souThwoRds Vol. 21, No. 11
Maine South High School
Park Ridge, IL
{March 20,1985
Musical cast begins rehearsals The Maine South music department's annual spring musical this year will be Frank Loesser's classic Broadway hit "Guys and DoUs." The show, known as the musical fable of Broadway, revolves around several gangsters, the action concerning them, their girls and their troubles. Scott Niswander, one of the male leads, commented, "Gambling and women—that's the life. It's going to be lots of fun." This years' scheduled performances are on Fri. and Sat., April 26 and 27 at 8 p.m., Sun.,' April 28 at 3 p.m., Fri. and Sat., May 3 and 4 at 8 p.m. and Sun., May 5 at 3 p.m. In addition to these dates, there will be a performance for senior citizens on Thurs., April 25 at 2 p.m.
and one for local junior high schools on Wed., May 1 at 9 a.m. Tickets for the musical are reserved and cost $4. They will go on sale to the student body and the general public on April 15 in front of the bookstore from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
choreographer, Mrs. Martine Martin, makeup, and Mrs. Baumgartner, costumes. Student directors are senior Tom Duffy and sophomore Kim Grichnik. Tom Duffy is also designer of the show's program cover and poster design. Mr. McLean, orchestra director, commented, "The kids are working really hard and Gambling and women-that's we should enjoy the same success that Maine the life! it's going to be a lot South musicals have had in past years." of fun. Rehearsals for the more than 50 cast —Scott Niswander members have already begun and the show promises to be a great success. This year's faculty directors include Mr. Andy Duerkop, orchestra member, remarkDon Martello, stage director, Mr. Irwin Bell, ed, "Although the music is difficult, the songs vocal director, Mr. Gordon McLean, pit or- are a lot of fun and add excitement to the chestra director. Miss Barbara Bobrich, show."
Program tonight kicks off Southfest '8 The evening performance of ,. J Southfest '85 '•^"fl i n c l u d i n g 'c ir entertainment •^'-/"by the C.S. W Okies, The 4"f Jesse White {iSt T u m b l i n g ' Team and The Players to be Named Later will begin at 8 p.m. tonight in the Maine South auditorium. Tickeu may or may not be sold at the door depending on the
News Briefs The Southfest evening program begins at 8 p.m. tonight. Mar. 20, in the Maine South auditorium. Southfest '85 wiU take place tomorrow, Mar. 21, from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m No classes are scheduled on this day and lunch will not be served. Initiation for the National Honor Society is scheduled for Tues., Mar. 26, at 8 p.m. in the Maine South auditonum. Project Big, District 207's annual career night, will be held at Maine East at 7 p.m. on Wed., Mar. 27.
number of seats remaining after sales prior to the day of the show. If sold at the door, tickets will be $5 by reserved seating. The C.S Okies are a 7-member bluegrass and western swing combo who are all members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. The Jesse White Tumbling Team is a nationally recognized group of 55 young men who perform various group tumbling routines. The Players to be Named Later is a comedy group including Maine South graduate Paul Phillips. Mr. Bill Drennan, Southfest committee member, commented, "It promises to be a great night of entertaimnent and we're looking forward to support from the students as well as
Marlin swim show performances are scheduled for Thurs. through Sat., Mar. 28-30 at 7 p.m. in the pool area and Sun., Mar. 31 at 2 p.m. The girls' winter sports awards will be presented at 7:30 p.m. on Mon., April 1 in the auditorium. The third quarter ends on Thurs., April 4. The Freshman Class party "Maine Event" will be held in the Spectator Gym Fri., Mar. 22, from 7 to 10 p.m. Entertainment for the evening includes sports, various games, dancing and refreshments—pizza and soft drinks.
the community." Tomorrow, Thurs., Mar. 21, will be the main Southfest '85 program for Maine South students only. From 8 to 8:55 a.m. there will be an all-school program starring Wes Harrison, Mr. Sound Effects. Also during this time, students will be given a schedule of the day's programs that they are registered for. The four presentation periods will be from 9:10 to 10 a.m., 10:10 to 11 a.m., 11:10 to noon and 12:10 to 1 p.m. From 1:10 until dismissal at 1:30, students will meet in their homerooms to evaluate the day's events. No lunch will be served on this day.
