twentieth 1964
• anniversary
Vol. 21 No. 9
Maine South High School, Park Ridge, IL
1984 February 10, 1984
School Play to be 'David and Lisa' Maine South's all-school play, "David and Lisa", will be performed on February 23, 24 and 25 at 8 p.m.. Ticket sales will begin on February 6 and may be purchased during lunch periods, in the bookstore, at the door or from cast members. The cost of the tickets will be $2.50 for adults and $2.00 for students and senior citizens. The play deals with students between the ages of 14 and 17 years, who attend a school for the mentally disturbed. David, the son of wealthy, over-protective parents, cannot stand to be touched, while
Submissions needed Graffiti, this year's Creative Writing Magazine, is accepting submissions for its winter and spring issues. Any original poetry, short stories or drawings can be submitted. All material is judged by student staff members, and the magazine is studentproduced with the help of Sponsor Ken Beatty. Graffiti editors include Chief Editor Laura Marti, Chief Judge Cris Carmody, Art Editor Tom Duffy and Sales Judge Nanci Calamari. Subscriptions to the magazine are one dollar, and can be purchased in V-106 before school, or in the cafeteria on magazine distribution dates. Also, individual magazines can be purchased for 35 cents.
Registration required Current law requires that 18 year old males register with the Selective Service System. Such registration can have impact on eligibility for benefits of Federal student financial aid and certain job placement programs to further education and careers. Male students who are 18 years of age can register by visiting their local post office, filling out the appropriate form, and returning it to the postal clerk. I Failure to register may make students inleligilbe for benefits andfailure to register with the Selective Service within 30 days of the 18th birthday is a violation of Federal law.
Lisa, an unloved child, has formed a split personality. Thus, the story revolves around these two. The story, full of both laughter and seriousness, shows how they learn to cope with Ufe. In this particular production, the audience well need to use their imagination because there will not be many props used. Instead, sets will be spotlighted when action does occur and darkened when it does not. This follows a similar format used in movies. Timing is very important, so rehersals will be
held every night. The cast, composed of 22 students, according to Mr. Donald Martello, is "looking strong". The English department will incorporate "David and Lisa" into its sophomore level curriculum this year. Classes wil read and study the play then see special cuts from it. Mr. Marian Davis, English department chairman, believes, "Drama should be seem rather than read." Ken Weichert will star as David and Beth Ann Karabin as Lisa. The student director for this year's production is Karen Christensen.
fjHp y^jfis Century Mark Filip, a senior at Maine South, has been selected as one of two winners from Illinois in the 1983-84 Century III Leaders program. Filip will receive a $1500 scholarship and an allexpense paid trip to Williamburg, Virginia in March to the Century III Leaders Conference where he will compete for a $10,000 schalarship and meet to exchange ideas with winners from other states and with leaders from the world of business, government, and education. Century III Leaders is now in its ninth year as the most extensive opportunity in America for recognizing student leaders. Century III was develped by the National Association of Secondary School Principals with funding from Shell Oil Company. More than $1.7 million has gone into making Century III since its beginning in 1976 Each year, more than 300,000 high school senior
III award
from schools in every state participate. 1 wo students in each state are selected for college scholarships. The selection process begins in each high school witha selection committee choosing a local winner and two alternates. Then, selection committees in each state select ten students for interviews, based on school winner entries. Following the interviews the top two students are deignated as Century III state winners and go to the national conference in Williamsburg, Virginia. Filip, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Filip, is President of Student Council and Secretary of the Brotherhood Society. He is a three-year member of the football team being elected co-captain as a senior. Filip also writes a column for Soiithwords, and was named the Best American History Scholar for 1983.
Sheriff gives sctiolarsliip In addition to completing the required apSheriff Richard J. Elrod, in cooperation with the Illinois Sheriffs' Association, an- plications and submitting other materials, apnounced that a scholarship program will be of- plicants will be asked to write a brief essay on fered afain for the fourth consecutive year. one of the following three topics: " What do The associations's goal is to provide financial you consider to be one of the most critical assistance to worthy students in furthering issues facing young people today and what suggestions can you make to respond to this their education and training. Fifteen scholarships, nine more than in issue?"; "What programs or ideas would you 1981, in the amount of S500 each will be suggest for young people to help prevent awarded in Cook County with 84 scholarships youthful substance abuse?" and third, " 1985 be awarded state-wide to students pursuing has been declare International Youth Year by coursed in vocational training or attending institutions of higher learning. A Cook County Citizen's Committee will review all applications and select the fifteen scholarship winners in the area. The Maine South Computer Club recently participated in the American Computer Science League Contest No. one and obtained a fourth place finish.
the United Nations with the theme of participation, development and peace. What activities can be planned to best celebrate these themes?" All interested participants should either talk to their counselor of contact Domingo Sanchez at the Cook County Sheriff's Youth Services Department, 1401 S. Maybrook Drive, Maywood, II, 60135. Deadline for completed applications is March 1, 1984.
Club finishes fourth
Brotherhood elects
February 16, elections for Brotherhood Society will be held during homeroom. Three boys and three girls from each class will be nominated for the elections. Members of the Brotherhood Society should demonstrate the following qualities: considerationand resisect towards others, reliability and responsibility,amiability, offering of services and leadership qualities. Certificates will be awarded to those elected at the AFS/Brotherhood Society assembly which will be held on February 23.
1 hrough u, students can can look at computer topics not tought at Maine South, yet are important topics in the field of computer science. Maine South joined the American Computer Science League this year. They have four more competitions before the season ends.
The test was made up of six short answer questions in three non-traditional computer science topics. In addition, the contestants had Mr. Michael Andrews, sponsor, says he's 48 hours to write a computer program. The very happy with the club's success this year. He five individual scores were sent in to the com- also said, "This is the first year and we are trypetition. ing to get some experience. Next year we hope to have a better set-up with more students parMr. Andrews says that he feels the ACSL ticipating at all of the three levels of the proCompetition is a "valued experience". gram."
Southwords Southwards is the studentproduced newspaper of Maine South High School, Park Ridge, IL. Letters to the Editor should be delivered to V-106 and given to a member of the Editorial Board. Soutftivords reserves the right to edit letters containing obscene or libelous material. Editor-in-Chief Sasha Pisarski News Editor Dan Gayford Commentary Editor...Kim WochinskI Features Editor Kris Falzone Sports Editor Maureen Smith Photo Editor John Danile Art Editor Nancy Humm Adivser Mr. Ken Beatty Staff: Ami Albright, Cris Carmody, Sonia Chartouni, Elizabeth Cicineiti, Maggie Conlon, Dimitra DeFotis, Jeff Devlin, Andy Duerkop, Tom Duffy, Mark Filip, Cathy Flynn, Karen Frank, Tom Fox, Kathy Humm, Todd Jackson, Sarah Langdon, Shelly Main, Laura Marti, Maura McKenna, Audrey Port, Liz Roch, Nick Roder, Tim Soper, Mike Viola, Lisa Williams, Kathie Yoo. page 2
Mr. Robert Barker, principal, recieves a plaque from Dr. Deno Fenili of Penoyer school, in appreciation for coordinating the federal funding program at Maine
South. Through the program, students from Penoyer were able to participate m courses at South that were not available to them at their school.
