Vol 21 issue 9

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Graduation 1985: Inside or out? This year's graduation procedures have been an issue of much controversy both inside and out of the school recently and much of this stems from a lack of knowledge about the situation. Mr. Ken Reczkiewicz, assisant principal and member of this year's graduation committee, talked to Southwards about this issue to help to clear up some of the controversy. As it stands now, the administration is planning two graduation ceremonies as it does every year. The preferred plan will be for an outside commencement and the alternate plan will be for an indoor ceremony in case the outdoor one cannot be held. However, due to the impending construction of a new track in Wilson Field, the usual site for the graduation, beginning sometime in mid-April, Wilson Field may not be usable. Therefore, the Maine South graduation com-

mittee is seeking alternate possibilities for an outdoor ceremony. Many students have presented possible situations for an outside commencement and some of these questions follow along with Mr. Reczkiewicz's response to them. Question: Why couldn't the track work be postponed until after the graduation? Answer: All three of the Maine schools are having their outdoor tracks reconstructed during April, May and June of this year. Each of the tracks must be completed during this time because of the weather conditions that must be present for completion of the facility. The track at Maine South has needed reconstruction for close to twenty years and right now it is in such a poor state that Maine South isn't even able to host outdoor track meets. To postpone work on one track would mean postponing it at each of the three schools and

that just isn't practical. Question: How about holding the ceremony in Wilson Field and working around the construction? Answer: This is a definite possibility presently under consideration. If the machinery used for the construction is at one of the other schools at the time, the graduation could still be held in Wilson Field.

Question: Couldn't the graduation be held outside at Maine North for instance? Answer: It's a possibility but most seniors would probably rather graduate inside, if necessary at the school they attended for four years rather than outside at an unknown school. Question: Couldn't bleachers be rented so commencement could be held in Maine South's North field? Answer: This also is a definite possibility although rented bleachers may cause a problem with the school's insurance policy. However, renting chairs is another option. Whatever the outcome, Mr. Reczkiewicz would like everyone to know that this is a decision that is being taken very seriously because they care about the students and feel that the senior class has made many contributions to Feb. 14,1985 the school.

souihwoRds Vol. 21, No. 9

Maine South High School, Park Ridge, IL

All school play to open next Thursday This year's all-school play. You Can't It With You, by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman is a comedy about an eccentric New York family and their unusual household. Some sophomore classes are studying the play and will be seeing select cuttings from it during the day on Feb. 19 and 20. Also, the local jr. high schools have been invited to a fecial performance on the afternoon of Feb. 21. Performances for the public are scheduled

News Briefs


The annual Health Fair will be held all day today.Feb. 14, in the cafeteria. There will be a district half-day workshop on Tues., Feb. 19. There will be no afternoon classes on this day. The AFS/Brotherhood Assembly will be held at 8 a.m. on Thurs., Feb. 21. Classes will follow the " A " bell schedule. .. ,...,. „ You Can't Take It With You, this year's all school play will be performed at 8 p.m. on the evenings of Thurs., Fri. andSat., Feb. 21,22and23. There will be no school for students on Fri., Mar. 1 due to a teachers' institute day.

for Thurs. through Sat., Feb. 21, 22 and 23 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $2.50 a seat for the general public and $2.00 for Maine South students and senior citizens. Tickets may purchased in the book store, from cast members or at the door. This year's cast includes: Sara Cycholl, Maureen Smith, Andrea Hug, Tom Duffy, Darren Bochet, George Brant, Dave Bleeden, John Ciprian, Terri Hackl, Steve Slaughter, Ken Weichert, Jon Putnam, Kim Grichnik,

John Callahan, Lynn Cinelli, Larry Falbe, Andy Kohl, Mario Polkowski and Geraldine Kinsella. Mr. Don Martello is directing the show with help from student director Julie Ewry and prompter Jenine Smith. Mr. Martello commented that this play was reproduced on Broadway four times and he believes that it's one of the best American comedies of the 20th century. Leading actress Sara Cycholl says,"It's a delightful comedy!"

Hawkettes awarded first place trophies The Maine South varsity and jr. varsity Hawkettes will be competing at Mundelein High School on Sat., Feb. 16 and at St. Charles High School on Mar. 9 for the state championship after a fine performance on Sat. Feb. 2 at the Palatine Invitational where both the varsity and JV Hawkettes placed first over 35 other competing squads. The Palatine Invitational was the first competition of the year for the JV Hawkettes and they placed very well, tying for first place in the novice prop category and winning sole first in the novice dance division. Miss Bobrich, sponsor of the Hawkettes, said, "Some of the judges commented that the Maine South JV's performed better than some varsity squads they were judging." The varsity Hawkettes displayed their perfection and came home with four first place

trophies. In the prop category they beat three other squads with a hula-hoop dance to the song "Beat Street Strut." They took two more first place trophies in the kick and dance categories with excellent performances in each. The climax of the day came, however, when the varsity squad performed their energetic, eight-minute show in the AA category against St. Charles and Palatine. They were awarded the first place as well as the Grand Champ trophy for these shows. In addition, they won the Sweepstakes trophy for having the highest point total in the four-minute shows. Their performances in all routines earned qualifications for the state competition and they have chosen their kick and their eight-minute shows for the downstate competition.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!I


page 2

February 14, 1985

Southfest '85 plans night performance [yioMUL^Mi

s o u t h' s

^' •' i U f W f ^ f / c f O^d S ° f hfest '85 iUjUMi *;» be held on c-dMUi '^arch 21 All

t''' lt<9


f j i ' ^ / l suspended and ' 1 the day will be • divided into five 1-hour time periods, beginning at 8 a.m. and con-

eluding at 1:30 p.m. At 8 a.m. students will attend an all-school assembly which will include a presentation by Wes Harrison, "Mr. Sound Effects." Immediately following this assembly, students will attend one program of their choice each hour. These programs will be predetermined

presentations such as belly dancing, clogging, through a registration procedure. The registration procedure will begin with jugghng and brass rubbing. each class attending a morning assembly at A few of the more famous personalities will which Southfest and its procedures will be fully explained. During homeroom, students will be: Christine Rojek, well-known in the field of register for their four choices. Each student art; Irene Hughes, nationally-known will hopefully be provided with at least their astrologer/psychic; Mary Ann Childers, TV first choice. There will be 20-25 different pro- newsperson; The Free Shakespeare Company; grams to choose from per time slot. Students Peeko Puppet Productions and Charles Coyl, will receive their registration cards noting the actor. Several of the speakers are Park Ridge time and location of each of their classes dur- residents and former Maine South graduates. A special feature of Southfest '85 will be the ing the morning assembly on March 21. The size of each audience will fit each special evening program to be held on Wed., March presentation. Some may be held in the field 20, at 8 p.m. The program will be held in the house or auditorium while others, able to ac- auditorium and will be open to the public at commodate only small groups, will be held in the cost of $5. Three groups which will not be lecture halls. Presentations include audience presented during the day are scheduled for the observation programs such as sports medicine evening performance: a bluegrass combo, a discussion or water color demonstration. comedy act, and the Jesse White Tumbling There will also be many audience participation Team.

