin, William Hallihan, Eric Mauser Pam Kakos, Beth Ann Karabin, Dan Kem mier, Connie Krauser, Marianne Lahart Scott Martin, Brigid McKitrick, John Pro vencher, Peter Regas, Maria Rosa, Jim Tomczak

I, David Scott Olson, being of sound mind and body, leave the following: to Laura Jean Lafeber, two more fun years, better grades, all my old books and enough gum for the next two years; to Chrissy Thein, more TV stuff;'to Ann Sivore, nothing; to Julie Lennon, lots of food; to Jim Huston, "chicks and beer." 1, Lisa Burghard, of sauced mind and body, do hereby leave: my locker section to Rocco (he knows why), a jug full of water to Kevin P. , another weekend alone to Julie, a free meal to Chris, no more "hard practices" for me to Miss Goll, and last, but not least, a friendship that will last forever to Jill. L Jill Curry,do hereby leave to the incoming freshmen my obnoxious homeroom teacher; to Kristi Doss, a senior trip to Florida; to Deana Curcio, two more glorious years; to my beach buddy Dawn, which side do you want?; to the biggest sponge and best friend I'll ever have, Lisa, I leave you the bag from the plane. page 13

Guidance Director Bonney to retire Mr. James E. Bonney, student personnel director, will be retiring in June. Mr. Bonney received his bachelors of arts degree in 1947 from Coe University, Iowa. He then received his master's degree from Northwestern University in 1949.

nurses, deans, attendance office and has acted as the custodian of school records. Once he has retired, Mr. Bonney plans to move to his home in Fairfield Bay, Arkansas. He plans to spend many days playing golf, boating and pursuing his hobby of wordworking.

Mr. Bonney taught history at Crete Monee High School for 17 years, has been the student personnel director since.

Mr. Bonney believes that, "Over the years, we have had an excellent student body, and it is as good today as it has ever been. I have enjoyed working at Maine South because of the many fine people we have on our faculty." Mr. John Huizinga, counselor, said, "I feel Jim has made an outstanding contribution to our school through working with parents in the PTC, putting on programs that are educational and informative for all. Jim is a loyal supporter of a the p.'-ograms at South and especially the athletic programs."

As director, he has helped with the educational and college career planning of students. He has also worked with the counselors, special education department, social workers.


Mr. James Bonney Guidance Director


Mr. Cook seeks time for other things Mr. Robert Cook, chemistry teacher, will retire at the end of the school year. Mr. Cook has taught accelerated chemistry and regular chemistry since coming to Maine South. Mr. Cook graduated from the University of Nebraska, majoring in chemistry. After spending time in the Air Force during World War II, Mr. Cook resumed his studies and received his bachelor's degree at the University of Nebraska. Mr. Cook received his master's degree and went on to do more graduate work at several other colleges including Stanford and Northwestern. Mr. Robert Cool( Chemistry Teacher


He taught chemistry in Tecomsa, Nebraska, and Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. Cook spent several of his summers while teaching in Nebraska as a civil engineer for the State Highway Department. In 1964 he moved to Maine South. He taught at South and at Harper College in the evenings. Although Mr. Cook will "miss the kids, there's no question about that," he plans to spend time doing "everything there wasn't time to do while teaching."


One of those things will be wood working. Mr. Cook enjoys building furniture in his workshop at home. His projects range from cedar chests to lamps to sailboats. He certainly does not feel he will have any problems keeping himself busy.

Davis to retire; at South since '64 Mr. Marian Davis, English Department Chairman, will retire at the end of the 1984 school year.

Scotland and Wales. He also plans to continue doing consulting work, which he has been doing for the past 12 summers.

Mr. Davis received his Master's degree in English from the University of South Dakota. He began teaching in Iowa and came to Maine Township in 1957. Mr. Davis taught at Maine East from 1957 to 1959. He then taught at Maine West until 1964, and he came to Maine South when it opened in 1964.

Mr. Davis also enjoys gardening when he has the time. He likes growing a wide variety of flowers. He and Mrs. Davis are also plate collectors. They have a collection of Wedgewood and other decorative plates.

After his retirement, Mr. Davis and his wife are planning a trip to England, Ireland,


Mr. Marian Davis English Department Chairman page 14

Mr. Davis commented that he will miss the English department faculty and students. He believes that the English department has tried to provide classes designed for the needs of ^ \ students on different learning levels. W He commented, "I can't think of a finer school system to work in because of both the students and the faculty."

Mr. Greene plans to pursue hobbies Mr. George Greene, chemistry teacher, will '• retiring this June after 30 years of teaching. Mr. Greene graduated from Northwestern University in 1951 with a bachelors degree as a professional chemist. He worked as a research chemist for Borden's Milk Co. until 1953. Then he returned to school, Illinois State Normal University, and received his masters degree in science education. He began his teaching career at Lake Zurich High School where he taught for three years. He then taught at York and Maine West High Schools for three years each.

After his retirement, Mr. Greene plans to travel, become involved in arts and crafts and part time glass blowing. Mr. Greene said, "It has been a pleasure to teach chemistry to the students I have had at South for these past twenty years." Mr. Jerrol Windbigler, science department chairman, said, "Both Mr. Cook and Mr. Greene, I think, exemplify the fine teachers here at Maine South High School. I really hate to see them go." He also added that each teacher must have taught over 2,000 students while teaching at South.

Wanting to just teach chemistry, Mr. Greene came to Maine South when it opened in 1964. Mr. George Greene Chemistry Teacher

He has also taught glass blowing at Oakton College for 12 years.

If I had it to do over, rid be a teache After 33 years of teaching, Mr. John Minerick, drivers' education lead-teacher, will be retiring. Mr. Minerick received his Masters' degree from the University of Wisconsin, (Madison), with a major in physical education and a minor in general science. Upon graduation, he began his teaching career in Hudson, Wisconsin, where he taught for two years. There, he taught physical education, scince and drivers' education. Mr. Minerick also coached various high school sport teams. After Hudson, Mr. Minerick moved on to Rich High School in Park Forest, IL. There he taught drivers' education and physical education and again coached for various teams. Five

years later, he came to Maine Township. Mr. Minerick started out at Maine East for one year and then moved on to Maine West where he taught for five years. After leaving Maine West, Mr. Minerick moved to Maine South where he has taught drivers' education for 20 years. Mr. Minerick stated, "I've enjoyed teaching for the past 33 years and I've enjoyed working with administration, faculty and students. I've also enjoyed the association with students and watching them develop. If I had to do it all over again, I'd definitely pick teaching again."