Student aid still available This information was recently released by the Illinois State Scholarship Commission (ISSC). Recent press coverage regarding proposed federal financial aid cutbacks should not throw parents and students into a panic. Concerns over the proposed cuts stem from confusion about the effective date of the proposed cuts. Bob Clement, ISSC spokesperson, says two very important points must be understood. First, the cuts are proposed—no action has been taken by Congress. Second, the cuts, if they are approved, would not be effective until the 1986-87 school year. "Things are looking up for this fall," Clement states. Even with the proposed reduction in federal Pell Grant monies, more Pell dollars than ever will be flowing into Illinois for the 1985-86 school year. On the state level, Govercontinued on p. 2
page 2
March 20,1985
Students find Snowball worthwhile day Thirty-five Maine South students attended the Maine Township Operation Snowball program on Fri., Mar. 8. Operation Snowball is a drug and alcohol abuse prevention and peer leadership program for high school aged youths and concerned young adults. The purpose of the program is to bring teenagers and experts together to share information, develop proper attitudes and understand alcholism and other drug dependence and learn to plan various preventive activities. Snowball is a statewide movement. It was started by a group of teens who returned from the Illinois Teen Institute a few years ago feeling that programs of this sort should be held more frequently than once a year. Therefore, they began holding one-day workshops. This is the first time the program has been done in Maine Township. Students from Maine South, Maine East, Maine West, St. Viator's and Sacred Heart schools attended the day-long workshop at the South Park Church. The students listened as a group to a reformed cocaine addict, an alcholic, a speaker on self esteem and another
South words Southwards is the student-produced newspaper of Maine South High School, Park Ridge, IL. Letters to the editor should be delivered to Room V-130 or given to a member of the e d i t o r i a l staff listed below. Southwards reserves the right to edit letters containing obscene or libelous material. Editor-in-Chief Kris Falzone News Bureau Chief Maura McKenna News Editor Andy Duerkop Commentary Editor . Nancy Humm Features Editor . . . . Maureen Smith Sports Editor Todd Jackson Photographer Tom Fox Adviser Mr. Ken Beatty Staff: Bonnie An, Lori Bonahoom, Tami Bower, Rick Burgis, Michelle Canar, John Caporale, Elizabeth Cicinelli, John Ciprian, Chrissy Coscioni, Kathy Coudal, Kristyn Denzel, Rob Elmgren, Pam Eskra, Cathy Flynn, Heather Francis, Karen Frank, Mark Fritz, Kim Grichnik, Sherrill HIavaty, Kathy Huedepohl, Jean Jacobs, Eric Johanson, Amy Johnson, Steve Juiris, Beth Landerghini, Sarah Langdon, Shelly Main, Sami Malten, Laura McCabe, Katy McGarry, Alisa Regas, Karia Rotondo, Barry Schoefernacker, Kathy Sebastian, Sue Szalczynski, Mike Viola and Tim Zahr.
talking about "warm fuzzies." The students then split into small groups of 10-12 teens with two adults and talked about any variety of topics they wished. Junior Sue Szalczynski, who attended the workshop, feels that Snowball was "definitely worthwhile and a lot of fun, as well as interesting." Miss Virginia Feurer, who was one of the adult participants in the program, says that Snowball is a "good learning experience for
both students and adults. Everyone had a chance to open up and be themselves." She adds that the method of the program, presenting facts as well as pros and cons, gives students "the opportunity to decide their own values and beliefs and hopefully, with some guidance, they will make the right choices in their lives." Miss Feurer concludes by saying that Snowball is "teaching kids there's a way to enjoy life without drugs and alcohol—they can enjoy life through opening up to people."
Marlins prepare for water show Maine South's Marlin Swim Club will present its show "Waterworks," Mar. 28, 29 and 30 at 7 p.m. and on Mar. 31 at 2 p.m. Tickets will cost $2.50 and may be purchased in the bookstore, from a Marlin member or at the door. Solo acts this year will be presented by Pati Gabriel and club president Courtney Madsen. There will also be five duets including one mixed duet by Matt Par and Mary Beth Reilly entitled "Big Spenders." Other duets are to be performed by Erin Cosper and Jennifer Nickele, Carrie Baab and Sharon Carlson, Lauren Dirr, show chairperson, and Carolyn Hansen, and Jill Descher and Jennifer Nickele. Also included in the show will be three trio acts. Mary Ann DuBrock, Carrie Kennedy and Jenny Nowak will perform in "Alcatraz Antics," Kelly DeGrazio, Kelly Connor and Bonnie Creager in "1999" and Lauren Dirr, Mary Beth Reilly and Bonnie Wachendorf in "Move Out." In addition to the members' acts, this will be the fifth annual show including a mothers' act consisting of Marlin members' parents. The leads for the acts were chosen last spring during Marlin tryouts and the members practiced during the summer and fall while new
members began practicing in December. The leads do their own choreographing while the new member acts are developed by the officers. The money raised from ticket sales this year will be used to cover the show's costs. The show's expenses include the rental of a professional sound system, costume costs and the printing of programs. The hour-and-a-half show is similar to the synchronized swimming competition witnessed at the Olympics. An unusual feature of the Marlin Show is the colorful lighting that helps turn the pool into a theater. Marlin sponsor. Miss Dawn Butler commented, "Our show is earlier than usual and we have had to work extremely hard but ever>thing is coming along well." She also added that two of the acts will be taken to Sarasota, Florida this May to compete in the International Festival of Aquatic Art. The competition receives groups from all over the United States, Mexico and Canada including many college students and adults. Assistant show chairperson, Jill Descher stated, "We've all been working very hard and the show looks great."
College funds still available for 1985-86 continued from p. I
nor Thompson has recommended an increase in the ISSC Monetary Award Program (MAP) maximum award from $2,400 to $2,850, the largest one-year increase for the maximum awards. The recommended allocation for the MAP also takes into account possible tuition and fee increases at public institutions. The Illinois Guaranteed Student Loan Program is still available to help students, including students from families with incomes over $30,000. In fact, one-third of GSL borrowers last year came from families in that income category. A new financial aid program, the Merit Recognition Scholarship (MRS), was established by the Illinois Legislature during the 1984 fall session and awaits legislative funding this
spring. Effective this fall, the program recognizes students who graduate in the top five percent of their high school graduating class. A $500 award would be made for the student's first year in college. If the student maintains an established grade point average his/her first year in college, the scholarship would be renewable for a second year. Current high school seniors are eligible. "People should not panic for the 1985-86 school year," stated Clement. The real concern is for the 1986-87 school year's funding. "Parents and students should keep a close eye j on the media reports and express their concerns to their congressional representatives, Qement stated. For the 1985-86 school year, the advice is apply early and follow directions carefully.