Point of
Girls get revenge at Girls' Choice You can call it Turnabout, or you can call it Sadie Hawkin's Dance, or you can call it Girls' Choice. But whatever the dance is named. Girls' Choice always manages to turn the halls of Maine South into a gossip haven during the month of February. With this year's Girls, Choice dance close at hand (March 3), you may find the following thoughts of one obcessed girl all too familiar. January 1,: / resolve to go to Girls' Choice this year. I don't care if I only have five dollars. I don't care If he doesn't drive. And I don't even care if he Is the only guy left with a purple polyester suit. I'm going!
ed down to ten guys. That one in second period is kind of nice. But what will we talk about at dinner? Dinner! I haven't even thought about that. I wonder... are you supposed to make reservations now? January 27: This Girls' Choice thing has got to go. I never wanted to be liberated! Six of my friends have already asked guys to the dance. They're buying their dresses this weekend. I don't even have it narrowed down to five guys yet!
February 10: Four days before Valentine's Day. hAaybe I should send my five privileged finalists carnations and then see who rolls his eyes and who doesn't. January 3: / resolve to POSSIBLY go to No. Maybe I'll go to Siberia. I hear the the Girls' Choice dance. I have it narrow- snow's great there.
Student views on Girls' Choice Some students had the following feelings about Girls' Choice: Lisa Zembowski, '86, "You get to go to a dance with someone you really want to go with." Tim Bellows, '85, "I haven't slept for a month wondering if someone is gomg to ask .me." Helen Athens, '85, "1 like having a chance to ask a guy out." Julie Karbusky, '85. "1 like the idea of paying because whenever we go out he doesn t pay so now I can finally take him out. Kelly Roder, '85, "Girls' Choice is a chance to meet a guy you've wanted to get to know better."
A junior girl, "I like being in the driver's seat, all those guys sweating it out." Dan Gayford, '84, "It's silly." Mark Filip, '84, "Just remember to chew your food." Mike Moore, '85, "It's just free food." Pete Silkowski, '84, "I think it's a good thing because the role reversal gives insight to both sides." Joel Emersol, '84, " Facist propaganda!" Dave Schwieder, '85, "It's a swell time." Phil Bomrad, '85, "It's great, as long as someone asks me." Paul Carlbourgh, '84, "It's a change of pace, gives the girls a chance to ask the guys they like."
Dimitra D e F o t i s Febraury 17: O.K. I think I know who it will be. I hope everyone else puts this much thought into this subject! Now, when do I ask him?' I see him in the In class? Tacky. A note? That would leave evidence! Forget that. Maybe the best idea is calling him at home. What if his mother answers. Or a kid brother. "It's a girl on the phone!!" I can hear it now. Why me? Why is life so difficult?! February 24: He said yes! Something went wrong. This was too easy! Tickets, restaurant, reservations, transportation, a dress. Good grief. I can't deal with this. What's the event? Oh yeah, a dance or something. Almost forgot. March 3: After having fallen asleep in the bathtub, I'm debating staying home for fear of looking like a prune. I'm leaving at 4pm so we can go to a few million houses for pictures. We'll probably want to forget March 3 ever existed in a few months. 3:45, a little early but gotta beat rush hour. Door closes at 9pm. Postscript: Siberia, March 10: Well... I will have about two rolls of film to remember this wonderful event by. And that purple suit... the pictures ought to be vibrant! Six couples at a little Japanese restuarant, that is, once we found the place. Never did learn how to use chopsticks-and needless to say, we all went home quite hungry. Home. Couldn't find the backdoor key. Windows were always fun to climb through in high heels and a dress. Oh, what's that? The dance? Oh yeah, it was OK.
New drinking age affects students On July 1, 1984 the drinking age in Wisconsin will be raised to ninteen. Presently, to drink in Wisconsin you must be eighteen years old This new change in Wisconsin legislature affects those seniors who will be eighteen this year because they only have until July 1 to legally drink in our neighboring state. The following students had some views about the change in Wisconsin's drinking age: Jody Johnson, '84, "I think it's stupid to change the drinking age by one year. If they're going to change it, then they might as well change it to 21." Torre Anderson, '84, "I don't have much to say because pretty soon there will be a national drinking age of 21." , Martha Phillips. '85, "The change of the ^ g a l drinking age will not make any difference because older friends can still buy the hquor.' Beth Murray, '84, "The grandfather clause in the Constitution will enable me to drink in Wisconsin anyways because I'm already eighteen So. it really doesn't matter to me."
Chris Paterakis, '84, "Although they're changing the drinking age to be ninteen, it's not going to stop anyone from drinking. They can just get it from their friends which they always do anyways." Chris Grahn, '84, "I feel it's neccessary because kids abuse the privilege of being able to drink at the age of eighteen, especially the kids from Illinois." Matthew Curtis, '84, "They should raise the drinking age to ninteen for beer and 21 for liquor." Bill Kounellas, '84, "Raising it one year really wouldn't make a difference because people aren't much smarter." Leo Karris, '84, "It will be a hardship for most of the seniors here who will or have already turned eighteen. The weekend 'roadtrips' may be discouraged and this may save lives. I'm all for it." Steve Klancnik, '84, "It should remain eighteen for beer and ninteen for hard liquor."
Nancee Haase, '84, "Every year since I could think of they always change the rules. The Class of '84 seems to be waiting three more years for everything. I don't go to Wisconsin a lot and when I do I've never been carded. I feel bad, though, for the people who plan on going up there for their eightieth birthday (which is a tradition) and they can't go because the age is changed to ninteen." Sherrill Hlavarty, '85, "I don't think that one year will make a drastic difference. If kids want to drink, they will always find a way." Chris Hardin,'84, "The new law is unfair because it only means that seventeen year olds will have to wait one more year before they can legally drink." Tim Bellows, '85, "It should still be eighteen because an eighteen year old can take just as much responsibility as a ninteen year old." Ami Albright, '84, "Changing the drinking age will not make a difference because kids can obtain fake l.D.'s anyway." page 3
AFSers share experiences
by Louise Berns
Last summer I was an AFS student in Zacatecas, Maxico. Zacatecas, with its population of approximately 150,000 people, is nestled between four mountains in central Mexico. Settled in the 1500's, the city is very old and when I first arrived 1 found it difficult to appreciate its beauty. Soon, however, the cobblestoned streets and ancient buildings developed a charm of their own and one of my favorite pastimes became exploring the city. Though the city appears very old, Zacatecas is a modern city. Also, to my surprise, there was a growing middle class. My family was a lower middle class family who had enough money to live on plus a few luxuries. So though poverty did touch my life on the streets, I did not live in it. I think what most affected my stay was my family. I had nine brothers and sisters and when my whole family got together at my ""
Class Struggles
father's house, there were 25 of us. What deeply impressed me about the Mexican people is their family unity. Even though many of my brothers lived away from home with their families, every weekend we got together and shared each other's lives. My family was very loving and understanding. The first day when they opened the door to me, they also opened their hearts. My AFS experience had a great impact on me. First, it changed a lot of the preconceived notions I held about Mexican people. But, more importantly, I was given the chance to develop beautiful relationships that will stay with me for the rest of my life. by Sieve Langdon 1 spent ten weeks in Thailand through the AFS exchange program this past summer. 1 lived with a family in Bangkok and went to school everyday with my brother and sister who were near my age.