Mr. John Minerick Driver's Education Lead Teacher


Stilp plans quiet retirement Mr. Joseph Stilp, art teacher, will retire at the end of this year. Mr. Stilp studied at several schools, but received his Masters' degree from the Chicago Art Institute. Mr. Stilp has taught for thirty-one years, and has spent twenty of them at Maine South. He was the first Art Department Chairman at Maine South and before that he was the head of the Maine East art department for nine years. Mr. Stilp was also Chairman of the committees that planned the Maine West and Maine South art departments prior to the schools' openings in 1958 and 1964. "I've had many, many good years of helping develop art programs and it has been very good to have the opportunity to start two departments from

scratch," Mr. Stilp commented. Having taught most art courses in the district, Mr. Stilp feels that it is time to "sit under a palm tree and sell decorative shells to the tourists. Well, at least that's what I tell the kids." Mr. Stilp still plans to paint, make prints and sculpt in his studio in his home in Park Ridge. He wants "time to myself so I can do my own art work." Mr. Stilp feels that the most satisfying part of his teaching years is that so many of his students have gone on to art careers. Mr. Joseph Stilp Art Teacher page 15

Seniors leave worldly goods to... I, Gail Schoefernacker, being of no mind and no body, will the following: Deeball, a pair of scissors for her father; Jo, a dictaphone; Bobbi, the office of president of the CTeamette club; Margaret, the whole "California Smog" baseball team and memories of "Hey, hey, hey!"; Michelle, "Cosmic" dreams; Sue, you can have my weight; Roxanne, I leave you Russell. I, Lurch, being of sound mind and tall body bequeath these possessions to my followers: MJ, my shoes to fill; Bill, 50 gallons of gas; Mizoo, all of my tapes and video knowledge; Corn, an inflatable doll; Troll, a varsity letter; Jerry, a box of pencils; Mr. P., a studio of VHS's; Bemie, my jersey to retire. I, Laura Coon, being of dirty mind and not enough body, dutifully will the following: to George Chemers, a vacuum cleaner; to my exlounge friends, one final, outrageous deed; to John, you already have it; to Marjorie, an independent future; and to Janet, the realization that my clothes will not always be around to patch the holes in your wardrobe. I, Nicholas Roder, feeling quite fine, wish to leave behind the un-identifiable bottle of aspirin, which has to be located, to the following Senior Class President. To next year's bench riders, a warm seat and a full water bottle—but don't drink it! To my sister (perhaps she may not want anything), a red spiral notebook, which carries nothing of importance, yet looks as if you may actually know something—J.K. Most of all, I leave behind an interesting, mostly enjoyable, and sometimes trying four years of friends, school and everything else I wound up doing here. I, your sister-in-law, do leave the following: to Rob, I leave a girl and my duty of making sure my pictures are facing up at all times; to Tonia, I leave a telephone line of her very own and the job of taking care of Mike while I'm gone. This includes making him soft chocolate chip cookies and giving him some sisterly TLC. I, Liz Roch, trying vainly to appear sound in mind and body, hereby bequeath to Doug, a carnation to keep in your locker in case you don't get one next year, an alarm clock, and thanks. To Scott, a sparkling conversationalist to keep you company on those long, lonely bus rides, and recognition for your singing ability. To both of you, good luck and good times as seniors. I, Crash, being of completely sound mind, leave to L.P., the dumb look in my memorizing eyes. I, Diana Specht, leave the following: to Linda, "Action Ridge" life while I'm in Minnesota, my senior leader gym suit, a Greyhound bus schedule—may our bestest friendship endure the miles between us. To Jim Nowak, the memories of our times together, and my freshman sister—may she not drive you insane. To Jim McCarthy, Clancy and cross-couhtry pains. page 16

I, Nancee Haase, bequeath the following: to I, Tony Colletti, leave Robbie Temple a Aji'i Lorie, a closet with a lock and a collection of year's supply of rides home, as long as he has a ^'^^ B.M. records; Gordy, a band that will get to car, a year's worth of solice that I won't be class on time; to Chip, I leave his very own taxi playing with your mind any more, and a year's service; to Scooter, I leave you Iowa (it's all worth of aggrivation in Choir. To Mr. Bell, 1 yours); to freshmen, three more leave a defunct first tenor section after I'm years—enjoy!; Mrs. Madden, a homeroom gone, and the knowledge that without a couple that never talks. of choice tenors, you wouldn't have had as I, Deaner Niki, being of sound mind and good of a choir as you've had in the last three body, yet confined in a special cell, leave a set years. of bagpipes and a trained chimpanzee to the I, Alan Dereczynski, being of perverted guiltless; while, to the guilty, I leave a set of mind and lengthy body leave the following: to handgrips and the shroud of Turin. Pugsley, high-heeled shoes—you need them; to I, Paula Rue, leave to Jon, the new occupant Meat, Dippity Doo; to Hack, a "How to Play of my locker to escort all the daily buUitens; to Basketball" book; to Little Egg Head 1 leave Sharon, Andy and Aunt Bea, Drooper and Meat. To Gene Wilder, some "gum." To Jill, Snork, a flea circus, and a fun senior Eileen, etc., a loud lecture on "watching the year—don't forget chemistry!; a big bawk and wires." Later, the one-armed Bandit. meep to lounge buddy, Lisa; Spud, homeroom has been a blast; finally, to Mr. Drennan and I, Joe Dumit, being of mind and body, do Mrs. Lobitz, a happy and healthy bunch of here-bye bequeath to my brother, who trackettes. although not registered, is here in mind, spirit I, Stephanie Hale, leave the following: to and even body, an empty room, a senior-year's Miss Pinelli, her own private conference room; supply of pre-written essays and a Maine South to Mrs. Beyer, the first spot in line at yearbook (what will you do without me?) To booksales; to Wimp, my earring; to KH and Debbie: a new vocabulary, a hat (or a plastic LZ, the short librarian (yes, there is someone bag) to cover your precious head on those shorter than us). Also to KH, I leave the rainy days when you're walking to the bus, and "Ricker"; to Kitty, the bookkeeper, I leave a a BIC lighter. And least of all to Scott: you've Toyota with a full tank of gas, a quiet house, mooched long enough. For you I've nothing. and Hyper-Lou to keep her on her toes. I, Christopher Kraco, being of silly mind, do I, Jeff Blume, being of somewhat mind anc ^ j ; leave the following things: to Linda, some no body, leave the following: to my sister Jill, -^ things and stuff; to Dave and George, a Bat- three years of fun and hard studying; to my man quiz; to Jill, rabbits and tallness; to the cousin Dave, a decent pair of gym shoes; to the drama people (present and future), fun times; Tenors in Choir, another "wonderful" year to Len, Pepsi and Ho-Ho's; and, finally, to with Mr. Bell; to Valle, Laura's Mam gland Mr. Pinelli, Martello and Lavelle, I leave you jokes; and to Laura M., everlasting friendship. some pe.ace and quiet. I, Sue Holsen, will all my airless moose conI, George Ruzzier, hereby leave the follow- tainers to Stan; a dozen Denny Terio dance lesing: to ReRe, Rick Smith to keep you com- sions to Jim; matching sets of Underoos to pany; to Mike Baum, my Ozzy concert shirt; to Fish and Tracy; a trampolene and a Sagitarius Etch, my "Roxanne" voice; and, finally, to glass to Gary; and to Johnny, I will about 40 Tracy DeGrazia, I leave Bear. I guess you're pounds and a baby sitter for New Year's Eve. stuck with me, Tig. I, Julie Seidel, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath the following: to Nancy, the Bench ahd to Jojo, the horn section. Take THATS i^ TAfiS&L good care of them. MOT J^ 5PioeE