Valentine's Day Messages

Chelle: We still have to go downtown and Rem, I'll challenge you again, loser! Love pick up some Wompas. Kim ya! The Wierd One whom nobody likes. Ang: Thanks for always being there. You're Charlie, you're gorgeous, the Botherer. the best! Happy V-Day. Love, Lori Rocco, Happy Valentine's Day! Hope 4 a K.O.: Hey you! Have an awesome Valen- Ml. tine's Day and don't swallow gummy bears Window, U R 2 Sweet 4 words! I'm glad I whole (if you do I'll talk to the right and to the met U and we became such good friends, p.s. I left). Love, Kim Berl (the motherly one) would die 4 U! U Know Who. Cindi Wilk: You're so romantic. I love you! Motoaki, Happy Valentine's Day you Pud: I want to go to Baker's Square Heavy Metal Dude, you! p.s. Are you really sometime for some blueberry pie! Happy V-D. half Irish? Gemmie Love ya, Sal De, U should be the next Appolonia! Good member. Katie: We're just one of a kind...in- luck with Duane! p.s. Superdog 4ever! U T, Buda, is Buda! Happy Valentine's Day! seperable. Kar Know Who. (If you learn that) Love, George. Sly, U remind me of Daliln' Nikki. That is John B.: I still like you even though my Ethel, you just had to read the first note. friends think you're a jerk! J.C. good, so don't be mad! Glad we are b. friends! Remember, don't take everything seriously. 5B lunch table: Lunch has been a blast. FE p.s. Stop flirting with Moto! Me. H.V.D. Love, George. To JoAnna and Rick, the cutest couple MIkey, Jill, Joyce, and Maria—Here's to Queenie: Hoe U hav a Appee Vantine's in the world: Have a great Valentine's Day! our last year! Have a Happy V-day. love. Dae! Wuv. Buh Weet Love, Robbie Pinky. Dylan:Happy Valentine's Day!!! Love, To P.S., S.P., My chem buddy, Sally n' Daria and Bucks—I miss our Awesome Carrie Charlie Brown, Mom, Stinkee, Jermin, threesome gang! Have a happy V-Day. Love Ashcat, you'll be dancing on those lun- Praise, Lord, Surfer, Kreibo, Cloak, Spanks. chroom tables one of these days. Lunch Bud- Fishhead, Kar and Emile: Happy V-Day! Geoff, To the jew of chew. There is no chew dies. Luv ya. Me for you. A Lunch. IVIickey, the world's gonna keep spinning. To A.L., Soggy and all the losing conGewge, I'm kxDking forwanJ to being your back seat Unfortunately! Happy V-Day! Riddler test speakers: Happy Valentine's Day! driver. Love, Eythl. P.s. You're making me Sherlse, Happy Valentine's Day, B.M. Sloshy mad. Sandy, Happy Valentine's Day, B.M. Party at Brian 's.'H Kane, Are you havin' a good time? A-Yum Monika, I love you, Jed A Yvonne: You're always on my mind and DarIa Spanks, Gumby forever! Bucks. Lynne, so you had to see the call board, eh? each time I think of you, it warms my heart. I Chris Halloway: Happy Valentine. You Floyd, Merv, Happy V-Day, Gertrude love you. Brian are gorgeous! How do I get to meet you? Love, Ken, I want you, Hope All guys of Maine South: I'm fast. I'm 7 Duf, Happy V-Day! Original, huh? Hope free. Third chair Teddy, Happy V-Day to a loveable guy. Baby Don, V-Day kissies are the best! I love To Chris Karabin: I would it if you would Sue Seabolt-Please take me to Girls' you, Your Little Package. call again. A former percussion student Choice. I'll take you swimming at motel 6 Georgie: Porgie, puddin and pie, I want to Jr.: I love you. Jill afterwards! Love and hugs: Gumby. stick you in the eye. Love Stephiane Nancie: Well Nancie, I'm ahead of you by Premo! No ride home. R.B. Steve and Lauren: "Is that her!" well only few if you really want to keep track. Lauren Dim Abuse me with velveeta cheese. Keep off Jenny Hoff. Just kidding. Next time we work, I won't hit From your fuzzy lollipoi*, D.E. Poca: Happy Valentine's Day to my best you at all. Promise. Nancie, have a great Amy: Thanks for being there when I needed friend and many more. Love, Fe Valentine's Day. Best friends. Love, Scary you! Happy Valentine's Day! Scott

Lisa G: You're a very special person and you mean so much to me. Happy Valentine's Day! Scott. Karyn McCormick and Cheryl Rothermel, John still loves you, but he is still in love with himself. You have to do it at night. Where's my flower? Karyn, Keith couldn't gjve you what I could give you. Happy V-Day! Love, Mike. iMustard, congratulations: You were voted president of B.F.C.! Enjoy your new (car) privileges while they last. A fellow B.F.C.

February 14,1985 Keith: Happy Valentine's Day. Love, LMichelle Honor To my li'l sis. Happy Valentine's Day. Stay sweet. Love, Laura Chris: Stay cool. L & M Maalox (Leroy): Happy 1st V-Day at S. You're the best friend anyone could have. Thanx, Jackson (the elgae) Ralph: I love you. Happy Valentine's Day. Forever, Sally Gemsten Happy V-Day. Whenever we go do the Dog we'll pick you up some napkins. Love, TIgger Wombat: Happy V-D even though we won't have fun with it! Lucky Lucky number 3. Love, TIgger FKi: Keep creamin'! Love, Suzy Q's Jeanne: I still think Dave's the cutest (of course Joe's cuter)! Feb. 2nd has come and gone (sob). Don't laugh someone might be watching you! So, who's your man for Girl's Choice? D.K. might even go with you! Stay sweet! Love, Maura Renee: Hola, chica! Que pasa? Wanna be set up? Get any news releases lately? You spaz! Thanks for being one of the best! Love, Maur Juany: Ther's only you in my life. There's only eternal love...you!! Charlie Missy Mau: There is a crumb in your sweater. Someone at your lunch table Jenny Turk: You're the best friend anyone could ever have! Thanx! Love, Suzette I Dominic C: Keep smiling! Love, Suzette Margaret Loria: Keep dancin' that Hillbilly style. Ha ha. Suzette Cindy KoKo: Want to go to Florida so we can see our men? Suzette The Gang (U-C-5): A happy happy and a merry merry! I love you all! Terri, Sal, etc The Ette Bula: I know I'll be cold this weekend...won't you please help me? Love, Greg To the Lake Lawn Gang: Party!! Steve, Tim, Smo, Schmiz, Brian, and Rich: Happy Valentine's Day! Love Katie Lorie & Angle: Happy Valentine's Day! Love always K.T. Angela, Dawn, and Denlse: Happy Valentine's Day! Love ya K.T. Marty: I want it all! Love, Me Literally. Cheese: I like those teeth. Pepper Narcissus: Your hair looks flne. Mr.H. A.C.: Good luck with T.H. Love Vicki John B.: I love you. To Tom Garvey: You've got nice buns. Love Your Not-So-Secret Admirer Saliva: You're the greatest friend a person could have!! Thanx for all the good times and I hope there are more to come!! For this Valentine's Day you're going to get a big blueberry pie!! Happy Valentine's Day! Love Big Mama ^ Amos: Thanks for all the rides! Have a 'great Valentine's Day! Love Ter Beth: You hostess! Love Nancy Cathy: Not too hairy! Love Nancy Val: Painfully long! Happy Valentine's Day! Cathy

Commentary Jack: Kip out those hearts! Kanga John, Beep: Have a great Valentine's Day. Phi sci. Love, Alice Poppy: Have a great V-Day! Good Luck with P.K.! Love, Terri Kim: Roses are red, violets are blue. I only know . . . I love you. Robby Rosa Ana: Roses are red, violets are blue. I only know . . . I love you. Johnny Doris: Roses are red, violets are blue. I only know . . . I love you. Ray Norrni: Roses are red, violets are blue, I only know, I love you. Roy Erin my darling (not E. Craig): You're the awesome apple of my eye. T. Dan Happy V-Day you Bahama baby. T. Katie: You're not fat. Love, Mark Nancy: Happy Valentine's Day! Is your stoach swimming? Cath Renee: Happy Valentine's Day you dumb freshman. Love Senior D.J. Tommy V.: Happy V-Day Sarah Connor. Love Sea monster Bertha: Black is beautiful. Bonsonic Fans Brad: Those nights we spent together in the back of your dad's '57 Chevy will live forever in my mind; and on my tape recorder and video cassettes! Love you, Weener Maggie and Lorl: Come over with Mark and Jason; my brother just joined book of the month club. Layme Q & Jerry: I got some new exercise mats, we can stretch out and try all those new moves from those mags. Layme KrlGi Li'l Sis: Glad to be a friend. Shoveling thanks! Big Sis K.S. Vicksten I want you singing-dancing. Keep the mouth going. Say Hi to Stork. Big Sis Subby Cathy and the 4th period goobs: Isn't it great being binner-women! Thomas: I love you. Chi Chi Dan C : We love you! Eldrad: Have a great Valentine's Day. And here's to no school on Mondays! You know who All Lady B-Ballers: Have a great Valentine's and dream alive! Jill Kath, the coolest Smurf around: Have a great Valentine's Day! Jills To Val: Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Jehny Tom Wall: You are a massive babe and WE want your body. KH Jo Ellen: You're the best sister. Love ya, Shelley CeCe: I named my cow after you! T.R.: Good luck with D,R. Karen & Tom: To my two buddies! I luv ya. The Three Stooges forever! Beaner Spider Happy Honakah. Me To EJT: The memories will last forever. I hope we have many more Valentine's together. I love you. KAK (Greeny) Mary Lekan: Wanna palm leaf! Culzzy: Remember me? Happy V-Day. Love, Thoo Be nice to us! Junior Leaders