March 20,1985
page 3
Lunch periods should be lengthened by Tim ZahrFor this article, I'd like to direct a muckraking pencil to the topic of lunch in school. The reason that such muckraking appears on the page is because there is muckraking within my digestive tract. For the past few weeks (and probably years), my stomach has taken punish-
ment that would make a masochist flinch. Pain (the type you can live with but aon't want to) hits my stomach about 40 ml.iutes after lunch on a regular daily basis. This happens only after eating in school, and never at home or on the road. This leads me to believe
that the problem exists within the realm of lunch in school. Before anyone accuses anyone of botulism, I would like to say that such stomach-quakes occur whether I eat lunch from line 1 or bring it myself, although the former is far more damaging (but not because of its quality). The problem, I have deduced, lies in the fact of the length of the lunch period. Upon reflecting on the fact that I sometimes have five (actually) minutes to put down my food, I think Cats at the Shubert Theater or one of the many that my stomach finds it offensive that it other plays at smaller theaters. should digest something in five minutes which Tanning Saions —If you're really took 30 minutes to prepare. It (my stomach) desperate for some California sun, get a tan sees the time imbalance as an injustice to its without even leaving the state. Tanning salons abilities, and in turn, it lets me know. like Euro-Tan are close to home and conveThe wait in line is a major time consumer on nient. the 20-minute period. Also taking a chunk out Postcards—Find out the addresses of of the time (and, in turn, my stomach) is the yourfriends in Florida, and send them time necessary for getting to and from the lunpostcards from home. If you have to, lie and chroom. The A-wing and the lunchroom are say how much fun you're having. not together, and teachers do not approve of Cieaning—You know the mess is there, leaving class early nor coming to class late. If I and spring break is a great time to get your life get in line earlier, that only serves to put soand closet in order. meone else farther back. If I don't eat, my Clubs—Add some excitement to your life stomach is even worse. and leave the 'ole Ridge for an evening. Some So, in an appeal for my stomach and those clubs downtown like West End, Exit, and of others, I ask someone to find a way in which Cabaret Metro have all-ages night and provide a lunch period could be created to provide a fun for everyone. realistic amount of time in which to eat. If this Sports— The weather should be improved is impossible, let it be. But if there can be a by April, so take advantage of outdoor change, someone please attempt it. Indigestion facilities like golf courses and tennis courts. is not conducive to physical or educational continued on p. 4 . . . well-being.
Hope for those home over break by Chrissy Coscioni
Contrary to popular belief, everyone is not leaving town during spring break, even though it seems like it. For those of you who aren't, this article will attempt to provide some novel suggestions to avoid boredom and self-pity. Shopping—While all your friends are away, catch up on some of that serious shopping. Try out far away centers that you rarely get a chance to shop at: Stratford Square, Hawthorne Center, Northbrook Court, or Long Grove. Museums—Chicago is know for its museums, but rarely do we take advantage of them. Museums like the Adler Planatarium, the Art Institute, or the Museum of Science and Industry can provide an inexpensive and fun afternoon as well as a cultural experience. Restaurants—Enjoy some of the fine Park Ridge cuisine at Bailey's or Fat Harold's. While your friends are gone, take your parents out to dinner. Live Performances—If you can get tickets and have the money, go see a performance of
Safety first: Students must contribute Recently Mr. Ken Reczkiewicz, assistant principal, talked to Maine South's Student Council about the problem of vandalism m this school.
The figures he showed the student representatives were startling. As shown in the accompanying chart, for the past year, costs at Maine South for vandalism damages have been consistently higher than figures for the other two Distnct 207 schools. Monthly
Maine South
Other Schools
Feb., 1984
April, 1984
$1,350 $258.48 -0-
June, 1984
$2,065 $525.20 $500
loot, 1984-
Laa, 1985
$4,000 $390.50
Mr. Reczkiewicz feels that the bulk of this problem is not due to malicious vandalism; instead, it can be attributed to the abundance of glass surrounding the school. Looking at the glass hallway leading to the A-wing and the windows surrounding the locker sections, one can easily see that Maine South has more windows than most high schools. Therefore, accidents can, and do, happen, and windows are broken frequently. Not only is this a great expense to the school and the students, but it is a dangerous safety hazard. When one of these windows breaks, there is obviously the threat of shattered glass cutting someone. Given these facts, we agree with Mr. Reczkiewicz's feeling that the best way to minimize the problem is through students' efforts. Most accidents occur when students are running or simply kidding around in the halls. Students can help cut down on the problem by being more responsible for their actions and acting in
a mature manner, showing respect for this school building and the campus. If the thought of bloody injuries does not show the students the need for caution, perhaps the thought of reaching into their wallets will. Almost all the expense for Maine South shown in the chart is reimbursed to the school by the students. Breaking a large window will cost you $250; a small one, $125. Other minor incidents of vandalism include broken ceiling tiles and writing on walls, especially in bathrooms. Both these offenses are punishable by school authorities. Mr. Reczkiewicz says that students must be "more aware that there are windows all around us and because of that we have to be very careful." There is a need for a "safety realization campaign" in this school. Only through the care and effort of everyone using this building can Maine South be a safe place to learn as well as a reputable institution.