I, George Chemers, being extremely humorous, beqeath the following: to Tom and Brooke, an iron lung; to Len one mini-bike (unassembled); to Chris Kraco, money; to Tom Field, several diet pills; to Walt, a life time subscription to G.Q.; to Ken Haller, a yellow pencil box and to Maine South I just leave. 1, Juice, leave to one special person...memories. I, An Innocent Man, bequeath Sandee Reich height; to Theres, one hair cut; to Sandee and Jenny a dozen get-well cards, a box of Kleenex ^ . and some Vitamin C; to Chris a gallon of gas; ^ ^ to Stephanie, one Span hors d'oeuvre; to Dr. Barton, an ultra-aethetic drawing of OrgyPorgy. and to Linda, hope and ambition in your future.


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r/4ijgs70N, page 17

2 secretaries choose to retire

El Vera Beyers

I am preparing for retirement and as I gather my thoughts I keep coming back to one. I want to tell all of you how much I have enjoyed being a part of Maine South these past 20 years. Where could one be where you would be thanked over and over all day long for serving and be paid for this service too? Students, you have been a pleasure and it is fun to share the day with you. Faculty, it has been a rewarding experience to have you as friends. Co-workers are indeed a bonus in my day. It has been great watching freshmen grow into impressive seniors—sharing the programs and achievements of all of you great young people. Thanks again to all of you for this happy experience. Guess I'd like to add: There has not been a day at Maine South I didn't like.

I'm grateful to all of you for making it possible. Elvera Beyer Elizabeth Boesen Mrs. Elizabeth Boesen, a secretary to Mr. James Bonney, guidance director, in the personnel office, retired in April. Mrs. Boesen served Maine South for nearly nine years. Her children Pete, Liz, and Joan graduated from South. "I enjoyed my job very much," said Mrs. Boesen. "I enjoyed being around young people, and I especially miss the people I worked with. They were very important to me." Mrs. Boesen does not intend to work again. She says she is "going to enjoy her grandchildren and life."

3 custodians choose June retirement John Haseman John Haseman, electrician, will be retiring in June after working at South for 20 years. Mr. Haseman has now special plans although he does enjoy gardening and traveling. He believes he will really miss going to work every day. Mr. Haseman said, "The kids have gotten better since the school's opening. The majority of the students are good." Note:Mr. Haseman has been at home with back problems the last few weeks. We wish him a quick recovery. Howard Mueller

worked as the assistant grounds keeper. He then moved to the job of taking care of the boiler system. After retiring, Mr. Mueller will be planning to relax and take life nice and easy, according to his cohorts. Head custodian, Irwin Roland described Mr. Mueller as being, "Happy-go-lucky and an easy person to get along with." According to Mr. Roland, Mr. Mueller also enjoyed working here and will miss the kids, teachers and sports. Mr. Mueller is said to get along with the students well and even knew many of them personally.

Arnold Wolfgram Howie Mueller, a custodian here at South since its opening, will be retiring at the end of Arnold Wolfgram, custodian, will be retirthis year. ing this year. He was a set up man for all stuMr. Mueller started at South in 1964 and dent activites for 20 years at South. Previously he worked at Maine East. Mr. Wolfgram, "Amie," plans to travel after his retirement. He will be spending his winters in Florida and his summers here.

Howard Mueller Mr. Wolfgram believes, "This is a wonderful school. I enjoy the kids." He feels that he will miss the students because things will be awfully quiet without them.

Wills... Wills... Wills... Wills...

lOid Wolfgram page 18

I, Laura Elizabeth (Fishcakes, Mam, Bass) for four more years. To Jeff and Joe, my Marti, leave the following: To Nancy, two calorie counting book. To Valle, the infamous more years at South—take my word for it, it'll sop chair and all the Mam. jokes you can be over before you know it! To Sushi, a Super- stand. To Mr. Bell, Mr. Fleschig, Mr. dawg, cheese popcorn, my bear costume, Martello, and Mr. Beatty, thanks for being not Reagan's hair and all the advice I owe you! only teachers but friends, too! As for the rest, Thanks for not letting me be so Ion-lay!! To >t)u can have what's left. There's a lot but Liz, Lisa, Stephanie, and Kathy: slumber par- Sasha will kill me if I go on any longer!! ties with onion dip at 10:30 a.m.. Grapevines, I, Jon Poklop, being of extremely unstable Good Die Young, gossip, gossip, and more cerebrum, bequeath the following: to Audrey gossip. A free subscription to Graffiti for Nan- Port, my infra-red rear view mirror; to George ci and Tom! To Beth Ann, new improved and Adriana, more 1000101; to Steve Huskey, lyrics to Goodnight My Someone. To Kathy a year's supply of Turkey; to Snort, a 68008 C , a roll of toilet paper. To Scott, April microprocessor; to Pooky, a 256K Bubble Fools! To Andy, strength to put up with me RAM card.