Valentine messages Mary: Carl's mine! Ha! XOXO Ha! Love, Tracey To Lov Wassel, Eddie Cloud, Cal Rivers and Mr. Wilcox: You all look simply mahvalous. I want to take you all with me to the Upper Ukrain Peninsula to hunt naked, banana-eating, Schwinn Stingray-riding, polo ponies. Marty Moon To te Suz, Patty, Sherry, Deb, Mich and Anne: Let's get wasted! Love va. Laura Bill: Loves the turtle necks. Love ? To the man with the Geek complex: Don't mix stripes and plaids! The Compound Noun Scrag: Lose some weight. Love, Maine South Briah Loll: Kathy Rowan will always love you. Tex: Time to collect on that bet. Happy Valentine's Day. Love ya lots. Jo Mark: You sex god. I'll see you Saturday at the party. Can't wait. Love, Val Andy Sponder & Paul Walker You guys are two massive pieces of meat. I love your bods. Sincerely, Me & Me & Me Kris Moretti: Happy Valentine's. Your friend, Weanne Kris, Sherrill, Annie, Kathy, Karyn, Claudia: Happy Valentine's, you sexy things! Love, The Weaner Rich: Have a happy Valentine's Day! Love, Anne MASH: The dudes dig ya! Have a groovy Valentine's Day! Love, HASH Lori, Nancy, Theresa, Tim, Jill, Killeen, Mark, Liz, Steve, Jason, Drake, Jean, Maura, Megan, Kristen, Kathy, Steve, Marshall, Chris, Shelly, Brenden, Chris, Sean, Kris, Francine, Monica, Sally, Jolie, Brett, Pat, Sharon, Lisa, Jim, John, Tom, Mark: Happy Valentine's Day. We love you all! Erin and Maggie To Lenny Kazmer: Eggs are nice, especially on Valentine's Day! Steph: May we have many more closets to come! All my love, The Kid Eon: Break away with our hearts. Mod & Kanga Jack: Don't kill too many hearts. Kanga, Eon & Mod Eon: Don't wrinkle my heart. Kanga Mod: Try to keep afloat. OK? Kanga Karen: You have been very special to me and our times together will never be forgotten. I love you very much. Love, Erik P.S. Our time will come. Rick: Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Patty Sue, Laura S, Suz, Delora, Carol, Det>bie. Sherry, Michelle: Girls just want to have fun. From P.N.A,S.

page 4

Valentine Messages Jewel: The fissy's smackin' because No, you're not invited. Zippy P.S. Did you make a tape? Tom Wall: We miss you!! Happy Valentine's Day!! Groves Tom Garvey: Happy Valentine's Day.

Guess Who? Eileen B.: Happy Valentine's Day! Wouldn't want to drag you away from your real friends! Love, A. To Pegs and Peggy: Parting with such sweet sorrow. Love you, Sal & Deb To Mary & Madonna: Deb ebb & Tank. Love, Debbie Sarah H. and Family: Thank you so much for everything you have ever done for me! Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Kathie Sarable, Dianlmal, Elienable, Buclteye & Man: Interprative dancing. Trivial Pursuit, Can I do your hair, I've got burrs that jingle jangle jingle and especially where's my drink—UuUw—you look marvelous! Kathie (Linda) Sue, Michelle & Julie O.: My best friends in the world! S-have fun and M & J-be patient and look to Florida—but it is your turn again and what are friends for? Happy V-Day! Love, Kathie Nea (the best sis in the world): Make the most of this year and it can only get better. Happy V-Day. Love, Kathie Ashes: My favorite Alpha Tau. I am so proud of all that you have done and I know there will be much more to look forward to! I love you! Love, Your princess Cath S.: Happy Valentine's Day! Keep on giggling! Don't hang around Nanc to long and we've got to get together and see Eatin' Alive. Love, A. Eric: I say, have a jolly good Valentine's Day. Jenine UBU: Happy V-Day. UBU 2 Troy: Have a V-show V-Day. Jenine Duf: I'll send you a box of heart shaped ice cream. Your friend Floyd and Merv: Haaave a great V-Daaay. de braads, Maude and Gertrude Aaron J.: Happy V-Day! Jenine

Leo: You still never take me anywhere! Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Dahling To The Mods: Don't you hate trivial holidays? Hamlet's Ghost

Htebizile: Make an oblong facial expression, shovel snow, get some Nehi fruit punch and cigarettes, run down some creaky stairs, drink pink champagne and think of me, your buddy. "Elizabeth" To the socialite: Friends like you are hard to find so stay awhile. Happy Valentine's Day. Bathtub Beauty


February 14,1985

Cathy: Hey, Chief, need help? Just yell Amykins: Happy Hearts Day to a farmer living high on the hog from 2 city kids in the (across the room)! HVD from Your fellow slums! Even though we live on the other side of Chief, Kris the tracks, and you prefer not to associate with Lema: Happy Heart. From Me "our type," we'll be happy to feast on a To the girls at lunch: Happy V-Day. Barb candlelit dinner of peapods and chicken with Jul & Doc: Chinese Fire Drill. you any time. The sloppy one promises not to Hey Parits: Pick the right one. spill on the tablecloth or tell about the stains Michelle (Jeremiah): When you become a under the doily! And the level-headed one great artist remind me to get your autograph. says, be patient! It's okay if we're a rare com- Oh Michelle let's go shopping. Just kidding. modity. Love, Your slum connection, S.H. & Have a great Valentine's Day. Love ya, Mary K.F. Doug Hodapp: Want to get you a year's Banana, Claudia, Weaner, Karyn, and subscription to the National Enquirer for Kathy: Happy Hearts Day! Stop eating that Valentine's Day, but we figured it would be orange salmon stuff! No, we're not going for old news to you. Love, Your Dearest Abby zoup! Your cheeks are turning red! Answer the Berl: I could say that I love you but honest doorbell—"Hello, come on in!" Keep your to God I don't. Sorry. No seriously you're voice down! Love, Your purple friend really a great friend and even though the BerlClaud: Hey, dude, have a great Valentine's mobile doesn't work, we'll make our trips to and be prepared to buy me lunch! Weanner Omega. Happy Valentine's Day. Kar-Ann: Hey, chick, have a great ValenMike (li'l Chuges): Well, I'm not ever drivtine's and be ready to romp and chomp. Party ing to your house. My car might get stolen. time at Jack's with the •*** lamp. G-Ann Friends always. Scary Mary Anselmo: Hey dude let's party together one Mark: Happy Valentine's Day! I love you. night 'cause I heard you are a party animal. Fe Stay away from you-know-who—she's bad Honey-poop: I love you. Love, Your Little news. You look excellent in tight shorts Girl because of your nice . . . and great legs. To the gorgeous red-head: I luv ya! The Paul Waliten You are such a babe. I would Botherer really like to get to know you a lot, lot better. Mark: I couldn't ask for more. Yours, Coo Martha Phillips: Marty, I just want you to Beth: You're the best friend anyone could know that I know all about you and your ask for. Friends forever, Colette ways. We should get together one night, To Rich Palumbo: You look FANTASTIC maybe at McSleezy's. in sweat pants! Happy Valentine's Day. Dear K: Happy Valentine's Day! Hope there are no shocking experiences in the near ArPOXOFfANNlBMAV future.. Love, TM and Denis Kevin: Love ya. Forever, Cori Craig: You are our buddy for life, we love you. Carrie and Beth Mr. Wonderful: How's 5th period Individualized Reading? We miss you! Happy Val-Day. Love, W.J. and F.N. P.S. Let's get together at Lake Tahoe. ?S. Anselmo: Hey you gorgeous guy, have a c / wild Valentine's Day! •^ Tina, you call me sweet like I'm some kind of cheese! PJA To Boot: Happy V-Day! Don't get drunk today. Please. Beene Drew, Mo, Nance, and Todd: Well, guys, Scott: I love you. Beth you sure make life a challenge—but no one has Carrie: You are a drunk. Happy V-day. more fun! Thanks for—well, everything—and Bethy Boob let's keep up the good work. Andy, we need Dougie:We love you! Beth and Carrie news! (And my shoulders hurt.) Todd, need a Doug: I love you, sometimes. Carrie ride home? Nancy, we need some stronger opiAamy (Spaz): Hyappy Vyalentine's Dya! nions, but I know I can always rely on you. Love, Farrah Maureen, did you assign stories yet? Oh, good. Srta Amms: Halloo! Love, Srta K.C. Time for an "ideas meeting!" And everyone, Purps: !Hola! Love, Leo don't forget we owe all our success and Ganamos: !Congrats! (TEETH) From, gratitude to Mr. B. Only 6 more to go—keep Ganamos me laughing! Lots of love, The Chief Ame: See you at Perry's. You can drive me. Maura: Hard work pays off. Keep it up! I miss you in 4a. Math Whiz Love, The "Big" Chief P.S. Want to go Laura K.: You must stop putting me on a x-country skiing? pedestal. Sue Collette Pusczan: Happy Valentine's Day. To Tina K.: You're the hottest. From Your Troy: Happy V-Day, you stud! But you still favorite guy can't! Big Sis Madonna in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period Chica: Thanks for being a friaxl! Happy V-Etay! lounge: Are you like a ? Happy Val-Day! Luv, Taxi Borderline Lovers

February 14, 1985


Kleba and Ville: I luv you guys! Have the best V-Day. Luv, "Ho-ho" Deevers, Munch and Frisco: Sorry B. had to do it. Happy V-Day guys! Luv ya, Honchers To Zippy: DRWBGAGCWY when you ask him. Heifer

Love, Johnny Dangerously and friend

Ricl( IVIc F.: Make up your mind! Germi and Goose: Florida's going to be great! Happy Valentine's Day! Luv, Your Best Buddy

To our favorite waitress Diane (what a Dudette): Love from your Sunday IVIorning friends.