My stay in Thailand was both challenging g^ and fun. I had to cope with a language barrier ^ V and a very different lifestyle. The food was especially challenging because I was not used to some of the spices or eating rice three times a day. After I got used to the differences in Thailand I really began to enjoy my stay. 1 wasn't lonely because I had friends at school who could speak English fairly well. I enjoyed going to school because of the interesting classes that I took like Thai music , Judo, and Aikido. Another enjoyable portion of my stay was travelling within Thailand. I visited the northern province of Chiang-Mai and also saw the Bridge on the River Kwai in Kanchanaburi. Travelling exposed me to a more authentic look at Thailand because Bangkok is more westernized. My last week in Thailand was spent with another family in a small rice community north of Bangkok. I was very fortunate to spend a week in an area that was more primitive than Bangkok. I lived in a two room house which had neither running water or a telephone and was built on stilts on a river. The lifestyle was more simple and slower. Although I was there only a week, I became very close with the family and I felt like a part of the family by the end of my stay. My entire stay in Thailand was both educa-^^ tional and enjoyable. Thailand is a fantastic^F country. It has beautiful people, very interesting customs and culture, and some of the most breath-taking landscape in the world.
Columnist asi<s for team recognition When I walked out of the Winter Spirit Assembly two weeks ago, all I could think about was how lousy it is that our hockey team is not recognized by our school. Then, during the course of the school day, several guys on the team told me that the Maine East and Maine West hockey teams were recognized and the decision to refuse recognition to our team rested with our assistant principal, Mr. Reczkiewicz. I was realty mad, and after school that day I went in to Mr. Reczkiewicz's office and told him I wanted to know the reasons behind his decision. 1 was ready to tell him how popular hockey games are and how hard all of the guys on the team work and how unfair he was being by refusing to acknowledge our team's accomplishments in Southwards and the Monday morning sports report. I wish I could tell you that after some persuasive talking 1 was able to get Mr. Reczkiewicz to change his decision and grant recognition to the team, but I can't. The reason I couldn't get Mr. Reczkiewicz to change his decision is because the hockey page 4
recognition policy isn't Mr. Reczkiewicz's decision to make. The refusal of recognition for our hockey team is a district policy which our school is bound to enforce. The reason the district policy exists is the result of a lawsuit brought against Maine South three years ago by a girl who was injured at Oakton Ice Rink. At this game, a girl was struck by a hockey puck and received some injuries. Later, this girl's parents sued Maine South on the grounds that our school didn't provide adequate safety precautions for our team's hockey spectators. Our hockey team is not a school sponsored activity and therefore the school is not responsible in any way for what goes on at the games. Our school won the lawsuit, principally because Maine South's lawyers were able to prove at the trial that our school absolved itself of the team and that the team was not acknowledged at school at all. No announcements, no press coverage, no scores. That is why our hockey team is not recognized and that is why the district policy exists for all three Maine schools.
Several of the guys on the team have told me that their fathers are lawyers and insurance men and that they know a way for our team to be recognized that will still keep the school from being sued. Great, but don't talk to me, don't talk to our school administration, talk to the district lawyers and get the policy changed. If you do know a way for our team to be recognized it would be nice to finally be able to cover the hockey team right here in Southwards. The fact that Maine East and Maine West supposedly recognize their teams will just make your case better by enabling you to show the hypocrisy of the present system. One other thought on the Winter Spirit Assembly. Who didn't think that the band and dancers were the greatest? We should have a night where we just clear out a gym and let all the bands from our school come and play and everybody else can come and listen and dance. Maybe we could do it in the spring sometime,| on a Friday night or something. It would be a way for our bands to get some exposure where everybody could hear them and would be a good time for everybody involved.
Southwords V-Day Messages Gem: Tonight we can pretend we're at the Columbia: Hurts, doesn't it. Happy V.D. Como. Love you, M.M. Love, Handcuff Queen
Andy B.: Happy V-Day to my favorite busriding partner. Love, Sue
To Absent Friends: Here's to good times. Colleen: It's been a long time, but Happy Jack's crack. Peppermint Schnapps, toilet Valentine's Day. Love, Mike brush head, leather, June and wham! May the Horror live forever! Love, Magenta Nancy, Dan, Dawn, Steve, Marilyn, NanTo Todd and Brent Showalten Happy cy, Sue: Lunch has been great fun! Tracey
Matt: Happy Valentine's Day to my favorite towhead. Love, Laura
V-Day! Love, Unice and Benny
Bob M.: Motley rules! Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks for the steak and mashed potatoes. Love, Nancy
Dear Spaz Man: I love you. Your wife. Happy V-Day, Dave MacKenzie
Craig: You have great legs! Diane, Betsy, Maureen Bav: Happy V-Day. Best legs, P.W. Febes: H.V.D. P.W.
Jamie Sterba: Happy Valentine's Day. We love you! Your Harem
To two coily queens named Utter and Bonnie: You burned me real bad. Owen Phyllis: Fun Times! More to come. Mike, shut Steve: PROMISE? Guess Who up. John, stop caUing. Jack, you smell. Dave: We love you! Ping and Pong Weasle, just once 1 want to hear you screw up. Happy Valentine's Day to the guy with nice Mark, can I call you stinky? Dave, tobacco is forearms and cute...Hugs and Kisses, Mallory Happy Valentine's Day to my best friend, good for the bladder. This is Joe Piscopo live, signing off from Canterbury Pie. Sorry Michelle Argast Scott: It's always been a strange twist of sweetheart, got a party to go to. Christina: A devoted fan wishes you a cool fate that brought us together. This time, nothing wil break us apart. This is my signal, V-Day! now throw me a line. (Us Catholic girls aren't Banor, Mlrthrandlr and Dreamdrifter (if To The Mods: You know who you are. that slow.) Quantam Love, P.V.W. he hasn't changed his name again): You're the From A Player better travelers to guard and defend and travel Jamie: Can I carry your books for you? with me that any others before. United Against Dear Diane Santoro: I long for the day when Huh? Huh? All in good fun, Sasha Saul, Ella Ra Ra I can look into your deep blue eyes and imagine the times we can have and the things we Mr. Penh Dearest heart, how my heart To S.A.S.: I think we ought to know each can do. Love forever, Drake Dietrick longs for yours when we are apart. Hath thou other a bit better. Love, J.I.J. pain for mine as well? Love has not yet returnLaura C: Don't forget me and Mr. P. J.G. ed to my bleeding heart, but soon I will share Karia Myers: Hope your leg gets better! joy of love once more. Don't forget our The MSW Snow Bunnies Karen Braun, Michelle Leakakos, day—early spring, in the east side of the EnStephanie lovino, Maggie James, Nancy chanted Forest, under the beloved Laurel tree. Gummi-Worm: Have a tremendous Valen- Bower, Beth Vebrugghe, Cathy Syponic, To love soon, Virginia tine's Day! Love, Preppy Cheyl Minta, Julie Bower, Sharon Pankus, Suzanne Chidester, Carrie Connor, Sherry
Penny (Meg): Who the heck are you look- lovino: Bill loves you all. Have a happy ValenBrooke: Remember, take it day by day. ing at? Well, Annie, Happy V.D. Jack! Love, tine's Day. Love, Patty
Handcuff Queen
To Kanga: You're a great friend. Thanks for Marty Mole: Have an orange Valentine's being there! Roo Day. Love, Tuz
f/rnieitisH'^e'^r of v/iieNT/f/es aAi, TH£ Affio FOR WF//nwaifue MfUONTHe' F60... I TM/Nfc •fOU K/^OtAJ u/N/iT I /rte/iN.
see/i Metis
Southwords V-Day Messages Chuck and Jeff: Need more Channel 26 gk "Legs": Take my advice and don't worry Gary: Have a great Valentine's Day. Love and Luke 22. Happy Valentine's Day. The w about "Bomber;" it's not that he needs always, Lauren Zoids obstacles, he's just blinded by the glare. Happy V-Day! Love always, Miklai Jeff: Fun times with Roy, baby. Thanks for Doc and Bowzer You are the true being there for backing-up help! Let's cruz mrepsll Love, the one who has become Band: Dallas was cool. The Zolds sometime...for donuts and coffee. Sash one!