Point of view


Let's change Senior Cut Day

Maine South has always maintained a reputation as one of the best high schools in Illinois. Whether we realize this fact or not, we students are better prepared for college and post high school life because of the high academic standards Maine South upholds. Along with having these high educational standards, Maine South has many rules and regulations that make South students the caliber required at a top high school. For the most part, the administration and its rules have been and can be tolerated. With a few exceptions, there have not been any major blow-ups about school policy or student behavior. I think this is due, in part, to the different type of attitude students in recent classes have had. We are not quite as radical as our peers of the 1960's. We may never have a smoking lounge, Walkmen will probably never be allowed and WXRT will never play in the halls. Although these impossibilities upset some students, these are not tragic issues. One policy I would sincerely like to change, though, is that of senior cut day. According to school officials, there is no such thing as

by Dimnitra DeFotis "Senior Cut day." Rather, May 25 has been labeled "Senior Exam Review Day." Well, teachers assume that students will not show up that day and, therefore, review on Thursday. Even if a senior decides to come to school the Friday before prom, there isn't any point! With one or two people in a class at the most, how can a normal class be in session anyway? Most juniors and "leftovers" are sent to lounge that day. Obviously the school could do something as unorthodox as condoning cut da y. However, all seniors are required to be in school on cutday or be called in sick (the only excuseable absence). Personally, I think this is one big joke. Past years have proven that seniors do not come to school on cut day. So, why do our parents have to be asked to lie for us so our absence can be excused? It's not as if students are trying to avoid a vigorous day of studying and review! Many parents will not lie and call in sick, but they give their approval for cutting school. If one is not called in, though, he is truant, and is required to have reassignment during his next day of class. (A day for finals for seniors in this case.)

Roughly ten years ago, 125 seniors filled the reassignment room as a result of senior cut day, according to Dean Bitta. "Well then, you're asking parents to lie for their children?" I asked him. "No. You be in school that day, that's all," he replied. For a school of such a high caliber, I think there is some kind of hypocracy in reasoning here. Many people will lie on that day, will be "sick," and will not care about the true reason for absence. The administration cannot approve the validity of a parent's call for absence due to sickness. But, why bother with all of this red tape? I hope that someday, the so-called Senior Cut day will be eliminated and be a day off altogether. Then the day before will be a true review day, and no one will have to lie, or play games with the administration. It's unfortunate that the most honest people who cut that day without calling in will suffer the most with reassignment or green slips to the dean. (And then REALLY miss class.) But of course, rules were not designed for the benefit of the honest man.

Class Struggles

It's been fun, really. by Mark Filip As I said last year, the worst part about graduation is all the teary good-byes that inevitably show up in the senior issue of Southwards. Instead of looking back, I prefer to look ahead, and so here are my predictions regarding the destinies of several of this year's seniors, where they'll be and what they'll be doing ten years from now when our First reunion rolls around. Vic Cecchin—One lazy Sunday morning ten years from now you'll be flipping through the channels of your cable TV and suddenly you'll see a familiar looking figure clad in a black and gold Speedo, wearing a cape with a snake on it. As the Professional Wrestling Champion of the World, Vic will become a folk hero of the 1990's, and don't say I didn't warn you when you wind up buying your kids "Mr. V" lunch boxes. Rob Keller and Jim Slattery—Ten years from now, Jim and Rob will have made millions as the producers of the first cynical children's TV program. It's a Dog's Life, Kids. On the show children will play games in which there is no winner, will be told stories in which the bad guys win, and will, under no conditions, ever receive any milk or cookies. It's a Dog's Life, Kids will be hailed by psychologists as a realistic alternative to Romper Room and Jim and Rob will be a smash hit from coast to coast. Laura Marti— Developing the talent that

she displayed this year in Graffiti, Laura will be a successful poet in New York ten years from now. Just having been awarded a Pulitzer Prize for her collected edition of romantic poems entitled Ouch, My Emotions, Laura will be unable to attend the reunion because of a special seven part interview on the Dick Cavelt Show. Frank Stomello—Frank will be thousands of miles away from here ten years from now, basking in all the fame and glory that Hollywood has to offer a young buck in America. As the successor to John Travolta, Frank will be riding high on the success of his latest film, the fifth in the Saturday Night Live series, entitled Keeping Alive, and will be comtemplating expanding his horizons into the realm of male modeling. Diana Specht—Unfortunately, Diana will also be unable to come to Maine South for our ten year reunion. After years of running, Diana will be spending the night of reunion in cell seven, block G of Joliet Federal Prison, serving a thirty day sentence for not paying back her student loans. Marc Mazzeri—After a successful career in the U.S.F.L., Marc will be embarking on a new career as a poultry farmer. At the reunion. Marc will astound everyone present by announcing that he has just been elected mayor of his new hometown, Rantoul, Illinois. Joe Lemersal—Joe will return for our reu-

nion ten years from now as a man deeply troubled, haunted by an astounding secret that he can share with noone. After the secret cocaine overdose death of Tony Geary in 1986, Joe will have taken over as Luke Spencer on General Hospital, and will have appeared as Luke for over seven years with not a single hint of suspicion from America's soap opera fans. Tragically, however, all of Joe's female costars will have to have endured special bone reduction surgery that will have scaled them down in order to hide the eight inch height difference between Joe and Tony. Monica Malec—After becoming disillusioned with medicine, "I guess I just got tired of dealing with sick people," Monica will drive up to the reunion in a 1994 Porsche Turbo, having made millions in her new career as the founder of a new assertiveness training course, "Mr. Elbow Meets Your Solar Plexus." Mike Baum—Northwestern University has always produced TV stars like Ann-Margaret and Charleston Heston, and ten years from now Mike will be continuing this fine tradition, carrying the Wildcat banner to new entertainment horizons. Combining his loves of dancing and physical fitness, Mike will star on the first punk rock aerobics show. Eight Count Anarchy, breaking new barriers into the FCC broadcasting codes and opening up whole new worlds for suburban housewifes. page 19