Sandra Dee: Good luck with Tennessee! You're such a friend, Woody, but guess what, you owe me 5! Peggy Sue To all the PCLA guys: Have a cool Valentine's Day. Love from the PCLA girls. P.S. Have you ever been to heaven?

Gypsy Patrol iVIembers! Be on the Girls' B-Ball Team: Show them you're not lookout for a tan van with a brown man! Seen on Washington Ave. going to take it and keep winning!! Cheekie Charlie: Have a Happy Scott: Have an awesome Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day! I love you! From a devoted Luv, 5' 1" nut. Jane: Get rid of T—T—Tom. Turf less: You can be my sweetheart if you Tracy: He's mine! Mr. American Pie! K? want! I luv you. W! Love Ya, IVIary Germy: Happy V-Day! Good luck in your To Janie, my favorite frosh. Happy Valenseason. I'm your number one fan. Goosey II tine's Day! Love ya! Laura To Karen and all of you little weasel freshman 4th period: Happy Valentine's Day and keep on dancing.

To the girls in 5A lunch who sit at the third table in front of the last food line:

Brad Meloy loves you! Greg: You owe me a buck for the lei. Love ya lots, D Goosey I: I can't wait 'til Spring Break. You are special to me. Goosey II Juany: Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you know you are very special to me! Missy Heifer Oak Street 15 times during Spring Break! Kat "DRIG" Dew Drop: Happy V-Day to my best buddy. Candy canes, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, purple teddy bears are the life we live. Love, Tigger Tom B.: Roses are red/Violets are blue/Happy Valentine's Day/You "Animal" . . . YOU! Love, S squared Hey chicks: Luv ya all to death. We'll party hearty. You know who you are! C.R. To the lunch ladies in line 4: You add spice to our day and taste to our food. From the table outside your door. Charming: The last seven months have been awesome! How about another Sox game? We'll have to catch the next Cars concert! Happy Valentine's Day! Love always, Princess Robb: You're the man for me, so join me in my private cove. Rosa To Q.: I will miss you. Locker Loner T. Mike Reynolds: Yabba Dabba Doo means I love you! K loves Vince Janet loves Steve P,, m: Wha; tune does Ronald say? Is it really happy fries time? 2 sophomores and Lucy Mr. Kerr. Keep up the good work! Happy Valentine's Day kiddo! Aunt Lou Gumbo: My! Wc are obnoxious today, aren't wc? Read my lips—Happy Valentine's Day! Poko Audra: So you're too good for me after your party days at U of I. Well I will still love you forever! Keep eating seductively! Your adTo the Perry's Pizza Group: Have a berry mirer nice Valentine's Day. You guys are the best. Betherpops: You're the best dad a pumHey Honey: Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee. Love, pkin could ever ask for. I miss mom. Happy Babe Valentine's Day Kermit. Suserpops FIFI: Keep creamin'! Love, Suzy Q's

Katy Mc: Look on the side of the light table! Beth: Like have a like totally awesome V-Day. Ya know? If you're nice to me I might not commit suicide and buy you a like totally huge diamond. Love ya!A Swimmers do it better— Happy V-Day guys! Erik: Keep smiling! Guess who? Cindy: Thanks for that night. Love, K.W. Jeff: Feb.22, Mar.l. Ha! Heifer: ...one trip with our newly discovered "beauty" (skinny head's friend) and the green—masked "lone loser." After grooving to the Indonesian top forty, we'll drop them off in Indiana (where they belong) and road trip it back to Rockford with Some Great Reward. Happy V-Day. Spend it with someone good\ Kat Dear Tina: I am glad that you had 9th period computer class with me. From an admirer in C-129. Kevin T.: I'm lucky to have you as part of my most special memories. Happy Valentine's. I love you forever. Eileen To my best friends: You guys are the sweetest. Have a great Valentine's Day. Love always, Robbie Kris: You're a great editor. Thanks for all your help. Happy V-Day! Love ya. News J.J.J.: Are you still in luv with C. Red, Teddy Bear, and Sumo? Remember this? Oakton—-Duck—and Sheboygan. Sweet 16 and never been kissed—cough, cough! That's you! Don't forget your old sweethetu-ts: Pete Novak and the devil worshipper! Lunch is great—for one main reason or should I say four? I was gonna put in the story about . . .! Received any letters lately from Sumo? Seriously, you're the greatest friend. 1hi.nx for the nickname. I won't tell everyone who's reading this what yours means!! Happy V-Day' Luv ya, "A-RAUSER"

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Valentine Messages Sags: Hi! Guess who! Dear J: I love you. Love, L To the owner of the finest fish market around: 1 have always loved you and 1 always will. The man with the chameleon eyes Buckeye and Friends: Hi! Love, El

Cathy Flynn: Just wanted you to see your name in print. Who else To Beth, Mary, Laura, Cindy, Tiffany, Kevin, Tony, Colleen, Glenn, Neil, Brian, and all other swanksters, Angela, Dawn, Scott, Dana, Lynn, John, Karen: We love you guys too! Q and E

Sags: Lets be friends. Ace Ween: Have a great V-Day. You're the best friend ever! Dl To the cash register lady in line 1: Take lessons from the cash register lady in line 4. From SB table outside line 4 U.C. 4: Now. Let's get it together! Love and kisses, M.M. Paulette: Happy 9th. Love, April 9th, 1984 Let's go to McD's 3rd. Meet in jock. M.M. Rach: I love you. Love, Mr. Pennacchito Schniedi: It was fun getting spliffed and dancing to the Femmes with the babes (at least to those with good taste) at U of I. Love, Denz, Schons & Marly Lee: Glad to have you back and out of your cage, free to party. Happy V-Day. Love, Denz, Schons & Marly Beckster: We always thought that bushes make good refrigerators. Happy V.D. (Don't catch it from your St. at St. Norbert;s) Love, Denz, Schons & Marly To the cash register lady in line 4: Thanks for making buying my lunch a pleasure. Happy V-Day! A A-Rausen Happy V-Day! Don't you wish you could be with C. Red, Red Baron, Teddy Bear and Sumu? We've had fun staring at their pics for hours! If dreams don't come true, we always have Bill and Dave who want us bad. Also the Prospect guys. Don't go babysitting too much—Ha! You're beaten! Let's fall down again sometime! That was so funny! The cute pics of your Olympics—remember? You're one of the best friends I've ever had! Keep cackling! Love ya! JJJ Dear Edie: Remember, I always will! Dear Beth: 1 told you I'd write you. Dear Carrie: Thanx for my air conditioned shirt. Dear Student Bodies: Ban the Band-Aid. Kay: Wildness lives on. Take my words for it. Jay Brad: You're here always in my thoughts. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Your Care Card

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Valentine Messages To Val: Is he really as stiff as a wall? To the Stuttering Minds; Happy Valentines; to Chris—you can take me to marvelous Venice any time. Michele To the guy with the lei that matched his coat—Venice would be marvelous. Kristie To Timmybowl, Jimbo, Two Can, K.P., and Loll: I LOVE YOU ALL! Florida here we come! Oscar To Mr. Leedy: It's the 3rd Quarter. Time to start over anew. Kiss kiss. Naughty Maude To Renee: Where's the car?? Maur and Jolie To Rick: Yes, they do have AIDS! To Erik, Mike, Dave, and Scott: Happy V-Day. Love, Terry The "The Block": Happy V-Day. Love, Tij Mar: I love you. Splash: I take it back when I said that you weren't fun! Love, Bodine My Dearest Megsten I love ya, you Animal. Yours always, Raster Dookie, Judy, Barbay, and Clown: CA PINE, ZUT ALORS! Love always, Asii Chippen I'm paying for dinner. Love you lots. Scoots Schwalb-scooter. How is Little Buford Schmedly doing! I love you. Baby Boy! Amy Your Baby Droopy: I love you! Happy V-Day. Love, Sunshine Rob, Laur, Al: Thanks a lot for being such great friends. Best friends forever! Happy V-Day. Joanna Dearest Lisa: Violets are blue, roses are red, if you stick around T.L. you soon may be dead. Watch out! Your loving labbies Julie Stole: We can make it, because my love for you is so strong our relationship can do no wrong. Drake Dietrick, (your Hunny Buns). Rif: I'm glad you're back! You Rin: Your Pride is showing! Your (cough) Co-coach To the Man with the Chameleon Eyes: May you always have fish-breath. My love always. To whom it may concern: I am looking for a Valentine who wants a sincere, longlasting, shoulder hugging relationship and enjoys shopping. Love always, John Wittmus To Debbie R.: Thanks for being such a great friend. Happy St. Valentine's Day. Love ya, Elaine Took 4 years, and we finally got it right! Make it last! I love you! Bone To Sam: Happy V-Day to a co-conspirator in the ultimate scam! To Tim: Hold out for N.C. It's not long now! Happy V-Day! Fran To Jason House: Je t'aime!! Lynne.