Brooke-a-la, Tom-a-la: Thanks, guys. Brooke, get yourself a PhD and get paid for it, for godssake. Tom, speaking for the Five percent (maybe less) of Maine South that understands you, thanks for the "strange behavior." It wouldn't be the same without you! Love ya, Sushe-ling Fish: 1 love you, but your taste in women stinks! From S.D., who got S.P. Hearts and Pink: You'll always be mine, even though you're a rah-rah. Sis is a bother, but she's still nice. Love, J.D. Jeanne F.: Happy Valentine's Day, and when are you going to ask me?! Love, Pat (P.S. Danny told me to do it!) Sherrill: Have some warm (hamburger) buns for V-Day! Happy Anniversary! (to Dave too) Love, Y.B.F.A. Kris Scott: Well, surprise...Thanks for the support of this hysterical female! H.V.D. Sash Todd Z.: Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks for everything at Powderhorn. Love, Nancy Sylvia: Have a good one with whoever. Love ya, M.M.
Michelle: I hoe you and Albert have a Valentine's Day that you'll always remember. Love, Tracey Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day Matt! Love, Judi Chris (Big Bro'): You're great, Big Bro, and I love you lots, Little Sis Lisa Sherrill,
You're all the greatest! Happy V-Day! Friends forever, love, Kris I still love you, Dan O'Malley. Liz, Lisa, Laura: H.V.D. Love, Kathy
Linda: You slay me! Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Jim
Chem 1-B: At least the second time it Leroy: POC!! It's been great ever since the wasn't in the living room. Also, thanx for talk- 16th, or was it the 17th?? Love always. Me ing to me the following day. (The purse really didn't match.) Happy V.D. Love. 3-B Megan M.: You spaz! Happy V-Day and first anniversary with Tom! Love ya. Flan T.P.: No pun intended. If only B.C. knew! I don't know about the Buster. We may have to Jim and Tom: Look out lllini!! I'll miss ya ship a grenade at his c. machine to wake him guys! Love, Little Flan up. If that doesn't work, it'll be time for a B.G. Saturday Night Special, and then we can Gordy: We love you. The Band drive around the block in circles. How convenient!! I promise I won't pass out in the back Laur, Sueage, Coll, Kath: More ramblin' seat again! Happy V-Day! Love, Uncle times ahead! Love, Flan Alvin's Nephew's Ex Kimberly and Danny: Do you guys give Rosie: Yes, we WILL get motivated. But lessons on how to pass hearts? Love, Angel don't forget, he takes points off for being funny! I guess it's something we'll have to Fish and Crisco: When confronted by live with. Sash women of the opposite sex (other than the
Hawkettes), we say: to shun, to push away, to say no, uh-uh, I don't want that. Do bongs at Bonnie: I still love you. Happy V-Day. choice, and don't forget the two things that smell like fish! Good luck senior year! Love, Love, one of your past pains. Scooter, Kuff and Scherms. P.S. Iowa rules! Liz with love from Brad Chris and Amy: Happy V-Day. Your semi-disowned brother.
Kuff: Do pizza bongs! Who cares what Fish and Whops say. Good Luck! Happy Valentine's Day!! From Scooter Anne: Happy Valentine's Day. With love, Eunice. Jami: I—N—V—U. Love, Erich
Boy George: Happy V-Day. Love, Shambock Wenchmasten Happy V.D. Have fun with J-Baby. Love, Grangy To Punken G—U—T—A—Q—T. Happy V-Day. Love, Steve, Mike, Owen Shambock: Have a super V-Day with Old Dippity-Doo himself. Love, Boy George Sue, Jill, Cathy, Karen, Julie, Vicky, Suzette, Wendy, Lisa, Dawn, Becky, Patty, Amy, Milly, Kristy: You are the only girl for me. Love, Dan Kazmer
Jami: U—R—A—Q—T. Love, Me Tim: Happy Valentine's Day. I love you! P.J.
Juice: Let's be friends. Larva Egg
^ ^
Karen Braun and Liz Nelson: Wanna boogie?
Tij: we miss you at lunch! The kids are alright! See ya on the "Magic Bus!" Us San-San: What can I say after five years? Glad we're still speaking (amazing, isn't it!) Hope al lyou Valentine and other wishes come true!! Love, Jen-Jen The Drama Gang (PUDS): You are a
special group of people. Thanks so much for everything. TANo.D Cast: What can 1 say but it was fun (que) Linda Culhane: Stick around; we need you! Tina: Happy V-Day. You're the coolest—everybody loves you—1 know. Love, David Laura: Happy Valentine's Day to my favorite sophomore—next time we wrestle, you're in BIG trouble. Love, D.O. The 4A lunch table: Welcome John, Matt and Liz—let's have "some fun."
^ ^
Southwords V-Day Messages Lock-jaw: Drink. Happy V-Day! Love, k Kare-Bean Um...what rhymes with Rec'zkiewicz? Love and other last-minute jokes. Lockjaw Sash Moto: Happy Valentine's Day. Love, the Brad: You animal! Happy V-Day. See ya at three Michelles the temple! Love ya, Sar Happy Valentine's Day to Rocco. You're Number One. Scott and Steve: Don't take the long way Kutf: No one likes the old "heave-ho," so home too many times! Happy Valentine's stay romantic!! Day! P.S. Keep in touch! Love, Nancy
Dan Gayford: The most unorganized news editor Southwords has ever had. But what would they do without you? Probably write new menu stories!! To my friend in 4b lunch: Happy Valentine's Day! Love, T.J. Jennie Bachmann: Six years is a long time! Let's attempt to keep it up—you are my dearest friend and a super special person. Love always, Sandee
Ingy: My shoulders are yours forever. From Hey Baggy Pants: Dollface, I love you! Sags: I still love you! Please forgive me! The No. 1 Fag Happy Valentine's Day. Forever, Your T. Thanks for being so understanding—like usual. You're a sweetheart (mine!) Smile, kid, Christopher Throw some magnets. Things things will work out soon. You're still number Tom: Valentine's Day is a good time to tell you how much I love you. And you know how and stuff. Love, Linda one! Happy Valentine's Day! Love forever. much that is. Kisses, Bet Ace Like, have a totally happy Val Day, WenOur Beloved Chris: Hope you and your dy. Love, fer sher, your bro, Matt Sar You animal! Make sure you flash your rainbow girl have a Happy Valentine's Day! Colgate smile! Happy Valentine's Day! Love, (Hearts and rainbows go swell together.) The Emily: Our friendship means more to me T.C. LSBs than words can say. Happy Heart Day! Love, Kimee Maura and Liz: Have a happy Valentine's Pam S.: Hope everything works out on Day but watch out for the Parent Patrol! V-Day. Have a good one! Love, Chris B. Paula Shnur (IZ): Happy V-Day!! We hope Love, J.D. the chocolate milk and marshmallow fluff last Karen Schwinn: Hope everything works till this time next year! Your two best friends, Erin: Make sure you give a Valentine kiss to Eliz and Liz. out for us. Love, Chris a certain water boy. Stay sweet. Love, T.C. I Stud: In spite of everything, you will hold a 'special place in my heart/orever. Love always. Me
Chris Grahn: Do you often have that itEes: Have a great Valentine's Day! Love, ching sensation? Get a real hfe! T.C. Paula: Will you be my valentine? T.A.S.