MelIberg muses over changes (Editor's Note: The following letter was addressed to Southwards tance attatched to appearance. Being so skinny and the only editor Sasha Pisarski and Graffiti editor Laura Marti.) bald kid in class, I never worried about appearance. Besides, Dear Editors: we had a dress code. Inspired by your complimentary copies of your two Despite the code, the dress was about the same as today. distinguished journals, affected by some of the ideas contain- The girls at Maine South have generally always been welled in them, moved by the friendships I made during the dressed and well-groomed. To say the least, they have always V-Show, and motivated by the 20th anniversary of our belov- been attractive, although there have been some bad years. ed alma mater, I have decided to put down a few anniversary But, in my time, we had some great-looking girls (I refer only thoughts on paper. to fashion here), and the only real problem they faced was a It is said that the more things change, the more they stay clamp-down on wearing culottes. I never understood what the same. At least I think I have heard somebody say that. In was so terrible about culottes, although I never thought they any case, that idea came to mind during my recent guest ap- looked very good. Officially, girls were required to wear pearace in the Maine South V-Show and while getting to "dresses, suits, or skirts with blouses or sweater" and slacks know some of today's student body. or pants were verbotten. Although I graduation nearly fourteen years ago (which Boys were required to "wear belts; shirts must be tucked inmakes me pretty old in your eyes, but still quite young to many of the faculty members), I have always felt close to to pants and blue jeans are not permitted." There was Maine South. It was a big part of my life. I entered high nothing about socks, but we would never have worn white school as an extremely shy, skinny, studious young teen-ager. socks with anything but sports clothing. It was black socks or I left high school as the 1970 "Biggest H a m , " still skinny, no socks, and penny loafers were the main style of shoe. and not quite as studious, although not really dumb (that Button-down shirts were the norm (they had to have the loop changed in college). With me I carried many friends, many on the back which meant something or other), and madras experiences, and many memories both good and bad. But, I shirts were popular. Hair styles were essentially like today's have never forgotten those halcyon years ("halcyon years" is for guys and dolls (how musical-sounding), although long the kind of thing I learned to write under Mr. Beatty's hair was just coming in as mine was falling out. Crew-cuts were dead. guidance). So, coming back to Maine South is always a pleasant stroll We did not have New Wave, Preppy, or Flashdance. down Memory Lane (Mr. Beatty would have told me not to Basically we had two kinds of people: Greasers and Doopers. say "Memory Lane"). This year, however, it was even more Greasers wore black everything (except for white shirts), so. leather jackets, pointed shoes, lots and lots of makeup on the First of all, it was quite an experience to be a part of girls, and lots and lots of grease on the guys (on their hair, another V-Show. I only tried out for two V-Shows while in that is). The rest of us were Doopers, although included as a school, so I always felt a bit cheated. This gave me the chance sub-class were the Nurds, who carried slide-rules (preto be in another. Good or bad, the shows are always fun calculator days) and briefcases. We also had a handful of (unless you're Mr. Martello or Mr. McLean). At first I was a Hippies, although they used to get beat up behind the school bit apprehensive about being in this one. After all, some of by football players, so their population was kept to a the people in the cast were in diapers when I was in my last minimum. V-Show. I was afraid the generation gap would be too great. In addition to these things, we had many of the same But, once I got to know a few people things went pretty smoothly. I did NOT feel like I was Maine South's answer to teachers. People like Gordon McLean, Otto Kohler, Don Martello, Irwin Bell, Ken Beatty, Bob Barker, Barbara Mr. Rogers. There were a tew words I did not know. And, of course, my Bobrich, Kaye Pierce, Shirley Sandelands and Carol Singer, generation did not have the luxury of portable, miniature to name a few. They taught the same things, had the same stereo radios, But, many things are the same. There is still a habits, and gave the same assignments. A dozen years from now you too will say that high school band, athletic teams, incredibly short lunch periods, the same pep song, the same publications, the same classes and the was the best of times and the worst of times—or whatever wide variety of social problems and behavior that affleict peo- they say! ple starting from about fourteen and staying the same Warmest regards, thereafter. Among these social items is the incredible imporBill Mellberg, Class of '70 I, Jody Johnson, leave: to Spud, the laundry and a realization that army fatigues and a splash of color will never make the bestdressed list. To Jen, Ed Schaffer and memories of F.W.S. To the Smiffs, a carpet full of dip. And to everyone, a thank you for helping me through four fo the worst years of my life and an open invitation to come visit N.I.U. page 20

Wills...Wills... I, Kim Morandi, will to my not-so-bad aster, the ability to wear high heels and eat dinner like a lady; and to Jeff, all the love a friend could give. You've given it to me and I want to return the love. Thanks for everything. 1 love you!

I, Tight End, leave: to Wimp, a new body (go Nautilus); to Curtis, new hair; to"B.G.," a new car and a real life; to Wenchy, luck with J.K.; to Vermin, two girls to go to Homecoming with; to Liz and Carrie, Florida avec des garcons bronzes, and a gun to shoot all fake LV's and Gucci's; to "Yeb," my love—au revoir!

Soccer team ends impressive season This has been the first year of girls' soccer at .Maine South and the team has had a very sucjp;essful season. They were undefeated as of May 22 and they were eligible for competition in the Niles West Mini-State Tournament. The team went undefeated with a 16-0-1 record. The tie was against the powerful Evanston Wildkits. This season, the Hawks rolled to many easy victories by margins of eight to ten goals. There have been a few close games against teams such as Libertyville and Evanston, teams with an established soccer program, but Maine South has shown its strengths and has proved to be one of the top teams in the area. In the mini-state tournament, the team won the opening round. The Niles West tourney brings some of the top team in the area together to play, because the IHSA does not sponsor a state tournament for girls' soccer.

The players have been the true strength of the Maine South soccer team. Senior Carolyn Bachmeier is one of the most outstanding players on the team. Carolyn acted as captain this year. Her leadership has been very important during the close, hard-fought games. Another player who has made the team so good is Laura Haaning. Laura plays centerhalfback, and controls much of the action of the game. Coach Jack Tilley commented that Laura is one of the best overall players on the team. Laura is only a sophomore so she shouls provide strength for the team in the future.

Laura, Sherri is a sophomore and she has two more years to play. On defense the main player has been Rose Resch. She has played extremely well and has been the difference in holding opposing teams' scores to only one or two goals. Rose has been the anchor on defense to hold the other team while allowing the forwards to go downfield to score. Rose is a junior and will be back on next year's team. These players are what has allowed the team to win so many games and advance to the ministate tourney.