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March 20,1985
Students critique school's newspaper by Karla Rotondo Southwards is a newspaper which keeps the students informed about the school's events. It also contains sports news and many different opinions, whether they're from the Southwards staff or the student body. In any case, the opinions of everyone are valued, and should definitely be heard. Here are a few ideas from the student body pertaining to Southwards: Chris Riedel '87 especially likes "the letters to the editor. They usually chew something or someone out, and it's quite humorous." This
statement brings up an important concern. Southwards needs your opinions. Voice your problems and concerns! Believe it or not there are many students who feel the same way you do. The Maine South hockey team has had a great season and there is some controversy as to why there is never any news or sports on their victories. Concerned students include Rubine Petruleas '87 who feels there aren't enough sports editorials on the team, and Bob Otto '87 who feels there "should be SOME hockey articles." The fact that "many people
Teens should overcome apathy A recent memo to principals of Cook County public high schools from Richard Martwick, Cook County Superintendent of Schools, informed school administrators that the Selective Service System will soon request a list of names, addresses and birth dates of male high school seniors from each district. These lists would aid the government in enforcing its draft registration laws by giving the government information needed to find eighteen year old males who do not register. District 207 officials do not intend to comply with this request; there is no federal regulation requiring schools to give the government the students' names. The government has plenty of access to public files such as birth certificates and Social Seciuity numbers, and therefore has many other ways to enforce its draft registration laws. However, our neighbors in Niles Township District 219 will probably agree to send the names to the Selective Service. Many students and parents may have strong feelings on this subject, either questioning the right of the government to interfere with the schools, or believing that the government should use any possible means to support the military. However, it seems that Maine South students may be a bit apathetic toward public issues, exemplified by the lack of attendance at a meeting with Park Ridge journalists. The following article, written by reporter Kathy Routliffe, appeared in the Park Ridge Advocate and the Norridge Citizen, and is reprinted with permission from Pioneer Press. It was to have been a chance for students to speak out on the military. It would have allowed them to get their pictures, and their beliefs on selective service registration, into the public eye. It could have been a lively, far-ranging session with a local reporter and photographer. Instead, no one showed up. Students at Dist. 207's Maine South High School had been told they could chat with Pioneer Press staffers. The subject was to have
been student opinions on selective service requests for high school seniors' names—and military recruitment in general. Only principal Bob Barker and vice principal Ken Reczkiewicz appeared at the appointed area. "I can't understand it," Barker said, as he glanced up and down the empty halls. "I guess it's something that students are divorced from." He and Reczkiewicz both suggested more students would have shown up during a noon hour, but appeared disappointed at the lack of response. "The administrators don't want to send lists (of senior male students) to Selective Service. I know that would cause a lot of flak, particularly with parents," Barker said. "But I'm not sure about the students. And I guess we're not going to find out today." Then, referring to a currently controversial subject, he added, "Perhaps if you'd asked about open-air commencements . . . " Another meeting was scheduled for last Tues., March 12. This time four students showed up to talk to Routliffe about the draft and a variety of other topics. This was a worthwhile and enlightening session in which the students took advantage of the opportunity to voice their opinions. Too bad Mr. Reczkiewicz had to request people to attend the meeting. The students offered possible reasons for lack of attendance at the first meeting. They said that there was not enough publicity or ex(Janation about the meeting. Another suggestion was that the students are generally apathetic about subjects that are not close to them—most people feel no threat of a draft in the near future. Perhaps now more students will realize that there are political problems and government decisions that directly affect them. And maybe they'll realize that they can and should have a voice in public issues.
cannot make the games and would like to know what is going on" is a concern of Kathy Hurley '87. The truth is. Southwards would like to mention the hockey team, but because of legal difficulties it carmot be done. According to the WSA, the Maine South hockey team is not a school sponsored team, and therefore Southwards is unable to print news pertaining to the team. Kris Falzone, Editor-in-Chief, stated a few of her thoughts and goals: "I feel we've made efforts to improve the proofreading during production of the paper. We have changed the format and style too." As a result, Kris hopes for more involvement from students. She feels Southwards can give anyone "a great experience in writing and being a part of a newspaper staff," if only people would make an effort to get involved. Mr. Ken Beatty, newspaper advisor, serves as a terrific example of a learning guide to the whole staff. Kris lastly stated, "Southwards is supposed to inform the students and contain something for everyone. If there isn't, then we're not doing our jobs."