L.D. Duluth: The Big I.R. and Lola want you up here bad—maybe this summer, but that would probably make too much sense! DA L.D.: Happy Valentine's Day! I miss you. Love always, Blake
Nancy, Dawn, Steve, Wally, Dan, Dee Dee, Marilyn, Sue: May all your lunches be filled with food-—Nanc
Catnip: Don't party too hard. Jay B. Venus Kid: Forgive and forget. Jay B. Venus Scott: Nice sheets! From Legs
Lorie: Have a great Valentine's Day! Sis Jim S.: Olive juice. Love, Sara
Mishell, Happy Valentine's Day. From your Buddy Kisstopher
Fag: Oh—forget it! Legs
I love you, Tracy. From Mike Cas: You are a real sweetie. Thanks for all the good times. How many this weekend? Jill, Joyce, Sue and Maria: Thanks for Love, Tracey everything. Nancy, Dan, Dawn, Steve, Marilyn, Nancy, Sue: Lunch has been great fun! Tracey Michelle: I hoe you and Albert have a Valentine's Day that you'll always remember. Love, Tracey Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day Matt! Love, Judt Chris (Big Bro'): You're great. Big Bro, and I love you lots, Little Sis Lisa
S. and Em: Want to go waterskiing? Frankie F.: The summer Is awfully far away. Love, Me Andy Papandreou: Happy V-Day camoflague head! You're a squazzi moto! Love you, Tina Filabuster Arrrrrrrrrrrr!
Hogie: We are going to definitely meet John Smith. Happy V-Day. Love, Goofball No. 1 Erin: Happy V-Day. I hope I get to meet you. Love ya, Billy B. My Bear Surf's up in Florida! I love you. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, TIgger Curt: Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Sue Jody: Police will be awesone! Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Sue Kleba, Animal, Karma: Happy V-Day, you madmen! Love ya tons. Bill, Jim Joe and Bob
Teak: I'll be watching you. Sherrill, Jeannne, Annie, Claudia: 'You're all the greatest! Happy V-Day! Friends forever, love, Kris I still love you, Dan O'Malley.
Brooke: Someday...Grid
Bobby and Dave: One supercheezie please! Happy V-Day!! Love, Sar
Frank and Jude: I don't have a puss nose! Monch: Underoos—Happy V-Day. Love ya, Honche Grid
Southwords V-Day Messages Hey Sushi!! You want somethin' stupid, you got it! 'Tis the season of Katie and Rock! Thanks for gobs of weekends cruzing the social scene. Let's get some Superdawgs and pop tarts to celebrate this festive season. It's only sadness or euphoria. Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Fish! ICUP: Sabo "to win" in the conditional, which reminds me—Happy V.D. Need some butter containers? What did YOU do Jan. 21! Te quiero. Twain and Thurber. P.S. RC lOO's got... No. 65: Happy V.D. and L.O., bro. Love, Z-14, Your Spanish Tutor Mr. Welfing: To the sweetest math teacher four girls could ever have!! Love always. Cheetah, Tina, Super Susie and Magoo CeCe: I saw you grazing in the pasture on my way to Wisconsin. Happy V.D. Love, Myrtle Uncle Alvin's Nephew: Remember when mom and dad went to Florida? Love always, Susan
Frosty: Thanks for all the advice, I guess Jill, Liz and Theresa (John too): Lunch just wouldn't be the same without you guys. you could say it finally paid off. Happy Sara, we miss you! Jill would you please just V-Day. Love, Sue grow down? That's right, isn't it Liz? Paul: Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Katie HVD.Maura Trish M.: Want to watch some movies? Be sure to bring your New Year's toys! Kimee
Kelly: You're such a schmuck!
Lynn: Happy Valentine's Day to my best Emily and Trish M.: Ome ni kakaru koto friend. Love, Katie ga dekite sawai deskita. Moo icludo sono ucki Laura McCabe: Thanks for listening and ni ki o kimete oide itadakimashoo mo enkai! Wataskuira koto ga suki desu anata. Hontoo caring! Love, Maura ni, your Japanese friend, Kimee Sue: It was fun riding the bus with you too. Love, Yo' Man Hello Elizabeth Meier! Julie: Happy Valentine's Day. Love,Brian
Poosie: Happy Valentine's Day! Love Bob and Sister
Julie: Now that Christmas Break is over, I'm glad you're my best friend again. Have a great Valentine's Day. Love, Kathy. P.S. I'm not exf)ecting you to be my best friend On Feb. 10, 11 and 12!!
Michelle, Tracy, Donna: You are the only ones. Happy Valentine's Day. Love forever and ever, Cas
Sash: Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Gummy-Bear
Charlie: Happy Valentine's Day. Love always, Lynn
My Favorite Marshy: Thanks for all the good times and your friendship. Happy ValenHummi: Thanx for long talks over hot Mon Bim: J'espere etre avec toi toujours! tine's Day. Love, Mrs. Wilson chocolate! Happy Valentine's Day! Laura Tes yeux illuminent mes nuits, mes jours, ma vie. Mes regards a Raoul! Georges, Bo Salemanden Happy Valentine's Day to my.l Jeff and Joe: Tenors (sigh) Love, Mam best friend. Love, Pud GQ Bear: Nice buns! Love, the driver of Rob: You're the coolest of the cool. You the get-away car. Margaret and Barb: Thanks for all the asked for it! A secret admirer help, understanding and friendship. Happy V-Day. Love, Kitty Nanci: Thanks for everything! You're such Reno: Thanks! Ingrid a big help and 1 appreciate it more than you V-Day party at Ventrella's!! Just know. Love, The Chief joking...Sags Valle: Hey, shave your legs! Thanks for Wendy: Remember, the long note's long good times being catty in choir! Maybe we'll Jeff P.: Happy V-Day! I love you! Not a and the short note's short. From T and S throw another party so our "dates" can walk freshman out on us again! Happy V-Day! Love and melodia books, Senior Sop Tom: Happy V-Day. Luv, Me Love Bunny: Happy fourth and and many Bo: The storms will pass...but my love will more together! Love, Nan Paul K.: Happy Valentine's Day, cutie! last forever. Love, Bim Love ya! An Admirer Pumpkin: Do you remember the following: To three of my most favorite buddies—Sue tennis, beach and Homecoming? Thanks for Lis-Anne: Famous quotes, huh? My the great times and dinner! Love, Messenger S., Trish and Kelley: I love ya. Happy ValenChandler's will never be the same. Wishing tine's Day, guys! Always, Sue you and John many showers...rain, that is. Jim P.: Every breath you know Mr. Heuman: Thanx for two great years. (Got a bag?) Love and my mother's virgin the rest. Love, Mary You're wrong—it's V.U., not Iowa! Happy ears. Sash V.D. Love, Sugie's To My Little Guy: Hugs and kisses. Kate MoBo, Kris, Kimi, Dan, Nancy and J.D.:
Ugly Duckling: Thanx for being a great friend. Hope your V-Day wishes come true. Ray and Snow White
Dearcop: Red Rimp Roats this Spring Thank you for a great first seven. Don't care Break? Sorry about that one-way street in about what "some people" say, we done did Iowa. See any unusual on Highway 5? Thanx good. Now, if wc can only learn to spell...Love, The Boss for waiting. Happy V.D. Love, Rue
Bob Kazuk: Be my valentine. Love, Me Lisa: You rah-rah. Try not to offend Sushi's mother's virgin ears. GET IT??!!! See you a Hackney's. Happy Valentine's Day! Laura
3156: I'm sorry once again! Watch out Hey Fishi: Fun times. 'Words. Our houses. F.VLB.! I agree, M.B. needs obstacles! B.G. does two! V.U. better prepare. You're the best The Homecoming Horse Race. The 'Dawg. H.Q. and F. Happy Valentine's Day...Time "Why don't you all..." Don't drool on the sofa. Love and other infections. Hey Sushi. will reveal. Love, L.T.Y.