February 14,1985

Valentines C.L. Chicks: You're a great bunch of friends. K and K Rosie: Where have you been all my life??? A. J: Well, sweetie, I just wanted to tell you that I love ya lots. Forever yours, K. Paul: Thanks for being such a great boyfriend. Friends forever, I love you! Kelly Baxter, my teddy bean Thank you for being so special. Loving you makes Valentine's Day every day of the year. Thank you for sharing the past two with me. I love you, Dave. Yours, Trudy To Tom: Being just friends is nice but I'd rather be close friends. Kristine Beth "Bob": Remember, it's not the face that counts! R.A.P.: I'll always care. D.O. Kris: An optimistic view on college—even though we'll be apart next year and you won't receive one of these wonderful messages, nobody will call you Sherrill, and nobody will say, "Girls, we've been waiting for you!" Love, The Lav To Owen Muellnen Slick loves you more than cornflakes. Jo: Thanks for one of the best years. Love forever. Andy Duerkop: We lust for you and we'd like to run our fingers through your long hair. Happy V-Day. Meg: Love you tons. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Tim Nerk: A smiling zebra with removeable ears (for a more sporty look)/Puppies with long ears and big feet/Long drives/Cuddling by the fireside/Sacrifices/A single red, red rose/A shared smile and a laugh/My protector/My best friend/Bears to grow up with/A chocolate malt with 2 straws/And hopefully lots and lots of shared popcorn/Thank you is all that I can say besides/I Love You. Jill DeIRe, Erin Craig, Mags, Kilieen Layme, Amy Wigs, Nancy Cox, Sara Honche, Teesa "T": Project Rescue could be your savior... it was mine. H.V.D. Love, L "AA" D Doug Roch: Solid as a rock . . . Mmmm! H.V.D. Love, L-N-A Cloaker, Olivia: We will always win, you're the best! Go get D. Take care of Bert. Love ya, Lee Hey Zeek: Hope you like your doll! It looks just like you, too. Happy Valentine's Day. Chuck Dear Caroline: We must find some new "victims" for our devious pranks! Remember "Like a Virgin" and "Geronimo"? Love always, Mouge Susie Chew: Life with Sheba has been a slice! You better ask him now! "Dr. Clark, calling Dr. Clark!" A true HF-5, Bongo Butt E Craig: You are the nicest swine I know. F squared lives. HVD. Q Lori D: Is John really LD? Happy Valentine's Day. No more swigs. Q 'T': I hope we're never locker loners. HVD. Q Jill, Jill Deire: 1 love you! Come live with me in Wisconsin. 3 Kevins? Q

Clubber: Here's MSINTW BINTOC. Magos Mark B.: You're awesome. I want you.

^k Vv

Sweet Cheeks Nick: Te quera su cuerpa. HVD. Love, Jane Fonda Doug Roch: You're awesome. You make my toes tingle. Hot Pants Squish: Let's run away to Hawaii and live in a hut. Sugar Lips Maria Marie I love you so/Maria Marie I want you to know/I want you so much/I want you so Bad/When I'm not with you/I get real sad. Hey Kevin and Matt! Happy V-Day! Your Big Sister Lynne: Come to my House. J. Lauren S.: I love you. Anonymous Dagger You're the best. We ended up 2 and 2 Uke you said. You'll always be mine forever! No one can take your place! Love ya, Olivia Dan Ralph Macchio Nelson: You'll always be my Karate Kid! Sups Dennis Funk: Will you be my Valentine? Love, A Swimtimer Not Val! Cheryl B.: Hi! Remember McGreevy's and thumbs up? And Pacific Stereo? HA! HA! Have a Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Sung Sherrill (I mean Kris): Warning: Don't let your hair turn blond, your eyes turn blue, or your height increase to 5' 6". If no precautions are taken, results will be tragic. I will be the ^ ^ editor of the paper and you'll soon be leaving M for the Twilight Zone. Happy Valentine's Day! ^ Love, Kris (or am I Sherrill?) To D.G.I.: Like have an awesome Valentine's Day. Yours always. Spaz: Party it up, but remember: control that dancing of yours! Happy V-Day! Boomer Junior guys: Get a clue! Tracy Trimarco: I love you. To Laura, Sue, Patty, Sherry, Anne, Debbie, and Michelle: Just remember, "Sex, Drugs, and Rock & RoH" Love, Suzi Seabiscuit: All V.D. troubles, keep it on!

Love, Swiss head, goob, farrh and me Gwynn: Happy "Sweet 16." Love, M & H Mindy Lindy: Sorry your carnation couldn't be a daisy! At least you've still got your pink bow! PLN: This is the last Valentine's Day . . . HVD! Love, Me T.C.: Like a porker, "WEE!" Happy V-Day. Luv, S.H. Weenie: Happy V-Day you cuckala. Luv, 4-finger Scara Nancee: M squared-f. green M&M'sa WOWIE! Happy V-Day! Luv, S.H. Bobby: Where the G*V'!! is my supercheezie? Happy V-Day Garcia! Luv ya, Sar Lynny: Smile, you're awesome. Lord & Taylor or Bust! Luv, Sar ^^ Vebbruggspud: CHAKA KHAN . . • Hap^ py V-Day "Richard." Luv, Sar(Honchspud) Brad: You bellydancin' machine, you! Happy V-Day. Luv. S.H. "Olive Oyl" Docers and Lisa: YOU ANIMALS . . . B.J.! Happy V-Day. Luv, Honchers