Spring Break . . . . . . continued from p. 3 Movies—There are always new movies around to see, but if the thought of going out by yourself doesn't appeal to you, try renting old movies like Rear IVindow, African Queen, or Gone With the Wind. You can make popcorn and watch these with your family or by yourself. Sleep—An original and novel idea, sleeping can do wonders for your health and overall disposition. After a solid month of school two or three days of real loafing around the house is earned. Television—Whether it's M-TV, Hill Street Blues, Cheers, or the Brady Bunch all of us have favorite television shows which we loose track of duringthe school year and now is as good a time as any to catch up on them. Exercise—If you didn't start it in January, then now is a great time to begin an exercise program. Start using the forest preserve trails for jogging and bike riding. Frisbee—Do something really irrational and take younger brothers and sisters to the park. Play frisbee and fly a kite, something you haven't done in a long time. Job Hunting—Get a head start on the competion and start applying for summer jobs. These are just a few general suggestions to keep you busy. But also look forward to a nice relaxing week away from it all. Spring Break in Park Ridge can be fun, Jf you try to make it fun.
March 20,1985
•Dance preferences: Singles or couples by Alisa Regas For just about everyone, school dances can be some of the best experiences of high school. Here at Maine South, both types of dances, singles and couples, are offered several times during the school year. Beach Party, a wild, after-finals singles dance, serves as a rebellion against the cold, harsh, Chicagoland winters. On the other hand, senior prom is a springtime, romantic, couples dance which, for seniors, is one of the last times they will be together as a class. When asked whether they prefer fun, casual, singles dances spent with friends or romantic couples dances spent with a date, many students and even a few teachers offered their opinions. Karla Rotondo '87—"Couples dances are great! It's a great way to open up to other people, get dressed up, and have a lot of fun." Julie Burgess '85—"Singles dances, because there is a better chance to meet people." Steve Slaughter '86—"It really doesn't matter as long as they play a lot of Frank Sinatra." Mehnda McCormick '87—"Singles; I get too nervous going to a couples dance." Colette Pusczan '88—"Couples, because I would only look at one person anyway.
Val Wilkens '87—"I think they should have more of both so you can please everyone." Julie Stolle '86—"Singles, because you don't have to stick with one guy." Kevin Peter '85—"I like singles dances because you can wander." Pam Skafidas '87—"I used to like couples dances until my date just said that he likes to wander. I'm aU for singles." Mrs. Patricia Schrieber, foreign language teacher—"At my age and marital status, I prefer couples dances." Tom Auge '87—"I prefer 'slam' dances." Laura Kashul and Jody Broud '85—"Singles, because we don't date." Pete Thorson '86—"Singles, because if there is a girl that you want to get to know, you can 'work' your way over. Not at a formal dance, though." Missy Stacey '86—"Singles because you can dance with everyone." Paul Krause '87—"Singles because I am a single." Karen Krajcir '85—"I Uke couples because there is more preparation to the dance and I think it's more romantic." Darren Bochat '87—"Singles, because you don't have to stay with one person, you can
move arouna." Katy McGarry '87—"Couples, because you can go out later." Mrs. Karen Gebhardt, study hall teacher—"Singles, it gives the kids a chance to get to know other students. Some of the more shy kids are more likely to go." Pat McCabe '88—"I like singles better because I don't like doubles." Roxy '87—"Couples because it's more intimate and more flavorful." Steve Infante '86—"I like trio dances." Kris Nugent '87—"Singles, because you are not confined to just one person. You can dance with about 20 people." Tony Sinda '87—"I don't dance." A senior guy—"Singles, you can play the field without feeling guilty about your date." Josh Lenzini '87—"I like all of them." Katherine Bechtel '88—"I like them both but, for singles you don't have to look for someone to go wtih." Cindi Wilk '87—"Singles because I can do anything I want." Tanja Pajevic '88—"Singles because . . . I don't know, I just like them better." Sally Shaull '87—"Couples all the way. I like the after-dance." Katie Moore '86—"Singles because you can dance with someone you secretly like and not feel obligated to dance with just your date and he can't get mad." Eric Sagerstrom '85—"Both, singles you get to dance with a lot of people, couples because you get to have a nice evening with someone you like."
Super Sleuth back on track
This issue's Super Sleuth is a person who is actively involved in Maine South's Student Council. He can usually be found eating a nutritious lunch during fifth period. He is also an avid runner and has participated in a couple races already this school year. His best subject by far is Government although he is also interested in space travel hoping someday to be the first of "his kind" in space. This person is also known for his quotable quotes such as "Politics is a very political office," and is also known for his fear of some animals such as bees and dogs. All guesses as to the identity of this popular guy should be submitted to Southwards in room V-130 by March 25. Congratulations to Karen Krajcir, Erik Thorsen, and all others who guessed that last issue's Super Sleuth couple was Scott Tritthardt and Lisa Gonella. Good Luck, sleuthers!