1^ ^^
Fashion: new trends not unlike yesterday's by Pally Johnson What is fashion? Definition: the build, tiake, shape, looks, etc., of a thing; as a coat "of an odd fashion. The accepted style of a thing at a particular time or among certain people; as fashions in shoes; hence, something that is in style. Today's fashion is molded from the fashion form of as long ago as the early 1920's. The large, puffy shoulders on today's coats and dresses resembles the 20's look. Pill box hats, pointed shoes, and tight skirts are not only seen in the old movies but also in today's business world and night life. The same look of everything being pointed was also seen on Joan Crawford, Greta Garbo, and Bette Davis, just to name a few, in the 40's and 50's. So the style really never went out of "style." Men have their style, too. They have pretty well kept the style that was popular in the 50's. Starting from the top and working the way down: short hair, oxfords of various colors, argyle vests and sweaters, jeans with the cuffs rolled up, no socks or white socks, and loafers or "dock shoes." Though I may say the loud plaid pants and matching suit coats are out of style. The plaid pants are in style for golfers, but those who golf, please try to remember that a white shirt goes very nicely with those plaid pants. One can't really say that what is in style for men is preppy, because it is comfortable, and even people who don't consider ^hemselves preppy wear this fashion. P Long hair is no longer the fashion for men. Short hair is in! The "navy" or "flat top" is the look. Some guys wear their hair longer in the back and very short on top. This could be called the "Spike Cut," but it is mostly in style for people who are new wavers or punk rockers. Even greasing the hair is in style. So if
you are looking for a good grease, ask your dad where he bought his dippidy doo. Surely the drug store can provide you with what you're looking for. Today guys are also getting perms. So, guys, even you can experience what a joy it is to sit for an hour with curlers in your hair. Girls, in reading the weekly fashion section, 1 have found that the hair style the "Page Boy" is in style again. If you are an old movie buff, you will have seen that same style on the women in the 30's and 40's. The "new" look for women consists of large bulky clothes, or tight pants and large sweaters. A spike heel is not as popular as it used to be. Now the "French Heel," which is shorter and contoured, is more popular. So, girls, we won't have to break our necks on those silly spike heels! There are four types of styles. PUNK: chains, safety pins, tight pants, combat boots (for when you feel like fighting), and truly grubby shirts. NEW WAVE: Bright, colorful clothes, baggy pants in any color you wish to buy them in. Large sweaters that are of various colors, preferably loud colors, and warm or plain vests. Remember the pants you always saw Lucy wear on "I Love Lucy?" The ones everyone called floods. Well, they are very much in style now. Or should 1 say again? For the jewelry, large earrings and flashy beads. PREPPY: Any type of pants will do, as long as they're not worn and faded. Oxfords and sweaters with pearls or any beads. Earrings: simple. Shoes: loafers with socks or without (depending on the weather). COMFORTABLE: Or should I say Flashdance? Ripped shirts, sweat pants, gym shoes. Now, the ripped shirts have to be pre-ripped.
Inter-school dates worthwhile? by Cathy Flynn They are there. As you knew they would be, the passionately embracing "locker couple." Jealously, you turn away, realizing miles and a school district separate you from your loved one. If you are one of the many students who choose to date someone from another school, this scene may not be as far-fetched as it first appears. Whether you talk endless hours on the phone or see each other at work every day, this dating situation is a different one from the everyday school couple relationship. Although the disadvantages of an 8-to-3 separation are numerous, most students spoken to felt it was a rewarding experience. Lauren Jackson, '85, said, "There are twice as many things to do and twice as many dances." Kirsten Astorga, '85, commented, ''You get (to meet whole new groups of people." Another plus is that the distraction of a fulltime courtship is eliminated. Mark, a junior, stated, "It's easier to concentrate on schoolwork when you're not always together."
Seeing the time apart as positive, Julie Karbowski, '85, said, "We communicate much better face to face, and the time we have is more special." Deneen Scamardo, '85, sees plenty of advantages in her relationship with a senior from Taft: "It's better because there is more freedom; he's not constantly aware of what you're doing." Some of the negative aspects of this type of dating relationship were seen by a few of the more realistic of those surveyed. Jim Pianka, '85, finds transportation a problem: "I don't drive yet, so 1 can't see her every day." Being apart is a disadvantage in itself. Deaner Niki, '84, said, "I miss seeing her every day; we've become very close." Deneen Scamardo, '85, gushed, "1 miss him when I'm not with him." Her friend interrupted, "She misses being called Poopsie!" Together they giggled. As you can see, dating someone from another school can be as rewarding as having a South steady.
or they are just not in touch with what is going on. They can be bought at any shop in any variety of colors. Movies and songs have had quite an influence on fashion. David Bowie's song "Fashion" and any song from "Flashdance" will give the general ideas of fashion. And for the movies, let's just say that Flashdance is in a class by itself. Without that movie we wouldn't have the "comfortable" style. So if you are looking for a fashion to fit your personality, you have quite a variety to choose from. Even if you don't want to go by any set trend, you can start your own style. Who knows, maybe it will be just as popular next year as the ones are now! 1 just had a bad thought, what if the 60's style comes fully back? Not just the mini skirts, but the bell bottoms. Even the micromini is on its way back. These days it's hard to keep up with what's going on. But the nation has gone through so many fashion changes that I don't think one more will hurt.