February 14, 1985


Surely K.: First rule of Etiquette: Wipe blue on blue is blue (just in case ya forgot). your mouth after eating an apple. Happy Okay now. Thanx for Paul. I still wuv ya V-Day. Love, Concerned Friends though. Have a Yago on me. Love you, Kathy Dreamboat: We have had so many great Bo Bo G. times together, I hope they don't stop. You are Kris, Sherrill, Jeanne, Claudia, Amy, so special to me, and you're an important part Ann, and Karyn: Love you all. Kath of my life. 1 care about you more than anyone Nancie Bangs: EASY . . . with the Oreos in my life. To put it simply, I love you. and car front seats. Buchwheat Scott: Thanks for the friendship and the Dear Flynner We have to buy some new understanding. Happy Valentine's Day and coats fast! Love, Smitty Good Luck! Amy Dear Bonnie: Want to go to Northwestern Bazch: Don't play with puppies! From Adbeach? I'll drive. Love, The Hussy vanced Drafting Doug and Paul: You're pretentious! The Bazch: Driver's has been a great ride with Teacher's Pet you. Cheryl Jani: You, me, and the frogs will always be Lauren: Kinda, sorta, maybe do your together! Pete homework! Beach Party was great! Love ya, How are you doing Friendless. Love, Steve Hey Babe: "Physics and Math is pretty Brutus God-awful." Patton: BEWARE OF THE DOG Philly: Happy V-Day! I bet you didn't exI love you, Nicole. Theo pect this. Sharon Kristyn Denzel: I love you and I always S.I.: I want your Julio will. Chem Mai: I seen you playing in the fence again. Jolie: Have a great V-Day. Love, T 5a Lunch Dearest Doormouse: I love you. Love, C.C.: I saw you grazing in the pasture again. Howie Mandel This time in Ohio. The Girls in 6a Lunch To Suz: Just for today your world will To J.P.M.: 1 made the Blue Cars go away! smile. Happy V-Day. Love yah! Jenny (L.A. Woman) I love your cosmic mate! Hubby: Happy V.D. Love, Mortisha & Fab 5: You guys are the best friends ever. Ogleford Love you, Doug Ken Kittrldge: Can I play with your curls? B.F.B.: Get out! R.B. S.S. God: Do I do that to U! R.B. Larry: Ya know my definition of this year? Barb and Audrey: Happy Valentine's Day Double whammy . . . EXCELLENT! Have a and Birthday Audrey the 22nd. Rum and great V-D, I mean Day! Remember 666 are for Cokes forever. Love, Fe devils, what is 444 for? Jay Mr. Media: Love is . . . missing you so Dennis Delia: You're cute! Can I play with much. Thank you for not giving up; let's keep your curls? Happy V-Day! Guess Who! trying. Don't ever forget to dance. All my love Ann C: "The bus to Woodfield was rock(and smelches) on Valentine's Day and always, ing and rolling!" Happy Valentine's Day. your Special K Love ya, Sung Mark: Chapter 1: Friendship, help, crossed To expert skier 1-4-3: Always love "the z's and lockers forever—but never any cotton Believer." XO gins. You know I'm here, even if you don't Chucky: "You're All I Need." "I Want to like blue nail polish and pink eye shadow! Love You." PYT Happy V-Day! Love, Sticky fingers Kris Ellens: Like O'Contrair! Remember Black Sherrill: Is it really almost over? I don't (fav. color in Bio). Happy Valentine's Day! know if I could ever make it vtdthout you—but Don't forget: all four legs on the ground! then, I know I won't really have to. You really Love, Sung are the best. Thanks for always being there! HF5: Remember the one night with the You know everything else I can say; Happy purse? I thought you were the burglar! Did V-Day! Love, Y.B.F.A., Kris you ask you know who, yet? Hurry up! Bye, Annie, Claudia, and Sher. The Fab Four Tat Tat! Sheba 4-ever, C?4 will never break up. Can't wait . . . ! Love, Drake: Duran Duran is great! Forgive and forget. No more wire hangers. Happy ValenKris «. ^ ., Banana, Weanie, Claude, Kar, and tine's Day! Love ya, L.D. To the 3 sexiest guys in our 5B lunch Kath: We'll always be together! Happy V-Day, wild women! Love you all. The chauf- R.M., J.S., and especially D.S.: Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Us fer who's always late Mark Diedon: I love you! You are To All the Girls at my lunch table: It's awesome! been fun—I love ya'll. Love, Matt P.S. See, Dedicated to Bob & Belv, Tom & Sally, there is enough of me to go around, right? Geoff & Kathy: I wish sweet love/To all my Matt- Believe us, there is enough of you to friends/1 hope your dating/never ends./And if go around! The Girls at your lunch table \ Kathy Gerbil (Mona): Try not to fall in any it must/Let it end sweet,/For in twenty rose bushes! Thank God 1 don't have to bring years/Let us meet! Love, Debbie P.S. Here's you home from any more Homecomings! Easy to all those Friday nights at Tom's after the with the "Boys of the Summer." Many more b-ball games. Craig: Happy Valentine's Day! Ewie good times to come. Love, Annie Babes To Missy Woman: Time for new hightops! Anna Banana: O-we-o-we-oh! Well, hun.

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Valentine Messages Happy V-Day. Love yah! Turkey Jema Rye: Hey you skanking punk! When are you gonna let me shave some arrows on the back of your head? Hope you and Scott have fun on Valentine's Day (maybe you can go pick him up in the "Pig"). (Has it aired out yet?) Keep on wearing the Terry Fox earring—if not, find the baby doll ones. Jen, I'll always be indebted to you for blowing your nose with me! Love ya, Kimberl Katie & Erin: Just wanted to say thanks for putting up with my craziness in clothing. You two are destined to be the designers of the future. For being a couple of freshmen you guys aren't too bad. Happy V-Day. Love, Kim Katie & Karen: Oh, giris, I hope you two have a great Valentine's Day. Kate—I miss you in lunch! COME BACK! Karen, don't be so hyper all the time. Catch you chicks later. Bye—Berl P.S. Don't breathe any air; someone just spit out! Lisa: We must continue to do what we usually do when we go out—then go dancing in the cemetery. It's a tradition, but next time let's pick better guys to go with. If you're lucky I'll sing you a song. Happy V-Day. Love, Kim Fe: What would I do without you in lunch? Those old people's home stories are too much] So is that world famous fish-face! You're so cute! I hope you and Mark have a great Valentine's Day. Love ya, Berl My dear Freshman Brother Mark: Watch your Bazupies and stay out of trouble. Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Your chauffer (Kim) Katie, Johanna and Julie: Thanks to you three chicks 1 don't feel half bad being in a sophomore Biology class—Keep on gathering good gossip, and don't forget to control yourselves when we dissect the pig. Happy V-Day. Bye Gids—Love ya, Kim Dear Mouge: Have a Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Carolyn Dear Sung: Have a O'Con Trair Valentine's Day! Love, Ellen Dear Michelle: Have the Sweetest Valentine's Day! Love, Ellen Schoner: (sing) Na, na, na, na, Na-na-nana-na. Get a job! (at Hojos) But don't SPILL anything! Love, Schneider Fric (Becky): or are you Frac? I miss you! Love, Frac (or is it Fric?) Christine S.: Thanx for all the help, you computer whiz! Love, Maria To my sweet Lebanese Chef: It's too cold here, let's go the the Bahamas. Forget it. We can't. We have to WORK! Besides you'd be too hot in the Bahamas! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I Love you . . . forever. Love, Your Czechoslovakian duck


Valentines -\

Valentine Messages

To my most beloved Dragon: You're the best and I love you always. Love always. Your Hubby P.S. Into your swamp scum queen. Elwood: Holu! Where does chocolate milk come from? Keep on smurfin' with the paddleball, Chester. Jake Amy: Best of luck with John. Love always, Jen Maureen and Cathy: Meet us in the darkroom 5B for a "hairy" experience. Passionately yours, Tom and Rob Susie: Clap your hands together like a spaz for Valentine's Day and for VGF and UGJ! Jen Scott D.: Thanks for being such a P.C. Friends Forever, Julie Princess: Have a great one sweetheart. QB Mom: Have fun with Dad! Be careful. Love, Cynthia Brady Amy W.: How about a date? Happy V-Day. Kris K. Sherise: I'm still trying and I will succeed. BM Mobless: Dick Shawn lives. (Mustard): Moby was right, I love you. Love, Awesome Joel C: YOU are beautiful!

Kitten: Bells, bells, bells! Happy Valentine's Day Leo! SItew Kristen: Happy V-Day! Gym and lunch are the (Lisa) Best. I'm glad we're still friends. Jakes' racket. Little Bottles. We hate bus drivers. Kathy Coscioni Brains: Let's be buddies. Freebus. Jan Larson Hey Q.T. (T.R.): 1 love ya truly. Luv, Elf Goosey-Goose: I love you! IVIe Jill, Jill Del re: Roses are red, violets are blue, apples are awesome and so are you! Erin Nancita: Yes Virginia, there is a Valentine's Day. MS IN.T.W. Love, Erin A very Happy Valentine to all of you. From, Naveeda Hussain Denz: ONE SERIOUS QUESTION: How did you get that ice in the bottle? However, Cathy, Krista, Jenny, and everybody at that's gay, but turn left! Memories... Love, my 5a lunch table: Happy Valentine's Day!! IVIarIa and Lynn P.S. the answer is: unscrew Valerie the bottom! Todd Rowan: Happy Valentine's Day! To the sender of 5 roses: Call me! DN Love, b129 DM: The solution to the Big Q is near! HapJenny: Does he get as stiff as a wall? py V-Day. FM V.K. Happy V-Day, Val and Cathy. Kris Dear Adolf: The Eagle has landed. Love, BFB (Red): Have a great V-Day. BFK Eva Val: Happy V-Day! Cathy Li'l Trooper Let's take the Oriental ExBlue team: We are number one! Happy press outa here! Love always, Goose V-Day. Luv, lassie Etch and Riggs: Be cool and stop Dear Man: I have an immense amount of laughing. O.H. love, respect, and admiration for you. You're Up for grabs. Sharie lovino the man. Love, Man Amy: May I have this dance? From a stutNumber 30: I'll make you a h a b i t . . . but tering admirer only for a dollar! MJB Mike: Thanks for a great weekend. Rocky: You're the greatest "special friend" Moni: I'm so happy you found my key! and I hope we stay together. Love, U2 Finders keepers losers weepers! Love, Simon Big Brother Thanks for all the help! We're Dear Orange Juice and Stomach: How still going to be waiter and waitress. Love, are you doin'? Have a happy Valentine's Day! Your little sister Let's go together for some koala meat. Love, To our l(night in shining armor. Happy Room's sun and the Fourth's Kid P.S. V-Day! Love, Chrissy and MaVy Dead meat! (Go get 'em!) Jema, Fe, KO, Smeg, Slor, Julia, and Stanimal, MIJ & Johnny: Happy V-Day! Sara: You're all such lovely girls. I just Love, Chrissy & Mary thought you should know. Happy V-Day. Ann, Jill, Katie, Ken, Michelle, Pete A., Love ya. Sue Pete D., Shelby, Sue, Trese: Thanks for Seabolt woman: Isn't being a dragon the listening to all my problems, and always being way to live? Happy V-Day to you and him and there when I needed you. I don't know how I all the other dragons. Love, T.V.S.'s one would survive without you. Hopefully, I'll Kurtis: You're such a cutie and we love ya.. never find out. Love, Laura Happy V-day. Sue and Kimberle Mark: Happy V-Day! Your Sis Mich: You're the best of chums and I love To my closest friends: You all are the best ya lots. Happy V-Day. Friends always. Sue and I love ya! Hope Valentine's Day is as sweet Pete: You're a nice guy aren't you? Just as all of you! Love, Lynne curious. Kathy Charlie Brown: Happy Valentine's Day. National Kick Butt Week! Matt Parr Love, Sally To my wife Kathy: You get to watch little Ken: U-R-A-Q-T. S from lunch Oglethrope and Latisha tonight. Love always. You guys, get a life. B.A. Your Hubby Davis's B.A. To Nat: Don't steel anymore. Laser's o.k. Chris: Hawkettes are for jocks! Cathy: How long is he? O'brien Tom