March 20, 1985
Handwriting analysis can reveal traits by Alisa Regas In the Lindbergh kidnapping trial of the mid-1930's one of the major arguments for the defense was based on the handwriting of the accused. Seem far fetched? It did to the jury who, although the handwriting of the defendant differed in the manner that the t's were crossed differently than those of the ransom note, still found Bruno Hauptman guilty of the abduction and killing of the child of Charles Lindbergh. But today, years after Hauptman was electrocuted, handwriting analysis has gained more and more credibility as a science and serious questions have been raised about this controversial trial. Besides serving as evidence in court trials,
handwriting analysis or graphology has many other uses. Every day teachers become unprofessional graphologists as they attempt to decipher unheaded papers and tests, searching
for clues as to the identity of their owners. According to Mike Edelhart, author of What Your Handwriting Says About You, by studying writing techniques and particular characteristics one is able to determine sp)ecific personality traits of the writer. One of the major factors in determining personality through handwriting is the slant or direction of the letters. If one's writing tends to go straight up and down, the writer is practical and independent. If the writing slants to the right, the writer is more open but tends to lack self control. A slant to the left indicates aloofness and a badly repressed childhood. If an entire line of writing goes "uphill" optimism is a trait of one's personality but if it has a downward slant, the writer is classified as dreary. Edelhart also states that one who writes parallel to the edges of the paper is "everybody's goes citizen...and a mite dull." Margins around one's writing also reveal traits of the writer. The specific traits
associated with each margin are present in the writer in the same extent as the margin. The top margin is associated with modesty, whereas left margins reveal the writer's need for esteem. The right margin shows how well the writer will allow others to know him. The size of each letter determines self esteem and confidence. Tall letters reveal ambition, love of food, and lack of tact. One who writes in small letters, however, is intellectual, often scientific, but not overly confident. The possibilities for the field of graphology are endless. More information is available in books such as What Your Handwriting Says About You, or at the International GraphoAnalysis Society located at 325 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. Stop in during spring
break and learn everything anyone would ever want to know about graphology. Afterwards, come back to good old Maine South and analyze the handwriting on study hall desks.
Conditions for ideai party described by Cathy Flynn Parties used to mean silly hats, frosted cake, party favors and a ride home from Dad. Things have certainly changed. Dad is the last person you want to see at the end of a party and the word "party favor" has taken on a whole new meaning. Maine South students in general live for weekends, ever in search of the ideal party. The perfect party means different things to each person, but most people agree on one important ingredient: the opposite sex. Robert Colbert's if'ea of a great party is "being with a female." Doug Roche is looking for a little more,"girls with a low sense of morals." Karen Sebastian, who admits she does not "like to party, but if forced I like three to one odds on the m e n . " Julie Karbusicky
believes"the perfect party experience is John Ciprian dancing with tassles on his chest." The opposite sex is not the only requirement for a good party. Music, food, and friends are also important for the perfect party. Pam Eskra summed it all up, "Good music, good food, good friends-good times!" Others are not quite so easily pleased. Scott Duerkop insits on "Snoppy tablewear," while John Qprian demands "a good cheese dip." To be assured of a perfect party, Mike Viola needs "Twister and Bingo, but it has to be Strip Bingo." Atmosphere is yet another factor crucial to the ideal party for Maine South students. Lisa Gonella can party anywhere "but my Advanced Math four class." Chris Lalik is partial to
"rubber walls." Doug Johnson and Matt Uhlig know exactly what they want, "a party at the beach, not too far way, a couple of palm trees, an endless supply of kegs, diplomatic immunity. Mindless Feedback in concert, and absolutely no freshman." And then there are a few who demand very little of the perfect party. Krysten Denzel just wants " a Park Ridge party that doesn't get busted." For Fran Moore, the ideal party is "something I won't remember." Mary Ellen Kusibab would settle for "not having to be dragged home." Everyone has their own idea of the perfect party, and everyone questioned seems to be having a lot of fun looking for it.
Students and teachers favorite books by Kim Grichnik Everyone has a favorite author or book, something to cuddle up with late at night when no one else is around. Whether it's a mystery, romance, adventure, or comedy is a personal preference. Maine South students and faculty had this to say about their favorite books. Mike Faciana '88—"A book like The Outsiders." Steve Shewfelt '87—"Spiderman comic books. The action is spellbinding and the colorful storyboard adds style." Cloak and Dagger—"We prefer the short stories in Point of Departure." Pam Skafidas "81—"Where are the Children? and A Stranger is Watching." Miss Lucille Wright, English teacher—"TAe Prisoner of Zenda, The Scarlet Pimpernel, The House on the Strand, Agatha Christie
mysteries, and A Fine and Pleasant Misery by Patrick McManus. It's written in Mark Twain's style of humor, very funny." Jun Choi '88—"Cor Cemetery by Stephen King." Mark Johnson '86—"Stephen King." Paul Kitchell '87—"I don't read!" Ashley Runnels '87—"The Women's Room by Marilyn French is one of my favorite novels because of its realistic dialogue and the way it gets you to hate/love/despise/sympathize with the characters." Mike Hill '88—"I like Jack London and Edgar Allen Poe." Mr. Robert Groves, math te&cher—"Shogun, anything by James Clavell." Charles Kennedy 'SI—"Catcher in the Rye."
Scott Miller 'S6—"The Cat in the Hat." Mr. Thomas Kerth, English teacher—"TAe Hobbit, Call of the Wild. The World According to Carp; books by Annie Dillard, Hemingway, Steinbeck and Dr. Seuss. My favorite author is Loren Eisely." Tom Duffy '85—"Pieces of My Mind by Andy Rooney." Chris Goelkel '87—"The use of dialect and its classic style of writing were the key ingredients to the success of The Three Little Pigs, which is my favorite novel. Although The Smurfs go to Disneyland was also excellent." Mr. Keith Leedy. science teacher—"Seagw// by Jonathan Livingston. Anyone could get through it in an hour, maybe less." Laura Smals '86—"Chapter Two by Neil Simon." Matt Kenneally '81—"Fields of Fire."