Another outstanding athlete on this year's team is Sherri Herbert. Sherri played right wing and was a great part of the offense. Sherd's speed and agility enabled her to outrun all her defenders. Sherri was very hard to stop and she was a great forward. Like

Runners place in regionals

Martin places in state The boys' gymnastics team finished with a record of 7-3 with losses to New Trier, Highland Park and Maine West. The Hawks placed fourth in conference, with outstanding finishes by Scott Martin, Bill Christie and Craig DeVelasco. In districts the team took second place. Scott iMartin took first in every event. In sectionals, the only team member to qualify for the state meet was Scott Martin. Martin qualified in floor exercise, rings.

vaulting, parallel bars, high bar and allaround. In state competition, Scott placed second in floor exercise and vaulting. He took fourth in the hgih bar and all-around competition. He placed sixth on the parallel bars. Coach John Riccitelli remarked, "This is the best season we've had for a while. We'll be losing key seniors like Scott Martin, Bill Christie and Craig DeVelasco, but underclassmen Tony Sweeney, Jim Huston and Dan DeNardis should take their place."

Hawkettes, GRA chosen Hawkettes for the 1984-85 school year were recently chosen. . They are: Jenny Bars, Marme Cienkus, Anne DePaul, Carol Eastman, Jen Felcan, Joana Forsea, Cheryl Keane, Becky Knueppel, Beth Maloney, Lisa Masini, Amy Meland, Valle Newman, Katie Peterson, Sharon Rauser, Liz Rodgers, Julie Schneidwind, Lynn Schoner, Anita Schwandt, Karen Thorson. Emily Tseng, Jenny Turk and Valerie Wilkens. Senior Valle Newman will be captain. Junior Varsity Hawkettes are: Kern Owens, Sarah Owens, Shellie Sellegren and Adelina Tseng.

The Girls' Recreation Association Board for the 1984-85 school year was recently announced. GRA Board members will be Noreen O'Dwyer, Julie Swalla, Sandy Krueger, Julie Burgess, Meg Moran, Marcia Stephanie, Sue Szalczynski, Connie Baziotes and Michelle Stahlberg. GRA officers are: Lisa Gonnella, president; Sasha Nikolich, vice-president; Sara Nelson, secretary; Jen Ryan, treasurer. GRA Board's primary responsibilities are the running of intermural sports as well as sponsoring the GRA co-ed sportsnites.

I, ThereseTlanl^^oniSuEiresesTRedr Partner, Tree, Tom) of unrested mind and weary body, leave: to Katie, my wardrobe; to B.L., the world, strength to be yourself and a yellow rose; to Linds C , many smiles; to Len, hope for the future; to Libby, natureman; to Chris L., i:,opods (?); to the Queen of Green Things, the Cleaver Family Photo Album; to Tom, crumbs. I, Jane Choi, leave to my brother Bill, the next year of tests and college applications. I also leave him all my books and homework in hopes that he can get decent grades. Also to all

the reference retrieval technician engineers of the PRPL, (that's you, Kelly, Kristen, Amy and Dave), I leave many long and prosperous years at the library. To Debbie and Lisa, a leave years of good luck and the hope that we remain best friends forever. To Linda Therrian—I leave you all the cute priestnesses you can find, but don't you ever forget John!


I, Barb Broda, leave forty cents to my sister Chris to take the bus next year. Stay out of trouble! To Rick Soils, I leave a chocolate eclair, a Canada Dry and a lot of good memories.

The Maine South boys' track team placed second in the conference meet. Larry Maigler look first in the 800 meter run, while Scott Kingston placed third. Vic Checcin took third in both shot put and discus. Junior Doug Irvine took third in pole vault and fourth in the triple jump. Brian Scerba took third in low hurdles and fourth in high hurdles. The 3200 meter relay team placed second. In districts, the Hawks placed sixth overall. The two-mile relay team of Scott Kingston, Brad Carmody, Pat Grage and Larry Maigler. Scott Kingston placed first in the 800 meter run and Larry Maigler placed third.

Wills... Wills... I, Maureen Rowley, leav my sister Carol, all my pre-practice junk food, my many pairs of suntan hose, ten free sewing lessons and every good ABIAN KRISAN joke we've cortK up with in the past two years; and to Laura, I leave plenty of space at our lunch table for all your freshmen, I mean sophomore, oh no...junior friends. I, Thomas Parson Donzelli II, being one hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is, do hereby bequeath the following: to Die Frau, a lobotomy; to G.D.A., some super-rats; to Mike, a pan-galactic gargle blaster; to Dan, somefilms;to Ed, Steve H. and a Falchion; and all the rest goes to the Save the Grapefruit Foundation. I, "The Boss," leave the following: to Joel, his English book; to Sharon, my locker; to Heidi, all my government notes (and tests); to Mike, all my fun classes; to Troy, my hard and boring classes; and of course everyone will get to enjoy the company of my brother next year! 1, Brian MacDonald, being of sound mind and body, first and foremost leave to Mike Baummy Meatloaf "Bat Up..." tape; to Mark I leave "the love machine" in all her glory and my "hands are tied—fire up attitude" with which we both know there is no problem; to my truly loved Dopey, I leave all my Bruce possessions, and all other things you may desire. page 21

Outstanding Athletes chosen

Badminton Kathy Kay

Badminton Daniela Moreno

''(f\ \


t Badminton Anne Sebastian

Gymnastics Diane Steinohrt

Soccer Diane Slazas

Tennis Gigi Otto

page 22

Diving Julie Pence

Soccer Carolyn Bachmeier

Swimming Roberta Beckman

Track Marianne Lahart

The badminton team has elected its outstanding athletes. One of the elected was Daniela Moreno. She has been on the team for three year, and played varsity singles. Daniela placed third in conference in the number two varsity singles position. Her conference meet record was 4-3 and her overall record was 6-4 as a senior. In the CSL tournament, she placed fourth in the "A" tournament and placed first in the IHSA Sectional tournament, while qualifying for state. Another co-outstanding athlete on the badminton team was Kathi Kay. She is a four-year player and team captain her senior year. Her senior year, she played first varsity doubles and placed third in conference. Her dual-meet record was 8-2 overall. Anne Sebastian was named one of badminton's outstanding athletes. Anne, a three-year member and co-captain her senior year, played first doubles with Kathi Kay. Their doubles team was sectional champions and state qualifiers. This year's diving team outstanding athlete is Julie Pence. Julie is a four-year varsity member. In her junior year, she placed third in conference and ninth in state. As a senior, she was conference champion and set a new Maine South varsity dual meet record. She placed third in state. Both junior and senior years, she was all-conference, and as a senior, she was a member of the all-state team. Diana Steinohrt has been elected the outstanding athlete on this year's girls' gymnastics team. Diana has been a varsity gymnast all four years and has performed on allaround. In 1983 and 1984 Diana was elected to the All-Conference team. In 1984 Diana was elected as an Ail-American on the balance beam and uneven parallel bars. Because of her qualities as a hard worker and team leader, Diana was chosen as the Outstanding Athlete. Diane Slazas was named one of the girls' soccer team's first outstanding athletes. Diane is the starting left fullback and has been an important factor in the Hawks' several shut-outs. This year's outstanding athlete for swimming is Roberta Beckman. This year she was team captain and a varsity swimmer for four year. She was named to the all-conference team all four years. She has been a member of