More Messages Scott and Steve: Don't take the long way home too many times! Happy Valentine's Day! P.S. Keep in touch! Love, Nancy Hey Baggy Pants: Dollface, 1 love you! Happy Valentine's Day. Forever, Your T. Tom: Valentine's Day is a good time to tell you how much I love you. And you know how much that is. Kisses, Ber Our Beloved Chris: Hope you and your rainbow girl have a Happy Valentine's Day! (Hearts and rainbows go swell together.) The LS-Bs Pam S.: Hope everything works out on V-Day. Have a good one! Love, Chris B. Karen Schwinn: Hope everything works out for us. Love, Chris Stud: In spite of everything, you will hold a special place in my heart forever. Love always. Me L.D. Duluth: The Big I.R. and Lola want you up here badâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;maybe this summer, but that would probably make too much sense! DA L.D.: Happy Valentine's Day! I miss you. Love always, Blake Mishell, Happy Valentine's Day. From your Buddy Kisstopher Cas: You are a real sweetie. Thanks for all the good times. How many this weekend? Love, Tracey
Page 9
Zeppelin, Sabbath make metal history by Tim Soper Since the airplay of Quiet Riot and "headbanging" (B.Y.H. and metal are like slamming and punk), heavy metal has gone mainstream. This recent revival, however, is only the apex of heavy metal which has brought it to the height of its career and to my attention. The origins of modern metal can be traced to the heavy rock sounds of the late sixties. Not unlike the latest wave of heavy metal, Grand Funk Railroad and Black Sabbath have received disastrous reviews and little or no airplay, yet both have been box office hits. Grand Funk, an American trio based on the sounds of Cream and Hendrix, attained success through continuous touring. During the band's career (1970-1976) their "loud white noise" sold ten platinum albums and twenty million copies. Black Sabbath, on the other hand, has developed a cuUlike following since their beginnings in 1968. To accompany their barrage of monotonic heavy metal, they have developed a "Princes-of-Darkness" image of occult and mysticism. Many critics believe that when vocalist Ozzy Osbourne, whose singing has been compared to a "poodle in pain," left in 1979, so did their popularity. Under the redirection of Ronnie James Dio, though, the
band has continued to be the sage of heavy metal. Of all the pioneers. Led Zeppelin has become the most famous and followed. Originally the last members of the legendary Yardbirds, their repertoire included the piercing melody of Robert Plant, John Paul Jones bass and keyboard, John Bonham's sledge hammer drumming, and the six string guitar wizardry of Jimmy Page. Since their formation in 1%8, the group became famous for their heavy rock-blues and the mysticism of their "death music." (This interest in occult lead to subliminal messages on albums and black mass rituals at Page's infamous Boleskine house.) Up until John Bonham's death and the band's break-up in 1979, they broke attendance records across the states, and recently had success with the posthumous Coda disc. During their decade of rock, they became one of the few all-time supergroups, and are a household name since their release of "Stairway to Heaven." To their credit they have influenced modern metal sounds, such as those of Van Halen and Iron Maiden, and have developed into a separate entity in music. Credited as starting the second wave of Anglo metalheads (to my knowledge they're the only band worth mentioning or left from
Messages... messages... messages Susie: Pretty good Jay Jay's potato chips at Liz: It's scary! Hope you find some "r"-able and willing turtlenecks during this Johnny Argyles! Happy V-day, love! Let's festive season of love. Party with eclairs and T.P. that load with the disco hair. Do I want buster? No! Love. Tina Hold cough drops! Laura IHolsen: Danny forever, but "bomber" is Hummi Bear: We've had a riot, kiddo! better. Happy V-Day! Best friends thru Valpo Thanks for the shoulders to yell at. Good luck and Iowa. "Sweet Baby" and "Goodbye with Mary and all the other saints! Sushe Girl" is waiting for you. Love, Tina Poppin' Lizi: Yes, we squeaked by, somehow, in AP Kelley and Sue: Piglet and Curly Topâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Go Fear. Must be the little distractions in life. for A.S. and D.O.! Happy V-Day to two Love and turtlenecks, Sash special people. Love, Teener Beaner Guido: Happy V-Day! Kram forever and ever. Let's find some men in Florida...Fast! Love, Tina
page 10
this wave), Judas Priest is distinctly different. Although created in 1971, they did not release^k their first album until 1974, due to a lack o ( ^ ^ consistency. The result was a revue of dual guitarists playing faster, catchier, and short tunes in contrast to the distinctive style of earlier metal efforts by Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple. The stage style is also new including front man Rob Halford in his S'M gear on a "Harley." A decade later, Judas Priest has become accepted in the U.S. on the merits "Screamin for Vengeance" and their stage antics. NEXT ISSUE: AC/DC, Def Leppard, Iron Maiden, Quiet Riot, and more. RECOMMENDED ALBUMS: Led Zeppelin: Led Zeppelin III; Houses of the Holy. Deep Purple: Shades of Deep Purple. Black Sabbath: Paranoid. Judas Priest: Unleashed in the East.
Sleuth picked This week's super sleuth is a senior guy who goes to C-129 for homeroom every morning. Everyone knows him in his third period class because he can clap and yell very well, especially in other states (y'all get it?). As a joke, his friends want to send him to Hairline Creations for an appraisal. Maybe he could sell his yellow Chevette for the money. His car is parked in the teachers' parking 'ot^N, every day and we've heard that his car r e a l l y ^ likes whipped cream. His teacher of Art of the Film praises him for beautiful stick figure drawings. His onagain-off-again relationship with a certain blond senior girl is on again-today. His locker partner dislikes the numerous centerfolds which adorn their locker along with pictures of his ex-friends of the female persuasion. During basketball games he can be found with the Madmen, wearing a red t-shirt that says, "Jerry's Kids" on the back. Cute, huh? Submit your guesses of this week's Super Sleuth to V-106. Happy hunting!
Hawks to compete at New Trier by Maureen Smith I The Maine South girls' Basketball team will "compete against New Trier today at 7:30, away. New Trier is second in conference with Maine South in third. Main West is first in conference. Earlier in the season the Hawks lost to New Trier 36-59. Coach Deines called the game on of two of Maine South's "cold shooting" games. New Trier shooting percentage was 46 percent versus Maine South's 29 percent. The Trevians have the homecourt advantage. Coach Deines said, "If we can bring up the percentage of our offensive game, we can beat them." On February 17 the Hawks take on the Maine East Demons. The Hawks beat the
Demons 70-48 in an earlier game. Maine East our offensive." is sixth in conference. Laurie Kladis added, "Our seaon in general "We're looking to win this game," stated has gone well. We're peaking at at good time Coach Deines. and everyone on the tearh is supportive. There The signifigance of the game is that Maine is no friction between us." South will most likely meet Maine East in the "We've discovered our most successful first of regionals. game tempo so we are involved in every Due to deadline. Southwards is unable to game," said Coach Deines. cover the game between Feb. 2-10. If interested As with any team fan support is important in the outcome of these games, see either ot the players. Coach Deines of a member of the team. This far into the season, the Hawks have a Coach Deines commented, "We've had a record of 7-6. good following of people, more so than in the Coach Deines remarked, "Based upon our past. I think, however, if more people who entalents, we are able to have a lot of different joy basketball would come to a game they'd starters. No one individual can be spotlighted see how fast-paced and exciting the games realbecause our defensive tempo is as important as ly are."
Wrestlers compete in regionals The Maine South wrestling team will compete at regionals at East Leyden today. The Hawks will face Fenton, Saint Patrick's, Gordon Tech, Oak Park, East Leyden and Fen wick. Coach Tom Ziemek stated, "We hope to get at least four or five boys to advance to sectionals." ^ Captain Tony Reda added, "There are a lot of good teams and there will be a lot of competition but I think we can do well." The Hawks did not compete against any of their regional rivals during regular season competition.
Junior Paul Walker said, "We're looking forward to regionals. We have enough talent to make it to sectionals." The Hawks have had a very uplifting season. Improvind for last year's 1-14 season, Maine South finished a respectable 6-8 this year." From the 138 pound weight class and down, the Hawks have been undefeated. Individually, Paul Walker has a record of 20-2. Marty Nistler has won all of his last five meets. Tony Reda is currently 16-4, and Captain Dave Phillips has contributed to the Hawks' winning effort.
Junior Bill Choi recently suffered a shoulder injury and will be out for the rest of the season. According to Ziemek, the loss of Choi will leave a big hold in the middle. Choi, aho always gave a consistent performance, will be missed in Districts." Ziemek added, "We've had a very good season. We've been in every match, and haven't gotten beaten by great amounts."