March 20, 1985
page 7
Girls' team moves to post-season play by Shelly Main Maine South's girls' varsity basketball team finished the regular season with a 19-5 record, the best in the history of girls' basketball at Maine South. Their season brought them second place in conference. First place was won by Maine West. Coach Mike Deines feels that the team had a "tremendously successful season" and added
that they won the most regular season games are good friends on and off the court, which ever. helps them know each other's moves and how The success of this year's team may be at- they will play. tributed to many factors. The girls continually The varsity team set goals for themselves this played as a team and had a lot of depth as a season and began striving for them months team. There was, according to juniors Pam ago, working out over the summer and fall. Juckett and Mary Carroll, always someone on One of their goals has already been achieved. the bench to take over, which helped the team They wanted to break the record of 16 regular overcome injuries during the season. season wins, and did with 19 victories. Pam and Mary also commented that the girls They also want to go farther in this year's state tournament. Last year they were conference champs. Their path to this goal began March 11 with a regional game against Maine East. However, due to deadlines. Southwards Sweeny, Jim Huston and Spencer Hart. In ad- is unable to report the outcome. dition to the vault, all the team members made respectable showings in their events, particularly floor and parallel bars. Coach Riccitelli looks forward to the proThe girls' track team will meet Luther North gress of the younger members of the team tomorrow at home at 4:30 p.m. resulting in a group of winners who will carry on the spirit of Maine South athletes. Recently the team competed in the Wildcat Relays, which coach Jacquelyn Schultze says While the freshman and sophomore are exciting because it is the only meet that inmembers are gaining expertise as well as enjoy- cludes boys and girls together. The team also ing themselves. Coach Riccitelli views 1985 as a met Maine East last week, a team which is "learning year." usually strong in distance competitions. The varsity team won a triangular meet against University High School and Highland Park by a score of 65 to Highland Park's 42.5 Parson, Christine Pintz, Anne Raidl, Jennifer and University High's 20.5. Topfinisherswere Richter, Nichole Richter, Chris Riedel, Deana Angie Kontos in the 440-yard run, Christy Santo, Julie Thein, Amy Webb, Valerie Ward in the 50-yard dash, Evelyn Clark in the Wilkins and Marlaine Wykowski. mile run and Karen Krajcir in the high jump. The new boys' Junior Leaders are: Jim The team placed first, second, and third in the Bovaro, Steve Engel, Gary Francis, Wayne shot put with Bridget Gormaly on top. Varsity also beat Niles North 64-29. The Coble, Robert Griess, Owen Hayes, Stan Holsen, Tom Jaeger, Mark Juiris, James team, in addition to winning the relays, won the 50-yard dash, 440-yard run, 50-yard Kallas, Scott Keenan, Mike Kusibab. hurdles, mile run, 220-yard dash, high jump, Brian McKenna, Peter Murges, Sean long jump and shot put. O'Malley, Bill Paris, Klay Schmeisser, Jim The JV team has also been doing well. They Sellergren, Todd Showalter, Jim Swanson, won their triangular meet 82 to Highland Jeff Topel, Desmond Wong and Michael Park's 33 and University High's 12 and also Yadgar. won the Niles North meet.
Boy gymnasts host GBN The boys' gymnastics team hosts Glenbrook South tonight at 6:30 in what should be a competitive meet. Out of 50 members of this year's gymnastics team, 40 are promising freshmen. Coach John Riccitelli placed Maine South at fifth out of seven teams in experienced seniors. This is the first time in 20 years that the team has not broken 100 in the first meet. They lost to Hoffman Estates by a score of 86.60 to 85.60. With vault being South's strongest event, spectacular showings were made by Tony
Girls meet Leyden
Junior leaders named for coming year Recently the Girls' Junior Leaders for 1985-86 were named. These girls will attend a special physical education program during their junior year designed to teach leadership qualities. Senior year they will assist gym teachers with classes. The new Junior Leaders are: Jennifer Bers, Barbara Bondarowicz, Cheryl Bott, Tamela Bower, Eileen Bunch, Anna Caithamer, Michel'e Canar, Katherine Cieszynkowski, Kelly Conner, Lisa Conran, Nancy Gorski, Susan Kashul, Gwynn Lockwood, Sheila Malec, Beth Maloney, Melinda McCormick. Elizabeth Morandi, Amy Nommensen, Lisa Ogorek Christa Oswald, Kerri Owens, Megan
S SrRoMdLy WoaiWfi!\WS TO
March 20, 1985
page 8
Boys' basketball finishes year by John Caporale On Tues., Mar. 5, the Hawks, with a 13-13 season record, began tournament play by beating Maine West 56-39. Maine South came out very tentative by missing a couple of shots in the early going that would normally go in, but the Hawks' defense was effective enough in the second half of the game to chalk up a win. The Hawks got a big lift from Scott Kingston, Mark Kubow and Mike Juneman in this game. Then the unfortunate struck the Hawks on Fri., Mar. 8, at Elk Grove. Shawn Tuttle led Elk Grove (11-16) with 21 points including a free throw with eight seconds left to seal a 56-54 victory over our Hawks. To recap the season, the Hawks did not have any lettermen from last year's team but they did have a number of young quality ball