Track Cindy Smith

Volleyball, Basketball, Softball Carolyn Bickler

two of the third place state teams. As a sophomore, she won a state medal as a member of the medley relay and freestyle relay teams. The 1983-84 soccer team's outstanding athlete is Carolyn Bachmeier. Carolyn is the team captain and plays center forward. She is the leading scorer and has been a source of team unity. Gigi Otto is this year's most outstanding athlete in tennis. Gigi, a three-year varsity player, placed in the top 24 in state. Her junior year, she was a state qualifier in doubles. As a senior, she was sectional singles champion and all-conference. Marianne Lahart is another outstanding athlete for track. She is a four-year member of the team and was a co-captain this year. During her senior year, she suffered from injuries but was still a strong contributor to the team. Cyndi Smith has been named one of the outstanding athletes for track. She is a fouryear member of the team, and is currently team co-captain. She qualified for state her junior and senior years in high jump, and she was named all-oonference as a senior. Softballs' outstanding athlete is Carolyn Bickler. She played on the varsity team sophomore, junior and senior years. Her batting average overall was .400. She played first base, outfield and pitched for the Hawks. The Chicago Tribune selected her as one of the top forty players in the state. This year she was selected to the International Youth Foundation European Touring Softball team. The outstanding athlete for volleyball is Carolyn Bickler. She played varsity her junior and senior years and was named allconference. Her senior year, she served as captain. Her sophomore year she was named Most Improved player, and her senior year she was named Most Valuable Player. Amy Black was named outstanding athlete for the 1983-84 basketball season. She was allconference junior and senior years and was named to four all-area teams. Amy was also selected a.s one of 12 players to participate in the first all-star game between Northeast Illinois and Southeast Wisconsin. Junior and senior years, she was the leading scorer and rebounder for the team.

Basketball Amy Black

Softball Sophia Leongas

Badminton Judi Franz

^ W

m ~

Teams select MVP's for 1984 The MVP of the football team is senior Vic ^Cecchin, a 2-year letter winner. Vic was voted ' s MVP by his fellow team-mates because of .lis skill and ability. Vic helped to stabilize the interior line of the team and his strength and guts overpowered his opponents. For these reasons, Vic was also elected to the allconference team.


Wills... Wills...

This year's MVP for the tennis team is Steve Baab. Steve was captain of the team his senior year. His record was 11-3 during the 1984 season, and he was also the 1984 Quad Champion. Steve's positive attitude and hard work contributed to his nomination. The cross-country team's MVP is senior Larry Maigler. Larry has been on the team all four years and won his letter in cross-country. Larry has proved to be an excellent crosscountry runner and track athlete; each sport helps improve the other. He was elected MVP by his team because of his determination and ability. Larry Maigler is the 1983-84 MVP of the track team. A four-year letterman, Larry placed in conference both sophomore and junior years. He holds the sophomore school record in the 800 meter run, placing him on Maine South's Top Ten Varsity list. He was an allconference runner in 1983 and MVP of last season as well. Senior Scott Martin is the gymnastics team's MVP. Scott is a four-year letterman. His freshman year he placed 11th in free-exercise in sectionals. As a sophomore, he was a state qualifier in free exercise and placed 12th in state. Junior year, he qualified for the state meet in five events. He was district all-around champion. In state, he placed 12th all-around.

I, Bill "Karen" Kounellsa, of average good looks, do hereby will: my ability to hit on chicks, my awesome basketball talents and my connections to Dave "Whooo" Marquardt, Joe Berry "Bad Attitude" Carroll and Frank "No Looks" Tortorella. I also hereby will my quickness in getting my thumb up to the juniors at my first period lounge table. I, Nanci Calamari (alias "Dust"), do bequeath the following: to June, happy dreams and superb karma, better bashes and, oh yes, a REAL job. To Amy, who is now long gone but not forgotten, good tunes, good people, good stuff, good times. To Harry, a good "high" at flight school. To Laura, an editorship on a REAL magazine. To Steve, an entire room full of people who really like Steve Dahl. To Teak, the definition of beauty (at last). To the PRS...nothing. CaHfornia Dreamin.' What a long, strange trip it's been. I, Vicki Glienna, leave to Sharise lovino, 100 /avs to Turn Down a Dale With..., a henna ÂŤ or spying, a paddle so you don't drift into the ocean without me; to Dawn Shoemaker, I leave a new motorboat for Florida and a new phone to call the fire department; to Tommy Boyle, a beautiful frosh, or however you say it and to Cheryl R., 1 leave...a life. I, Alan Martin, being on the verge of mental breakdown and deteriorating body, do hereby will the following items: to Ken, my "Bing Signs Jewish Polka Songs;" to John, all my overdue notices; lo George, my freshman visuals and Fibber tapes; to to Rose, Jim and Damon 1 leave the memory of ERk and hopt hat it will live on forever, or at least another year. I. Bill Karavites, do hereby wiU: my good knees and no worries to D.M.; my cool temper to JB.C.; my height to F.T.; my Crayola hat to B.V. (maybe); nv bad ankles to L.S. (complainer); my temble hfe to S.G. (she's awesome; ask her); my kindness to N.W. and M.B. (moody women); my hair to A.S. I. Marjorie Arbeit, leave: to John, my real army pants; to Laura, my car and its contents, and my Burger King hat, which no one else is allowed to wear; to Jay, my purse (God knows you want it more than I do); and to freshman Tod, I leave nothing because he is nothing. I, Elizabeth Cox, do bestow: to Petterson, my Garfield sheets and a new Garfield poster [or his dartboard. "Long live Garfield!" To ^risten, a new brother; to Scumface, all my preppy sweaters and lots of money for the facial surgery (take the hint!). To my car trio, a new ride because (ha ha) 1 won't be there to take vou! Bye all!