February 14, 1985

Sue, Bill and Eric: Happy VD! Love your sis. The Nose ^ Jules: No problem—just enjoy it all. Hap- ^ p py Valentine's Day. Sandra: Call me. 786-4546. Momino: Hey—it's just an island—Mick is around—the Batmobile is for sale—the guys aren't —trash the tutu —Chuck the tandem—we're ready to shed Rita and Janet and party! To Jason House: You're a BABE! Love, "X" Heathen T.F. has the negatives, run for your life. A fellow Hoolio lover Bread Woman: Math and various crushes just wouldn't have been the same. You're a great way to enjoy a "D"! C Amanda "Dork": You know you're special and you look like you're the best. Dearest Larry: Have a super Valentine's Day. And you know what? I'm madly in love with you! Cheeky Charlie Pete and Shelby: Thanx a bunch (of grapes) for being such great friends. I love ya both—even if you are leaving me alone next year! Laura Ken: Thanks for making this year so special. Love, Laura P.L.: Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Buttermaid Mary: Yoda loves you! Gill Tracy: Bzzz (babe!). Run, B.O.'s coming! You love him! Fish "Kool": Thanks for everything! K.A. in » \ B.B.! You're the best! Fish (Sis) P.S. Let it ^ snow, let it snow . . . Jeff: You're too cool! We love you! Tracy, Mary, Kris Kathy Couds: Think small! Sun-country! (coming soon!) Bikinis! Gill "Lee": Wild & Crazy! Thumbs up! Friends forever, Throp Charlie: Happy V-Day, you stud! How's your farm? G & Kris Etch: How's it going, babe? Peachie: Thanks for being such a good friend! Party sometime? Kris To Mr. Gossip (That's you Dougy): You're a sweetheart. Mary McMegan: You McMetal Maniac! Happy McV-Day. Luv, McS.H. Mathew & Pooka: To the best freshies. I luv ya! Luv, Spaz Jeff: You BEDHEAD. "Seriously," you made this year great. Smile, and remember I'll always love ya! Happy V-Day. Luv, Sar Kelly: You're a nice girl aren't you? Pete: You're a nice guy aren't you? Just curious. Kathy National Kick Butt Week! Matt Par Be good on Valentine's Day, Mickey. Love, M.M. Tommy: You are a great kid! Love ya! Janey Baby Theo: I'll miss you in Florida. Love ya, ^B Mite ^ Reo: Best friends forever. Don't forget "you love him." Roscough T & J: You guys are great. Best friends always. T

February 14,1985


Pamster. Rob-Bob and etc. are awaiting mes! Love, Schons Jiffy and Brendan: Garlic keeps Brendan us. Can ya hold out? Happy Valentine's Day. away, but nothing can keep Jiffies away! SS number 474 Bonzo: How 'bout that party? This Trachea! Happy V-Day! Love, Lynn and weekend ok—I hear Hooolio is free. Love, C Kristyn Schonerette: What great taste we have! Bunny: Nice slides—only the good! Happy One of a kind! Let's pick up some brothers, Valentine's Day. C Ciiris: Thompson's and you—an in- but that's gay, turn left! Happy V-Day! Love, separable pair. Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Denz Kathy Huey: Happy V-Day. Love, Carm, C To Andy (the guy with the great legs on Swiss, Head, Mom, and Farrah To the Girls in 4B lunch: May all your Varsity soccer): Keep wearing those turtlenecks! Love, Bok's oid girlfriend, so- burgers be merry. Keep the faith. Happy meone's sister, spaztic Hawkette, V-Day. Love Always, Asil J.S.: I'm glad we met. S.S. resemblence of a famous singer Kris Gill: You love him! HA! BZZZ is a To "Lost in Space" who likes cheap earrings: I want to tell you I don't love you babe! Love, Tracy Cathy Flynn: Next to Sasha you are the anymore since you ate my dog. Love, Boog best friend I ever had. Maureen and Ogg T.B.: You're a great lunchroom supervisor. Scott: Thanks for the friendship. Happy Love, 4B Detention Server Valentine's Day! Amy Bonzai: Words can't explain what a dork Laura M.: My favorite counselor and great you are. But I still luv ya, E.R. friend. To Scotty N.: I love you. Will you marry Liz Bechtel: A secret admirer me? Anonymous Karen Biedron: You're the best little sis You're the best, and I love you. Me ever. Susie Killeen Layme: I dream about you. I've Pam and Mary Kaye: No more injuries with our left legs this year. O.K.? Love, K.C. always had this great desire to place on your Nita: You were a beautiful gerkin and I'll rough Ups a tender kiss. Yours Forever, Jer Candy: Here's to love at first bite. D.D. always remember you that way. No matter Barry: I didn't think you were THAT big. how far into dillhood you sank. Happy V-Day. Love, Shellie Love, Sue To every girl x plus y: I love you all. Love, Kimberle: Well these past seven years have been an experience. I just hope this year you'll Cookies Dear Gordon (Jamie) Butcher You are relent and be my Valentine. You're a great friend, and it would mean so much to me if the man of my dreams. Love, Gordon Jamie Butcher you'd be mine. Y.F.F. Sue Jason: I long for the day that I can pose for Mikey and Eric and Jackie: I'm forever indebted to you guys for keeping me from my trophies for you. You're a great roller skater. project and being on my staff of psychiatrists. Love, Mom Mags: You are the twinkle in my eyes. 85 Will you all be My Valentine? (If he can have Mary Jo: You're making it a habit. Love, more than one so can I) Lots of Love, Suzi Dearest Tommy: Happy V-Day. Will you Mark Dear Tom (Spud Gazt): Minnesota is be mine? (Tough question, huh? J.K.) I love growing fast. Love, even 20,(XK) miles away, you always keeeeed. Yours Forever, Sue To Marnie: You are being watched right Joan Mike (Train): Hi. Love, Pete now by a not-so-distant admirer. Chrissie: Here's to green hair! Love, Steve Curious?-Look up! Love, Matt To the Guy with the nice ties: Happy To Kathy: Be my Valentine. Love, Matt To Rose: Thanx for all the milk you gave Valentine's Day, Mr. Kerr. Don't eat too many gummy be£U"s or step on too many smurme. Love, Matt To Paula and Wendy: Thanks for all the fy cockroaches, and don't get green jello on all good times you've given us. Lustily yours. The of Your Brooks Brothers Shirts. Love, The 9th period kiddos of 83'-'84 Whole Boys' Swim Team To the gang: Hey girls, it's been the best... To Paula and Wendy: I still love and miss Even for the mellow sentimental fool. Oh, go you. Chris Frank suck on a mozzarella stick! Love to Johnny, Matt: Thanks for making me so happy these Alise past months. No one has ever made me feel To Jake: Have a blue's Valentine's Day! this way You are my whole Hfe, and I'll Love, Elwood always love you. Happy Valentine's Day. All To DRIG, MTIG, DMIG, SKIG, TAIG, my love: Shirlie . .. ^ , ...DUG, SSIG, JGIG, KAIG, DMIG, JCIG, Marly: Don't get too heavy with the Lebby. JEIG, PWIG, RSIG, BMIG, MKIG, GFIG: We We still think your outfit should have won at love you!!! H.V.D.! Love, Wiggles and the beach party. Wanna be your lover, yeh. Leslie (Marillac Pest) Love, Denz and Schons Junior Leaders: Special Olympics here we QB- Is there somewhere where you don t come! Happy Valentine's Day! know anyone? How's Robby, Joe, Mark, and To the Coach of the Yean From the best the whole harem? Spliff often. Love Cubes swim team in Illinois We love you! Thorsen: You superwoman! I 11 bring my Missy Mau: There is a crumb on your screwdriver to the next competition. The Fem-

page 9 ^

Valentine Messages sweater. (I think it is a piece of Nutty Bar.) Love, A silly person at your lunch table. P.S. Happy V-Day! Amy Dwyer: You babe. Happy V-Day. Love, An admirer P.S. See you in Ft. Lauderdale! . Sjl ^^ , ,K