players—sophomores and juniors to complement the five seniors. Consequently, it was a year in which they felt that they could make gradual improvement. But the Hawks found out very early in the Thanksgiving Tournament that this particular ball club could compete with some of the better teams in the area with a win against Glenbrook South and a very strong game against Buffalo Grove who won their division. The Hawks, however, lost to Prospect in overtime, who won their division. All the way through the course of the Hawks' season, they felt that they could compete against the better teams. During the course of the season, the Hawks had a number of injuries. One stretch, while in the thick of the conference race, they had two starters, Dave Inserra and Mike Viola, out
Badminton team begins season This year's girls' badminton team is a group of experienced players, according to Miss Joyce Albrecht, head coach. "Over half the team are returning players who are skilled and experienced," stated Miss Albrecht. Returning players include: Seniors Margaret Bechtel, Jody Broud, Diane Ebner, Lisa Gonnella. Sue Nesbit, Liz Pintz, Tracy Schmidt and Kathy Zobel; juniors Deana Curcio, Sharon Pankus, Julie Swalla, Beth Verbrugghe and Lisa Winkler; and sophomores Rochelle Fran, Belva Shinn and Julie Thein. Miss Albrecht added, "Our new kids are coming along well with their skills, which should give us a very good JV squad." New players are: AFS senior Juany Maciel; junior Meg Moran; sophomores Kerri Owens,
Rubine Petruleas and Terri Tickner; and freshmen Kristine Anderson, Kathleen Connolly, Peggy Fogarty, Shannon Gill, Tracy Madland and Allison Sullivan. The team has a new assistant coach this year, Mrs. Donna Hoffman, who graduated from Maine South in 1977. Mrs. Hoffman, who was known as Donna Forde in high school, played badminton here for two seasons and also played in college. "We are pleased to have a returning Hawk working with the team," said Miss Albrecht. The team's next meet is Mar. 25, when they play Prospect in a non-conference home match. The girls will meet Evanston, always a tough conference rival, on Mar. 27.
Boys' track hosts Schaumburg Today at 4:30 p.m. the boys' Ti-ack and Field team will host Schaumburg High School in their final home meet of the season. The meet looks to be very close. Schaumburg is predicted to do very well in the conference that head coach Bill Drennan calls "probably the best track conference in the state." Recently the team competed in the Wildcat Relays held at Wheeling High School. This was a co-ed meet with the score of the boys' and girls' together deciding the overall finish for each school. In the boys' division, Maine South came in in first place over close competition from Wheeling. In the girls' division. Wheeling, who won the girls' state cross-country championship this fall, took first. The overall championship went to Wheel-
Maine South enjoyed many individual victories. Senior Mike Zachar won the shot put with a throw of 46 feet, 4 inches. The 4-lap relay of Jason Dimopolous, Kevin Baden, Jim Rosenthal and Brian Scerba took a first. Individually Brian Scerba also won the high and low hurdles. For this accomplishment Brian was named Athlete of the Meet. So far this year the varsity is off to a 4-1 dual meet record with decisive victories over Glenbrook North and Ridgewood. The team's only loss came on a close two-point decision to Prospect. The sophomore team has a record of 5-0. With such athletes as Josh Lamken, Charlie Kennedy, Bob Lentz and Joe Passanate the team should do very well in the rest of the season.
with injuries. Viola never returned this season, but Inserra did. The Hawks also had nagging injuries to other players to contend with. " The Hawks tied New Trier for second place with a 6-4 conference record and came close to knocking off Evanston and New Trier by one point. "I feel that the players became closer together and became more goal-oriented," said Coach Jerry Nelson. "We had some very heart-breaking losses. Five or six games were lost by two or three baskets or less. Consequently, these players gained confidence and the ability to do the things that are necessary in the closing moments of a ball game." Coach Nelson continued, "It's been an enjoyable year. I felt the kids made very good progress and as we've gone through our season we were right in the thick of things in terms of conference." It should be noted that juniors Mike Juneman and Mark Kubow made allconference. Coach Nelson concluded, "Next year, we will have a very good nucleus of ball players coming back. They have the potential; now it's a matter of them working at it to get the job done." \
Schedule Girls' Badminton Mar. 25 home 4:30 Mar. 27 away 4:30 Mar. 28 away 4:30 Girls' Soccer Apr. 1 home 4:30 Apr. 3 home 4:30 Girls' Track Mar. 21 home 4:30 Mar. 18 home 4:30 Apr. 2 away 4:30 Girls' Softball Mar. 27 home 4:30 Mar. 28 away 4:30 Mar. 30 away 11 a.m. Boys' Track Mar. 20 home 4:30 Mar. 28 away 4:30 Apr. 3 away 4:30 Boys' Gymnastics Mar. 22 away 6:30 Mar. 26 away 6:30 Mar. 29 home 6:30 Boys' Baseball Mar. 30 away noon Apr. 2 home 4 p.m. Apr. 3 home 4:15 Boys' Tennis Apr. 1 home 4:30 Apr. 3 away 4:30
Prospect Evanston Palatine Prospect Marillac Luther North Maine West New Trier Leyden Prospect Libertyville Schaumburg Glenbrook So. Niles North Niles West Evanston Maine East Notre Dame Forest View Lake Park
Waukegan W Forest View