The MVP of this year's golf team is Dave MacKenzie. Dave held low average on the team and was consistently the best player on the team. Being a junior, more improvement is expected next year, when he will be hoping to repeat as the team's Most Valuable Player. This year's MVP of the varsity soccer team is Matt Kuffel. Matt was a two-year letter winner, and in his senior year he was the starting center halfback and team captain. Matt was the team's high scorer and team leader on the field. Because of his leadership, teamwork, and ability, Matt was also elected to the allconference and the all-state teams. ...continued on page 21. I, John Gavin, leave the following: to Patton Feichter, all of my books and theories on the "Hows and Whys of Conservatism;" to Mr. Skinner, all of my linguistic "rhetoric and logic;" to Mr. Drennan, "that old Scottish play;" to Yvonne Block, my home row; and to Mr. Lane Anderson, the inverse square law.

^^m M i l l Tennis Steve Baab

Gymnastics Scott Martin

Football Vic Cecchin

Soccer Matt Kuffel

C.C. & Track Larry Maigler

Wrestling Paul Wallfer

Basltetball J. Djonlich

Basketball Bill Karavites

CT| - /

'%:. i^''JH Golf David MacKenzie


Baseball John Waiewander

Fencing Steve Gillette

Swimming Mark Wachendorf

page 23

Kuffel M-Club's Athlete of the Year

Athlete of the Year Matt Kuffel

'85 rahs chosen Cheerleaders for the 1984-85 school year were recently announced. Varsity cheerleaders will be: Kathie Lindh, Mary Sereno, Laurie Proskin, Lisa Dingillo, Shirlie Sellegren, Lisa Warder, Kerry James, Chris Thein and Eileen O'Leary. Junior varsity cheerleaders will be: Laura Schorsch, Sharon Pankus, May Pagone, Laura Seaberg, Sandra Rhee, Sue Ganser, Nancie Benkhe, Ann Sklena and Suzanne Chidester. Sophomore cheerleaders are: Jeannee Choi, Belva Shinn, Chris Yoo, Julie Thein, Lisa Hamel, Nichole French, Katie Lee and Carol Panke. The cheerleaders were selected by a panel consisting of former cheerleaders, the cheerleading sponsor and several other student body and administrative officials.

This year's M-Club athlete of the year is source of team unity and team spirit. He was also elected MVP of the team. 41 senior Matt Kuffel. Matt is a two sport athlete. He was a Matt also participated in basketball. He was ^ member of both the varsity soccer and basket- a two-year letterman. As a starting guard on ball teams. the varsity team, he was a strong contributot In soccer, Matt was the varsity captain and the the Hawks' successful season. the high scorer of the team with fifteen goals. Because of his devotion and skill, Matt was He was elected to the all-conference, all- elected athlete of the year by his fellow M-Club sectional and all-state teams. Matt started at members. center halfback and provided both strong ofMatt will attend Illinois State University, fense and defense. As team captain, he was a where he will continue playing soccer. ...continued from page 23 The outstanding fencer for the 1984 varsity fencing team is Steve Gillette. Steve is a twoyear varsity letter winner leading the perennial power of the northern suburbs. Steve's record this year was 31-5, and he carried that record to first place in the sectionals. Steve placed third in the U.S.F.A. (United States Fencing Association) tournament and seventh place in the midwest tournament. This year's varsity baseball MVP is John Walewander. John is a possible all-conference second baiseman, leading the Hawks in the RBI's this year. John also leads the team in runs scored, homeruns, and stolen bases. John's two years on the varsity team have proven himself to be a valuable asset to the Hawks. The most valuable players for this year's varsity basketbU team are John Djonlich and Bill Karavites. Both were two year varsity letter winners for the Hawks, leading the team to two consecutive regional championships. Billy's outside shooting provided almost 14 points per game. Djonlich, provided Maine South with strong inside play, averaging 15.4 pts./game and 8 rebounds. Both were AllConference and All-Area selections this year. John also was selected to the East Aurora tournament team for the past two seasons. The Hawks will sorely miss these players.

Paul Walker is the most valuable wrestler for the 1984 season. The junior led the Hawks in almost every category, takedowns, 90, escapes and points. Paul was selected as an All-Conference wrestler at the 115 lb. weight group this year. Walker advanced to districts this season and is favored to capture the district championship next year, making him definite possibility for a state title next year. Next year Paul will be continuing the vast improvement at the varsity level for the Hawks. Mark Wachendorf is this year's swim team MVP. He was co-MVP swimmer in 1983. In 1984 he placed fourth in state in the 500 yard freestyle and eighth in state in the 200 IM. He qualified for nationals in 500, 1000 and 1500 meter races. He was state sectional champion in the 500 yard freestyle.

Wills Wills


I, Paula Piepho, being of sound mind and body (okay, so it's debateable), do hereby bequeath the following: to Robby, freedom! No longer will you have two mothers! To E.T. Thumbs, everything in our locker, so you'll never fullly realize that I'm away. Finally, to Mr. Drennan, my pet rock collection (1 promised you that you'd get it someday), along with my many thanks for being such a good friend.

Diane Lee named Athlete of the Year The outstanding Athlete for the 1983-84 year is Diane Lee. Diane is a two sport athlete. As a softball player, she was a four year member of the varsity team. She started at centerfield and had the school record for most put-outs by an outfielder in a season and in a career. She consistently batted .4(X). She was named by the Chicago Tribune as one of the top forty

players in state. She was all-conference and a member of the 1984 International Youth Foundation European Touring Softball Team. Diane also excelled in basketball. She was a three year varsity player and led the team in assists and plus points. Her career records include fourth in assists, seventh in steals and recoveries, and seventh in plus points. She was named to the all-conference team her senior

„.continued from page 22 This year's outstanding athlete for softball is Sophia Leongas. Sophia is the catcher for the team and consistently batted .390 her senior year. She was a member of the elite eight. She had numerous key RBIs which helped the Hawks' successful season. Debbie Hazlett was named the girls' softball team's outstanding athletes. She has been a three-year member of varsity and plays first base. She is a .4(X) hitter and was selected by

the Chicago Tribune as one of the top forty players in state. She was also a member of the 1983 Elite Eight all-tournament team. Judi Franz was named an oustanding athlete for the varsity badminton team. Judi has been on the varsity team for all four years and was co-captain as a senior. She played second varsity doubles and placed second in conference this year. Judi's record was 5-2 in conference competition and she ended the season with an overall record of 8-3.

page 24

year. Because of her outstanding performance and dedication, Diane Lee was recognized as the Outstanding Athlete of the Year.

Diane Lee

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