Cathy F.: I have been watching you, and I like what I see! Have a happy Valentine's Day. Love, Admirer from afar Nesbong: Happy V-Day! Boredom II Tom W., Keely G., Rick T.: You guys are very massive!! Happy Valentine's Day!! Love, H.K. Kraig and Fronz: I love ya lots! We'll party this weekend! Happy V-Day! Turkey Wissy: Think green khakis! HVD! Love, Weenie Jenifer: Have a Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Todd Karen: Have a happy Valentine's Day and fun in Florida. Love, Tom Mar-Bear: Greece for you and me. Love, Jethro Mago: You are a swine, but I love you anyways. Happy Valentine's Day. Erin Lori D.: You remind me of a bouquet of flowers. Happy Hearts Day. Erin Theresa: You are awesome apple!! Don't be worried and confused. Erin Chris 0., Kris F., Sherrill, Terry: You are the best friends ever! Happy Valentine's Day! A Jake: We're pregnant. Lady Brett Trevy: Happy V-Day. I love ya. Bel Carrie: You mean a lot to me and I want to thank you for all the good times we've had. I hope we become closer as time goes on because you are so special. I LOVE YOU! Tim: Mom loves me more. Happy V-Day! Jenine To Calvin Blue: We love you. Your favorite frosh's Snuggles: Thanx for being my valentine for the last year. 1 love you! Love, Tina

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February 14, 1985

Hawks challenge Demons here The boys' basketball team will meet district rival Maine East at home tomorrow beginning at 6 p.m. Tomorrow is Senior Parent Night; seniors Dave Inserra. Scott Kingston, Steve Ramel, Charles Tiberi and Mike Viola and their parents will be honored since it is the players' last home game. Maine South lost an emotional game a few weeks ago to the Evanston Wildkits by only one point, but the Hawks are still in excellent

position in conference. The Hawks are only one game behind Evanston. the conference leader. The only setback for the Hawks this season has been injuries. Senior Dave Inserra has been out with pulled ligaments in his ankle and senior Mike Viola is suffering back problems. Because of these injuries, players such as Jim Kilburg. Steve Ramel and Gary Francis have been getting more playing time and performing well.

Coach Jerry Nelson hopes that the injured players will be available for tomorrow's game against the Demons.

Wrestling team Closes season The boys' wrestling season is coming to a close with state sectionals this weekend and state finals next week. According to Mr. Tom Ziemek. head coach, Maine South's Tony Reda, Paul Walker, Dave Phillips, Mike Barbarone and Marty Nistler have the best chances of competing at the state level. The Hawks' best wrestlers this year are Reda at 126 pounds, with a season record of 20-2, and Walker at 132 pounds, holding a record of 21-1. During their years at South. Reda broke the school's career pin record and Walker broke the school take-down record.

Girls' team travels to East

Tomorrow night the girls' basketball teams travel to Maine East to meet the Demons in a conference game. Maine South recently beat Glenbrook North 60-51 in double overtime in a conference game. Junior Mary Carroll led the Hawks, scoring 29 points. She also had eight rebounds and seven steals, leading her to be selected as a Tribune Athlete of the Week by the Chicago Tribune.

The varsity team also placed fourth in the York Tournament. The Hawks played Immaculate Conception, winning 63-39. Leading scorers for Maine South were seniors Kim Spychala with 17 points and Karen Sebastian with 16. In their second tournament game Maine South lost to Glenbrook North 47-35. Glenbrook North went on to win the tournament by beating Richards.

Swim season ends with smashing wins MS Valentines The boys' varsity and JV swimmers ended ners were Scott Tritthardt, 200 free; Pete the regular season with impressive wins over both Maine East teams. The JV team finished with near perfection, capturing first place in nine out of ten events. Dave Cederquist dominated the 200 Individual Medley and 500 free. Brad Coltman and Brian Loll both turned in personal best times while taking first in the 200 free and 50 free, respectively. Coltman went on to win the 100 breast while Mike Monroe took the 100 free. Mike Slattery earned six points for his team in the 100 fly and helped the winning 200 medley relay of Cedarquist. Loll. Slattery and Monroe. The 400 free relay of Barry. Coltman. Maloney and Slattery finished off the impressive 73-49 win over East's team. Maine South's varsity team also gained impressive wins over Maine East. Individual win-

Delano. 50 free; Pat Grage, 100 fly; Matt Par. 100 free; Steve Shewfelt. 500 free; and Kurt Arntzen. 100 breast. All four Maine South relays were strong and finished well ahead of any Demon line-up. Winners from the 200 Medley Relay were Johanson, Arntzen. Grage and Par and the 400 Free Relay of DeLano. Shewfelt. Grage and Don Mech. Diver Al Evans placed a close second to Maine East, adding four points to the final score of 116 to 56. Despite the one-sided victory for Maine South, the meet did not lack excitement. The records show that nine more boys turned in personal best times at this meet: David Alberts. Kurt Arntzen, Pete DeLano. Pat Grage, Matt Par. Steve Paul, Steve Shewfelt, Pete Thorson and Mike Waldron.

Gymnasts wrap up successful campaign The girls' gymnastics season is drawing to a close with Maine South holding an overall record of 4-6. The varsity team, consisting of Sue Zachary, Meg McDonald, Lisa Ogorek, Tiffany Borck. Jeanhee Choi and Julie Lanahan participated in regionals. which were held at Maine East last week.

Zachary, McDonald, Ogorek and Borck all competed in the Niles West Invitational in January. 34 teams participated in this meet, including the top 5 teams in the state last year. 68 people were entered in each event. Zachary won third place on the vault with a score of 9.5, a high honor considering the number of gymnasts entered in this event. Weeble: One dozen long stems and our Kris: Thanks so much for all your help, and someday I'll learn to type. Until then promise fireplace this year! Maggie Conlon: Make "John" happy and me you won't use the sink. Nancy Tom: Well, Baby—do 1 have to say they'll folow you everywhere. Comprende? something? Berlie H.V.D. Love. L.D. Dear Skew, Ugf, Ugso, Ugj and Ugse! To Sally and Chris: Don't walk in front of me, I may not lead. Don't walk behind me, I Love, Farrah Dear Trina: Happy Valentine's Day. Mmmay not lead. Walk beside me and be my mmm! Love. Kathy friend. Thanks, Donna

Keith o'Shea: You're such a babe. Why don't you ever look my way? I wish I knew you a little bit better, but since I don't. I write you this letter! Have a happy one! Luv ya lots!


Pegger (Sugar Walls): Boogie down! Happy V-Day. Easy Lover

Michelle: Well woman, you know you're my best bud and I hope you have a jammin' Valentine's Day. Maybe Jim will paint big hearts on his Corvette for you (if it's not demolished by then). Ciao! Love ya, Klmberl Sharon Panlius is a babe!

Sue: Hey chick, I hope you decorated a shoe box to collect all your Valentine's Day messages (remember Miss Terwilliger's fifth grade class?) Be sure to have a better V-Day then I did freshman year (the famous Hershey Bar?). I'm sure you and Tom will find something interesting to do. I'm praying that by the time this prints, you have your license. Au revoir. Love ya, Berl Mary: Goooose! Don't cut your hand off at work before Valentine's Day— or else you won't be able to go out with your sweetheart, Tony. Don't Rat-Poo-Chang too much and be sure to keep on eating Chinese food. Bye studette. Love. Kim Smegan (my favorite badmltton partner): Well, what can I say? Let's take a walk on the wild side! I miss getting out after eighth and crusin' in the Berl-mobile with you. We will just have to make up for it on the weekend. Be sure to watch Child's Play—they're going to have lots of little English kids on! Later woman. Love ya, Uncle Berl

Rye bread: Thanks for all the rides home. We love you. K & D Cookie: Pool tables and our secret forever! Jethro: Get your candy in the car.

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