Faculty wins!
Indoor Track begins season The Maine South track team will take on Glenbrook South and Ridgewood in a dual meet at 4:30 today at home. Coach Bill Drennan commented, "Since it's our second meet we'll still be learning and improving. While Glenbrook South is tough competition, we expect to win." Last year, the Hawks placed third in conference behind Evanston and Maine West. The team lost three important members of the team to graduation last year. Mike Vukovich, who placed third in state in high jump, Kevin Kingston and Steve Gemmel will be missed, as they were great assets to last year's team. However, returning lettermen Larry Maigler, Dan Lampkin, Steve Steffens, Dave Greenberg and Doug Irvine will add experience and prove to be the strongholds of the team. In addition, to these runners, the coaching Itaf has recruited several talented athletes. Pole Vaulter Doug Irvine remarked, "The general outlook of the team is stronger because Mr. Sutchek has recruited a lot of gifted runners who didn't try out before."
The team is currently composed of fifty runners. "We welcome anyone who is interested to try out," said assistant coach Scott Sutchek. The team's main competition will come from Evanston, Maine East and Maine West. All three teams have a much larger track program than Maine South's. "We're aiming for second in conference," Sutchek added. The strong events for the Hawks include pole vaulting, relays and middle-distance runs. According to Coach Sutchek, the weakness of the team will be "a lack of depth." Steve Steffens commented, "We have better coaching and a better weight program this year which will greatly aid the team." Dave Krischke added, "Pole vaulting should be strong. While we have a small team, we have a lot of good athletes and are hoping for a successful season." Coach Sutchek concluded, "In practice, we've been working hard to build stamina and strength. We hope to see the effects of this in Mr. Mike Deines goes up for the shot our early meets." Page 11
Hawks host New Trier tonight Tonight at 7:30 the Maine South boy's Varsity basketball tarn will play New Trier at home. The game looks to be very close and exciting. The last game was played at New Trier's home court and the Hawks lost in the closing seconds. On Friday the 13th the Hawks met the Demons here, at Maine South. As usual for this cross town rivalry, the gym was was packed and screaming and cheering. The Hawks took the early lead and held that lead throughout most of the game. Near the middle of the fourth quarter the Demons rallied back to within a few points but the Hawks held out, A few minutes later the Demons rallied again and scored to victory with many free throws. On the 14th Maine South played at New Trier and made a very respectable showing. Throughout a tight game the Hawks held their
composure against the Trevians and their home-court fans. The Trevians needed to go to the last seconds before handing the Hawks another conference loss. On the 20th Maine South played the top ranked team at the:r home court. The Hawks were ready for this game and battled the Wildkits basket for basket. The game was very even and once again went down to tne last seconds before Evanston could presail. Against Oak Park and Glenbrook North, luck changed sides and the Hawks began to see things going their way. Because of this the Hawks won twice and now have a two game winning streak. Last Friday the Hawks played the Warriors of Maine West but due to dead-line we are unable to print the result. On January 20 and 27 the Hawks regained their winning form by beating Oak Park and conference rival Glen-
Soccer preparation begins by Cathy Flynn
This spring, watch for a hard-fought for new team, the Maine South girls' soccer team. Mr. Jack Tilley, who also acts as boys' soccer coach, will coach the girls' team. The team promises to be a strong addition to the Maine South sports program. Girls will compete both on varsity and junior varsity levels. Twenty-two girls will be chosen for each team. Mr. Tom Kerth will coach the JV team. All girls are eligible to be a member of the team. Mr. Tilley said, "Underclassmen may be on varsity. We're looking for skill, not age." Tryouts will be the week of March 19. The week-long tryouts will consist of a number of trials, testing skills in ball control, distance kicking and tackling. Mr. Tilley commented, "We're looking for speed and endurance, but along with that we want ball-handling skills." There will be a timed 50 vard dash and a three
mile run to test the girls' spped and endurance. Mr. Tilley, who coached girls' badminton, does not feel that coaching the girls' team will be different than working with the boys. He said, "Girls are usually more flexible than the guys, but I think we'll have to work harder on abdominal strength and endurance." Many of the girls planning to try out have played with the Park Ridge Park District in house leagues or on various traveling teams. Chris Lalik, member of the Park Ridge Under 19 Traveling team, commented, "I hope we don't lose too many girls to other spring sports that they've played on in previous years, but I think we'll still have a really good team." Eileen O'Leary of the Junior Orange Crush, said, "I'm afraid there's going to be some conflict between the girls who have played on different traveling teams; I hope everyone can just come together and play as a team."
Swimmers in conference The Maine South boys' swimming team will compete in the conference meet today. Maine West, Maine East, Glenbrook North, New Trier and evanston will all be participating. The Hawks have a record of 7-3 rendering losses to New Trier, Evanston and Glenbrook North. Coach John Doherty said, "We would like to take third if. it will be a close race but 1 think we can do it." Evanston, a conference competitor, is ranked third in slate. New Trier, another conference rival, is ranked sixth in state. "Our top swimmers are as good or better as any in the conference. Where we lack is that we page 12
are short of depth," said Coach Doherty. Individually, the outlook for the Hawks is optimistic. Captain Mark Wachendorf is undefeated in the individual medley and the 500 freestyle. John King has had only one loss in the 200 free style and is second on to teammate Wachendorf in the 500 freestyle. Another important swimmer for the Hawks, Matt Darr, has had only one loss in the 100 freestyle and the 50 freestyle. About the season in general, Mike Groble said, "We could have had a better year but we weren't psyched up for a couple of key meets."
brook North. Before those two games t h e " Hawks had lost four consecutive conference games. All games were very close, with the result not appearing until the final seconds. on Friday the 13th Maine South lost to Maine East in the final seconds here at Maine South. On the followmg night the Hawks dropped a close one to power-house New Trier. On January 20 Maine South played lop ranked Evanston at Evanston. The game was very close before the Wildkits pulled away to victory. On the following night the Hawks beat Oak Park at Oak Park's home lloor. They then proceeded to beat Glenbrook North. However this has been a disappointing year, as compared with pre-season expectations. After the first half of conference play the Hawks were a disappointing 2-3. With only a fewbreaks the team could have realisticaly gone to 5-0 and have the conference lead. The final for the conference championship spot is under-way now and Maine South could end up wth aconference record of 7-3 and a second place finish.
Djonlich named Athlete of the Week by Sarah Langdon
The consistency of a player is highly valued by coaches because whether the team is behind or ahead, the coach can be reassured of the player's high level of performance. Coach Jerry Nelson relies on center John Djonlich and considers him as the varsity basketball team's most consistant player. "John scores an average of fourteen points per game, is an aggressive rebounder, and has good offensive low post moves," according to Coach Nelson. John's size is definetly one of his strongest attributes. At 6'7", John is able to compete successfully with the majority of his opponents. Beginning his basketball career in seventh grade at Lincoln Junior High School, John is a three year varsity team member. He was named to the All-Tournament team in the East Aurora Holiday Tournament where he scored 49 points and had 28 rebounds. John's main interest is basketball and he regularly watches re-runs of his games on TV. Possibly to become a business major, h e | ^ plans to attend either Illinois State U n i v e r s i t y ^ or Saint Louis University. Continual dedication and effort make John Djonlich an asset to the varsity basketball team and a deserving .Athlete of the Week.